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RFC 6350

vCard Format Specification

Pages: 74
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  242524264770
Updates:  2739
Updated by:  686895549555
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 23 to 51
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Top   ToC   RFC6350 - Page 23   prevText

6. vCard Properties

What follows is an enumeration of the standard vCard properties.

6.1. General Properties

6.1.1. BEGIN

Purpose: To denote the beginning of a syntactic entity within a text/vcard content-type. Value type: text Cardinality: 1 Special notes: The content entity MUST begin with the BEGIN property with a value of "VCARD". The value is case-insensitive. The BEGIN property is used in conjunction with the END property to delimit an entity containing a related set of properties within a text/vcard content-type. This construct can be used instead of including multiple vCards as body parts inside of a multipart/ alternative MIME message. It is provided for applications that wish to define content that can contain multiple entities within the same text/vcard content-type or to define content that can be identifiable outside of a MIME environment. ABNF: BEGIN-param = 0" " ; no parameter allowed BEGIN-value = "VCARD" Example: BEGIN:VCARD

6.1.2. END

Purpose: To denote the end of a syntactic entity within a text/vcard content-type. Value type: text Cardinality: 1 Special notes: The content entity MUST end with the END type with a value of "VCARD". The value is case-insensitive.
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      The END property is used in conjunction with the BEGIN property to
      delimit an entity containing a related set of properties within a
      text/vcard content-type.  This construct can be used instead of or
      in addition to wrapping separate sets of information inside
      additional MIME headers.  It is provided for applications that
      wish to define content that can contain multiple entities within
      the same text/vcard content-type or to define content that can be
      identifiable outside of a MIME environment.


     END-param = 0" "  ; no parameter allowed
     END-value = "VCARD"



6.1.3. SOURCE

Purpose: To identify the source of directory information contained in the content type. Value type: uri Cardinality: * Special notes: The SOURCE property is used to provide the means by which applications knowledgable in the given directory service protocol can obtain additional or more up-to-date information from the directory service. It contains a URI as defined in [RFC3986] and/or other information referencing the vCard to which the information pertains. When directory information is available from more than one source, the sending entity can pick what it considers to be the best source, or multiple SOURCE properties can be included. ABNF: SOURCE-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / mediatype-param / any-param SOURCE-value = URI Examples: SOURCE:ldap://,%20o=Babsco,%20c=US
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6.1.4. KIND

Purpose: To specify the kind of object the vCard represents. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: The value may be one of the following: "individual" for a vCard representing a single person or entity. This is the default kind of vCard. "group" for a vCard representing a group of persons or entities. The group's member entities can be other vCards or other types of entities, such as email addresses or web sites. A group vCard will usually contain MEMBER properties to specify the members of the group, but it is not required to. A group vCard without MEMBER properties can be considered an abstract grouping, or one whose members are known empirically (perhaps "IETF Participants" or "Republican U.S. Senators"). All properties in a group vCard apply to the group as a whole, and not to any particular MEMBER. For example, an EMAIL property might specify the address of a mailing list associated with the group, and an IMPP property might refer to a group chat room. "org" for a vCard representing an organization. An organization vCard will not (in fact, MUST NOT) contain MEMBER properties, and so these are something of a cross between "individual" and "group". An organization is a single entity, but not a person. It might represent a business or government, a department or division within a business or government, a club, an association, or the like. All properties in an organization vCard apply to the organization as a whole, as is the case with a group vCard. For example, an EMAIL property might specify the address of a contact point for the organization.
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      "location"  for a named geographical place.  A location vCard will
         usually contain a GEO property, but it is not required to.  A
         location vCard without a GEO property can be considered an
         abstract location, or one whose definition is known empirically
         (perhaps "New England" or "The Seashore").

         All properties in a location vCard apply to the location
         itself, and not with any entity that might exist at that
         location.  For example, in a vCard for an office building, an
         ADR property might give the mailing address for the building,
         and a TEL property might specify the telephone number of the

      An x-name.  vCards MAY include private or experimental values for
         KIND.  Remember that x-name values are not intended for general
         use and are unlikely to interoperate.

      An iana-token.  Additional values may be registered with IANA (see
         Section 10.3.4).  A new value's specification document MUST
         specify which properties make sense for that new kind of vCard
         and which do not.

      Implementations MUST support the specific string values defined
      above.  If this property is absent, "individual" MUST be assumed
      as the default.  If this property is present but the
      implementation does not understand its value (the value is an
      x-name or iana-token that the implementation does not support),
      the implementation SHOULD act in a neutral way, which usually
      means treating the vCard as though its kind were "individual".
      The presence of MEMBER properties MAY, however, be taken as an
      indication that the unknown kind is an extension of "group".

      Clients often need to visually distinguish contacts based on what
      they represent, and the KIND property provides a direct way for
      them to do so.  For example, when displaying contacts in a list,
      an icon could be displayed next to each one, using distinctive
      icons for the different kinds; a client might use an outline of a
      single person to represent an "individual", an outline of multiple
      people to represent a "group", and so on.  Alternatively, or in
      addition, a client might choose to segregate different kinds of
      vCards to different panes, tabs, or selections in the user

      Some clients might also make functional distinctions among the
      kinds, ignoring "location" vCards for some purposes and
      considering only "location" vCards for others.
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      When designing those sorts of visual and functional distinctions,
      client implementations have to decide how to fit unsupported kinds
      into the scheme.  What icon is used for them?  The one for
      "individual"?  A unique one, such as an icon of a question mark?
      Which tab do they go into?  It is beyond the scope of this
      specification to answer these questions, but these are things
      implementers need to consider.


     KIND-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
     KIND-value = "individual" / "group" / "org" / "location"
                / iana-token / x-name


      This represents someone named Jane Doe working in the marketing
      department of the North American division of ABC Inc.

         FN:Jane Doe
         ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing

   This represents the department itself, commonly known as ABC

         FN:ABC Marketing
         ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing

6.1.5. XML

Purpose: To include extended XML-encoded vCard data in a plain vCard. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: * Special notes: The content of this property is a single XML 1.0 [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] element whose namespace MUST be explicitly specified using the xmlns attribute and MUST NOT be the vCard 4
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      namespace ("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0").  (This implies
      that it cannot duplicate a standard vCard property.)  The element
      is to be interpreted as if it was contained in a <vcard> element,
      as defined in [RFC6351].

      The fragment is subject to normal line folding and escaping, i.e.,
      replace all backslashes with "\\", then replace all newlines with
      "\n", then fold long lines.

      Support for this property is OPTIONAL, but implementations of this
      specification MUST preserve instances of this property when
      propagating vCards.

      See [RFC6351] for more information on the intended use of this


     XML-param = "VALUE=text" / altid-param
     XML-value = text

6.2. Identification Properties

These types are used to capture information associated with the identification and naming of the entity associated with the vCard.

6.2.1. FN

Purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: 1* Special notes: This property is based on the semantics of the X.520 Common Name attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property MUST be present in the vCard object. ABNF: FN-param = "VALUE=text" / type-param / language-param / altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / any-param FN-value = text Example: FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.
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6.2.2. N

Purpose: To specify the components of the name of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single structured text value. Each component can have multiple values. Cardinality: *1 Special note: The structured property value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family Names (also known as surnames), Given Names, Additional Names, Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes. The text components are separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B). Individual text components can include multiple text values separated by the COMMA character (U+002C). This property is based on the semantics of the X.520 individual name attributes [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property SHOULD be present in the vCard object when the name of the object the vCard represents follows the X.520 model. The SORT-AS parameter MAY be applied to this property. ABNF: N-param = "VALUE=text" / sort-as-param / language-param / altid-param / any-param N-value = list-component 4(";" list-component) Examples: N:Public;John;Quinlan;Mr.;Esq. N:Stevenson;John;Philip,Paul;Dr.;Jr.,M.D.,A.C.P.


Purpose: To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the object the vCard represents. Value type: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (U+002C). Cardinality: *
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   Special note:  The nickname is the descriptive name given instead of
      or in addition to the one belonging to the object the vCard
      represents.  It can also be used to specify a familiar form of a
      proper name specified by the FN or N properties.


     NICKNAME-param = "VALUE=text" / type-param / language-param
                    / altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / any-param
     NICKNAME-value = text-list





6.2.4. PHOTO

Purpose: To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. Cardinality: * ABNF: PHOTO-param = "VALUE=uri" / altid-param / type-param / mediatype-param / pref-param / pid-param / any-param PHOTO-value = URI Examples: PHOTO: PHOTO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <...remainder of base64-encoded data...>

6.2.5. BDAY

Purpose: To specify the birth date of the object the vCard represents.
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   Value type:  The default is a single date-and-or-time value.  It can
      also be reset to a single text value.

   Cardinality:  *1


     BDAY-param = BDAY-param-date / BDAY-param-text
     BDAY-value = date-and-or-time / text
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     BDAY-param-date = "VALUE=date-and-or-time"
     BDAY-param-text = "VALUE=text" / language-param

     BDAY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param
       ; calscale-param can only be present when BDAY-value is
       ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.


             BDAY;VALUE=text:circa 1800


Purpose: The date of marriage, or equivalent, of the object the vCard represents. Value type: The default is a single date-and-or-time value. It can also be reset to a single text value. Cardinality: *1 ABNF: ANNIVERSARY-param = "VALUE=" ("date-and-or-time" / "text") ANNIVERSARY-value = date-and-or-time / text ; Value and parameter MUST match. ANNIVERSARY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param ; calscale-param can only be present when ANNIVERSARY-value is ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time. Examples: ANNIVERSARY:19960415
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6.2.7. GENDER

Purpose: To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single structured value with two components. Each component has a single text value. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex (biological), and gender identity. Each component is optional. Sex component: A single letter. M stands for "male", F stands for "female", O stands for "other", N stands for "none or not applicable", U stands for "unknown". Gender identity component: Free-form text. ABNF: GENDER-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param GENDER-value = sex [";" text] sex = "" / "M" / "F" / "O" / "N" / "U" Examples: GENDER:M GENDER:F GENDER:M;Fellow GENDER:F;grrrl GENDER:O;intersex GENDER:;it's complicated

6.3. Delivery Addressing Properties

These types are concerned with information related to the delivery addressing or label for the vCard object.

6.3.1. ADR

Purpose: To specify the components of the delivery address for the vCard object. Value type: A single structured text value, separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B).
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   Cardinality:  *

   Special notes:  The structured type value consists of a sequence of
      address components.  The component values MUST be specified in
      their corresponding position.  The structured type value
      corresponds, in sequence, to
         the post office box;
         the extended address (e.g., apartment or suite number);
         the street address;
         the locality (e.g., city);
         the region (e.g., state or province);
         the postal code;
         the country name (full name in the language specified in
         Section 5.1).

      When a component value is missing, the associated component
      separator MUST still be specified.

      Experience with vCard 3 has shown that the first two components
      (post office box and extended address) are plagued with many
      interoperability issues.  To ensure maximal interoperability,
      their values SHOULD be empty.

      The text components are separated by the SEMICOLON character
      (U+003B).  Where it makes semantic sense, individual text
      components can include multiple text values (e.g., a "street"
      component with multiple lines) separated by the COMMA character

      The property can include the "PREF" parameter to indicate the
      preferred delivery address when more than one address is

      The GEO and TZ parameters MAY be used with this property.

      The property can also include a "LABEL" parameter to present a
      delivery address label for the address.  Its value is a plain-text
      string representing the formatted address.  Newlines are encoded
      as \n, as they are for property values.


     label-param = "LABEL=" param-value

     ADR-param = "VALUE=text" / label-param / language-param
               / geo-parameter / tz-parameter / altid-param / pid-param
               / pref-param / type-param / any-param
Top   ToC   RFC6350 - Page 34
     ADR-value = ADR-component-pobox ";" ADR-component-ext ";"
                 ADR-component-street ";" ADR-component-locality ";"
                 ADR-component-region ";" ADR-component-code ";"
     ADR-component-pobox    = list-component
     ADR-component-ext      = list-component
     ADR-component-street   = list-component
     ADR-component-locality = list-component
     ADR-component-region   = list-component
     ADR-component-code     = list-component
     ADR-component-country  = list-component

   Example: In this example, the post office box and the extended
   address are absent.

     ADR;GEO="geo:12.3457,78.910";LABEL="Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\n
      Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA  91921-1234\n
      U.S.A.":;;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;U.S.A.

6.4. Communications Properties

These properties describe information about how to communicate with the object the vCard represents.

6.4.1. TEL

Purpose: To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object the vCard represents. Value type: By default, it is a single free-form text value (for backward compatibility with vCard 3), but it SHOULD be reset to a URI value. It is expected that the URI scheme will be "tel", as specified in [RFC3966], but other schemes MAY be used. Cardinality: * Special notes: This property is based on the X.520 Telephone Number attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. The property can include the "PREF" parameter to indicate a preferred-use telephone number. The property can include the parameter "TYPE" to specify intended use for the telephone number. The predefined values for the TYPE parameter are:
Top   ToC   RFC6350 - Page 35
   | Value     | Description                                           |
   | text      | Indicates that the telephone number supports text     |
   |           | messages (SMS).                                       |
   | voice     | Indicates a voice telephone number.                   |
   | fax       | Indicates a facsimile telephone number.               |
   | cell      | Indicates a cellular or mobile telephone number.      |
   | video     | Indicates a video conferencing telephone number.      |
   | pager     | Indicates a paging device telephone number.           |
   | textphone | Indicates a telecommunication device for people with  |
   |           | hearing or speech difficulties.                       |

      The default type is "voice".  These type parameter values can be
      specified as a parameter list (e.g., TYPE=text;TYPE=voice) or as a
      value list (e.g., TYPE="text,voice").  The default can be
      overridden to another set of values by specifying one or more
      alternate values.  For example, the default TYPE of "voice" can be
      reset to a VOICE and FAX telephone number by the value list

      If this property's value is a URI that can also be used for
      instant messaging, the IMPP (Section 6.4.3) property SHOULD be
      used in addition to this property.


     TEL-param = TEL-text-param / TEL-uri-param
     TEL-value = TEL-text-value / TEL-uri-value
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     TEL-text-param = "VALUE=text"
     TEL-text-value = text

     TEL-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     TEL-uri-value = URI

     TEL-param =/ type-param / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param
                / any-param

     type-param-tel = "text" / "voice" / "fax" / "cell" / "video"
                    / "pager" / "textphone" / iana-token / x-name
       ; type-param-tel MUST NOT be used with a property other than TEL.
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6.4.2. EMAIL

Purpose: To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: * Special notes: The property can include tye "PREF" parameter to indicate a preferred-use email address when more than one is specified. Even though the value is free-form UTF-8 text, it is likely to be interpreted by a Mail User Agent (MUA) as an "addr-spec", as defined in [RFC5322], Section 3.4.1. Readers should also be aware of the current work toward internationalized email addresses [RFC5335bis]. ABNF: EMAIL-param = "VALUE=text" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param / altid-param / any-param EMAIL-value = text Example: EMAIL; EMAIL;

6.4.3. IMPP

Purpose: To specify the URI for instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. Cardinality: * Special notes: The property may include the "PREF" parameter to indicate that this is a preferred address and has the same semantics as the "PREF" parameter in a TEL property.
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      If this property's value is a URI that can be used for voice
      and/or video, the TEL property (Section 6.4.1) SHOULD be used in
      addition to this property.

      This property is adapted from [RFC4770], which is made obsolete by
      this document.


     IMPP-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     IMPP-value = URI



6.4.4. LANG

Purpose: To specify the language(s) that may be used for contacting the entity associated with the vCard. Value type: A single language-tag value. Cardinality: * ABNF: LANG-param = "VALUE=language-tag" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param / any-param LANG-value = Language-Tag Example: LANG;TYPE=work;PREF=1:en LANG;TYPE=work;PREF=2:fr LANG;TYPE=home:fr

6.5. Geographical Properties

These properties are concerned with information associated with geographical positions or regions associated with the object the vCard represents.

6.5.1. TZ

Purpose: To specify information related to the time zone of the object the vCard represents.
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   Value type:  The default is a single text value.  It can also be
      reset to a single URI or utc-offset value.

   Cardinality:  *

   Special notes:  It is expected that names from the public-domain
      Olson database [TZ-DB] will be used, but this is not a
      restriction.  See also [IANA-TZ].

      Efforts are currently being directed at creating a standard URI
      scheme for expressing time zone information.  Usage of such a
      scheme would ensure a high level of interoperability between
      implementations that support it.

      Note that utc-offset values SHOULD NOT be used because the UTC
      offset varies with time -- not just because of the usual daylight
      saving time shifts that occur in may regions, but often entire
      regions will "re-base" their overall offset.  The actual offset
      may be +/- 1 hour (or perhaps a little more) than the one given.


     TZ-param = "VALUE=" ("text" / "uri" / "utc-offset")
     TZ-value = text / URI / utc-offset
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     TZ-param =/ altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / any-param


     TZ:Raleigh/North America

       ; Note: utc-offset format is NOT RECOMMENDED.

6.5.2. GEO

Purpose: To specify information related to the global positioning of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. Cardinality: * Special notes: The "geo" URI scheme [RFC5870] is particularly well suited for this property, but other schemes MAY be used.
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     GEO-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     GEO-value = URI



6.6. Organizational Properties

These properties are concerned with information associated with characteristics of the organization or organizational units of the object that the vCard represents.

6.6.1. TITLE

Purpose: To specify the position or job of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: * Special notes: This property is based on the X.520 Title attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. ABNF: TITLE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param / any-param TITLE-value = text Example: TITLE:Research Scientist

6.6.2. ROLE

Purpose: To specify the function or part played in a particular situation by the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: *
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   Special notes:  This property is based on the X.520 Business Category
      explanatory attribute [CCITT.X520.1988].  This property is
      included as an organizational type to avoid confusion with the
      semantics of the TITLE property and incorrect usage of that
      property when the semantics of this property is intended.


     ROLE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param
                / type-param / altid-param / any-param
     ROLE-value = text


           ROLE:Project Leader

6.6.3. LOGO

Purpose: To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. Cardinality: * ABNF: LOGO-param = "VALUE=uri" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param LOGO-value = URI Examples: LOGO: LOGO: AQEEBQAwdzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxLDAqBgNVBAoTI05ldHNjYXBlIENvbW11bm ljYXRpb25zIENvcnBvcmF0aW9uMRwwGgYDVQQLExNJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0 <...the remainder of base64-encoded data...>

6.6.4. ORG

Purpose: To specify the organizational name and units associated with the vCard. Value type: A single structured text value consisting of components separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B).
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   Cardinality:  *

   Special notes:  The property is based on the X.520 Organization Name
      and Organization Unit attributes [CCITT.X520.1988].  The property
      value is a structured type consisting of the organization name,
      followed by zero or more levels of organizational unit names.

      The SORT-AS parameter MAY be applied to this property.


     ORG-param = "VALUE=text" / sort-as-param / language-param
               / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param
               / any-param
     ORG-value = component *(";" component)

   Example: A property value consisting of an organizational name,
   organizational unit #1 name, and organizational unit #2 name.

           ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing

6.6.5. MEMBER

Purpose: To include a member in the group this vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. It MAY refer to something other than a vCard object. For example, an email distribution list could employ the "mailto" URI scheme [RFC6068] for efficiency. Cardinality: * Special notes: This property MUST NOT be present unless the value of the KIND property is "group". ABNF: MEMBER-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / mediatype-param / any-param MEMBER-value = URI
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     FN:The Doe family
     FN:John Doe
     FN:Jane Doe

     FN:Funky distribution list

6.6.6. RELATED

Purpose: To specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this vCard. Value type: A single URI. It can also be reset to a single text value. The text value can be used to specify textual information. Cardinality: * Special notes: The TYPE parameter MAY be used to characterize the related entity. It contains a comma-separated list of values that are registered with IANA as described in Section 10.2. The registry is pre-populated with the values defined in [xfn]. This document also specifies two additional values: agent: an entity who may sometimes act on behalf of the entity associated with the vCard.
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      emergency:  indicates an emergency contact


     RELATED-param = RELATED-param-uri / RELATED-param-text
     RELATED-value = URI / text
       ; Parameter and value MUST match.

     RELATED-param-uri = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     RELATED-param-text = "VALUE=text" / language-param

     RELATED-param =/ pid-param / pref-param / altid-param / type-param
                    / any-param

     type-param-related = related-type-value *("," related-type-value)
       ; type-param-related MUST NOT be used with a property other than
       ; RELATED.

     related-type-value = "contact" / "acquaintance" / "friend" / "met"
                        / "co-worker" / "colleague" / "co-resident"
                        / "neighbor" / "child" / "parent"
                        / "sibling" / "spouse" / "kin" / "muse"
                        / "crush" / "date" / "sweetheart" / "me"
                        / "agent" / "emergency"


   RELATED;TYPE=co-worker;VALUE=text:Please contact my assistant Jane
    Doe for any inquiries.

6.7. Explanatory Properties

These properties are concerned with additional explanations, such as that related to informational notes or revisions specific to the vCard.


Purpose: To specify application category information about the vCard, also known as "tags". Value type: One or more text values separated by a COMMA character (U+002C). Cardinality: *
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     CATEGORIES-param = "VALUE=text" / pid-param / pref-param
                      / type-param / altid-param / any-param
     CATEGORIES-value = text-list




6.7.2. NOTE

Purpose: To specify supplemental information or a comment that is associated with the vCard. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: * Special notes: The property is based on the X.520 Description attribute [CCITT.X520.1988]. ABNF: NOTE-param = "VALUE=text" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param / altid-param / any-param NOTE-value = text Example: NOTE:This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715 EST\, Mon-Fri.

6.7.3. PRODID

Purpose: To specify the identifier for the product that created the vCard object. Type value: A single text value. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: Implementations SHOULD use a method such as that specified for Formal Public Identifiers in [ISO9070] or for Universal Resource Names in [RFC3406] to ensure that the text value is unique.
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     PRODID-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param
     PRODID-value = text



6.7.4. REV

Purpose: To specify revision information about the current vCard. Value type: A single timestamp value. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: The value distinguishes the current revision of the information in this vCard for other renditions of the information. ABNF: REV-param = "VALUE=timestamp" / any-param REV-value = timestamp Example: REV:19951031T222710Z

6.7.5. SOUND

Purpose: To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the vCard. This property is often used to specify the proper pronunciation of the name property value of the vCard. Value type: A single URI. Cardinality: * ABNF: SOUND-param = "VALUE=uri" / language-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param SOUND-value = URI
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      <...the remainder of base64-encoded data...>

6.7.6. UID

Purpose: To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the entity associated with the vCard. Value type: A single URI value. It MAY also be reset to free-form text. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: This property is used to uniquely identify the object that the vCard represents. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly well suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used. Free-form text MAY also be used. ABNF: UID-param = UID-uri-param / UID-text-param UID-value = UID-uri-value / UID-text-value ; Value and parameter MUST match. UID-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" UID-uri-value = URI UID-text-param = "VALUE=text" UID-text-value = text UID-param =/ any-param Example: UID:urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
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Purpose: To give a global meaning to a local PID source identifier. Value type: A semicolon-separated pair of values. The first field is a small integer corresponding to the second field of a PID parameter instance. The second field is a URI. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly well suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used. Cardinality: * Special notes: PID source identifiers (the source identifier is the second field in a PID parameter instance) are small integers that only have significance within the scope of a single vCard instance. Each distinct source identifier present in a vCard MUST have an associated CLIENTPIDMAP. See Section 7 for more details on the usage of CLIENTPIDMAP. PID source identifiers MUST be strictly positive. Zero is not allowed. As a special exception, the PID parameter MUST NOT be applied to this property. ABNF: CLIENTPIDMAP-param = any-param CLIENTPIDMAP-value = 1*DIGIT ";" URI Example: TEL;PID=3.1,4.2;VALUE=uri:tel:+1-555-555-5555 EMAIL;PID=4.1, CLIENTPIDMAP:1;urn:uuid:3df403f4-5924-4bb7-b077-3c711d9eb34b CLIENTPIDMAP:2;urn:uuid:d89c9c7a-2e1b-4832-82de-7e992d95faa5

6.7.8. URL

Purpose: To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object to which the vCard refers. Examples for individuals include personal web sites, blogs, and social networking site identifiers. Cardinality: * Value type: A single uri value.
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     URL-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
               / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     URL-value = URI



6.7.9. VERSION

Purpose: To specify the version of the vCard specification used to format this vCard. Value type: A single text value. Cardinality: 1 Special notes: This property MUST be present in the vCard object, and it must appear immediately after BEGIN:VCARD. The value MUST be "4.0" if the vCard corresponds to this specification. Note that earlier versions of vCard allowed this property to be placed anywhere in the vCard object, or even to be absent. ABNF: VERSION-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param VERSION-value = "4.0" Example: VERSION:4.0

6.8. Security Properties

These properties are concerned with the security of communication pathways or access to the vCard.

6.8.1. KEY

Purpose: To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object that the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI. It can also be reset to a text value. Cardinality: *
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     KEY-param = KEY-uri-param / KEY-text-param
     KEY-value = KEY-uri-value / KEY-text-value
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     KEY-uri-param = "VALUE=uri" / mediatype-param
     KEY-uri-value = URI

     KEY-text-param = "VALUE=text"
     KEY-text-value = text

     KEY-param =/ altid-param / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                / any-param




      <... remainder of base64-encoded data ...>

6.9. Calendar Properties

These properties are further specified in [RFC2739].

6.9.1. FBURL

Purpose: To specify the URI for the busy time associated with the object that the vCard represents. Value type: A single URI value. Cardinality: * Special notes: Where multiple FBURL properties are specified, the default FBURL property is indicated with the PREF parameter. The FTP [RFC1738] or HTTP [RFC2616] type of URI points to an iCalendar [RFC5545] object associated with a snapshot of the next few weeks or months of busy time data. If the iCalendar object is represented as a file or document, its file extension should be ".ifb".
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     FBURL-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                 / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     FBURL-value = URI




Purpose: To specify the calendar user address [RFC5545] to which a scheduling request [RFC5546] should be sent for the object represented by the vCard. Value type: A single URI value. Cardinality: * Special notes: Where multiple CALADRURI properties are specified, the default CALADRURI property is indicated with the PREF parameter. ABNF: CALADRURI-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param CALADRURI-value = URI Example: CALADRURI; CALADRURI:

6.9.3. CALURI

Purpose: To specify the URI for a calendar associated with the object represented by the vCard. Value type: A single URI value. Cardinality: * Special notes: Where multiple CALURI properties are specified, the default CALURI property is indicated with the PREF parameter. The property should contain a URI pointing to an iCalendar [RFC5545]
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      object associated with a snapshot of the user's calendar store.
      If the iCalendar object is represented as a file or document, its
      file extension should be ".ics".


     CALURI-param = "VALUE=uri" / pid-param / pref-param / type-param
                  / mediatype-param / altid-param / any-param
     CALURI-value = URI



6.10. Extended Properties and Parameters

The properties and parameters defined by this document can be extended. Non-standard, private properties and parameters with a name starting with "X-" may be defined bilaterally between two cooperating agents without outside registration or standardization.

(page 51 continued on part 3)

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