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RFC 5000

Internet Official Protocol Standards

Pages: 75
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Part 4 of 4 – Pages 57 to 75
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ToP   noToC   RFC5000 - Page 57   prevText

3.5. Best Current Practice Ordered by BCP

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the previous edition of this document.] Mnemonic Title RFC# BCP# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Variance for The PPP Compression Control Protocol 1915 3 and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol -------- An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return 1917 4 Unused IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA -------- Address Allocation for Private Internets 1918 5 -------- Guidelines for creation, selection, and 1930 6 registration of an Autonomous System (AS) -------- Implications of Various Address Allocation 2008 7 Policies for Internet Routing -------- IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures 2014 8 -------- The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3 2026 9 -------- IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall 3777 10 Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees -------- The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards 2028 11 Process -------- Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines 2050 12 -------- Media Type Specifications and Registration 4288* 13 Procedures -------- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part 4289* 13 Four: Registration Procedures
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--------   Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement   2119   14
--------   Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service      2148   15
--------   Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers    2182   16
--------   Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services             2219   17
--------   IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages         2277   18
--------   IANA Charset Registration Procedures                2978   19
--------   Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation                   2317   20
--------   Expectations for Computer Security Incident         2350   21
--------   Guide for Internet Standards Writers                2360   22
--------   Administratively Scoped IP Multicast                2365   23
--------   RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines             2379   24
--------   IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures        2418   25
--------   Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations       2434   26
             Section in RFCs
--------   Advancement of MIB specifications on the IETF       2438   27
             Standards Track
--------   Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels using         2488   28
             Standard Mechanisms
--------   Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs             2505   30
--------   Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure            2506   31
--------   Reserved Top Level DNS Names                        2606   32
--------   Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in     2644   34
--------   Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format        2736   36
--------   IANA Allocation Guidelines For Values In the        2780   37
             Internet Protocol and Related Headers
--------   Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of      2827   38
             Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address
--------   Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)    2850   39
--------   Root Name Server Operational Requirements           2870   40
--------   Congestion Control Principles                       2914   41
--------   Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations        2929   42
--------   Procedures and IANA Guidelines for Definition of    2939   43
             New DHCP Options and Message Types
--------   Use of HTTP State Management                        2964   44
--------   IETF Discussion List Charter                        3005   45
--------   Recommended Internet Service Provider Security      3013   46
             Services and Procedures
--------   Tags for Identifying Languages                      4646*  47
--------   Matching of Language Tags                           4647*  47
--------   End-to-end Performance Implications of Slow Links   3150   48
--------   End-to-end Performance Implications of Links with   3155   50
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--------   IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address          3171   51
--------   Management Guidelines & Operational Requirements    3172   52
             for the Address and Routing Parameter Area Domain
--------   GLOP Addressing in 233/8                            3180   53
--------   IETF Guidelines for Conduct                         3184   54
--------   Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving    3227   55
--------   On the use of HTTP as a Substrate                   3205   56
--------   IANA Considerations for IPv4 Internet Group         3228   57
             Management Protocol (IGMP)
--------   Defining the IETF                                   3233   58
--------   A Transient Prefix for Identifying Profiles under   3349   59
             Development by the Working Groups of the Internet
             Engineering Task Force
--------   Inappropriate TCP Resets Considered Harmful         3360   60
--------   Strong Security Requirements for Internet           3365   61
             Engineering Task Force Standard Protocols
--------   Advice to link designers on link Automatic Repeat   3366   62
             reQuest (ARQ)
--------   Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones          3372   63
             (SIP-T): Context and Architectures
--------   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)          4520*  64
             Considerations for the Lightweight Directory
             Access Protocol (LDAP)
--------   Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Part     3405   65
             Five: URI.ARPA Assignment Procedures
--------   Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition   3406   66
--------   Change Process for the Session Initiation Protocol  3427   67
--------   Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Internet        3438   68
             Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations
--------   TCP Performance Implications of Network Path        3449   69
--------   Guidelines for the Use of Extensible Markup         3470   70
             Language (XML) within IETF Protocols
--------   TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation    3481   71
             Wireless Networks
--------   Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security         3552   72
--------   An IETF URN Sub-namespace for Registered Protocol   3553   73
--------   Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and       3584   74
             Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network
             Management Framework
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--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow   3665   75
--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Public Switched   3666   76
             Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows
--------   IETF ISOC Board of Trustee Appointment Procedures   3677   77
--------   IETF Rights in Contributions                        3978*  78
--------   RFC 3978 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust         4748*  78
--------   Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology     3979*  79
--------   Clarification of the Third Party Disclosure         4879*  79
             Procedure in RFC 3979
--------   Delegation of E.F.F.3.IP6.ARPA                      3681   80
--------   The IETF XML Registry                               3688   81
--------   Assigning Experimental and Testing Numbers          3692   82
             Considered Useful
--------   A Practice for Revoking Posting Rights to IETF      3683   83
             Mailing Lists
--------   Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks           3704   84
--------   Best Current Practices for Third Party Call         3725   85
             Control (3pcc) in the Session Initiation Protocol
--------   Determining Strengths For Public Keys Used For      3766   86
             Exchanging Symmetric Keys
--------   Use of Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Metric as a  3785   87
             second MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric
--------   IANA Considerations for the Point-to-Point          3818   88
             Protocol (PPP)
--------   Advice for Internet Subnetwork Designers            3819   89
--------   Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields   3864*  90
--------   DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines           3901*  91
--------   The IESG and RFC Editor Documents: Procedures       3932*  92
--------   A Model for IETF Process Experiments                3933*  93
--------   Updates to RFC 2418 Regarding the Management of     3934*  94
             IETF Mailing Lists
--------   A Mission Statement for the IETF                    3935*  95
--------   Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation   3936*  96
             Protocol (RSVP)
--------   Clarifying when Standards Track Documents may       3967*  97
             Refer Normatively to Documents at a Lower Level
--------   Handling Normative References to Standards-Track    4897*  97
--------   The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA)       3968*  98
             Header Field Parameter Registry for the Session
             Initiation Protocol (SIP)
--------   The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA)       3969*  99
             Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Parameter
             Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP
--------   Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code       4020* 100
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--------   Structure of the IETF Administrative Support        4071* 101
             Activity (IASA)
--------   BCP 101 Update for IPR Trust                        4371* 101
--------   IAB Processes for Management of IETF Liaison        4052* 102
--------   Procedures for Handling Liaison Statements to and   4053* 103
             from the IETF
--------   Terminology for Describing Internet Connectivity    4084* 104
--------   Embedding Globally-Routable Internet Addresses      4085* 105
             Considered Harmful
--------   Randomness Requirements for Security                4086* 106
--------   Guidelines for Cryptographic Key Management         4107* 107
--------   IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Metrics Registry      4148* 108
--------   Deprecation of ""                            4159* 109
--------   Tunneling Multiplexed Compressed RTP (TCRTP)        4170* 110
--------   Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of MIB         4181* 111
--------   RFC 4181 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust         4841* 111
--------   Prioritized Treatment of Specific OSPF Version 2    4222* 112
             Packets and Congestion Avoidance
--------   The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC)  4333* 113
             Member Selection Guidelines and Process
--------   BGP Communities for Data Collection                 4384* 114
--------   Guidelines and Registration Procedures for New URI  4395* 115
--------   IANA Allocations for Pseudowire Edge to Edge        4446* 116
             Emulation (PWE3)
--------   Interworking between the Session Initiation         4497* 117
             Protocol (SIP) and QSIG
--------   Considerations for Lightweight Directory Access     4521* 118
             Protocol (LDAP) Extensions
--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control -    4579* 119
             Conferencing for User Agents
--------   Source-Specific Protocol Independent Multicast in   4608* 120
--------   Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)          4611* 121
             Deployment Scenarios
CIDR-STRA  Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The          4632* 122
             Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan
--------   Observed DNS Resolution Misbehavior                 4697* 123
--------   Specifying Alternate Semantics for the Explicit     4774* 124
             Congestion Notification (ECN) Field
--------   Procedures for Protocol Extensions and Variations   4775* 125
--------   Operation of Anycast Services                       4786* 126
--------   Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral        4787* 127
             Requirements for Unicast UDP
--------   Avoiding Equal Cost Multipath Treatment in MPLS     4928* 128
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--------   Change Process for Multiprotocol Label Switching    4929* 129
             (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Protocols and
--------   IANA Considerations for OSPF                        4940* 130
--------   Symmetric RTP / RTP Control Protocol (RTCP)         4961* 131
--------   Guidance for Authentication, Authorization, and     4962* 132
             Accounting (AAA) Key Management
--------   Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms        5033* 133
--------   Email Submission Operations: Access and             5068* 134
             Accountability Requirements
--------   IP Multicast Requirements for a Network Address     5135* 135
             Translator (NAT) and a Network Address Port
             Translator (NAPT)

3.6. Best Current Practice Ordered by RFC

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the previous edition of this document.] Mnemonic Title BCP# RFC# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- IP Multicast Requirements for a Network Address 135 5135* Translator (NAT) and a Network Address Port Translator (NAPT) -------- Email Submission Operations: Access and 134 5068* Accountability Requirements -------- Specifying New Congestion Control Algorithms 133 5033* -------- Guidance for Authentication, Authorization, and 132 4962* Accounting (AAA) Key Management -------- Symmetric RTP / RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) 131 4961* -------- IANA Considerations for OSPF 130 4940* -------- Change Process for Multiprotocol Label Switching 129 4929* (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) Protocols and Procedures -------- Avoiding Equal Cost Multipath Treatment in MPLS 128 4928* Networks -------- Handling Normative References to Standards-Track 97 4897* Documents -------- Clarification of the Third Party Disclosure 79 4879* Procedure in RFC 3979 -------- RFC 4181 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust 111 4841* -------- Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral 127 4787* Requirements for Unicast UDP -------- Operation of Anycast Services 126 4786* -------- Procedures for Protocol Extensions and Variations 125 4775* -------- Specifying Alternate Semantics for the Explicit 124 4774* Congestion Notification (ECN) Field -------- RFC 3978 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust 78 4748*
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--------   Observed DNS Resolution Misbehavior                 123 4697*
--------   Matching of Language Tags                            47 4647*
--------   Tags for Identifying Languages                       47 4646*
CIDR-STRA  Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The          122 4632*
             Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan
--------   Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)          121 4611*
             Deployment Scenarios
--------   Source-Specific Protocol Independent Multicast      120 4608*
             in 232/8
--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control -    119 4579*
             Conferencing for User Agents
--------   Considerations for Lightweight Directory Access     118 4521*
             Protocol (LDAP) Extensions
--------   Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)           64 4520*
             Considerations for the Lightweight Directory
             Access Protocol (LDAP)
--------   Interworking between the Session Initiation         117 4497*
             Protocol (SIP) and QSIG
--------   IANA Allocations for Pseudowire Edge to Edge        116 4446*
             Emulation (PWE3)
--------   Guidelines and Registration Procedures for New      115 4395*
             URI Schemes
--------   BGP Communities for Data Collection                 114 4384*
--------   BCP 101 Update for IPR Trust                        101 4371*
--------   The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee         113 4333*
             (IAOC) Member Selection Guidelines and Process
--------   Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)         13 4289*
             Part Four: Registration Procedures
--------   Media Type Specifications and Registration           13 4288*
--------   Prioritized Treatment of Specific OSPF Version 2    112 4222*
             Packets and Congestion Avoidance
--------   Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of MIB         111 4181*
--------   Tunneling Multiplexed Compressed RTP (TCRTP)        110 4170*
--------   Deprecation of ""                            109 4159*
--------   IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Metrics Registry      108 4148*
--------   Guidelines for Cryptographic Key Management         107 4107*
--------   Randomness Requirements for Security                106 4086*
--------   Embedding Globally-Routable Internet Addresses      105 4085*
             Considered Harmful
--------   Terminology for Describing Internet Connectivity    104 4084*
--------   Structure of the IETF Administrative Support        101 4071*
             Activity (IASA)
--------   Procedures for Handling Liaison Statements to       103 4053*
             and from the IETF
--------   IAB Processes for Management of IETF Liaison        102 4052*
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--------   Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code       100 4020*
--------   Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology      79 3979*
--------   IETF Rights in Contributions                         78 3978*
--------   The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA)        99 3969*
             Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Parameter
             Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol
--------   The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA)        98 3968*
             Header Field Parameter Registry for the Session
             Initiation Protocol (SIP)
--------   Clarifying when Standards Track Documents may        97 3967*
             Refer Normatively to Documents at a Lower Level
--------   Procedures for Modifying the Resource                96 3936*
             reSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
--------   A Mission Statement for the IETF                     95 3935*
--------   Updates to RFC 2418 Regarding the Management of      94 3934*
             IETF Mailing Lists
--------   A Model for IETF Process Experiments                 93 3933*
--------   The IESG and RFC Editor Documents: Procedures        92 3932*
--------   DNS IPv6 Transport Operational Guidelines            91 3901*
--------   Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields    90 3864*
--------   Advice for Internet Subnetwork Designers             89 3819
--------   IANA Considerations for the Point-to-Point           88 3818
             Protocol (PPP)
--------   Use of Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Metric as     87 3785
             a second MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric
--------   IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall     10 3777
             Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall
--------   Determining Strengths For Public Keys Used For       86 3766
             Exchanging Symmetric Keys
--------   Best Current Practices for Third Party Call          85 3725
             Control (3pcc) in the Session Initiation
             Protocol (SIP)
--------   Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks            84 3704
--------   Assigning Experimental and Testing Numbers           82 3692
             Considered Useful
--------   The IETF XML Registry                                81 3688
--------   A Practice for Revoking Posting Rights to IETF       83 3683
             Mailing Lists
--------   Delegation of E.F.F.3.IP6.ARPA                       80 3681
--------   IETF ISOC Board of Trustee Appointment Procedures    77 3677
--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Public             76 3666
             Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows
--------   Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call         75 3665
             Flow Examples
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--------   Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and        74 3584
             Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network
             Management Framework
--------   An IETF URN Sub-namespace for Registered             73 3553
             Protocol Parameters
--------   Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security          72 3552
--------   TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation     71 3481
             Wireless Networks
--------   Guidelines for the Use of Extensible Markup          70 3470
             Language (XML) within IETF Protocols
--------   TCP Performance Implications of Network Path         69 3449
--------   Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Internet         68 3438
             Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations
--------   Change Process for the Session Initiation            67 3427
             Protocol (SIP)
--------   Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace               66 3406
             Definition Mechanisms
--------   Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Part      65 3405
             Five: URI.ARPA Assignment Procedures
--------   Session Initiation Protocol for Telephones           63 3372
             (SIP-T): Context and Architectures
--------   Advice to link designers on link Automatic           62 3366
             Repeat reQuest (ARQ)
--------   Strong Security Requirements for Internet            61 3365
             Engineering Task Force Standard Protocols
--------   Inappropriate TCP Resets Considered Harmful          60 3360
--------   A Transient Prefix for Identifying Profiles          59 3349
             under Development by the Working Groups of the
             Internet Engineering Task Force
--------   Defining the IETF                                    58 3233
--------   IANA Considerations for IPv4 Internet Group          57 3228
             Management Protocol (IGMP)
--------   Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving     55 3227
--------   On the use of HTTP as a Substrate                    56 3205
--------   IETF Guidelines for Conduct                          54 3184
--------   GLOP Addressing in 233/8                             53 3180
--------   Management Guidelines & Operational Requirements     52 3172
             for the Address and Routing Parameter Area
             Domain ("arpa")
--------   IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address           51 3171
--------   End-to-end Performance Implications of Links         50 3155
             with Errors
--------   End-to-end Performance Implications of Slow Links    48 3150
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--------   Recommended Internet Service Provider Security       46 3013
             Services and Procedures
--------   IETF Discussion List Charter                         45 3005
--------   IANA Charset Registration Procedures                 19 2978
--------   Use of HTTP State Management                         44 2964
--------   Procedures and IANA Guidelines for Definition of     43 2939
             New DHCP Options and Message Types
--------   Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations         42 2929
--------   Congestion Control Principles                        41 2914
--------   Root Name Server Operational Requirements            40 2870
--------   Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB)     39 2850
--------   Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of       38 2827
             Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address
--------   IANA Allocation Guidelines For Values In the         37 2780
             Internet Protocol and Related Headers
--------   Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format         36 2736
--------   Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in      34 2644
--------   Reserved Top Level DNS Names                         32 2606
--------   Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure             31 2506
--------   Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs              30 2505
--------   Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels using          28 2488
             Standard Mechanisms
--------   Advancement of MIB specifications on the IETF        27 2438
             Standards Track
--------   Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations        26 2434
             Section in RFCs
--------   IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures         25 2418
--------   RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines              24 2379
--------   Administratively Scoped IP Multicast                 23 2365
--------   Guide for Internet Standards Writers                 22 2360
--------   Expectations for Computer Security Incident          21 2350
--------   Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation                    20 2317
--------   IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages          18 2277
--------   Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services              17 2219
--------   Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers     16 2182
--------   Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service       15 2148
--------   Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate                14 2119
             Requirement Levels
--------   Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines           12 2050
--------   The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards     11 2028
--------   The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3          9 2026
--------   IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures         8 2014
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--------   Implications of Various Address Allocation            7 2008
             Policies for Internet Routing
--------   Guidelines for creation, selection, and               6 1930
             registration of an Autonomous System (AS)
--------   Address Allocation for Private Internets              5 1918
--------   An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return         4 1917
             Unused IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA
--------   Variance for The PPP Compression Control              3 1915
             Protocol and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol

3.7. Experimental Protocols

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the previous edition of this document.] Mnemonic Title RFC# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Experiment in Exploratory Group Formation within the 5111* Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) -------- The Extensible Authentication Protocol-Internet Key 5106* Exchange Protocol version 2 (EAP-IKEv2) Method -------- Using OpenPGP Keys for Transport Layer Security 5081* (TLS) Authentication -------- Explicit Multicast (Xcast) Concepts and Options 5058* -------- Bundle Protocol Specification 5050* -------- IPv6 Router Advertisement Option for DNS 5006* Configuration -------- Mobile IPv4 Fast Handovers 4988* -------- OSPF-xTE: Experimental Extension to OSPF for Traffic 4973* Engineering -------- DNS Security (DNSSEC) Opt-In 4956* -------- Atom License Extension 4946* -------- Abstract Syntax Notation X (ASN.X) Representation of 4914* Encoding Instructions for the XML Encoding Rules (XER -------- Abstract Syntax Notation X (ASN.X) Representation of 4913* Encoding Instructions for the Generic String Encoding Rules (GSER) -------- Abstract Syntax Notation X (ASN.X) 4912* -------- Encoding Instructions for the Robust XML Encoding 4911* Rules (RXER) -------- Robust XML Encoding Rules (RXER) for Abstract Syntax 4910* Notation One (ASN.1) -------- Multi-homing for small scale fixed network Using 4908* Mobile IP and NEMO -------- Low-Latency Handoffs in Mobile IPv4 4881* -------- Mobile IPv4 Regional Registration 4857* -------- An IPv6 Prefix for Overlay Routable Cryptographic 4843* Hash Identifiers (ORCHID)
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--------   TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): The Small-Packet      4828*
             (SP) Variant
--------   OSPF Link-Local Signaling                               4813*
--------   Quick-Start for TCP and IP                              4782*
--------   The Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol (IDXP)        4767*
--------   The Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format         4765*
--------   The EAP-PSK Protocol: A Pre-Shared Key Extensible       4764*
             Authentication Protocol (EAP) Method
--------   Multiple Authentication Exchanges in the Internet       4739*
             Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol
--------   The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) for Mobile    4728*
             Ad Hoc Networks for IPv4
--------   Netnews Administration System (NAS)                     4707*
--------   IETF Operational Notes                                  4693*
--------   TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC):      4654*
             Protocol Specification
--------   Improving the Robustness of TCP to Non-Congestion       4653*
--------   Experiment in Long-Term Suspensions From Internet       4633*
             Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mailing Lists
--------   Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) MIB          4624*
--------   IPv6 Node Information Queries                           4620*
--------   NEC's Simple Middlebox Configuration (SIMCO)            4540*
             Protocol Version 3.0
--------   The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)        4533*
             Content Synchronization Operation
--------   Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Turn       4531*
--------   The Managed Object Aggregation MIB                      4498*
--------   Repeated Authentication in Internet Key Exchange        4478*
             (IKEv2) Protocol
--------   Derivation of DNS Name Predecessor and Successor        4471*
--------   Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)       4437*
             Redirect Reference Resources
--------   Selectively Reliable Multicast Protocol (SRMP)          4410*
--------   Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of    4408*
             Domains in E-Mail, Version 1
--------   Purported Responsible Address in E-Mail Messages        4407*
--------   Sender ID: Authenticating E-Mail                        4406*
--------   SMTP Service Extension for Indicating the               4405*
             Responsible Submitter of an E-Mail Message
--------   Neighbor Discovery Proxies (ND Proxy)                   4389*
--------   Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Repository     4386*
             Locator Service
--------   Calendar Access Protocol (CAP)                          4324*
--------   Datatypes for Web Distributed Authoring and             4316*
             Versioning (WebDAV) Properties
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ISATAP     Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol         4214*
--------   Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management (HMIPv6)   4140*
--------   Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for          4138*
             Detecting Spurious Retransmission Timeouts with TCP
             and the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
--------   Russian Dolls Bandwidth Constraints Model for           4127*
             Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering
--------   Max Allocation with Reservation Bandwidth               4126*
             Constraints Model for Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic
             Engineering & Performance Comparisons
--------   Maximum Allocation Bandwidth Constraints Model for      4125*
             Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering
--------   Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6                          4068*
--------   Context Transfer Protocol (CXTP)                        4067*
--------   Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD)                4066*
--------   Instructions for Seamoby and Experimental Mobility      4065*
             Protocol IANA Allocations
--------   BinaryTime: An Alternate Format for Representing        4049*
             Date and Time in ASN.1
--------   Extensions to Support Efficient Carrying of             4045*
             Multicast Traffic in Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol
--------   Maximum Transmission Unit Signalling Extensions for     3988*
             the Label Distribution Protocol
--------   Protocol Independent Multicast - Dense Mode             3973*
             (PIM-DM): Protocol Specification (Revised)
--------   Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload Format       3952*
             for internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC) Speech
--------   Internet Low Bit Rate Codec (iLBC)                      3951*
--------   Negative-Acknowledgment (NACK)-Oriented Reliable        3941*
             Multicast (NORM) Building Blocks
--------   Negative-acknowledgment (NACK)-Oriented Reliable        3940*
             Multicast (NORM) Protocol
--------   Alternative Decision Making Processes for               3929*
             Consensus-Blocked Decisions in the IETF
--------   FLUTE - File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport     3926*
DNS-SRV    Remote Service Discovery in the Service Location        3832
             Protocol (SLP) via DNS SRV
--------   Next Generation Structure of Management Information     3781
             (SMIng) Mappings to the Simple Network Management
             Protocol (SNMP)
--------   SMIng - Next Generation Structure of Management         3780
--------   Limited Slow-Start for TCP with Large Congestion        3742
--------   Wave and Equation Based Rate Control (WEBRC)            3738
             Building Block
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--------   Using TCP Duplicate Selective Acknowledgement           3708
             (DSACKs) and Stream Control Transmission Protocol
             (SCTP) Duplicate Transmission Sequence Numbers
             (TSNs) to Detect Spurious Retransmissions
--------   Compact Forward Error Correction (FEC) Schemes          3695
--------   Topology Dissemination Based on Reverse-Path            3684
             Forwarding (TBRPF)
--------   Domain Administrative Data in Lightweight Directory     3663
             Access Protocol (LDAP)
--------   The Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) Distributed Mailbox        3656
             Database Protocol
--------   HighSpeed TCP for Large Congestion Windows              3649
--------   Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)            3626
--------   Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)              3618
--------   Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing         3561
--------   Robust Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)           3540
             Signaling with Nonces
--------   Using Extensible Markup Language-Remote Procedure       3529
             Calling (XML-RPC) in Blocks Extensible Exchange
             Protocol (BEEP)
--------   Mesh-enhanced Service Location Protocol (mSLP)          3528
--------   The Eifel Detection Algorithm for TCP                   3522
--------   TCP Congestion Control with Appropriate Byte            3465
             Counting (ABC)
--------   Layered Coding Transport (LCT) Building Block           3451
--------   Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) Protocol              3450
--------   Simple Network Management Protocol Over Transmission    3430
             Control Protocol Transport Mapping
--------   Select and Sort Extensions for the Service Location     3421
             Protocol (SLP)
--------   The Application Exchange (APEX) Presence Service        3343
--------   Dual Stack Hosts Using "Bump-in-the-API" (BIA)          3338
--------   Policy-Based Accounting                                 3334
--------   PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Specification           3208
--------   Domain Security Services using S/MIME                   3183
SMX        Script MIB Extensibility Protocol Version 1.1           3179
--------   ISO/IEC 9798-3 Authentication SASL Mechanism            3163
--------   Electronic Signature Policies                           3125
--------   A DNS RR Type for Lists of Address Prefixes (APL RR)    3123
--------   Finding an RSIP Server with SLP                         3105
--------   RSIP Support for End-to-end IPsec                       3104
--------   Realm Specific IP: Protocol Specification               3103
--------   Realm Specific IP: Framework                            3102
--------   OpenLDAP Root Service An experimental LDAP referral     3088
--------   Notification and Subscription for SLP                   3082
--------   MPLS Loop Prevention Mechanism                          3063
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--------   Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Data           3029
             Validation and Certification Server Protocols
--------   Unified Memory Space Protocol Specification             3018
SAP        Session Announcement Protocol                           2974
--------   Protocol Independent Multicast MIB for IPv4             2934
MASC       The Multicast Address-Set Claim (MASC) Protocol         2909
--------   Generic AAA Architecture                                2903
--------   DNS Extensions to Support IPv6 Address Aggregation      2874
             and Renumbering
--------   TCP Congestion Window Validation                        2861
TSWTCM     A Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker (TSWTCM)      2859
--------   OSPF over ATM and Proxy-PAR                             2844
PPP-SDL    PPP over Simple Data Link (SDL) using SONET/SDH with    2823
             ATM-like framing
--------   Diffie-Helman USM Key Management Information Base       2786
             and Textual Convention
--------   An HTTP Extension Framework                             2774
--------   Encryption using KEA and SKIPJACK                       2773
--------   Sampling of the Group Membership in RTP                 2762
--------   Definitions of Managed Objects for Service Level        2758
             Agreements Performance Monitoring
HTCP       Hyper Text Caching Protocol (HTCP/0.0)                  2756
--------   RTFM: New Attributes for Traffic Flow Measurement       2724
--------   PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol                     2716
--------   SPKI Certificate Theory                                 2693
--------   SPKI Requirements                                       2692
--------   QoS Routing Mechanisms and OSPF Extensions              2676
DNS        Binary Labels in the Domain Name System                 2673
--------   The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol                  2660
--------   Security Extensions For HTML                            2659
--------   LDAPv2 Client vs. the Index Mesh                        2657
--------   Registration Procedures for SOIF Template Types         2656
--------   CIP Index Object Format for SOIF Objects                2655
--------   A Tagged Index Object for use in the Common Indexing    2654
--------   An LDAP Control and Schema for Holding Operation        2649
--------   Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols                   2569
IPP-RAT    Rationale for the Structure of the Model and            2568
             Protocol for the Internet Printing Protocol
IPP-DG     Design Goals for an Internet Printing Protocol          2567
DNS-INFO   Detached Domain Name System (DNS) Information           2540
PHOTURIS-E Photuris: Extended Schemes and Attributes               2523
PHOTURIS-S Photuris: Session-Key Management Protocol               2522
ICMP-SEC   ICMP Security Failures Messages                         2521
NHRP-MNHCS NHRP with Mobile NHCs                                   2520
--------   URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution    2483
MARS-SCSP  A Distributed MARS Service Using SCSP                   2443
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--------   Domain Names and Company Name Retrieval                 2345
RTP-MPEG   RTP Payload Format for Bundled MPEG                     2343
--------   Intra-LIS IP multicast among routers over ATM using     2337
             Sparse Mode PIM
--------   The Safe Response Header Field                          2310
LDAP-NIS   An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information     2307
HTTP-RVSA  HTTP Remote Variant Selection Algorithm -- RVSA/1.0     2296
TCN-HTTP   Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP                 2295
TOPT-COMPO Telnet Com Port Control Option                          2217
--------   A Trivial Convention for using HTTP in URN Resolution   2169
MAP-MAIL   MaXIM-11 - Mapping between X.400 / Internet mail and    2162
              Mail-11 mail
MIME-ODA   A MIME Body Part for ODA                                2161
OSPF-DIG   OSPF with Digital Signatures                            2154
IP-SCSI    Encapsulating IP with the Small Computer System         2143
X.500-NAME Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context                  2120
GKMP-ARCH  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Architecture       2094
GKMP-SPEC  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Specification      2093
TFTP-MULTI TFTP Multicast Option                                   2090
IP-Echo    IP Echo Host Service                                    2075
TOPT-CHARS TELNET CHARSET Option                                   2066
URAS       Uniform Resource Agents (URAs)                          2016
GPS-AR     GPS-Based Addressing and Routing                        2009
ETFTP      Experiments with a Simple File Transfer Protocol for    1986
             Radio Links using Enhanced Trivial File Transfer
             Protocol (ETFTP)
SMKD       Scalable Multicast Key Distribution                     1949
DNS-LOC    A Means for Expressing Location Information in the      1876
             Domain Name System
SGML-MT    SGML Media Types                                        1874
CONT-MT    Message/External-Body Content-ID Access Type            1873
UNARP      ARP Extension - UNARP                                   1868
ESP3DES    The ESP Triple DES Transform                            1851
--------   SMTP 521 Reply Code                                     1846
--------   SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart           1845
--------   Communicating Presentation Information in Internet      1806
             Messages: The Content-Disposition Header
--------   Schema Publishing in X.500 Directory                    1804
--------   MHS use of the X.500 Directory to support MHS Routing   1801
--------   Class A Subnet Experiment                               1797
TCP/IPXMIB TCP/IPX Connection Mib Specification                    1792
--------   TCP And UDP Over IPX Networks With Fixed Path MTU       1791
ICMP-DM    ICMP Domain Name Messages                               1788
CLNP-MULT  Host Group Extensions for CLNP Multicasting             1768
OSPF-OVFL  OSPF Database Overflow                                  1765
RWP        Remote Write Protocol - Version 1.0                     1756
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NARP       NBMA Address Resolution Protocol (NARP)                 1735
DNS-ENCODE DNS Encoding of Geographical Location                   1712
TCP-POS    An Extension to TCP : Partial Order Service             1693
T/TCP      T/TCP -- TCP Extensions for Transactions Functional     1644
MIME-UNI   Using Unicode with MIME                                 1641
FOOBAR     FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR)         1639
X500-CHART Charting Networks in the X.500 Directory                1609
X500-DIR   Representing IP Information in the X.500 Directory      1608
SNMP-DPI   Simple Network Management Protocol Distributed          1592
             Protocol Interface Version 2.0
CLNP-TUBA  Use of ISO CLNP in TUBA Environments                    1561
REM-PRINT  Principles of Operation for the TPC.INT Subdomain:      1528
             Remote Printing -- Technical Procedures
DASS       DASS - Distributed Authentication Security Service      1507
EHF-MAIL   Encoding Header Field for Internet Messages             1505
RAP        RAP: Internet Route Access Protocol                     1476
TP-IX      TP/IX: The Next Internet                                1475
--------   Routing Coordination for X.400 MHS Services Within a    1465
             Multi Protocol / Multi Network Environment Table
             Format V3 for Static Routing
--------   Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary         1464
             String Attributes
IRCP       Internet Relay Chat Protocol                            1459
SIFT       SIFT/UFT: Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer    1440
DIR-ARP    Directed ARP                                            1433
TEL-SPX    Telnet Authentication: SPX                              1412
TEL-KER    Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4               1411
TRACE-IP   Traceroute Using an IP Option                           1393
DNS-IP     An Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing                   1383
RMCP       Remote Mail Checking Protocol                           1339
MSP2       Message Send Protocol 2                                 1312
DSLCP      Dynamically Switched Link Control Protocol              1307
--------   X.500 and Domains                                       1279
IN-ENCAP   Scheme for an internet encapsulation protocol:          1241
             Version 1
CLNS-MIB   CLNS MIB for use with Connectionless Network            1238
             Protocol (ISO 8473) and End System to Intermediate
             System (ISO 9542)
CFDP       Coherent File Distribution Protocol                     1235
IP-AX.25   Internet protocol encapsulation of AX.25 frames         1226
ALERTS     Techniques for managing asynchronously generated        1224
MPP        Message Posting Protocol (MPP)                          1204
SNMP-BULK  Bulk Table Retrieval with the SNMP                      1187
DNS-RR     New DNS RR Definitions                                  1183
IMAP2      Interactive Mail Access Protocol: Version 2             1176
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NTP-OSI    Network Time Protocol (NTP) over the OSI Remote         1165
             Operations Service
DMF-MAIL   Digest message format                                   1153
RDP        Version 2 of the Reliable Data Protocol (RDP)           1151
--------   Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on        1149
             avian carriers
TCP-ACO    TCP alternate checksum options                          1146
--------   The Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option              1143
IP-DVMRP   Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol              1075
VMTP       VMTP: Versatile Message Transaction Protocol            1045
COOKIE-JAR Distributed-protocol authentication scheme              1004
NETBLT     NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol                    998
IRTP       Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol functional        938
             and interface specification
LDP        Loader Debugger Protocol                                 909
RDP        Reliable Data Protocol                                   908
RLP        Resource Location Protocol                               887

4. Security Considerations

This memo does not affect the technical security of the Internet, but it does cite a number of important security specifications.

Editors' Addresses

RFC Editor USC/Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 EMail:
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   Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2008).

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   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
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