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RFC 4340

Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)

Pages: 129
Proposed Standard
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Part 1 of 5 – Pages 1 to 18
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Top   ToC   RFC4340 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                          E. Kohler
Request for Comments: 4340                                          UCLA
Category: Standards Track                                     M. Handley
                                                                S. Floyd
                                                              March 2006

              Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


The Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) is a transport protocol that provides bidirectional unicast connections of congestion-controlled unreliable datagrams. DCCP is suitable for applications that transfer fairly large amounts of data and that can benefit from control over the tradeoff between timeliness and reliability.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................5 2. Design Rationale ................................................6 3. Conventions and Terminology .....................................7 3.1. Numbers and Fields .........................................7 3.2. Parts of a Connection ......................................8 3.3. Features ...................................................9 3.4. Round-Trip Times ...........................................9 3.5. Security Limitation ........................................9 3.6. Robustness Principle ......................................10 4. Overview .......................................................10 4.1. Packet Types ..............................................10 4.2. Packet Sequencing .........................................11 4.3. States ....................................................12 4.4. Congestion Control Mechanisms .............................14
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      4.5. Feature Negotiation Options ...............................15
      4.6. Differences from TCP ......................................16
      4.7. Example Connection ........................................17
   5. Packet Formats .................................................18
      5.1. Generic Header ............................................19
      5.2. DCCP-Request Packets ......................................22
      5.3. DCCP-Response Packets .....................................23
      5.4. DCCP-Data, DCCP-Ack, and DCCP-DataAck Packets .............23
      5.5. DCCP-CloseReq and DCCP-Close Packets ......................25
      5.6. DCCP-Reset Packets ........................................25
      5.7. DCCP-Sync and DCCP-SyncAck Packets ........................28
      5.8. Options ...................................................29
           5.8.1. Padding Option .....................................31
           5.8.2. Mandatory Option ...................................31
   6. Feature Negotiation ............................................32
      6.1. Change Options ............................................32
      6.2. Confirm Options ...........................................33
      6.3. Reconciliation Rules ......................................33
           6.3.1. Server-Priority ....................................34
           6.3.2. Non-Negotiable .....................................34
      6.4. Feature Numbers ...........................................35
      6.5. Feature Negotiation Examples ..............................36
      6.6. Option Exchange ...........................................37
           6.6.1. Normal Exchange ....................................38
           6.6.2. Processing Received Options ........................38
           6.6.3. Loss and Retransmission ............................40
           6.6.4. Reordering .........................................41
           6.6.5. Preference Changes .................................42
           6.6.6. Simultaneous Negotiation ...........................42
           6.6.7. Unknown Features ...................................43
           6.6.8. Invalid Options ....................................43
           6.6.9. Mandatory Feature Negotiation ......................44
   7. Sequence Numbers ...............................................44
      7.1. Variables .................................................45
      7.2. Initial Sequence Numbers ..................................45
      7.3. Quiet Time ................................................46
      7.4. Acknowledgement Numbers ...................................47
      7.5. Validity and Synchronization ..............................47
           7.5.1. Sequence and Acknowledgement Number Windows ........48
           7.5.2. Sequence Window Feature ............................49
           7.5.3. Sequence-Validity Rules ............................49
           7.5.4. Handling Sequence-Invalid Packets ..................51
           7.5.5. Sequence Number Attacks ............................52
           7.5.6. Sequence Number Handling Examples ..................54
      7.6. Short Sequence Numbers ....................................55
           7.6.1. Allow Short Sequence Numbers Feature ...............55
           7.6.2. When to Avoid Short Sequence Numbers ...............56
      7.7. NDP Count and Detecting Application Loss ..................56
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           7.7.1. NDP Count Usage Notes ..............................57
           7.7.2. Send NDP Count Feature .............................57
   8. Event Processing ...............................................58
      8.1. Connection Establishment ..................................58
           8.1.1. Client Request .....................................58
           8.1.2. Service Codes ......................................59
           8.1.3. Server Response ....................................61
           8.1.4. Init Cookie Option .................................62
           8.1.5. Handshake Completion ...............................63
      8.2. Data Transfer .............................................63
      8.3. Termination ...............................................64
           8.3.1. Abnormal Termination ...............................66
      8.4. DCCP State Diagram ........................................66
      8.5. Pseudocode ................................................67
   9. Checksums ......................................................72
      9.1. Header Checksum Field .....................................73
      9.2. Header Checksum Coverage Field ............................73
           9.2.1. Minimum Checksum Coverage Feature ..................74
      9.3. Data Checksum Option ......................................75
           9.3.1. Check Data Checksum Feature ........................76
           9.3.2. Checksum Usage Notes ...............................76
   10. Congestion Control ............................................76
      10.1. TCP-like Congestion Control ..............................77
      10.2. TFRC Congestion Control ..................................78
      10.3. CCID-Specific Options, Features, and Reset Codes .........78
      10.4. CCID Profile Requirements ................................80
      10.5. Congestion State .........................................81
   11. Acknowledgements ..............................................81
      11.1. Acks of Acks and Unidirectional Connections ..............82
      11.2. Ack Piggybacking .........................................83
      11.3. Ack Ratio Feature ........................................84
      11.4. Ack Vector Options .......................................85
           11.4.1. Ack Vector Consistency ............................88
           11.4.2. Ack Vector Coverage ...............................89
      11.5. Send Ack Vector Feature ..................................90
      11.6. Slow Receiver Option .....................................90
      11.7. Data Dropped Option ......................................91
           11.7.1. Data Dropped and Normal Congestion Response .......94
           11.7.2. Particular Drop Codes .............................95
   12. Explicit Congestion Notification ..............................96
      12.1. ECN Incapable Feature ....................................96
      12.2. ECN Nonces ...............................................97
      12.3. Aggression Penalties .....................................98
   13. Timing Options ................................................99
      13.1. Timestamp Option .........................................99
      13.2. Elapsed Time Option ......................................99
      13.3. Timestamp Echo Option ...................................100
   14. Maximum Packet Size ..........................................101
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      14.1. Measuring PMTU ..........................................102
      14.2. Sender Behavior .........................................103
   15. Forward Compatibility ........................................104
   16. Middlebox Considerations .....................................105
   17. Relations to Other Specifications ............................106
      17.1. RTP .....................................................106
      17.2. Congestion Manager and Multiplexing .....................108
   18. Security Considerations ......................................108
      18.1. Security Considerations for Partial Checksums ...........109
   19. IANA Considerations ..........................................110
      19.1. Packet Types Registry ...................................110
      19.2. Reset Codes Registry ....................................110
      19.3. Option Types Registry ...................................110
      19.4. Feature Numbers Registry ................................111
      19.5. Congestion Control Identifiers Registry .................111
      19.6. Ack Vector States Registry ..............................111
      19.7. Drop Codes Registry .....................................112
      19.8. Service Codes Registry ..................................112
      19.9. Port Numbers Registry ...................................112
   20. Thanks .......................................................114
   A.  Appendix: Ack Vector Implementation Notes ....................116
       A.1. Packet Arrival ..........................................118
            A.1.1. New Packets ......................................118
            A.1.2. Old Packets ......................................119
       A.2. Sending Acknowledgements ................................120
       A.3. Clearing State ..........................................120
       A.4. Processing Acknowledgements .............................122
   B.  Appendix: Partial Checksumming Design Motivation .............123
   Normative References .............................................124
   Informative References ...........................................125

List of Tables

Table 1: DCCP Packet Types .......................................21 Table 2: DCCP Reset Codes ........................................28 Table 3: DCCP Options ............................................30 Table 4: DCCP Feature Numbers.....................................35 Table 5: DCCP Congestion Control Identifiers .....................77 Table 6: DCCP Ack Vector States ..................................86 Table 7: DCCP Drop Codes .........................................92
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1. Introduction

The Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) is a transport protocol that implements bidirectional, unicast connections of congestion-controlled, unreliable datagrams. Specifically, DCCP provides the following: o Unreliable flows of datagrams. o Reliable handshakes for connection setup and teardown. o Reliable negotiation of options, including negotiation of a suitable congestion control mechanism. o Mechanisms allowing servers to avoid holding state for unacknowledged connection attempts and already-finished connections. o Congestion control incorporating Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) [RFC3168] and the ECN Nonce [RFC3540]. o Acknowledgement mechanisms communicating packet loss and ECN information. Acks are transmitted as reliably as the relevant congestion control mechanism requires, possibly completely reliably. o Optional mechanisms that tell the sending application, with high reliability, which data packets reached the receiver, and whether those packets were ECN marked, corrupted, or dropped in the receive buffer. o Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) discovery [RFC1191]. o A choice of modular congestion control mechanisms. Two mechanisms are currently specified: TCP-like Congestion Control [RFC4341] and TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) [RFC4342]. DCCP is easily extensible to further forms of unicast congestion control. DCCP is intended for applications such as streaming media that can benefit from control over the tradeoffs between delay and reliable in-order delivery. TCP is not well suited for these applications, since reliable in-order delivery and congestion control can cause arbitrarily long delays. UDP avoids long delays, but UDP applications that implement congestion control must do so on their own. DCCP provides built-in congestion control, including ECN
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   support, for unreliable datagram flows, avoiding the arbitrary delays
   associated with TCP.  It also implements reliable connection setup,
   teardown, and feature negotiation.

2. Design Rationale

One DCCP design goal was to give most streaming UDP applications little reason not to switch to DCCP, once it is deployed. To facilitate this, DCCP was designed to have as little overhead as possible, both in terms of the packet header size and in terms of the state and CPU overhead required at end hosts. Only the minimal necessary functionality was included in DCCP, leaving other functionality, such as forward error correction (FEC), semi- reliability, and multiple streams, to be layered on top of DCCP as desired. Different forms of conformant congestion control are appropriate for different applications. For example, on-line games might want to make quick use of any available bandwidth, while streaming media might trade off this responsiveness for a steadier, less bursty rate. (Sudden rate changes can cause unacceptable UI glitches such as audible pauses or clicks in the playout stream.) DCCP thus allows applications to choose from a set of congestion control mechanisms. One alternative, TCP-like Congestion Control, halves the congestion window in response to a packet drop or mark, as in TCP. Applications using this congestion control mechanism will respond quickly to changes in available bandwidth, but must tolerate the abrupt changes in congestion window typical of TCP. A second alternative, TCP- Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) [RFC3448], a form of equation-based congestion control, minimizes abrupt changes in the sending rate while maintaining longer-term fairness with TCP. Other alternatives can be added as future congestion control mechanisms are standardized. DCCP also lets unreliable traffic safely use ECN. A UDP kernel Application Programming Interface (API) might not allow applications to set UDP packets as ECN capable, since the API could not guarantee that the application would properly detect or respond to congestion. DCCP kernel APIs will have no such issues, since DCCP implements congestion control itself. We chose not to require the use of the Congestion Manager [RFC3124], which allows multiple concurrent streams between the same sender and receiver to share congestion control. The current Congestion Manager can only be used by applications that have their own end-to-end feedback about packet losses, but this is not the case for many of the applications currently using UDP. In addition, the current Congestion Manager does not easily support multiple congestion
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   control mechanisms or mechanisms where the state about past packet
   drops or marks is maintained at the receiver rather than the sender.
   DCCP should be able to make use of CM where desired by the
   application, but we do not see any benefit in making the deployment
   of DCCP contingent on the deployment of CM itself.

   We intend for DCCP's protocol mechanisms, which are described in this
   document, to suit any application desiring unicast congestion-
   controlled streams of unreliable datagrams.  However, the congestion
   control mechanisms currently approved for use with DCCP, which are
   described in separate Congestion Control ID Profiles [RFC4341,
   RFC4342], may cause problems for some applications, including high-
   bandwidth interactive video.  These applications should be able to
   use DCCP once suitable Congestion Control ID Profiles are

3. Conventions and Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

3.1. Numbers and Fields

All multi-byte numerical quantities in DCCP, such as port numbers, Sequence Numbers, and arguments to options, are transmitted in network byte order (most significant byte first). We occasionally refer to the "left" and "right" sides of a bit field. "Left" means towards the most significant bit, and "right" means towards the least significant bit. Random numbers in DCCP are used for their security properties and SHOULD be chosen according to the guidelines in [RFC4086]. All operations on DCCP sequence numbers use circular arithmetic modulo 2^48, as do comparisons such as "greater" and "greatest". This form of arithmetic preserves the relationships between sequence numbers as they roll over from 2^48 - 1 to 0. Implementation strategies for DCCP sequence numbers will resemble those for other circular arithmetic spaces, including TCP's sequence numbers [RFC793] and DNS's serial numbers [RFC1982]. It may make sense to store DCCP sequence numbers in the most significant 48 bits of 64-bit integers and set the least significant 16 bits to zero, since this supports a common technique that implements circular comparison A < B by testing whether (A - B) < 0 using conventional two's-complement arithmetic.
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   Reserved bitfields in DCCP packet headers MUST be set to zero by
   senders and MUST be ignored by receivers, unless otherwise specified.
   This allows for future protocol extensions.  In particular, DCCP
   processors MUST NOT reset a DCCP connection simply because a Reserved
   field has non-zero value [RFC3360].

3.2. Parts of a Connection

Each DCCP connection runs between two hosts, which we often name DCCP A and DCCP B. Each connection is actively initiated by one of the hosts, which we call the client; the other, initially passive host is called the server. The term "DCCP endpoint" is used to refer to either of the two hosts explicitly named by the connection (the client and the server). The term "DCCP processor" refers more generally to any host that might need to process a DCCP header; this includes the endpoints and any middleboxes on the path, such as firewalls and network address translators. DCCP connections are bidirectional: data may pass from either endpoint to the other. This means that data and acknowledgements may flow in both directions simultaneously. Logically, however, a DCCP connection consists of two separate unidirectional connections, called half-connections. Each half-connection consists of the application data sent by one endpoint and the corresponding acknowledgements sent by the other endpoint. We can illustrate this as follows: +--------+ A-to-B half-connection: +--------+ | | --> application data --> | | | | <-- acknowledgements <-- | | | DCCP A | | DCCP B | | | B-to-A half-connection: | | | | <-- application data <-- | | +--------+ --> acknowledgements --> +--------+ Although they are logically distinct, in practice the half- connections overlap; a DCCP-DataAck packet, for example, contains application data relevant to one half-connection and acknowledgement information relevant to the other. In the context of a single half-connection, the terms "HC-Sender" and "HC-Receiver" denote the endpoints sending application data and acknowledgements, respectively. For example, DCCP A is the HC-Sender and DCCP B is the HC-Receiver in the A-to-B half-connection.
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3.3. Features

A DCCP feature is a connection attribute on whose value the two endpoints agree. Many properties of a DCCP connection are controlled by features, including the congestion control mechanisms in use on the two half-connections. The endpoints achieve agreement through the exchange of feature negotiation options in DCCP headers. DCCP features are identified by a feature number and an endpoint. The notation "F/X" represents the feature with feature number F located at DCCP endpoint X. Each valid feature number thus corresponds to two features, which are negotiated separately and need not have the same value. The two endpoints know, and agree on, the value of every valid feature. DCCP A is the "feature location" for all features F/A, and the "feature remote" for all features F/B.

3.4. Round-Trip Times

DCCP round-trip time measurements are performed by congestion control mechanisms; different mechanisms may measure round-trip time in different ways, or not measure it at all. However, the main DCCP protocol does use round-trip times occasionally, such as in the initial values for certain timers. Each DCCP implementation thus defines a default round-trip time for use when no estimate is available. This parameter should default to not less than 0.2 seconds, a reasonably conservative round-trip time for Internet TCP connections. Protocol behavior specified in terms of "round-trip time" values actually refers to "a current round-trip time estimate taken by some CCID, or, if no estimate is available, the default round-trip time parameter". The maximum segment lifetime, or MSL, is the maximum length of time a packet can survive in the network. The DCCP MSL should equal that of TCP, which is normally two minutes.

3.5. Security Limitation

DCCP provides no protection against attackers who can snoop on a connection in progress, or who can guess valid sequence numbers in other ways. Applications desiring stronger security should use IPsec [RFC2401]; depending on the level of security required, application- level cryptography may also suffice. These issues are discussed further in Sections 7.5.5 and 18.
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3.6. Robustness Principle

DCCP implementations will follow TCP's "general principle of robustness": "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others" [RFC793].

4. Overview

DCCP's high-level connection dynamics echo those of TCP. Connections progress through three phases: initiation, including a three-way handshake; data transfer; and termination. Data can flow both ways over the connection. An acknowledgement framework lets senders discover how much data has been lost and thus avoid unfairly congesting the network. Of course, DCCP provides unreliable datagram semantics, not TCP's reliable bytestream semantics. The application must package its data into explicit frames and must retransmit its own data as necessary. It may be useful to think of DCCP as TCP minus bytestream semantics and reliability, or as UDP plus congestion control, handshakes, and acknowledgements.

4.1. Packet Types

Ten packet types implement DCCP's protocol functions. For example, every new connection attempt begins with a DCCP-Request packet sent by the client. In this way a DCCP-Request packet resembles a TCP SYN, but since DCCP-Request is a packet type there is no way to send an unexpected flag combination, such as TCP's SYN+FIN+ACK+RST. Eight packet types occur during the progress of a typical connection, shown here. Note the three-way handshakes during initiation and termination. Client Server ------ ------ (1) Initiation DCCP-Request --> <-- DCCP-Response DCCP-Ack --> (2) Data transfer DCCP-Data, DCCP-Ack, DCCP-DataAck --> <-- DCCP-Data, DCCP-Ack, DCCP-DataAck (3) Termination <-- DCCP-CloseReq DCCP-Close --> <-- DCCP-Reset The two remaining packet types are used to resynchronize after bursts of loss.
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   Every DCCP packet starts with a fixed-size generic header.
   Particular packet types include additional fixed-size header data;
   for example, DCCP-Acks include an Acknowledgement Number.  DCCP
   options and any application data follow the fixed-size header.

   The packet types are as follows:

      Sent by the client to initiate a connection (the first part of the
      three-way initiation handshake).

      Sent by the server in response to a DCCP-Request (the second part
      of the three-way initiation handshake).

      Used to transmit application data.

      Used to transmit pure acknowledgements.

      Used to transmit application data with piggybacked acknowledgement

      Sent by the server to request that the client close the

      Used by the client or the server to close the connection; elicits
      a DCCP-Reset in response.

      Used to terminate the connection, either normally or abnormally.

   DCCP-Sync, DCCP-SyncAck
      Used to resynchronize sequence numbers after large bursts of loss.

4.2. Packet Sequencing

Each DCCP packet carries a sequence number so that losses can be detected and reported. Unlike TCP sequence numbers, which are byte- based, DCCP sequence numbers increment by one per packet. For example:
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      DCCP A                                      DCCP B
      ------                                      ------
      DCCP-Data(seqno 1) -->
      DCCP-Data(seqno 2) -->
                         <-- DCCP-Ack(seqno 10, ackno 2)
      DCCP-DataAck(seqno 3, ackno 10) -->
                                 <-- DCCP-Data(seqno 11)

   Every DCCP packet increments the sequence number, whether or not it
   contains application data.  DCCP-Ack pure acknowledgements increment
   the sequence number; for instance, DCCP B's second packet above uses
   sequence number 11, since sequence number 10 was used for an
   acknowledgement.  This lets endpoints detect all packet loss,
   including acknowledgement loss.  It also means that endpoints can get
   out of sync after long bursts of loss.  The DCCP-Sync and DCCP-
   SyncAck packet types are used to recover (Section 7.5).

   Since DCCP provides unreliable semantics, there are no
   retransmissions, and having a TCP-style cumulative acknowledgement
   field doesn't make sense.  DCCP's Acknowledgement Number field equals
   the greatest sequence number received, rather than the smallest
   sequence number not received.  Separate options indicate any
   intermediate sequence numbers that weren't received.

4.3. States

DCCP endpoints progress through different states during the course of a connection, corresponding roughly to the three phases of initiation, data transfer, and termination. The figure below shows the typical progress through these states for a client and server.
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      Client                                             Server
      ------                                             ------
                        (0) No connection
      CLOSED                                             LISTEN

                        (1) Initiation
      REQUEST      DCCP-Request -->
                                   <-- DCCP-Response     RESPOND
      PARTOPEN     DCCP-Ack or DCCP-DataAck -->

                        (2) Data transfer
      OPEN          <-- DCCP-Data, Ack, DataAck -->      OPEN

                        (3) Termination
                                   <-- DCCP-CloseReq     CLOSEREQ
      CLOSING      DCCP-Close -->
                                      <-- DCCP-Reset     CLOSED

   The nine possible states are as follows.  They are listed in
   increasing order, so that "state >= CLOSEREQ" means the same as
   "state = CLOSEREQ or state = CLOSING or state = TIMEWAIT".  Section 8
   describes the states in more detail.

      Represents nonexistent connections.

      Represents server sockets in the passive listening state.  LISTEN
      and CLOSED are not associated with any particular DCCP connection.

      A client socket enters this state, from CLOSED, after sending a
      DCCP-Request packet to try to initiate a connection.

      A server socket enters this state, from LISTEN, after receiving a
      DCCP-Request from a client.

      A client socket enters this state, from REQUEST, after receiving a
      DCCP-Response from the server.  This state represents the third
      phase of the three-way handshake.  The client may send application
      data in this state, but it MUST include an Acknowledgement Number
      on all of its packets.
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      The central data transfer portion of a DCCP connection.  Client
      and server sockets enter this state from PARTOPEN and RESPOND,
      respectively.  Sometimes we speak of SERVER-OPEN and CLIENT-OPEN
      states, corresponding to the server's OPEN state and the client's
      OPEN state.

      A server socket enters this state, from SERVER-OPEN, to order the
      client to close the connection and to hold TIMEWAIT state.

      Server and client sockets can both enter this state to close the

      A server or client socket remains in this state for 2MSL (4
      minutes) after the connection has been torn down, to prevent
      mistakes due to the delivery of old packets.  Only one of the
      endpoints has to enter TIMEWAIT state (the other can enter CLOSED
      state immediately), and a server can request its client to hold
      TIMEWAIT state using the DCCP-CloseReq packet type.

4.4. Congestion Control Mechanisms

DCCP connections are congestion controlled, but unlike in TCP, DCCP applications have a choice of congestion control mechanism. In fact, the two half-connections can be governed by different mechanisms. Mechanisms are denoted by one-byte congestion control identifiers, or CCIDs. The endpoints negotiate their CCIDs during connection initiation. Each CCID describes how the HC-Sender limits data packet rates, how the HC-Receiver sends congestion feedback via acknowledgements, and so forth. CCIDs 2 and 3 are currently defined; CCIDs 0, 1, and 4-255 are reserved. Other CCIDs may be defined in the future. CCID 2 provides TCP-like Congestion Control, which is similar to that of TCP. The sender maintains a congestion window and sends packets until that window is full. Packets are acknowledged by the receiver. Dropped packets and ECN [RFC3168] indicate congestion; the response to congestion is to halve the congestion window. Acknowledgements in CCID 2 contain the sequence numbers of all received packets within some window, similar to a selective acknowledgement (SACK) [RFC2018]. CCID 3 provides TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC), an equation-based form of congestion control intended to respond to congestion more smoothly than CCID 2. The sender maintains a transmit rate, which it updates using the receiver's estimate of the packet loss and mark
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   rate.  CCID 3 behaves somewhat differently than TCP in the short
   term, but is designed to operate fairly with TCP over the long term.

   Section 10 describes DCCP's CCIDs in more detail.  The behaviors of
   CCIDs 2 and 3 are fully defined in separate profile documents
   [RFC4341, RFC4342].

4.5. Feature Negotiation Options

DCCP endpoints use Change and Confirm options to negotiate and agree on feature values. Feature negotiation will almost always happen on the connection initiation handshake, but it can begin at any time. There are four feature negotiation options in all: Change L, Confirm L, Change R, and Confirm R. The "L" options are sent by the feature location and the "R" options are sent by the feature remote. A Change R option says to the feature location, "change this feature value as follows". The feature location responds with Confirm L, meaning, "I've changed it". Some features allow Change R options to contain multiple values sorted in preference order. For example: Client Server ------ ------ Change R(CCID, 2) --> <-- Confirm L(CCID, 2) * agreement that CCID/Server = 2 * Change R(CCID, 3 4) --> <-- Confirm L(CCID, 4, 4 2) * agreement that CCID/Server = 4 * Both exchanges negotiate the CCID/Server feature's value, which is the CCID in use on the server-to-client half-connection. In the second exchange, the client requests that the server use either CCID 3 or CCID 4, with 3 preferred; the server chooses 4 and supplies its preference list, "4 2". The Change L and Confirm R options are used for feature negotiations initiated by the feature location. In the following example, the server requests that CCID/Server be set to 3 or 2, with 3 preferred, and the client agrees.
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      Client                                       Server
      ------                                       ------
                                  <-- Change L(CCID, 3 2)
      Confirm R(CCID, 3, 3 2)  -->
                 * agreement that CCID/Server = 3 *

   Section 6 describes the feature negotiation options further,
   including the retransmission strategies that make negotiation

4.6. Differences from TCP

DCCP's differences from TCP apart from those discussed so far include the following: o Copious space for options (up to 1008 bytes or the PMTU). o Different acknowledgement formats. The CCID for a connection determines how much acknowledgement information needs to be transmitted. For example, in CCID 2 (TCP-like), this is about one ack per 2 packets, and each ack must declare exactly which packets were received. In CCID 3 (TFRC), it is about one ack per round- trip time, and acks must declare at minimum just the lengths of recent loss intervals. o Denial of Service (DoS) protection. Several mechanisms help limit the amount of state that possibly-misbehaving clients can force DCCP servers to maintain. An Init Cookie option analogous to TCP's SYN Cookies [SYNCOOKIES] avoids SYN-flood-like attacks. Only one connection endpoint has to hold TIMEWAIT state; the DCCP-CloseReq packet, which may only be sent by the server, passes that state to the client. Various rate limits let servers avoid attacks that might force extensive computation or packet generation. o Distinguishing different kinds of loss. A Data Dropped option (Section 11.7) lets an endpoint declare that a packet was dropped because of corruption, because of receive buffer overflow, and so on. This facilitates research into more appropriate rate-control responses for these non-network-congestion losses (although currently such losses will cause a congestion response). o Acknowledgeability. In TCP, a packet may be acknowledged only once the data is reliably queued for application delivery. This does not make sense in DCCP, where an application might, for example, request a drop-from-front receive buffer. A DCCP packet may be acknowledged as soon as its header has been successfully processed. Concretely, a packet becomes acknowledgeable at Step 8
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      of Section 8.5's packet processing pseudocode.  Acknowledgeability
      does not guarantee data delivery, however: the Data Dropped option
      may later report that the packet's application data was discarded.

   o  No receive window.  DCCP is a congestion control protocol, not a
      flow control protocol.

   o  No simultaneous open.  Every connection has one client and one

   o  No half-closed states.  DCCP has no states corresponding to TCP's
      FINWAIT and CLOSEWAIT, where one half-connection is explicitly
      closed while the other is still active.  The Data Dropped option's
      Drop Code 1, Application Not Listening (Section 11.7), can achieve
      a similar effect, however.

4.7. Example Connection

The progress of a typical DCCP connection is as follows. (This description is informative, not normative.) Client Server ------ ------ 0. [CLOSED] [LISTEN] 1. DCCP-Request --> 2. <-- DCCP-Response 3. DCCP-Ack --> 4. DCCP-Data, DCCP-Ack, DCCP-DataAck --> <-- DCCP-Data, DCCP-Ack, DCCP-DataAck 5. <-- DCCP-CloseReq 6. DCCP-Close --> 7. <-- DCCP-Reset 8. [TIMEWAIT] 1. The client sends the server a DCCP-Request packet specifying the client and server ports, the service being requested, and any features being negotiated, including the CCID that the client would like the server to use. The client may optionally piggyback an application request on the DCCP-Request packet. The server may ignore this application request. 2. The server sends the client a DCCP-Response packet indicating that it is willing to communicate with the client. This response indicates any features and options that the server agrees to, begins other feature negotiations as desired, and optionally includes Init Cookies that wrap up all this information and that must be returned by the client for the connection to complete.
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   3. The client sends the server a DCCP-Ack packet that acknowledges
      the DCCP-Response packet.  This acknowledges the server's initial
      sequence number and returns any Init Cookies in the DCCP-Response.
      It may also continue feature negotiation.  The client may
      piggyback an application-level request on this ack, producing a
      DCCP-DataAck packet.

   4. The server and client then exchange DCCP-Data packets, DCCP-Ack
      packets acknowledging that data, and, optionally, DCCP-DataAck
      packets containing data with piggybacked acknowledgements.  If the
      client has no data to send, then the server will send DCCP-Data
      and DCCP-DataAck packets, while the client will send DCCP-Acks
      exclusively.  (However, the client may not send DCCP-Data packets
      before receiving at least one non-DCCP-Response packet from the

   5. The server sends a DCCP-CloseReq packet requesting a close.

   6. The client sends a DCCP-Close packet acknowledging the close.

   7. The server sends a DCCP-Reset packet with Reset Code 1, "Closed",
      and clears its connection state.  DCCP-Resets are part of normal
      connection termination; see Section 5.6.

   8. The client receives the DCCP-Reset packet and holds state for two
      maximum segment lifetimes, or 2MSL, to allow any remaining packets
      to clear the network.

   An alternative connection closedown sequence is initiated by the

   5b. The client sends a DCCP-Close packet closing the connection.

   6b. The server sends a DCCP-Reset packet with Reset Code 1, "Closed",
       and clears its connection state.

   7b. The client receives the DCCP-Reset packet and holds state for
       2MSL to allow any remaining packets to clear the network.

(page 18 continued on part 2)

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