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RFC 6501

Conference Information Data Model for Centralized Conferencing (XCON)

Pages: 94
Proposed Standard
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 39 to 55
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6. XML Schema Extensibility

The conference information data model defined in this document is meant to be extensible. Extensions are accomplished by defining elements or attributes qualified by namespaces other than "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:conference-info" and "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcon-conference-info" for use wherever the schema allows such extensions (i.e., where the RELAX NG definition specifies "anyAttribute" or "anyElement"). Elements or attributes from unknown namespaces MUST be ignored.

7. XML Example

The following is an example of a conference information document. The conference starts on October 17, 2007, at 10:30 a.m. in New York City and finishes the same day at 12:30 p.m. every week and repeats every week. In this example, there are currently three participants in the conference: one administrator, one moderator, and one participant. Sidebars are allowed in this conference and,
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   consequently, there is one sidebar in the conference.  In addition,
   Alice and Carol are using a floor in the main conference to manage
   the audio and video resources.  At the moment, Alice is assigned to
   use the floor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <conference-description xml:lang="en-us">
            <display-text>Discussion of Formula-1 racing</display-text>
            <free-text>This is a conference example</free-text>
            <keywords>Formula-1 cars</keywords>

                    <display-text>Conference Bridge</display-text>
                SERVICE URIS
                MAXIMUM USER COUNT
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                AVAILABLE MEDIA
                <entry label="10234">
                    <display-text>main audio</display-text>
                    <xcon:codecs decision="automatic">
                        <xcon:codec name="122" policy="allowed">
                <entry label="10235">
                    <display-text>main video</display-text>
                    <xcon:codecs decision="automatic">
                        <xcon:codec name="123" policy="allowed">


                CONFERENCE TIME

  PRODID:-//LlamaSpinner Inc.//NONSGML CamelCall//EN
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            HOST INFO
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                USER BOB
            <user entity="xcon-userid:bob534">
                <display-text>Bob Hoskins</display-text>

                <endpoint entity="">
                    <display-text>Bob's Laptop</display-text>
                        <reason>expert required</reason>
                    <media id="1">
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                        <xcon:to-mixer name="VideoIn">
                        CALL INFO
                            <display-text>full info</display-text>

                USER ALICE
            <user entity="xcon-userid:alice334">
                <display-text>Alice Kay</display-text>
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                <endpoint entity="">
                    <display-text>Alice's Desktop</display-text>
                    <media id="1">
                        <xcon:to-mixer name="VideoIn">
                    <media id="2">
                        <xcon:to-mixer name="AudioIn">
                        <xcon:from-mixer name="AudioOut">
                        CALL INFO
                            <display-text>full info</display-text>
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                    <xcon:floor id="345">true</xcon:floor>

                USER CAROL
            <user entity="xcon-userid:carol233">
                <display-text>Carol More</display-text>
                <endpoint entity="">
                    <display-text>Carol's Computer</display-text>
                    <media id="1">
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                        <xcon:to-mixer name="VideoIn">
                    <media id="2">
                        <xcon:to-mixer name="AudioIn">
                        <xcon:from-mixer name="AudioOut">
                        CALL INFO
                            <display-text>full info</display-text>


                    <xcon:floor id="345">false</xcon:floor>

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                ALLOWED USERS LIST
                <xcon:target uri=""
                <xcon:target uri=""
                <xcon:target uri=""
                <xcon:target uri=""
                DENY USERS LIST
                <xcon:target uri=""/>
                <display-text>private with Bob</display-text>
            <entry entity="conf223">
                    <user entity="xcon-userid:bob534"/>
                    <user entity="xcon-userid:carol233"/>
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                <xcon:floor id="345">


   Note that due to RFC formatting conventions, this documents splits
   lines whose content would exceed 72 characters.

8. Security Considerations

There are numerous security considerations for this document. Overall, the security considerations for authentication and the Security and Privacy of Identity described in Sections 11 and 11.2, respectively, of the centralized conferencing framework document [RFC5239] apply to this document. This specification defines a data model for conference objects. Different conferencing systems may use different protocols to provide access to these conference objects. This section contains general security considerations for the conference objects and for the protocols. The specification of each particular protocol needs to discuss how the specific protocol meets the security requirements provided in this section. A given conferencing system usually supports different protocols in order to implement different functions (e.g., SIP for session control and BFCP for floor control). Each of these protocols may use its own authentication mechanism. In cases where a user is authenticated using multiple authentication mechanisms, it is up to the conferencing system to map all the different authentications to the same user. Discussing the specifics of different authentication mechanism is beyond the scope of this document.
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   Furthermore, users may use different identifiers to access a
   conference, as explained in Section 4.6.5.  These different
   namespaces can be associated with a unique conference user identifier
   (XCON-USERID).  A mapping database is used to map all these
   authenticated user namespaces to the XCON-USERID.  There are several
   threats against this database.  In order to minimize these threats,
   the administrator of the conferencing system MUST ensure that only
   authorized users can connect to this database (e.g., by using access
   control rules).  In particular, the integrity of the database MUST be
   protected against unauthorized modifications.  In addition, the XCON-
   USERID or XCON-URI SHOULD be hard to guess.  It is critical that the
   URI remain difficult to "guess" via brute force methods.  Generic
   security considerations for usage of URIs are discussed in [RFC3986].

   It is RECOMMENDED that the database uses encryption mechanisms if the
   information is stored in long-term storage (e.g., disk).  If the
   database contains sensitive elements (e.g., passwords), the
   confidentiality of the database MUST be protected from unauthorized
   users.  If no sensitive elements are present, then confidentiality is
   not needed.  In addition to implementing access control, as discussed
   above, it is RECOMMENDED that administrators of conferencing systems
   only provide access to the database over encrypted channels (e.g.,
   using TLS encryption) in order to avoid eavesdroppers.
   Administrators of conferencing systems SHOULD also avoid disclosing
   information to unauthorized parties when a conference is being cloned
   or when a sidebar is being created.  For example, an external sidebar
   as defined in [RFC5239], Section 9.4.2, may include participants who
   were not authorized for the parent conference.

   The security considerations for authentication described in Section
   11.1 of the centralized conferencing framework document [RFC5239]
   also apply to this document.  Similarly, the security considerations
   for authorization described in Section 5.2 of the Session Initiation
   Protocol (SIP) REFER Method [RFC3515] apply to this document as well.

   Note that the specification of the privacy policy is outside the
   scope of this document.  Saying that, a privacy policy will be needed
   in the real implementation of the data model and, therefore, is
   subject to future policy documents.
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9. IANA Considerations

9.1. RELAX NG Schema Registration

This specification registers a schema. The schema can be found as the sole content of Section 5. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:schema:xcon-conference-info Registrant Contact: IETF XCON working group <>, Oscar Novo <> RELAX NG Schema: The RELAX NG schema to be registered is contained in Section 5. Its first line is as follows: default namespace = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:conference-info" and its last line is as follows: anyAttribute = attribute * - (xml:lang | entity | required-participant | label | decision | name | policy | uri | method | id | nickname) { text }*
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9.2. XML Namespace Registration

This section registers a new XML namespace. URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcon-conference-info Registrant Contact: IETF XCON working group <>, Oscar Novo <> XML: BEGIN <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/> <title> Centralized Conferencing Namespace</title> </head> <body> <h1>Namespace for Centralized Conferencing</h1> <h2>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcon-conference-info</h2> <p>See <a href=""> RFC 6501</a>.</p> </body> </html> END

9.3. Conference Object Identifier Registration

URI scheme name: xcon Status: permanent URI scheme syntax: see Section 3.3.1. URI schema semantics: see Section 3.3 Encoding considerations: see Section 8 Intended usage: see Section 3.3 Applications and/or protocols that use this URI scheme name: Centralized Conferencing systems Interoperability considerations: none Security considerations: see Section 8 Relevant publications: conference information data model for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) Contact: Oscar Novo <> Author/Change controller: Oscar Novo <>
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9.4. Conference User Identifier Registration

URI scheme name: XCON-USERID Status: permanent URI scheme syntax: see Section 4.6.5 URI schema semantics: see Section 4.6.5 Encoding considerations: see Section 8 Intended usage: see Section 4.6.3 and 4.6.5 Applications and/or protocols that use this URI scheme name: Centralized Conferencing systems. Interoperability considerations: none Security considerations: see Section 8 Relevant publications: conference information data model for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) Contact: Oscar Novo <> Author/Change controller: Oscar Novo <>

10. Acknowledgements

This document is really a distillation of many ideas discussed over a long period of time. These ideas were contributed by many different documents in the XCON working group and the SIPPING working group. We would like to thank Orit Levin, Roni Even, Adam Roach, Mary Barnes, Chris Boulton, Umesh Chandra, Hisham Khartabil, Petri Koskelainen, Aki Niemi, Rohan Mahy, Jonathan Lennox, Sean Duddy, Richard Barnes, and Henning Schulzrinne for their comments. Also, we would like to thank Mary Barnes and Chris Boulton for letting us use the conference and user identifier information of their XCON documents. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to all those reviewers for their invaluable contributions: Simon Pietro Romano, Lorenzo Miniero, Tobia Castaldi, Miguel Garcia, Mary Barnes, Srivatsa Srinivasan, Avshalom Houri, Pierre Tane, and Ben Campbell.

11. References

11.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005.
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   [RFC4575]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., and O. Levin, "A Session
              Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Conference
              State", RFC 4575, August 2006.

   [RFC4582]  Camarillo, G., Ott, J., and K. Drage, "The Binary Floor
              Control Protocol (BFCP)", RFC 4582, November 2006.

   [RFC4583]  Camarillo, G., "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format
              for Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) Streams",
              RFC 4583, November 2006.

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.

   [RFC5239]  Barnes, M., Boulton, C., and O. Levin, "A Framework for
              Centralized Conferencing", RFC 5239, June 2008.

   [RFC5545]  Desruisseaux, B., "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling
              Core Object Specification (iCalendar)", RFC 5545,
              September 2009.

11.2. Informative References

[IANA] IANA, "RTP Payload Types", <>. [IANA-Lan] IANA, "Language Subtag Registry", < language-subtag-registry>. [RELAX] "RELAX NG Home Page", ISO/IEC 19757-2:2008. [RFC3264] Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol (SDP)", RFC 3264, June 2002. [RFC3515] Sparks, R., "The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method", RFC 3515, April 2003. [RFC4353] Rosenberg, J., "A Framework for Conferencing with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC 4353, February 2006. [RFC4855] Casner, S., "Media Type Registration of RTP Payload Formats", RFC 4855, February 2007.
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   [RFC5018]  Camarillo, G., "Connection Establishment in the Binary
              Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)", RFC 5018, September 2007.

   [RFC5646]  Phillips, A. and M. Davis, "Tags for Identifying
              Languages", BCP 47, RFC 5646, September 2009.

              Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Maler, E., and
              F. Yergeau, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth
              Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation REC-
              xml-20081126, November 2008,

(next page on part 4)

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