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RFC 5650

Definitions of Managed Objects for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2)

Pages: 218
Proposed Standard
Part 6 of 10 – Pages 112 to 129
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Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 112   prevText
xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Downstream Up-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  The interval of
       time that the downstream noise margin should stay above the
       Downstream Up-Shift Noise Margin before the xTU-R shall attempt
       to increase the downstream net data rate.  The time interval
       ranges from 0 to 16383 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-UTIMEds)"
   DEFVAL       { 3600 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 10 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Upstream Up-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  The interval of
       time the upstream noise margin should stay above the Upstream
       Up-Shift Noise Margin before the xTU-C shall attempt to increase
       the upstream net data rate.  The time interval ranges from 0 to
       16383 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-UTIMEus)"
   DEFVAL       { 3600 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 11 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Downstream Down-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used
       when xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  If the
       downstream noise margin is below this value and stays
       below that value, for more than the time specified by the
       xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs, the xTU-R shall attempt to decrease
       the downstream net data rate.  The Downstream Down-Shift Noise
       Margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB (physical values
       are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-DSNRMds)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 113
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 12 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Upstream Downshift Noise Margin value, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  If the upstream
       noise margin is below this value and stays below that value,
       for more than the time specified by the xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs,
       the xTU-C shall attempt to decrease the upstream net data rate.
       The Upstream Down-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to 310 units
       of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-DSNRMus)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 13 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Downstream Downshift Time Interval, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  The interval of
       time the downstream noise margin should stay below the Downstream
       Down-Shift Noise Margin before the xTU-R shall attempt to
       decrease the downstream net data rate.  The time interval ranges
       from 0 to 16383 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-DTIMEds)"
   DEFVAL       { 3600 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 14 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..16383)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Upstream Down-Shift Time Interval, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  The interval of
       time the upstream noise margin should stay below the Upstream
       Down-Shift Noise Margin before the xTU-C shall attempt to
       decrease the upstream net data rate.  The time interval ranges
       from 0 to 16383 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-DTIMEus)"
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 114
   DEFVAL       { 3600 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 15 }

xdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum Noise Margin the xTU-R receiver shall achieve,
       relative to the BER requirement for each of the downstream bearer
       channels, to successfully complete initialization.
       The target noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB
       (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (TARSNRMds)"
   DEFVAL       { 60 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 16 }

xdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum Noise Margin the xTU-C receiver shall achieve,
       relative to the BER requirement for each of the upstream bearer
       channels, to successfully complete initialization.
       The target noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB
       (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (TARSNRMus)"
   DEFVAL       { 60 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 17 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..310 | 2147483647)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum Noise Margin the xTU-R receiver shall try to
       sustain.  If the Noise Margin is above this level, the xTU-R
       shall request that the xTU-C reduce the xTU-C transmit power to
       get a noise margin below this limit (if this functionality is
       supported).  The maximum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units
       of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of
       0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no maximum."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXSNRMds)"
   DEFVAL       { 310 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 115
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 18 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..310 | 2147483647)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum Noise Margin the xTU-C receiver shall try to
       sustain.  If the Noise Margin is above this level, the xTU-C
       shall request that the xTU-R reduce the xTU-R transmit power to
       get a noise margin below this limit (if this functionality is
       supported).  The maximum noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units
       of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of
       0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no maximum."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXSNRMus)"
   DEFVAL       { 310 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 19 }

xdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum Noise Margin the xTU-R receiver shall tolerate.
       If the noise margin falls below this level, the xTU-R shall
       request that the xTU-C increase the xTU-C transmit power.
       If an increase to xTU-C transmit power is not possible, a loss-
       of-margin (LOM) defect occurs, the xTU-R shall fail and attempt
       to reinitialize and the NMS shall be notified.  The minimum noise
       margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB (physical values are
       0 to 31 dB).  A value of 0 means that there is no minimum."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MINSNRMds)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 20 }

xdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum Noise Margin the xTU-C receiver shall tolerate.
       If the noise margin falls below this level, the xTU-C shall
       request that the xTU-R increase the xTU-R transmit power.
       If an increase of xTU-R transmit power is not possible, a loss-
       of-margin (LOM) defect occurs, the xTU-C shall fail and attempt
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 116
       to re-initialize and the NMS shall be notified.  The minimum
       noise margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB (physical
       values are 0 to 31 dB).  A value of 0 means that there is no
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MINSNRMus)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 21 }

xdsl2LConfProfMsgMinUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(4000..248000)
   UNITS       "bits/second"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Minimum Overhead Rate Upstream.  Defines the minimum rate of
       the message-based overhead that shall be maintained by the xTU in
       upstream direction.  Expressed in bits per second and ranges from
       4000 to 248000 bits/s."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MSGMINus)"
   DEFVAL       { 4000 }
  ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 22 }

xdsl2LConfProfMsgMinDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(4000..248000)
   UNITS       "bits/second"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Minimum Overhead Rate Downstream.  Defines the minimum rate
       of the message-based overhead that shall be maintained by the xTU
       in the downstream direction.  Expressed in bits per second and
       ranges from 4000 to 248000 bits/s."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MSGMINds)"
   DEFVAL       { 4000 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 23 }

xdsl2LConfProfCeFlag  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineCeFlag
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This parameter is a bit that enables the use of the optional
       cyclic extension values."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (CEFLAG)"
   DEFVAL       { { } }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 24 }

xdsl2LConfProfSnrModeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 117
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineSnrMode
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This parameter enables the transmitter-referred virtual
       noise in the downstream direction."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SNRMODEds)"
   DEFVAL       { virtualNoiseDisabled }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 25 }

xdsl2LConfProfSnrModeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineSnrMode
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This parameter enables the transmitter-referred virtual
       noise in the upstream direction."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SNRMODEus)"
   DEFVAL       { virtualNoiseDisabled }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 26 }

xdsl2LConfProfTxRefVnDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineTxRefVnDs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the downstream
       transmitter-referred virtual noise.
       The TXREFVNds shall be specified through a set of breakpoints.
       Each breakpoint shall consist of a subcarrier index t, with a
       subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, and a noise PSD level
       (expressed in dBm/Hz) at that subcarrier.  The set of breakpoints
       can then be represented as:
       [(t1,PSD1), (t2, PSD2), ... , (tN, PSDN)]."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (TXREFVNds)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 27 }

xdsl2LConfProfTxRefVnUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineTxRefVnUs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the upstream
       transmitter-referred virtual noise.
       The TXREFVNus shall be specified through a set of breakpoints.
       Each breakpoint shall consist of a subcarrier index t, with a
       subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, and a noise PSD level
       (expressed in dBm/Hz) at that subcarrier.  The set of breakpoints
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 118
       can then be represented as:
       [(t1, PSD1), (t2, PSD2), ... , (tN, PSDN)]."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (TXREFVNus)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 28 }

xdsl2LConfProfXtuTransSysEna  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2TransmissionModeType
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "xTU Transmission System Enabling (XTSE).  A list of the
       different coding types enabled in this profile.  It is coded in a
       bitmap representation with 1 or more bits set.  A bit set to
       '1' means that the xTUs may apply the respective
       coding for the DSL line.  A bit set to '0' means that
       the xTUs cannot apply the respective coding for the ADSL line.
       All 'reserved' bits should be set to '0'."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (XTSE)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 29 }

xdsl2LConfProfPmMode  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LinePmMode
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Power management state Enabling (PMMode).  Defines the power
       states the xTU-C or xTU-R may autonomously transition to on
       this line.
       This is a set of bits, where any bit with a '1' value
       means that the xTU is allowed to transit into the respective
       state and any bit with a '0' value means that the xTU
       is not allowed to transit into the respective state."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (PMMode)"
   DEFVAL  { { allowTransitionsToIdle, allowTransitionsToLowPower } }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 30 }

xdsl2LConfProfL0Time  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum time (in seconds) between an Exit from the L2
       state and the next Entry into the L2 state.
       It ranges from 0 to 255 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (L0-TIME)"
   DEFVAL       { 255 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 31 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 119
xdsl2LConfProfL2Time  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
   UNITS       "seconds"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The minimum time (in seconds) between an Entry into the
       L2 state and the first Power Trim in the L2 state and between two
       consecutive Power Trims in the L2 state.
       It ranges from 0 to 255 seconds."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (L2-TIME)"
   DEFVAL       { 255 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 32 }

xdsl2LConfProfL2Atpr  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..31)
   UNITS       "dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum aggregate transmit power reduction (in dB) that
       can be performed at transition of L0 to L2 state or through a
       single Power Trim in the L2 state.
       It ranges from 0 dB to 31 dB."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (L2-ATPR)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 33 }

xdsl2LConfProfL2Atprt  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..31)
   UNITS       "dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The total maximum aggregate transmit power reduction (in dB)
       that can be performed in an L2 state.  This is the sum of all
       reductions of L2 Requests (i.e., at transition of L0 to L2 state)
       and Power Trims."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (L2-ATPRT)"
   DEFVAL       { 31 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 34 }

xdsl2LConfProfProfiles  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineProfiles
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The configuration parameter contains the G.993.2 profiles
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 120
       to be allowed by the near-end xTU on this line.
       It is coded in a bitmap representation (0 if not allowed, 1 if
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (PROFILES)"
   DEFVAL       { { profile8a,  profile8b,  profile8c,
                    profile8d,  profile12a, profile12b,
                    profile17a, profile30a } }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 35 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboEPsd  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PsdMaskDs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the PSD mask that is
       assumed to be permitted at the exchange.  This parameter shall
       use the same format as xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs (PSDMASKds).
       The maximum number of breakpoints for xdsl2LConfProfDpboEPsd
       is 16."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOEPSD)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 36 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..511)
   UNITS       "0.5 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the assumed electrical
       length of cables (E-side cables) connecting exchange-based DSL
       services to a remote flexibility point (cabinet), that hosts the
       xTU-C that is subject to spectrally shaped downstream power back-
       off (DPBO) depending on this length.  The electrical length is
       defined as the loss (in dB) of an equivalent length of
       hypothetical cable at a reference frequency defined by the
       network operator or in spectrum management regulations.
       This parameter shall be coded as an unsigned integer representing
       an electrical length from 0 dB (coded as 0) to 255.5 dB (coded as
       511) in steps of 0.5 dB.  All values in the range are valid.  If
       this parameter is set to '0', the DPBO shall be disabled."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOESEL)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 37 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..640)
   UNITS       "2^-8"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 121
   STATUS      current
      "The E-side Cable Model parameter A (DPBOESCMA) of the cable
       model (DPBOESCM) for cables connecting exchange-based DSL
       services to a remote flexibility point (cabinet), that hosts the
       xTU-C that is subject to spectrally shaped downstream power back-
       off (DPBO) depending on this value.
       The cable model is in terms of three scalars
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA (DPBOESCMA),
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB(DPBOESCMB), and
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC (DPBOESCMC), that are used to
       estimate the frequency dependent loss of E-side cables calculated
       from the xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL (DPBOESEL) parameter.  Possible
       values shall be coded as unsigned integers representing a scalar
       value from -1 (coded as 0) to 1.5 (coded as 640) in steps of
       2^-8.  All values in the range are valid.  This parameter is used
       only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOESCMA)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 38 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..640)
   UNITS       "2^-8"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The E-side Cable Model parameter B (DPBOESCMB) of the cable
       model (DPBOESCM) for cables connecting exchange-based DSL
       services to a remote flexibility point (cabinet), that hosts the
       xTU-C that is subject to spectrally shaped downstream power back-
       off (DPBO) depending on this value.
       The cable model is in terms of three scalars
       dsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA (DPBOESCMA),
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB(DPBOESCMB), and
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC (DPBOESCMC), that are used to
       estimate the frequency dependent loss of E-side cables calculated
       from the xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL (DPBOESEL) parameter.  Possible
       values shall be coded as unsigned integers representing a scalar
       value from -1 (coded as 0) to 1.5 (coded as 640) in steps of
       2^-8.  All values in the range are valid.  This parameter is used
       only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOESCMB)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 39 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..640)
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 122
   UNITS       "2^-8"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The E-side Cable Model parameter C (DPBOESCMC) of the cable
       model (DPBOESCM) for cables connecting exchange-based DSL
       services to a remote flexibility point (cabinet), that hosts the
       xTU-C that is subject to spectrally shaped downstream power back-
       off (DPBO) depending on this value.
       The cable model is in terms of three scalars
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA (DPBOESCMA),
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB(DPBOESCMB), and
       xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC (DPBOESCMC), that are used to
       estimate the frequency dependent loss of E-side cables calculated
       from the xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL (DPBOESEL) parameter.  Possible
       values shall be coded as unsigned integers representing a scalar
       value from -1 (coded as 0) to 1.5 (coded as 640) in steps of
       2^-8.  All values in the range are valid.  This parameter is used
       only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOESCMC)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 40 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboMus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
   UNITS       "0.5 dBm/Hz"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the assumed Minimum
       Usable receive PSD mask (in dBm/Hz) for exchange-based services,
       used to modify parameter xdsl2LConfProfDpboFMax (DPBOFMAX)
       defined below (to determine the DPBO).  It shall be coded as an
       unsigned integer representing a PSD mask level from 0 dBm/Hz
       (coded as 0) to -127.5 dBm/Hz (coded as 255) in steps of 0.5
       dBm/Hz.  All values in the range are valid.
       NOTE - The PSD mask level is 3.5 dB above the signal PSD level.
       This parameter is used only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOMUS)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 41 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboFMin OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..2048)
   UNITS       "4.3125 kHz"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 123
      "This configuration parameter defines the minimum frequency
       from which the DPBO shall be applied.  It ranges from 0 kHz
       (coded as 0) to 8832 kHz (coded as 2048) in steps of
       4.3125 kHz.  This parameter is used only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOFMIN)"
   DEFVAL      { 32 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 42 }

xdsl2LConfProfDpboFMax OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (32..6956)
   UNITS       "4.3125 kHz"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the maximum frequency
       at which DPBO may be applied.  It ranges from 138 kHz (coded as
       32) to 29997.75 kHz (coded as 6956) in steps of 4.3125 kHz.
       This parameter is used only for G.993.2."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (DPBOFMAX)"
   DEFVAL      { 512 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 43 }

xdsl2LConfProfUpboKL  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..1280)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This configuration parameter defines the electrical length
       expressed in dB at 1 MHz, kl0, configured by the CO-MIB.
       The value ranges from 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in
       steps of 0.1 dB.  This parameter is relevant only if
       xdsl2LConfProfUpboKLF is set to 'override(2)', which indicates
       that this parameter's value will override the VTUs'
       determination of the electrical length.
       If xdsl2LConfProfUpboKLF is set either to auto(1) or
       disableUpbo(3), then this parameter will be ignored."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UPBOKL)"
   DEFVAL      { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 44 }

   SYNTAX      Xdsl2UpboKLF
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Defines the upstream power backoff force mode."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (UPBOKLF)
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 124
   DEFVAL      { disableUpbo }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 45 }

xdsl2LConfProfUs0Mask  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineUs0Mask
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The configuration parameter contains the US0 PSD masks to be
       allowed by the near-end xTU on the line.  This parameter is only
       defined for G.993.2 Annex A.  It is represented as a bitmap (0
       if not allowed and 1 if allowed)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1 Amendment 1, paragraph #
   DEFVAL       { {} }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 46 }

xdsl2LConfProfForceInp  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
       "This parameter, when set to 'true' indicates that the framer
        settings of the bearer shall be selected such that the impulse
        noise protection computed according to the formula specified in
        the relevant Recommendation is greater than or equal to the
        minimal impulse noise protection requirement.
        This flag shall have the same value for all the bearers of one
        line in the same direction."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (FORCEINP)"
   DEFVAL       { false }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 47 }

xdsl2LConfProfRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
       delete an existing row in this table.

       A profile is activated by setting this object to 'active'.

       Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service (by
       setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'), it MUST be
       first unreferenced from all templates.
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 125
       A row in this table is said to be unreferenced when there is no
       instance of xdsl2LConfTempLineProfile that refers to the row.

       When a row is created in this table, the SNMP agent should also
       create corresponding rows in the tables
       xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable and
       When a row is deleted in this table, the SNMP agent should also
       delete corresponding rows in the tables
       xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable and
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 48 }

--    xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable    --

xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable extends the DSL
       line configuration profile by xDSL Mode-Specific parameters.
       A row in this table that has an index of xdsl2LConfProfXdslMode
       == defMode(1), is called a 'mandatory' row or 'default' row.
       A row in this table that has an index such that
       xdsl2LConfProfXdslMode is not equal to defMode(1), is called an
       'optional' row or 'mode-specific' row.
       When a row in the xdsl2LineConfProfTable table (the parent row)
       is created, the SNMP agent will automatically create a
       'mandatory' row in this table.
       When the parent row is deleted, the SNMP agent will automatically
       delete all associated rows in this table.
       Any attempt to delete the 'mandatory' row using the
       xdsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus object will be rejected by the
       SNMP agent.
       The manager MAY create an 'optional' row in this table using the
       xdsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus object if the parent row
       The manager MAY delete an 'optional' row in this table using the
       xdsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus object at any time.
       If the actual transmission mode of a DSL line does not match one
       of the 'optional' rows in this table, then the line will use the
       PSD configuration from the 'mandatory' row.

       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 126
   ::= { xdsl2ProfileLine 3 }

xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable extends the
       DSL line configuration profile by DSL Mode-Specific
   INDEX  { xdsl2LConfProfProfileName, xdsl2LConfProfXdslMode }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecTable 1 }

Xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry  ::=
      xdsl2LConfProfXdslMode             Xdsl2OperationModes,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdDs          Integer32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdUs          Integer32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpDs          Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpUs          Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxAggRxPwrUs        Integer32,
      xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs            Xdsl2PsdMaskDs,
      xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskUs            Xdsl2PsdMaskUs,
      xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskSelectUs      Xdsl2LinePsdMaskSelectUs,
      xdsl2LConfProfClassMask            Xdsl2LineClassMask,
      xdsl2LConfProfLimitMask            Xdsl2LineLimitMask,
      xdsl2LConfProfUs0Disable           Xdsl2LineUs0Disable,
      xdsl2LConfProfModeSpecRowStatus    RowStatus

xdsl2LConfProfXdslMode    OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2OperationModes
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The DSL Mode is a way of categorizing the various xDSL
       transmission modes into groups, each group (xDSL Mode) shares
       the same PSD configuration.
       There should be multiple entries in this table for a given line
       profile in case multiple bits are set in
       xdsl2LConfProfXtuTransSysEna for that profile."
   REFERENCE    "DSL Forum TR-129, paragraph #5.5"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 1 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Integer32(-600..-300)
   UNITS       "0.1 dBm/Hz"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 127
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum nominal transmit PSD in the downstream direction
       during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from -600 to -300
       units of 0.1 dBm/Hz (physical values are -60 to -30
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXNOMPSDds)"
   DEFVAL       { -300 }
  ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 2 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomPsdUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Integer32(-600..-300)
   UNITS       "0.1 dBm/Hz"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum nominal transmit PSD in the upstream direction
       during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from -600 to
       -300 units of 0.1 dBm/Hz (physical values are -60 to -30
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXNOMPSDus)"
   DEFVAL       { -300 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 3 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
   UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum nominal aggregate to transmit power in the
       downstream direction during initialization and Showtime.  It
       ranges from 0 to 255 units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are 0
       to 25.5 dBm)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXNOMATPds)"
   DEFVAL       { 255 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 4 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxNomAtpUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
   UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum nominal aggregate transmit power in the upstream
       direction during initialization and Showtime.  It ranges from
       0 to 255 units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are 0 to 25.5
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 128
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXNOMATPus)"
   DEFVAL       { 255 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 5 }

xdsl2LConfProfMaxAggRxPwrUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Integer32(-255..255 | 2147483647)
   UNITS       "0.1 dBm"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The maximum upstream aggregate receive power over the
       relevant set of subcarriers.  The xTU-C should verify that the
       upstream power cutback is such that this maximum aggregate
       receive power value is honored.  It ranges from -255 to 255
       units of 0.1 dBm (physical values are -25.5 to 25.5 dBm).
       A value of 0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) means that there is no
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (MAXRXPWRus)"
   DEFVAL       { 255 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 6 }

xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs   OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PsdMaskDs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
     "The downstream PSD mask applicable at the U-C2 reference
      This parameter is used only for G.992.5 and it may impose PSD
      restrictions (breakpoints) in addition to the Limit PSD mask
      defined in G.992.5.
      This is a string of 32 pairs of values in the following
      Octets 0-1 - Index of the first subcarrier used in the context of
                   a first breakpoint.
      Octet 2    - The PSD reduction for the subcarrier indicated in
                   octets 0 and 1.
      Octets 3-5 - Same, for a second breakpoint.
      Octets 6-8 - Same, for a third breakpoint.
      This architecture continues until octets 94-95, which are
      associated with a 32nd breakpoint.
      Each subcarrier index is an unsigned number in the range 0 and
      NSCds-1.  Each PSD reduction value is in the range 0 (0 dBm/Hz) to
      255 (-127.5 dBm/Hz) with steps of 0.5 dBm/Hz.  Valid values are in
      the range 0 to 190 (0 to -95 dBm/Hz).
      When the number of breakpoints is less than 32, all remaining
      octets are set to the value '0'.  Note that the content of this
      object should be correlated with the subcarrier mask and with
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 129
      the RFI setup."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (PSDMASKds)"
     ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 7 }

xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskUs   OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2PsdMaskUs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
     "The upstream PSD mask applicable at the U-R2 reference
      This parameter is used only for G.992.5, and it may impose PSD
      restrictions (breakpoints) in addition to the Limit PSD mask
      defined in G.992.5.
      This is a string of 16 pairs of values in the following
      Octets 0-1 - Index of the first subcarrier used in the context of
                   a first breakpoint.
      Octet 2    - The PSD reduction for the subcarrier indicated in
                   octets 0 and 1.
      Octets 3-5 - Same, for a second breakpoint.
      Octets 6-8 - Same, for a third breakpoint.
      This architecture continues until octets 9-47, which are
      associated with a 16th breakpoint.
      Each subcarrier index is an unsigned number in the range 0 and
      NSCus-1.  Each PSD reduction value is in the range 0 (0 dBm/Hz) to
      255 (-127.5 dBm/Hz) with steps of 0.5 dBm/Hz.  Valid values are in
      the range 0 to 190 (0 to -95 dBm/Hz).
      When the number of breakpoints is less than 16, all remaining
      octets are set to the value '0'.  Note that the content of this
      object should be correlated with the subcarrier mask and with
      the RFI setup."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (PSDMASKus)"
     ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 8 }

xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskSelectUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LinePsdMaskSelectUs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
     "The selected upstream PSD mask.  This parameter is used only
      for Annexes J and M of G.992.3 and G.992.5, and the same
      selection is used for all relevant enabled bits in
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                (Upstream PSD mask selection)"
   DEFVAL       { adlu32Eu32 }
    ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfModeSpecEntry 9 }

(next page on part 7)

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