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RFC 5066

Ethernet in the First Mile Copper (EFMCu) Interfaces MIB

Pages: 90
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  7124
Part 2 of 4 – Pages 22 to 50
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Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 22   prevText

6. EFM Copper MIB Definitions

EFM-CU-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, mib-2 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, PhysAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- [RFC3411] ifIndex, ifSpeed FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863] ; efmCuMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200711140000Z" -- November 14, 2007 ORGANIZATION "IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG charter:
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 23
         Mailing Lists:
           General Discussion:
           To Subscribe:
           In Body: subscribe your_email_address

         Chair:  Bert Wijnen
         Postal: Alcatel-Lucent
                 Schagen 33
                 3461 GL Linschoten
          Phone: +31-348-407-775

         Editor: Edward Beili
         Postal: Actelis Networks Inc.
                 25 Bazel St., P.O.B. 10173
                 Petach-Tikva 10173
          Phone: +972-3-924-3491

         "The objects in this MIB module are used to manage
         the Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) Copper (EFMCu) Interfaces
         2BASE-TL and 10PASS-TS, defined in IEEE Std. 802.3ah-2004,
         which is now a part of IEEE Std. 802.3-2005.

         The following references are used throughout this MIB module:

         [802.3ah] refers to:
           IEEE Std 802.3ah-2004: 'IEEE Standard for Information
           technology - Telecommunications and information exchange
           between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks -
           Specific requirements -
           Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
           Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer
           Specifications -
           Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical
           Layers and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access
           Networks', 07 September 2004.

         Of particular interest are Clause 61, 'Physical Coding
         Sublayer (PCS) and common specifications, type 10PASS-TS and
         type 2BASE-TL', Clause 30, 'Management', Clause 45,
         'Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) Interface', Annex 62A,
         'PMD profiles for 10PASS-TS' and Annex 63A, 'PMD profiles for
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 24
         [G.991.2] refers to:
           ITU-T Recommendation G.991.2: 'Single-pair High-speed Digital
           Subscriber Line (SHDSL) transceivers', December 2003.

         [ANFP] refers to:
           NICC Document ND1602:2005/08: 'Specification of the Access
           Network Frequency Plan (ANFP) applicable to transmission
           systems used on the BT Access Network,' August 2005.

         The following normative documents are quoted by the DESCRIPTION
         clauses in this MIB module:

         [G.993.1] refers to:
           ITU-T Recommendation G.993.1: 'Very High speed Digital
           Subscriber Line transceivers', June 2004.

         [T1.424] refers to:
           ANSI T1.424-2004: 'Interface Between Networks and Customer
           Installation Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Lines
           (VDSL) Metallic Interface (DMT Based)', June 2004.

         [TS 101 270-1] refers to:
           ETSI TS 101 270-1: 'Transmission and Multiplexing (TM);
           Access transmission systems on metallic access cables;
           Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL); Part 1:
           Functional requirements', October 2005.

         Naming Conventions:
           Atn   - Attenuation
           CO    - Central Office
           CPE   - Customer Premises Equipment
           EFM   - Ethernet in the First Mile
           EFMCu - EFM Copper
           MDIO  - Management Data Input/Output
           Mgn   - Margin
           PAF   - PME Aggregation Function
           PBO   - Power Back-Off
           PCS   - Physical Coding Sublayer
           PMD   - Physical Medium Dependent
           PME   - Physical Medium Entity
           PSD   - Power Spectral Density
           SNR   - Signal to Noise Ratio
           TCPAM - Trellis Coded Pulse Amplitude Modulation

         Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).  This version
         of this MIB module is part of RFC 5066;  see the RFC
         itself for full legal notices."
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 25
       REVISION    "200711140000Z"  -- November 14, 2007
       DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 5066."

       ::= { mib-2 167 }

      -- Sections of the module

      efmCuObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuMIB 1 }

      efmCuConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuMIB 2 }

      -- Groups in the module

      efmCuPort        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuObjects 1 }

      efmCuPme         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuObjects 2 }

      -- Textual Conventions

      EfmProfileIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        DISPLAY-HINT "d"
        STATUS       current
          "A unique value, greater than zero, for each PME configuration
          profile in the managed EFMCu port.  It is RECOMMENDED that
          values are assigned contiguously starting from 1.  The value
          for each profile MUST remain constant at least from one
          re-initialization of the entity's network management system
          to the next re-initialization."
        SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..255)

      EfmProfileIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        DISPLAY-HINT "d"
        STATUS       current
          "This textual convention is an extension of the
          EfmProfileIndex convention.  The latter defines a greater than
          zero value used to identify a PME profile in the managed EFMCu
          port.  This extension permits the additional value of zero.
          The value of zero is object-specific and MUST therefore be
          defined as part of the description of any object that uses
          this syntax.
          Examples of the usage of zero value might include situations
          where the current operational profile is unknown."
        SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..255)

      EfmProfileIndexList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        DISPLAY-HINT "1d:"
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 26
        STATUS       current
          "This textual convention represents a list of up to 6
          EfmProfileIndex values, any of which can be chosen for
          configuration of a PME in a managed EFMCu port.
          The EfmProfileIndex textual convention defines a greater than
          zero value used to identify a PME profile.
          The value of this object is a concatenation of zero or
          more (up to 6) octets, where each octet contains an 8-bit
          EfmProfileIndex value.
          A zero-length octet string is object-specific and MUST
          therefore be defined as part of the description of any object
          that uses this syntax.  Examples of the usage of a zero-length
          value might include situations where an object using this
          textual convention is irrelevant for a specific EFMCu port
        SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6))

      EfmTruthValueOrUnknown ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS       current
          "This textual convention is an extension of the TruthValue
          convention.  The latter defines a boolean value with possible
          values of true(1) and false(2).  This extension permits the
          additional value of unknown(0), which can be returned as the
          result of a GET operation when an exact true or false value
          of the object cannot be determined."
        SYNTAX       INTEGER { unknown(0), true(1), false(2) }

     -- Port Notifications Group

      efmCuPortNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuPort 0 }

      efmCuLowRateCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
          "This notification indicates that the EFMCu port's data rate
          has reached/dropped below or exceeded the low rate threshold,
          specified by efmCuThreshLowRate.

          This notification MAY be sent for the -O subtype ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) while the port is Up, on the crossing
          event in both directions: from normal (rate is above the
          threshold) to low (rate equals the threshold or below it) and
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 27
          from low to normal.  This notification is not applicable to
          the -R subtypes.

          It is RECOMMENDED that a small debouncing period of 2.5 sec,
          between the detection of the condition and the notification,
          is implemented to prevent simultaneous LinkUp/LinkDown and
          efmCuLowRateCrossing notifications to be sent.

          The adaptive nature of the EFMCu technology allows the port to
          adapt itself to the changes in the copper environment, e.g.,
          an impulse noise, alien crosstalk, or a micro-interruption may
          temporarily drop one or more PMEs in the aggregation group,
          causing a rate degradation of the aggregated EFMCu link.
          The dropped PMEs would then try to re-initialize, possibly at
          a lower rate than before, adjusting the rate to provide
          required target SNR margin.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuLowRateCrossingEnable object."
        ::= { efmCuPortNotifications 1 }

      -- PCS Port group

      efmCuPortConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPortConfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "Table for Configuration of EFMCu 2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS (PCS)
          Ports.  Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner."
        ::= { efmCuPort 1 }

      efmCuPortConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmCuPortConfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "An entry in the EFMCu Port Configuration table.
          Each entry represents an EFMCu port indexed by the ifIndex.
          Note that an EFMCu PCS port runs on top of a single
          or multiple PME port(s), which are also indexed by ifIndex."
        INDEX  { ifIndex }
        ::= { efmCuPortConfTable 1 }

      EfmCuPortConfEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
          efmCuPAFAdminState               INTEGER,
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 28
          efmCuPAFDiscoveryCode            PhysAddress,
          efmCuAdminProfile                EfmProfileIndexList,
          efmCuTargetDataRate              Unsigned32,
          efmCuTargetSnrMgn                Unsigned32,
          efmCuAdaptiveSpectra             TruthValue,
          efmCuThreshLowRate               Unsigned32,
          efmCuLowRateCrossingEnable       TruthValue

      efmCuPAFAdminState  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Administrative (desired) state of the PAF of the EFMCu port
          When 'disabled', PME aggregation will not be performed by the
          PCS.  No more than a single PME can be assigned to this PCS in
          this case.
          When 'enabled', PAF will be performed by the PCS when the link
          is Up, even on a single attached PME, if PAF is supported.

          PCS ports incapable of supporting PAF SHALL return a value of
          'disabled'.  Attempts to 'enable' such ports SHALL be

          A PAF 'enabled' port with multiple PMEs assigned cannot be
          'disabled'.  Attempts to 'disable' such port SHALL be
          rejected, until at most one PME is left assigned.

          Changing PAFAdminState is a traffic-disruptive operation and
          as such SHALL be done when the link is Down.  Attempts to
          change this object SHALL be rejected if the link is Up or

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute aPAFAdminState.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then this
          object maps to the PAF enable bit in the 10P/2B PCS control

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,"
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 1 }
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      efmCuPAFDiscoveryCode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      PhysAddress (SIZE(0|6))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "PAF Discovery Code of the EFMCu port (PCS).
          A unique 6-octet code used by the Discovery function,
          when PAF is supported.
          PCS ports incapable of supporting PAF SHALL return a
          zero-length octet string on an attempt to read this object.
          An attempt to write to this object SHALL be rejected for such
          This object MUST be instantiated for the -O subtype PCS before
          writing operations on the efmCuPAFRemoteDiscoveryCode
          (Set_if_Clear and Clear_if_Same) are performed by PMEs
          associated with the PCS.
          The initial value of this object for -R subtype ports after
          reset is all zeroes.  For -R subtype ports, the value of this
          object cannot be changed directly.  This value may be changed
          as a result of writing operation on the
          efmCuPAFRemoteDiscoveryCode object of remote PME of -O
          subtype, connected to one of the local PMEs associated with
          the PCS.

          Discovery MUST be performed when the link is Down.
          Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected (in case of
          SNMP with the error inconsistentValue), if the link is Up or

          The PAF Discovery Code maps to the local Discovery code
          variable in PAF (note that it does not have a corresponding
          Clause 45 register)."
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 2 }

      efmCuAdminProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmProfileIndexList
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired configuration profile(s), common for all PMEs in the
          EFMCu port.  This object is a list of pointers to entries in
          either efmCuPme2BProfileTable or
          efmCuPme10PProfileTable, depending on the current
          operating SubType of the EFMCu port as indicated by
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 30
          The value of this object is a list of up to 6 indices of
          profiles.  If this list consists of a single profile index,
          then all PMEs assigned to this EFMCu port SHALL be configured
          according to the profile referenced by that index, unless it
          is overwritten by a corresponding non-zero
          efmCuPmeAdminProfile instance, which takes precedence over
          A list consisting of more than one index allows each PME
          in the port to be configured according to any profile
          specified in the list.
          By default, this object has a value of 0x01, referencing the
          1st entry in efmCuPme2BProfileTable or

          This object is writable and readable for the -O subtype
          (2BaseTL-O or 10PassTS-O) EFMCu ports.  It is irrelevant for
          the -R  subtype (2BaseTL-R or 10PassTS-R) ports -- a
          zero-length octet string SHALL be returned on an attempt to
          read this object and an attempt to change this object MUST be
          rejected in this case.

          Note that the current operational profile value is available
          via the efmCuPmeOperProfile object.

          Any modification of this object MUST be performed when the
          link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be
          rejected, if the link is Up or Initializing.
          Attempts to set this object to a list with a member value that
          is not the value of the index for an active entry in the
          corresponding profile table MUST be rejected.

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute aProfileSelect.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        DEFVAL { '01'H }
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 3 }

      efmCuTargetDataRate  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..100000|999999)
        UNITS       "Kbps"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired EFMCu port 'net' (as seen across MII) Data Rate in
          Kbps, to be achieved during initialization, under spectral
          restrictions placed on each PME via efmCuAdminProfile or
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 31
          efmCuPmeAdminProfile, with the desired SNR margin specified by
          In case of PAF, this object represents a sum of individual PME
          data rates, modified to compensate for fragmentation and
          64/65-octet encapsulation overhead (e.g., target data rate of
          10 Mbps SHALL allow lossless transmission of a full-duplex
          10 Mbps Ethernet frame stream with minimal inter-frame gap).

          The value is limited above by 100 Mbps as this is the max
          burst rate across MII for EFMCu ports.

          The value between 1 and 100000 indicates that the total data
          rate (ifSpeed) of the EFMCu port after initialization SHALL be
          equal to the target data rate or less, if the target data rate
          cannot be achieved under spectral restrictions specified by
          efmCuAdminProfile/efmCuPmeAdminProfile and with the desired
          SNR margin.  In case the copper environment allows a higher
          total data rate to be achieved than that specified by the
          target, the excess capability SHALL be either converted to
          additional SNR margin or reclaimed by minimizing transmit
          power as controlled by efmCuAdaptiveSpectra.

          The value of 999999 means that the target data rate is not
          fixed and SHALL be set to the maximum attainable rate during
          initialization (Best Effort), under specified spectral
          restrictions and with the desired SNR margin.

          This object is read-write for the -O subtype EFMCu ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) and not available for the -R subtypes.

          Changing of the Target Data Rate MUST be performed when the
          link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected
          (in case of SNMP with the error inconsistentValue), if the
          link is Up or Initializing.

          Note that the current Data Rate of the EFMCu port is
          represented by the ifSpeed object of IF-MIB.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 4 }

      efmCuTargetSnrMgn  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..21)
        UNITS       "dB"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired EFMCu port SNR margin to be achieved on all PMEs
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 32
          assigned to the port, during initialization. (The SNR margin
          is the difference between the desired SNR and the actual SNR).

          Note that 802.3ah recommends using a default target SNR margin
          of 5 dB for 2BASE-TL ports and 6 dB for 10PASS-TS ports in
          order to achieve a mean Bit Error Rate (BER) of 10^-7 at the
          PMA service interface.

          This object is read-write for the -O subtype EFMCu ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) and not available for the -R subtypes.

          Changing of the target SNR margin MUST be performed when the
          link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected
          (in case of SNMP with the error inconsistentValue), if the
          link is Up or Initializing.

          Note that the current SNR margin of the PMEs comprising the
          EFMCu port is represented by efmCuPmeSnrMgn.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
          "[802.3ah] 61.1.2"
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 5 }

      efmCuAdaptiveSpectra  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates how to utilize excess capacity when the copper
          environment allows a higher total data rate to be achieved
          than that specified by the efmCuTargetDataRate.

          A value of true(1) indicates that the excess capability SHALL
          be reclaimed by minimizing transmit power, e.g., using higher
          constellations and Power Back-Off, in order to reduce
          interference to other copper pairs in the binder and the
          adverse impact to link/system performance.

          A value of false(2) indicates that the excess capability SHALL
          be converted to additional SNR margin and spread evenly across
          all active PMEs assigned to the (PCS) port, to increase link

          This object is read-write for the -O subtype EFMCu ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) and not available for the -R subtypes.

          Changing of this object MUST be performed when the link is
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 33
          Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected (in
          case of SNMP with the error inconsistentValue), if the link
          is Up or Initializing.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 6 }

      efmCuThreshLowRate  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..100000)
        UNITS       "Kbps"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "This object configures the EFMCu port low-rate crossing alarm
          threshold.  When the current value of ifSpeed for this port
          reaches/drops below or exceeds this threshold, an
          efmCuLowRateCrossing notification MAY be generated if enabled
          by efmCuLowRateCrossingEnable.

          This object is read-write for the -O subtype EFMCu ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) and not available for the -R subtypes.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 7 }

      efmCuLowRateCrossingEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuLowRateCrossing notifications should
          be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuLowRateCrossing
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled.

          This object is read-write for the -O subtype EFMCu ports
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O) and not available for the -R subtypes.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        ::= { efmCuPortConfEntry 8 }

      efmCuPortCapabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPortCapabilityEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 34
          "Table for Capabilities of EFMCu 2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS (PCS)
          Ports.  Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
          persistent manner"
        ::= { efmCuPort 2 }

      efmCuPortCapabilityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmCuPortCapabilityEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "An entry in the EFMCu Port Capability table.
          Each entry represents an EFMCu port indexed by the ifIndex.
          Note that an EFMCu PCS port runs on top of a single
          or multiple PME port(s), which are also indexed by ifIndex."
        INDEX  { ifIndex }
        ::= { efmCuPortCapabilityTable 1 }

      EfmCuPortCapabilityEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
          efmCuPAFSupported                TruthValue,
          efmCuPeerPAFSupported            EfmTruthValueOrUnknown,
          efmCuPAFCapacity                 Unsigned32,
          efmCuPeerPAFCapacity             Unsigned32

      efmCuPAFSupported  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "PME Aggregation Function (PAF) capability of the EFMCu port
          This object has a value of true(1) when the PCS can perform
          PME aggregation on the available PMEs.
          Ports incapable of PAF SHALL return a value of false(2).

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute aPAFSupported.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present,
          then this object maps to the PAF available bit in the
          10P/2B capability register."
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,,"
        ::= { efmCuPortCapabilityEntry 1 }

      efmCuPeerPAFSupported  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmTruthValueOrUnknown
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 35
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "PME Aggregation Function (PAF) capability of the EFMCu port
          (PCS) link partner.
          This object has a value of true(1) when the remote PCS can
          perform PME aggregation on its available PMEs.
          Ports whose peers are incapable of PAF SHALL return a value
          of false(2).
          Ports whose peers cannot be reached because of the link
          state SHALL return a value of unknown(0).

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the Remote PAF supported bit in the
          10P/2B capability register."
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,,"
        ::= { efmCuPortCapabilityEntry 2 }

      efmCuPAFCapacity  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..32)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "Number of PMEs that can be aggregated by the local PAF.
          The number of PMEs currently assigned to a particular
          EFMCu port (efmCuNumPMEs) is never greater than

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,"
        ::= { efmCuPortCapabilityEntry 3 }

      efmCuPeerPAFCapacity  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0|1..32)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "Number of PMEs that can be aggregated by the PAF of the peer
          PHY (PCS port).
          A value of 0 is returned when peer PAF capacity is unknown
          (peer cannot be reached).
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 36
          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,"
        ::= { efmCuPortCapabilityEntry 4 }

      efmCuPortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPortStatusEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "This table provides overall status information of EFMCu
          2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS ports, complementing the generic status
          information from the ifTable of IF-MIB and ifMauTable of
          MAU-MIB.  Additional status information about connected PMEs
          is available from the efmCuPmeStatusTable.

          This table contains live data from the equipment.  As such,
          it is NOT persistent."
        ::= { efmCuPort 3 }

      efmCuPortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmCuPortStatusEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "An entry in the EFMCu Port Status table.
          Each entry represents an EFMCu port indexed by the ifIndex.
          Note that an EFMCu PCS port runs on top of a single
          or multiple PME port(s), which are also indexed by ifIndex."
        INDEX  { ifIndex }
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusTable 1 }

      EfmCuPortStatusEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
          efmCuFltStatus                   BITS,
          efmCuPortSide                    INTEGER,
          efmCuNumPMEs                     Unsigned32,
          efmCuPAFInErrors                 Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInSmallFragments         Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInLargeFragments         Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInBadFragments           Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInLostFragments          Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInLostStarts             Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInLostEnds               Counter32,
          efmCuPAFInOverflows              Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 37
      efmCuFltStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      BITS {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "EFMCu (PCS) port Fault Status.  This is a bitmap of possible
          conditions.  The various bit positions are:
            noPeer              - the peer PHY cannot be reached (e.g.,
                                  no PMEs attached, all PMEs are Down,
                                  etc.). More info is available in
            peerPowerLoss       - the peer PHY has indicated impending
                                  unit failure due to loss of local
                                  power ('Dying Gasp').
            pmeSubTypeMismatch  - local PMEs in the aggregation group
                                  are not of the same subtype, e.g.,
                                  some PMEs in the local device are -O
                                  while others are -R subtype.
            lowRate             - ifSpeed of the port reached or dropped
                                  below efmCuThreshLowRate.

          This object is intended to supplement the ifOperStatus object
          in IF-MIB and ifMauMediaAvailable in MAU-MIB.

          Additional information is available via the efmCuPmeFltStatus
          object for each PME in the aggregation group (single PME if
          PAF is disabled)."
          "IF-MIB, ifOperStatus; MAU-MIB, ifMauMediaAvailable;
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 1 }

      efmCuPortSide  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "EFM port mode of operation (subtype).
          The value of 'subscriber' indicates that the port is
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 38
          designated as '-R' subtype (all PMEs assigned to this port are
          of subtype '-R').
          The value of the 'office' indicates that the port is
          designated as '-O' subtype (all PMEs assigned to this port are
          of subtype '-O').
          The value of 'unknown' indicates that the port has no assigned
          PMEs yet or that the assigned PMEs are not of the same side

          This object partially maps to the Clause 30 attribute
           "[802.3ah] 61.1,"
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 2 }

      efmCuNumPMEs  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..32)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of PMEs that is currently aggregated by the local
          PAF (assigned to the EFMCu port using the ifStackTable).
          This number is never greater than efmCuPAFCapacity.

          This object SHALL be automatically incremented or decremented
          when a PME is added or deleted to/from the EFMCu port using
          the ifStackTable."
          "[802.3ah] 61.2.2,"
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 3 }

      efmCuPAFInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of fragments that have been received across the
          gamma interface with RxErr asserted and discarded.
          This read-only counter is inactive (not incremented) when the
          PAF is unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the
          counter retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF RX error register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 39
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 4 }

      efmCuPAFInSmallFragments OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of fragments smaller than minFragmentSize
          (64 bytes) that have been received across the gamma interface
          and discarded.
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF small fragments register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 5 }

      efmCuPAFInLargeFragments OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of fragments larger than maxFragmentSize
          (512 bytes) that have been received across the gamma interface
          and discarded.
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF large fragments register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 40
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 6 }

      efmCuPAFInBadFragments OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of fragments that do not fit into the sequence
          expected by the frame assembly function and that have been
          received across the gamma interface and discarded (the
          frame buffer is flushed to the next valid frame start).
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF bad fragments register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 7 }

      efmCuPAFInLostFragments OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of gaps in the sequence of fragments that have
          been received across the gamma interface (the frame buffer is
          flushed to the next valid frame start, when fragment/fragments
          expected by the frame assembly function is/are not received).
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF lost fragment register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 41
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 8 }

      efmCuPAFInLostStarts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of missing StartOfPacket indicators expected by
          the frame assembly function.
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF lost start of fragment

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 9 }

      efmCuPAFInLostEnds OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of missing EndOfPacket indicators expected by the
          frame assembly function.
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF lost start of fragment

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 10 }
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 42
      efmCuPAFInOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
          "The number of fragments, received across the gamma interface
          and discarded, which would have caused the frame assembly
          buffer to overflow.
          This read-only counter is inactive when the PAF is
          unsupported or disabled.  Upon disabling the PAF, the counter
          retains its previous value.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PCS is present, then
          this object maps to the 10P/2B PAF overflow register.

          Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
          re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
          as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime,
          defined in IF-MIB."
        ::= { efmCuPortStatusEntry 11 }

     -- PME Notifications Group

      efmCuPmeNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { efmCuPme 0 }

      efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
          "This notification indicates that the loop attenuation
          threshold (as per the efmCuPmeThreshLineAtn
          value) has been reached/exceeded for the 2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS
          PME.  This notification MAY be sent on the crossing event in
          both directions: from normal to exceeded and from exceeded
          to normal.

          It is RECOMMENDED that a small debouncing period of 2.5 sec,
          between the detection of the condition and the notification,
          is implemented to prevent intermittent notifications from
          being sent.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossingEnable object."
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 43
        ::= { efmCuPmeNotifications 1 }

      efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
          "This notification indicates that the SNR margin threshold
          (as per the efmCuPmeThreshSnrMgn value) has been
          reached/exceeded for the 2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS PME.
          This notification MAY be sent on the crossing event in
          both directions: from normal to exceeded and from exceeded
          to normal.

          It is RECOMMENDED that a small debouncing period of 2.5 sec,
          between the detection of the condition and the notification,
          is implemented to prevent intermittent notifications from
          being sent.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossingEnable object."
        ::= { efmCuPmeNotifications 2 }

      efmCuPmeDeviceFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
          "This notification indicates that a fault in the PME has been
          detected by a vendor-specific diagnostic or a self-test.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuPmeDeviceFaultEnable object."
        ::= { efmCuPmeNotifications 3 }

      efmCuPmeConfigInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS      current
          "This notification indicates that PME initialization has
          failed, due to inability of the PME link to achieve the
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 44
          requested configuration profile.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuPmeConfigInitFailEnable object."
        ::= { efmCuPmeNotifications 4 }

      efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS {
        STATUS     current
          "This notification indicates that the peer PME was using
          an incompatible protocol during initialization.

          Generation of this notification is controlled by the
          efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailEnable object."
        ::= { efmCuPmeNotifications 5 }

      -- The PME group

      efmCuPmeConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPmeConfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "Table for Configuration of common aspects for EFMCu
          2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS PME ports (modems).  Configuration of
          aspects specific to 2BASE-TL or 10PASS-TS PME types is
          represented in efmCuPme2BConfTable and efmCuPme10PConfTable,

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
        ::= { efmCuPme 1 }

      efmCuPmeConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmCuPmeConfEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "An entry in the EFMCu PME Configuration table.
          Each entry represents common aspects of an EFMCu PME port
          indexed by the ifIndex.  Note that an EFMCu PME port can be
          stacked below a single PCS port, also indexed by ifIndex,
          possibly together with other PME ports if PAF is enabled."
        INDEX  { ifIndex }
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 45
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfTable 1 }

      EfmCuPmeConfEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
          efmCuPmeAdminSubType           INTEGER,
          efmCuPmeAdminProfile           EfmProfileIndexOrZero,
          efmCuPAFRemoteDiscoveryCode    PhysAddress,
          efmCuPmeThreshLineAtn          Integer32,
          efmCuPmeThreshSnrMgn           Integer32,
          efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossingEnable  TruthValue,
          efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossingEnable   TruthValue,
          efmCuPmeDeviceFaultEnable      TruthValue,
          efmCuPmeConfigInitFailEnable   TruthValue,
          efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailEnable TruthValue

      efmCuPmeAdminSubType  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Administrative (desired) subtype of the PME.
          Possible values are:
            ieee2BaseTLO           - PME SHALL operate as 2BaseTL-O
            ieee2BaseTLR           - PME SHALL operate as 2BaseTL-R
            ieee10PassTSO          - PME SHALL operate as 10PassTS-O
            ieee10PassTSR          - PME SHALL operate as 10PassTS-R
            ieee2BaseTLor10PassTSR - PME SHALL operate as 2BaseTL-R or
                                     10PassTS-R.  The actual value will
                                     be set by the -O link partner
                                     during initialization (handshake).
            ieee2BaseTLor10PassTSO - PME SHALL operate as 2BaseTL-O
                                     (preferred) or 10PassTS-O.  The
                                     actual value will be set during
                                     initialization depending on the -R
                                     link partner capability (i.e., if
                                     -R is incapable of the preferred
                                     2BaseTL mode, 10PassTS will be
            ieee10PassTSor2BaseTLO - PME SHALL operate as 10PassTS-O
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 46
                                     (preferred) or 2BaseTL-O.  The
                                     actual value will be set during
                                     initialization depending on the -R
                                     link partner capability (i.e., if
                                     -R is incapable of the preferred
                                     10PassTS mode, 2BaseTL will be

          Changing efmCuPmeAdminSubType is a traffic-disruptive
          operation and as such SHALL be done when the link is Down.
          Attempts to change this object SHALL be rejected if the link
          is Up or Initializing.
          Attempts to change this object to an unsupported subtype
          (see efmCuPmeSubTypesSupported) SHALL be rejected.

          The current operational subtype is indicated by the
          efmCuPmeOperSubType variable.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PMA/PMD is present, then
          this object combines values of the Port subtype select bits
          and the PMA/PMD type selection bits in the 10P/2B PMA/PMD
          control register."
          "[802.3ah] 61.1,,"
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 1 }

      efmCuPmeAdminProfile  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      EfmProfileIndexOrZero
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired PME configuration profile.  This object is a pointer
          to an entry in either the efmCuPme2BProfileTable or the
          efmCuPme10PProfileTable, depending on the current operating
          SubType of the PME.  The value of this object is the index of
          the referenced profile.
          The value of zero (default) indicates that the PME is
          configured via the efmCuAdminProfile object for the PCS port
          to which this PME is assigned.  That is, the profile
          referenced by efmCuPmeAdminProfile takes precedence
          over the profile(s) referenced by efmCuAdminProfile.

          This object is writable and readable for the CO subtype PMEs
          (2BaseTL-O or 10PassTS-O). It is irrelevant for the CPE
          subtype (2BaseTL-R or 10PassTS-R) -- a zero value SHALL be
          returned on an attempt to read this object and any attempt
          to change this object MUST be rejected in this case.
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 47
          Note that the current operational profile value is available
          via efmCuPmeOperProfile object.

          Any modification of this object MUST be performed when the
          link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be
          rejected, if the link is Up or Initializing.

          Attempts to set this object to a value that is not the value
          of the index for an active entry in the corresponding profile
          table MUST be rejected.

          This object maps to the Clause 30 attribute aProfileSelect.

          This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
        DEFVAL { 0 }
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 2 }

      efmCuPAFRemoteDiscoveryCode  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      PhysAddress (SIZE(0|6))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "PAF Remote Discovery Code of the PME port at the CO.
          The 6-octet Discovery Code of the peer PCS connected via
          the PME.
          Reading this object results in a Discovery Get operation.
          Setting this object to all zeroes results in a Discovery
          Clear_if_Same operation (the value of efmCuPAFDiscoveryCode
          at the peer PCS SHALL be the same as efmCuPAFDiscoveryCode of
          the local PCS associated with the PME for the operation to
          Writing a non-zero value to this object results in a
          Discovery Set_if_Clear operation.
          A zero-length octet string SHALL be returned on an attempt to
          read this object when PAF aggregation is not enabled.

          This object is irrelevant in CPE port (-R) subtypes: in this
          case, a zero-length octet string SHALL be returned on an
          attempt to read this object; writing to this object SHALL
          be rejected.

          Discovery MUST be performed when the link is Down.
          Attempts to change this object MUST be rejected (in case of
          SNMP with the error inconsistentValue), if the link is Up or
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 48
          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PMA/PMD is present, then
          this object is a function of 10P/2B aggregation discovery
          control register, Discovery operation result bits in 10P/2B
          aggregation and discovery status register and
          10P/2B aggregation discovery code register."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 3 }

      efmCuPmeThreshLineAtn  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Integer32(-127..128)
        UNITS       "dB"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired Line Attenuation threshold for the 2B/10P PME.
          This object configures the line attenuation alarm threshold.
          When the current value of Line Attenuation reaches or
          exceeds this threshold, an efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossing
          notification MAY be generated, if enabled by

          This object is writable for the CO subtype PMEs (-O).
          It is read-only for the CPE subtype (-R).

          Changing of the Line Attenuation threshold MUST be performed
          when the link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be
          rejected (in case of SNMP with the error inconsistentValue),
          if the link is Up or Initializing.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PME is present, then this
          object maps to the loop attenuation threshold bits in
          the 2B PMD line quality thresholds register."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 4 }

      efmCuPmeThreshSnrMgn  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32(-127..128)
        UNITS       "dB"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Desired SNR margin threshold for the 2B/10P PME.
          This object configures the SNR margin alarm threshold.
          When the current value of SNR margin reaches or exceeds this
          threshold, an efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossing notification MAY be
          generated, if enabled by efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossingEnable.
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 49
          This object is writable for the CO subtype PMEs
          (2BaseTL-O/10PassTS-O).  It is read-only for the CPE subtype

          Changing of the SNR margin threshold MUST be performed when
          the link is Down.  Attempts to change this object MUST be
          rejected (in case of SNMP with the error inconsistentValue),
          if the link is Up or Initializing.

          If a Clause 45 MDIO Interface to the PME is present, then this
          object maps to the SNR margin threshold bits in the 2B PMD
          line quality thresholds register."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 5 }

      efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossingEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossing notifications
          should be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuPmeLineAtnCrossing
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 6 }

      efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossingEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossing notifications
          should be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuPmeSnrMgnCrossing
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 7 }

      efmCuPmeDeviceFaultEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuPmeDeviceFault notifications
Top   ToC   RFC5066 - Page 50
          should be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuPmeDeviceFault
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 8 }

      efmCuPmeConfigInitFailEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuPmeConfigInitFailure notifications
          should be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuPmeConfigInitFailure
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 9 }

      efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
          "Indicates whether efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailure notifications
          should be generated for this interface.

          A value of true(1) indicates that efmCuPmeProtocolInitFailure
          notification is enabled.  A value of false(2) indicates that
          the notification is disabled."
        ::= { efmCuPmeConfEntry 10 }

      efmCuPmeCapabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPmeCapabilityEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "Table for the configuration of common aspects for EFMCu
          2BASE-TL/10PASS-TS PME ports (modems).  The configuration of
          aspects specific to 2BASE-TL or 10PASS-TS PME types is
          represented in the efmCuPme2BConfTable and the
          efmCuPme10PConfTable, respectively.

          Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent
        ::= { efmCuPme 2 }

(next page on part 3)

Next Section