9.9. MSML Dialog Transform Package
The MSML Dialog Transform Package gathers together the simple primitives that work as filters on half-duplex media streams.9.9.1. <vad>
Voice activity detection (VAD) is used to detect voice and silence when speech recognition is not required. Similar to both speech and DTMF, a VAD has different media conditions that it can match. Those conditions can be qualified by a minimum length of time that is required for them to be considered recognized. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the vad primitive. starttimer: boolean value that defines whether the timer is started to allow recognition of the initial condition (voice, silence). When set to false, the starttimer event must be received in order for the initial condition to be recognized. The timer does not affect recognition of the transition conditions. Default is "false". Events: starttimer: starts the timer to allow recognition of the initial condition if it has not already been started. Has no effect otherwise. terminate: terminates voice activity detection. Shadow Variables: none The following sections describe the child elements of <vad>. <voice>, <silence>, <tvoice>, <tsilence>
Each child element corresponds to a condition that a VAD can detect. The first two detect when voice or silence has been initially present for a minimum length of time since the VAD was started. The second two require that a transition to the voice or silence condition first occur.
Attributes: len: the length of time the condition must persist in order to be recognized. Mandatory. In the case of <tvoice> and <tsilence>, the length of time applies only to the final recognized condition. sen: the maximum length of time the condition not being detected may occur without causing the detector to begin measuring that condition.9.9.2. <gain>
Gain MAY be used to adjust of the gain of a media stream by a specific amount. Application of <gain> removes any previous connection AGC setting used by the <agc> element. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the gain primitive. incr: an increment, expressed in dB, that will be used to adjust the gain when "louder" and "softer" events are received. Default is 3 dB. amt: a specific gain to apply specified in dB. Mandatory. Events: mute: self-explanatory. unmute: self-explanatory. reset: sets the gain to zero dB. louder: makes the audio on a stream louder. softer: makes the audio on a stream quieter. amt: sets the gain to the specified value between -96 dB and 96 dB.9.9.3. <agc>
Automatic gain control MAY be used to have a media server automatically adjust the gain of a media stream. Application of <agc> removes any previous connection gain setting used by the <gain> element.
Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the gain primitive. tgtlvl: the desired target level for AGC, specified in dBm0 with a valid range of -40 to 0. Mandatory. maxgain: an optional attribute used to specify the maximum gain that AGC will apply, specified in dBm0 with a valid range of 0 to 40, with a default of 10. Events: mute: self-explanatory. unmute: self-explanatory.9.9.4. <gate>
The <gate> element is a simple filter that will pass or halt media, regardless of the format of the media stream, based on the events it receives. <gate> shares the same mute and unmute events for compatibility with the gain primitives <gain> and <agc>. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the gate primitive. initial: the values "pass" and "halt" define whether media is initially allowed to pass. Default is to pass. Events: mute: halts media flow through the primitive. unmute: allows media to pass through the primitive.9.9.5. <clamp>
This element MAY be used to filter DTMF tones from a media stream. Media other than DTMF tones is passed unchanged. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the clamp primitive.
Events: none.9.9.6. <relay>
This element is a simple primitive that copies its input to its output. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the relay primitive. Events: none.9.10. MSML Dialog Speech Package
The MSML speech package defines functionality that MAY be used for automatic speech recognition <speech> and extends the <play> primitive defined in the MSML Dialog Base Package to include speech synthesis. As such, this package depends on the MSML Dialog Base Package.9.10.1. <speech>
The <speech> element activates grammars or user input rules associated with speech recognition. If multiple grammars are specified, all are activated. All active grammars share the same timers, recognition attributes, and <noinput> and <nomatch> elements. Each grammar may have its own <match> element. <speech> terminates if any of the <grammar>, <noinput>, or <nomatch> elements are matched the maximum number of times that they are allowed. The number of times they may match may be specified as an attribute of <speech> or of the individual child elements. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the speech primitive. noint: specifies a time period during which speech input must be started; otherwise, the associated <noinput> element is invoked.
norect: specifies a maximum time period during which speech must begin to be matched; otherwise, the associated <nomatch> element is invoked. spcmplt: specifies the length of silence necessary after speech before a result will be finalized in the case where there is a complete match of an active grammar. Following the silence, the appropriate <match> element will be triggered if the result is above the confidence level. Otherwise, a <nomatch> element will be triggered. spincmplt: specifies the length of silence necessary after speech before a result will be finalized in the case where there is a incomplete match of all active grammars. Following the silence, the <nomatch> element will be triggered. confidence: the minimum confidence level that the recognizer must have to consider a recognition result as matching a grammar. Expressed as an integer between 1-100. sens: specifies the sensitivity of the recognizer to determine whether speech is present. Lower sensitivity may be required for the recognizer to work well in the presence of high background noise or line echo. starttimer: boolean value that defines whether the no input (noint) and no recognition (norect) are started initially. When set to false, the starttimer event must be received in order to start them. Default is "false". iterate: specifies the number of times the <grammar>, <noinput>, and <nomatch> elements may be executed unless those elements specify differently. The value "forever" may be used to indicate that these may be executed any number of times. Default is once '1'. Events: sens: sets the sensitivity of the recognizer as described above. starttimer: starts the no input (noint) and no recognition (norect) timers if they have not already been started. Has no effect otherwise. terminate: terminates the speech input and assigns values to the shadow variables.
Shadow Variables: speech.end: contains the event that caused the <speech> to terminate or is assigned one of "speech.match", "speech.noinput", or "speech.nomatch" depending upon which of the corresponding elements reached its maximum. speech.results: contains the results of a matched grammar. The results are formatted using the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language (NLSML) [n4]. When this variable is referenced to return results, the results are returned as a separate MIME entity. The following sections describe the child elements of <speech>. <grammar>
The <grammar> element specifies and activates a speech grammar based on Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) [n3] XML notation. Grammars may be referenced by a URI or defined inline. Child elements of <match> MUST be executed when the specified speech grammar is matched. Attributes: uri: specifies the location of an SRGS grammar when the grammar is not defined inline. iterate: specifies the number of times the <grammar> may be matched. The value "forever" MAY be used to indicate that <grammar> may be matched any number of times. This value overrides any specified in <speech>. Default is once '1'. <match>
<match> is a child of <grammar> and specifies the actions to take when the corresponding grammar is matched. <noinput>
The <noinput> element is used when speech is being recognized. Children of the <noinput> element MUST be executed when speech has not been detected and the no input timeout (noint) occurs.
Attributes: iterate: specifies the number of times the <noinput> may be triggered. The value "forever" may be used to indicate that <noinput> may be triggered any number of times. This value overrides any specified in <speech>. Default is once '1'. <nomatch>
The <nomatch> element is used when speech is being recognized. Children of the <nomatch> element MUST be executed when it is determined that none of the active grammars will match. Attributes: iterate: specifies the maximum number of times the <nomatch> may be triggered. The value "forever" MAY be used to indicate that <nomatch> may be triggered any number of times. This value overrides any specified in <speech>. Default is once '1'. <speechexit>
The <speechexit> element MUST be invoked when the speech input completes because one of <grammar>, <noinput>, or <nomatch> occurred its maximum number of times. Attributes: none9.10.2. <play>
The <play> element, as defined in the MSML Dialog Base Package, is extended with a new child element for synthesizing speech. From an XML perspective, <tts> is a member of a media substitution group. See the schema at the end of this document for details. The following sections describe the child elements of <play>. <tts>
Contents of the <tts> element are rendered using text-to-speech services and must be compliant to the SSML specification [n11]. Element content MAY be plain text, contain the SSML <speak> element, or the uri attribute should identify the location of text to be rendered.
Attributes: uri: identifies the location of the text to be rendered. The file and http schemes are supported. iterate: specifies the number of times the text-to-speech block is to be rendered. Defaults to once '1'. xml:lang: specifies the language to use when it is not explicitly specified as an attribute for <speak>.9.11. MSML Dialog Fax Detection Package
The Fax Detection Package defines primitives that allow a media server to provide facsimile detection services.9.11.1. <faxdetect>
Fax tone detection is used to detect the presence of the T.30 Calling Tone (CNG) or Called Station Identification (CED) tone in a media stream. Child elements of <faxdetectexit> MUST be executed when a CNG tone is detected. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the faxdetect primitive. Events: terminate: terminates fax tone detection and assigns values to the associated shadow variables. Shadow Variables: faxdetect.tone: A string that specifies the fax tone type detected by the media server. Values supported SHOULD include "CED", "CNG", or empty string. The empty string MUST be used if fax tone detection terminated before detection of a fax tone, resulting in execution of the <faxdetectexit> element. faxdetect.end: A string value that specifies the reason for termination of <faxdetect>. Values supported SHOULD include "faxdetect.complete" (due to detection of CED or CNG tone), "faxdetect.failed.noresource" (failed due to lack of resources on the media server), "faxdetect.failed" (failed due to any other reason) "faxdetect.terminated" (terminated by <dialogend>), or undefined.
9.11.2. <faxdetectexit>
The <faxdetectexit> element MUST be invoked when fax detection, invoked via <faxdetect>, terminates. Child elements of <faxdetectexit>, <send> and <exit>, allow events to be reported by the media server. Attributes: none9.12. MSML Dialog Fax Send/Receive Package
9.12.1. <faxsend>
The <faxsend> primitive provides the functionality of a calling fax terminal. This typically means sending a set of pages. However, it can also mean requesting the called terminal to send pages instead of, or in addition to, receiving pages. The fax images to send are defined by the <sendobj> elements, described below. Requesting the called terminal to send pages happens when the <rxpoll> element is included as part of <faxsend>. This element may be included in addition to, or instead of, the <sendobj> element. One <sendobj> (at a minimum) or <rxpoll> element must be present. When both are present, a media server will first send pages and will then poll the other terminal, requesting pages. Because fax is a distinct media type, the <faxsend> primitive is not expected to interact with other primitives. Rather, it will interact using fax protocols with a remote fax terminal (or gateway) and will send requested status events to its invoking environment. During fax operation, shadow variables are used to record the progress and parameters of the varying stages of fax operation. Status events are requested by including one or more status request elements. These elements correspond to different stages or events in fax operation and cause predefined events to be sent to the invoking environment when they occur. Since the only recipient of these events is expected to be a fax control agent, requests are simplified by associating a predefined namelist of shadow variables with each event. This decision may be revisited to allowed tailored namelists based on further implementation experience. Status requests apply both to sending and polling operation. Attributes: lclid: the identifier that a media server uses to identify itself.
minspeed: the minimum acceptable speed to negotiate for the operation. maxspeed: the maximum speed to negotiate for the operation. This attribute is primarily for testing purposes. ecm: specifies whether Error Correction Mode (ECM) is allowed to be used if supported by the remote terminal. Defaults to "true". Events: terminate: terminates the fax send operation. Shadow Variables: fax.rmtid: the identifier of the remote fax terminal. fax.rate: the negotiated speed for the operation. fax.resolution: identifies the resolution of the image. Both metric- and inch-based resolutions are defined. Metric-based resolutions are 75x75, 150x150, 204x98, 204x196, 204x391, and 408x391. Inch-based resolutions are 200x200, 300x300, 400x400, and 600x600. fax.pagesize: identifies the negotiated page size. Metric sizes are "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", and "B4". Inch-based page sizes are "Letter" and "Legal". fax.encoding: identifies the image encoding utilized. Valid values are "MH", "R", "MMR", and "JPEG". fax.ecm: identifies whether ECM operation was used. fax.pagebadlines: the number of bad lines in a page. fax.objbadlines: the number of bad lines in an object. fax.opbadlines: the number of bad lines in an operation. fax.objuri: the objuri of the current object. fax.resendcount: the number of pages resent due to errors. fax.totalpages: the number of pages processed or stored. fax.totalobjects: the count of the objects used in the operation.
fax.duration: the duration of the operation expressed as a duration in seconds and milliseconds (e.g., "23s250ms"). fax.result: contains the reason that caused the fax operation to complete. When the operation completes successfully, the value will be assigned "fax.success". Other values include "fax.partial", "fax.nofax", "fax.remotedisconnect", "fax.uri.access.error", and "fax.invalid.startpage". The following sections describe the child elements of <faxsend>. <sendobj>
<sendobj> is used to define a fax transmission. There MAY be multiple instances of the element, which will be transmitted in order. Attributes: objuri: a URI that points to the fax image that will be transmitted. Mandatory. startpage: the first page of a multi-page objuri to send. pagecount: page count. <hdrfooter>
<hdrfooter> describes the header/footer that a media server MAY put on pages. The header or footer may be defined as the content of the <format> child element. The <format> element is only allowed if the type attribute has a value of "header" or "footer". Attributes: type: specifies whether a header or a footer should be put on pages and identifies the source of the header or footer. The following enumerated values may be used: "header" indicates that the media server should put a header on pages using the contents of the <format> element. "nohdr" indicates that there should be no header or footer. "footer" indicates that the media server should put a footer on pages using the contents of the <format> element.
style: defines the style of insertion onto a fax page that a media server should use for the header or footer. Valid styles are "append", "overlay", or "replace". <format> is a child of the <hdrfooter> element that defines the style format to be used for the header or footer. It uses a "C" language style format statement (as shown below) to define the contents and layout of the header or footer. code length name format %a 3 day of week 3-character abbreviation %d 2 date 01-31 %m 2 month 01-12 %y 2 year 00-99 %Y 4 year 0000-9999 %I 2 12 hour 01-12 %H 2 24 hour 00-23 %M 2 minute 00-59 %S 2 seconds 00-59 %p 2 AM/PM AM or PM %P 2 page number 01-99 %T 2 total pages 01-99 %l 20 local ID (sender) 0-9, + or spaces %r 20 remote ID (rcvr) 0-9, + or spaces %% 1 percent display % in header/ftr9.12.1.3. <rxpoll>
<rxpoll> provides the information necessary for a receive polling operation to occur. The object(s) to be received are defined by one or more <rcvobj> elements. The <rcvobj> is defined further under the child elements of <faxrcv>. The <rxpoll> element MAY also include a description of the header/footer that a media server SHOULD put on received pages. The <hdrfooter> element and its usage is described above. Attributes: rmtid: specifies the identifier of the remote fax terminal that is to be associated with a polling operation. A media server MUST NOT execute a polling operation unless the value of rmtid matches that of the connected remote machine. Mandatory. <faxstart>
The <faxstart> element requests that an event be sent when fax operation has begun. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.start"/> <faxnegotiate>
The <faxnegotiate> element requests that an event be sent when a negotiation has been completed. Multiple events MAY be sent each time a Digital Command Signal (DCS) frame is sent or received. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.negotiate" namelist="fax.rmtid fax.rate fax.resolution fax.pagesize fax.encoding fax.ecm"/> <faxpagedone>
The <faxpagedone> element requests that an event be sent when a page has been sent or received. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.pagedone" namelist="fax.resolution fax.pagesize fax.encoding fax.pagebadlines fax.resendcount"/> <faxobjectdone>
The <faxobjectdone> element requests that an event be sent when an objuri has been completed. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.objectdone" namelist="fax.objuri fax.objbadlines fax.resendcount fax.totalpages fax.result"/> <faxopcomplete>
The <faxopcomplete> element requests that an event be sent when an operation has been completed. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.opcomplete" namelist="fax.totalpages fax.opbadlines fax.resendcount fax.totalobjects fax.duration fax.result"/> <faxpollstarted>
The <faxpollstarted> element requests that an event be sent when a polling operation has started. When triggered, the following will be executed: <send target="source" event="fax.opcomplete" namelist="fax.rmtid fax.rate fax.resolution fax.pagesize fax.encoding fax.ecm"/>9.12.2. <faxrcv>
The <faxrcv> primitive provides the functionality of a called fax terminal. Typically this type of operation is to receive pages. However, it can include sending pages instead of, or in addition to, receiving them. The fax objects to receive are defined by the <rcvobj> elements, described below. A media server SHOULD send pages as a polled terminal when the <txpoll> element is included as part of <faxrcv>. This element may be included in addition to, or instead of, the <rcvobj> element. One <rcvobj> or <txpoll> element must be present. When both are present, a media server SHOULD first receive pages and will then allow the other terminal to poll the media server, requesting pages. Because fax is a distinct media type, the <faxrcv> primitive is not expected to interact with other primitives. Rather, it will interact using fax protocols with a remote fax terminal and will send
requested status events to its invoking environment. During fax operation, shadow variables are used to record the progress and parameters of the varying stages of fax operation. Status events are requested by including one or more status request elements. These elements correspond to different stages or events in fax operation and cause predefined events to be sent to the invoking environment when they occur. Since the only recipient of these events is expected to be a fax control agent, requests are simplified by associating a predefined namelist of shadow variables with each event. This decision may be revisited to allowed tailored namelists based on further implementation experience. Status requests apply both to receiving and polling operation. Attributes: id: an optional identifier that may be referenced elsewhere for sending events to the faxrecv primitive. lclid: the identifier that a media server uses to identify itself. ecm: specifies whether ECM mode is allowed to be used if supported by the remote terminal. Defaults to "true". Events: terminate: terminates the fax reception operation. Shadow Variables: <faxrcv> supports the same set of shadow variables as <faxsend> The following sections describe the child elements of <faxrcv>. In addition to the elements defined below, <faxrcv> MAY also have the following child elements, which were defined under <faxsend>: o <hdrfooter> o <faxstart> o <faxnegotiate> o <faxpagedone> o <faxobjectdone> o <faxopcomplete> o <faxpollstarted> Their meaning and usage are the same as previously defined. <rcvobj>
<rcvobj> is used to define fax objects that a media server will receive. There may be multiple instances of the element, which will be used in order. Attributes: objuri: a URI that points to the location that a received image is to be stored. Mandatory. maxpages: the maximum number of pages that will be stored in objuri. <txpoll>
<txpoll> provides the information for a polling operation to occur as part of a fax receive operation. An object or multiple objects to be sent may be supplied by one or more <sendobj> elements. In the event of multiple occurrences, a media server MUST select the <sendobj> element whose rmtid attribute matches that of the remote terminal. The <sendobj> element was defined previously as a child element of <faxsend>. The <txpoll> element is extended with an rmtid attribute that specifies the identifier of the remote fax terminal and is used to select the specific <sendobj> to send. A media server SHOULD put a header/footer on transmitted pages based on any <hdrfooter> element included as part of <txpoll>. Attributes: rmtid: specifies the identifier of the remote fax terminal that is to be associated with a polling operation. A media server MUST NOT execute a polling operation unless the value of rmtid matches that of the connected remote machine. Mandatory.10. MSML Audit Package
10.1. MSML Audit Core Package
This section describes the MSML Audit Core Package that MAY be implemented to support auditing services. Audit requests and results may vary based on the information being audited. The MSML Audit Core Package specifies the framework to send audit request, defines a state list, and builds audit results. The
additional audit packages define package specific state lists and associated audit result content. The additional audit packages MUST be defined within the framework specified by the Audit Core Package.10.1.1. <audit>
The <audit> element is an optional child element of <msml>, which MAY be used by MSML clients to perform state auditing of current media resources allocated and in use by the media server. The requested state information is returned in an MSML response. Attributes: queryid: the identifier of the MSML object being queried by the MSML client. Mandatory. Supported object types: conference or connection. Wildcards are allowed. statelist: a list of one or more state parameters that are being queried. Optional. If not present, the media server SHOULD return the id of audited object only. Each object type may contain a set of states. If the "statelist" contains any state that does not match the audited object type, the request MUST be rejected. mark: in the case of an error, the value of the mark attribute from the last successfully executed element that included the mark attribute. State Parameters: The state parameter MUST be named using a dot-notation format "audit.X.a.b.c...", where X is the mandatory field that indicates the class name of the object (e.g., "conf" or "conn") and the "a.b.c..." is the optional field used to describe the actual name of the state parameter in a hierarchical manner. The wildcard "*" MAY be used as part of a state name; however, it MUST only be used in the last field of the dot-notation (e.g., "audit.conf.*" is valid, but "audit.conf.*.a" is invalid). When a wildcard is used, it is equivalent to querying all the states below the specified level. Each field (e.g., within "a.b.c...") will result in individual element names <a>, <b>, and <c> in the audit result to contain corresponding state value. The parent/child relationship between these elements follows the hierarchy of the state name (i.e., <c> is child element of <b>, and <b> is child element of <a>).
10.1.2. <auditresult>
The <auditresult> element is an optional child element of <result>, which MUST be used by the media server to return the audit result. A specific instance of the <auditresult> element contains the state information of a single active object. Therefore, if multiple objects are within the scope of the audit request, then one <auditresult> element per object MUST be present. A zero occurrence of <auditresult> element indicates that there are no active resources within the scope of the audit request. Attributes: targetid: the identifier of a conference or connection. Mandatory. Wildcard is not allowed. The <auditresult> may contain child element(s) that return additional state information, corresponding to the "statelist" attribute in the <audit> request. The child element names correspond to the fields of the state parameter name (e.g., "a.b.c..."), following the same hierarchical structure.10.2. MSML Audit Conference Package
This section describes the MSML Audit Conference Package that MUST be implemented to support auditing of conference services. The MSML Audit Conference Package follows the framework specified by the MSML Audit Core Package. This package defines the state parameter list and audit result for conference auditing.10.2.1. State Parameters
All conference state parameter names MUST be prefixed by "audit.conf". confconfig: query the conferences general configuration. confconfig.audiomix: query the audio mixer's general configuration in the conference. confconfig.audiomix.asn: query the current ASN setting in the audio mixer. confconfig.audiomix.n-loudest: query the current n-loudest setting in the audio mixer. confconfig.videolayout: query the video layout's general configuration in the conference.
confconfig.videolayout.root: query the root window setting of the video layout. confconfig.videolayout.selector: query the video stream selector setting of the video layout. confconfig.controller: query who is the conference controller. dialog: query the active dialog information on the conference. See MSML Audit Dialog Package for details. stream: query the active stream information on the conference. See MSML Audit Stream Package for details.10.2.2. <auditresult>
The <auditresult> attribute of "targetid" is required to indicate results for auditing a conference. The <auditresult> element may optionally contain the following child elements, returning additional conference state information, if corresponding states are queried and available. confconfig
The <confconfig> element is used to return the general configuration state(s) of a conference, using the following attributes. Attributes: deletewhen: as defined by <createconference> element in MSML Conference Core Package. term: as defined by <createconference> element in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.audiomix
The <audiomix> element contains the general audio mixer configuration using the following attributes. Attributes: id: as defined by <audiomix> element in MSML Conference Core Package. samplerate: as defined by <audiomix> element in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.audiomix.asn
The <asn> element contains the current ASN setting of an audio mixer, if ASN is enabled. The state values are included in the following attributes. Attributes: ri: as defined by <asn> element in MSML Conference Core Package. asth: as defined by <asn> element in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.audiomix.n-loudest
The <n-loudest> element contains the current n-loudest setting of the audio mixer. The state values are included in the following attributes. Attributes: n: as defined by <n-loudest> element in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.videolayout
The <videolayout> element contains the general video layout configuration using the following attributes. Attributes: id: as defined by <videolayout> in MSML Conference Core Package. type: as defined by <videolayout> in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.videolayout.root
The <root> element is used to contain root window settings. Attributes: size: as defined by <root> element in MSML Conference Core Package. backgroundcolor: as defined by <root> element in MSML Conference Core Package. Backgroundimage: as defined by <root> element in MSML Conference Core Package. confconfig.videolayout.selector
The <selector> element is used to contain selector settings. Attributes: id: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package. method: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package. status: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package. blankothers: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package. si: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package when selector method is "vas". speakersees: as defined by <selector> element in MSML Conference Core Package when selector method is "vas". confconfig.controller
The <controller> element is used to return the conference controller id in its content. The conference controller is the SIP dialog that carries the <createconference> request. The return value is the MSML connection id. dialog
If conference dialog state is queried, the audit result is returned using the <dialog> element as specified in the MSML Audit Dialog Package. stream
If conference stream state is queried, the audit result is returned using the <stream> element as specified in the MSML Audit Stream Package.
10.3. MSML Audit Connection Package
This section describes the MSML Audit Connection Package that MAY be implemented to support auditing connection services. The MSML Audit Connection Package follows the framework specified by the MSML Audit Core Package. This package defines the state parameter list and audit result for connection auditing.10.3.1. State Parameters
Connection state parameter names are prefixed by "audit.conn". sipdialog: queries the identifier of the SIP dialog with which the connection is associated. sipdialog.localseq: queries one of the SIP dialog states - local sequence number. sipdialog.remoteseq: queries one of the SIP dialog states - remote sequence number. sipdialog.localURI: queries one of the SIP dialog states - local URI. sipdialog.remoteURI: queries one of the SIP dialog states - remote URI. sipdialog.remotetarget: queries one of the SIP dialog states - remote target. sipdialog.routeset: queries one of the SIP dialog states - route set. localsdp: queries the local SDP body of the connection. remotesdp: queries the remote SDP body of the connection. dialog: queries the active dialog information on the connection. See MSML Audit Dialog Package for details. stream: queries the active stream information on the connection. See MSML Audit Stream Package for details.10.3.2. <auditresult>
The <auditresult> attribute "targetid" MUST specify a connection identifier for a connection result.
The <auditresult> element MAY contain the following child elements optionally to return additional connection state information if the corresponding states are queried and are available. sipdialog
The <sipdialog> element contains the associated SIP dialog information. The SIP dialog ID information is returned using the following attributes. Attributes: callid: call-ID value as defined in [n1]. Mandatory. localtag: local-tag value as defined in [n1]. Mandatory. remotetag: remote-tag value as defined in [n1]. Mandatory. This element can contain the following child elements optionally to return additional SIP dialog state information to the client if the corresponding states are queried and available. sipdialog.localseq
The <localseq> element contains the local sequence number. The local sequence number is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. sipdialog.remoteseq
The <remoteseq> element contains the remote sequence number. The remote sequence number is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. sipdialog.localuri
The <localuri> element contains the local URI value. The local URI is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. sipdialog.remoteuri
The <remoteuri> element contains the remote URI value. The remote URI is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. sipdialog.remotetarget
The <remotetarget> element contains the remote target value. The remote target is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. sipdialog.routeset
The <routeset> element contains the route-set value (an ordered list of URIs separated by comma). The route set is one of the SIP dialog states as defined in [n1]. localsdp
The <localsdp> element contains the local SDP body. remotesdp
The <remotesdp> element contains the remote SDP body. dialog
If the connection dialog state is queried, the audit result returns the queried information using the <dialog> element, as specified in the MSML Audit Dialog Package. stream
If the connection stream state is queried, the audit result returns the queried information using the <stream> element, as specified in the MSML Audit Stream Package.10.4. MSML Audit Dialog Package
This section describes the MSML Audit Dialog Package that MAY be implemented to support auditing dialogs. The MSML Audit Dialog Package follows the framework specified by the MSML Audit Core Package. The MSML Audit Dialog Package must be used together with either the MSML Audit Conference Package or MSML Audit Connection Package, since the dialogs are applicable to conferences or connections.10.4.1. State Parameters
Dialog state parameter names are prefixed by "dialog". Since this package must be used together with the MSML Audit Conference Package or MSML Audit Connection Package, the complete dialog state name must be prefixed by "audit.conf.dialog" or "audit.conn.dialog", depending on the context within which the dialog state is queried. dialog: queries the number of active dialog(s) running on the target (a conference or connection); basic dialog information will be returned.
dialog.duration: queries the amount of time a dialog has been running. dialog.primitive: queries the media primitive currently being executed by the dialog. dialog.controller: queries the dialog controller.10.4.2. <dialog>
The <dialog> element is a child element of <auditresult>, which contains the active dialog information on the target identified by the attribute "targetid" of the <audioresult> element. Basic dialog information is returned using the following attributes. Attributes: src: as defined by the <dialogstart> element in the MSML Dialog Core Package. type: as defined by the <dialogstart> element in the MSML Dialog Core Package. Mandatory. name: as defined by the <dialogstart> element in the MSML Dialog Core Package. Mandatory. This element may contain the following child elements optionally to return additional dialog information if the corresponding state parameter has been queried and the state value is available. <duration>
The <duration> element returns the duration that a dialog has been running on the specified target. The duration value is included in the element content. It is a positive integer value (in unit of seconds). <primitive>
The <primitive> element returns the currently active media primitive in its content. The active media primitive is the primitive that is currently being executed. Possible return values are play, dtmf, collect, dtmfgen, tonegen, record, or none. <controller>
The <controller> element returns the dialog controller id in its content. The dialog controller is the SIP dialog that carries the <dialogstart> request. The returned value is the MSML connection id.10.5. MSML Audit Stream Package
This section describes the MSML Audit Stream Package that MAY be implemented to support auditing stream. The MSML Audit Stream Package follows the framework specified by the MSML Audit Core Package. The MSML Audit Stream Package MUST be used together with either the MSML Audit Conference Package or the MSML Audit Connection Package, since the stream is applicable between conferences, between connections, or between conferences and connections.10.5.1. State Parameters
Stream state parameter names are prefixed by "stream". Since this package must be used together with the MSML Audit Conference Package or MSML Audit Connection Package, the complete stream state name must be prefixed by "audit.conf.stream" or "audit.conn.stream", depending on the context within which the stream state is queried. stream: queries the number of active streams created on the audited object; basic stream information will be returned. stream.clamp: queries the clamping status. stream.gain: queries the gain control information. stream.visual: queries the visual setting.10.5.2. <stream>
The <stream> element is a child element of <auditresult> and contains the active stream information on the target identified by the attribute "targetid" of the <audioresult> element. Basic stream information is returned using the following attributes. Attributes: joinwith: an identifier of either a connection or a conference with which the audited object is joined. Mandatory. Wildcard is not allowed.
media: as defined by the <stream> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. Mandatory. dir: direction of stream, from audited target perspective, "from" or "to". Mandatory. compressed: as defined by the <stream> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. display: as defined by the <stream> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. override: as defined by the <stream> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. preferred: as defined by the <stream> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. This element MAY contain the following child elements that optionally return additional stream information, if the corresponding state parameter is queried and the state value is available. <clamp>
The <clamp> element is included if stream clamping is active. The currently active clamping state values are returned using the attributes as defined by the <clamp> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. <gain>
The <gain> element is included if stream gain is active. The current gain control state values are returned using the attributes as defined by the <gain> element in the MSML Conference Core Package. <visual>
The <visual> element is included if stream visual display is active. The current visual display settings are returned using the attributes as defined by the <visual> element in the MSML Conference Core Package.11. Response Codes
Response codes are used to indicate reasons for failures as well as completion status. The appropriate code and description must be passed to the invoking environment on failure.
The response codes defined in this section are returned as the value of the response attribute to the <result> element. Some values may also be returned as part of a namelist to an "msml.dialog.exit" event generated when an executing MSML dialog fails. Informational (1xx) Reserved for future use Success (200) 200 OK Request Error (4xx) 400 Bad Request 401 Unknown Element 402 Unsupported Element 403 Missing mandatory element content 404 Forbidden element content 405 Invalid element content 406 Unknown attribute 407 Attribute not supported 408 Missing mandatory attribute 409 Forbidden attribute is present 410 Invalid attribute value 420 Unsupported media description language 421 Unknown media description language 422 Ambiguous request (both URI and inline description) 423 External document fetch error 424 Syntax error in foreign language 425 Semantic error in foreign language 426 Unknown error executing foreign language 430 Object does not exist 431 Object instance name already used 432 Conference name already in use 433 reserved 434 External document fetch error 440 Cannot join objects of the specified class 441 Objects have incompatible media types 442 reserved 443 reserved 444 Number of media inputs exceeded
450 Objects have incompatible media formats 451 Incompatible media stream format Server Error (5xx) 500 Internal media server error 503 Service Unavailable 510 Not in service 511 Service Unavailable 520 No resource to fulfill request 521 Internal limit exceeded