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RFC 7483

JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)

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Part 3 of 4 – Pages 38 to 65
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Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 38   prevText

5.4. The IP Network Object Class

The IP network object class models IP network registrations found in RIRs and is the expected response for the "/ip" query as defined by [RFC7482]. There is no equivalent object class for DNRs. The high- level structure of the IP network object class consists of information about the network registration and entities related to the IP network (e.g., registrant information, contacts, etc.). The following is an elided example of the IP network object type showing the high-level structure: { "objectClassName" : "ip network", "handle" : "XXX", ... "entities" : [ ... ] } Figure 25 The following is an example of the JSON object for the network registration information. { "objectClassName" : "ip network", "handle" : "XXXX-RIR", "startAddress" : "2001:db8::", "endAddress" : "2001:db8:0:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", "ipVersion" : "v6", "name": "NET-RTR-1", "type" : "DIRECT ALLOCATION", "country" : "AU", "parentHandle" : "YYYY-RIR", "status" : [ "active" ], "remarks" : [ { "description" : [ "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.", "Originally written by Terry Sullivan." ] } ],
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     "links" :
         "value" : "",
         "rel" : "self",
         "href" : "",
         "type" : "application/rdap+json"
         "value" : "",
         "rel" : "up",
         "href" : "",
         "type" : "application/rdap+json"
     "events" :
         "eventAction" : "registration",
         "eventDate" : "1990-12-31T23:59:59Z"
         "eventAction" : "last changed",
         "eventDate" : "1991-12-31T23:59:59Z"
     "entities" :
         "objectClassName" : "entity",
         "handle" : "XXXX",
             ["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
             ["fn", {}, "text", "Joe User"],
             ["kind", {}, "text", "individual"],
             ["lang", {
             }, "language-tag", "fr"],
             ["lang", {
             }, "language-tag", "en"],
             ["org", {
             }, "text", "Example"],
             ["title", {}, "text", "Research Scientist"],
             ["role", {}, "text", "Project Lead"],
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 40
               { "type":"work" },
                 "Suite 1234",
                 "4321 Rue Somewhere",
                 "G1V 2M2",
               { "type":["work", "voice"], "pref":"1" },
               "uri", "tel:+1-555-555-1234;ext=102"
               { "type":"work" },
               "text", ""
         "roles" : [ "registrant" ],
         "remarks" :
             "description" :
               "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.",
               "Originally written by Terry Sullivan."
         "links" :
             "value" : "",
             "rel" : "self",
             "href" : "",
             "type" : "application/rdap+json"
         "events" :
             "eventAction" : "registration",
             "eventDate" : "1990-12-31T23:59:59Z"
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 41
             "eventAction" : "last changed",
             "eventDate" : "1991-12-31T23:59:59Z"

                                 Figure 26

   The IP network object class can contain the following members:

   o  objectClassName -- the string "ip network"

   o  handle -- a string representing an RIR-unique identifier of the
      network registration

   o  startAddress -- the starting IP address of the network, either
      IPv4 or IPv6

   o  endAddress -- the ending IP address of the network, either IPv4 or

   o  ipVersion -- a string signifying the IP protocol version of the
      network: "v4" signifies an IPv4 network, and "v6" signifies an
      IPv6 network

   o  name -- an identifier assigned to the network registration by the
      registration holder

   o  type -- a string containing an RIR-specific classification of the

   o  country -- a string containing the two-character country code of
      the network

   o  parentHandle -- a string containing an RIR-unique identifier of
      the parent network of this network registration

   o  status -- an array of strings indicating the state of the IP

   o  entities -- an array of entity objects as defined by Section 5.1

   o  remarks -- see Section 4.3
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   o  links -- see Section 4.2

   o  port43 -- see Section 4.7

   o  events -- see Section 4.5

5.5. Autonomous System Number Entity Object Class

The Autonomous System number (autnum) object class models Autonomous System number registrations found in RIRs and represents the expected response to an "/autnum" query as defined by [RFC7482]. There is no equivalent object class for DNRs. The high-level structure of the autnum object class consists of information about the network registration and entities related to the autnum registration (e.g., registrant information, contacts, etc.) and is similar to the IP network entity object class. The following is an example of a JSON object representing an autnum. { "objectClassName" : "autnum", "handle" : "XXXX-RIR", "startAutnum" : 10, "endAutnum" : 15, "name": "AS-RTR-1", "type" : "DIRECT ALLOCATION", "status" : [ "active" ], "country": "AU", "remarks" : [ { "description" : [ "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.", "Originally written by Terry Sullivan." ] } ], "links" : [ { "value" : "", "rel" : "self", "href" : "", "type" : "application/rdap+json" } ], "events" :
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 43
         "eventAction" : "registration",
         "eventDate" : "1990-12-31T23:59:59Z"
         "eventAction" : "last changed",
         "eventDate" : "1991-12-31T23:59:59Z"
     "entities" :
         "objectClassName" : "entity",
         "handle" : "XXXX",
             ["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
             ["fn", {}, "text", "Joe User"],
             ["kind", {}, "text", "individual"],
             ["lang", {
             }, "language-tag", "fr"],
             ["lang", {
             }, "language-tag", "en"],
             ["org", {
             }, "text", "Example"],
             ["title", {}, "text", "Research Scientist"],
             ["role", {}, "text", "Project Lead"],
               { "type":"work" },
                 "Suite 1234",
                 "4321 Rue Somewhere",
                 "G1V 2M2",
               { "type":["work", "voice"], "pref":"1" },
               "uri", "tel:+1-555-555-1234;ext=102"
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 44
               { "type":"work" },
               "text", ""
         "roles" : [ "registrant" ],
         "remarks" :
             "description" :
               "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.",
               "Originally written by Terry Sullivan."
         "links" :
             "value" : "",
             "rel" : "self",
             "href" : "",
             "type" : "application/rdap+json"
         "events" :
             "eventAction" : "registration",
             "eventDate" : "1990-12-31T23:59:59Z"
             "eventAction" : "last changed",
             "eventDate" : "1991-12-31T23:59:59Z"

                                 Figure 27
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 45
   The Autonomous System number object class can contain the following

   o  objectClassName -- the string "autnum"

   o  handle -- a string representing an RIR-unique identifier of the
      autnum registration

   o  startAutnum -- a number representing the starting number [RFC5396]
      in the block of Autonomous System numbers

   o  endAutnum -- a number representing the ending number [RFC5396] in
      the block of Autonomous System numbers

   o  name -- an identifier assigned to the autnum registration by the
      registration holder

   o  type -- a string containing an RIR-specific classification of the

   o  status -- an array of strings indicating the state of the autnum

   o  country -- a string containing the name of the two-character
      country code of the autnum

   o  entities -- an array of entity objects as defined by Section 5.1

   o  remarks -- see Section 4.3

   o  links -- see Section 4.2

   o  port43 -- see Section 4.7

   o  events -- see Section 4.5

6. Error Response Body

Some non-answer responses may return entity bodies with information that could be more descriptive. The basic structure of that response is an object class containing an error code number (corresponding to the HTTP response code) followed by a string named "title" and an array of strings named "description".
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 46
   This is an example of the common response body.

     "errorCode": 418,
     "title": "Your Beverage Choice is Not Available",
       "I know coffee has more ummppphhh.",
       "Sorry, dude!"

                                 Figure 28
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   This is an example of the common response body with an
   rdapConformance and notices data structures:

     "rdapConformance" :
     "notices" :
         "title" : "Beverage Policy",
         "description" :
           "Beverages with caffeine for keeping horses awake."
         "links" :
             "value" : "",
             "rel" : "alternate",
             "type" : "text/html",
             "href" : ""
     "lang" : "en",
     "errorCode": 418,
     "title": "Your beverage choice is not available",
       "I know coffee has more ummppphhh.",
       "Sorry, dude!"

                                 Figure 29
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7. Responding to Help Queries

The appropriate response to /help queries as defined by [RFC7482] is to use the notices structure as defined in Section 4.3. This is an example of a response to a /help query including the rdapConformance data structure. { "rdapConformance" : [ "rdap_level_0" ], "notices" : [ { "title" : "Authentication Policy", "description" : [ "Access to sensitive data for users with proper credentials." ], "links" : [ { "value" : "", "rel" : "alternate", "type" : "text/html", "href" : "" } ] } ] } Figure 30

8. Responding To Searches

[RFC7482] specifies three types of searches: domains, nameservers, and entities. Responses to these searches take the form of an array of object instances where each instance is an appropriate object class for the search (i.e., a search for /domains yields an array of domain object instances). These arrays are contained within the response object.
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   The names of the arrays are as follows:

   o  for /domains searches, the array is "domainSearchResults"

   o  for /nameservers searches, the array is "nameserverSearchResults"

   o  for /entities searches, the array is "entitySearchResults"

   The following is an elided example of a response to a /domains

     "rdapConformance" :
     "domainSearchResults" :
         "objectClassName" : "domain",
         "handle" : "1-XXXX",
         "ldhName" : "",
         "objectClassName" : "domain",
         "handle" : "2-XXXX",
         "ldhName" : "",

                                 Figure 31

9. Indicating Truncated Responses

In cases where the data of a response needs to be limited or parts of the data need to be omitted, the response is considered "truncated". A truncated response is still valid JSON, but some of the results in a search set or some of the data in an object are not provided by the server. A server may indicate this by including a typed notice in the response object. The following is an elided example of a search response that has been truncated.
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     "rdapConformance" :
     "notices" :
         "title" : "Search Policy",
         "type" : "result set truncated due to authorization",
         "description" :
           "Search results are limited to 25 per day per querying IP."
         "links" :
             "value" : "",
             "rel" : "alternate",
             "type" : "text/html",
             "href" : ""
     "domainSearchResults" :

                                 Figure 32

   A similar technique can be used with a typed remark where a single
   object has been returned and data in that object has been truncated.
   Such an example might be an entity object with only a partial set of
   the IP networks associated with it.
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   The following is an elided example of an entity truncated data.

     "objectClassName" : "entity",
     "handle" : "ANENTITY",
     "roles" : [ "registrant" ],
     "entities" :
         "objectClassName" : "entity",
         "handle": "ANEMBEDDEDENTITY",
         "roles" : [ "technical" ],
     "networks" :
     "remarks" :
         "title" : "Data Policy",
         "type" : "object truncated due to unexplainable reason",
         "description" :
           "Some of the data in this object has been removed."
         "links" :
             "value" : "",
             "rel" : "alternate",
             "type" : "text/html",
             "href" : ""

                                 Figure 33
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10. IANA Considerations

10.1. RDAP JSON Media Type Registration

This specification registers the "application/rdap+json" media type. Type name: application Subtype name: rdap+json Required parameters: n/a Encoding considerations: See Section 3.1 of [RFC6839]. Security considerations: The media represented by this identifier does not have security considerations beyond that found in Section 6 of [RFC7159]. Interoperability considerations: There are no known interoperability problems regarding this media format. Published specification: RFC 7483 Applications that use this media type: Implementations of the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP). Additional information: This media type is a product of the IETF WEIRDS working group. The WEIRDS charter, information on the WEIRDS mailing list, and other documents produced by the WEIRDS working group can be found at <>. Person & email address to contact for further information: IESG <> Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: none Author: Andy Newton Change controller: IETF Provisional Registration: No (upon publication of this RFC)
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10.2. JSON Values Registry

IANA has created a category in the protocol registries labeled "Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)", and within that category, IANA has established a URL-referenceable, stand-alone registry labeled "RDAP JSON Values". This new registry is for use in the notices and remarks (Section 4.3), status (Section 4.6), role (Section 5.1), event action (Section 4.5), and domain variant relation (Section 5.3) fields specified in RDAP. Each entry in the registry contains the following fields: 1. Value -- the string value being registered. 2. Type -- the type of value being registered. It should be one of the following: * "notice or remark type" -- denotes a type of notice or remark. * "status" -- denotes a value for the "status" object member as defined by Section 4.6. * "role" -- denotes a value for the "role" array as defined in Section 5.1. * "event action" -- denotes a value for an event action as defined in Section 4.5. * "domain variant relation" -- denotes a relationship between a domain and a domain variant as defined in Section 5.3. 3. Description -- a one- or two-sentence description regarding the meaning of the value, how it might be used, and/or how it should be interpreted by clients. 4. Registrant Name -- the name of the person registering the value. 5. Registrant Contact Information -- an email address, postal address, or some other information to be used to contact the registrant. This registry is operated under the "Expert Review" policy defined in [RFC5226].
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   Review of registrations into this registry by the designated
   expert(s) should be narrowly judged on the following criteria:

   1.  Values in need of being placed into multiple types must be
       assigned a separate registration for each type.

   2.  Values must be strings.  They should be multiple words separated
       by single space characters.  Every character should be
       lowercased.  If possible, every word should be given in English
       and each character should be US-ASCII.

   3.  Registrations should not duplicate the meaning of any existing
       registration.  That is, if a request for a registration is
       significantly similar in nature to an existing registration, the
       request should be denied.  For example, the terms "maintainer"
       and "registrant" are significantly similar in nature as they both
       denote a holder of a domain name or Internet number resource.  In
       cases where it may be reasonably argued that machine
       interpretation of two similar values may alter the operation of
       client software, designated experts should not judge the values
       to be of significant similarity.

   4.  Registrations should be relevant to the common usages of RDAP.
       Designated experts may rely upon the serving of the value by a
       DNR or RIR to make this determination.

   The following sections provide initial registrations into this

10.2.1. Notice and Remark Types

The following values have been registered in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry: Value: result set truncated due to authorization Type: notice and remark type Description: The list of results does not contain all results due to lack of authorization. This may indicate to some clients that proper authorization will yield a longer result set. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information:
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 55
      Value: result set truncated due to excessive load
      Type: notice and remark type
      Description: The list of results does not contain all results due
         to an excessively heavy load on the server.  This may indicate
         to some clients that requerying at a later time will yield a
         longer result set.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: result set truncated due to unexplainable reasons
      Type: notice and remark type
      Description: The list of results does not contain all results for
         an unexplainable reason.  This may indicate to some clients
         that requerying for any reason will not yield a longer result
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: object truncated due to authorization
      Type: notice and remark type
      Description: The object does not contain all data due to lack of
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: object truncated due to excessive load
      Type: notice and remark type
      Description: The object does not contain all data due to an
         excessively heavy load on the server.  This may indicate to
         some clients that requerying at a later time will yield all
         data of the object.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: object truncated due to unexplainable reasons
      Type: notice and remark type
      Description: The object does not contain all data for an
         unexplainable reason.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:
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10.2.2. Status

The following values have been registered in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry: Value: validated Type: status Description: Signifies that the data of the object instance has been found to be accurate. This type of status is usually found on entity object instances to note the validity of identifying contact information. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: renew prohibited Type: status Description: Renewal or reregistration of the object instance is forbidden. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: update prohibited Type: status Description: Updates to the object instance are forbidden. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: transfer prohibited Type: status Description: Transfers of the registration from one registrar to another are forbidden. This type of status normally applies to DNR domain names. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: delete prohibited Type: status Description: Deletion of the registration of the object instance is forbidden. This type of status normally applies to DNR domain names. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: proxy
      Type: status
      Description: The registration of the object instance has been
         performed by a third party.  This is most commonly applied to
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: private
      Type: status
      Description: The information of the object instance is not
         designated for public consumption.  This is most commonly
         applied to entities.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: removed
      Type: status
      Description: Some of the information of the object instance has
         not been made available and has been removed.  This is most
         commonly applied to entities.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: obscured
      Type: status
      Description: Some of the information of the object instance has
         been altered for the purposes of not readily revealing the
         actual information of the object instance.  This is most
         commonly applied to entities.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: associated
      Type: status
      Description: The object instance is associated with other object
         instances in the registry.  This is most commonly used to
         signify that a nameserver is associated with a domain or that
         an entity is associated with a network resource or domain.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 58
      Value: active
      Type: status
      Description: The object instance is in use.  For domain names, it
         signifies that the domain name is published in DNS.  For
         network and autnum registrations, it signifies that they are
         allocated or assigned for use in operational networks.  This
         maps to the "OK" status of the Extensible Provisioning Protocol
         (EPP) [RFC5730] .
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: inactive
      Type: status
      Description: The object instance is not in use.  See "active".
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: locked
      Type: status
      Description: Changes to the object instance cannot be made,
         including the association of other object instances.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: pending create
      Type: status
      Description: A request has been received for the creation of the
         object instance, but this action is not yet complete.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: pending renew
      Type: status
      Description: A request has been received for the renewal of the
         object instance, but this action is not yet complete.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: pending transfer
      Type: status
      Description: A request has been received for the transfer of the
         object instance, but this action is not yet complete.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: pending update
      Type: status
      Description: A request has been received for the update or
         modification of the object instance, but this action is not yet
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: pending delete
      Type: status
      Description: A request has been received for the deletion or
         removal of the object instance, but this action is not yet
         complete.  For domains, this might mean that the name is no
         longer published in DNS but has not yet been purged from the
         registry database.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

10.2.3. Event Actions

The following values have been registered in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry: Value: registration Type: event action Description: The object instance was initially registered. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: reregistration Type: event action Description: The object instance was registered subsequently to initial registration. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: last changed
      Type: event action
      Description: An action noting when the information in the object
         instance was last changed.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: expiration
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance has been removed or will be
         removed at a predetermined date and time from the registry.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: deletion
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance was removed from the registry at
         a point in time that was not predetermined.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: reinstantiation
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance was reregistered after having
         been removed from the registry.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: transfer
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance was transferred from one
         registrant to another.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: locked
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance was locked (see the "locked"
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: unlocked
      Type: event action
      Description: The object instance was unlocked (see the "locked"
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

10.2.4. Roles

The following values have been registered in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry: Value: registrant Type: role Description: The entity object instance is the registrant of the registration. In some registries, this is known as a maintainer. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: technical Type: role Description: The entity object instance is a technical contact for the registration. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: administrative Type: role Description: The entity object instance is an administrative contact for the registration. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: abuse Type: role Description: The entity object instance handles network abuse issues on behalf of the registrant of the registration. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: billing
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance handles payment and
         billing issues on behalf of the registrant of the registration.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: registrar
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance represents the authority
         responsible for the registration in the registry.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: reseller
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance represents a third party
         through which the registration was conducted (i.e., not the
         registry or registrar).
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: sponsor
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance represents a domain policy
         sponsor, such as an ICANN-approved sponsor.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: proxy
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance represents a proxy for
         another entity object, such as a registrant.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

      Value: notifications
      Type: role
      Description: An entity object instance designated to receive
         notifications about association object instances.
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: noc
      Type: role
      Description: The entity object instance handles communications
         related to a network operations center (NOC).
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

10.2.5. Variant Relations

The following values have been registered in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry: Value: registered Type: domain variant relation Description: The variant names are registered in the registry. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: unregistered Type: domain variant relation Description: The variant names are not found in the registry. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: registration restricted Type: domain variant relation Description: Registration of the variant names is restricted to certain parties or within certain rules. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information: Value: open registration Type: domain variant relation Description: Registration of the variant names is available to generally qualified registrants. Registrant Name: IESG Registrant Contact Information:
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      Value: conjoined
      Type: domain variant relation
      Description: Registration of the variant names occurs
         automatically with the registration of the containing domain
      Registrant Name: IESG
      Registrant Contact Information:

11. Security Considerations

This specification models information serialized in JSON format. As JSON is a subset of JavaScript, implementations are advised to follow the security considerations outlined in Section 6 of [RFC7159] to prevent code injection. Though not specific to JSON, RDAP implementers should be aware of the security considerations specified in [RFC7480] and the security requirements and considerations in [RFC7481]. Clients caching data, especially clients using RDAP-specific caches (instead of HTTP-layer caches), should have safeguards to prevent cache poisoning. See Section 5 for advice on using the self links for caching. Finally, service operators should be aware of the privacy mechanisms noted in Section 13.

12. Internationalization Considerations

12.1. Character Encoding

The default text encoding for JSON responses in RDAP is UTF-8 [RFC3629], and all servers and clients MUST support UTF-8.

12.2. URIs and IRIs

[RFC7480] defines the use of URIs and IRIs in RDAP.

12.3. Language Tags

Section 4.4 defines the use of language tags in the JSON responses defined in this document.
Top   ToC   RFC7483 - Page 65

12.4. Internationalized Domain Names

IDNs are denoted in this specification by the separation of DNS names in LDH form and Unicode form (see Section 3). Representation of IDNs in registries is described by the "variants" object in Section 5.3 and the suggested values listed in Section 10.2.5.

13. Privacy Considerations

This specification suggests status values to denote contact and registrant information that has been marked as private and/or has been removed or obscured. See Section 10.2.2 for the complete list of status values. A few of the status values indicate that there are privacy concerns associated with the object instance. The following status codes SHOULD be used to describe data elements of a response when appropriate: private -- The object is not be shared in query responses, unless the user is authorized to view this information. removed -- Data elements within the object have been collected but have been omitted from the response. This option can be used to prevent unauthorized access to associated object instances without the need to mark them as private. obscured -- Data elements within the object have been collected, but the response value has been altered so that values are not easily discernible. A value changed from "1212" to "XXXX" is an example of obscured data. This option may reveal privacy sensitive information and should only be used when data sensitivity does not require a more protective option like "private" or "removed". See Appendix A.1 for an example of applying those values to contacts and registrants.

(page 65 continued on part 4)

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