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RFC 5650

Definitions of Managed Objects for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2)

Pages: 218
Proposed Standard
Part 5 of 10 – Pages 92 to 111
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Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 92   prevText
xdsl2SCStatusBandSigAtten  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..1270 | 2147483646 | 2147483647)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "When referring to a band in the downstream direction, it is the
       measured difference in the total power transmitted by the xTU-C
       and the total power received by the xTU-R over all subcarriers
       during Showtime after the diagnostics mode.
       When referring to the upstream direction, it is the measured
       difference in the total power transmitted by the xTU-R and the
       total power received by the xTU-C over all subcarriers during
       Showtime after the diagnostics mode.
       It ranges from 0 to 1270 units of 0.1 dB (physical values are 0
       to 127 dB).
       A special value of 0x7FFFFFFF (2147483647) indicates the line
       attenuation is out of range to be represented.
       A special value of 0x7FFFFFFE (2147483646) indicates the line
       attenuation measurement is unavailable.
       This object reflects the value of the parameter following the
       most recent DELT performed on the associated line.  Once the DELT
       process is over, the parameter no longer changes until the row is
       deleted or a new DELT process is initiated."
   REFERENCE  "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SATNds)
               and paragraph # (SATNus)"
   DEFVAL       { 2147483646 }
   ::= { xdsl2SCStatusBandEntry 3 }

--        xdsl2SCStatusSegmentTable           --

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2SCStatusSegmentTable contains status
       parameters of VDSL2/ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ subcarriers.

       Several objects in the table refer to NSus and NSds.  For
       G.993.2, the value of NSus and NSds are, respectively, the
       indices of the highest supported upstream and downstream
       subcarriers according to the selected implementation profile.
       For ADSL, NSus is equal to NSCus-1 and NSds is equal to NSCds-1.

       The parameters in this table MUST be updated after a loop
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 93
       diagnostic procedure and MAY be updated after a line
       initialization and MAY be updated at Showtime."
   ::= { xdsl2Status 5 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "One index of this table is an interface index where the
       interface has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index of this
       table is the transmission direction.  A third index identifies
       the specific segment of the subcarriers status addressed."
   INDEX  { ifIndex,
            xdsl2SCStatusSegment   }
   ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentTable 1 }

Xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry  ::=
      xdsl2SCStatusSegment                  Unsigned32,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinReal           OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinImg            OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLog               OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentQln               OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentSnr               OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentBitsAlloc         Xdsl2BitsAlloc,
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentGainAlloc         OCTET STRING

xdsl2SCStatusSegment  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..8)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
     "The segment of the subcarriers status information provided by
      this row.
      Several status parameters in this table are retrieved in segments.
      The first segment of the status information is retrieved with
      xdsl2SCStatusSegment=1, the second segment is retrieved with
      xdsl2SCStatusSegment=2, and so on.  When any status parameter is
      retrieved in n segments where n<8), then for that parameter,
      GET operations for the remaining segment numbers (n+1 to 8) will
      respond with a zero-length OCTET STRING."
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 1 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinReal  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..1024))
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 94
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "An array of up to 512 complex H(f) linear representation
      values in linear scale for the respective transmission direction.
      It is designed to support up to 512 (downstream) subcarrier
      groups and can be retrieved in a single segment.
      The number of utilized values in the downstream direction depends
      on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends on NSus.  This
      value is referred to here as NS.
      Each array entry represents the real component (referred to here
      as a(i)) of Hlin(f = i*Df) value for a particular subcarrier
      group index i (0 <= i <= NS).
      Hlin(f) is represented as ((scale/2^15)*((a(i)+j*b(i))/2^15)),
      where scale is xdsl2SCStatusLinScale and a(i) and b(i)
      (provided by the xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinImg object) are in the
      range (-2^15+1) to (+2^15-1).
      A special value a(i)=b(i)= -2^15 indicates that no measurement
      could be done for the subcarrier group because it is out of the
      passband or that the attenuation is out of range to be
      represented.  This parameter is only available after a loop
      diagnostic procedure.
      Each value in this array is 16 bits wide and is stored in big
      endian format."
   REFERENCE  "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (HLINpsds)
               and paragraph # (HLINpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 2 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinImg  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..1024))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "An array of up to 512 complex H(f) linear representation
      values in linear scale for the respective transmission direction.
      It is designed to support up to 512 (downstream) subcarrier
      groups and can be retrieved in a single segment.
      The number of utilized values in the downstream direction depends
      on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends on NSus.  This
      value is referred to here as NS.
      Each array entry represents the imaginary component (referred to
      here as b(i)) of Hlin(f = i*Df) value for a particular
      subcarrier group index i (0 <= i <= NS).
      Hlin(f) is represented as ((scale/2^15)*((a(i)+j*b(i))/2^15)),
      where scale is xdsl2SCStatusLinScale and a(i) (provided by the
      xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLinReal object) and b(i) are in the range
      (-2^15+1) to (+2^15-1).
      A special value a(i)=b(i)= -2^15 indicates that no measurement
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 95
      could be done for the subcarrier group because it is out of the
      passband or that the attenuation is out of range to be
      represented.  This parameter is only available after a loop
      diagnostic procedure.
      Each value in this array is 16 bits wide and is stored in big
      endian format."
   REFERENCE  "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (HLINpsds)
               and paragraph # (HLINpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 3 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentLog  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..1024))
     UNITS       "dB"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "An array of up to 512 real H(f) logarithmic representation
      values in dB for the respective transmission direction.  It is
      designed to support up to 512 (downstream) subcarrier groups
      and can be retrieved in a single segment.
      The number of utilized values in the downstream direction depends
      on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends on NSus.  This
      value is referred to here as NS.
      Each array entry represents the real Hlog(f = i*Df) value for a
      particular subcarrier group index i, (0 <= i <= NS).
      The real Hlog(f) value is represented as (6-m(i)/10), with m(i)
      in the range 0 to 1022.  A special value m=1023 indicates that
      no measurement could be done for the subcarrier group because
      it is out of the passband or that the attenuation is out of
      range to be represented.  This parameter is applicable in loop
      diagnostic procedure and initialization.
      Each value in this array is 16 bits wide and is stored in big
      endian format."
   REFERENCE  "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (HLOGpsds)
               and paragraph # (HLOGpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 4 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentQln  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..512))
     UNITS       "dBm/Hz"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "An array of up to 512 real Quiet Line Noise values in dBm/Hz
      for the respective transmission direction.  It is designed for up
      to 512 (downstream) subcarrier groups and can be retrieved in a
      single segment.
      The number of utilized values in the downstream direction depends
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 96
      on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends on NSus.  This
      value is referred to here as NS.
      Each array entry represents the QLN(f = i*Df) value for a
      particular subcarrier index i, (0 <= i <= NS).
      The QLN(f) is represented as ( -23-n(i)/2), with n(i) in the range
      0 to 254.  A special value n(i)=255 indicates that no measurement
      could be done for the subcarrier group because it is out of the
      passband or that the noise PSD is out of range to be represented.
      This parameter is applicable in loop diagnostic procedure and
      initialization.  Each value in this array is 8 bits wide."
   REFERENCE  "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (QLNpsds)
               and paragraph # (QLNpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 5 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentSnr  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..512))
     UNITS       "0.5 dB"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "The SNR Margin per subcarrier group, expressing the ratio
      between the received signal power and received noise power per
      subscriber group.  It is an array of 512 octets, designed for
      supporting up to 512 (downstream) subcarrier groups and can be
      retrieved in a single segment.
      The number of utilized octets in the downstream direction depends
      on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends on NSus.  This
      value is referred to here as NS.
      Octet i (0 <= i <= NS) is set to a value in the range 0 to
      254 to indicate that the respective downstream or upstream
      subcarrier group i has an SNR of:
      (-32 + xdsl2SCStatusSegmentSnr(i)/2) in dB (i.e., -32 to 95 dB).
      The special value 255 means that no measurement could be done for
      the subcarrier group because it is out of the PSD mask passband or
      that the noise PSD is out of range to be represented.  Each value
      in this array is 8 bits wide."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (SNRpsds)
                 and paragraph # (SNRpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 6 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentBitsAlloc  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Xdsl2BitsAlloc
     UNITS       "bits"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "The bits allocation per subcarrier.  An array of 256 octets
      (512 nibbles) designed for supporting up to 512 (downstream)
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 97
      subcarriers.  When more than 512 subcarriers are supported, the
      status information is reported through multiple (up to 8)
      segments.  The first segment is then used for the first 512
      subcarriers.  The second segment is used for the subcarriers
      512 to 1023 and so on.
      The aggregate number of utilized nibbles in the downstream
      direction (in all segments) depends on NSds; in the upstream
      direction, it depends on NSus.
      This value is referred to here as NS.  The segment number is in
      Nibble i (0 <= i < MIN((NS+1)-(segment-1)*512,512)) in each
      segment is set to a value in the range 0 to 15 to indicate that
      the respective downstream or upstream subcarrier j
      (j=(segement-1)*512+i) has the same amount of bits
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (BITSpsds)
                 and paragraph # (BITSpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 7 }

xdsl2SCStatusSegmentGainAlloc  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..1024))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
     "The gain allocation per subcarrier.  An array of 512 16-bit
      values, designed for supporting up to 512 (downstream)
      subcarriers.  When more then 512 subcarriers are supported, the
      status information is reported through multiple (up to 8)
      segments.  The first segment is then used for the first 512
      subcarriers.  The second segment is used for the subcarriers 512
      to 1023 and so on.
      The aggregate number of utilized octets in the downstream
      direction depends on NSds; in the upstream direction, it depends
      on NSus.  This value is referred to here as NS.  The segment
      number is in xdsl2SCStatusSegment.
      Value i (0 <= i < MIN((NS+1)-(segment-1)*512,512)) in each
      segment is set to a value in the range 0 to 4093 to indicate that
      the respective downstream or upstream subcarrier j
      (j=(segement-1)*512+i) has the same amount of gain value.
      The gain value is represented as a multiple of 1/512 on a linear
      scale.  Each value in this array is 16 bits wide and is stored in
      big endian format."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (GAINSpsds)
                 and paragraph # (GAINSpsus)"
     ::= { xdsl2SCStatusSegmentEntry 8 }

--        xdsl2LineInventoryTable             --
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 98

xdsl2LineInventoryTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2LineInventoryEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2LineInventoryTable contains an inventory of the
       DSL termination unit."
   ::= { xdsl2Inventory 1 }

xdsl2LineInventoryEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineInventoryEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "One index of this table is an interface index where the
       has an ifType of vdsl2(251).  A second index of this table is the
       termination unit."
   INDEX  { ifIndex, xdsl2LInvUnit }
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryTable 1 }

Xdsl2LineInventoryEntry  ::=
      xdsl2LInvUnit                      Xdsl2Unit,
      xdsl2LInvG994VendorId              OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2LInvSystemVendorId            OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2LInvVersionNumber             OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2LInvSerialNumber              OCTET STRING,
      xdsl2LInvSelfTestResult            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LInvTransmissionCapabilities  Xdsl2TransmissionModeType

xdsl2LInvUnit  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2Unit
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The termination unit."
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 1 }

xdsl2LInvG994VendorId  OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The ADSL Transceiver Unit (ATU) G.994.1 Vendor ID as
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 99
       inserted in the G.994.1 CL/CLR message.
       It consists of 8 binary octets, including a country
       code followed by a (regionally allocated) provider code, as
       defined in Recommendation T.35."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.1-7.4.2"
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 2 }

xdsl2LInvSystemVendorId  OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The ATU System Vendor ID (identifies the xTU system
       integrator) as inserted in the Overhead Messages (both xTUs for
       G.992.3, G.992.4, G.992.5, and G.993.2) or in the Embedded
       Operations Channel (xTU-R in G.992.1 and G.992.2).
       It consists of 8 binary octets, with same format as used for
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.3-7.4.4"
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 3 }

xdsl2LInvVersionNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..16))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The xTU version number (vendor-specific information) as
       inserted in the Overhead Messages (both xTUs for G.992.3,
       G.992.4, G.992.5, and G.993.2) or in the Embedded Operations
       Channel (xTU-R in G.992.1 and G.992.2).  It consists of up to 16
       binary octets."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.5-7.4.6"
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 4 }

xdsl2LInvSerialNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      OCTET STRING  (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The xTU serial number (vendor-specific information) as
       inserted in the Overhead Messages (both xTUs for G.992.3,
       G.992.4, G.992.5, and G.993.2) or in the Embedded Operations
       Channel (xTU-R in G.992.1 and G.992.2).  It is vendor-specific
       information consisting of up to 32 ASCII characters."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.7-7.4.8"
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 5 }

xdsl2LInvSelfTestResult  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 100
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The xTU self-test result, coded as a 32-bit value.  The
       most significant octet of the result is '0' if the
       self-test passed, and '1' if the self-test failed.  The
       interpretation of the other octets is vendor discretionary."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.9-7.4.10"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 6 }

xdsl2LInvTransmissionCapabilities  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2TransmissionModeType
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The xTU transmission system capability list of the different
       coding types.  It is coded in a bitmap representation with 1 or
       more bits set.  A bit set to '1' means that the xTU
       supports the respective coding.  The value may be derived from
       the handshaking procedures defined in G.994.1.  A set of xDSL
       line transmission modes, with one bit per mode."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #7.4.11-7.4.12"
   ::= { xdsl2LineInventoryEntry 7 }

--        xdsl2LineConfTemplateTable          --

xdsl2LineConfTemplateTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2LineConfTemplateTable contains VDSL2/ADSL/
       ADSL2 and ADSL2+ line configuration templates.

       Note that this table is also used to configure the number of
       bearer channels.
       When the number of bearer channels is increased, the SNMP agent
       SHOULD create rows in all tables indexed by a channel index.
       When the number of bearer channels is decreased, the SNMP agent
       SHOULD delete rows in all tables indexed by a channel index.
       For example, if the value of xdsl2LConfTempChan4ConfProfile is
       set to a non-null value, then rows SHOULD be created in
       xdsl2ChannelStatusTable, xdsl2PMChCurrTable, and all other tables
       indexed by a channel index.
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 101
       For example, if the value of xdsl2LConfTempChan2ConfProfile is
       set to a null value, then rows SHOULD be deleted in
       xdsl2ChannelStatusTable, xdsl2PMChCurrTable, and all other
       tables indexed by a channel index.

       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
   ::= { xdsl2ProfileLine 1 }

xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "A default template with an index of 'DEFVAL' will always
       exist, and its parameters will be set to vendor-specific values,
       unless otherwise specified in this document."
   INDEX  { xdsl2LConfTempTemplateName }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateTable 1 }

Xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry  ::=
      xdsl2LConfTempTemplateName      SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempLineProfile       SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan1ConfProfile  SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioDs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioUs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan2ConfProfile  SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioDs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioUs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan3ConfProfile  SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioDs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioUs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan4ConfProfile  SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioDs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioUs    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfTempRowStatus         RowStatus

xdsl2LConfTempTemplateName  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "This object identifies a row in this table."
   REFERENCE    "DSL Forum TR-129, paragraph #5.4"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 102
xdsl2LConfTempLineProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The value of this object identifies the row in the
       VDSL2/ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ line configuration Profile Table
       (xdsl2LineConfProfTable) that applies for this DSL line."
   REFERENCE    "DSL Forum TR-129, paragraph #5.4"
   DEFVAL       { "DEFVAL" }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 2 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan1ConfProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL2/
       ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ channel configuration Profile Table
       (xdsl2ChConfProfileTable) that applies to DSL bearer channel #1.
       The channel profile name specified here MUST match the name of an
       existing row in the xdsl2ChConfProfileTable table."
   DEFVAL       { "DEFVAL" }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 3 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #1 when performing rate
       adaptation on Downstream.  The ratio refers to the available data
       rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all bearer
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioDs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Downstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 100 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 4 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 103
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #1 when performing
       rate adaptation on Upstream.  The ratio refers to the available
       data rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all
       bearer channels.
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan1RaRatioUs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Upstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 100 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 5 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan2ConfProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL2/
       ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ channel configuration Profile Table
       (xdsl2ChConfProfileTable) that applies to DSL bearer channel #2.
       If the channel is unused, then the object is set to a zero-length
       This object may be set to a zero-length string only if
       xdsl2LConfTempChan3ConfProfile contains a zero-length
   DEFVAL       { "" }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 6 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #2 when performing
       rate adaptation on Downstream.  The ratio refers to the available
       data rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all
       bearer channels.
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioDs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Downstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 104
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 7 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #2 when performing
       rate adaptation on Upstream.  The ratio refers to the available
       data rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all
       bearer channels.
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan2RaRatioUs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Upstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 8 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan3ConfProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL2/
       ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ channel configuration Profile Table
       (xdsl2ChConfProfileTable) that applies to DSL bearer channel #3.
       If the channel is unused, then the object is set to a zero-length
       This object may be set to a zero-length string only if
       xdsl2LConfTempChan4ConfProfile contains a zero-length string.
       This object may be set to a non-zero-length string only if
       xdsl2LConfTempChan2ConfProfile contains a non-zero-length
   DEFVAL       { "" }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 9 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 105
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #3 when performing
       rate adaptation on Downstream.  The ratio refers to the available
       data rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all
       bearer channels.
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioDs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Downstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 10 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #3 when performing
       rate adaptation on Upstream.  The ratio refers to the available
       data rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all
       bearer channels.
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan3RaRatioUs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels on
       Upstream direction.  The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all
       bearers on the same direction shall be equal to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 11 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan4ConfProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL2/
       ADSL/ADSL2 and ADSL2+ channel configuration Profile Table
       (xdsl2ChConfProfileTable) that applies to DSL bearer channel #4.
       If the channel is unused, then the object is set to a zero-length
       This object may be set to a non-zero-length string only if
       xdsl2LConfTempChan3ConfProfile contains a non-zero-length
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 106
   DEFVAL       { "" }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 12 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #4 when performing rate
       adaptation on Downstream.  The ratio refers to the available data
       rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all bearer
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioDs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels.
       The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all bearers on the same
       direction shall sum to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 13 }

xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..100)
   UNITS       "percent"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Rate Adaptation Ratio.  The ratio (in percent) that should be
       taken into account for the bearer channel #4 when performing rate
       adaptation on Upstream.  The ratio refers to the available data
       rate in excess of the Minimum Data Rate, summed over all bearer
       Also, the 100 - xdsl2LConfTempChan4RaRatioUs is the ratio of
       excess data rate to be assigned to all other bearer channels.
       The sum of rate adaptation ratios over all bearers on the same
       direction shall sum to 100%."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph #
                 (Rate adaptation ratio)"
   DEFVAL       { 0 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 14 }

xdsl2LConfTempRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 107
      "This object is used to create a new row or to modify or
       delete an existing row in this table.
       A template is activated by setting this object to 'active'.
       Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service (by
       setting this object to 'destroy' or 'notInService'), it MUST be
       first unreferenced from all associated lines.
       A row in this table is said to be unreferenced when there is no
       instance of xdsl2LineConfTemplate or
       xdsl2LineConfFallbackTemplate that refers to the row."
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfTemplateEntry 15 }

--        xdsl2LineConfProfTable        --

xdsl2LineConfProfTable  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE  OF  Xdsl2LineConfProfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "The table xdsl2LineConfProfTable contains VDSL2/ADSL/
       ADSL2 and ADSL2+ line configuration profiles.

       Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
   ::= { xdsl2ProfileLine 2 }

xdsl2LineConfProfEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2LineConfProfEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
      "A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL' will always
      exist, and its parameters will be set to vendor-specific values,
      unless otherwise specified in this document."
   INDEX  { xdsl2LConfProfProfileName }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfTable 1 }

Xdsl2LineConfProfEntry  ::=
      xdsl2LConfProfProfileName          SnmpAdminString,
      xdsl2LConfProfScMaskDs             Xdsl2ScMaskDs,
      xdsl2LConfProfScMaskUs             Xdsl2ScMaskUs,
      xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2CarMask         Xdsl2CarMask,
      xdsl2LConfProfRfiBands             Xdsl2RfiBands,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs             Xdsl2RaMode,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs             Xdsl2RaMode,
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 108
      xdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmDs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmUs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmDs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmUs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs           Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs         Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs         Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs            Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMsgMinUs             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfMsgMinDs             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfCeFlag               Xdsl2LineCeFlag,
      xdsl2LConfProfSnrModeDs            Xdsl2LineSnrMode,
      xdsl2LConfProfSnrModeUs            Xdsl2LineSnrMode,
      xdsl2LConfProfTxRefVnDs            Xdsl2LineTxRefVnDs,
      xdsl2LConfProfTxRefVnUs            Xdsl2LineTxRefVnUs,
      xdsl2LConfProfXtuTransSysEna       Xdsl2TransmissionModeType,
      xdsl2LConfProfPmMode               Xdsl2LinePmMode,
      xdsl2LConfProfL0Time               Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfL2Time               Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfL2Atpr               Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfL2Atprt              Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfProfiles             Xdsl2LineProfiles,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboEPsd             Xdsl2PsdMaskDs,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC    Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboMus              Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboFMin             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfDpboFMax             Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfUpboKL               Unsigned32,
      xdsl2LConfProfUpboKLF              Xdsl2UpboKLF,
      xdsl2LConfProfUs0Mask              Xdsl2LineUs0Mask,
      xdsl2LConfProfForceInp             TruthValue,
      xdsl2LConfProfRowStatus            RowStatus

xdsl2LConfProfProfileName  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 109
      "This object identifies a row in this table."
     ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 1 }

xdsl2LConfProfScMaskDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2ScMaskDs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Subcarrier mask.  A bitmap of 4096 bits that allows masking
       up to 4096 downstream subcarriers.  If bit i (0 <= i <
       NSCds) is set to '1', the respective downstream
       subcarrier is masked, and if set to '0', the respective
       subcarrier is unmasked.
       Note that there should always be unmasked subcarriers (i.e.,
       this object cannot be all 1's).
       Also note that if NSCds < 4096, all bits i
       (NSCds < i <= 4096) should be set to '1'."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (CARMASKds)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 2 }

xdsl2LConfProfScMaskUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2ScMaskUs
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "Subcarrier mask.  A bitmap of 4096 bits that allows masking
       up to 4096 upstream subcarriers.  If bit i (0 <= i < NSCus)
       is set to '1', the respective upstream subcarrier is
       masked, and if set to '0', the respective subcarrier
       is unmasked.
       Note that there should always be unmasked subcarriers (i.e.,
       this object cannot be all 1's).
       Also note that if NSCus < 4096, all bits i
       (NSCus < i <= 4096) should be set to '1'."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (CARMASKus)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 3 }

xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2CarMask  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2CarMask
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "VDSL2-specific subcarrier mask.  This configuration
       parameter defines the restrictions, additional to the band plan,
       to determine the set of subcarriers allowed for transmission in
       both the upstream and downstream directions.
       The parameter shall describe the not masked subcarriers as one or
       more frequency bands.  Each band is represented by start and stop
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 110
       subcarrier indices with a subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz.  The
       valid range of subcarrier indices runs from 0 to at least the
       index of the highest allowed subcarrier in both transmission
       directions among all profiles enabled by the parameter
       Up to 32 bands may be specified.  Other subcarriers shall be
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (VDSL2-
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 4 }

xdsl2LConfProfRfiBands  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2RfiBands
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "For ITU-T Recommendation G.992.5, this configuration
       parameter defines
       the subset of downstream PSD mask breakpoints, as specified in
       xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs (PSDMASKds), that shall be used to notch
       an RFI band.  This subset consists of pairs of consecutive
       subcarrier indices belonging to breakpoints: [ti; ti + 1],
       corresponding to the low level of the notch.
       The specific interpolation around these points is defined in the
       relevant Recommendations (e.g., ITU-T Recommendation G.992.5).
       The CO-MIB shall define the RFI notches using breakpoints in
       xdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs (PSDMASKds) as specified in the relevant
       Recommendations (e.g., ITU-T Recommendation G.992.5).

       For ITU-T Recommendation G.993.2, this configuration parameter
       defines the bands where the PSD shall be reduced as
       specified in #  Each band shall be represented
       by a start and stop subcarrier indices with a subcarrier
       spacing of 4.3125 kHz.  Up to 16 bands may be specified.
       This parameter defines the RFI bands for both the upstream
       and downstream directions."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RFIBANDS)"
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 5 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2RaMode
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The mode of operation of a rate-adaptive xTU-C in the
       transmit direction."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-MODEds)"
   DEFVAL      { manual }
Top   ToC   RFC5650 - Page 111
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 6 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Xdsl2RaMode
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The mode of operation of a rate-adaptive xTU-R in the
       transmit direction."
   REFERENCE   "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-MODEus)"
   DEFVAL      { manual }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 7 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmDs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Downstream Up-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  If the downstream
       noise margin is above this value, and stays above it,
       for more than the time specified by the
       xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs, the xTU-R shall attempt to increase
       the downstream net data rate.  The Downstream Up-Shift Noise
       Margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of 0.1 dB (physical values
       are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-USNRMds)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 8 }

xdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmUs  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..310)
   UNITS       "0.1 dB"
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
      "The Upstream Up-Shift Noise Margin value, to be used when
       xdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs is set to 'dynamicRa'.  If the upstream
       noise margin is above this value, and stays above it,
       for more than
       the time specified by the xdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs, the xTU-C
       shall attempt to increase the upstream net data rate.
       The Upstream Up-Shift Noise Margin ranges from 0 to 310 units of
       0.1 dB (physical values are 0 to 31 dB)."
   REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (RA-USNRMus)"
   DEFVAL       { 10 }
   ::= { xdsl2LineConfProfEntry 9 }

(next page on part 6)

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