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RFC 7222

Quality-of-Service Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6

Pages: 58
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 12 to 39
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4. Protocol Messaging Extensions

4.1. Quality-of-Service Option

The Quality-of-Service option is a mobility header option used by local mobility anchors and mobile access gateways for negotiating QoS parameters associated with a mobility session. This option can be carried in Proxy Binding Update (PBU) [RFC5213], Proxy Binding Acknowledgement (PBA) [RFC5213], Update Notification (UPN) [RFC7077] and Update Notification Acknowledgement (UPA) [RFC7077] messages. There can be more than one instance of the Quality-of-Service option in a single message. Each instance of the Quality-of-Service option represents a specific QoS Service Request. The alignment requirement for this option is 4n. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | SR-ID | TC | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | OC | Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ~ QoS Attribute(s) ~ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Figure 4: QoS Option o Type: 58 o Length: 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the length of the option in octets, excluding the Type and Length fields. o Service Request Identifier (SR-ID): An 8-bit unsigned integer used for identifying the QoS Service Request. Its uniqueness is within the scope of a mobility session. The local mobility anchor always allocates the Service Request Identifier. When a new QoS Service
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      Request is initiated by a mobile access gateway, the Service
      Request Identifier in the initial request message is set to a
      value of (0), and the local mobility anchor allocates a Service
      Request Identifier and includes it in the response.  For any new
      QoS Service Requests initiated by a local mobility anchor, the
      Service Request Identifier is set to the allocated value.

   o  Traffic Class (TC): Traffic Class consists of a 6-bit DSCP field
      followed by a 2-bit reserved field.

      Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)

         A 6-bit unsigned integer indicating the code point value, as
         defined in [RFC2475] to be used for the mobile node's IP flows.
         When this DSCP marking needs to be applied only for a subset of
         a mobile node's IP flows, there will be a Traffic Selector
         attribute (Section 4.2.10) in the option, which provides the
         flow selectors.  In the absence of any such Traffic Selector
         attribute, the DSCP marking applies to all the IP flows
         associated with the mobility session.


         The last two bits in the Traffic Class field are currently
         unused.  These bits MUST be initialized by the sender to (0)
         and MUST be ignored by the receiver.

   o  Operational Code (OC): 1-octet Operational code indicates the type
      of QoS request.

      RESPONSE:   (0)
         Response to a QoS request

      ALLOCATE:   (1)
         Request to allocate QoS resources

      DE-ALLOCATE:   (2)
         Request to de-Allocate QoS resources

      MODIFY:   (3)
         Request to modify QoS parameters for a previously negotiated
         QoS Service Request

      QUERY:   (4)
         Query to list the previously negotiated QoS Service Requests
         that are still active
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      NEGOTIATE:   (5)
         Response to a QoS Service Request with a counter QoS proposal

      Reserved:   (6) to (255)
         Currently not used.  Receiver MUST ignore the option received
         with any value in this range.

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized to a value of (0) by the sender and MUST be ignored by
      the receiver.

   o  QoS Attribute(s): Zero or more TLV-encoded QoS attributes.  The
      format of the QoS attribute is defined in Section 4.2.  The
      interpretation and usage of the QoS attribute is based on the
      value in the Type field.

4.2. Quality-of-Service Attributes

This section identifies the format of a Quality-of-Service attribute. A QoS attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1. This section identifies the QoS attributes defined by this specification. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | Value ~ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Figure 5: Format of a Quality-of-Service Attribute o Type: 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the type of the QoS attribute. This specification reserves the following values. (0) - Reserved This value is reserved and cannot be used (1) - Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate This QoS attribute, Per-Mobile-Node Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate, is defined in Section 4.2.1. (2) - Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate This QoS attribute, Per-Mobile-Node Aggregate Maximum Uplink Bit Rate, is defined in Section 4.2.2. (3) - Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate This QoS attribute, Per-Mobility-Session Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate, is defined in Section 4.2.3.
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      (4) -  Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate
         This QoS attribute, Per-Mobility-Session Aggregate Maximum
         Uplink Bit Rate, is defined in Section 4.2.4.

      (5) -  Allocation-Retention-Priority
         This QoS attribute, Allocation and Retention Priority, is
         defined in Section 4.2.5.

      (6) -  Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate
         This QoS attribute, Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate, is
         defined in Section 4.2.6.

      (7) -  Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate
         This QoS attribute, Aggregate Maximum Uplink Bit Rate, is
         defined in Section 4.2.7.

      (8) -  Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate
         This QoS attribute, Guaranteed Downlink Bit Rate, is defined in
         Section 4.2.8.

      (9) -  Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate
         This QoS attribute, Guaranteed Uplink Bit Rate, is defined in
         Section 4.2.9.

      (10) -  QoS-Traffic-Selector
         This QoS attribute, QoS Traffic Selector, is defined in
         Section 4.2.10.

      (11) -  QoS-Vendor-Specific-Attribute
         This QoS attribute, QoS Vendor-Specific Attribute, is defined
         in Section 4.2.11.

      (12) to (254) -  Reserved
         These values are reserved for future allocation.

      (255) -  Reserved
         This value is reserved and cannot be used.

   o  Length: 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of octets
      needed to encode the Value, excluding the Type and Length fields.

   o  Value: The format of this field is based on the Type value.
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4.2.1. Per-Mobile-Node Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate

This attribute, Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum downlink bit rate for a mobile node. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This value is an aggregate across all mobility sessions associated with that mobile node. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by a local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate downlink bit rate that is being requested for the mobile node at the peer. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the maximum aggregate downlink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer. If multiple mobility sessions are established for a mobile node, through multiple mobile access gateways with sessions anchored either on a single local mobility anchor or spread out across multiple local mobility anchors, then it depends on the operator's policy and the specific deployment as to how the total bandwidth for the mobile node on each MAG-LMA pair is computed. When a QoS option includes both the Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute does not apply to this attribute. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ o Type: 1 o Length: The length in octets of the attribute, excluding the Type and Length fields. This value is set to (6).
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   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the aggregate maximum downlink bit rate that is
      requested/allocated for all the mobile node's IP flows.  The
      measurement units for Per-MN-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate are bits per

4.2.2. Per-Mobile-Node Aggregate Maximum Uplink Bit Rate

This attribute, Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum uplink bit rate for the mobile node. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This value is an aggregate across all mobility sessions associated with that mobile node. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that is being requested for the mobile node at the peer. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer for that mobile node. If multiple mobility sessions are established for a mobile node, through multiple mobile access gateways with sessions anchored either on a single local mobility anchor or spread out across multiple local mobility anchors, then it depends on the operator's policy and the specific deployment as to how the total bandwidth for the mobile node on each MAG-LMA pair is computed. When a QoS option includes both the Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute does not apply to this attribute.
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |            Reserved           |
   |                   Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate                  |

   o  Type: 2

   o  Length: The length in octets of the attribute, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the aggregate maximum uplink bit rate that is requested/
      allocated for the mobile node's IP flows.  The measurement units
      for Per-MN-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate are bits per second.

4.2.3. Per-Mobility-Session Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate

This attribute, Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum downlink bit rate for the mobility session. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate downlink bit rate that is being requested for that mobility session. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the maximum aggregate downlink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer for that mobility session. When a QoS option includes both the Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute does not apply to this attribute.
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |S|E|        Reserved           |
   |                 Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate               |

   o  Type: 3

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Service (S) flag: This flag is used for extending the scope of the
      target flows for Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate to the mobile
      node's other mobility sessions sharing the same Service
      Identifier. 3GPP Access Point Name (APN) is an example of a
      Service Identifier, and that identifier is carried using the
      Service Selection mobility option [RFC5149].

      *  When the (S) flag is set to a value of (1), then the Per-
         Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate is measured as an aggregate across
         all the mobile node's other mobility sessions sharing the same
         Service Identifier associated with this mobility session.

      *  When the (S) flag is set to a value of (0), then the target
         flows are limited to the current mobility session.

      *  The (S) flag MUST NOT be set to a value of (1) when there is no
         Service Identifier associated with the mobility session.

   o  Exclude (E) flag: This flag is used to request that the downlink
      flows for which the network is providing Guaranteed-Bit-Rate
      service be excluded from the target IP flows for which Per-
      Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate is measured.

      *  When the (E) flag is set to a value of (1), then the request is
         to exclude the IP flows for which Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate
         (Section 4.2.8) is negotiated from the flows for which Per-
         Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate is measured.

      *  When the (E) flag is set to a value of (0), then the request is
         not to exclude any IP flows from the target IP flows for which
         Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate is measured.
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      *  When the (S) flag and (E) flag are both set to a value of (1),
         then the request is to exclude all the IP flows sharing the
         Service Identifier associated with this mobility session from
         the target flows for which Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate is

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Per-Session-Agg-Max-DL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer
      that indicates the aggregate maximum downlink bit rate that is
      requested/allocated for all the IP flows associated with that
      mobility session.  The measurement units for Per-Session-Agg-Max-
      DL-Bit-Rate are bits per second.

4.2.4. Per-Mobility-Session Aggregate Maximum Uplink Bit Rate

This attribute, Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum uplink bit rate for the mobility session. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message [RFC7077] sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that is being requested for that mobility session. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement [RFC7077] message, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer for that mobility session. When a QoS option includes both the Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute does not apply to this attribute. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length |S|E| Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
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   o  Type: 4

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Service (S) flag: This flag is used for extending the scope of the
      target flows for Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate to the mobile
      node's other mobility sessions sharing the same Service
      Identifier. 3GPP Access Point Name (APN) is an example of a
      Service Identifier, and that identifier is carried using the
      Service Selection mobility option [RFC5149].

      *  When the (S) flag is set to a value of (1), then the Per-
         Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is measured as an aggregate across
         all the mobile node's other mobility sessions sharing the same
         Service Identifier associated with this mobility session.

      *  When the (S) flag is set to a value of (0), then the target
         flows are limited to the current mobility session.

      *  The (S) flag MUST NOT be set to a value of (1) when there is no
         Service Identifier associated with the mobility session.

   o  Exclude (E) flag: This flag is used to request that the uplink
      flows for which the network is providing Guaranteed-Bit-Rate
      service be excluded from the target IP flows for which Per-
      Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is measured.

      *  When the (E) flag is set to a value of (1), then the request is
         to exclude the IP flows for which Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate
         (Section 4.2.9) is negotiated from the flows for which Per-
         Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is measured.

      *  When the (E) flag is set to a value of (0), then the request is
         not to exclude any IP flows from the target IP flows for which
         Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is measured.

      *  When the (S) flag and (E) flag are both set to a value of (1),
         then the request is to exclude all the IP flows sharing the
         Service Identifier associated with this mobility session from
         the target flows for which Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the
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   o  Per-Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer
      that indicates the aggregate maximum uplink bit rate that is
      requested/allocated for all the IP flows associated with that
      mobility session.  The measurement units for Per-Session-Agg-Max-
      UL-Bit-Rate are bits per second.

4.2.5. Allocation and Retention Priority

This attribute, Allocation-Retention-Priority, represents allocation and retention priority for the mobility session or a set of IP flows. It is defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When the QoS option includes both the Allocation-Retention-Priority attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Allocation-Retention-Priority attribute is to be applied at a flow level. The traffic selector in the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute identifies the target flows. When the QoS option including the Allocation-Retention-Priority attribute does not include the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Allocation-Retention-Priority attribute is to be applied to all the IP flows associated with that mobility session. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | Reserved | PL |PC |PV | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ o Type: 5 o Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type and Length fields. This value is set to (2). o Reserved: This field is unused for now. The value MUST be initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the receiver. o Priority-Level (PL): This is a 4-bit unsigned integer value. It is used to decide whether a mobility session establishment or modification request can be accepted; this is typically used for admission control of Guaranteed Bit Rate traffic in case of resource limitations. The priority level can also be used to
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      decide which existing mobility session to preempt during resource
      limitations.  The priority level defines the relative timeliness
      of a resource request.

      Values 1 to 15 are defined, with value 1 as the highest level of

      Values 1 to 8 should only be assigned for services that are
      authorized to receive prioritized treatment within an operator
      domain.  Values 9 to 15 may be assigned to resources that are
      authorized by the home network and thus applicable when a mobile
      node is roaming.

   o  Preemption-Capability (PC): This is a 2-bit unsigned integer
      value.  It defines whether a service data flow can get resources
      that were already assigned to another service data flow with a
      lower priority level.  The following values are defined:

         Enabled (0): This value indicates that the service data flow is
         allowed to get resources that were already assigned to another
         IP data flow with a lower priority level.

         Disabled (1): This value indicates that the service data flow
         is not allowed to get resources that were already assigned to
         another IP data flow with a lower priority level.  The values
         (2) and (3) are reserved.

   o  Preemption-Vulnerability (PV): This is a 2-bit unsigned integer
      value.  It defines whether a service data flow can lose the
      resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow
      with a higher priority level.  The following values are defined:

         Enabled (0): This value indicates that the resources assigned
         to the IP data flow can be preempted and allocated to a service
         data flow with a higher priority level.

         Disabled (1): This value indicates that the resources assigned
         to the IP data flow shall not be preempted and allocated to a
         service data flow with a higher priority level.  The values (2)
         and (3) are reserved.

4.2.6. Aggregate Maximum Downlink Bit Rate

This attribute, Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum downlink bit rate for the mobility session. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2.
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   This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option
   defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute.  There can
   only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option.

   When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a
   mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by
   the local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate bit
   rate for downlink IP flows that is being requested.

   When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement
   message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it
   indicates the maximum aggregate downlink bit rate that the peer
   agrees to offer.

   When a QoS option includes both the Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate
   attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10),
   then the Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be enforced at a
   flow level, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS-Traffic-
   Selector attribute identify those target flows.

   When the QoS option that includes the Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate
   attribute does not include the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute
   (Section 4.2.10), then the Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate attribute is to
   be applied to all the IP flows associated with the mobility session.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |            Reserved           |
   |                   Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate                   |

   o  Type: 6

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the aggregate maximum downlink bit rate that is
      requested/allocated for downlink IP flows.  The measurement units
      for Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate are bits per second.
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4.2.7. Aggregate Maximum Uplink Bit Rate

This attribute, Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate, represents the maximum uplink bit rate for the mobility session. It is a variant of the "AMBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that is being requested. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the maximum aggregate uplink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer. When a QoS option includes both the Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be enforced at a flow level, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS-Traffic- Selector attribute identify those target flows. When the QoS option that includes the Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute does not include the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be applied to all the IP flows associated with the mobility session. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ o Type: 7 o Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type and Length fields. This value is set to (6). o Reserved: This field is unused for now. The value MUST be initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the receiver.
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   o  Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the aggregate maximum uplink bit rate that is requested/
      allocated for all the IP flows associated with that mobility
      session.  The measurement units for Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate are
      bits per second.

4.2.8. Guaranteed Downlink Bit Rate

This attribute, Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate, represents the assured bit rate on the downlink path that will be provided for a set of IP flows associated with a mobility session. It is a variant of the "GBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the guaranteed downlink bit rate that is being requested. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the guaranteed downlink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer. When a QoS option includes both the Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be enforced at a flow level, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute identify those target flows. When the QoS option that includes the Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate attribute does not include the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be applied to all the IP flows associated with the mobility session. 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Type | Length | Reserved | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ o Type: 8
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   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in bits per second for downlink
      IP flows.  The measurement units for Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate are
      bits per second.

4.2.9. Guaranteed Uplink Bit Rate

This attribute, Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate, represents the assured bit rate on the uplink path that will be provided for a set of IP flows associated with a mobility session. It is a variant of the "GBR" term defined in Section 2.2. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can only be a single instance of this attribute present in a QoS option. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Update sent by a mobile access gateway or in an Update Notification message sent by the local mobility anchor, it indicates the guaranteed uplink bit rate that is being requested. When this attribute is present in a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message or in an Update Notification Acknowledgement message, it indicates the guaranteed uplink bit rate that the peer agrees to offer. When a QoS option includes both the Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate attribute and the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be enforced at a flow level, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute identify those target flows. When the QoS option that includes the Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate attribute does not include the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute (Section 4.2.10), then the Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate attribute is to be applied to all the IP flows associated with the mobility session.
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |            Reserved           |
   |                     Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate                    |

   o  Type: 9

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.  This value is set to (6).

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate: This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that
      indicates the guaranteed bandwidth in bits per second for uplink
      IP flows.  The measurement units for Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate are
      bits per second.

4.2.10. QoS Traffic Selector

This attribute, QoS-Traffic-Selector, includes the parameters used to match packets for a set of IP flows. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. When a QoS option that includes the QoS-Traffic-Selector also includes any one or more of the attributes Allocation-Retention- Priority (Section 4.2.5), Aggregate-Max-DL-Bit-Rate (Section 4.2.6), Aggregate-Max-UL-Bit-Rate (Section 4.2.7), Guaranteed-DL-Bit-Rate (Section 4.2.8), and Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate (Section 4.2.9), then those included attributes are to be enforced at a flow level, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS-Traffic-Selector attribute identify those target flows. Furthermore, the DSCP marking in the QoS option is to be applied only to a partial set of the mobile node's IP flows, and the traffic selectors present in the QoS- Traffic-Selector attribute identify those target flows.
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |   Reserved    |    TS Format  |
   ~                        Traffic Selector ...                   ~

   o  Type: 10

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  TS Format: An 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the Traffic
      Selector Format.  The values are allocated from the "Traffic
      Selector Format" namespace for the traffic selector sub-option
      defined in [RFC6089]; those defined in [RFC6089] are repeated here
      for clarity.  Value (0) is reserved and MUST NOT be used.  When
      the value of the TS Format field is set to (1), the format that
      follows is the IPv4 Binary Traffic Selector specified in
      Section 3.1 of [RFC6088], and when the value of TS Format field is
      set to (2), the format that follows is the IPv6 Binary Traffic
      Selector specified in Section 3.2 of [RFC6088].

   o  Traffic Selector: variable-length field for including the traffic
      specification identified by the TS format field.

4.2.11. QoS Vendor-Specific Attribute

This attribute is used for carrying vendor-specific QoS attributes. The interpretation and the handling of this option are specific to the vendor implementation. This attribute can be included in the Quality-of-Service option defined in Section 4.1, and it is an optional attribute. There can be multiple instances of this attribute with different sub-type values present in a single QoS option.
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Type      |     Length    |             Reserved          |
   |                          Vendor ID                            |
   |    Sub-Type   |                   ...                         ~

   o  Type: 11

   o  Length: The length of the attribute in octets, excluding the Type
      and Length fields.

   o  Reserved: This field is unused for now.  The value MUST be
      initialized by the sender to 0 and MUST be ignored by the

   o  Vendor ID: The Vendor ID is the SMI (Structure of Management
      Information) Network Management Private Enterprise Code of the
      IANA-maintained "Private Enterprise Numbers" registry [SMI].

   o  Sub-Type: An 8-bit field indicating the type of vendor-specific
      information carried in the option.  The namespace for this sub-
      type is managed by the vendor identified by the Vendor ID field.

4.3. New Status Code for Proxy Binding Acknowledgement

This document defines the following new status code value for use in Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message. CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST (Cannot meet QoS Service Request): 179

4.4. New Notification Reason for Update Notification Message

This document defines the following new Notification Reason value for use in Update Notification message. QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST (QoS Service Requested): 5
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4.5. New Status Code for Update Notification Acknowledgement Message

This document defines the following new status code value for use in Update Notification Acknowledgement message. CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST (Cannot meet QoS Service Request): 130

5. Protocol Considerations

5.1. Local Mobility Anchor Considerations

o The conceptual Binding Cache entry data structure maintained by the local mobility anchor, described in Section 5.1 of [RFC5213], can be extended to store a list of negotiated Quality-of-Service requests to be enforced. There can be multiple such entries, and each entry must include the Service Request Identifier, DSCP value, and the attributes defined in Section 4.2. LMA Receiving a QoS Service Request: o On receiving a Proxy Binding Update message with an instance of the Quality-of-Service option included in the message and the Operational Code field of the Quality-of-Service option set to QUERY, then the local mobility anchor includes all the Quality-of- Service option(s) reflecting the currently negotiated QoS Service Requests for that mobility session in the response message. The Operational Code field in each of the Quality-of-Service option(s), which is included in the response message, is set to RESPONSE. o On receiving a Proxy Binding Update message with one or more instances of the Quality-of-Service option included in the message and the Operational Code field set to ALLOCATE, the local mobility anchor processes the option(s) and determines if the QoS Service Request for the proposed QoS Service Request(s) can be met. Each instance of the Quality-of-Service option represents a specific QoS Service Request. This determination to accept the request(s) can be based on policy configured on the local mobility anchor, available network resources, or other considerations. o If the local mobility anchor can support the proposed QoS Service Requests in entirety, then it sends a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message with a status code value of (0). * The message includes all the Quality-of-Service option instances copied (including all the option content) from the received Proxy Binding Update message. The local mobility
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         anchor assigns a Service Request Identifier to each Service
         Request and sets the SR-ID field of each included Quality-of-
         Service option accordingly.

      *  The Operational Code field in each of the Quality-of-Service
         option(s) is set to RESPONSE.

      *  The local mobility anchor should enforce the Quality-of-Service
         rules for all the negotiated QoS Service Requests on the mobile
         node's uplink and downlink traffic.

   o  If the local mobility anchor cannot support any of the requested
      QoS Service Requests in entirety, it rejects the request and sends
      a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message with the status code value
      set to CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST (Cannot meet QoS Service

      *  Since the local mobility anchor cannot support the requested
         QoS services for that mobile node, the Proxy Binding
         Acknowledgement message will not include any Quality-of-Service
         options.  This serves as an indication to the mobile access
         gateway that QoS services are not supported for that mobile

      *  The denial of a QoS Service Request MUST NOT result in removal
         of the mobility session for that mobile node.

   o  If the local mobility anchor can support QoS services for the
      mobile node, but only with lower quality values than indicated in
      the QoS attributes of a received QoS option or only for some of
      the received QoS Service Requests, the local mobility anchor
      includes the QoS option for the supported QoS Service Requests in
      the Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message with an updated set of
      QoS attributes.

      *  If the local mobility anchor cannot support some of the
         received QoS Service Requests for that mobile node, then the
         Quality-of-Service option for these QoS Service Requests is not
         included in the Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message.  This
         serves as an indication to the mobile access gateway that a
         particular QoS Service Request is not supported for that mobile
         node.  This includes the case where the attributes in a QoS
         option have conflicting requirements, for example, Per-Session-
         Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is lower than Guaranteed-UL-Bit-Rate.

      *  The local mobility anchor includes only QoS options in the
         Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message for supported QoS
         attributes.  The contents of each option (including the QoS
Top   ToC   RFC7222 - Page 33
         attributes) reflect the QoS service parameters that the local
         mobility anchor can support for that mobile node.  The local
         mobility anchor sets the values of each supported QoS attribute
         according to the level of QoS it can support for the mobile
         node.  The Service Request Identifier in each of the included
         QoS options is set to a value of (0).  The Operational Code
         field in each of the included Quality-of-Service option(s) is
         set to NEGOTIATE.  This serves as an indication for the mobile
         access gateway to resend the Proxy Binding Update message with
         the revised QoS parameters.

   LMA Sending a QoS Service Request:

   o  The local mobility anchor, at any time, can initiate a QoS Service
      Request for a mobile node by sending an Update Notification
      message [RFC7077].  The Notification Reason in the Update
      Notification message is set to a value of QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST, and
      the Acknowledgement Requested (A) flag is set to a value of (1).

      *  New QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes one or more instances of the Quality-
            of-Service option.  Each instance of the option will include
            one or more QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to ALLOCATE.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to the allocated

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to the
            requested DSCP value.

      *  Modification of an existing QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes one or more instances of the Quality-
            of-Service option with the QoS attributes reflecting the
            updated values in the attributes and the updated list of

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to MODIFY.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value that was
            allocated for that QoS Service Request.
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         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to the
            requested DSCP value.

      *  Deletion of an existing QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes the Quality-of-Service option(s) with
            the relevant QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to DE-ALLOCATE.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value that was
            allocated for that QoS Service Request.

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to the
            DSCP value associated with that request.

      *  Query for the previously negotiated QoS Service Requests:

         +  The message includes a single instance of the Quality-of-
            Service option without including any QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to QUERY.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value of (0).

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to a
            value of (0).

   o  Handling a Response to the QoS Service Request:

      *  If the received Update Notification Acknowledgement [RFC7077]
         message has the Status Code field set to a value (0), the local
         mobility anchor should enforce the Quality-of-Service rules for
         the negotiated QoS parameters on the mobile node's uplink and
         downlink traffic.

      *  If the received Update Notification Acknowledgement message has
         the Status Code field set to a value
         CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST, the local mobility anchor
         applies the following considerations:

         +  The denial of a QoS Service Request results in removal of
            any QoS state associated with that request.
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         +  If the message did not include any Quality-of-Service
            option(s), then it is an indication from the mobile access
            gateway that QoS services are not enabled for the mobile

         +  If the Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service
            option is set to a value of NEGOTIATE and the message
            includes one or more instances of the Quality-of-Service
            option, but the option contents reflect a downgraded/revised
            set of QoS parameters, then the local mobility anchor MAY
            choose to agree to proposed QoS Service Request by resending
            a new Update Notification message with the updated Quality-
            of-Service option(s).

   General Considerations:

   o  Any time the local mobility anchor removes a mobile node's
      mobility session by removing a Binding Cache entry [RFC5213] for
      which QoS resources have been previously allocated, those
      allocated resources are released.

   o  Any time the local mobility anchor receives a Proxy Binding Update
      with HI hint = 3 (inter-MAG handover), the local mobility anchor
      when sending a Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message includes the
      QoS option(s) for each of the QoS Service Requests that are active
      for that mobile node.  This allows the mobile access gateway to
      allocate QoS resources on the current path.  This is relevant for
      the scenario where a mobile node performs a handover to a new
      mobile access gateway that is unaware of the previously negotiated
      QoS services.

5.2. Mobile Access Gateway Considerations

o The conceptual Binding Update List entry data structure maintained by the mobile access gateway, described in Section 6.1 of [RFC5213], can be extended to store a list of negotiated Quality- of-Service requests to be enforced. There can be multiple such entries, and each entry must include the Service Request Identifier, DSCP value and the attributes defined in Section 4.2. MAG Receiving a QoS Service Request: o On receiving an Update Notification message with one or more instances of the Quality-of-Service option included in the message, the mobile access gateway processes the option(s) and determines if the QoS Service Request for the proposed QoS Service Request(s) can be met. Each instance of the Quality-of-Service option represents a specific QoS Service Request. This
Top   ToC   RFC7222 - Page 36
      determination to accept the request(s) can be based on policy
      configured on the mobile access gateway, available network
      resources, or other considerations.

   o  If the mobile access gateway can support the proposed QoS Service
      Requests in entirety, then it sends an Update Notification
      Acknowledgement message with a status code value of (0).

      *  The message includes all the Quality-of-Service option
         instances copied (including all the option content) from the
         received Update Notification message.  However, if the
         Operational Code field in the request is a QUERY, then the
         message includes all the Quality-of-Service option(s)
         reflecting the currently negotiated QoS Service Requests for
         that mobility session.

      *  The Operational Code field in each of the Quality-of-Service
         option(s) is set to RESPONSE.

      *  The mobile access gateway should enforce the Quality-of-Service
         rules for all the negotiated QoS Service Requests on the mobile
         node's uplink and downlink traffic.

   o  If the mobile access gateway cannot support any of the requested
      QoS Service Requests in entirety, then it rejects the request and
      sends an Update Notification Acknowledgement message with the
      status code set to CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST (Cannot meet
      QoS Service Request).

      *  The denial for QoS Service Request MUST NOT result in removal
         of the mobility session for that mobile node.

      *  The Update Notification Acknowledgement message may include the
         Quality-of-Service option(s) based on the following

         +  If the mobile access gateway cannot support QoS services for
            that mobile node, then the Quality-of-Service option is not
            included in the Update Notification Acknowledgement message.
            This serves as an indication to the local mobility anchor
            that QoS services are not supported for that mobile node.

         +  If the mobile access gateway can support QoS services for
            the mobile node, but only with lower quality values than
            indicated in the QoS attributes of a received QoS option,
            the mobile access gateway includes the QoS option in the
            Update Notification Acknowledgement message with an updated
            set of QoS attributes.  The mobile access gateway sets the
Top   ToC   RFC7222 - Page 37
            values of each QoS attribute according to the level of QoS
            it can support for the mobile node.  The mobile access
            gateway includes only QoS options in the Update Notification
            Acknowledgement message for supported QoS attributes.  If
            the mobile access gateway receives one or multiple QoS
            options, whose QoS attributes are not supported, it omits
            these QoS options in the Update Notification Acknowledgement
            message.  This includes the case where the attributes in a
            QoS option have conflicting requirements, for example, Per-
            Session-Agg-Max-UL-Bit-Rate is lower than Guaranteed-UL-Bit-
            Rate.  The contents of each option (including the QoS
            attributes) reflect the QoS service parameters that the
            mobile access gateway can support for that mobile node.  The
            Operational Code field in each of the Quality-of-Service
            option(s) is set to NEGOTIATE.  This serves as an indication
            to the local mobility anchor to resend the Update
            Notification message with the revised QoS parameters.

   MAG Sending a QoS Service Request:

   o  The mobile access gateway, at any time, can initiate a QoS Service
      Request for a mobile node by sending a Proxy Binding Update
      message.  The QoS Service Request can be initiated as part of the
      initial Binding registration or during Binding re-registrations.

      *  New QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes one or more instances of the Quality-
            of-Service option.  Each instance of the option will include
            one or more QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in each of the Quality-of-Service
            option is set to ALLOCATE.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value of (0).

         +  The DSCP value in the Traffic Class field reflects the
            requested DSCP value.

      *  Modification of an existing QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes one or more instances of the Quality-
            of-Service option with the QoS attributes reflecting the
            updated values in the attributes and the updated list of

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to MODIFY.
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         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value that was
            allocated for that QoS Service Request.

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to the
            requested DSCP value.

      *  Deletion of an existing QoS Service Request:

         +  The message includes the Quality-of-Service option(s) with
            the relevant QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to DE-ALLOCATE.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value that was
            allocated for that QoS Service Request.

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to the
            DSCP value associated with that request.

      *  Query for the previously negotiated QoS Service Requests:

         +  The message includes a single instance of the Quality-of-
            Service option without including any QoS attributes.

         +  The Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service option
            is set to QUERY.

         +  The Service Request Identifier is set to a value of (0).

         +  The DSCP field in the Traffic Class (TC) field is set to a
            value of (0).

   o  Handling a Response to the QoS Service Request:

      *  If the received Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message has the
         Status Code field set to a value of (0), the mobile access
         gateway should enforce the Quality-of-Service rules for the
         negotiated QoS parameters on the mobile node's uplink and
         downlink traffic.

      *  If the received Proxy Binding Acknowledgement message has the
         Status Code field set to a value of
         CANNOT_MEET_QOS_SERVICE_REQUEST, the mobile access gateway
         applies the following considerations.

         +  The denial of a QoS Service Request results in removal of
            any QoS state associated with that request.
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         +  If the message did not include any Quality-of-Service
            option(s), then it is an indication from the local mobility
            anchor that QoS services are not enabled for the mobile

         +  If the Operational Code field in the Quality-of-Service
            option is set to a value of NEGOTIATE and the message
            includes one or more instances of the Quality-of-Service
            option, but the option contents reflect a downgraded/revised
            set of QoS parameters, then the mobile access gateway MAY
            choose to agree to proposed QoS Service Request by resending
            a new Proxy Binding Update message with the updated Quality-
            of-Service option.

      *  General Considerations:

         +  There can be more than one QoS Service Request in a single
            message.  If so, the message includes an instance of a
            Quality-of-Service option for each of those Service
            Requests.  Furthermore, the DSCP value is different in each
            of those requests.

         +  Any time the mobile access gateway removes a mobile node's
            mobility session by removing a Binding Update List entry
            [RFC5213] for which QoS resources have been previously
            allocated, those allocated resources are released.

(page 39 continued on part 3)

Next Section