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RFC 6728

Configuration Data Model for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocols

Pages: 129
Proposed Standard
Part 5 of 6 – Pages 78 to 104
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Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 78   prevText
      leaf exportMode {
        type identityref {
          base "exportMode";
        default parallel;
        description "This parameter determines to which configured
          destination(s) the incoming Data Records are exported.";
      list destination {
        key name;
        min-elements 1;
        description "List of export destinations.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        choice DestinationParameters {
          mandatory true;
          description "Configuration parameters depend on whether
            SCTP, UDP, or TCP is used as transport protocol, and
            whether the destination is a file.";
          container sctpExporter {
            description "SCTP parameters.";
            uses sctpExporterParameters;
          container udpExporter {
            if-feature udpTransport;
            description "UDP parameters.";
            uses udpExporterParameters;
          container tcpExporter {
            if-feature tcpTransport;
            description "TCP parameters.";
            uses tcpExporterParameters;
          container fileWriter {
            if-feature fileWriter;
            description "File Writer parameters.";
            uses fileWriterParameters;
      list options {
        key name;
        description "List of options reported by the Exporting
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 79
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses optionsParameters;

    grouping commonExporterParameters {
      description "Parameters of en export destination that are
        common to all transport protocols.";
      leaf ipfixVersion {
        type uint16;
        default 10;
        description "IPFIX version number.";
        reference "RFC 5101.";
      leaf destinationPort {
        type inet:port-number;
        description "If not configured by the user, the Monitoring
          Device uses the default port number for IPFIX, which is
          4739 without TLS or DTLS and 4740 if TLS or DTLS is
      choice indexOrName {
        description "Index or name of the interface as stored in the
          ifTable of IF-MIB.
          If configured, the Exporting Process MUST use the given
          interface to export IPFIX Messages to the export
          If omitted, the Exporting Process selects the outgoing
          interface based on local routing decision and accepts
          return traffic, such as transport-layer acknowledgments,
          on all available interfaces.";
        reference "RFC 2863.";
        leaf ifIndex {
          type uint32;
          description "Index of an interface as stored in the ifTable
            of IF-MIB.";
          reference "RFC 2863.";
        leaf ifName {
          type string;
          description "Name of an interface as stored in the ifTable
            of IF-MIB.";
          reference "RFC 2863.";
      leaf sendBufferSize {
        type uint32;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 80
        units bytes;
        description "Size of the socket send buffer.
          If not configured by the user, this parameter is set by
          the Monitoring Device.";
      leaf rateLimit {
        type uint32;
        units "bytes per second";
        description "Maximum number of bytes per second the Exporting
          Process may export to the given destination.  The number of
          bytes is calculated from the lengths of the IPFIX Messages
          exported.  If not configured, no rate limiting is performed.";
        reference "RFC 5476, Section 6.3.";
      container transportLayerSecurity {
        presence "If transportLayerSecurity is present, DTLS is
          enabled if the transport protocol is SCTP or UDP, and TLS
          is enabled if the transport protocol is TCP.";
        description "TLS or DTLS configuration.";
        uses transportLayerSecurityParameters;
      container transportSession {
        config false;
        description "State parameters of the Transport Session
          directed to the given destination.";
        uses transportSessionParameters;

    grouping sctpExporterParameters {
      description "SCTP-specific export destination parameters.";
      uses commonExporterParameters;
      leaf-list sourceIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "List of source IP addresses used by the
          Exporting Process.
          If configured, the specified addresses are eligible local
          IP addresses of the multihomed SCTP endpoint.
          If not configured, all locally assigned IP addresses are
          eligible local IP addresses.";
        reference "RFC 4960, Section 6.4.";
      leaf-list destinationIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        min-elements 1;
        description "One or more IP addresses of the Collecting
          Process to which IPFIX Messages are sent.
          The user MUST ensure that all configured IP addresses
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 81
          belong to the same Collecting Process.
          The Exporting Process tries to establish an SCTP
          association to any of the configured destination IP
        reference "RFC 4960, Section 6.4.";
      leaf timedReliability {
        type uint32;
        units milliseconds;
        default 0;
        description "Lifetime in milliseconds until an IPFIX
          Message containing Data Sets only is 'abandoned' due to
          the timed reliability mechanism of PR-SCTP.
          If this parameter is set to zero, reliable SCTP
          transport is used for all Data Records.
          Regardless of the value of this parameter, the Exporting
          Process MAY use reliable SCTP transport for Data Sets
          associated with Options Templates.";
        reference "RFC 3758; RFC 4960.";

    grouping udpExporterParameters {
      description "Parameters of a UDP export destination.";
      uses commonExporterParameters;
      leaf sourceIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "Source IP address used by the Exporting Process.
        If not configured, the IP address assigned to the outgoing
        interface is used as source IP address.";
      leaf destinationIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        mandatory true;
        description "IP address of the Collection Process to which
          IPFIX Messages are sent.";
      leaf maxPacketSize {
        type uint16;
        units octets;
        description "This parameter specifies the maximum size of
          IP packets sent to the Collector.  If set to zero, the
          Exporting Device MUST derive the maximum packet size
          from path MTU discovery mechanisms.
          If not configured by the user, this parameter is set by
          the Monitoring Device.";
      leaf templateRefreshTimeout {
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 82
        type uint32;
        units seconds;
        default 600;
        description "Sets time after which Templates are resent in the
          UDP Transport Session.
          Note that the configured lifetime MUST be adapted to the
          templateLifeTime parameter value at the receiving Collecting
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionTemplateRefreshTimeout in the IPFIX
          MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.6; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf optionsTemplateRefreshTimeout {
        type uint32;
        units seconds;
        default 600;
        description "Sets time after which Options Templates are
          resent in the UDP Transport Session.
          Note that the configured lifetime MUST be adapted to the
          optionsTemplateLifeTime parameter value at the receiving
          Collecting Process.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionOptionsTemplateRefreshTimeout in the
          IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.6; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf templateRefreshPacket {
        type uint32;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "Sets number of IPFIX Messages after which
          Templates are resent in the UDP Transport Session.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionTemplateRefreshPacket in the IPFIX
          MIB module.
          If omitted, Templates are only resent after timeout.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.6; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf optionsTemplateRefreshPacket {
        type uint32;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "Sets number of IPFIX Messages after which
          Options Templates are resent in the UDP Transport Session
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 83
          ipfixTransportSessionOptionsTemplateRefreshPacket in the
          IPFIX MIB module.
          If omitted, Templates are only resent after timeout.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.6; RFC 6615, Section 8

    grouping tcpExporterParameters {
      description "Parameters of a TCP export destination.";
      uses commonExporterParameters;
      leaf sourceIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "Source IP address used by the Exporting Process.
          If not configured by the user, this parameter is set by
          the Monitoring Device to an IP address assigned to the
          outgoing interface.";
      leaf destinationIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        mandatory true;
        description "IP address of the Collection Process to which
          IPFIX Messages are sent.";

    grouping fileWriterParameters {
      description "File Writer parameters.";
      leaf ipfixVersion {
        type uint16;
        default 10;
        description "IPFIX version number.";
        reference "RFC 5101.";
      leaf file {
        type inet:uri;
        mandatory true;
        description "URI specifying the location of the file.";
      leaf bytes {
        type yang:counter64;
        units octets;
        config false;
        description "The number of bytes written by the File Writer.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 84
      leaf messages {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        config false;
        description "The number of IPFIX Messages written by the File
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf discardedMessages {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        config false;
        description "The number of IPFIX Messages that could not be
          written by the File Writer due to internal buffer
          overflows, limited storage capacity, etc.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf records {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "Data Records";
        config false;
        description "The number of Data Records written by the File
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf templates {
        type yang:counter32;
        units "Templates";
        config false;
        description "The number of Template Records (excluding
          Options Template Records) written by the File Writer.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf optionsTemplates {
        type yang:counter32;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 85
        units "Options Templates";
        config false;
        description "The number of Options Template Records written
          by the File Writer.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf fileWriterDiscontinuityTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        config false;
        description "Timestamp of the most recent occasion at which
          one or more File Writer counters suffered a discontinuity.
          In contrast to discontinuity times in the IPFIX MIB module,
          the time is absolute and not relative to sysUpTime.";
      list template {
        config false;
        description "This list contains the Templates and Options
          Templates that have been written by the File Reader.
          Withdrawn or invalidated (Options) Templates MUST be removed
          from this list.";
        uses templateParameters;

    grouping optionsParameters {
      description "Parameters specifying the data export using an
        Options Template.";
      leaf optionsType {
        type identityref {
          base "optionsType";
        mandatory true;
        description "Type of the exported options data.";
      leaf optionsTimeout {
        type uint32;
        units milliseconds;
        description "Time interval for periodic export of the options
          data.  If set to zero, the export is triggered when the
          options data has changed.
          If not configured by the user, this parameter is set by the
          Monitoring Device.";
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 86
    grouping collectingProcessParameters {
      description "Parameters of a Collecting Process.";
      list sctpCollector {
        key name;
        description "List of SCTP receivers (sockets) on which the
          Collecting Process receives IPFIX Messages.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses sctpCollectorParameters;
      list udpCollector {
        if-feature udpTransport;
        key name;
        description "List of UDP receivers (sockets) on which the
          Collecting Process receives IPFIX Messages.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses udpCollectorParameters;
      list tcpCollector {
        if-feature tcpTransport;
        key name;
        description "List of TCP receivers (sockets) on which the
          Collecting Process receives IPFIX Messages.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses tcpCollectorParameters;
      list fileReader {
        if-feature fileReader;
        key name;
        description "List of File Readers from which the Collecting
          Process reads IPFIX Messages.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses fileReaderParameters;

    grouping commonCollectorParameters {
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 87
      description "Parameters of a Collecting Process that are
        common to all transport protocols.";
      leaf localPort {
        type inet:port-number;
        description "If not configured, the Monitoring Device uses the
          default port number for IPFIX, which is 4739 without
          TLS or DTLS and 4740 if TLS or DTLS is activated.";
      container transportLayerSecurity {
        presence "If transportLayerSecurity is present, DTLS is enabled
          if the transport protocol is SCTP or UDP, and TLS is enabled
          if the transport protocol is TCP.";
        description "TLS or DTLS configuration.";
        uses transportLayerSecurityParameters;
      list transportSession {
        config false;
        description "This list contains the currently established
          Transport Sessions terminating at the given socket.";
        uses transportSessionParameters;

    grouping sctpCollectorParameters {
      description "Parameters of a listening SCTP socket at a
        Collecting Process.";
      uses commonCollectorParameters;
      leaf-list localIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "List of local IP addresses on which the
          Collecting Process listens for IPFIX Messages.  The IP
          addresses are used as eligible local IP addresses of the
          multihomed SCTP endpoint.";
        reference "RFC 4960, Section 6.4.";

    grouping udpCollectorParameters {
      description "Parameters of a listening UDP socket at a
        Collecting Process.";
      uses commonCollectorParameters;
      leaf-list localIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "List of local IP addresses on which the Collecting
          Process listens for IPFIX Messages.";
      leaf templateLifeTime {
        type uint32;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 88
        units seconds;
        default 1800;
        description "Sets the lifetime of Templates for all UDP
          Transport Sessions terminating at this UDP socket.
          Templates that are not received again within the configured
          lifetime become invalid at the Collecting Process.
          As specified in RFC 5101, the Template lifetime MUST be at
          least three times higher than the templateRefreshTimeout
          parameter value configured on the corresponding Exporting
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionTemplateRefreshTimeout in the IPFIX
          MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.7; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf optionsTemplateLifeTime {
        type uint32;
        units seconds;
        default 1800;
        description "Sets the lifetime of Options Templates for all
          UDP Transport Sessions terminating at this UDP socket.
          Options Templates that are not received again within the
          configured lifetime become invalid at the Collecting
          As specified in RFC 5101, the Options Template lifetime MUST
          be at least three times higher than the
          optionsTemplateRefreshTimeout parameter value configured on
          the corresponding Exporting Processes.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionOptionsTemplateRefreshTimeout in the
          IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.7; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf templateLifePacket {
        type uint32;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "If this parameter is configured, Templates
          defined in a UDP Transport Session become invalid if they
          are neither included in a sequence of more than this number
          of IPFIX Messages nor received again within the period of
          time specified by templateLifeTime.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionTemplateRefreshPacket in the IPFIX
          MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.7; RFC 6615, Section 8
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 89
      leaf optionsTemplateLifePacket {
        type uint32;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "If this parameter is configured, Options
          Templates defined in a UDP Transport Session become
          invalid if they are neither included in a sequence of more
          than this number of IPFIX Messages nor received again
          within the period of time specified by
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionOptionsTemplateRefreshPacket in the
          IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 5101, Section 10.3.7; RFC 6615, Section 8

    grouping tcpCollectorParameters {
      description "Parameters of a listening TCP socket at a
        Collecting Process.";
      uses commonCollectorParameters;
      leaf-list localIPAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "List of local IP addresses on which the Collecting
          Process listens for IPFIX Messages.";

    grouping fileReaderParameters {
      description "File Reader parameters.";
      leaf file {
        type inet:uri;
        mandatory true;
        description "URI specifying the location of the file.";
      leaf bytes {
        type yang:counter64;
        units octets;
        config false;
        description "The number of bytes read by the File Reader.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf messages {
        type yang:counter64;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 90
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        config false;
        description "The number of IPFIX Messages read by the File
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf records {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "Data Records";
        config false;
        description "The number of Data Records read by the File
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf templates {
        type yang:counter32;
        units "Templates";
        config false;
        description "The number of Template Records (excluding
          Options Template Records) read by the File Reader.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf optionsTemplates {
        type yang:counter32;
        units "Options Templates";
        config false;
        description "The number of Options Template Records read by
          the File Reader.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
      leaf fileReaderDiscontinuityTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        config false;
        description "Timestamp of the most recent occasion at which
          one or more File Reader counters suffered a discontinuity.
          In contrast to discontinuity times in the IPFIX MIB module,
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 91
          the time is absolute and not relative to sysUpTime.";
      list template {
        config false;
        description "This list contains the Templates and Options
          Templates that have been read by the File Reader.
          Withdrawn or invalidated (Options) Template MUST be removed
          from this list.";
        uses templateParameters;

    grouping transportLayerSecurityParameters {
      description "TLS or DTLS parameters.";
      leaf-list localCertificationAuthorityDN {
        type string;
        description "Distinguished names of certification authorities
          whose certificates may be used to identify the local
        reference "RFC 5280.";
      leaf-list localSubjectDN {
        type string;
        description "Distinguished names that may be used in the
          certificates to identify the local endpoint.";
        reference "RFC 5280.";
      leaf-list localSubjectFQDN {
        type inet:domain-name;
        description "Fully qualified domain names that may be used to
          in the certificates to identify the local endpoint.";
        reference "RFC 5280.";
      leaf-list remoteCertificationAuthorityDN {
        type string;
        description "Distinguished names of certification authorities
          whose certificates are accepted to authorize remote
        reference "RFC 5280.";
      leaf-list remoteSubjectDN {
        type string;
        description "Distinguished names which are accepted in
          certificates to authorize remote endpoints.";
        reference "RFC 5280.";
      leaf-list remoteSubjectFQDN {
        type inet:domain-name;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 92
        description "Fully qualified domain names that are accepted in
          certificates to authorize remote endpoints.";
        reference "RFC 5280.";

    grouping templateParameters {
      description "State parameters of a Template used by an Exporting
        Process or received by a Collecting Process in a specific
        Transport Session.  Parameter names and semantics correspond to
        the managed objects in IPFIX-MIB";
      reference "RFC 5101; RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTemplateEntry,
        ipfixTemplateDefinitionEntry, ipfixTemplateStatsEntry)";
      leaf observationDomainId {
        type uint32;
        description "The ID of the Observation Domain for which this
          Template is defined.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTemplateObservationDomainId in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf templateId {
        type uint16 {
          range "256..65535" {
            description "Valid range of Template IDs.";
            reference "RFC 5101";
        description "This number indicates the Template ID in the IPFIX
          Note that this parameter corresponds to ipfixTemplateId in
          the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTemplateId).";
      leaf setId {
        type uint16;
        description "This number indicates the Set ID of the Template.
          Currently, there are two values defined.  The value 2 is used
          for Sets containing Template definitions.  The value 3 is
          used for Sets containing Options Template definitions.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to ipfixTemplateSetId
          in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTemplateSetId).";
      leaf accessTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        description "Used for Exporting Processes, this parameter
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 93
          contains the time when this (Options) Template was last
          sent to the Collector(s) or written to the file.
          Used for Collecting Processes, this parameter contains the
          time when this (Options) Template was last received from the
          Exporter or read from the file.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTemplateAccessTime in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTemplateAccessTime).";
      leaf templateDataRecords {
        type yang:counter64;
        description "The number of transmitted or received Data
          Records defined by this (Options) Template.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTemplateDataRecords in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTemplateDataRecords).";
      leaf templateDiscontinuityTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        description "Timestamp of the most recent occasion at which
          the counter templateDataRecords suffered a discontinuity.
          Note that this parameter functionally corresponds to
          ipfixTemplateDiscontinuityTime in the IPFIX MIB module.
          In contrast to ipfixTemplateDiscontinuityTime, the time
          is absolute and not relative to sysUpTime.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      list field {
        description "This list contains the (Options) Template
          fields of which the (Options) Template is defined.
          The order of the list corresponds to the order of the fields
          in the (Option) Template Record.";
        leaf ieId {
          type ieIdType;
          description "This parameter indicates the Information
            Element identifier of the field.
            Note that this parameter corresponds to
            ipfixTemplateDefinitionIeId in the IPFIX MIB module.";
          reference "RFC 5101; RFC 6615, Section 8
        leaf ieLength {
          type uint16;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 94
          units octets;
          description "This parameter indicates the length of the
            Information Element of the field.
            Note that this parameter corresponds to
            ipfixTemplateDefinitionIeLength in the IPFIX MIB
          reference "RFC 5101; RFC 6615, Section 8
        leaf ieEnterpriseNumber {
          type uint32;
          description "This parameter indicates the IANA enterprise
            number of the authority defining the Information Element
            If the Information Element is not enterprise-specific,
            this state parameter is zero.
            Note that this parameter corresponds to
            ipfixTemplateDefinitionIeEnterpriseNumber in the IPFIX
            MIB module.";
          reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
            IANA registry for Private Enterprise Numbers,
        leaf isFlowKey {
          when "../../setId = 2" {
            description "This parameter is available for non-Options
              Templates (Set ID is 2).";
          type empty;
          description "If present, this is a Flow Key field.
            Note that this corresponds to flowKey(1) being set in
          reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
        leaf isScope {
          when "../../setId = 3" {
            description "This parameter is available for Options
              Templates (Set ID is 3).";
          type empty;
          description "If present, this is a scope field.
            Note that this corresponds to scope(0) being set in
          reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 95

    grouping transportSessionParameters {
      description "State parameters of a Transport Session originating
        from an Exporting Process or terminating at a Collecting
        Process.  Parameter names and semantics correspond to the
        managed objects in IPFIX-MIB.";
      reference "RFC 5101; RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf ipfixVersion {
        type uint16;
        description "Used for Exporting Processes, this parameter
          contains the version number of the IPFIX protocol that the
          Exporter uses to export its data in this Transport Session.
          Hence, it is identical to the value of the configuration
          parameter ipfixVersion of the outer SctpExporter,
          UdpExporter, or TcpExporter node.
          Used for Collecting Processes, this parameter contains the
          version number of the IPFIX protocol it receives for
          this Transport Session.  If IPFIX Messages of different
          IPFIX protocol versions are received, this parameter
          contains the maximum version number.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionIpfixVersion in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf sourceAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "The source address of the Exporter of the
          IPFIX Transport Session.
          If the transport protocol is SCTP, this is one of the
          potentially many IP addresses of the Exporter.
          Preferably, the source IP address of the path that is
          usually selected by the Exporter to send IPFIX Messages to
          the Collector SHOULD be used.
          Note that this parameter functionally corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionSourceAddressType and
          ipfixTransportSessionSourceAddress in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
          RFC 4960, Section 6.4.";
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 96
      leaf destinationAddress {
        type inet:ip-address;
        description "The destination address of the Collector of
          the IPFIX Transport Session.
          If the transport protocol is SCTP, this is one of the
          potentially many IP addresses of the Collector.
          Preferably, the destination IP address of the path that is
          usually selected by the Exporter to send IPFIX Messages to
          the Collector SHOULD be used.
          Note that this parameter functionally corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionDestinationAddressType and
          ipfixTransportSessionDestinationAddress in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
          RFC 4960, Section 6.4.";
      leaf sourcePort {
        type inet:port-number;
        description "The transport-protocol port number of the
          Exporter of the IPFIX Transport Session.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionSourcePort in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf destinationPort {
        type inet:port-number;
        description "The transport-protocol port number of the
          Collector of the IPFIX Transport Session.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionDestinationPort in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf sctpAssocId {
        type uint32;
        description "The association ID used for the SCTP session
          between the Exporter and the Collector of the IPFIX
          Transport Session.  It is equal to the sctpAssocId entry
          in the sctpAssocTable defined in the SCTP-MIB.
          This parameter is only available if the transport protocol
          is SCTP and if an SNMP agent on the same Monitoring Device
          enables access to the corresponding MIB objects in the
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 97
          ipfixTransportSessionSctpAssocId in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
          RFC 3871";
      leaf status {
        type transportSessionStatus;
        description "Status of the Transport Session.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionStatus in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTransportSessionStatus).";
      leaf rate {
        type yang:gauge32;
        units "bytes per second";
        description "The number of bytes per second transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          This parameter is updated every second.
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionRate in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTransportSessionRate).";
      leaf bytes {
        type yang:counter64;
        units bytes;
        description "The number of bytes transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionBytes in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8 (ipfixTransportSessionBytes).";
      leaf messages {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "The number of messages transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionMessages in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 98
      leaf discardedMessages {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "IPFIX Messages";
        description "Used for Exporting Processes, this parameter
          indicates the number of messages that could not be sent due
          to internal buffer overflows, network congestion, routing
          issues, etc.  Used for Collecting Process, this parameter
          indicates the number of received IPFIX Message that are
          malformed, cannot be decoded, are received in the wrong
          order or are missing according to the sequence number.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionDiscardedMessages in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf records {
        type yang:counter64;
        units "Data Records";
        description "The number of Data Records transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionRecords in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf templates {
        type yang:counter32;
        units "Templates";
        description "The number of Templates transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionTemplates in the IPFIX MIB module.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 99
      leaf optionsTemplates {
        type yang:counter32;
        units "Options Templates";
        description "The number of Option Templates transmitted by the
          Exporting Process or received by the Collecting Process.
          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other
          times as indicated by the value of
          Note that this parameter corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionOptionsTemplates in the IPFIX MIB
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      leaf transportSessionStartTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        description "Timestamp of the start of the given Transport
          This state parameter does not correspond to any object in
          the IPFIX MIB module.";
      leaf transportSessionDiscontinuityTime {
        type yang:date-and-time;
        description "Timestamp of the most recent occasion at which
          one or more of the Transport Session counters suffered a
          Note that this parameter functionally corresponds to
          ipfixTransportSessionDiscontinuityTime in the IPFIX MIB
          module.  In contrast to
          ipfixTransportSessionDiscontinuityTime, the time is
          absolute and not relative to sysUpTime.";
        reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
      list template {
        description "This list contains the Templates and Options
          Templates that are transmitted by the Exporting Process
          or received by the Collecting Process.
          Withdrawn or invalidated (Options) Templates MUST be removed
          from this list.";
        uses templateParameters;
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 100
    * Main container

    container ipfix {
      description "Top-level node of the IPFIX/PSAMP configuration
        data model.";
      list collectingProcess {
        if-feature collector;
        key name;
        description "Collecting Process of the Monitoring Device.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses collectingProcessParameters;
        leaf-list exportingProcess {
          if-feature exporter;
          type leafref { path "/ipfix/exportingProcess/name"; }
          description "Export of received records without any
            modifications.  Records are processed by all Exporting
            Processes in the list.";

      list observationPoint {
        if-feature meter;
        key name;
        description "Observation Point of the Monitoring Device.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses observationPointParameters;
        leaf-list selectionProcess {
          type leafref { path "/ipfix/selectionProcess/name"; }
          description "Selection Processes in this list process
            packets in parallel.";

      list selectionProcess {
        if-feature meter;
        key name;
        description "Selection Process of the Monitoring Device.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 101
        list selector {
          key name;
          min-elements 1;
          ordered-by user;
          description "List of Selectors that define the action of the
            Selection Process on a single packet.  The Selectors are
            serially invoked in the same order as they appear in this
          leaf name {
            type nameType;
            description "Key of this list.";
          uses selectorParameters;
        list selectionSequence {
          config false;
          description "This list contains the Selection Sequence IDs
            that are assigned by the Monitoring Device to distinguish
            different Selection Sequences passing through the
            Selection Process.
            As Selection Sequence IDs are unique per Observation
            Domain, the corresponding Observation Domain IDs are
            included as well.
            With this information, it is possible to associate
            Selection Sequence (Statistics) Report Interpretations
            exported according to the PSAMP protocol with a Selection
            Process in the configuration data.";
          reference "RFC 5476.";
          leaf observationDomainId {
            type uint32;
            description "Observation Domain ID for which the
              Selection Sequence ID is assigned.";
          leaf selectionSequenceId {
            type uint64;
            description "Selection Sequence ID used in the Selection
              Sequence (Statistics) Report Interpretation.";
        leaf cache {
          type leafref { path "/ipfix/cache/name"; }
          description "Cache that receives the output of the
            Selection Process.";

      list cache {
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 102
        if-feature meter;
        key name;
        description "Cache of the Monitoring Device.";
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        leaf meteringProcessId {
          type uint32;
          config false;
          description "The identifier of the Metering Process this
            Cache belongs to.
            This parameter corresponds to the Information Element
            meteringProcessId.  Its occurrence helps to associate
            Cache parameters with Metering Process statistics
            exported by the Monitoring Device using the Metering
            Process (Reliability) Statistics Template as
            defined by the IPFIX protocol specification.";
          reference "RFC 5101, Sections 4.1 and 4.2;
            IANA registry for IPFIX Entities,
        leaf dataRecords {
          type yang:counter64;
          units "Data Records";
          config false;
          description "The number of Data Records generated by this
            Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
            re-initialization of the management system, and at other
            times as indicated by the value of
            Note that this parameter corresponds to
            ipfixMeteringProcessDataRecords in the IPFIX MIB
          reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
        leaf cacheDiscontinuityTime {
          type yang:date-and-time;
          config false;
          description "Timestamp of the most recent occasion at which
            the counter dataRecords suffered a discontinuity.
            Note that this parameter functionally corresponds to
            ipfixMeteringProcessDiscontinuityTime in the IPFIX MIB
            module.  In contrast to
            ipfixMeteringProcessDiscontinuityTime, the time is
            absolute and not relative to sysUpTime.";
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 103
          reference "RFC 6615, Section 8
        choice CacheType {
          mandatory true;
          description "Type of Cache and specific parameters.";
          container immediateCache {
            if-feature immediateCache;
            description "Flow expiration after the first packet;
              generation of Packet Records.";
            uses cacheLayoutParameters;
          container timeoutCache {
            if-feature timeoutCache;
            description "Flow expiration after active and idle
              timeout; generation of Flow Records.";
            uses flowCacheParameters;
            uses cacheLayoutParameters;
          container naturalCache {
            if-feature naturalCache;
            description "Flow expiration after active and idle
              timeout, or on natural termination (e.g., TCP FIN or
              TCP RST) of the Flow; generation of Flow Records.";
            uses flowCacheParameters;
            uses cacheLayoutParameters;
          container permanentCache {
            if-feature permanentCache;
            description "No flow expiration, periodical export with
              time interval exportInterval; generation of Flow
            uses flowCacheParameters;
            uses cacheLayoutParameters;
        leaf-list exportingProcess {
          if-feature exporter;
          type leafref { path "/ipfix/exportingProcess/name"; }
          description "Records are exported by all Exporting Processes
            in the list.";

      list exportingProcess {
        if-feature exporter;
        key name;
        description "Exporting Process of the Monitoring Device.";
Top   ToC   RFC6728 - Page 104
        leaf name {
          type nameType;
          description "Key of this list.";
        uses exportingProcessParameters;

(page 104 continued on part 6)

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