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RFC 4981

Survey of Research towards Robust Peer-to-Peer Networks: Search Methods

Pages: 91
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9. References

9.1. Informative References

[1] M. Roussopoulos, M. Baker, D. Rosenthal, T. Guili, P. Maniatis, and J. Mogul, 2 P2P of Not 2 P2P?, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27 2004. [2] A. Rowstron and P. Druschel, Pastry: Scalable, distributed object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems, IFIP/ACM Middleware 2001, Nov 2001. [3] B. Yeager and B. Bhattacharjee, Peer-to-Peer Research Group Charter, (2003) [4] T. Klingberg and R. Manfredi, Gnutella 0.6, (2002) [5] I. Clarke, A Distributed Decentralised Information Storage and Retrieval System, Undergraduate Thesis, 1999. [6] B. Zhao, J. Kubiatowicz, and A. Joseph, Tapestry: an infrastructure for fault-tolerant wide-area location and routing, Report No. UCB/CSD-01-1141 2001. [7] I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Liben-Nowell, D. Karger, M. Kaashoek, F. Dabek, and H. Balakrishnan, Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications, Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2001 2001, pp. 149-160. [8] S. Ratnasamy, P. Francis, M. Handley, R. Karp, and S. Shenker, A scalable content-addressable network, Proc. of the conf. on Applications, technologies, architectures and protocols for computer communications, August 27-31 2001, pp. 161-172. [9] C. Tang, Z. Xu, and M. Mahalingam, pSearch: information retrieval in structured overlays, First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. Also Computer Communication Review, Volume 33, Number 1, January 2003, Oct 28-29 2002. [10] W. Nejdl, S. Decker, and W. Siberski, Edutella Project, RDF- based Metadata Infrastructure for P2P Applications, (2003)
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   [11]  K. Aberer and M. Hauswirth, Peer-to-peer information systems:
         concepts and models, state-of-the-art, and future systems, ACM
         SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Proc. 8th European software
         engineering conference held jointly with 9th ACM SIGSOFT
         international symposium on foundations of software engineering
         26 (5) (2001)

   [12]  L. Zhou and R. van Renesse, P6P: a peer-to-peer approach to
         internet infrastructure, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
         Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [13]  Citeseer, Citeseer Scientific Literature Digital Library, (2004)

   [14]  D. Milojicic, V. Kalogeraki, R. Lukose, K. Nagaraja, J. Pruyne,
         B. Richard, S. Rollins, and Z. Xu, Peer-to-Peer Computing, HP
         Technical Report, HPL-2002-57 2002.

   [15]  K. Aberer and M. Hauswirth, An overview on peer-to-peer
         information systems, Workshop on Distributed Data and
         Structures WDAS-2002 2002.

   [16]  F. DePaoli and L. Mariani, Dependability in Peer-to-Peer
         Systems, IEEE Internet Computing 8 (4) (2004) 54-61.

   [17]  B. Yeager, Proposed research tracks, Email to the Internet
         Research Task Force IRTF P2P Research Group, Nov 10 2003.

   [18]  H. Balakrishnan, M. F. Kaashoek, D. Karger, R. Morris, and I.
         Stoica, Looking up data in P2P systems, Communications of the
         ACM 46 (2) (2003) 43-48.

   [19]  D. Kossmann, The state of the art in distributed query
         processing, ACM Computing Surveys 32 (4) (2000) 422-469.

   [20]  B. Gedik and L. Liu, Reliable peer-to-peer information
         monitoring through replication, Proc. 22nd Int'l Symp. on
         Reliable Distributed Systems, 6-8 Oct 2003, pp. 56-65.

   [21]  S.-M. Shi, Y. Guangwen, D. Wang, J. Yu, S. Qu, and M. Chen,
         Making peer-to-peer keyword searching feasible using multi-
         level partitioning, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
         Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [22]  R. Huebsch, J. M. Hellerstein, N. Lanham, B. T. Loo, S.
         Shenker, and I. Stoica, Querying the Internet with PIER, Proc.
         29th Int'l Conf. on Very Large Databases VLDB'03, September
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   [23]  J. M. Hellerstein, Toward network data independence, ACM SIGMOD
         Record 32 (3) (2003) 34-40.

   [24]  K. Gummadi, R. Gummadi, S. Gribble, S. Ratnasamy, S. Shenker,
         and I. Stoica, The impact of DHT routing geometry on resilience
         and proximity, Proc. 2003 conference on Applications,
         Technologies, Architectures and Protocols for Computer
         Communications 2003, pp. 381-394.

   [25]  N. Daswani, H. Garcia-Molina, and B. Yang, Open Problems in
         Data- sharing Peer-to-peer Systems, The 9th Int'l Conf. on
         Database Theory (ICDT 2003), Siena, Italy, 8-10 January (2003)

   [26]  B. Cooper and H. Garcia-Molina, Studying search networks with
         SIL, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS 03,
         20- 21 February 2003.

   [27]  M. Bawa, Q. Sun, P. Vinograd, B. Yang, B. Cooper, A. Crespo, N.
         Daswani, P. Ganesan, H. Garcia-Molina, S. Kamvar, S. Marti, and
         M. Schlossed, Peer-to-peer research at Stanford, ACM SIGMOD
         Record 32 (3) (2003) 23-28.

   [28]  B. Yang and H. Garcia-Molina, Improving search in peer-to-peer
         networks, Proc. 22nd IEEE Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing
         Systems, July 2002.

   [29]  B. Yang and H. Garcia-Molina, Efficient search in peer-to-peer
         networks, Proc. 22nd Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing
         Systems, July 2-5 2002.

   [30]  C. Plaxton, R. Rajaraman, and A. Richa, Accessing nearby copies
         of replicated objects in a distributed environment, ACM Symp.
         on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (1997)

   [31]  B. Zhao, L. Huang, J. Stribling, S. Rhea, A. Joseph, and J.
         Kubiatowicz, Tapestry: A Resilient Global-Scale overlay for
         Service Deployment, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
         Communications 22 (1) (2004) 41-53.

   [32]  R. van Renesse and A. Bozdog, Willow: DHT, aggregation and
         publish/subscribe in one protocol, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on
         Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [33]  P. Ganesan, G. Krishna, and H. Garcia-Molina, Canon in G Major:
         Designing DHTs with Hierarchical Structure, Proc. Int'l Conf.
         on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2004 2004.
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   [34]  I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Liben-Nowell, D. Karger, M. Kaashoek,
         F. Dabek, and H. Balakrishnan, Chord:  a scalable peer-to-peer
         lookup protocol for Internet applications, IEEE/ACM Trans. on
         Networking 11 (1) (2003) 17-32.

   [35]  S. Rhea, T. Roscoe, and J. Kubiatowicz, Structured Peer-to-Peer
         Overlays Need Application-Driven Benchmarks, Proc. 2nd Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS'03, February 20-21 2003.

   [36]  D. Loguinov, A. Kumar, and S. Ganesh, Graph-theoretic analysis
         of structured peer-to-peer systems:  routing distances and
         fault resilience, Proc. 2003 conference on Applications,
         Technologies, Architectures and Protocols for Computer
         Communications, August 25-29 2003, pp. 395-406.

   [37]  F. Kaashoek and D. Karger, Koorde:  A simple degree-optimal
         hash table, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
         IPTPS'03, 20-21 February 2003.

   [38]  N. Harvey, M. B. Jones, S. Saroiu, M. Theimer, and A. Wolman,
         SkipNet: A Scalable Overlay Network with Practical Locality
         Properties, Proc. Fourth USENIX Symp. on Internet Technologies
         and Systems USITS'03, March 2003.

   [39]  I. Gupta, K. Birman, P. Linga, A. Demers, and R. Van Renesse,
         Kelips:  Building an efficient and stable P2P DHT through
         increased memory and background overhead, Second Int'l Workshop
         on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS 03, Feb 20-21 2003.

   [40]  J. Cates, Robust and Efficient Data Management for a
         Distributed Hash Table, Master's Thesis, May 2003.

   [41]  J. Aspnes and G. Shah, Skip graphs, Proc. 14th annual ACM-SIAM
         symposium on discrete algorithms (2003) 384-393.

   [42]  K. Aberer, P. Cudre-Mauroux, A. Datta, Z. Despotovic, M.
         Hauswirth, M. Punceva, and R. Schmidt, P-Grid:  a self-
         organizing structured P2P system, ACM SIGMOD Record 32 (3)
         (2003) 29-33.

   [43]  B. Zhao, Y. Duan, L. Huang, A. Joseph, and J. Kubiatowicz,
         Brocade: landmark routing on overlay networks, First Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS'02, March 2002.

   [44]  S. Ratnasamy, S. Shenker, and I. Stoica, Routing algorithms for
         DHTs:  some open questions, Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Peer
         to Peer Systems, IPTPS 2002, March 2002.
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   [45]  P. Maymounkov and D. Mazieres, Kademlia:  A peer-to-peer
         information system based on the XOR metric, Proc. First Int'l
         Workshop on Peer to Peer Systems, IPTPS 2002, March 7-8 2002.

   [46]  D. Malkhi, M. Naor, and D. Ratajczak, Viceroy:  a scalable and
         dynamic emulation of the butterfly, Proc. 21st annual symposium
         on principles of distributed computing PODC, July 21-24 2002,
         pp. 183-192.

   [47]  X. Li and C. Plaxton, On name resolution in peer to peer
         networks, Proc. ACM SIGACT Annual Workshop on Principles of
         Mobile Computing POMC'02 2002, pp. 82-89.

   [48]  N. Harvey, J. Dunagan, M. B. Jones, S. Saroiu, M. Theimer, and
         A. Wolman, SkipNet:  A Scalable overlay Network with Practical
         Locality Properties, Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-
         TR- 2002-92 (2002)

   [49]  D. Karger, E. Lehman, T. Leighton, R. Panigraphy, M. Levin, and
         D. Lewin, Consistent hashing and random trees:  distributed
         caching protocols for relieving hot spots on the World Wide
         Web, ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (1997)

   [50]  W. Litwin, M. Neimat, and D. Schneider, LH* - a scalable,
         distributed data structure, ACM Trans. on Database Systems
         (TODS) 21 (4) (1996) 480-525.

   [51]  R. Devine, Design and Implementation of DDH: A Distributed
         Dynamic Hashing Algorithm, Proc.  4th Int'l Conf. on
         Foundations of Data Organizations and Algorithms 1993.

   [52]  W. Litwin, M.-A. Niemat, and D. Schneider, LH* - Linear Hashing
         for Distributed Files, Proc.  ACM Int'l Conf. on Mngt. of Data
         SIGMOD, May 1993, pp. 327-336.

   [53]  C. Tempich, S. Staab, and A. Wranik, Remindin': semantic query
         routing in peer-to-peer networks, Proc. 13th conference on
         World Wide Web, New York, NY, USA, May 17-20 (2004) 640-649.

   [54]  B. T. Loo, R. Huebsch, I. Stoica, and J. M. Hellerstein, The
         case for a hybrid P2P search infrastructure, The 3rd Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [55]  M. Cai and M. Frank, RDFPeers: a scalable distributed RDF
         repository based on a structured peer-to-peer network, Proc.
         13th conference on World Wide Web, May 17-20 2004, pp. 650-657.
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   [56]  Z. Zhang, S.-M. Shi, and J. Zhu, SOMO: Self-organized metadata
         overlay for resource management in P2P DHTs, Second Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS'03, Feb 20-21 2003.

   [57]  B. Yang and H. Garcia-Molina, Designing a super-peer network,
         Proc. 19th Int'l Conf. on Data Engineering ICDE, March 2003.

   [58]  I. Tatarinov, P. Mork, Z. Ives, J. Madhavan, A. Halevy, D.
         Suciu, N. Dalvi, X. Dong, Y. Kadiyska, and G. Miklau, The
         Piazza peer data management project, ACM SIGMOD Record 32 (3)
         (2003) 47-52.

   [59]  W. Nejdl, W. Siberski, and M. Sintek, Design Issues and
         Challenges for RDF- and schema-based peer-to-peer systems, ACM
         SIGMOD Record 32 (3) (2003) 41-46.

   [60]  S. Joseph and T. Hoshiai, Decentralized Meta-Data Strategies:
         Effective Peer-to-Peer Search, IEICE Trans. Commun. E86-B (6
         June) (2003) 1740-1753.

   [61]  Y. Chawathe, S. Ratnasamy, L. Breslau, N. Lanham, and S.
         Shenker, Making gnutella-like P2P systems scalable, Proc. 2003
         conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures and
         Protocols for Computer Communications, August 25-29 2003, pp.

   [62]  M. Bawa, G. S. Manku, and P. Raghavan, SETS: search enhanced by
         topic segmentation, Proc. 26th annual international ACM SIGIR
         conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
         2003, pp. 306-313.

   [63]  H. Sunaga, M. Takemoto, and T. Iwata, Advanced peer to peer
         network platform for various services - SIONet Semantic
         Information Oriented Network, Proc. Second Int'l Conf. on Peer
         to Peer Computing, Sept 5-7 2002, pp. 169-170.

   [64]  M. Schlosser, M. Sintek, S. Decker, and W. Nejdl, HyperCuP -
         Hypercubes, Ontologies and P2P Networks, Springer Lecture Notes
         on Computer Science, Agents and Peer-to-Peer Systems Vol. 2530

   [65]  M. Ripeanu, A. Iamnitchi, and P. Foster, Mapping the Gnutella
         network, IEEE Internet Computing 6 (1) (2002) 50-57.

   [66]  Q. Lv, S. Ratnasamy, and S. Shenker, Can Heterogeneity Make
         Gnutella Scalable?, Proc. 1st Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
         Systems IPTPS2002, March 7-8 2002.
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   [67]  Q. Lv, P. Cao, E. Cohen, K. Li, and S. Shenker, Search and
         replication in unstructured peer to peer networks, Proc. 16th
         international conference on supercomputing, June 22-26 2002,
         pp. 84-95.

   [68]  V. Kalogaraki, D. Gunopulos, and D. Zeinalipour-Yasti, XML
         schemas:  integration and translation:  A local search
         mechanism for peer to peer networks, Proc. 11th ACM
         international conference on Information and Knowledge
         management 2002, pp. 300- 307.

   [69]  O. Babaoglu, H. Meling, and Montresor, Anthill:  a framework
         for the development of agent-based peer-to-peer systems, Proc.
         IEEE Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computer systems 2002, pp. 15-

   [70]  M. Jovanovic, Modeling large-scale peer-to-peer networks and a
         case study of Gnutella, Master's Thesis 2001.

   [71]  I. Clarke, O. Sandberg, B. Wiley, and T. Hong, Freenet:  A
         Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System.
         Springer, New York, USA, 2001.

   [72]  J. Harren, J. Hellerstein, R. Huebsch, B. Loo, S. Shenker, and
         I. Stoica, Complex queries in DHT-based peer-to-peer networks,
         Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Peer to Peer Systems IPTPS 2002,
         March 2002.

   [73]  B. Gedik and L. Liu, PeerCQ: A Decentralized and Self-
         Configuring Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring System, Proc.
         23rd Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS2003,
         May 19-22 2003.

   [74]  B. T. Loo, R. Huebsch, J. M. Hellerstein, T. Roscoe, and I.
         Stoica, Analyzing P2P Overlays with Recursive Queries,
         Technical Report, CSD-04-1301, January 14 2004.

   [75]  R. Avnur and J. Hellerstein, Eddies: continuously adaptive
         query processing, Proc. 2000 ACM SIGMOD international
         conference on Management of Data 2000, pp. 261-272.

   [76]  P. Triantafillou and T. Pitoura, Towards a unifying framework
         for complex query processing over structured peer-to-peer data
         networks, Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Databases, Information
         Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing DBISP2P, Sept 7-8 2003, pp.
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   [77]  A. Gupta, D. Agrawal, and A. E. Abbadi, Approximate range
         selection queries in peer-to-peer systems, Proc. First Biennial
         Conf. on Innovative Data Systems Research CIDR 2003 2003.

   [78]  S. Ratnasamy, P. Francis, and M. Handley, Range queries in
         DHTs, Technical Report IRB-TR-03-009, July 2003.

   [79]  S. Ramabhadran, S. Ratnasamy, J. Hellerstein, and S. Shenker,
         Brief announcement: prefix hash tree, Proc. 23rd Annual ACM
         SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing,
         PODC 2004, July 25-28 2004, pp. 368-368.

   [80]  A. Andrzejak and Z. Xu, Scalable, efficient range queries for
         grid information services, Proc. Second IEEE Int'l Conf. on
         Peer to Peer Computing, September 2002.

   [81]  C. Schmidt and M. Parashar, Enabling flexible queries with
         guarantees in P2P systems, IEEE Internet Computing 8 (3) (2004)

   [82]  E. Tanin, A. Harwood, and H. Samet, Indexing distributed
         complex data for complex queries, Proc. National Conf. on
         Digital Government Research 2004, pp. 81-90.

   [83]  P. Ganesan, M. Bawa, and H. Garcia-Molina, Online Balancing of
         Range-Partitioned Data with Applications to Peer-to-Peer
         Systems, Proc. 30th Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases VLDB
         2004, 29 August - 3 September 2004.

   [84]  A. Bharambe, M. Agrawal, and S. Seshan, Mercury: Supporting
         Scalable Multi-Attribute Range Queries, SIGCOMM'04, Aug 30-Sept
         3 2004.

   [85]  K. Aberer, Scalable Data Access in P2P Systems Using Unbalanced
         Search Trees, Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures WDAS-
         2002 2002.

   [86]  K. Aberer, A. Datta, and M. Hauswirth, The Quest for Balancing
         Peer Load in Structured Peer-to-Peer Systems, Technical Report
         IC/2003/32 2003.

   [87]  W. Litwin, M.-A. Neimat, and D. Schneider, RP*: a family of
         order-preserving scalable distributed data structures, Proc.
         20th Int'l Conf. on Very Large Data Bases VLDB'94, September
         12-15 1994.
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   [88]  M. Tsangou, S. Ndiaye, M. Seck, and W. Litwin, Range queries to
         scalable distributed data structure RP*, Proc. Fifth Workshop
         on Distributed Data and Structures, WDAS 2003, June 2003.

   [89]  W. Litwin and M.-A. Neimat, k-RP*s: a scalable distributed data
         structure for high-performance multi-attributed access, Proc.
         Fourth Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information
         Systems (1996) 120-131.

   [90]  T. Hodes, S. Czerwinski, B. Zhao, A. Joseph, and R. Katz, An
         architecture for secure wide-area service discovery, Wireless
         Networks 8 (2/3) (2002) 213-230.

   [91]  M. Cai, M. Frank, J. Chen, and P. Szekely, MAAN: A Multi-
         Attribute Addressable Network for Grid Information Services,
         Proc. Int'l Workshop on Grid Computing, November 2003.

   [92]  R. van Renesse, K. P. Birman, and W. Vogels, Astrolabe:  A
         robust and scalable technology for distribute system
         monitoring, management and data mining, ACM Trans. on Computer
         Systems 21 (2) (2003) 164-206.

   [93]  R. Bhagwan, G. Varghese, and G. Voelker, Cone: Augmenting DHTs
         to support distributed resource discovery, Technical Report,
         CS2003- 0755, July 2003.

   [94]  K. Albrecht, R. Arnold, and R. Wattenhofer, Join and Leave in
         Peer-to-Peer Systems: The DASIS Approach, Technical Report 427,
         Department of Computer Science, November 2003.

   [95]  K. Albrecht, R. Arnold, and R. Wattenhofer, Aggregating
         information in peer-to-peer systems for improved join and
         leave, Proc. Fourth IEEE Int'l Conf. on Peer-to-Peer Computing,
         25-27 August 2004.

   [96]  A. Montresor, M. Jelasity, and O. Babaoglu, Robust aggregation
         protocol for large-scale overlay networks, Technical Report
         UBLCS-2003-16, December 2003.

   [97]  M. Jelasity, W. Kowalczyk, and M. van Steen, An Approach to
         Aggregation in Large and Fully Distributed Peer-to-Peer Overlay
         Networks, Proc. 12th Euromicro Conf. on Parallel, Distributted
         and Network based Processing PDP 2004, February 2004.

   [98]  P. Yalagandula and M. Dahlin, A scalable distributed
         information management system, SIGCOMM'04, Aug 30-Sept 3 2004.
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   [99]  M. Bawa, A. Gionis, H. Garcia-Molina, and R. Motwani, The price
         of validity in dynamic networks, Proc. 2004 ACM SIGMOD Int'l
         Conf. on the management of data 2004, pp. 515-526.

   [100] J. Aspnes, J. Kirsch, and A. Krishnamurthy, Load Balancing and
         Locality in Range-Queriable Data Structures, Proc. 23rd Annual
         ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing
         PODC 2004, July 25-28 2004.

   [101] G. On, J. Schmitt, and R. Steinmetz, The effectiveness of
         realistic replication strategies on quality of availability for
         peer-to-peer systems, Proc. Third Int'l IEEE Conf. on Peer-to-
         Peer Computing, Sept 1-3 2003, pp. 57-64.

   [102] D. Geels and J. Kubiatowicz, Replica management should be a
         game, Proc. SIGOPS European Workshop, September 2003.

   [103] E. Cohen and S. Shenker, Replication strategies in unstructured
         peer to peer networks, Proc. 2002 conference on applications,
         technologies, architectures and protocols for computer
         communications 2002, pp. 177-190.

   [104] E. Cohen and S. Shenker, P2P and multicast:  replication
         strategies in unstructured peer to peer networks, Proc. 2002
         conference on applications, technologies, architectures and
         protocols for computer communications 2002, pp. 177-190.

   [105] H. Weatherspoon and J. Kubiatowicz, Erasure coding vs
         replication:  a quantative comparison, Proc. First Int'l
         Workshop on Peer to Peer Systems IPTPS'02, March 2002.

   [106] D. Lomet, Replicated indexes for distributed data, Proc. Fourth
         Int'l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems,
         December 18-20 1996, pp. 108-119.

   [107] V. Gopalakrishnan, B. Silaghi, B. Bhattacharjee, and P.
         Keleher, Adaptive Replication in Peer-to-Peer Systems, Proc.
         24th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2004,
         March 23-26 2004.

   [108] S.-D. Lin, Q. Lian, M. Chen, and Z. Zhang, A practical
         distributed mutual exclusion protocol in dynamic peer-to-peer
         systems, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems,
         February 26-27 2004.
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   [109] A. Adya, R. Wattenhofer, W. Bolosky, M. Castro, G. Cermak, R.
         Chaiken, J. Douceur, J. Howell, J. Lorch, and M. Thiemer,
         Farsite: federated, available and reliable storage for an
         incompletely trusted environment, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems
         Review, Special issue on Decentralized storage systems (2002)
         1- 14.

   [110] A. Rowstron and P. Druschel, Storage management and caching in
         PAST, a large-scale, persistent peer-to-peer storage utility,
         Proceedings ACM SOSP'01, October 2001, pp. 188-201.

   [111] S. Rhea, C. Wells, P. Eaton, D. Geels, B. Zhao, H.
         Weatherspoon, and J. Kubiatowicz, Maintenance-Free Global Data
         Storage, IEEE Internet Computing 5 (5) (2001) 40-49.

   [112] J. Kubiatowicz, D. Bindel, Y. Chen, S. Czerwinski, P. Eaton, D.
         Geels, R. Gummadi, S. Rhea, H. Weatherspoon, W. Weimer, C.
         Wells, and B. Zhao, Oceanstore:  An Architecture for global-
         scale persistent storage, Proc. Ninth Int'l Conf. on
         Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating
         Systems ASPLOS 2000, November 2000, pp. 190-201.

   [113] K. Birman, The Surprising Power of Epidemic Communication,
         Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Lecture Notes in Computer Science
         Volume 2584/2003 (2003) 97-102.

   [114] P. Costa, M. Migliavacca, G. P. Picco, and G. Cugola,
         Introducing reliability in content-based publish-subscribe
         through epidemic algorithms, Proc. 2nd international workshop
         on Distributed event-based systems 2003, pp. 1-8.

   [115] P. Costa, M. Migliavacca, G. P. Picco, and G. Cugola, Epidemic
         Algorithms for Reliable Content-Based Publish-Subscribe:  An
         Evaluation, The 24th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing
         Systems (ICDCS-2004), Mar 23-26, Tokyo University of
         Technology, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan (2004)

   [116] A. Demers, D. Greene, C. Hauser, W. Irish, J. Larson, S.
         Shenker, H. Sturgis, D. Swinehart, and D. Terry, Epidemic
         algorithms for replicated data management, Proc. Sixth ACM
         Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 1987, pp. 1-12.

   [117] P. Eugster, R. Guerraoiu, A. Kermarrec, and L. Massoulie,
         Epidemic information dissemination in distributed systems, IEEE
         Computer 37 (5) (2004) 60-67.
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   [118] W. Vogels, R. v. Renesse, and K. Birman, The power of
         epidemics: robust communication for large-scale distributed
         systems, ACM SIGCOMM  Computer Communication Review 33 (1)
         (2003) 131-135.

   [119] S. Voulgaris and M. van Steen, An epidemic protocol for
         managing routing tables in very large peer to peer networks,
         Proc. 14th IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Distributed Systems:
         Operations and Management, October 2003.

   [120] I. Gupta, On the design of distributed protocols from
         differential equations, Proc. 23rd Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
         Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing PODC 2004, July
         25-28 2004, pp. 216-225.

   [121] I. Gupta, K. Birman, and R. van Renesse, Fighting fire with
         fire: using randomized gossip to combat stochastic scalability
         limits, Cornell University Dept of Computer Science Technical
         Report, March 2001.

   [122] K. Birman and I. Gupta, Building Scalable Solutions to
         Distributed Computing Problems using Probabilistic Components,
         Submitted to the Int'l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks
         DSN-2004, Dependable Computing and Computing Symp. DCCS, June
         28- July 1 2004.

   [123] A. Ganesh, A.-M. Kermarrec, and L. Massoulie, Peer-to-peer
         membership management for gossip-based protocols, IEEE Trans.
         on Computers 52 (2) (2003) 139-149.

   [124] N. Bailey, Epidemic Theory of Infectious Diseases and its
         Applications, Second Edition ed. Hafner Press, 1975.

   [125] P. Eugster, R. Guerraoiu, S. Handurukande, P. Kouznetsov, and
         A.- M. Kermarrec, Lightweight probabilistic broadcast, ACM
         Trans. on Computer Systems 21 (4) (2003) 341-374.

   [126] H. Weatherspoon and J. Kubiatowicz, Efficient heartbeats and
         repair of softstate in decentralized object location and
         routing systems, Proc. SIGOPS European Workshop, September

   [127] G. Koloniari and E. Pitoura, Content-based Routing of Path
         Queries in Peer-to-Peer Systems, Proc. 9th Int'l Conf. on
         Extending DataBase Technology EDBT, March 14-18 2004.
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   [128] A. Mohan and V. Kalogaraki, Speculative routing and update
         propagation: a kundali centric approach, IEEE Int'l Conf. on
         Communications ICC'03, May 2002.

   [129] G. Koloniari, Y. Petrakis, and E. Pitoura, Content-Based
         Overlay Networks for XML Peers Based on Multi-Level Bloom
         Filters, Proc. First Int'l Workshop on Databases, Information
         Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing DBISP2P, Sept 7-8 2003, pp.

   [130] G. Koloniari and E. Pitoura, Bloom-Based Filters for
         Hierarchical Data, Proc. 5th Workshop on Distributed Data and
         Structures (WDAS) (2003)

   [131] B. Bloom, Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable
         errors, Communications of the ACM 13 (7) (1970) 422-426.

   [132] M. Naor and U. Wieder, A Simple Fault Tolerant Distributed Hash
         Table, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS
         03), Berkeley, CA, USA, 20-21 February (2003)

   [133] P. Maymounkov and D. Mazieres, Rateless codes and big
         downloads, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems,
         IPTPS'03, February 20-21 2003.

   [134] M. Krohn, M. Freedman, and D. Mazieres, On-the-fly verification
         of rateless erasure codes for efficient content distribution,
         Proc. IEEE Symp. on Security and Privacy, May 2004.

   [135] J. Byers, J. Considine, M. Mitzenmacher, and S. Rost, Informed
         content delivery across adaptive overlay networks, Proc. 2002
         conference on applications, technologies, architectures and
         protocols for computer communications 2002, pp. 47-60.

   [136] J. Plank, S. Atchley, Y. Ding, and M. Beck, Algorithms for High
         Performance, Wide-Area Distributed File Downloads, Parallel
         Processing Letters 13 (2) (2003) 207-223.

   [137] M. Castro, P. Rodrigues, and B. Liskov, BASE:  Using
         abstraction to improve fault tolerance, ACM Trans. on Computer
         Systems 21 (3) (2003) 236-269.

   [138] R. Rodrigues, B. Liskov, and L. Shrira, The design of a robust
         peer-to-peer system, 10th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Sep
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   [139] H. Weatherspoon, T. Moscovitz, and J. Kubiatowicz,
         Introspective failure analysis: avoiding correlated failures in
         peer-to-peer systems, Proc.  Int'l Workshop on Reliable Peer-
         to-Peer Distributed Systems, Oct 2002.

   [140] F. Dabek, R. Cox, F. Kaashoek, and R. Morris, Vivaldi: A
         Decentralized Network Coordinate System, SIGCOMM'04, Aug 30-
         Sept 3 2004.

   [141] E.-K. Lua, J. Crowcroft, and M. Pias, Highways: proximity
         clustering for massively scaleable peer-to-peer network
         routing, Proc. Fourth IEEE Int'l Conf. on Peer-to-Peer
         Computing, August 25-27 2004.

   [142] F. Fessant, S. Handurukande, A.-M. Kermarrec, and L. Massoulie,
         Clustering in Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Workloads, The 3rd
         Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [143] T. S. E. Ng and H. Zhang, Predicting internet network distance
         with coordinates-based approaches, IEEE Infocom 2002, The 21st
         Annual Joint Conf. of the IEEE Computer and Communication
         Societies, June 23-27 2002.

   [144] K. Hildrum, R. Krauthgamer, and J. Kubiatowicz, Object Location
         in Realistic Networks, Proc. Sixteenth ACM Symp. on Parallel
         Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2004), June 2004, pp. 25-35.

   [145] P. Keleher, S. Bhattacharjee, and B. Silaghi, Are Virtualized
         Overlay Networks Too Much of a Good Thing?, First Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS, March 2002.

   [146] A. Mislove and P. Druschel, Providing administrative control
         and autonomy in structured peer-to-peer overlays, The 3rd Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, June 9-12 2004.

   [147] D. Karger and M. Ruhl, Diminished Chord: A Protocol for
         Heterogeneous SubGroup Formation in Peer-to-Peer Networks, The
         3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27

   [148] B. Awerbuch and C. Scheideler, Consistent, order-preserving
         data management in distributed storage systems, Proc. Sixteenth
         ACM Symp. on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures SPAA 2004,
         June 27-30 2004, pp. 44-53.

   [149] M. Freedman and D. Mazieres, Sloppy Hashing and Self-Organizing
         Clusters, Proc. 2nd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
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   [150] F. Dabek, J. Li, E. Sit, J. Robertson, F. Kaashoek, and R.
         Morris, Designing a DHT for low latency and high throughput,
         Proc. First Symp. on Networked Systems Design and
         Implementation (NSDI'04), San Francisco, California, March
         29-31 (2004) 85-98.

   [151] M. Ruhl, Efficient algorithms for new computational models,
         Doctoral Dissertation, September 2003.

   [152] K. Sollins, Designing for scale and differentiation, Proc. ACM
         SIGCOMM workshop on Future Directions in network architecture,
         August 25-27 2003.

   [153] L. Massoulie, A. Kermarrec, and A. Ganesh, Network awareness
         and failure resilience in self-organizing overlay networks,
         Proc. 22nd Int'l Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems,
         SRDS'03, Oct 6-8 2003, pp. 47-55.

   [154] R. Cox, F. Dabek, F. Kaashoek, J. Li, and R. Morris,
         Practical,distributed network coordinates, ACM SIGCOMM Computer
         Communication Review 34 (1) (2004) 113-118.

   [155] K. Hildrum, J. Kubiatowicz, S. Rao, and B. Zhao, Distributed
         object location in a dynamic network, Proc. 14th annual ACM
         symposium on parallel algorithms and architectures 2002, pp.
         41- 52.

   [156] X. Zhang, Q. Zhang, G. Song, and W. Zhu, A Construction of
         Locality-Aware Overlay Network: mOverlay and its Performance,
         IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22 (1) (2004)

   [157] N. Harvey, M. B. Jones, M. Theimer, and A. Wolman, Efficient
         recovery from organization disconnects in Skipnet, Second Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS'03, Feb 20-21 2003.

   [158] M. Pias, J. Crowcroft, S. Wilbur, T. Harris, and S. Bhatti,
         Lighthouses for scalable distributed location, Second Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS'03, February 20-21 2003.

   [159] K. Gummadi, S. Saroui, S. Gribble, and D. King, Estimating
         latency between arbitrary internet end hosts, Proc.  SIGCOMM
         IMW 2002, November 2002.

   [160] Y. Liu, X. Liu, L. Xiao, L. Ni, and X. Zhang, Location-aware
         topology matching in P2P systems, Proc.  IEEE Infocomm, Mar
         7-11 2004.
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   [161] G. S. Manku, Balanced binary trees for ID management and load
         balance in distributed hash tables, Proc. 23rd Annual ACM
         SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing,
         PODC 2004, July 25-28 2004, pp. 197-205.

   [162] J. Gao and P. Steenkiste, Design and Evaluation of a
         Distributed Scalable Content Delivery System, IEEE Journal on
         Selected Areas in Communications 22 (1) (2004) 54-66.

   [163] X. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, and D. Loguinov, On zone-balancing of
         peer-to-peer networks: analysis of random node join, Proc.
         joint international conference on measurement and modeling of
         computer systems, June 2004.

   [164] D. Karger and M. Ruhl, Simple efficient load balancing
         algorithms for peer-to-peer systems, Proc. Sixteenth ACM Symp.
         on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures SPAA 2004, June 27-30

   [165] D. Karger and M. Ruhl, Simple efficient load balancing
         algorithms for peer-to-peer systems, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on
         Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27 2004.

   [166] M. Adler, E. Halperin, R. Karp, and V. Vazirani, A stochastic
         process on the hypercube with applications to peer-to-peer
         networks, Proc. 35th ACM symposium on Theory of Computing 2003,
         pp. 575-584.

   [167] C. Baquero and N. Lopes, Towards peer to peer content indexing,
         ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 37 (4) (2003) 90-96.

   [168] A. Rao, K. Lakshminarayanan, S. Surana, R. Karp, and I. Stoica,
         Load balancing in structured P2P systems, Proc. 2nd Int'l
         Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, IPTPS'03, February 20-21

   [169] J. Byers, J. Considine, and M. Mitzenmacher, Simple Load
         Balancing for Distributed Hash Tables, Second Int'l Workshop on
         Peer-to-Peer Systems IPTPS 03, 20-21 February 2003.

   [170] P. Castro, J. Lee, and A. Misra, CLASH: A Protocol for
         Internet- Scale Utility-Oriented Distributed Computing, Proc.
         24th Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2004,
         March 23-26 2004.

   [171] A. Stavrou, D. Rubenstein, and S. Sahu, A Lightwight, Robust
         P2P System to Handle Flash Crowds, IEEE Journal on Selected
         Areas in Communications 22 (1) (2004) 6-17.
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   [172] A. Selcuk, E. Uzun, and M. R. Pariente, A reputation-based
         trust management system for P2P networks, Fourth Int'l Workshop
         on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing, April 20-21 2004.

   [173] T. Papaioannou and G. Stamoulis, Effective use of reputation in
         peer-to-peer environments, Fourth Int'l Workshop on Global and
         Peer-to-Peer Computing, April 20-21 2004.

   [174] M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, and J. Lacy, Trust and Reputation in
         P2P networks,

   [175] E. Damiani, D. C. di Vimercati, S. Paraboschi, P. Samarati, and
         F. Violante, A reputation-based approach for choosing reliable
         resources in peer to peer networks, Proc. 9th conference on
         computer and communications security 2002, pp. 207-216.

   [176] S. Marti, P. Ganesan, and H. Garcia-Molina, DHT routing using
         social links, The 3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems,
         February 26-27 2004.

   [177] G. Caronni and M. Waldvogel, Establishing trust in distributed
         storage providers, Proc. Third Int'l IEEE Conf. on Peer-to-Peer
         Computing, 1-3 Sept 2003, pp. 128-133.

   [178] B. Sieka, A. Kshemkalyani, and M. Singhal, On the security of
         polling protocols in peer-to-peer systems, Proc. Fourth IEEE
         Int'l Conf. on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 25-27 August 2004.

   [179] M. Feldman, K. Lai, I. Stoica, and J. Chuang, Robust Incentive
         Techniques for Peer-to-Peer Networks, ACM E-Commerce Conf.
         EC'04, May 2004.

   [180] K. Anagnostakis and M. Greenwald, Exchange-based Incentive
         Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer File Sharing, Proc. 24th Int'l Conf.
         on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2004, March 23-26 2004.

   [181] J. Schneidman and D. Parkes, Rationality and self-Interest in
         peer to peer networks, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
         Systems IPTPS'03, February 20-21 2003.

   [182] C. Buragohain, D. Agrawal, and S. Subhash, A game theoretic
         framework for incentives in P2P systems, Proc. Third Int'l IEEE
         Conf. on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 1-3 Sept 2003, pp. 48-56.
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   [183] W. Josephson, E. Sirer, and F. Schneider, Peer-to-Peer
         Authentication with a Distributed Single Sign-On Service, The
         3rd Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems, February 26-27

   [184] A. Fiat and J. Saia, Censorship resistant peer to peer content
         addressable networks, Proc. 13th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on
         discrete algorithms 2002, pp. 94-103.

   [185] N. Daswani and H. Garcia-Molina, Query-flood DoS attacks in
         gnutella, Proc. 9th ACM Conf. on Computer and Communications
         Security 2002, pp. 181-192.

   [186] A. Singh and L. Liu, TrustMe: anonymous management of trust
         relationships in decentralized P2P systems, Proc. Third Int'l
         IEEE Conf. on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Sept 1-3 2003.

   [187] A. Serjantov, Anonymizing censorship resistant systems, Proc.
         Second Int'l Conf. on Peer to Peer Computing, March 2002.

   [188] S. Hazel and B. Wiley, Achord: A Variant of the Chord Lookup
         Service for Use in Censorship Resistant Peer-to-Peer Publishing
         Systems, Proc. Second Int'l Conf. on Peer to Peer Computing,
         March 2002.

   [189] M. Freedman and R. Morris, Tarzan: a peer-to-peer anonymizing
         network layer, Proc. 9th ACM Conf. on Computer and
         Communications Security (2002) 193-206.

   [190] M. Feldman, C. Papadimitriou, J. Chuang, and I. Stoica, Free-
         Riding and Whitewashing in Peer-to-Peer Systems, 3rd Annual
         Workshop on Economics and Information Security WEIS04, May

   [191] L. Ramaswamy and L. Liu, FreeRiding: a new challenge for peer-
         to-peer file sharing systems, Proc. 2003 Hawaii Int'l Conf. on
         System Sciences, P2P Track, HICSS2003, January 6-9 2003.

   [192] T.-W. Ngan, D. Wallach, and P. Druschel, Enforcing fair sharing
         of peer-to-peer resources, Second Int'l Workshop on Peer-to-
         Peer Systems, IPTPS'03, 20-21 February 2003.

   [193] L. Cox and B. D. Noble, Samsara: honor among thieves in peer-
         to-peer storage, Proc. nineteenth ACM symposium on Operating
         System Principles 2003, pp. 120-132.

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