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RFC 8334

Launch Phase Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

Pages: 58
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 17 to 46
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Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 17   prevText

3. EPP Command Mapping

A detailed description of the EPP syntax and semantics can be found in the EPP core protocol specification [RFC5730]. The command mappings described here are specifically for use in the Launch Phase Extension. This mapping is designed to be flexible, requiring only a minimum set of required elements. While it is meant to serve several use cases, it does not prescribe any interpretation by the client or server. Such processing is typically highly policy dependent and therefore specific to implementations. Operations on application objects are done via one or more of the existing EPP commands defined in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731]. Registries MAY choose to support a subset of the operations.

3.1. EPP <check> Command

There are three forms of the extension to the EPP <check> command: the Claims Check Form (Section 3.1.1), the Availability Check Form (Section 3.1.2), and the Trademark Check Form (Section 3.1.3). The <launch:check> element "type" attribute defines the form, with the value of "claims" for the Claims Check Form (Section 3.1.1), "avail" for the Availability Check Form (Section 3.1.2), and "trademark" for the Trademark Check Form (Section 3.1.3). The default value of the "type" attribute is "claims". The forms supported by the server is determined by server policy. The server MUST return an EPP error result code of 2307 [RFC5730] if it receives a check form that is not supported.

3.1.1. Claims Check Form

The Claims Check Form defines a new command called the Claims Check Command that is used to determine whether or not there are any matching trademarks, in the specified launch phase, for each domain name passed in the command, that require the use of the "Claims Create Form" on a Domain Create Command. The availability check information defined in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] MUST NOT be returned for the Claims Check Command. This form is the default form and MAY be explicitly identified by setting the <launch:check> "type" attribute to "claims".
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   Instead of returning whether the domain name is available, the Claims
   Check Command will return whether or not at least one matching
   trademark exists for the domain name, which requires the use of the
   "Claims Create Form" on a Domain Create Command.  If there is at
   least one matching trademark that exists for the domain name, a
   <launch:claimKey> element is returned.  The client MAY then use the
   value of the <launch:claimKey> element to obtain information needed
   to generate the Trademark Claims Notice from the Trademark Validator
   based on the Validator Identifier (Section 2.2).  The unique notice
   identifier of the Trademark Claims Notice MUST be passed in the
   <launch:noticeID> element of the extension to the Create Command
   (Section 3.3).

   The <domain:name> elements in the EPP <check> command of EPP domain
   name mapping [RFC5731] define the domain names to check for matching
   trademarks.  The <launch:check> element contains the following child

   <launch:phase>:  Contains the value of the active launch phase of the
       server.  The server SHOULD validate the value according to
       Section 2.3.
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   The following is an example Claims Check Command using the <check>
   domain command and the <launch:check> extension with the "type"
   explicitly set to "claims", to determine if "domain1.example",
   "domain2.example", and "domain3.example" require claims notices
   during the "claims" launch phase:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:   <check>
   C:    <domain:check
   C:     xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:      <domain:name>domain1.example</domain:name>
   C:      <domain:name>domain2.example</domain:name>
   C:      <domain:name>domain3.example</domain:name>
   C:    </domain:check>
   C:   </check>
   C:   <extension>
   C:    <launch:check
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"
   C:     type="claims">
   C:      <launch:phase>claims</launch:phase>
   C:    </launch:check>
   C:   </extension>
   C:   <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   If the <check> command has been processed successfully, the EPP
   <response> MUST contain an <extension> <launch:chkData> element that
   identifies the launch namespace.  The <launch:chkData> element
   contains the following child elements:

   <launch:phase>:  The phase that mirrors the <launch:phase> element
       included in the <launch:check>.

   <launch:cd>:  One or more <launch:cd> elements that contain the
       following child elements:

       <launch:name>:  Contains the fully qualified name of the queried
           domain name.  This element MUST contain an "exists" attribute
           whose value indicates if a matching trademark exists for the
           domain name that requires the use of the "Claims Create Form"
           on a Domain Create Command.  A value of "1" (or "true") means
           that a matching trademark does exist and that the "Claims
           Create Form" is required on a Domain Create Command.  A value
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           of "0" (or "false") means that a matching trademark does not
           exist or that the "Claims Create Form" is NOT required on a
           Domain Create Command.

       <launch:claimKey>:  Zero or more OPTIONAL claim keys that MAY be
           passed to a third-party Trademark Validator such as the ICANN
           TMCH for querying the information needed to generate a
           Trademark Claims Notice.  The <launch:claimKey> is used as
           the key for the query in place of the domain name to securely
           query the service without using a well-known value like a
           domain name.  The OPTIONAL "validatorID" attribute is the
           Validator Identifier (Section 2.2) whose value indicates
           which Trademark Validator to query for the claims notice
           information, with the default being the ICANN TMCH.  The
           "validatorID" attribute MAY reference a non-trademark claims
           clearinghouse identifier to support other forms of claims
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   The following is an example Claims Check response when a claims
   notice for the "claims" launch phase is not required for the domain
   name domain1.example, is required for the domain name domain2.example
   in the "tmch", and is required for the domain name domain3.example in
   the "tmch" and "custom-tmch":

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:     <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <extension>
   S:     <launch:chkData
   S:      xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   S:      <launch:phase>claims</launch:phase>
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="0">domain1.example</launch:name>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="1">domain2.example</launch:name>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="tmch">
   S:        2013041500/2/6/9/rJ1NrDO92vDsAzf7EQzgjX4R0000000001
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="1">domain3.example</launch:name>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="tmch">
   S:        2013041500/2/6/9/rJ1NrDO92vDsAzf7EQzgjX4R0000000001
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="custom-tmch">
   S:        20140423200/1/2/3/rJ1Nr2vDsAzasdff7EasdfgjX4R000000002
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:     </launch:chkData>
   S:    </extension>
   S:    <trID>
   S:     <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:     <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>
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3.1.2. Availability Check Form

The Availability Check Form defines additional elements to extend the EPP <check> command described in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731]. No additional elements are defined for the EPP <check> response. This form MUST be identified by setting the <launch:check> "type" attribute to "avail". The EPP <check> command is used to determine if an object can be provisioned within a repository. Domain names may be made available only in unique launch phases, whilst remaining unavailable for concurrent launch phases. In addition to the elements expressed in the <domain:check>, the command is extended with the <launch:check> element that contains the following child element: <launch:phase>: The launch phase to which domain name availability should be determined. The server SHOULD validate the value and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if it is invalid. The following is an example Availability Check Form Command using the <check> domain command and the <launch:check> extension with the "type" set to "avail", to determine the availability of two domain names in the "idn-release" custom launch phase: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"> C: <command> C: <check> C: <domain:check C: xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> C: <domain:name>domain1.example</domain:name> C: <domain:name>domain2.example</domain:name> C: </domain:check> C: </check> C: <extension> C: <launch:check C: xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0" C: type="avail"> C: <launch:phase name="idn-release">custom</launch:phase> C: </launch:check> C: </extension> C: <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp>
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   The Availability Check Form does not define any extension to the
   response of a <check> domain command.  After processing the command,
   the server replies with a standard EPP response as defined in the EPP
   domain name mapping [RFC5731].

3.1.3. Trademark Check Form

The Trademark Check Form defines a new command called the Trademark Check Command that is used to determine whether or not there are any matching trademarks for each domain name passed in the command, independent of the active launch phase of the server and whether the "Claims Create Form" is required on a Domain Create Command. The availability check information defined in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] MUST NOT be returned for the Trademark Check Command. This form MUST be identified by setting the <launch:check> "type" attribute to "trademark". Instead of returning whether the domain name is available, the Trademark Check Command will return whether or not at least one matching trademark exists for the domain name. If there is at least one matching trademark that exists for the domain name, a <launch:claimKey> element is returned. The client MAY then use the value of the <launch:claimKey> element to obtain Trademark Claims Notice information from the Trademark Validator based on the Validator Identifier (Section 2.2). The <domain:name> elements in the EPP <check> command of EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] define the domain names to check for matching trademarks. The <launch:check> element does not contain any child elements with the "Trademark Check Form":
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   The following is an example Trademark Check Command using the <check>
   domain command and the <launch:check> extension with the "type" set
   to "trademark", to determine if "domain1.example", "domain2.example",
   and "domain3.example" have any matching trademarks:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:   <check>
   C:    <domain:check
   C:     xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:      <domain:name>domain1.example</domain:name>
   C:      <domain:name>domain2.example</domain:name>
   C:      <domain:name>domain3.example</domain:name>
   C:    </domain:check>
   C:   </check>
   C:   <extension>
   C:    <launch:check
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"
   C:     type="trademark"/>
   C:   </extension>
   C:   <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   If the <check> command has been processed successfully, the EPP
   <response> MUST contain an <extension> <launch:chkData> element that
   identifies the launch namespace.  The <launch:chkData> element
   contains the following child elements:

   <launch:cd>:  One or more <launch:cd> elements that contain the
       following child elements:

       <launch:name>:  Contains the fully qualified name of the queried
           domain name.  This element MUST contain an "exists" attribute
           whose value indicates if a matching trademark exists for the
           domain name.  A value of "1" (or "true") means that a
           matching trademark does exist.  A value of "0" (or "false")
           means that a matching trademark does not exist.

       <launch:claimKey>:  Zero or more OPTIONAL claim keys that MAY be
           passed to a third-party Trademark Validator such as the ICANN
           TMCH for querying the information needed to generate a
           Trademark Claims Notice.  The <launch:claimKey> is used as
           the key for the query in place of the domain name to securely
           query the service without using a well-known value like a
           domain name.  The OPTIONAL "validatorID" attribute is the
           Validator Identifier (Section 2.2) whose value indicates
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           which Trademark Validator to query for the claims notice
           information, with the default being the ICANN TMCH.  The
           "validatorID" attribute MAY reference a non-trademark claims
           clearinghouse identifier to support other forms of claims

   The following is an example Trademark Check response for the "claims"
   launch phase when no matching trademarks are found for the domain
   name domain1.example, matching trademarks are found for the domain
   name domain2.example in the "tmch", and matching trademarks are found
   for domain name domain3.example in the "tmch" and "custom-tmch":

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:     <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <extension>
   S:     <launch:chkData
   S:      xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="0">domain1.example</launch:name>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="1">domain2.example</launch:name>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="tmch">
   S:        2013041500/2/6/9/rJ1NrDO92vDsAzf7EQzgjX4R0000000001
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:      <launch:cd>
   S:        <launch:name exists="1">domain3.example</launch:name>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="tmch">
   S:        2013041500/2/6/9/rJ1NrDO92vDsAzf7EQzgjX4R0000000001
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:        <launch:claimKey validatorID="custom-tmch">
   S:        20140423200/1/2/3/rJ1Nr2vDsAzasdff7EasdfgjX4R000000002
   S:        </launch:claimKey>
   S:      </launch:cd>
   S:     </launch:chkData>
   S:    </extension>
   S:    <trID>
   S:     <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:     <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>
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3.2. EPP <info> Command

This extension defines additional elements to extend the EPP <info> command and response to be used in conjunction with the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731]. The EPP <info> command is used to retrieve information for a Launch Registration or Launch Application. The Application Identifier (Section 2.1) returned in the <launch:creData> element of the create response (Section 3.3) can be used for retrieving information for a Launch Application. A <launch:info> element is sent along with the regular <info> domain command. The <launch:info> element includes an OPTIONAL "includeMark" boolean attribute, with a default value of "false", to indicate whether or not to include the mark in the response. The <launch:info> element contains the following child elements: <launch:phase>: The phase during which the application or registration was submitted or is associated with. Server policy defines the phases that are supported. The server SHOULD validate the value and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if it is invalid. <launch:applicationID>: OPTIONAL application identifier of the Launch Application.
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   The following is an example <info> domain command with the
   <launch:info> extension to retrieve information for the sunrise
   application for domain.example and application identifier "abc123":

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:   <info>
   C:    <domain:info
   C:     xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:      <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:    </domain:info>
   C:   </info>
   C:   <extension>
   C:    <launch:info
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"
   C:       includeMark="true">
   C:      <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:      <launch:applicationID>abc123</launch:applicationID>
   C:    </launch:info>
   C:   </extension>
   C:   <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   The following is an example <info> domain command with the
   <launch:info> extension to retrieve information for the sunrise
   registration for domain.example:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:   <info>
   C:    <domain:info
   C:     xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:      <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:    </domain:info>
   C:   </info>
   C:   <extension>
   C:    <launch:info
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:      <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:    </launch:info>
   C:   </extension>
   C:   <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
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   If the query was successful, the server replies with a
   <launch:infData> element along with the regular EPP <resData>.  The
   <launch:infData> contains the following child elements:

   <launch:phase>:  The phase during which the application was submitted
       or is associated with that matches the associated <info> command

   <launch:applicationID>:  OPTIONAL Application Identifier of the
       Launch Application.

   <launch:status>:  OPTIONAL status of the Launch Application using one
       of the supported status values (Section 2.4).

   <mark:mark>:  Zero or more <mark:mark> (Section 2.6.2) elements only
       if the "includeMark" attribute is "true" in the command.
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   The following is an example <info> domain response using the
   <launch:infData> extension with the mark information:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <domain:infData
   S:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   S:        <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   S:        <domain:roid>EXAMPLE1-REP</domain:roid>
   S:        <domain:status s="pendingCreate"/>
   S:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   S:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   S:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   S:        <domain:clID>ClientX</domain:clID>
   S:        <domain:crID>ClientY</domain:crID>
   S:        <domain:crDate>2012-04-03T22:00:00.0Z</domain:crDate>
   S:        <domain:authInfo>
   S:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   S:        </domain:authInfo>
   S:      </domain:infData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <extension>
   S:      <launch:infData
   S:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   S:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   S:          <launch:applicationID>abc123</launch:applicationID>
   S:          <launch:status s="pendingValidation"/>
   S:          <mark:mark
   S:            xmlns:mark="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mark-1.0">
   S:             ...
   S:         </mark:mark>
   S:      </launch:infData>
   S:    </extension>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>
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3.3. EPP <create> Command

There are four forms of the extension to the EPP <create> command that include the Sunrise Create Form (Section 3.3.1), the Claims Create Form (Section 3.3.2), the General Create Form (Section 3.3.3), and the Mixed Create Form (Section 3.3.4). The form used is dependent on the supported launch phases (Section 2.3) as defined below. sunrise: The EPP <create> command with the "sunrise" launch phase is used to submit a registration with trademark information that can be verified by the server with the <domain:name> value. The Sunrise Create Form (Section 3.3.1) is used for the "sunrise" launch phase. landrush: The EPP <create> command with the "landrush" launch phase MAY use the General Create Form (Section 3.3.3) to explicitly specify the phase and optionally define the expected type of object to create. claims: The EPP <create> command with the "claims" launch phase is used to pass the information associated with the presentation and acceptance of the claims notice. The Claims Create Form (Section 3.3.2) is used, and the General Create Form (Section 3.3.3) MAY be used for the "claims" launch phase. open: The EPP <create> command with the "open" launch phase is undefined, but the form supported is up to server policy. The Claims Create Form (Section 3.3.2) MAY be used to pass the information associated with the presentation and acceptance of the claims notice if required for the domain name. custom: The EPP <create> command with the "custom" launch phase is undefined, but the form supported is up to server policy.

3.3.1. Sunrise Create Form

The Sunrise Create Form of the extension to the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] includes the verifiable trademark information that the server uses to match against the domain name to authorize the domain create. A server MUST support one of four models in Mark Validation Models (Section 2.6) to verify the trademark information passed by the client. A <launch:create> element is sent along with the regular <create> domain command. The <launch:create> element has an OPTIONAL "type" attribute that defines the expected type of object ("application" or "registration") to create. The server SHOULD validate the "type"
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   attribute, when passed, against the type of object that will be
   created, and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if the
   type is incorrect.  The <launch:create> element contains the
   following child elements:

   <launch:phase>:  The identifier for the launch phase.  The server
       SHOULD validate the value according to Section 2.3.

   <launch:codeMark> or <smd:signedMark> or <smd:encodedSignedMark>:

       <launch:codeMark>:  Zero or more <launch:codeMark> elements.  The
           <launch:codeMark> child elements are defined in
           "<launch:codeMark> Element" (Section 2.6.1).

       <smd:signedMark>:  Zero or more <smd:signedMark> elements.  The
           <smd:signedMark> child elements are defined in
           "<smd:signedMark> Element" (Section

       <smd:encodedSignedMark>:  Zero or more <smd:encodedSignedMark>
           elements.  The <smd:encodedSignedMark> child elements are
           defined in "<smd:encodedSignedMark> Element"
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   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, following the "code" validation model,
   with multiple sunrise codes:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <launch:code validatorID="sample1">
   C:            49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AC</launch:code>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <launch:code>49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AD</launch:code>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <launch:code validatorID="sample2">
   C:            49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AE</launch:code>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
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   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, following the "mark" validation model,
   with the mark information:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domainone.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <mark:mark
   C:            xmlns:mark="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mark-1.0">
   C:            ...
   C:          </mark:mark>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 34
   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, following the "code with mark" validation
   model, with the code and mark information:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <launch:code validatorID="sample">
   C:            49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AC</launch:code>
   C:          <mark:mark
   C:           xmlns:mark="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mark-1.0">
   C:           ...
   C:          </mark:mark>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 35
   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, following the "signed mark" validation
   model, with the signed mark information for a sunrise application:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domainone.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"
   C:       type="application">
   C:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:        <smd:signedMark id="signedMark"
   C:         xmlns:smd="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:signedMark-1.0">
   C:         ...
   C:        </smd:signedMark>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 36
   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, following the "signed mark" validation
   model, with the base64-encoded signed mark information:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domainone.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:        <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:        <smd:encodedSignedMark
   C:         xmlns:smd="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:signedMark-1.0">
   C:         ...
   C:        </smd:encodedSignedMark>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

3.3.2. Claims Create Form

The Claims Create Form of the extension to the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] includes the information related to the registrant's acceptance of the claims notice. A <launch:create> element is sent along with the regular <create> domain command. The <launch:create> element has an OPTIONAL "type" attribute that defines the expected type of object ("application" or "registration") to create. The server SHOULD validate the "type" attribute, when passed, against the type of object that will be created, and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if the type is incorrect. The <launch:create> element contains the following child elements:
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 37
   <launch:phase>:  Contains the value of the active launch phase of the
       server.  The server SHOULD validate the value according to
       Section 2.3.

   <launch:notice>:  One or more <launch:notice> elements that contain
       the following child elements:

       <launch:noticeID>:  Unique notice identifier for the claims
           notice.  The <launch:noticeID> element has an OPTIONAL
           "validatorID" attribute that is used to define the Validator
           Identifier (Section 2.2); it's value indicates which
           Trademark Validator is the source of the claims notice, with
           the default being the ICANN TMCH.

       <launch:notAfter>:  Expiry of the claims notice.

       <launch:acceptedDate>:  Contains the date and time that the
           claims notice was accepted.
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 38
   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension with the <launch:notice> information for
   the "tmch" and the "custom-tmch" validators, for the "claims" launch

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:        <launch:phase>claims</launch:phase>
   C:        <launch:notice>
   C:          <launch:noticeID validatorID="tmch">
   C:          370d0b7c9223372036854775807</launch:noticeID>
   C:          <launch:notAfter>2014-06-19T10:00:00.0Z
   C:          </launch:notAfter>
   C:          <launch:acceptedDate>2014-06-19T09:00:00.0Z
   C:          </launch:acceptedDate>
   C:        </launch:notice>
   C:        <launch:notice>
   C:          <launch:noticeID validatorID="custom-tmch">
   C:          470d0b7c9223654313275808</launch:noticeID>
   C:          <launch:notAfter>2014-06-19T10:00:00.0Z
   C:          </launch:notAfter>
   C:          <launch:acceptedDate>2014-06-19T09:00:30.0Z
   C:          </launch:acceptedDate>
   C:        </launch:notice>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
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3.3.3. General Create Form

The General Create Form of the extension to the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731] includes the launch phase and optionally the object type to create. The OPTIONAL "type" attribute defines the expected type of object ("application" or "registration") to create. The server SHOULD validate the "type" attribute, when passed, against the type of object that will be created, and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if the type is incorrect. A <launch:create> element is sent along with the regular <create> domain command. The <launch:create> element contains the following child element: <launch:phase>: Contains the value of the active launch phase of the server. The server SHOULD validate the value according to Section 2.3. The following is an example <create> domain command using the <launch:create> extension for a "landrush" launch phase application: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"> C: <command> C: <create> C: <domain:create C: xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> C: <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name> C: <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant> C: <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact> C: <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact> C: <domain:authInfo> C: <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw> C: </domain:authInfo> C: </domain:create> C: </create> C: <extension> C: <launch:create C: xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0" C: type="application"> C: <launch:phase>landrush</launch:phase> C: </launch:create> C: </extension> C: <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp>
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3.3.4. Mixed Create Form

The Mixed Create Form supports a mix of the create forms where, for example, the Sunrise Create Form (Section 3.3.1) and the Claims Create Form (Section 3.3.2) MAY be supported in a single command by including both the verified trademark information and the information related to the registrant's acceptance of the claims notice. The server MAY support the Mixed Create Form. The "custom" launch phase SHOULD be used when using the Mixed Create Form.
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 41
   The following is an example <create> domain command using the
   <launch:create> extension, with a mix of the Sunrise Create Form
   (Section 3.3.1) and the Claims Create Form (Section 3.3.2), including
   both a mark and a notice:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <create>
   C:      <domain:create
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domainone.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:registrant>jd1234</domain:registrant>
   C:        <domain:contact type="admin">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:contact type="tech">sh8013</domain:contact>
   C:        <domain:authInfo>
   C:          <domain:pw>2fooBAR</domain:pw>
   C:        </domain:authInfo>
   C:      </domain:create>
   C:    </create>
   C:    <extension>
   C:      <launch:create
   C:       xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"
   C:       type="application">
   C:        <launch:phase name="non-tmch-sunrise">custom</launch:phase>
   C:        <launch:codeMark>
   C:          <mark:mark
   C:            xmlns:mark="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mark-1.0">
   C:            ...
   C:          </mark:mark>
   C:        </launch:codeMark>
   C:        <launch:notice>
   C:          <launch:noticeID validatorID="tmch">
   C:            49FD46E6C4B45C55D4AC
   C:          </launch:noticeID>
   C:          <launch:notAfter>2012-06-19T10:00:10.0Z
   C:          </launch:notAfter>
   C:          <launch:acceptedDate>2012-06-19T09:01:30.0Z
   C:          </launch:acceptedDate>
   C:        </launch:notice>
   C:      </launch:create>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
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3.3.5. Create Response

If the create was successful, the server MAY add a <launch:creData> element to the regular EPP <resData> to indicate that the server generated an Application Identifier (Section 2.1), when multiple applications of a given domain name are supported; otherwise, no extension is included with the regular EPP <resData>. The <launch:creData> element contains the following child elements: <launch:phase>: The phase of the application that mirrors the <launch:phase> element included in the <launch:create>. <launch:applicationID>: The application identifier of the application. The following is an example response when multiple overlapping applications are supported by the server: S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"> S: <response> S: <result code="1001"> S: <msg>Command completed successfully; action pending</msg> S: </result> S: <resData> S: <domain:creData S: xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0"> S: <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name> S: <domain:crDate>2010-08-10T15:38:26.623854Z</domain:crDate> S: </domain:creData> S: </resData> S: <extension> S: <launch:creData S: xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0"> S: <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase> S: <launch:applicationID>2393-9323-E08C-03B1 S: </launch:applicationID> S: </launch:creData> S: </extension> S: <trID> S: <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID> S: <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID> S: </trID> S: </response> S:</epp>
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3.4. EPP <update> Command

This extension defines additional elements to extend the EPP <update> command to be used in conjunction with the domain name mapping. When an EPP <update> command with the extension is sent to a server that does not support Launch Applications, it will fail. A server that does not support Launch Applications during its launch phase MUST return an EPP error result code of 2102 [RFC5730] when receiving an EPP <update> command with the extension. Registry policies permitting, clients may update an application object by submitting an EPP <update> command along with a <launch:update> element to indicate the application object to be updated. The <launch:update> element contains the following child elements: <launch:phase>: The phase during which the application was submitted or is associated with. The server SHOULD validate the value and return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if it is invalid. <launch:applicationID>: The application identifier for which the client wishes to update.
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   The following is an example <update> domain command with the
   <launch:update> extension to add and remove a name server of a
   sunrise application with the application identifier "abc123":

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <update>
   C:      <domain:update
   C:       xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:        <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:        <domain:add>
   C:            <domain:ns>
   C:              <domain:hostObj>ns2.domain.example</domain:hostObj>
   C:            </domain:ns>
   C:          </domain:add>
   C:          <domain:rem>
   C:            <domain:ns>
   C:              <domain:hostObj>ns1.domain.example</domain:hostObj>
   C:            </domain:ns>
   C:          </domain:rem>
   C:      </domain:update>
   C:    </update>
   C:    <extension>
   C:    <launch:update
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:      <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:      <launch:applicationID>abc123</launch:applicationID>
   C:    </launch:update>
   C:    </extension>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   This extension does not define any extension to the response of an
   <update> domain command.  After processing the command, the server
   replies with a standard EPP response as defined in the EPP domain
   name mapping [RFC5731].

3.5. EPP <delete> Command

This extension defines additional elements to extend the EPP <delete> command to be used in conjunction with the domain name mapping. A client MUST NOT pass the extension on an EPP <delete> command to a server that does not support Launch Applications. A server that does
Top   ToC   RFC8334 - Page 45
   not support Launch Applications during its launch phase MUST return
   an EPP error result code of 2102 [RFC5730] when receiving an EPP
   <delete> command with the extension.

   Registry policies permitting, clients MAY withdraw an application by
   submitting an EPP <delete> command along with a <launch:delete>
   element to indicate the application object to be deleted.  The
   <launch:delete> element contains the following child elements:

   <launch:phase>:  The phase during which the application was submitted
       or is associated with.  The server SHOULD validate the value and
       return an EPP error result code of 2306 [RFC5730] if it is

   <launch:applicationID>:  The application identifier for which the
       client wishes to delete.

   The following is an example <delete> domain command with the
   <launch:delete> extension:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">
   C:  <command>
   C:   <delete>
   C:    <domain:delete
   C:     xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">
   C:      <domain:name>domain.example</domain:name>
   C:    </domain:delete>
   C:   </delete>
   C:   <extension>
   C:    <launch:delete
   C:     xmlns:launch="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:launch-1.0">
   C:      <launch:phase>sunrise</launch:phase>
   C:      <launch:applicationID>abc123</launch:applicationID>
   C:    </launch:delete>
   C:   </extension>
   C:   <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   This extension does not define any extension to the response of a
   <delete> domain command.  After processing the command, the server
   replies with a standard EPP response as defined in the EPP domain
   name mapping [RFC5731].
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3.6. EPP <renew> Command

This extension does not define any extension to the EPP <renew> command or response described in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731].

3.7. EPP <transfer> Command

This extension does not define any extension to the EPP <transfer> command or response described in the EPP domain name mapping [RFC5731].

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