4. YANG Modules
4.1. LMAP Common YANG Module
This module imports definitions from [RFC6536], and it references [ISO-8601]. <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-lmap-common@2017-08-08.yang" module ietf-lmap-common { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-lmap-common"; prefix "lmap"; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } organization "IETF Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance Working Group"; contact "WG Web: <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lmap> WG List: <mailto:lmap@ietf.org> Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder <j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de> Editor: Vaibhav Bajpai <bajpaiv@in.tum.de>"; description "This module provides common definitions used by the data models written for Large-Scale Measurement Platforms (LMAPs). This module defines typedefs and groupings but no schema tree elements.";
revision "2017-08-08" { description "Initial version"; reference "RFC 8194: A YANG Data Model for LMAP Measurement Agents"; } /* * Typedefs */ typedef identifier { type string { length "1..max"; } description "A string value used to name something."; } typedef tag { type string { length "1..max"; } description "A tag consists of at least one character."; } typedef glob-pattern { type string { length "1..max"; } description 'A glob style pattern (following POSIX.2 fnmatch() without special treatment of file paths): * matches a sequence of characters ? matches a single character [seq] matches any character in seq [!seq] matches any character not in seq A backslash followed by a character matches the following character. In particular: \* matches * \? matches ? \\ matches \
A sequence seq may be a sequence of characters (e.g., [abc] or a range of characters (e.g., [a-c]).'; } typedef wildcard { type string { pattern '\*'; } description "A wildcard for calendar scheduling entries."; } typedef cycle-number { type string { pattern '[0-9]{8}\.[0-9]{6}'; } description "A cycle number represented in the format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS where YYYY represents the year, MM the month (1..12), DD the day of the months (01..31), HH the hour (00..23), MM the minute (00..59), and SS the second (00..59). The cycle number is using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)."; } typedef month { type enumeration { enum january { value 1; description "January of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum february { value 2; description "February of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum march { value 3; description "March of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum april { value 4; description "April of the Gregorian calendar."; }
enum may { value 5; description "May of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum june { value 6; description "June of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum july { value 7; description "July of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum august { value 8; description "August of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum september { value 9; description "September of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum october { value 10; description "October of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum november { value 11; description "November of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum december { value 12; description "December of the Gregorian calendar."; } } description "A type modeling the month in the Gregorian calendar."; }
typedef month-or-all { type union { type month; type wildcard; } description "A month or a wildcard indicating all twelve months."; } typedef day-of-month { type uint8 { range "1..31"; } description "A day of a month of the Gregorian calendar."; } typedef day-of-months-or-all { type union { type day-of-month; type wildcard; } description "A day of a month or a wildcard indicating all days of a month."; } typedef weekday { type enumeration { enum monday { value 1; description "Monday of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum tuesday { value 2; description "Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum wednesday { value 3; description "Wednesday of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum thursday { value 4; description "Thursday of the Gregorian calendar."; }
enum friday { value 5; description "Friday of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum saturday { value 6; description "Saturday of the Gregorian calendar."; } enum sunday { value 7; description "Sunday of the Gregorian calendar."; } } description "A type modeling the weekdays in the Gregorian calendar. The numbering follows the ISO 8601 scheme."; reference "ISO 8601:2004: Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times"; } typedef weekday-or-all { type union { type weekday; type wildcard; } description "A weekday or a wildcard indicating all seven weekdays."; } typedef hour { type uint8 { range "0..23"; } description "An hour of a day."; } typedef hour-or-all { type union { type hour; type wildcard; } description "An hour of a day or a wildcard indicating all hours of a day.";
} typedef minute { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "A minute of an hour."; } typedef minute-or-all { type union { type minute; type wildcard; } description "A minute of an hour or a wildcard indicating all minutes of an hour."; } typedef second { type uint8 { range "0..59"; } description "A second of a minute."; } typedef second-or-all { type union { type second; type wildcard; } description "A second of a minute or a wildcard indicating all seconds of a minute."; } typedef status-code { type int32; description "A status code returned by the execution of a Task. Note that the actual range is implementation dependent, but it should be portable to use values in the range 0..127 for regular exit codes. By convention, 0 indicates successful termination. Negative values may be used to indicate abnormal termination due to a signal; the absolute value may identify the signal number in this case."; }
typedef timezone-offset { type string { pattern 'Z|[\+\-]\d{2}:\d{2}'; } description "A time zone offset as it is used by the date-and-time type defined in the ietf-yang-types module. The value Z is equivalent to +00:00. The value -00:00 indicates an unknown time-offset."; reference "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types"; } /* * Groupings */ grouping registry-grouping { description "This grouping models a list of entries in a registry that identify functions of a Task."; list function { key uri; description "A list of entries in a registry identifying functions."; leaf uri { type inet:uri; description "A URI identifying an entry in a registry."; } leaf-list role { type string; description "A set of roles for the identified registry entry."; } } } grouping options-grouping { description "A list of options of a Task. Each option is a name/value pair (where the value may be absent)."; list option { key "id";
ordered-by user; description "A list of options passed to the Task. It is a list of key/value pairs and may be used to model options. Options may be used to identify the role of a Task or to pass a Channel name to a Task."; leaf id { type lmap:identifier; description "An identifier uniquely identifying an option. This identifier is required by YANG to uniquely identify a name/value pair, but it otherwise has no semantic value"; } leaf name { type string; description "The name of the option."; } leaf value { type string; description "The value of the option."; } } } } <CODE ENDS>4.2. LMAP Control YANG Module
This module imports definitions from [RFC6536], [RFC6991], and the common LMAP module, and it references [RFC7398]. <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-lmap-control@2017-08-08.yang" module ietf-lmap-control { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-lmap-control"; prefix "lmapc"; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-netconf-acm {
prefix nacm; } import ietf-lmap-common { prefix lmap; } organization "IETF Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance Working Group"; contact "WG Web: <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lmap> WG List: <mailto:lmap@ietf.org> Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder <j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de> Editor: Vaibhav Bajpai <bajpaiv@in.tum.de>"; description "This module defines a data model for controlling Measurement Agents that are part of a Large-Scale Measurement Platform (LMAP). This data model is expected to be implemented by Measurement Agents."; revision "2017-08-08" { description "Initial version"; reference "RFC 8194: A YANG Data Model for LMAP Measurement Agents"; } /* * Typedefs */ typedef event-ref { type leafref { path "/lmap/events/event/name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference a configured event source."; } typedef task-ref { type leafref {
path "/lmap/tasks/task/name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference a configured Task."; } typedef schedule-ref { type leafref { path "/lmap/schedules/schedule/name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference a configured Schedule."; } /* * Groupings */ grouping start-end-grouping { description "A grouping that provides start and end times for Event objects."; leaf start { type yang:date-and-time; description "The date and time when the Event object starts to create triggers."; } leaf end { type yang:date-and-time; description "The date and time when the Event object stops to create triggers. It is generally a good idea to always configure an end time and to refresh the end time as needed to ensure that agents that lose connectivity to their Controller do not continue executing Schedules forever."; } } /* * Capability, configuration, and state data nodes */
container lmap { description "Configuration and control of a Measurement Agent."; container capabilities { config false; description "Agent capabilities including a list of supported Tasks."; leaf version { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "A short description of the software implementing the Measurement Agent. This should include the version number of the Measurement Agent software."; } leaf-list tag { type lmap:tag; config false; description "An optional unordered set of tags that provide additional information about the capabilities of the Measurement Agent."; } container tasks { description "A list of Tasks that the Measurement Agent supports."; list task { key name; description "The list of Tasks supported by the Measurement Agent."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The unique name of a Task capability."; } uses lmap:registry-grouping; leaf version { type string;
description "A short description of the software implementing the Task. This should include the version number of the Measurement Task software."; } leaf program { type string; description "The (local) program to invoke in order to execute the Task."; } } } } /* * Agent Configuration */ container agent { description "Configuration of parameters affecting the whole Measurement Agent."; leaf agent-id { type yang:uuid; description "The agent-id identifies a Measurement Agent with a very low probability of collision. In certain deployments, the agent-id may be considered sensitive, and hence this object is optional."; } leaf group-id { type string; description "The group-id identifies a group of Measurement Agents. In certain deployments, the group-id may be considered less sensitive than the agent-id."; } leaf measurement-point { type string; description "The measurement point indicating where the Measurement Agent is located on a path.";
reference "RFC 7398: A Reference Path and Measurement Points for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance"; } leaf report-agent-id { type boolean; must '. != "true" or ../agent-id' { description "An agent-id must exist for this to be set to true."; } default false; description "The 'report-agent-id' controls whether the 'agent-id' is reported to Collectors."; } leaf report-group-id { type boolean; must '. != "true" or ../group-id' { description "A group-id must exist for this to be set to true."; } default false; description "The 'report-group-id' controls whether the 'group-id' is reported to Collectors."; } leaf report-measurement-point { type boolean; must '. != "true" or ../measurement-point' { description "A measurement-point must exist for this to be set to true."; } default false; description "The 'report-measurement-point' controls whether the 'measurement-point' is reported to Collectors."; } leaf controller-timeout { type uint32; units "seconds";
description "A timer is started after each successful contact with a Controller. When the timer reaches the controller-timeout, an event (controller-lost) is raised indicating that connectivity to the Controller has been lost."; } leaf last-started { type yang:date-and-time; config false; mandatory true; description "The date and time the Measurement Agent last started."; } } /* * Task Configuration */ container tasks { description "Configuration of LMAP Tasks."; list task { key name; description "The list of Tasks configured on the Measurement Agent. Note that a configured Task MUST resolve to a Task listed in the capabilities. Attempts to execute a configured Task that is not listed in the capabilities result in a runtime execution error."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The unique name of a Task."; } uses lmap:registry-grouping; leaf program { type string; nacm:default-deny-write;
description "The (local) program to invoke in order to execute the Task. If this leaf is not set, then the system will try to identify a suitable program based on the registry information present."; } uses lmap:options-grouping { description "The list of Task-specific options."; } leaf-list tag { type lmap:identifier; description "A set of Task-specific tags that are reported together with the measurement results to a Collector. A tag can be used, for example, to carry the Measurement Cycle ID."; } } } /* * Schedule Instructions */ container schedules { description "Configuration of LMAP Schedules. Schedules control which Tasks are executed by the LMAP implementation."; list schedule { key name; description "Configuration of a particular Schedule."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The locally unique, administratively assigned name for this Schedule."; } leaf start { type event-ref; mandatory true;
description "The event source controlling the start of the scheduled Actions."; } choice stop { description "This choice contains optional leafs that control the graceful forced termination of scheduled Actions. When the end has been reached, the scheduled Actions should be forced to terminate the measurements. This may involve being active some additional time in order to properly finish the Action's activity (e.g., waiting for any messages that are still outstanding)."; leaf end { type event-ref; description "The event source controlling the graceful forced termination of the scheduled Actions."; } leaf duration { type uint32; units "seconds"; description "The duration controlling the graceful forced termination of the scheduled Actions."; } } leaf execution-mode { type enumeration { enum sequential { value 1; description "The Actions of the Schedule are executed sequentially."; } enum parallel { value 2; description "The Actions of the Schedule are executed concurrently."; } enum pipelined { value 3;
description "The Actions of the Schedule are executed in a pipelined mode. Output created by an Action is passed as input to the subsequent Action."; } } default pipelined; description "The execution mode of this Schedule determines in which order the Actions of the Schedule are executed."; } leaf-list tag { type lmap:tag; description "A set of Schedule-specific tags that are reported together with the measurement results to a Collector."; } leaf-list suppression-tag { type lmap:tag; description "A set of Suppression tags that are used to select Schedules to be suppressed."; } leaf state { type enumeration { enum enabled { value 1; description "The value 'enabled' indicates that the Schedule is currently enabled."; } enum disabled { value 2; description "The value 'disabled' indicates that the Schedule is currently disabled."; } enum running { value 3; description "The value 'running' indicates that the Schedule is currently running."; } enum suppressed { value 4;
description "The value 'suppressed' indicates that the Schedule is currently suppressed."; } } config false; mandatory true; description "The current state of the Schedule."; } leaf storage { type yang:gauge64; units "bytes"; config false; mandatory true; description "The amount of secondary storage (e.g., allocated in a file system) holding temporary data allocated to the Schedule in bytes. This object reports the amount of allocated physical storage and not the storage used by logical data records."; } leaf invocations { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of invocations of this Schedule. This counter does not include suppressed invocations or invocations that were prevented due to an overlap with a previous invocation of this Schedule."; } leaf suppressions { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of suppressed executions of this Schedule."; } leaf overlaps { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true;
description "Number of executions prevented due to overlaps with a previous invocation of this Schedule."; } leaf failures { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of failed executions of this Schedule. A failed execution is an execution where at least one Action failed."; } leaf last-invocation { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "The date and time of the last invocation of this Schedule."; } list action { key name; description "An Action describes a Task that is invoked by the Schedule. Multiple Actions are invoked according to the execution-mode of the Schedule."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The unique identifier for this Action."; } leaf task { type task-ref; mandatory true; description "The Task invoked by this Action."; } container parameters { description "This container is a placeholder for runtime parameters defined in Task-specific data models augmenting the base LMAP control data model.";
choice extension { description "This choice is provided to augment in different sets of parameters."; } } uses lmap:options-grouping { description "The list of Action-specific options that are appended to the list of Task-specific options."; } leaf-list destination { type schedule-ref; description "A set of Schedules receiving the output produced by this Action. The output is stored temporarily since the Destination Schedules will in general not be running when output is passed to them. The behavior of an Action passing data to its own Schedule is implementation specific. Data passed to a sequential or pipelined Schedule is received by the Schedule's first Action. Data passed to a parallel Schedule is received by all Actions of the Schedule."; } leaf-list tag { type lmap:tag; description "A set of Action-specific tags that are reported together with the measurement results to a Collector."; } leaf-list suppression-tag { type lmap:tag; description "A set of Suppression tags that are used to select Actions to be suppressed."; } leaf state { type enumeration { enum enabled { value 1;
description "The value 'enabled' indicates that the Action is currently enabled."; } enum disabled { value 2; description "The value 'disabled' indicates that the Action is currently disabled."; } enum running { value 3; description "The value 'running' indicates that the Action is currently running."; } enum suppressed { value 4; description "The value 'suppressed' indicates that the Action is currently suppressed."; } } config false; mandatory true; description "The current state of the Action."; } leaf storage { type yang:gauge64; units "bytes"; config false; mandatory true; description "The amount of secondary storage (e.g., allocated in a file system) holding temporary data allocated to the Schedule in bytes. This object reports the amount of allocated physical storage and not the storage used by logical data records."; } leaf invocations { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true;
description "Number of invocations of this Action. This counter does not include suppressed invocations or invocations that were prevented due to an overlap with a previous invocation of this Action."; } leaf suppressions { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of suppressed executions of this Action."; } leaf overlaps { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of executions prevented due to overlaps with a previous invocation of this Action."; } leaf failures { type yang:counter32; config false; mandatory true; description "Number of failed executions of this Action."; } leaf last-invocation { type yang:date-and-time; config false; mandatory true; description "The date and time of the last invocation of this Action."; } leaf last-completion { type yang:date-and-time; config false; mandatory true; description "The date and time of the last completion of this Action.";
} leaf last-status { type lmap:status-code; config false; mandatory true; description "The status code returned by the last execution of this Action."; } leaf last-message { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The status message produced by the last execution of this Action."; } leaf last-failed-completion { type yang:date-and-time; config false; mandatory true; description "The date and time of the last failed completion of this Action."; } leaf last-failed-status { type lmap:status-code; config false; mandatory true; description "The status code returned by the last failed execution of this Action."; } leaf last-failed-message { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The status message produced by the last failed execution of this Action."; } } }
} /* * Suppression Instructions */ container suppressions { description "Suppression information to prevent Schedules or certain Actions from starting."; list suppression { key name; description "Configuration of a particular Suppression."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The locally unique, administratively assigned name for this Suppression."; } leaf start { type event-ref; description "The event source controlling the start of the Suppression period."; } leaf end { type event-ref; description "The event source controlling the end of the Suppression period. If not present, Suppression continues indefinitely."; } leaf-list match { type lmap:glob-pattern; description "A set of Suppression match patterns. The Suppression will apply to all Schedules (and their Actions) that have a matching value in their suppression-tags and to all Actions that have a matching value in their suppression-tags."; }
leaf stop-running { type boolean; default false; description "If 'stop-running' is true, running Schedules and Actions matching the Suppression will be terminated when Suppression is activated. If 'stop-running' is false, running Schedules and Actions will not be affected if Suppression is activated."; } leaf state { type enumeration { enum enabled { value 1; description "The value 'enabled' indicates that the Suppression is currently enabled."; } enum disabled { value 2; description "The value 'disabled' indicates that the Suppression is currently disabled."; } enum active { value 3; description "The value 'active' indicates that the Suppression is currently active."; } } config false; mandatory true; description "The current state of the Suppression."; } } } /* * Event Instructions */ container events { description "Configuration of LMAP events.
Implementations may be forced to delay acting upon the occurrence of events in the face of local constraints. An Action triggered by an event therefore should not rely on the accuracy provided by the scheduler implementation."; list event { key name; description "The list of event sources configured on the Measurement Agent."; leaf name { type lmap:identifier; description "The unique name of an event source."; } leaf random-spread { type uint32; units seconds; description "This optional leaf adds a random spread to the computation of the event's trigger time. The random spread is a uniformly distributed random number taken from the interval [0:random-spread]."; } leaf cycle-interval { type uint32; units seconds; description "The optional cycle-interval defines the duration of the time interval in seconds that is used to calculate cycle numbers. No cycle number is calculated if the optional cycle-interval does not exist."; } choice event-type { description "Different types of events are handled by different branches of this choice. Note that this choice can be extended via augmentations."; case periodic { container periodic {
description "A periodic timing object triggers periodically according to a regular interval."; leaf interval { type uint32 { range "1..max"; } units "seconds"; mandatory true; description "The number of seconds between two triggers generated by this periodic timing object."; } uses start-end-grouping; } } case calendar { container calendar { description "A calendar timing object triggers based on the current calendar date and time."; leaf-list month { type lmap:month-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of months at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all months."; } leaf-list day-of-month { type lmap:day-of-months-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of days of the month at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all days of a month."; } leaf-list day-of-week { type lmap:weekday-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of weekdays at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all weekdays."; }
leaf-list hour { type lmap:hour-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of hours at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all hours of a day."; } leaf-list minute { type lmap:minute-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of minutes at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all minutes of an hour."; } leaf-list second { type lmap:second-or-all; min-elements 1; description "A set of seconds at which this calendar timing will trigger. The wildcard means all seconds of a minute."; } leaf timezone-offset { type lmap:timezone-offset; description "The time zone in which this calendar timing object will be evaluated. If not present, the system's local time zone will be used."; } uses start-end-grouping; } } case one-off { container one-off { description "A one-off timing object triggers exactly once."; leaf time { type yang:date-and-time; mandatory true; description "This one-off timing object triggers once at the configured date and time.";
} } } case immediate { leaf immediate { type empty; mandatory true; description "This immediate Event object triggers immediately when it is configured."; } } case startup { leaf startup { type empty; mandatory true; description "This startup Event object triggers whenever the Measurement Agent (re)starts."; } } case controller-lost { leaf controller-lost { type empty; mandatory true; description "The controller-lost Event object triggers when the connectivity to the Controller has been lost for at least 'controller-timeout' seconds."; } } case controller-connected { leaf controller-connected { type empty; mandatory true; description "The controller-connected Event object triggers when the connectivity to the Controller has been restored after it was lost for at least 'controller-timeout' seconds."; } } }
} } } } <CODE ENDS>4.3. LMAP Report YANG Module
This module imports definitions from [RFC6536] and the common LMAP module. <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-lmap-report@2017-08-08.yang" module ietf-lmap-report { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-lmap-report"; prefix "lmapr"; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-lmap-common { prefix lmap; } organization "IETF Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance Working Group"; contact "WG Web: <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/lmap> WG List: <mailto:lmap@ietf.org> Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder <j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de> Editor: Vaibhav Bajpai <bajpaiv@in.tum.de>"; description "This module defines a data model for reporting results from Measurement Agents, which are part of a Large-Scale Measurement Platform (LMAP), to result data Collectors. This data model is expected to be implemented by a Collector."; revision "2017-08-08" { description "Initial version";
reference "RFC 8194: A YANG Data Model for LMAP Measurement Agents"; } rpc report { description "The report operation is used by a Measurement Agent to submit measurement results produced by Measurement Tasks to a Collector."; input { leaf date { type yang:date-and-time; mandatory true; description "The date and time when this result report was sent to a Collector."; } leaf agent-id { type yang:uuid; description "The agent-id of the agent from which this report originates."; } leaf group-id { type string; description "The group-id of the agent from which this report originates."; } leaf measurement-point { type string; description "The measurement-point of the agent from which this report originates."; } list result { description "The list of Tasks for which results are reported."; leaf schedule { type lmap:identifier;
description "The name of the Schedule that produced the result."; } leaf action { type lmap:identifier; description "The name of the Action in the Schedule that produced the result."; } leaf task { type lmap:identifier; description "The name of the Task that produced the result."; } container parameters { description "This container is a placeholder for runtime parameters defined in Task-specific data models augmenting the base LMAP report data model."; choice extension { description "This choice is provided to augment in different sets of parameters."; } } uses lmap:options-grouping { description "The list of options there were in use when the measurement was performed. This list must include both the Task-specific options as well as the Action-specific options."; } leaf-list tag { type lmap:tag; description "A tag contains additional information that is passed with the result record to the Collector. This is the joined set of tags defined for the Task object, the Schedule object, and the Action object. A tag can be used to carry the Measurement Cycle ID."; }
leaf event { type yang:date-and-time; description "The date and time of the event that triggered the Schedule of the Action that produced the reported result values. The date and time does not include any added randomization."; } leaf start { type yang:date-and-time; mandatory true; description "The date and time when the Task producing this result started."; } leaf end { type yang:date-and-time; description "The date and time when the Task producing this result finished."; } leaf cycle-number { type lmap:cycle-number; description "The optional cycle number is the time closest to the time reported in the event leaf that is a multiple of the cycle-interval of the event that triggered the execution of the Schedule. The value is only present if the event that triggered the execution of the Schedule has a defined cycle-interval."; } leaf status { type lmap:status-code; mandatory true; description "The status code returned by the execution of this Action."; } list conflict { description "The names of Tasks overlapping with the execution of the Task that has produced this result.";
leaf schedule-name { type lmap:identifier; description "The name of a Schedule that might have impacted the execution of the Task that has produced this result."; } leaf action-name { type lmap:identifier; description "The name of an Action within the Schedule that might have impacted the execution of the Task that has produced this result."; } leaf task-name { type lmap:identifier; description "The name of the Task executed by an Action within the Schedule that might have impacted the execution of the Task that has produced this result."; } } list table { description "A list of result tables."; uses lmap:registry-grouping; leaf-list column { type string; description "An ordered list of column labels. The order is determined by the system and must match the order of the columns in the result rows."; } list row { description "The rows of a result table."; leaf-list value { type string; description "The value of a cell in the result row."; }
} } } } } } <CODE ENDS>