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RFC 4369

Definitions of Managed Objects for Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP)

Pages: 29
Obsoleted by:  6173

ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                         K. Gibbons
Request for Comments: 4369                            McDATA Corporation
Category: Standards Track                                       C. Monia
                                                                J. Tseng
                                                     Riverbed Technology
                                                           F. Travostino
                                                            January 2006

                  Definitions of Managed Objects for
                Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP)

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


The iFCP protocol (RFC 4172) provides Fibre Channel fabric functionality on an IP network in which TCP/IP switching and routing elements replace Fibre Channel components. The iFCP protocol is used between iFCP Gateways. This document provides a mechanism to monitor and control iFCP Gateway instances, and their associated sessions, using SNMP.

Table of Contents

1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................2 2. Introduction ....................................................2 3. Technical Description ...........................................3 4. MIB Definition ..................................................4 5. IANA Considerations ............................................25 6. Security Considerations ........................................25 7. Normative References ...........................................26 8. Informative References .........................................27
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1. The Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410]. Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

2. Introduction

The iFCP protocol can be used by FC-to-IP-based storage gateways for Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) storage interconnects. Figure 1 provides an example of an interconnect between iFCP gateways. Gateway Region Gateway Region +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ | FC | | FC | | FC | | FC | | Device | | Device | | Device | | Device | Fibre |........| |........| FC |........| |........| Channel | N_PORT | | N_PORT |<.........>| N_PORT | | N_PORT | Device +---+----+ +---+----+ Traffic +----+---+ +----+---+ Domain | | | | ^ +---+----+ +---+----+ +----+---+ +----+---+ | | F_PORT | | F_PORT | | F_PORT | | F_PORT | | =+========+==+========+===========+========+==+========+========== | iFCP Layer |<--------->| iFCP Layer | | |....................| ^ |....................| | | iFCP Portal | | | iFCP Portal | v +--------+-----------+ | +----------+---------+ IP iFCP|Gateway Control iFCP|Gateway Network | Data | | | | | |<------Encapsulated Frames------->| | +------------------+ | | | | | +------+ IP Network +--------+ | | +------------------+ Figure 1: Interconnect between iFCP Gateways
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   The iFCP MIB Module is designed to allow SNMP to be used to monitor
   and manage local iFCP gateway instances, including the configuration
   of iFCP sessions between gateways.

3. Technical Description

The iFCP MIB Module is divided into sections for iFCP local gateway instance management, iFCP session management, and iFCP session statistics. The section for iFCP gateway management provides default settings and information about each local instance. A single management entity can monitor multiple local gateway instances. Each local gateway is conceptually an independent gateway that has both Fibre Channel and IP interfaces. The default IP Time Out Value (IP_TOV) is configurable for each gateway. Other standard MIBs, such as the Fibre Management MIB [RFC4044] or Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863], can be used to manage non-iFCP-specific gateway parameters. The local gateway instance section provides iFCP-specific information as well as optional links to other standard management MIBs. The iFCP session management section provides information on iFCP sessions that use one of the local iFCP gateway instances. This section allows the management of specific iFCP parameters, including changing the IP_TOV from the default setting of the gateway. The iFCP session statistics section provides statistical information on the iFCP sessions that use one of the local iFCP gateways. These tables augment the session management table. Additional statistical information for an iFCP gateway or session, that is not iFCP-specific, can be obtained using other standard MIBs. The iFCP statistics are provided in both standard and low-capacity (counter32) methods. The following MIB module imports from RMON2-MIB [RFC2021], SNMPv2-SMI [RFC2578], SNMPv2-TC [RFC2579], SNMPv2-CONF [RFC2580], HCNUM-TC [RFC2856], IF-MIB [RFC2863], SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB [RFC3411], INET- ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001], FC-MGMT-MIB [RFC4044], and ENTITY-MIB (v3) [RFC4133].
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4. MIB Definition

IFCP-MGMT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, TruthValue, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC -- From RFC 2021 ZeroBasedCounter32 FROM RMON2-MIB -- From RFC 2856 ZeroBasedCounter64 FROM HCNUM-TC -- From RFC 2863 InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- From RFC 3411 SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- From RFC 4001 InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- From RFC 4044 FcNameIdOrZero, FcAddressIdOrZero
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            FROM FC-MGMT-MIB

   --  From RFC 4133
            FROM ENTITY-MIB

         LAST-UPDATED "200601170000Z"
         ORGANIZATION "IETF IPS Working Group"
         CONTACT-INFO "
           Attn: Kevin Gibbons
                 McDATA Corporation
                 4555 Great America Pkwy
                 Santa Clara, CA 95054-1208 USA
                 Phone: (408) 567-5765

                 Charles Monia
                 7553 Morevern Circle
                 San Jose, CA 95135 USA

                 Josh Tseng
                 Riverbed Technology
                 501 2nd Street, Suite 410
                 San Francisco, CA 94107 USA
                 Phone: (650) 274-2109

                 Franco Travostino
                 600 Technology Park Drive
                 Billerica, MA 01821 USA
                 Phone: (978) 288-7708

                 "This module defines management information specific
                  to internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP) gateway

                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2006.  This
                  version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4369; see
                  the RFC itself for full legal notices."
             REVISION    "200601170000Z"
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 6
                  "Initial version of iFCP Management Module.
                   This MIB published as RFC 4369."
         ::=  { transmission 230 }

   --  Textual Conventions

       DISPLAY-HINT   "d"
       STATUS         current
       DESCRIPTION    "The maximum propagation delay, in seconds,
                       for an encapsulated FC frame to traverse the
                       IP network.  A value of 0 implies fibre
                       channel frame lifetime limits will not be
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (0..3600)

       DISPLAY-HINT   "d"
       STATUS         current
       DESCRIPTION    "The value for the Liveness Test Interval
                       (LTI) being used in an iFCP connection, in
                       seconds.  A value of 0 implies no Liveness
                       Test Interval will be used."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (0..65535)

     IfcpSessionStates ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS         current
       DESCRIPTION    "The value for an iFCP session state."
       SYNTAX         INTEGER {down(1), openPending(2), open(3)}

     IfcpAddressMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS         current
       DESCRIPTION    "The values for iFCP Address Translation
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       SYNTAX         INTEGER {addressTransparent(1),

   -- Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP)

   ifcpGatewayObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpMgmtMIB 1}
   ifcpGatewayConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpMgmtMIB 2}
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   -- Local iFCP Gateway Instance Information ==================

   ifcpLclGatewayInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpGatewayObjects 1}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           SEQUENCE OF IfcpLclGtwyInstEntry
       MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
       STATUS           current
   "Information about all local iFCP Gateway instances that can
    be monitored and controlled.  This table contains an entry
    for each local iFCP Gateway instance that is being managed."
       ::= {ifcpLclGatewayInfo 1}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           IfcpLclGtwyInstEntry
       MAX-ACCESS       not-accessible
       STATUS           current
   "An entry in the local iFCP Gateway Instance table.
    Parameters and settings for the gateway are found here."
       INDEX { ifcpLclGtwyInstIndex }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstTable 1}

   IfcpLclGtwyInstEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       ifcpLclGtwyInstIndex             Unsigned32,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstPhyIndex          PhysicalIndexOrZero,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstVersionMin        Unsigned32,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstVersionMax        Unsigned32,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstAddrTransMode     IfcpAddressMode,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstFcBrdcstSupport   TruthValue,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultIpTOV      IfcpIpTOVorZero,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultLTInterval IfcpLTIorZero,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstDescr             SnmpAdminString,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstNumActiveSessions Gauge32,
       ifcpLclGtwyInstStorageType       StorageType

   ifcpLclGtwyInstIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
       STATUS            current
   "An arbitrary integer value to uniquely identify this iFCP
    Gateway from other local Gateway instances."
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       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      1}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstPhyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            PhysicalIndexOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS        read-only
       STATUS            current
   "An index indicating the location of this local gateway within
    a larger entity, if one exists.  If supported, this is the
    entPhysicalIndex from the Entity MIB (Version 3), for this
    iFCP Gateway.  If not supported, or if not related to a
    physical entity, then the value of this object is 0."
       REFERENCE      "Entity MIB (Version 3)"
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      2}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstVersionMin OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            Unsigned32 (0..255)
       MAX-ACCESS        read-only
       STATUS            current
   "The minimum iFCP protocol version supported by the local iFCP
    gateway instance."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      3}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstVersionMax OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            Unsigned32 (0..255)
       MAX-ACCESS        read-only
       STATUS            current
   "The maximum iFCP protocol version supported by the local iFCP
    gateway instance."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      4}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstAddrTransMode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            IfcpAddressMode
       MAX-ACCESS        read-write
       STATUS            current
   "The local iFCP gateway operating mode.  Changing this value
    may cause existing sessions to be disrupted."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL            { addressTranslation }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      5}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstFcBrdcstSupport OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            TruthValue
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       MAX-ACCESS        read-write
       STATUS            current
   "Whether the local iFCP gateway supports FC Broadcast.
    Changing this value may cause existing sessions to be
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL            { false }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      6}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultIpTOV OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            IfcpIpTOVorZero
       MAX-ACCESS        read-write
       STATUS            current
   "The default IP_TOV used for iFCP sessions at this gateway.
    This is the default maximum propagation delay that will be
    used for an iFCP session.  The value can be changed on a
    per-session basis.  The valid range is 0 - 3600 seconds.
    A value of 0 implies that fibre channel frame lifetime limits
    will not be enforced."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL            { 6 }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      7}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultLTInterval OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            IfcpLTIorZero
       MAX-ACCESS        read-write
       STATUS            current
   "The default Liveness Test Interval (LTI), in seconds, used
    for iFCP sessions at this gateway.  This is the default
    value for an iFCP session and can be changed on a
    per-session basis.  The valid range is 0 - 65535 seconds.
    A value of 0 implies no Liveness Test Interval will be
    performed on a session."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL            { 10 }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      8}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstDescr  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
       MAX-ACCESS        read-write
       STATUS            current
   "A user-entered description for this iFCP Gateway."
       DEFVAL            { "" }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      9}
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   ifcpLclGtwyInstNumActiveSessions OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            Gauge32 (0..4294967295)
       MAX-ACCESS        read-only
       STATUS            current
   "The current total number of iFCP sessions in the open or
    open-pending state."
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      10}

   ifcpLclGtwyInstStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS        read-only
       STATUS            current
   "The storage type for this row.  Parameter values defined
    for a gateway are usually non-volatile, but may be volatile
    or permanent in some configurations.  If permanent, then
    the following parameters must have read-write access:
    ifcpLclGtwyInstAddrTransMode, ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultIpTOV,
    and ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultLTInterval."
       DEFVAL            { nonVolatile }
       ::= {ifcpLclGtwyInstEntry      11}

   -- iFCP N Port Session Information ============================

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpGatewayObjects 2}

   ifcpSessionAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         SEQUENCE OF
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "An iFCP session consists of the pair of N_PORTs comprising
    the session endpoints joined by a single TCP/IP connection.
    This table provides information on each iFCP session
    currently using a local iFCP Gateway instance.  iFCP sessions
    are created and removed by the iFCP Gateway instances, which
    are reflected in this table."
       ::= {ifcpNportSessionInfo 1}

   ifcpSessionAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpSessionAttributesEntry
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
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       STATUS                         current
   "Each entry contains information about one iFCP session consisting
    of a pair of N_PORTs joined by a single TCP/IP connection.  This
    table's INDEX includes ifcpLclGtwyInstIndex, which identifies the
    local iFCP Gateway instance that created the session for the

    Soon after an entry is created in this table for an iFCP session, it
    will correspond to an entry in the tcpConnectionTable of the TCP-MIB
    (RFC 4022).  The corresponding entry might represent a preexisting
    TCP connection, or it might be a newly-created entry.  (Note that if
    IPv4 is being used, an entry in RFC 2012's tcpConnTable may also
    correspond.)  The values of ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddrType and
    ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddrType in this table and the values of
    tcpConnectionLocalAddressType and tcpConnectionRemAddressType used
    as INDEX values for the corresponding entry in the
    tcpConnectionTable should be the same; this makes it simpler to
    locate a session's TCP connection in the TCP-MIB.  (Of course, all
    four values need to be 'ipv4' if there's a corresponding entry in
    the tcpConnTable.)

    If an entry is created in this table for a session, prior to
    knowing which local and/or remote port numbers will be used for
    the TCP connection, then ifcpSessionLclPrtlTcpPort and/or
    ifcpSessionRmtPrtlTcpPort have the value zero until such time as
    they can be updated to the port numbers (to be) used for the
    connection.  (Thus, a port value of zero should not be used to
    locate a session's TCP connection in the TCP-MIB.)

    When the TCP connection terminates, the entry in the
    tcpConnectionTable and the entry in this table both get deleted
    (and, if applicable, so does the entry in the tcpConnTable)."
       INDEX { ifcpLclGtwyInstIndex, ifcpSessionIndex }
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesTable 1}

   IfcpSessionAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       ifcpSessionIndex               Integer32,
       ifcpSessionLclPrtlIfIndex      InterfaceIndexOrZero,
       ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddrType     InetAddressType,
       ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddr         InetAddress,
       ifcpSessionLclPrtlTcpPort      InetPortNumber,
       ifcpSessionLclNpWwun           FcNameIdOrZero,
       ifcpSessionLclNpFcid           FcAddressIdOrZero,
       ifcpSessionRmtNpWwun           FcNameIdOrZero,
       ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddrType   InetAddressType,
       ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddr       InetAddress,
       ifcpSessionRmtPrtlTcpPort      InetPortNumber,
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       ifcpSessionRmtNpFcid           FcAddressIdOrZero,
       ifcpSessionRmtNpFcidAlias      FcAddressIdOrZero,
       ifcpSessionIpTOV               IfcpIpTOVorZero,
       ifcpSessionLclLTIntvl          IfcpLTIorZero,
       ifcpSessionRmtLTIntvl          IfcpLTIorZero,
       ifcpSessionBound               TruthValue,
       ifcpSessionStorageType         StorageType

   ifcpSessionIndex                   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         Integer32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "The iFCP session index is a unique value used as an index
    to the table, along with a specific local iFCP Gateway
    instance.  This index is used because the local N Port and
    remote N Port information would create an complex index that
    would be difficult to implement."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 1}

   ifcpSessionLclPrtlIfIndex          OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InterfaceIndexOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This is the interface index in the IF-MIB ifTable being used
    as the local portal in this session, as described in the
    IF-MIB.  If the local portal is not associated with an entry
    in the ifTable, then the value is 0.  The ifType of the
    interface will generally be a type that supports IP, but an
    implementation may support iFCP using other protocols.  This
    object can be used to obtain additional information about the
       REFERENCE     "RFC 2863, The Interfaces Group MIB (IF-MIB)"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 2}

   ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddrType         OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The type of address in ifcpSessionLclIfAddr."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 3}

   ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddr             OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
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       STATUS                         current
   "This is the external IP address of the interface being used
    for the iFCP local portal in this session.  The address type
    is defined in ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddrType.  If the value is a
    DNS name, then the name is resolved once, during the initial
    session instantiation."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 4}

   ifcpSessionLclPrtlTcpPort          OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetPortNumber
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This is the TCP port number that is being used for the iFCP
    local portal in this session.  This is normally an ephemeral
    port number selected by the gateway.  The value may be 0
    during an initial setup period."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 5}

   ifcpSessionLclNpWwun               OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         FcNameIdOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "World Wide Unique Name of the local N Port.  For an unbound
    session, this variable will be a zero-length string."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL                         { "" }
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 6}

   ifcpSessionLclNpFcid               OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         FcAddressIdOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "Fibre Channel Identifier of the local N Port.  For an unbound
    session, this variable will be a zero-length string."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 7}

   ifcpSessionRmtNpWwun               OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         FcNameIdOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "World Wide Unique Name of the remote N Port.  For an unbound
    session, this variable will be a zero-length string."
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       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       DEFVAL                         { "" }
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 8}

   ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddrType       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetAddressType
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The type of address in ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddr."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 9}

   ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddr           OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetAddress
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This is the remote gateway IP address being used for the
    portal on the remote iFCP gateway.  The address type is
    defined in ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddrType.  If the value is a
    DNS name, then the name is resolved once, during the initial
    session instantiation."
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 10}

   ifcpSessionRmtPrtlTcpPort          OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         InetPortNumber
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This is the TCP port number being used for the portal on the
    remote iFCP gateway.  Generally, this will be the iFCP
    canonical port.  The value may be 0 during an initial setup
       DEFVAL                         { 3420 }
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 11}

   ifcpSessionRmtNpFcid               OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         FcAddressIdOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "Fibre Channel Identifier of the remote N Port.  For an
    unbound session, this variable will be a zero-length string."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 12}

   ifcpSessionRmtNpFcidAlias          OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         FcAddressIdOrZero
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       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "Fibre Channel Identifier Alias assigned by the local gateway
    for the remote N Port.  For an unbound session, this variable
    will be a zero-length string."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 13}

   ifcpSessionIpTOV                   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpIpTOVorZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-write
       STATUS                         current
   "The IP_TOV being used for this iFCP session.  This is the
    maximum propagation delay that will be used for the iFCP
    session.  The value can be changed on a per-session basis
    and initially defaults to ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultIpTOV for
    the local gateway instance.  The valid range is 0 - 3600
    seconds.  A value of 0 implies fibre channel frame lifetime
    limits will not be enforced."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 14}

   ifcpSessionLclLTIntvl              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpLTIorZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The Liveness Test Interval (LTI) used for this iFCP session.
    The value can be changed on a per-session basis and initially
    defaults to ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultLTInterval for the local
    gateway instance.  The valid range is 0 - 65535 seconds.
    A value of 0 implies that the gateway will not originate
    Liveness Test messages for the session."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 15}

   ifcpSessionRmtLTIntvl              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpLTIorZero
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The Liveness Test Interval (LTI) as requested by the remote
    gateway instance to use for this iFCP session.  This value may
    change over the life of the session.  The valid range is 0 -
    65535 seconds.  A value of 0 implies that the remote gateway
    has not been requested to originate Liveness Test messages for
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    the session."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 16}

   ifcpSessionBound                   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This value indicates whether this session is bound to a
    specific local and remote N Port.  Sessions by default are
    unbound and ready for future assignment to a local and remote
    N Port."
       REFERENCE      "RFC 4172, iFCP Protocol Specification"
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 17}

   ifcpSessionStorageType             OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The storage type for this row.  Parameter values defined
    for a session are usually non-volatile, but may be volatile
    or permanent in some configurations.  If permanent, then
    ifcpSessionIpTOV must have read-write access."
       DEFVAL            { nonVolatile }
       ::= {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry 18}

   -- Local iFCP Gateway Instance Session Statistics =============

   ifcpSessionStatsTable              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         SEQUENCE OF
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "This table provides statistics on an iFCP session."
       ::= {ifcpNportSessionInfo 2}

   ifcpSessionStatsEntry              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpSessionStatsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "Provides iFCP-specific statistics per session."
       AUGMENTS {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry}
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       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsTable 1}

   IfcpSessionStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       ifcpSessionState               IfcpSessionStates,
       ifcpSessionDuration            Unsigned32,
       ifcpSessionTxOctets            ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionRxOctets            ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionTxFrames            ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionRxFrames            ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionStaleFrames         ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionHeaderCRCErrors     ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionFcPayloadCRCErrors  ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionOtherErrors         ZeroBasedCounter64,
       ifcpSessionDiscontinuityTime   TimeStamp

   ifcpSessionState                   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpSessionStates
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The current session operating state."
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 1}

   ifcpSessionDuration                OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "This indicates, in seconds, how long the iFCP session has
    been in an open or open-pending state.  When a session is
    down, the value is reset to 0."
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 2}

   ifcpSessionTxOctets                OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of octets transmitted by the iFCP gateway
    for this session.  Discontinuities in the value of this
    counter can occur at reinitialization of the management
    system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 3}

   ifcpSessionRxOctets                OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 18
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of octets received by the iFCP gateway for
    this session.  Discontinuities in the value of this
    counter can occur at reinitialization of the management
    system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 4}

   ifcpSessionTxFrames                OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of iFCP frames transmitted by the gateway
    for this session.  Discontinuities in the value of this
    counter can occur at reinitialization of the management
    system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 5}

   ifcpSessionRxFrames                OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of iFCP frames received by the gateway
    for this session.  Discontinuities in the value of this
    counter can occur at reinitialization of the management
    system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 6}

   ifcpSessionStaleFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of received iFCP frames that were stale and
    discarded by the gateway for this session.  Discontinuities
    in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization
    of the management system, and at other times as indicated by
    the value of ifcpSessionDiscontinuityTime."
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 7}

   ifcpSessionHeaderCRCErrors         OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 19
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of CRC errors that occurred in the frame
    header, detected by the gateway for this session.  Usually,
    a single Header CRC error is sufficient to terminate an
    iFCP session.  Discontinuities in the value of this
    counter can occur at reinitialization of the management
    system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 8}

   ifcpSessionFcPayloadCRCErrors      OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of CRC errors that occurred in the Fibre
    Channel frame payload, detected by the gateway for this
    session.  Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
    occur at reinitialization of the management system, and
    at other times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 9}

   ifcpSessionOtherErrors             OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter64
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of errors, other than errors explicitly
    measured, detected by the gateway for this session.
    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
    reinitialization of the management system, and at other
    times as indicated by the value of
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 10}

   ifcpSessionDiscontinuityTime       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         TimeStamp
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
    any one (or more) of the ifcpSessionStatsTable counters
    suffered a discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the
    specific Counter64-based instances associated with the
    ifcpSessionStatsTable: ifcpSessionTxOctets,
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 20
    ifcpSessionRxOctets, ifcpSessionTxFrames,
    ifcpSessionRxFrames, ifcpSessionStaleFrames,
    ifcpSessionHeaderCRCErrors, ifcpSessionFcPayloadCRCErrors,
    and ifcpSessionOtherErrors.  If no such discontinuities have
    occurred since the last reinitialization of the local
    management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
       ::= {ifcpSessionStatsEntry 11}

   -- Low Capacity Statistics

   ifcpSessionLcStatsTable            OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         SEQUENCE OF
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "This table provides low capacity statistics for an iFCP
    session.  These are provided for backward compatibility with
    systems that do not support Counter64-based objects.  At
    1-Gbps rates, a Counter32-based object can wrap as often as
    every 34 seconds.  Counter32-based objects can be sufficient
    for many situations.  However, when possible, it is
    recommended to use the high capacity statistics in
    ifcpSessionStatsTable based on Counter64 objects."
       ::= {ifcpNportSessionInfo 3}

   ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry            OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         IfcpSessionLcStatsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS                     not-accessible
       STATUS                         current
   "Provides iFCP-specific statistics per session."
       AUGMENTS {ifcpSessionAttributesEntry}
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsTable 1}

   IfcpSessionLcStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       ifcpSessionLcTxOctets            ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcRxOctets            ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcTxFrames            ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcRxFrames            ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcStaleFrames         ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcHeaderCRCErrors     ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcFcPayloadCRCErrors  ZeroBasedCounter32,
       ifcpSessionLcOtherErrors         ZeroBasedCounter32
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 21
   ifcpSessionLcTxOctets              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of octets transmitted by the iFCP gateway
    for this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 1}

   ifcpSessionLcRxOctets              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of octets received by the iFCP gateway for
    this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 2}

   ifcpSessionLcTxFrames              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of iFCP frames transmitted by the gateway
    for this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 3}

   ifcpSessionLcRxFrames              OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of iFCP frames received by the gateway
    for this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 4}

   ifcpSessionLcStaleFrames           OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of received iFCP frames that were stale and
    discarded by the gateway for this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 5}

   ifcpSessionLcHeaderCRCErrors       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 22
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of CRC errors that occurred in the frame
    header, detected by the gateway for this session.  Usually,
    a single Header CRC error is sufficient to terminate an
    iFCP session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 6}

   ifcpSessionLcFcPayloadCRCErrors    OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of CRC errors that occurred in the Fibre
    Channel frame payload, detected by the gateway for this
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 7}

   ifcpSessionLcOtherErrors           OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX                         ZeroBasedCounter32
       MAX-ACCESS                     read-only
       STATUS                         current
   "The total number of errors, other than errors explicitly
    measured, detected by the gateway for this session."
       ::= {ifcpSessionLcStatsEntry 8}


           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpGatewayConformance 1}

   ifcpGatewayCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS current
   "Implementation requirements for iFCP MIB compliance."
       MODULE       -- this module

           OBJECT      ifcpSessionLclPrtlAddrType
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
                  "Support is only required for global IPv4
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 23
                  and IPv6 address types."

           OBJECT      ifcpSessionRmtPrtlIfAddrType
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
                  "Support is only required for global IPv4
                  and IPv6 address types."

       ::= {ifcpCompliances 1}

   ifcpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ifcpGatewayConformance 2}

   ifcpLclGatewayGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS current
   "iFCP local device info group.  This group provides
    information about each gateway."
       ::= {ifcpGroups 1}

   ifcpLclGatewaySessionGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 24
       STATUS current
   "iFCP Session group.  This group provides information
    about each iFCP session currently active between iFCP
       ::= {ifcpGroups 4}

   ifcpLclGatewaySessionStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS current
   "iFCP Session Statistics group.  This group provides
    statistics with 64-bit counters for each iFCP session
    currently active between iFCP gateways.  This group
    is only required for agents that can support Counter64-
    based data types."
       ::= {ifcpGroups 5}

   ifcpLclGatewaySessionLcStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS {
       STATUS current
   "iFCP Session Low Capacity Statistics group.  This group
    provides statistics with low-capacity 32-bit counters
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 25
    for each iFCP session currently active between iFCP
    gateways.  This group is only required for agents that
    do not support Counter64-based data types, or that need
    to support SNMPv1 applications."
       ::= {ifcpGroups 6}


5. IANA Considerations

The IANA has made a unique MIB OID assignment under the transmission branch for IFCP-MGMT-MIB.

6. Security Considerations

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. Changing the following object values, with a MAX-ACCESS of read- write, may cause disruption in storage traffic: ifcpLclGtwyInstAddrTransMode ifcpLclGtwyInstFcBrdcstSupport ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultIpTOV ifcpLclGtwyInstDefaultLTInterval ifcpSessionIpTOV Changing the following object value, with a MAX-ACCESS of read-write, may cause a user to lose track of the iFCP gateway: ifcpLclGtwyInstDescr Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP.
ToP   noToC   RFC4369 - Page 26
   The following object tables provide information about storage traffic
   sessions, and can indicate to a user who is communicating and
   exchanging storage data:


   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
   including full support for SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and privacy).

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

7. Normative References

[RFC2021] Waldbusser, S., "Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base Version 2 using SMIv2", RFC 2021, January 1997. [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999. [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999. [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999. [RFC2856] Bierman, A., McCloghrie, K., and R. Presuhn, "Textual Conventions for Additional High Capacity Data Types", RFC 2856, June 2000.
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   [RFC2863]  McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group
              MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              December 2002.

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

   [RFC4044]  McCloghrie, K., "Fibre Channel Management MIB", RFC 4044,
              May 2005.

   [RFC4133]  Bierman, A. and K. McCloghrie, "Entity MIB (Version 3)",
              RFC 4133, August 2005.

   [RFC4172]  Monia, C., Mullendore, R., Travostino, F., Jeong, W., and
              M. Edwards, "iFCP - A Protocol for Internet Fibre Channel
              Storage Networking", RFC 4172, September 2005.

8. Informative References

[RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart, "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet- Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.
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Authors' Addresses

Kevin Gibbons McDATA Corporation 4555 Great America Pkwy Santa Clara, CA 95054-1208 USA Phone: (408)567-5765 EMail: Charles Monia Consultant 7553 Morevern Circle San Jose, CA 95135 USA EMail: Josh Tseng Riverbed Technology 501 2nd Street, Suite 410 San Francisco, CA 94107 USA Phone: (650)274-2109 EMail: Franco Travostino Nortel 600 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA 01821 USA Phone: (978)288-7708 EMail:
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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF
   Administrative Support Activity (IASA).