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RFC 4712

Transport Mappings for Real-time Application Quality-of-Service Monitoring (RAQMON) Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

Pages: 48
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  8996
Part 2 of 2 – Pages 22 to 48
First   Prev   None

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2.3. SNMP Notifications as an RDS/RRC Network Transport Protocol

It was an inherent objective of the RAQMON Framework to re-use existing application-level transport protocols to maximize the usage of existing installations as well as to avoid transport-protocol- level complexities in the design process. Choice of SNMP as a means to transport RAQMON PDU was motivated by the intent of using existing installed devices implementing SNMP agents as RAQMON Data Sources (RDSs). There are some potential problems with the usage of SNMP as a transport mapping protocol: o The potential of congestion is higher than with the TCP transport, because of the usage of UDP at the transport layer. o The encoding of the information is less efficient, and this results in bigger message size, which again may negatively impact congestion conditions and memory size requirements in the devices. In order to avoid these potential problems, the following recommendations are made: o Usage of the TCP transport is RECOMMENDED in deployment over the SNMP transport wherever available for a pair of RDS/RRC. o The usage of Inform PDUs is RECOMMENDED. o The usage of Traps PDU is NOT RECOMMENDED. o It is RECOMMENDED that information carried by notifications be maintained within the limits of the MTU size in order to avoid fragmentation. If SNMP is chosen as a mechanism to transport RAQMON PDUs, the following specification applies to RAQMON-related usage of SNMP:
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   o  RDSs implement the capability of embedding RAQMON parameters in
      SNMP Notifications, re-using well-known SNMP mechanisms to report
      RAQMON Statistics.  The RAQMON RDS MIB module, as specified in
      2.1.1, MUST be used in order to map the RAQMON PDUs onto the SNMP
      Notifications transport.

   o  Since RDSs are not computationally rich, and in order to keep the
      RDS realization as lightweight as possible, RDSs MAY fail to
      respond to SNMP requests like GET, SET, etc., with the exception
      of the GET and SET commands required to implement the User-Based
      Security Model (USM) defined by [RFC3414].

   o  In order to meet congestion safety requirements, SNMP INFORM PDUs
      SHOULD be used.  In case INFORM PDUs are used, RDSs MUST process
      the SNMP INFORM responses from RRCs and MUST serialize the PDU
      transmission rate, i.e., limit the number of PDUS sent in a
      specific time interval.

   o  Standard UDP port 162 SHOULD be used for SNMP Notifications.

2.3.1. Encoding RAQMON Using the RAQMON RDS MIB Module

The RAQMON RDS MIB module is used to map RAQMON PDUs onto SNMP Notifications for transport purposes. The MIB module defines the objects needed for mapping the BASIC part of RAQMON PDU, defined in [RFC4710], as well as the Notifications themselves. In order to incorporate any application-specific extensions in the Application (APP) part of RAQMON PDU, as defined in [RFC4710], additional variable bindings MAY be included in RAQMON notifications as described in the MIB module. For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of [RFC3410]. Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, [RFC2578], STD 58, [RFC2579] and STD 58, [RFC2580].
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   The following MIB module IMPORTS definitions from the following:

            SNMPv2-SMI [RFC2578]
            SNMPv2-TC [RFC2579]
            SNMPv2-CONF [RFC2580]
            RMON-MIB [RFC2819]
            DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC [RFC3289]
            SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB [RFC3411]
            INET-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001]

   It also uses REFERENCE clauses to refer to [RFC4710].


          Counter32, Unsigned32
              FROM SNMPv2-SMI

              FROM SNMPv2-TC

              FROM RMON-MIB


          InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber


              FROM SNMPv2-CONF;

          LAST-UPDATED "200610100000Z"      -- October 10, 2006
          ORGANIZATION "RMON Working Group"
              "WG EMail:

               MIB Editor:
               Eugene Golovinsky
               Postal: BMC Software, Inc.
                       2101 CityWest Boulevard,
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                       Houston, TX, 77094
               Tel:    +713-918-1816
              "This is the RAQMON Data Source notification MIB Module.
               It provides a mapping of RAQMON PDUs to SNMP

               Ds stands for data source.

               Note that all of the object types defined in this module
               are accessible-for-notify and would consequently not be
               available to a browser using simple Get, GetNext, or
               GetBulk requests.

               Copyright (c) The Internet Society (2006).

               This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4712;
               See the RFC itself for full legal notices."

          REVISION      "200610100000Z"     -- October 10, 2006
              "Initial version, published as RFC 4712."

                 ::= { rmon 32 }

   -- This OID allocation conforms to [RFC3737]

      raqmonDsNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raqmonDsMIB 0 }
      raqmonDsMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raqmonDsMIB 1 }
      raqmonDsConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raqmonDsMIB 2 }

      raqmonDsNotificationTable OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaqmonDsNotificationEntry
          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS     current
              "This conceptual table provides the SNMP mapping of
               the RAQMON BASIC PDU.  It is indexed by the RAQMON
               Data Source, sub-session, and address of the peer

               Note that there is no concern about the indexation of
               this table exceeding the limits defined by RFC 2578
               Section 3.5.  According to [RFC4710], Section 5.1,
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               only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be reported as
               participant addresses."
          ::= { raqmonDsMIBObjects 1 }

      raqmonDsNotificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     RaqmonDsNotificationEntry
          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS     current
              "The entry (row) is not retrievable and is not kept by
               RDSs.  It serves data organization purposes only."
          INDEX { raqmonDsDSRC, raqmonDsRCN, raqmonDsPeerAddrType,
                  raqmonDsPeerAddr }
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationTable 1 }

      RaqmonDsNotificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              raqmonDsDSRC                      Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsRCN                       Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsPeerAddrType              InetAddressType,
              raqmonDsPeerAddr                  InetAddress,
              raqmonDsAppName                   SnmpAdminString,
              raqmonDsDataSourceDevicePort      InetPortNumber,
              raqmonDsReceiverDevicePort        InetPortNumber,
              raqmonDsSessionSetupDateTime      DateAndTime,
              raqmonDsSessionSetupDelay         Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsSessionDuration           Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsSessionSetupStatus        SnmpAdminString,
              raqmonDsRoundTripEndToEndNetDelay Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsOneWayEndToEndNetDelay    Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsApplicationDelay          Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsInterArrivalJitter        Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsIPPacketDelayVariation    Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsTotalPacketsReceived      Counter32,
              raqmonDsTotalPacketsSent          Counter32,
              raqmonDsTotalOctetsReceived       Counter32,
              raqmonDsTotalOctetsSent           Counter32,
              raqmonDsCumulativePacketLoss      Counter32,
              raqmonDsPacketLossFraction        Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsCumulativeDiscards        Counter32,
              raqmonDsDiscardsFraction          Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsSourcePayloadType         Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsReceiverPayloadType       Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsSourceLayer2Priority      Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsSourceDscp                Dscp,
              raqmonDsDestinationLayer2Priority Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsDestinationDscp           Dscp,
              raqmonDsCpuUtilization            Unsigned32,
              raqmonDsMemoryUtilization         Unsigned32 }
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      raqmonDsDSRC OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32
          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS     current
              "Data Source identifier represents a unique session
               descriptor that points to a specific session
               between communicating entities.  Identifiers unique for
               sessions conducted between two entities are
               generated by the communicating entities.  Zero is a
               valid value, with no special semantics."
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 1 }

      raqmonDsRCN OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..15)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
               "The Record Count Number indicates a sub-session
                within a communication session.  A maximum number of 16
                sub-sessions are supported; this limitation is
                dictated by reasons of compatibility with other
                transport protocols."
           ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 2 }

      raqmonDsPeerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX InetAddressType
          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS current
              "The type of the Internet address of the peer participant
               for this session."
              "Section 5.2 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 3 }

      raqmonDsPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX InetAddress
          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
          STATUS current
              "The Internet Address of the peer participant for this
              "Section 5.2 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 4 }

      raqmonDsAppName  OBJECT-TYPE
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          SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "This is a text string giving the name and possibly the
               version of the application associated with that session,
               e.g., 'XYZ VoIP Agent 1.2'."
              "Section 5.28 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 5 }

      raqmonDsDataSourceDevicePort OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The port number from which data for this session was sent
               by the Data Source device."
              "Section 5.5 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 6 }

      raqmonDsReceiverDevicePort OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     InetPortNumber
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The port number where the data for this session was
              "Section 5.6 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 7 }

      raqmonDsSessionSetupDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     DateAndTime
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The time when session was initiated."
              "Section 5.7 of [RFC4710]"
      ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 8 }

      raqmonDsSessionSetupDelay OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..65535)
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
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              "Session setup time."
              "Section 5.8 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 9 }

      raqmonDsSessionDuration OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32
          UNITS      "seconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Session duration, including setup time.  The SYNTAX of
               this object allows expression of the duration of sessions
               that do not exceed 4660 hours and 20 minutes."
              "Section 5.9 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 10 }

      raqmonDsSessionSetupStatus OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Describes appropriate communication session states, e.g.,
               Call Established successfully, RSVP reservation
               failed, etc."
              "Section 5.10 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 11 }

      raqmonDsRoundTripEndToEndNetDelay OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Most recent available information about the
               round-trip end-to-end network delay."
              "Section 5.11 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry  12}

      raqmonDsOneWayEndToEndNetDelay OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
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              "Most recent available information about the
               one-way end-to-end network delay."
              "Section 5.12 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry  13}

      raqmonDsApplicationDelay OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32  (0..65535)
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Most recent available information about the
               application delay."
              "Section 5.13 of [RFC4710"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry  14}

      raqmonDsInterArrivalJitter OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32  (0..65535)
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "An estimate of the inter-arrival jitter."
              "Section 5.14 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry  15}

      raqmonDsIPPacketDelayVariation OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32  (0..65535)
          UNITS      "milliseconds"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "An estimate of the inter-arrival delay variation."
              "Section 5.15 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry  16}

      raqmonDsTotalPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS     "packets"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The number of packets transmitted within a communication
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               session by the receiver since the start of the session."
              "Section 5.16 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 17 }

      raqmonDsTotalPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS     "packets"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The number of packets transmitted within a communication
               session by the sender since the start of the session."
              "Section 5.17 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 18 }

      raqmonDsTotalOctetsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS      "octets"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The total number of payload octets (i.e., not including
               header or padding octets) transmitted in packets by the
               receiver within a communication session since the start
               of the session."
              "Section 5.18 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 19 }

      raqmonDsTotalOctetsSent OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS      "octets"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The number of payload octets (i.e., not including headers
               or padding) transmitted in packets by the sender within
               a communication sub-session since the start of the
              "Section 5.19 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 20 }

      raqmonDsCumulativePacketLoss OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS      "packets"
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          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The number of packets from this session whose loss
               had been detected since the start of the session."
              "Section 5.20 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 21 }

      raqmonDsPacketLossFraction OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..100)
          UNITS      "percentage of packets sent"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The percentage of lost packets with respect to the
               overall packets sent.  This is defined to be 100 times
               the number of packets lost divided by the number of
               packets expected."
              "Section 5.21 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 22 }

      raqmonDsCumulativeDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Counter32
          UNITS      "packets"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The number of packet discards detected since the
               start of the session."
              "Section 5.22 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 23 }

      raqmonDsDiscardsFraction OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..100)
          UNITS      "percentage of packets sent"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The percentage of discards with respect to the overall
               packets sent.  This is defined to be 100 times the number
               of discards divided by the number of packets expected."
              "Section 5.23 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 24 }
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      raqmonDsSourcePayloadType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..127)
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The payload type of the packet sent by this RDS."
              "RFC 1890, Section 5.24 of [RFC4710] "
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 25 }

      raqmonDsReceiverPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..127)
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "The payload type of the packet received by this RDS."
              "RFC 1890, Section 5.25 of [RFC4710] "
      ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 26 }

      raqmonDsSourceLayer2Priority OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..7)
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Source Layer 2 priority used by the data source to send
               packets to the receiver by this data source during this
               communication session."
              "Section 5.26 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 27 }

      raqmonDsSourceDscp OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Dscp
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Layer 3 TOS/DSCP values used by the Data Source to
               prioritize traffic sent."
              "Section 5.27 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 28 }

      raqmonDsDestinationLayer2Priority OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..7)
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC4712 - Page 34
              "Destination Layer 2 priority.  This is the priority used
               by the peer communicating entity to send packets to the
               data source."
              "Section 5.28 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 29 }

      raqmonDsDestinationDscp OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Dscp
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Layer 3 TOS/DSCP values used by the
               peer communicating entity to prioritize traffic
               sent to the source."
              "Section 5.29 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 30 }

      raqmonDsCpuUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..100)
          UNITS      "percent"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Latest available information about the total CPU
              "Section 5.30 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 31 }

      raqmonDsMemoryUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
          SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..100)
          UNITS      "percent"
          MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
          STATUS     current
              "Latest available information about the total memory
              "Section 5.31 of [RFC4710]"
          ::= { raqmonDsNotificationEntry 32 }

      -- definitions of the notifications
      -- raqmonDsAppName is the only object that MUST be sent by an
      -- RDS every time the static notification is generated.
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      -- raqmonDsTotalPacketsReceived is the only object that MUST be
      -- sent by an RD every time the dynamic notification is generated.

      -- Other objects from the raqmonDsNotificationTable may be
      -- included in the variable binding list.  Specifically, a raqmon
      -- notification will include MIB objects that provide information
      -- about metrics that characterize the application session

         raqmonDsStaticNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { raqmonDsAppName }
          STATUS current
              "This notification maps the static parameters in the
               BASIC RAQMON PDU onto an SNMP transport.
               This notification is expected to be sent once per
               session, or when a new sub-session is initiated.
               The following objects MAY be carried by the


               It is RECOMMENDED to keep the size of a notification
               within the MTU size limits in order to avoid
          ::= { raqmonDsNotifications  1 }

      raqmonDsDynamicNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { raqmonDsTotalPacketsReceived }
          STATUS current
              "This notification maps the dynamic parameters in the
               BASIC RAQMON PDU onto an SNMP transport.

               The following objects MAY be carried by the

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               It is RECOMMENDED to keep the size of a notification
               within the MTU size limits in order to avoid

          ::= { raqmonDsNotifications  2 }

      raqmonDsByeNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
          OBJECTS { raqmonDsAppName }
          STATUS current
              "The BYE Notification.  This Notification is the
               equivalent of the RAQMON NULL PDU, which signals the
               end of a RAQMON session."
          ::= { raqmonDsNotifications  3 }

      -- conformance information
      raqmonDsCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                           { raqmonDsConformance 1 }
      raqmonDsGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raqmonDsConformance 2 }

   raqmonDsBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
           STATUS current
              "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that
               implement this MIB module.

               There are a number of INDEX objects that cannot be
               represented in the form of OBJECT clauses in SMIv2, but
               for which we have the following compliance requirements,
               expressed in OBJECT clause form in this description

               -- OBJECT      raqmonDsPeerAddrType
               -- SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
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               -- DESCRIPTION
               --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4
               --     and IPv6 address types.
               -- OBJECT      raqmonDsPeerAddr
               -- SYNTAX      InetAddress (SIZE(4|16))
               -- DESCRIPTION
               --     This MIB requires support for only global IPv4
               --     and IPv6 address types.
           MODULE  -- this module
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { raqmonDsNotificationGroup,
                                  raqmonDsPayloadGroup }
           ::= { raqmonDsCompliance 1 }

      raqmonDsNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
          NOTIFICATIONS { raqmonDsStaticNotification,
                          raqmonDsByeNotification }
          STATUS current
              "Standard RAQMON Data Source Notification group."
          ::= { raqmonDsGroups 1 }

      raqmonDsPayloadGroup OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS { raqmonDsAppName,
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                    raqmonDsMemoryUtilization }
          STATUS current
              "Standard RAQMON Data Source payload MIB objects group."
          ::= { raqmonDsGroups 2 }


3. IANA Considerations

Applications using the RAQMON Framework require a single fixed port. Port number 7744 is registered with IANA for use as the default port for RAQMON PDUs over TCP. Hosts that run multiple applications may use this port as an indication to have used RAQMON or provision a separate TCP port as part of provisioning RAQMON RDS and RAQMON Collector. The particular port number was chosen to lie in the range above 5000 to accommodate port number allocation practice within the Unix operating system, where privileged processes can only use port numbers below 1024 and port numbers between 1024 and 5000 are automatically assigned by the operating systems. The OID assignment for the raqmonDsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY is made according to [RFC3737], and there is no need for any IANA action on this respect.

4. Congestion-Safe RAQMON Operation

As outlined in earlier sections, the TCP congestion control mechanism provides inherent congestion safety features when TCP is implemented as transport to carry RAQMON PDU. To ensure congestion safety, clearly the best thing to do is to use a congestion-safe transport protocol such as TCP. If this is not feasible, it may be necessary to fall back to UDP since SNMP over UDP is a widely deployed transport protocol. When SNMP is chosen as RAQMON PDU Transport, implementers MUST follow section 3 of [RFC4710], which outlines measures that MUST be taken to use RAQMON in a congestion-safe manner. Congestion safety
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   requirements in section 3 of [RFC4710] would ensure that a RAQMON
   implementation using SNMP over UDP does not lead to congestion under
   heavy network load.

5. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Bill Walker and Joseph Mastroguilio from Avaya and Bin Hu from Motorola for their discussions. The authors would also like to extend special thanks to Randy Presuhn, who reviewed this document for spelling and formatting purposes, and who provided a deep review of the technical content. We also would like to thank Bert Wijnen for the permanent coaching during the evolution of this document and the detailed review of its final versions. The Security Considerations section was reviewed by Sam Hartman and Kurt D. Zeilenga and almost completely re-written by Mahalingam Mani.

6. Security Considerations

[RFC4710] outlines a threat model associated with RAQMON and security considerations to be taken into account in the RAQMON specification to mitigate against those threats. It is imperative that RAQMON PDU implementations be able to provide the following protection mechanisms in order to attain end-to-end security: 1. Authentication: The RRC SHOULD be able to verify that a RAQMON report was originated by the RDS claiming to have sent it. At minimum, an RDS/RRC pair MUST use a digest-based authentication procedure to authenticate, like the one defined in [RFC1321]. 2. Privacy: RAQMON information includes identification of the parties participating in a communication session. RAQMON deployments SHOULD be able to provide protection from eavesdropping, and to prevent an unauthorized third party from gathering potentially sensitive information. This can be achieved by using secure transport protocols supporting confidentiality based on encryption technologies such as DES (Data Encryption Standard), [3DES], and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) [AES]. 3. Protection from DoS attacks directed at the RRC: RDSs send RAQMON reports as a side effect of external events (for example, receipt of a phone call). An attacker can try to overwhelm the RRC (or the network) by initiating a large number of events in order to swamp the RRC with excessive numbers of RAQMON PDUs.
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       To prevent DoS attacks against the RRC, the RDS will send the
       first report for a session only after the session has been
       established, so that the session set-up process is not affected.

   4.  NAT and Firewall Friendly Design: The presence of IP addresses
       and TCP/UDP port information in RAQMON PDUs may be NAT-
       unfriendly.  Where NAT-friendliness is a requirement, the RDS MAY
       omit IP address information from the RAQMON PDU.  Another way to
       avoid this problem is by using NAT-Aware Application Layer
       Gateways (ALGs) to ensure that correct IP addresses appear in
       RAQMON PDUs.

   For the usage of TCP, TLS MUST be used to provide transport layer
   security.  Section 6.1 describes the usage of TLS with RAQMON.

   This memo also defines the RAQMON-RDS-MIB module with the purpose of
   mapping the RAQMON PDUs into SNMP Notifications.  To attain end-to-
   end security, the following measures have been taken in the RAQMON-
   RDS-MIB module design:

   There are no management objects defined in this MIB module that have
   a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Consequently,
   if this MIB module is implemented correctly, there is no risk that an
   intruder can alter or create any management objects of this MIB
   module via direct SNMP SET operations.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their


   The objects in this table contain user session information, and their
   disclosure may be sensitive in some environments.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.
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   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
   including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and confidentiality).

   It is a customer/operator responsibility to ensure that the SNMP
   entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module is properly
   configured to give access to the objects only to those principals
   (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET
   (change/create/delete) them.

6.1. Usage of TLS with RAQMON

6.1.1. Confidentiality & Message Integrity

The subsequently authorized RAQMON data flow itself is protected by the same TLS security association that protects the client-side exchange. This standard TLS channel is now bound to the server through the above client-side authentication. The session itself is identified by the tuple {RDS ip-address:RDS_port / RRC ip-address: RRC port}.

6.1.2. TLS CipherSuites

Several issues should be considered when selecting TLS ciphersuites that are appropriate for use in a given circumstance. These issues include the following: The ciphersuite's ability to provide adequate confidentiality protection for passwords and other data sent over the transport connection. Client and server implementers should recognize that some TLS ciphersuites provide no confidentiality protection, while other ciphersuites that do provide confidentiality protection may be vulnerable to being cracked using brute force methods, especially in light of ever-increasing CPU speeds that reduce the time needed to successfully mount such attacks. Client and server implementers should carefully consider the value of the password or data being protected versus the level of confidentiality protection provided by the ciphersuite to ensure that the level of protection afforded by the ciphersuite is appropriate. The ciphersuite's vulnerability (or lack thereof) to man-in-the- middle attacks. Ciphersuites vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks SHOULD NOT be used to protect passwords or sensitive data, unless the network configuration is such that the danger of a man-in-the-middle attack is negligible.
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   After a TLS negotiation (either initial or subsequent) is completed,
   both protocol peers should independently verify that the security
   services provided by the negotiated ciphersuite are adequate for the
   intended use of the RAQMON session.  If not, the TLS layer should be

   Spoofing Attacks: When anonymous TLS alone is negotiated without
   client authentication, the client's identity is never established.
   This easily allows any end-entity to establish a TLS-secured RAQMON
   connection to the RRC.  This not only offers an opportunity to spoof
   legitimate RDS clients and hence compromise the integrity of RRC
   monitoring data, but also opens the RRC up to unauthorized clients
   posing as genuine RDS entities to launch a DoS by flooding data.
   RAQMON deployment policy MUST consider requiring RDS client
   authentication during TLS session establishment, especially when RDS
   clients communicate across unprotected internet.

   Insider attacks: Even client-authenticated TLS connections are open
   to spoofing attacks by one trusted client on another.  Validation of
   RDS source address against RDS TLS-session source address SHOULD be
   performed to detect such attempts.

6.1.3. RAQMON Authorization State

Every RAQMON session (between RDS and RRC) has an associated authorization state. This state is comprised of numerous factors such as what (if any) authorization state has been established, how it was established, and what security services are in place. Some factors may be determined and/or affected by protocol events (e.g., StartTLS, or TLS closure), and some factors may be determined by external events (e.g., time of day or server load). While it is often convenient to view authorization state in simplistic terms (as we often do in this technical specification) such as "an anonymous state", it is noted that authorization systems in RAQMON implementations commonly involve many factors that interrelate. Authorization in RAQMON is a local matter. One of the key factors in making authorization decisions is authorization identity. The initial session establishment defined in Section 2.2 allows information to be exchanged between the client and server to establish an authorization identity for the RAQMON session. The RRC is not to allow any RDS-transactions-related traffic through for processing until the client authentication is complete, unless anonymous authentication mode is negotiated.
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   Upon initial establishment of the RAQMON session, the session has an
   anonymous authorization identity.  Among other things, this implies
   that the client need not send a TLSStartRequired in the first PDU of
   the RAQMON message.  The client may send any operation request prior
   to binding RDS to any authentication, and the RRC MUST treat it as if
   it had been performed after an anonymous RAQMON session start.

   The RDS automatically is placed in an unauthorized state upon RRC
   sending a TLSstart request to the RRC.

   It is noted that other events both internal and external to RAQMON
   may result in the authentication and authorization states being moved
   to an anonymous one.  For instance, the establishment, change, or
   closure of data security services may result in a move to an
   anonymous state, or the user's credential information (e.g.,
   certificate) may have expired.  The former is an example of an event
   internal to RAQMON, whereas the latter is an example of an event
   external to RAQMON.

7. References

7.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999. [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999. [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999. [RFC2819] Waldbusser, S., "Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base", STD 59, RFC 2819, May 2000. [RFC3289] Baker, F., Chan, K., and A. Smith, "Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture", RFC 3289, May 2002.
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   [RFC3411]     Harrington, D., Preshun, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
                 Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
                 Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62,
                 RFC 3411, December 2002.

   [RFC4001]     Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
                 Schoenwalder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
                 Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFC791]      Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
                 September 1981.

   [RFC793]      Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7,
                 RFC 793, September 1981.

   [RFC4710]     Siddiqui, A., Romascanu, D., and E. Golovinsky, "Real-
                 time Application Quality-of-Service Monitoring
                 (RAQMON)", RFC 4710, October 2006.

   [TLS]         Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer
                 Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1", RFC 4346, April

7.2. Informative References

[3DES] Americation National Standards Institute, "Triple Data Encryption Algorithm Modes of Operation", ANSI X9.52-1998. [AES] Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), "Specifications for the ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD(AES)", Publication 197, November 2001. [IEEE802.1D] "Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems--Local and metropolitan area networks-Common Specification a--Media access control (MAC) bridges:15802-3: 1998(ISO/IEC)", [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1D Edition], 1998. [RFC1305] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol Version 3", RFC 1305, March 1992. [RFC1321] Rivest, R., "Message Digest Algorithm MD5", RFC 1321, April 1992.
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   [RFC3410]     Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
                 "Introduction and Applicability Statements for
                 Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410,
                 December 2002.

   [RFC3414]     Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security
                 Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network
                 Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", RFC 3414, December 2002.

   [RFC3550]     Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V.
                 Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time
                 Applications", RFC 3550, July 2003.

   [RFC3551]     Schulzrinne, H. and S. Casner, "RTP Profile for Audio
                 and Video Conferences with Minimal Control", STD 65,
                 RFC 3551, July 2003.

   [RFC3629]     Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
                 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.

   [RFC3737]     Wijnen, B. and A. Bierman, "IANA Guidelines for the
                 Registry of Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB modules",
                 RFC 3737, April 2004.

   [RFC4513]     Harrison, R., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
                 (LDAP): Authentication Methods and Security
                 Mechanisms", RFC 4513, June 2006.

   [TLS-PSK]     Eronen, P. and H. Tschofenig, "Pre-Shared Key
                 Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)",
                 RFC 4279, December 2005.
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Appendix A. Pseudocode

The implementation notes included in Appendix are for informational purposes only and are meant to clarify the RAQMON specification. Pseudocode for RDS & RRC We provide examples of pseudocode for aspects of RDS and RRC. There may be other implementation methods that are faster in particular operating environments or have other advantages. RDS: when (session starts} { report.identifier = session.endpoints, session.starttime; report.timestamp = 0; while (session in progress) { wait interval; report.statistics = update statistics; report.curtimestamp += interval; if encryption required report_data = encrypt(report, encrypt parameters); else report_data = report; raqmon_pdu = header, report_data; send raqmon-pdu; } } RRC: listen on raqmon port when ( raqmon_pdu received ) { decrypt if needed if report.identifier in database if report.current_time_stamp > last update update session statistics from report.statistics else discard report }
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Authors' Addresses

Anwar Siddiqui Avaya 307 Middletown Lincroft Road Lincroft, NJ 80302 USA Phone: +1 732 852-3200 EMail: Dan Romascanu Avaya Atidim Technology Park, Bldg #3 Tel Aviv, 61131 Israel Phone: +972-3-645-8414 EMail: Eugene Golovinsky Alert Logic Phone: +1 713 918-1816 EMail: Mahfuzur Rahman Samsung Information Systems America 75 West Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Phone: +1 408 544-5559 Yongbum Yong Kim Broadcom 3151 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134 USA Phone: +1 408 501-7800 EMail:
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