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RFC 4120

The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)

Pages: 138
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  1510
Updated by:  4537502158966111611261136649680677518062812984298553
Part 6 of 6 – Pages 123 to 138
First   Prev   None

Top   ToC   RFC4120 - Page 123   prevText

A. ASN.1 module

KerberosV5Spec2 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) kerberosV5(2) modules(4) krb5spec2(2) } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- OID arc for KerberosV5 -- -- This OID may be used to identify Kerberos protocol messages -- encapsulated in other protocols. -- -- This OID also designates the OID arc for KerberosV5-related OIDs. -- -- NOTE: RFC 1510 had an incorrect value (5) for "dod" in its OID. id-krb5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) kerberosV5(2) } Int32 ::= INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647) -- signed values representable in 32 bits UInt32 ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- unsigned 32 bit values Microseconds ::= INTEGER (0..999999) -- microseconds KerberosString ::= GeneralString (IA5String) Realm ::= KerberosString PrincipalName ::= SEQUENCE { name-type [0] Int32, name-string [1] SEQUENCE OF KerberosString } KerberosTime ::= GeneralizedTime -- with no fractional seconds HostAddress ::= SEQUENCE { addr-type [0] Int32, address [1] OCTET STRING } -- NOTE: HostAddresses is always used as an OPTIONAL field and -- should not be empty. HostAddresses -- NOTE: subtly different from rfc1510,
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                -- but has a value mapping and encodes the same
        ::= SEQUENCE OF HostAddress

-- NOTE: AuthorizationData is always used as an OPTIONAL field and
-- should not be empty.
AuthorizationData       ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
        ad-type         [0] Int32,
        ad-data         [1] OCTET STRING

PA-DATA         ::= SEQUENCE {
        -- NOTE: first tag is [1], not [0]
        padata-type     [1] Int32,
        padata-value    [2] OCTET STRING -- might be encoded AP-REQ

KerberosFlags   ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32..MAX))
                    -- minimum number of bits shall be sent,
                    -- but no fewer than 32

EncryptedData   ::= SEQUENCE {
        etype   [0] Int32 -- EncryptionType --,
        kvno    [1] UInt32 OPTIONAL,
        cipher  [2] OCTET STRING -- ciphertext

EncryptionKey   ::= SEQUENCE {
        keytype         [0] Int32 -- actually encryption type --,
        keyvalue        [1] OCTET STRING

Checksum        ::= SEQUENCE {
        cksumtype       [0] Int32,
        checksum        [1] OCTET STRING

Ticket          ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE {
        tkt-vno         [0] INTEGER (5),
        realm           [1] Realm,
        sname           [2] PrincipalName,
        enc-part        [3] EncryptedData -- EncTicketPart

-- Encrypted part of ticket
EncTicketPart   ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE {
        flags                   [0] TicketFlags,
        key                     [1] EncryptionKey,
        crealm                  [2] Realm,
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        cname                   [3] PrincipalName,
        transited               [4] TransitedEncoding,
        authtime                [5] KerberosTime,
        starttime               [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        endtime                 [7] KerberosTime,
        renew-till              [8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        caddr                   [9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL,
        authorization-data      [10] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL

-- encoded Transited field
TransitedEncoding       ::= SEQUENCE {
        tr-type         [0] Int32 -- must be registered --,
        contents        [1] OCTET STRING

TicketFlags     ::= KerberosFlags
        -- reserved(0),
        -- forwardable(1),
        -- forwarded(2),
        -- proxiable(3),
        -- proxy(4),
        -- may-postdate(5),
        -- postdated(6),
        -- invalid(7),
        -- renewable(8),
        -- initial(9),
        -- pre-authent(10),
        -- hw-authent(11),
-- the following are new since 1510
        -- transited-policy-checked(12),
        -- ok-as-delegate(13)

AS-REQ          ::= [APPLICATION 10] KDC-REQ


KDC-REQ         ::= SEQUENCE {
        -- NOTE: first tag is [1], not [0]
        pvno            [1] INTEGER (5) ,
        msg-type        [2] INTEGER (10 -- AS -- | 12 -- TGS --),
        padata          [3] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL
                            -- NOTE: not empty --,
        req-body        [4] KDC-REQ-BODY

        kdc-options             [0] KDCOptions,
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        cname                   [1] PrincipalName OPTIONAL
                                    -- Used only in AS-REQ --,
        realm                   [2] Realm
                                    -- Server's realm
                                    -- Also client's in AS-REQ --,
        sname                   [3] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
        from                    [4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        till                    [5] KerberosTime,
        rtime                   [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        nonce                   [7] UInt32,
        etype                   [8] SEQUENCE OF Int32 -- EncryptionType
                                    -- in preference order --,
        addresses               [9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL,
        enc-authorization-data  [10] EncryptedData OPTIONAL
                                    -- AuthorizationData --,
        additional-tickets      [11] SEQUENCE OF Ticket OPTIONAL
                                        -- NOTE: not empty

KDCOptions      ::= KerberosFlags
        -- reserved(0),
        -- forwardable(1),
        -- forwarded(2),
        -- proxiable(3),
        -- proxy(4),
        -- allow-postdate(5),
        -- postdated(6),
        -- unused7(7),
        -- renewable(8),
        -- unused9(9),
        -- unused10(10),
        -- opt-hardware-auth(11),
        -- unused12(12),
        -- unused13(13),
-- 15 is reserved for canonicalize
        -- unused15(15),
-- 26 was unused in 1510
        -- disable-transited-check(26),
        -- renewable-ok(27),
        -- enc-tkt-in-skey(28),
        -- renew(30),
        -- validate(31)

AS-REP          ::= [APPLICATION 11] KDC-REP

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KDC-REP         ::= SEQUENCE {
        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (11 -- AS -- | 13 -- TGS --),
        padata          [2] SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA OPTIONAL
                                -- NOTE: not empty --,
        crealm          [3] Realm,
        cname           [4] PrincipalName,
        ticket          [5] Ticket,
        enc-part        [6] EncryptedData
                                -- EncASRepPart or EncTGSRepPart,
                                -- as appropriate

EncASRepPart    ::= [APPLICATION 25] EncKDCRepPart

EncTGSRepPart   ::= [APPLICATION 26] EncKDCRepPart

EncKDCRepPart   ::= SEQUENCE {
        key             [0] EncryptionKey,
        last-req        [1] LastReq,
        nonce           [2] UInt32,
        key-expiration  [3] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        flags           [4] TicketFlags,
        authtime        [5] KerberosTime,
        starttime       [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        endtime         [7] KerberosTime,
        renew-till      [8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        srealm          [9] Realm,
        sname           [10] PrincipalName,
        caddr           [11] HostAddresses OPTIONAL

LastReq         ::=     SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
        lr-type         [0] Int32,
        lr-value        [1] KerberosTime

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (14),
        ap-options      [2] APOptions,
        ticket          [3] Ticket,
        authenticator   [4] EncryptedData -- Authenticator

APOptions       ::= KerberosFlags
        -- reserved(0),
        -- use-session-key(1),
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        -- mutual-required(2)

-- Unencrypted authenticator
Authenticator   ::= [APPLICATION 2] SEQUENCE  {
        authenticator-vno       [0] INTEGER (5),
        crealm                  [1] Realm,
        cname                   [2] PrincipalName,
        cksum                   [3] Checksum OPTIONAL,
        cusec                   [4] Microseconds,
        ctime                   [5] KerberosTime,
        subkey                  [6] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL,
        seq-number              [7] UInt32 OPTIONAL,
        authorization-data      [8] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (15),
        enc-part        [2] EncryptedData -- EncAPRepPart

        ctime           [0] KerberosTime,
        cusec           [1] Microseconds,
        subkey          [2] EncryptionKey OPTIONAL,
        seq-number      [3] UInt32 OPTIONAL

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (20),
        safe-body       [2] KRB-SAFE-BODY,
        cksum           [3] Checksum

        user-data       [0] OCTET STRING,
        timestamp       [1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        usec            [2] Microseconds OPTIONAL,
        seq-number      [3] UInt32 OPTIONAL,
        s-address       [4] HostAddress,
        r-address       [5] HostAddress OPTIONAL

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (21),
                        -- NOTE: there is no [2] tag
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        enc-part        [3] EncryptedData -- EncKrbPrivPart

EncKrbPrivPart  ::= [APPLICATION 28] SEQUENCE {
        user-data       [0] OCTET STRING,
        timestamp       [1] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        usec            [2] Microseconds OPTIONAL,
        seq-number      [3] UInt32 OPTIONAL,
        s-address       [4] HostAddress -- sender's addr --,
        r-address       [5] HostAddress OPTIONAL -- recip's addr

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (22),
        tickets         [2] SEQUENCE OF Ticket,
        enc-part        [3] EncryptedData -- EncKrbCredPart

EncKrbCredPart  ::= [APPLICATION 29] SEQUENCE {
        ticket-info     [0] SEQUENCE OF KrbCredInfo,
        nonce           [1] UInt32 OPTIONAL,
        timestamp       [2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        usec            [3] Microseconds OPTIONAL,
        s-address       [4] HostAddress OPTIONAL,
        r-address       [5] HostAddress OPTIONAL

KrbCredInfo     ::= SEQUENCE {
        key             [0] EncryptionKey,
        prealm          [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
        pname           [2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
        flags           [3] TicketFlags OPTIONAL,
        authtime        [4] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        starttime       [5] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        endtime         [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        renew-till      [7] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        srealm          [8] Realm OPTIONAL,
        sname           [9] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
        caddr           [10] HostAddresses OPTIONAL

        pvno            [0] INTEGER (5),
        msg-type        [1] INTEGER (30),
        ctime           [2] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,
        cusec           [3] Microseconds OPTIONAL,
        stime           [4] KerberosTime,
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        susec           [5] Microseconds,
        error-code      [6] Int32,
        crealm          [7] Realm OPTIONAL,
        cname           [8] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
        realm           [9] Realm -- service realm --,
        sname           [10] PrincipalName -- service name --,
        e-text          [11] KerberosString OPTIONAL,
        e-data          [12] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL


        data-type       [0] Int32,
        data-value      [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL

-- preauth stuff follows

PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP        ::= EncryptedData -- PA-ENC-TS-ENC

PA-ENC-TS-ENC           ::= SEQUENCE {
        patimestamp     [0] KerberosTime -- client's time --,
        pausec          [1] Microseconds OPTIONAL

        etype           [0] Int32,
        salt            [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL


        etype           [0] Int32,
        salt            [1] KerberosString OPTIONAL,
        s2kparams       [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL


AD-IF-RELEVANT          ::= AuthorizationData

AD-KDCIssued            ::= SEQUENCE {
        ad-checksum     [0] Checksum,
        i-realm         [1] Realm OPTIONAL,
        i-sname         [2] PrincipalName OPTIONAL,
        elements        [3] AuthorizationData
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AD-AND-OR               ::= SEQUENCE {
        condition-count [0] Int32,
        elements        [1] AuthorizationData

AD-MANDATORY-FOR-KDC    ::= AuthorizationData


B. Changes since RFC 1510

This document replaces RFC 1510 and clarifies specification of items that were not completely specified. Where changes to recommended implementation choices were made, or where new options were added, those changes are described within the document and listed in this section. More significantly, "Specification 2" in Section 8 changes the required encryption and checksum methods to bring them in line with the best current practices and to deprecate methods that are no longer considered sufficiently strong. Discussion was added to Section 1 regarding the ability to rely on the KDC to check the transited field, and on the inclusion of a flag in a ticket indicating that this check has occurred. This is a new capability not present in RFC 1510. Pre-existing implementations may ignore or not set this flag without negative security implications. The definition of the secret key says that in the case of a user the key may be derived from a password. In RFC 1510, it said that the key was derived from the password. This change was made to accommodate situations where the user key might be stored on a smart-card, or otherwise obtained independently of a password. The introduction mentions the use of public key cryptography for initial authentication in Kerberos by reference. RFC 1510 did not include such a reference. Section 1.3 was added to explain that while Kerberos provides authentication of a named principal, it is still the responsibility of the application to ensure that the authenticated name is the entity with which the application wishes to communicate. Discussion of extensibility has been added to the introduction. Discussion of how extensibility affects ticket flags and KDC options was added to the introduction of Section 2. No changes were made to existing options and flags specified in RFC 1510, though some of the
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   sections in the specification were renumbered, and text was revised
   to make the description and intent of existing options clearer,
   especially with respect to the ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY option (now section
   2.9.2) which is used for user-to-user authentication.  The new option
   and ticket flag transited policy checking (Section 2.7) was added.

   A warning regarding generation of session keys for application use
   was added to Section 3, urging the inclusion of key entropy from the
   KDC generated session key in the ticket.  An example regarding use of
   the sub-session key was added to Section 3.2.6.  Descriptions of the
   pa-etype-info, pa-etype-info2, and pa-pw-salt pre-authentication data
   items were added.  The recommendation for use of pre-authentication
   was changed from "MAY" to "SHOULD" and a note was added regarding
   known plaintext attacks.

   In RFC 1510, Section 4 described the database in the KDC.  This
   discussion was not necessary for interoperability and unnecessarily
   constrained implementation.  The old Section 4 was removed.

   The current Section 4 was formerly Section 6 on encryption and
   checksum specifications.  The major part of this section was brought
   up to date to support new encryption methods, and moved to a separate
   document.  Those few remaining aspects of the encryption and checksum
   specification specific to Kerberos are now specified in Section 4.

   Significant changes were made to the layout of Section 5 to clarify
   the correct behavior for optional fields.  Many of these changes were
   made necessary because of improper ASN.1 description in the original
   Kerberos specification which left the correct behavior
   underspecified.  Additionally, the wording in this section was
   tightened wherever possible to ensure that implementations conforming
   to this specification will be extensible with the addition of new
   fields in future specifications.

   Text was added describing time_t=0 issues in the ASN.1.  Text was
   also added, clarifying issues with implementations treating omitted
   optional integers as zero.  Text was added clarifying behavior for
   optional SEQUENCE or SEQUENCE OF that may be empty.  Discussion was
   added regarding sequence numbers and behavior of some
   implementations, including "zero" behavior and negative numbers.  A
   compatibility note was added regarding the unconditional sending of
   EncTGSRepPart regardless of the enclosing reply type.  Minor changes
   were made to the description of the HostAddresses type.  Integer
   types were constrained.  KerberosString was defined as a
   (significantly) constrained GeneralString.  KerberosFlags was defined
   to reflect existing implementation behavior that departs from the
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   definition in RFC 1510.  The transited-policy-checked(12) and the
   ok-as-delegate(13) ticket flags were added.  The disable-transited-
   check(26) KDC option was added.

   Descriptions of commonly implemented PA-DATA were added to Section 5.
   The description of KRB-SAFE has been updated to note the existing
   implementation behavior of double-encoding.

   There were two definitions of METHOD-DATA in RFC 1510.  The second
   one, intended for use with KRB_AP_ERR_METHOD was removed leaving the
   SEQUENCE OF PA-DATA definition.

   Section 7, naming constraints, from RFC 1510 was moved to Section 6.

   Words were added describing the convention that domain-based realm
   names for newly-created realms should be specified as uppercase.
   This recommendation does not make lowercase realm names illegal.
   Words were added highlighting that the slash-separated components in
   the X.500 style of realm names is consistent with existing RFC 1510
   based implementations, but that it conflicts with the general
   recommendation of X.500 name representation specified in RFC 2253.

   Section 8, network transport, constants and defined values, from RFC
   1510 was moved to Section 7.  Since RFC 1510, the definition of the
   TCP transport for Kerberos messages was added, and the encryption and
   checksum number assignments have been moved into a separate document.

   "Specification 2" in Section 8 of the current document changes the
   required encryption and checksum methods to bring them in line with
   the best current practices and to deprecate methods that are no
   longer considered sufficiently strong.

   Two new sections, on IANA considerations and security considerations
   were added.

   The pseudo-code has been removed from the appendix.  The pseudo-code
   was sometimes misinterpreted to limit implementation choices and in
   RFC 1510, it was not always consistent with the words in the
   specification.  Effort was made to clear up any ambiguities in the
   specification, rather than to rely on the pseudo-code.

   An appendix was added containing the complete ASN.1 module drawn from
   the discussion in Section 5 of the current document.


   (*TM) Project Athena, Athena, and Kerberos are trademarks of the
   Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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Normative References

[RFC3961] Raeburn, K., "Encryption and Checksum Specifications for Kerberos 5", RFC 3961, February 2005. [RFC3962] Raeburn, K., "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Encryption for Kerberos 5", RFC 3962, February 2005. [ISO-646/ECMA-6] International Organization for Standardization, "7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Interchange", ISO/IEC 646:1991. [ISO-2022/ECMA-35] International Organization for Standardization, "Character code structure and extension techniques", ISO/IEC 2022:1994. [RFC1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987. [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. [RFC2434] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434, October 1998. [RFC2782] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782, February 2000. [RFC2253] Wahl, M., Kille, S., and T. Howes, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names", RFC 2253, December 1997. [RFC3513] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture", RFC 3513, April 2003. [X680] Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of Basic Notation, ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1997) | ISO/IEC International Standard 8824-1:1998.
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   [X690]             ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic
                      Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules
                      (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER),
                      ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (1997)| ISO/IEC
                      International Standard 8825-1:1998.

Informative References

[ISO-8859] International Organization for Standardization, "8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets -- Latin Alphabet", ISO/IEC 8859. [RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism", RFC 1964, June 1996. [DGT96] Don Davis, Daniel Geer, and Theodore Ts'o, "Kerberos With Clocks Adrift: History, Protocols, and Implementation", USENIX Computing Systems 9:1, January 1996. [DS81] Dorothy E. Denning and Giovanni Maria Sacco, "Time-stamps in Key Distribution Protocols," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 24 (8), p. 533- 536, August 1981. [KNT94] John T. Kohl, B. Clifford Neuman, and Theodore Y. Ts'o, "The Evolution of the Kerberos Authentication System". In Distributed Open Systems, pages 78-94. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994. [MNSS87] S. P. Miller, B. C. Neuman, J. I. Schiller, and J. H. Saltzer, Section E.2.1: Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System, M.I.T. Project Athena, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 21, 1987. [NS78] Roger M. Needham and Michael D. Schroeder, "Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 21 (12), pp. 993-999, December 1978. [Neu93] B. Clifford Neuman, "Proxy-Based Authorization and Accounting for Distributed Systems," in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1993.
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   [NT94]             B. Clifford Neuman and Theodore Y. Ts'o, "An
                      Authentication Service for Computer Networks,"
                      IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 32 (9), p. 33-
                      38, September 1994.

   [Pat92]            J. Pato, Using Pre-Authentication to Avoid
                      Password Guessing Attacks, Open Software
                      Foundation DCE Request for Comments 26 (December

   [RFC1510]          Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network
                      Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 1510, September

   [RFC4086]          Eastlake, D., 3rd, Schiller, J., and S. Crocker,
                      "Randomness Requirements for Security", BCP 106,
                      RFC 4086, June 2005.

   [SNS88]            J. G. Steiner, B. C. Neuman, and J. I. Schiller,
                      "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open
                      Network Systems," p. 191-202, Usenix Conference
                      Proceedings, Dallas, Texas, February 1988.

   [RFC4121]          Zhu, L., Jaganathan, K., and S. Hartman, "The
                      Kerberos Version 5 Generic Security Service
                      Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism:
                      Version 2", RFC 4121, July 2005.
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Authors' Addresses

Clifford Neuman Information Sciences Institute University of Southern California 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292, USA EMail: Tom Yu Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139, USA EMail: Sam Hartman Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139, USA EMail: Kenneth Raeburn Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139, USA EMail:
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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.