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RFC 4639

Cable Device Management Information Base for Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) Compliant Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems

Pages: 88
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  9141
Obsoletes:  2669
Part 2 of 5 – Pages 13 to 30
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Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 13   prevText

4. Definitions

DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Counter32, Integer32, zeroDotZero, mib-2 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC 2578 RowStatus, RowPointer, DateAndTime, TruthValue, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC 2579 InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- RFC 4001 OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC 2580 SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- RFC 3411 InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- RFC 2863 ZeroBasedCounter32 FROM RMON2-MIB -- RFC 4502 diffServMIBDataPathGroup, diffServMIBClfrGroup, diffServMIBClfrElementGroup, diffServMIBMultiFieldClfrGroup, diffServMIBActionGroup, diffServMIBDscpMarkActGroup, diffServMIBCounterGroup, diffServMIBAlgDropGroup,
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 14
                   FROM DIFFSERV-MIB;        -- RFC 3289

           LAST-UPDATED    "200612200000Z" -- December 20, 2006
           ORGANIZATION    "IETF IP over Cable Data Network
                            Working Group"
               "        Rich Woundy
                Postal: Comcast Cable
                        27 Industrial Avenue
                        Chelmsford, MA 01824 U.S.A.
                Phone:  +1 978 244 4010

                        Kevin Marez
                Postal: Motorola Corporation
                        6450 Sequence Drive
                        San Diego, CA 92121 U.S.A.
                Phone:  +1 858 404 3785

                IETF IPCDN Working Group
                General Discussion:
                Co-chairs: Richard Woundy,
                           Jean-Francois Mule,

               "This is the MIB Module for DOCSIS-compliant cable modems
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                and cable-modem termination systems.

                Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2006).  This version
                of this MIB module was published in RFC 4639; for full
                legal notices see the RFC itself."

           REVISION "200612200000Z" -- December 20, 2006
               "Second version, published as RFC 4639.

                Modifications to this MIB module since RFC 2669 include:
                - Deprecation of the docsDevFilter group in favor of the
                  DiffServ MIB groups, to enable support for IPv6
                  filtering and DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) marking.
                - Deprecation of the docsDevCpeGroup in favor of the
                  docsDevCpeInetGroup, to enable support of IPv6.
                - Addition of various InetAddress objects to enable
                  support of IPv6.
                - Deprecation of docsDevNmAccessTable in favor of SNMP
                  Coexistence and SNMPv3 -- yet adding
                  docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion and clarifying
                  docsDevNmAccessIp for current use of this table,
                - Addition of docsDevIgmpModeControl for management and
                  control of the IGMP mode of operation,
                - Addition of docsDevMaxCpe for management of the
                  maxmium number of CPEs permitted access through a
                  cable modem,
                - Addition of docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol, and
                  modifications to docsDevSoftware object DESCRIPTIONS,
                  to enable software downloads via either TFTP or HTTP,
                - Replacement of docsDevEvThrottleInhibited with
                  docsDevEvThrottleThresholdExceeded to simplify
                  event threshold management,
                - Modification of docsDevEvReporting to enable local
                  logging to the internal volatile log, and not to the
                  internal non-volatile log,
                - Modification of the compliance statement to make the
                  docsDevCpe objects optional
                - Created placeholders for two OIDs in the
                  docsDevFilterPolicyTable that were never used
                - Modified the DESCRIPTION of
                  docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol and
                  docsDevSwServerAddressType to address the
                  dependence between each object
                - Added a reference to docsDevServerConfigTftpAddress
                - Clarified the scope of notifications that are covered
                  by docsDevEvThrottleThreshold
                - Clarified an error condition that could occur when
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 16
                  doing a SET to docsDevEvReporting
                - Defined each of the enumerated types for both
                  docsDevEvLevel and docsDevEvPriority
                - Added UNITS clause to docsDevFilterLLCMatches,
                  docsDevFilterIpMatches, docsDevMaxCpe,
                  docsDevEvThrottleThreshold and docsDevEvCounts.
                - Added REFERENCE clause to docsDevFilterIpProtocol
                - Modified DESCRIPTION of docsDevCpeInetAddr to be
                  more protocol-neutral
                - Removed the enumerated value (1) from both
                  docsDevCpeInetSource and docsDevCpeSource
                - Covered additional read-write and read-create objects
                  in the Security Considerations section
                - Modified the default value of docsDevNmAccessIpMask
                  to be consistent with OSSI specification
                - Modified the SYNTAX of docsDevNmAccessCommunity and
                  docsDevNmAccessInterfaces in the Conformance
                  Statement section
                - Added SYNTAX clause to docsDevEvReporting in the
                  Conformance Statement section
                - Modified SYNTAX clause of docsDevEvReporting to
                  move new enumerated type to byte boundary
                - Added references to DOCSIS 2.0 specifications to
                  multiple objects
                - Clarified non-persistency across reboots for
                  all tables
                - Clarified functionality of docsDevSw objects as
                  they relate to docsDevSwOperStatus
                - Clarified enumerated types (9) and (10) for
                - Defined the state of unknown(0) for the following
                  objects:  docsDevServerDhcpAddressType,
                  docsDevServerConfigTftpAddressType and
                - Modified the value in docsDevFilterIpDaddr to be
                  consistent with the SYNTAX
                - Specified which rows could be modified in an
                  active row for docsDevFilterPolicyStatus
                - Defined the term 'manually' in docsDevCpeEnroll
                - Clarified the description for
                - Covered the case of a non-existent row for
                - Added DEFVAL clauses for multiple objects
                - Replaced docsDevNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  with docsDevNotifications to address possible
                  compatibility issues
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 17
                - Added support for the usage of RFC 3413 and RFC 3014
                  as event notification mechanisms
                - Removed docsDevFilterPolicyObsoleteGroup
                - Added stdInterface(9) type to docsDevEvReporting to
                  support the usage of RFC3413 and RFC3014
                - Modified DESCRIPTION for docsDevMaxCpe"

           REVISION "199908190000Z"
               "Initial version, published as RFC 2669."

           ::= { mib-2 69 }

   docsDevMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDev 1 }

   docsDevBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 1 }

   -- For the following object, there is no concept in the
   -- RFI specification corresponding to a backup CMTS.  The
   -- enumeration is provided here in case someone is able
   -- to define such a role or device.

   docsDevRole OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Defines the current role of this device.  cm(1) is a
                Cable Modem, cmtsActive(2) is a Cable Modem Termination
                System that is controlling the system of cable modems,
                and cmtsBackup(3) is a CMTS that is currently connected
                but is not controlling the system (not currently used).

                In general, if this device is a 'cm', its role will not
                change during operation or between reboots.  If the
                device is a 'cmts' it may change between cmtsActive and
                cmtsBackup and back again during normal operation.  NB:
                At this time, the DOCSIS standards do not support the
                concept of a backup CMTS, but cmtsBackup is included for
           ::= { docsDevBase 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 18
   docsDevDateTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The current date and time, with time zone information
                (if known).

                If the real data and time cannot be determined, this
                shall represent elapsed time from boot relative to
                the standard epoch '1970-1-1,0:0:0.0'.  In other
                words, if this agent has been up for 3 minutes and
                not been able to determine what the actual date and
                time are, this object will return the value
           ::= { docsDevBase 2 }

   docsDevResetNow OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TruthValue
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "Setting this object to true(1) causes the device to
                reset.  Reading this object always returns false(2)."
           ::= { docsDevBase 3 }

   docsDevSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The manufacturer's serial number for this device."
           ::= { docsDevBase 4 }

   docsDevSTPControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls operation of the spanning tree
                protocol (as distinguished from transparent bridging).

                If set to stEnabled(1), then the spanning tree protocol
                is enabled, subject to bridging constraints.
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 19
                If noStFilterBpdu(2), then spanning tree is not active,
                and Bridge PDUs received are discarded.

                If noStPassBpdu(3), then spanning tree is not active,
                and Bridge PDUs are transparently forwarded.

                Note that a device need not implement all of these
                options, but that noStFilterBpdu(2) is required."
           DEFVAL { noStFilterBpdu }
           ::= { docsDevBase 5 }

   docsDevIgmpModeControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object controls the IGMP mode of operation for
                the CM or CMTS.  In passive mode, the device forwards
                IGMP between interfaces as based on knowledge of
                Multicast Session activity on the subscriber side
                interface and the rules defined in the DOCSIS RFI
                specification.  In active mode, the device terminates
                at and initiates IGMP through its interfaces as based
                on the knowledge of Multicast Session activity on the
                subscriber side interface."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 3.3.1. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 5.3.1."
           DEFVAL { passive }
           ::= { docsDevBase 6 }

   docsDevMaxCpe OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
           UNITS       "CPEs"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The maximum number of CPEs that can be granted access
                through a CM during a CM epoch.  This value can be
                obtained from the CM configuration file; however,
                it may be adjusted by the CM according to hardware or
                software limitations that have been imposed on the
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Appendix C.7.20., and
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                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Appendix C.1.1.7. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Appendix C.1.1.7."
           ::= { docsDevBase 7 }

   -- The following table provides one level of security for access
   -- to the device by network management stations.
   -- Note that access is also constrained by the
   -- community strings and any vendor-specific security.

   docsDevNmAccessTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsDevNmAccessEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "This table controls access to SNMP objects by network
                management stations.  If the table is empty, access to
                SNMP objects is unrestricted.  The objects in this table
                MUST NOT persist across reboots.  The objects in this
                table are only accessible from cable devices that are
                not capable of operating in SNMP Coexistence mode
                (RFC 3584) or in SNMPv3 mode (RFC 3410).
                See the conformance section for
                details.  Note that some devices are required by other
                specifications (e.g., the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1 specification)
                to support the legacy SNMPv1/v2c docsDevNmAccess mode
                for backward compatibility.

                This table is deprecated.  Instead, use the SNMP
                coexistence MIBs from RFC 3584, the TARGET and
                NOTIFICATION MIBs from RFC 3413, and
                the View-Based Access Control Model (VACM) MIBs for
                all SNMP protocol versions from RFC 3415."
           ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 2 }

   docsDevNmAccessEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsDevNmAccessEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "An entry describing access to SNMP objects by a
                particular network management station.  An entry in
                this table is not readable unless the management station
                has read-write permission (either implicit if the table
                is empty, or explicit through an entry in this table).
                Entries are ordered by docsDevNmAccessIndex.  The first
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 21
                matching entry (e.g., matching IP address and community
                string) is used to derive access."
           INDEX { docsDevNmAccessIndex }
           ::= {  docsDevNmAccessTable 1 }

   DocsDevNmAccessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
               docsDevNmAccessIndex         Integer32,
               docsDevNmAccessIp            IpAddress,
               docsDevNmAccessIpMask        IpAddress,
               docsDevNmAccessCommunity     OCTET STRING,
               docsDevNmAccessControl       INTEGER,
               docsDevNmAccessInterfaces    OCTET STRING,
               docsDevNmAccessStatus        RowStatus,
               docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion   INTEGER

   docsDevNmAccessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Index used to order the application of access
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 1 }

   docsDevNmAccessIp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address (or subnet) of the network management
                station.  The address is defined to mean
                any Network Management Station (NMS).  If traps are
                enabled for this entry, then the value must be the
                address of a specific device.  Implementations MAY
                recognize as equivalent to"
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 2 }

   docsDevNmAccessIpMask OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP subnet mask of the network management stations.
                If traps are enabled for this entry, then the value must
                be  Implementations MAY recognize
       as equivalent to"
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 22
           DEFVAL { '00000000'h }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 3 }

   docsDevNmAccessCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The community string to be matched for access by this
                entry.  If set to a zero-length string, then any
                community string will match.  When read, this object
                SHOULD return a zero-length string."
           DEFVAL { "public" }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 4 }

   docsDevNmAccessControl OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX         INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the type of access allowed to this NMS.
                Setting this object to none(1) causes the table entry
                to be destroyed.  Read(2) allows access by 'get' and
                'get-next' PDUs.  ReadWrite(3) allows access by 'set' as
                well.  RoWithtraps(4), rwWithTraps(5), and trapsOnly(6)
                control distribution of Trap PDUs transmitted by this
           DEFVAL { read }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 5 }

   -- The syntax of the following object was copied from RFC 1493,
   -- dot1dStaticAllowedToGoTo.

   docsDevNmAccessInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..32))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the set of interfaces from which requests from
                this NMS will be accepted.  Each octet within
                the value of this object specifies a set of eight
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 23
                interfaces, the first octet specifying ports 1
                through 8, the second octet specifying interfaces 9
                through 16, etc.  Within each octet, the most
                significant bit represents the lowest numbered
                interface, and the least significant bit represents the
                highest numbered interface.  Thus, each interface is
                represented by a single bit within the value of this
                object.  If that bit has a value of '1' then that
                interface is included in the set.

                Note that entries in this table apply only to link-layer
                interfaces (e.g., Ethernet and CATV MAC).  Bits
                representing upstream and downstream channel interfaces
                MUST NOT be set to '1'.

                Note that if bits corresponding to non-existing
                interfaces are set, the result is implementation

                Note that according to the DOCSIS OSSIv1.1
                specification, when ifIndex '1' is included in the
                set, then this row applies to all CPE
                (customer-facing) interfaces.

                The size of this object is the minimum required to
                represent all configured interfaces for this device."
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 6 }

   docsDevNmAccessStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      RowStatus
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this
                table.  Rows in this table may be created by either the
                create-and-go or create-and-wait paradigm.  There is no
                restriction on changing values in a row of this table
                while the row is active.

                The following objects MUST have valid values before this
                object can be set to active: docsDevNmAccessIp,
                docsDevNmAccessStatus, docsDevNmAccessIpMask,
                docsDevNmAccessCommunity, docsDevNmAccessControl, and
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 7 }

   docsDevNmAccessTrapVersion OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 24
           MAX-ACCESS  read-create
           STATUS      deprecated
               "Specifies the TRAP version that is sent to this NMS.
                Setting this object to disableSNMPv2trap (1) causes the
                trap in SNMPv1 format to be sent to a particular NMS.
                Setting this object to enableSNMPv2trap (2) causes the
                trap in SNMPv2 format be sent to a particular NMS."
           DEFVAL { disableSNMPv2trap }
           ::= { docsDevNmAccessEntry 8 }

   -- The following group describes control objects used for downloading
   -- firmware to a cable device.  Procedures for software download are
   -- described in Section 3.2.1 of the RFC containing this MIB module.

   docsDevSoftware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 3 }

   docsDevSwServer OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The address of the TFTP server used for software
                upgrades.  If the TFTP server is unknown or is a
                non-IPv4 address, return

                This object is deprecated.  See docsDevSwServerAddress
                for its replacement.  This object will have its value
                modified, given a valid SET to docsDevSwServerAddress."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 1 }

   docsDevSwFilename OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The filename of the software image to be downloaded via
                TFTP, or the abs_path (as defined in RFC 2616) of the
                software image to be downloaded via HTTP.

                Unless set via SNMP, this is the filename or abs_path
                specified by the provisioning server during the boot
                process that corresponds to the software version that
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 25
                is desired for this device.

                If unknown, the value of this object is the zero-length
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 2 }

   docsDevSwAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "If set to upgradeFromMgt(1), the device will initiate a
                TFTP or HTTP software image download.  After
                successfully receiving an image, the device will set
                its state to ignoreProvisioningUpgrade(3) and reboot.
                If the download process is interrupted (e.g., by a reset
                or power failure), the device will load the previous
                image and, after re-initialization, continue to attempt
                loading the image specified in docsDevSwFilename.

                If set to allowProvisioningUpgrade(2), the device will
                use the software version information supplied by the
                provisioning server when next rebooting (this does not
                cause a reboot).

                When set to ignoreProvisioningUpgrade(3), the device
                will disregard software image upgrade information
                from the provisioning server.

                Note that reading this object can return
                upgradeFromMgt(1).  This indicates that a software
                download is currently in progress, and that the device
                will reboot after successfully receiving an image."
           DEFVAL { allowProvisioningUpgrade }
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 3 }

   docsDevSwOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 26
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "InProgress(1) indicates that a TFTP or HTTP download is
                underway, either as a result of a version mismatch at
                provisioning or as a result of a upgradeFromMgt request.
                No other docsDevSw* objects can be modified in
                this state.

                CompleteFromProvisioning(2) indicates that the last
                software upgrade was a result of version mismatch at

                CompleteFromMgt(3) indicates that the last software
                upgrade was a result of setting docsDevSwAdminStatus to

                Failed(4) indicates that the last attempted download
                failed, ordinarily due to TFTP or HTTP timeout."
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Section 8.2., and
                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Section 10.1. and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Section 12.1."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 4 }

   docsDevSwCurrentVers OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The software version currently operating in this device.
                This string's syntax is that used by the
                individual vendor to identify software versions.
                For a CM, this string will describe the current
                software load.  For a CMTS, this object SHOULD contain
                a human-readable representation either of the vendor
                specific designation of the software for the chassis,
                or of the software for the control processor.  If
                neither of these is applicable, the value MUST be a
                zero-length string."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 5 }

   docsDevSwServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of the TFTP or HTTP server used for
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 27
                software upgrades.

                If docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol is currently set to
                tftp(1), attempting to set this object to dns(16) MUST
                result in an error."
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 6 }

   docsDevSwServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "The address of the TFTP or HTTP server used for software

                If the TFTP/HTTP server is unknown, return the zero-
                length address string (see the TextualConvention).

                If docsDevSwServer is also implemented in this agent,
                this object is tied to it.  A set of this object to an
                IPv4 address will result in also setting the value of
                docsDevSwServer to that address.  If this object is set
                to an IPv6 address, docsDevSwServer is set to
                If docsDevSwServer is set, this object is also set to
                that value.  Note that if both are set in the same
                action, the order of which one sets the other is
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 7 }

   docsDevSwServerTransportProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
               "This object specifies the transport protocol (TFTP or
                HTTP) to be used for software upgrades.

                If the value of this object is tftp(1), then the cable
                device uses TFTP (RFC 1350) read request packets to
                download the docsDevSwFilename from the
                docsDevSwServerAddress in octet mode.

                If the value of this object is http(2), then the cable
                device uses HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945) or HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)
                GET requests sent to host docsDevSwServerAddress to
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 28
                download the software image from path docsDevSwFilename.

                If docsDevSwServerAddressType is currently set to
                dns(16), attempting to set this object to tftp(1) MUST
                result in an error."
           DEFVAL { tftp }
           ::= { docsDevSoftware 8 }

   -- The following group describes server access and parameters used
   -- for initial provisioning and bootstrapping.

   docsDevServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsDevMIBObjects 4 }

   docsDevServerBootState OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX INTEGER {
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "If operational(1), the device has completed loading and
                processing of configuration parameters, and the CMTS has
                completed the Registration exchange.

                If disabled(2), then the device was administratively
                disabled, possibly by being refused network access in
                the configuration file.

                If waitingForDhcpOffer(3), then a Dynamic Host
                Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Discover has been
                transmitted, and no offer has yet been received.

                If waitingForDhcpResponse(4), then a DHCP Request has
                been transmitted, and no response has yet been received.

                If waitingForTimeServer(5), then a Time Request has been
                transmitted, and no response has yet been received.
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 29
                If waitingForTftp(6), then a request to the TFTP
                parameter server has been made, and no response

                If refusedByCmts(7), then the Registration
                Request/Response exchange with the CMTS failed.

                If forwardingDenied(8), then the registration process
                was completed, but the network access option in the
                received configuration file prohibits forwarding.

                If other(9), then the registration process reached a
                point that does not fall into one of the above

                If unknown(10), then the device has not yet begun the
                registration process or is in some other indeterminate
               "DOCSIS RFI 1.0 Specification, Figure 7-1, and
                DOCSIS RFI 1.1 Specification, Figure 9-1 and
                DOCSIS RFI 2.0 Specification, Figure 11-1."
           ::= { docsDevServer 1 }

   docsDevServerDhcp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the DHCP server that assigned an IP
                address to this device.  Returns if DHCP is not
                used for IP address assignment, or if this agent is
                not assigned an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevServer 2 }

   docsDevServerTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the Time server (RFC 0868).  Returns
       if the time server IP address is unknown, or if
                the time server is not an IPv4 server.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
Top   ToC   RFC4639 - Page 30
           ::= { docsDevServer 3 }

   docsDevServerTftp OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      IpAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      deprecated
               "The IP address of the TFTP server responsible for
                downloading provisioning and configuration parameters
                to this device.  Returns if the TFTP server
                address is unknown or is not an IPv4 address.

                This object is deprecated and is replaced by
           ::= { docsDevServer 4 }

   docsDevServerConfigFile OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The name of the device configuration file read from
                the TFTP server.  Returns a zero-length string if
                the configuration file name is unknown."
           ::= { docsDevServer 5 }

   docsDevServerDhcpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of address of docsDevServerDhcpAddress.  If
                DHCP was not used, this value should return
           ::= { docsDevServer 6 }

   docsDevServerDhcpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The internet address of the DHCP server that assigned
                an IP address to this device.  Returns the zero length
                octet string if DHCP was not used for IP address
           ::= { docsDevServer 7 }

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