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RFC 4150

Transport Performance Metrics MIB

Pages: 57
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 11 to 32
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Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 11   prevText

4. Definitions

-- -- RMON2-MIB extensions for the monitoring metrics related to the -- performance of transporting traffic in networks. -- -- TPM Metric Collection -- * Application-to-Protocol transaction linkage -- * Metric-to-Protocol linkage
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 12
   --        * Metric study control
   --        * Metrics for Client/Server Conversations


       Counter32, Unsigned32         FROM SNMPv2-SMI    --[RFC2578]

       OBJECT-GROUP                  FROM SNMPv2-CONF   --[RFC2580]

       SnmpAdminString               FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB --[RFC3411]

       RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp,
       StorageType                   FROM SNMPv2-TC  --[RFC2579]

       rmon, OwnerString             FROM RMON-MIB   --[RFC2819]

       ZeroBasedCounter32            FROM RMON2-MIB  --[RFC2021]

       ZeroBasedCounter64            FROM HCNUM-TC  --[RFC2856]

       AppLocalIndex, TransactionAggregationType,
       RmonClientID, DataSourceOrZero,
       apmAppDirAppLocalIndex, apmExceptionIndex,
       apmReportGroup, apmExceptionGroup,
       apmAppDirResponsivenessType   FROM APM-MIB   --[RFC3729]

       SspmClockSource, SspmClockMaxSkew,
       SspmMicroSeconds              FROM SSPM-MIB;  --[RFC4149]

   -- Transaction Performance Monitoring MIB

          LAST-UPDATED    "200507280000Z"  -- 28 July 2005
          ORGANIZATION    "IETF RMON MIB Working Group"
                        w/ msg body: subscribe rmonmib

                     Russell Dietz
                     Hifn, Inc.
             Postal: 750 University Ave
                     Los Gatos, CA 95032-7695
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 13
                Tel: +1 408 399-3623
                Fax: +1 408 399-3501

                     Robert G. Cole
                     Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
             Postal: MP2-170
                     11100 Johns Hopkins Road
                     Laurel, MD 20723-6099
                Tel: +1 443 778-6951
             "This module defines extensions to the RMON2-MIB module
             for the collection of Performance Metrics related to
             application traffic in a network.  In particular,
             it describes managed objects used for monitoring
             selectable performance metrics and statistics
             derived from the monitoring of network packets and
             sub-application level transactions.

             In order to maintain the RMON 'look-and-feel', some of
             the text from the RMON2 [RFC2021] and HC-RMON [RFC3273]
             MIBs by Steve Waldbusser have been used in this MIB module.

             Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This version of
             this MIB module is part of RFC 4150; see the RFC itself for
             full legal notices."

          REVISION        "200507280000Z"   -- 28 July 2005
              "The original version of this MIB module,
              published as RFC 4150."
          ::= { rmon 30 }

   -- Object Identifier Assignments

   tpmCapabilities         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 1 }
   tpmReports              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 2 }
   tpmConformance          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmMIB 3 }

   -- tpmAggrReportCntrlTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 1 }
   -- tpmAggrReportTable      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 2 }
   -- tpmCurReportTable       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 3 }
   -- tpmCurReportSize        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 14
   -- tpmExcpReportTable      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tpmReports 5 }

   -- Textual Conventions

   TpmTransactionMetricIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       DISPLAY-HINT "d"
       STATUS       current
           "An index used to identify an entry in the
           tpmTransMetricDir table uniquely.  Each such entry defines
           the protocol transaction and metric instance to be
           monitored for a specific application."
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..65535)

       DISPLAY-HINT "d"
       STATUS       current
           "An index that identifies through reference to a specific
           performance metrics.  The metrics are referenced
           through their type (connect, delay, loss, etc.), their
           directional characteristics (one-way, round trip, etc.),
           their name, and their reference to a documented definition."
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)

   -- The tpmCapabilitiesGroup

   tpmClockResolution OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SspmMicroSeconds
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       -- UNITS       Microseconds
           "A read-only variable indicating the resolution
            of the measurements possible by this device."
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 1 }

   tpmClockMaxSkew OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SspmClockMaxSkew
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
       -- UNITS       Seconds
           "A read-only variable indicating the maximum
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 15
            offset error due to skew of the local clock
            over the time interval 86400 seconds, in seconds."
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 2 }

   tpmClockSource OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SspmClockSource
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "A read-only variable indicating the source of the clock.
            This is provided to allow a user to determine how accurate
            the timing mechanism is compared with other devices."
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 3 }

   tpmTransMetricDirLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TimeStamp
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The value of sysUpTime at the time the
           tpmTransMetricDirTable was last modified, through
           modifications of the tpmTransMetricDirConfig object."
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 4 }

   tpmTransMetricDirTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TpmTransMetricDirEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "This table is used to describe and link sets of
           performance metrics and protocols to an entry in
           the application directory.  This table, with the
           tpmMetricDefTable, describes the capability of
           the agent to collection sub-application level
           data related to each entry in the

           This table lists the protocol transactions and their
           corresponding performance metrics that this agent
           has the capability to compute and collect, for the specified
           application.  There is one entry in this table for each such
           application, protocol transaction, and metric combination
           supported by this agent.  The entries in this
           table represent the metrics that are collected for each
           protocol transaction that comprise the application.
           The agent should boot up with this table pre-configured
           with those combinations of applications, protocol
           transactions, and metrics that it knows about and wishes to
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 16
           monitor.  Implementations must populate the table with all
           possible application, protocol transaction, and metric
           combinations and have the default configuration objects
           set to supportedOff(2).  This table does not support the
           creation of new combinations by the management application.

           The deletion of an entry in the apmAppDirectoryTable will
           cause the removal of entries from this table.  These entries
           must be removed because the appLocalIndex value will no
           longer be visible in the apmAppDirectoryTable.  When an entry
           is created in the apmAppDirectoryTable and the agent has the
           ability to support metrics for these protocol transactions,
           the appropriate entries must be made in the
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 5 }

   tpmTransMetricDirEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmTransMetricDirEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "A conceptual row in the tpmTransMetricDirTable.

           An example of the indexing of this entry is
           tpmTransMetricDirConfig.5.2  where 5 is the
           value of a valid and visible appLocalIndex object
           in the appLocalDir table.  The entries describe
           the transaction and metric pairs monitored for this
           application.  The tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex
           identifies the protocol transaction and the
           tpmMetricDefIndex describes the metric monitored."
       INDEX { tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex, -- Application Index
               tpmTransMetricIndex    -- (Protocol,Metric) Index
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirTable 1 }

   TpmTransMetricDirEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex   AppLocalIndex,
       tpmTransMetricIndex           TpmTransactionMetricIndex,
       tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex   Unsigned32,
       tpmTransMetricMetricIndex     Unsigned32,
       tpmTransMetricDirConfig       INTEGER

   tpmTransMetricAppLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      AppLocalIndex
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 17
           "An index used to uniquely identify the application
           with which the entries in the tpmTransMetricDir
           table are associated."
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 1 }

   tpmTransMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmTransactionMetricIndex
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "An index used to uniquely identify an entry in the
           tpmTransMetricDir table.  Each such entry defines
           protocol transaction and metric instance
           to be monitored for a specific application."
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 2 }

   tpmTransMetricProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The protocolDirLocalIndex of the particular transaction to
           be analyzed when computing and generating the selected metric
           for a specific application."
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 3 }

   tpmTransMetricMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The tpmMetricDefinitionID of the particular metric to be
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 4 }

   tpmTransMetricDirConfig OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER {
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
           "This object describes and configures the probe's support
           for this performance metric in relationship to the
           specified transaction and application.  The agent
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 18
           creates entries in this table for all metric
           and transaction combinations that it can generate.  Because
           the probe will only populate this table with supported
           entries, and the table cannot have entries added, the
           notSupported(1) setting is only used to signify that other
           configuration parameters are causing the agent currently not
           to support the generation and collection of this metric for
           the specified protocol and application.  Also, the status of
           this object will not change to notSupported(1) due to a
           change to supportedOff(2) in the tpmMetricDir table.

           If the value of this object is notSupported(1), the probe
           will not perform computations for this performance metric and
           transaction combination and will not allow this object to be
           changed to any other value.  If the value of this object is
           supportedOn(3), the probe supports computations for this
           performance metric and protocol and is configured to perform
           the computations for this performance metric and protocol
           combination for the application for all interfaces.
           If the value of this object is supportedOff(2), the
           probe supports computations for this performance
           metric for the specified protocol, but is configured
           not to perform the computations for this performance
           metric and protocol for the application for any
           interfaces.  Whenever this value changes from
           supportedOn(3) to supportedOff(2), the probe shall
           cause the deletion of all entries in the tpmReportGroup
           tables, for all appropriate studies configured in the

           The value of this object must persist across reboots."
       ::= { tpmTransMetricDirEntry 5 }

   -- TPM Metric Definitions Table

   tpmMetricDefTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TpmMetricDefEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The tpmMetricDefTable describes the metrics
           available to the TPM-MIB.  The tpmMetricDefTable
           can define metrics by referencing existing IETF,
           ITU, and other standards organizations' documents,
           including enterprise-specific documents.
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 19
           Examples of appropriate references include the
           ITU-T Recommendation Y.1540 [Y.1540] on IP
           packet transfer performance metrics and the
           IETF documents from the IPPM WG; e.g., RFC2681
           on the round trip delay metric [RFC2681] or
           RFC3393 on the delay variation metric [RFC3393].
           Other examples include RFC2679 [RFC2679], RFC2680
           [RFC2680], and RFC3432 [RFC3432].  Although no
           specific metric is mandatory, implementations
           should, at a minimum, support a round-trip delay
           and a round-trip loss metric.

           This table contains one row per metric supported by this
           agent, and it should be populated during system
       ::= { tpmCapabilities 6 }

   tpmMetricDefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmMetricDefEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "Information about a particular metric."
       INDEX   { tpmMetricDefinitionID }
       ::= { tpmMetricDefTable 1 }

   TpmMetricDefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         tpmMetricDefinitionID              TpmMetricDefID,
         tpmMetricDefType                   INTEGER,
         tpmMetricDefDirType                INTEGER,
         tpmMetricDefName                   SnmpAdminString,
         tpmMetricDefReference              SnmpAdminString,
         tpmMetricDefGlobalID               OBJECT IDENTIFIER

   tpmMetricDefinitionID     OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmMetricDefID
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The index for this entry.  This object identifies
            the particular metric in this MIB module."
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 1 }

   tpmMetricDefType   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 20
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The basic type of metric indicated by this entry.

           The value 'other(1)' indicates that this metric cannot be
           characterized by any of the remaining enumerations specified
           for this object.

           The value 'connectMetric(2)' indicates that this metric
           measures connectivity characteristics.

           The value 'delayMetric(3)' indicates that this metric
           measures delay characteristics.

           The value 'lossMetric(4)' indicates that this metric
           measures loss characteristics."
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 2 }

   tpmMetricDefDirType   OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The directional characteristics of the this metric.

           The value 'oneWay(1)' indicates that this metric is measured
           with some sort of unidirectional test.

           The value 'twoWay(2)' indicates that this metric is measured
           with some sort of bidirectional test.

           The value 'multiWay(3)' indicates that this metric is
           measured with some combination of unidirectional and/or
           bidirectional tests."
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 3 }

   tpmMetricDefName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 21
           "The textual name of this metric.  For example, if
           this tpmMetricDefEntry identified the IPPM metric for
           round trip delay, then this object should contain
           the value, e.g., 'Type-P-Round-Trip-Delay'."
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 4 }

   tpmMetricDefReference OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "This object contains a reference to the document that
           defines this metric.  If this document is available online
           via electronic download, then a de-referencable URL
           should be specified in this object.  The implementation
           must support an HTTP URL type and may support additional
           types of de-referencable URLs such as an FTP type.

           For example, if this tpmMetricDefName identified the IPPM
           metric 'Type-P-Round-Trip-Delay', then this object should
           contain the value, e.g.,
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 5 }

   tpmMetricDefGlobalID OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "This object contains a reference to the Object ID
           in a metrics registration MIB being developed
           in the IPPM WG at the IETF; e.g., the
           IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB [RFC4148], which defines the metric.
           In the event that this metric has no corresponding
           object identifier (OID) or until the IPPM-REGISTRY-MIB is
           defined, then the value should be set to 0.0 for none."
       ::= { tpmMetricDefEntry 6 }

   -- The tpmAggregateReportsGroup

   tpmAggrReportCntrlTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 22
           "The tpmAggrReportCntrlTable is the controlling entry
           that manages the population of studies in the Transport
           Aggregate Report for selected interfaces, metrics, and
           transaction protocols and applications.

           Note that this is not like the typical RMON
           controlTable and dataTable in which each entry creates
           its own data table.  Each entry in this table enables the
           creation of multiple data tables on a study basis.  For each
           interval, the study is updated in place, and the current
           data content of the table becomes invalid.

           The control table entries are persistent across
           system reboots."
       ::= { tpmReports 1 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "A conceptual row in the tpmAggrReportCntrlTable.

           An example of the indexing of this entry is
       INDEX { tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex }
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlTable 1 }

   TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex               Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex       Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlDataSource          DataSourceOrZero,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType            TransactionAggregationType,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlInterval            Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize             Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize         Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlReqReports          Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedReports      Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlStartTime           TimeStamp,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlReportNumber        Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlInsertsDenied       Counter32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlDroppedFrames       Counter32,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlOwner               OwnerString,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlStorageType         StorageType,
       tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus              RowStatus

   tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 23
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
           tpmAggrReportCntrlTable.  Each such entry defines a unique
           report whose results are placed in the tpmAggrReportTable on
           behalf of this tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 1 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "This index associates this TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry directly
           with an existing ApmReportControlEntry.  This link is used
           to synchronize reports in the associated tpmAggrReportTable.

           A value of 0 (zero) enables an independent control table that
           will report entries to tpmAggrReportTable based only on the
           other objects in this table.

           A non-zero value indicates that this row is defined through
           the APM-MIB.  In this case, all row objects are set to their
           corresponding values in the APM-MIB.  In the event that a
           SET is issued to a row object, while the value of the
           tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero, the agent
           MUST respond as if the object of the SET command
           had MAX-ACCESS of read-only.

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       DEFVAL { 0 }
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 2 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      DataSourceOrZero
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The source of the data for TPM Reports generated on
           behalf of this tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry.

           If the measurement is being performed by a probe, this should
           be set to the interface or port where data was received for
           analysis.  If the measurement isn't being performed by a
           probe this should be set to the primary interface over which
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 24
           the measurement is being performed.  If the measurement isn't
           being performed by a probe and there is no primary interface,
           or if this information isn't known, this object should be
           set to 0.0.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object is set to the corresponding
           apmReportControlTable object in the APM-MIB [RFC3729].

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 3 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TransactionAggregationType
                -- INTEGER {
                --    flows(1),
                --    clients(2),
                --    servers(3),
                --    applications(4)
                -- }
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The type of aggregation being performed for this set of

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlAggregationType object.

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 4 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlInterval OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32
       UNITS       "Seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
          "The interval in seconds over which data is accumulated before
           being aggregated into a report in the tpmAggrReportTable.
           All reports with the same tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex will be
           based on the same interval.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 25
           of the apmReportControlControlInterval object.

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmReportAggregateCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       DEFVAL { 3600 }
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 5 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The maximum number of Client and Server combination
           entries requested for this report.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlRequestedSize object.

           When this object is created or modified, the probe
           should set tpmReportCntrlGrantedSize as closely to this
           object as is possible for the particular probe
           implementation and available resources.

           It is important to note that this value is the number of
           requested entries in the tpmAggrReportTable only.  Because
           the probe can derive this table from the apmReportTable, the
           probe must make sure that sufficient resources exist to
           support the creation of the apmReportTable, plus any
           additional resources required to convert or support this

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmReportAggregateCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 6 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The maximum number of performance entries in this report.

           When the associated tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize object is
           created or modified, the probe should set this
           object as closely to the requested value as is
           possible for the particular implementation and
           available resources.  The probe must not lower this
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 26
           value except as a result of a set to the associated
           tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize object.

           It is an implementation-specific matter as to whether
           zero-valued entries are available."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 7 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlReqReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The number of saved reports requested to be allocated on
           behalf of this entry.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlcwRequestedReportsDataSource object.

           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmReportAggregateCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 8 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedReports OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The number of saved reports the agent has allocated based
           on the requested amount in tpmAggrReportCntrlReqReports.
           Because each report can have many entries, the total number
           of entries allocated will be this number multiplied by the
           value of tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize, or by 1 if that
           object doesn't exist.

           When the associated tpmAggrReportCntrlReqReports object is
           created or modified, the agent should set this object as
           closely to the requested value as is possible for the
           particular implementation and available resources.  When
           considering available resources, the agent must consider its
           ability to allocate this many reports, each with the number
           of entries represented by tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize, or
           by 1 if that object doesn't exist.

           Note that although the storage required for each report may
           fluctuate due to changing conditions, the agent must continue
           to have storage available to satisfy the full report size for
           all reports, when necessary.  Further, the agent must not
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 27
           lower this value except as a result of a set to the
           associated tpmAggrReportCntrlReqSize object."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 9 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TimeStamp
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The value of sysUpTime when the system began processing the
           report in progress.  Note that the report in progress is not

           This object may be used by the management station to figure
           out the start time for all previous reports saved for this
           tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry, as reports are started at fixed

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object is set to the corresponding
           apmReportControlTable object in the APM-MIB defined in
           the IETF's RMONMIB WG."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 10 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlReportNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The number of the report in progress.  When an
           tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry is activated, the first report will
           be numbered zero.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlReportNumber object."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 11 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlInsertsDenied OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "The number of attempts to add an entry to reports for
           this TpmAggrReportCntrlEntry that failed because the number
           of entries would have exceeded tpmAggrReportCntrlGrantedSize.

           This number is valuable in determining if enough entries have
Top   ToC   RFC4150 - Page 28
           been allocated for reports in light of fluctuating network
           usage.  Note that an entry that is denied will often be
           attempted again, so this number will not predict the exact
           number of additional entries needed, but it can be used to
           understand the relative magnitude of the problem.

           Also note that there is no ordering specified for the entries
           in the report; thus, there are no rules for which entries
           will be omitted when not enough entries are available.  As a
           consequence, the agent is not required to delete 'least
           valuable' entries first."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 12 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
          "The total number of frames that were received by the agent
           and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but
           for which the agent chose not to count for this entry for
           whatever reason.  Most often, this event occurs when the
           agent is out of some resources and decides to shed load from
           this collection.

           This count does not include packets that were not counted
           because they had MAC-layer errors.

           Note that if the alMatrixTables are not implemented or are
           inactive because no protocols are enabled in the protocol
           directory, this value should be 0.

           Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the
           exact number of frames dropped."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 13 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      OwnerString
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The entity that configured this entry and is
           therefore using the resources assigned to it.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlReportNumber object.
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           This object may not be modified if the associated
           tpmReportAggregateCntrlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 14 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The storage type of this tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry.  If the
           value of this object is 'permanent', no objects in this row
           need to be writable."

       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 15 }

   tpmAggrReportCntrlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
           "The status of this performance control entry.

           An entry may not exist in the active state unless each
           object in the entry has an appropriate value.

           If the tpmAggrReportCntrlApmCntrlIndex is non-zero,
           then this object should be set by the agent to the value
           of the apmReportControlReportNumber object.

           Once this object is set to active(1), no objects in the
           tpmAggrReportCntrlTable can be changed.

           If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated
           entries in the tpmAggrReportTable shall be deleted."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry 16 }

   -- Transport Aggregate Report Table

   tpmAggrReportTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF TpmAggrReportEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "This table contains transport performance metric
           studies for each of the control table entries in
           tpmAggrReportCntrlTable.  These studies are
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           provided based on the selections and parameters
           found for the entry in the

           The performance statistics are specified in the
           tpmTransMetricDirTable associated with the
           application in question and indexed by
           appLocalIndex and tpmTransMetricIndex."
       ::= { tpmReports 2 }

   tpmAggrReportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmAggrReportEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "A conceptual row in the tpmAggrReportTable.

           The tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex value in the index identifies the
           tpmAggrReportCntrlEntry on whose behalf this entry was

           The tpmAggrReportIndex value in the index identifies which
           report (in the series of reports) this entry is a part of.

           The tpmAggrReportAppLocalIndex value in the index identifies
           the application protocol that is being reported.

           The tpmTransMetricIndex value in the index identifies
           the transaction protocol-metric pair for the traffic flows
           aggregated in this entry.

           The protocolDirLocalIndex value in the index identifies the
           network layer protocol of the tpmAggrReportServerAddress.
           When the associated tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType value is equal
           to applications(4) or clients(2), this value will equal 0.

           The tpmAggrReportServerAddress value in the index identifies
           the network layer address of the server in traffic flows
           aggregated in this entry.

           The tpmAggrReportApmNameClientID value in the index
           identifies the client in traffic flows aggregated in this
           entry.  If the associated tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType is equal
           to applications(4) or servers(3), then this object will be
           set to 0.

           An example of the indexing of this entry is
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       INDEX { tpmAggrReportCntrlIndex,
               tpmAggrReportAppLocalIndex,       -- Application Layer
               tpmAggrReportTransMetricIndex,    -- Metric and Protocol
               protocolDirLocalIndex,            -- Network Layer
       ::= { tpmAggrReportTable 1 }

   TpmAggrReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
       tpmAggrReportIndex                    Unsigned32,
       tpmAggrReportAppLocalIndex            AppLocalIndex,
       tpmAggrReportTransMetricIndex         TpmTransactionMetricIndex,
       tpmAggrReportServerAddress            OCTET STRING,
       tpmAggrReportApmNameClientID          RmonClientID,
       tpmAggrReportStatN                    ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportOverflowStatN            ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportHCStatN                  ZeroBasedCounter64,
       tpmAggrReportStatSumX                 ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportOverflowStatSumX         ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportHCStatSumX               ZeroBasedCounter64,
       tpmAggrReportStatMaximum              ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportStatMinimum              ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportStatSumSq                ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportOverflowStatSumSq        ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportHCStatSumSq              ZeroBasedCounter64,
       tpmAggrReportStatSumIX                ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportOverflowStatSumIX        ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportHCStatSumIX              ZeroBasedCounter64,
       tpmAggrReportStatSumIXSq              ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportOverflowStatSumIXSq      ZeroBasedCounter32,
       tpmAggrReportHCStatSumIXSq            ZeroBasedCounter64

   tpmAggrReportIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The value of tpmAggrReportCntrlNumber for the report to
           which this entry belongs."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportEntry 1 }

   tpmAggrReportAppLocalIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      AppLocalIndex
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
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           "The common application of the transactions aggregated
           in this entry."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportEntry 2 }

   tpmAggrReportTransMetricIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TpmTransactionMetricIndex
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "A unique index that identifies the transaction and
           metric associated with the statistics reported here."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportEntry 3 }

   tpmAggrReportServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..108))
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "The network layer address of the server host in this

           This is represented as an octet string with specific
           semantics and length as identified by the
           protocolDirLocalIndex component of the index.

           Because this object is an index variable, it is encoded in
           the index according to the index encoding rules.  For
           example, if the protocolDirLocalIndex indicates an
           encapsulation of IPv4, this object is encoded as a length
           octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the IPv4 address,
           in network byte order.

           If the associated tpmAggrReportCntrlAggrType is equal to
           application(4) or client(2), then this object will be a null
           string and will be encoded simply as a length octet of 0."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportEntry 4 }

   tpmAggrReportApmNameClientID OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      RmonClientID
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
           "A unique ID assigned to the machine represented by this
           mapping.  This ID is assigned by the agent using an
           implementation-specific algorithm."
       ::= { tpmAggrReportEntry 5 }