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RFC 4089

IAB and IESG Recommendation for IETF Administrative Restructuring

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Appendix: Scenario O

This Appendix reproduces the contents of an Internet-Draft defining Scenario O, as it was posted on 20 September 2004. A table of contents has been removed from this copy and the text has been reformatted to fit within IETF publication guidelines. Each line is prefixed with "O>>". O>> L. Daigle O>> VeriSign O>> M. Wasserman O>> ThingMagic O>> September 20, 2004 O>> O>> AdminRest Scenario O: An IETF-Directed Activity Housed Under the O>> Internet Society (ISOC) Legal Umbrella O>> O>> Abstract O>> O>> This document defines an alternative proposal for the structure O>> of the IETF's administrative support activity (IASA) -- an IETF- O>> defined and directed activity that operates within the ISOC legal O>> umbrella. It proposes the creation of an IETF Administrative O>> Oversight Committee (IAOC) that is selected by and accountable to O>> the IETF community. This committee would provide oversight for O>> the IETF administrative support activity, which would be housed O>> within the ISOC legal umbrella. In order to allow the community O>> to properly evaluate this scenario, some draft BCP wording is O>> included. O>> O>> 1. Overview of Scenario O O>> O>> IETF community discussions of the scenarios for administrative O>> restructuring presented in Carl Malamud's consultant report [I- O>> D.malamud-consultant-report] have led to the identification of a O>> potentially viable alternative that is not included in that O>> report -- an IETF-defined and directed administrative support O>> function housed under the ISOC legal umbrella (called "IASA" O>> hereafter). This new scenario retains some properties of the O>> original ISOC-based scenarios, Scenarios A and B. However, this O>> new scenario aims to provide: O>> O>> o continued close relationship with ISOC O>> O>> o a clear basis from which the IETF can define (and, over time, O>> refine) the administrative activity in terms of IETF community O>> needs, using existing IETF/ISOC processes O>>
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O>>    o  an operational oversight board that is accountable to the IETF
O>>       community
O>>    o  continued separation between the IETF standards activity and
O>>       any fund-raising for standards work (within ISOC)
O>>    o  appropriate ISOC oversight of its standards activities funds
O>>    This scenario is nicknamed "Scenario O" -- it is derived from,
O>>    but does not entirely encompass, Scenario A or Scenario B.
O>>    In Scenario O, the IETF administrative support function would be
O>>    defined in a BCP that would be created via the IETF standards
O>>    process [RFC2026] and approved by the ISOC Board of Trustees.
O>>    This BCP would describe the scope of an IETF Administrative
O>>    Support Activity (IASA) and would define the structure and
O>>    responsibilities of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee
O>>    (IAOC), an IETF-selected body responsible for overseeing the
O>>    IASA.  Like the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the IASA would
O>>    be housed within the ISOC legal umbrella. The BCP would also
O>>    describe ISOC's responsibilities within this scenario, including
O>>    requirements for financial accounting and transparency.  A draft
O>>    of this BCP is included in the next section of this document.
O>>    Scenario O allows us to establish IETF control over our
O>>    administrative support functions in terms of determining that
O>>    they meet the community's needs,  and adjusting them from time to
O>>    time using IETF processes.  At the same time, it does not require
O>>    that the IETF community determine, create and undertake the risks
O>>    associated with an appropriate corporate structure (with similar
O>>    financial infrastructure and tax-exempt status to ISOC's) in
O>>    order to solve the pressing administrative issues outlined in
O>>    [RFC3716].  This proposal also defines the boundaries of the IASA
O>>    so that it could be encapsulated and moved elsewhere at some
O>>    future date, should that ever be desirable.
O>> 2.  Draft of Administrative Support BCP
O>>    This section proposes draft text for a BCP that would define the
O>>    scope and structure of the IASA.  Although this text would
O>>    require further refinement within the IETF community, this
O>>    section is intended to be clear and complete enough to allow the
O>>    community to reach a well-informed opinion regarding this
O>>    scenario.
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O>> 2.1  Definition of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)
O>>    The IETF undertakes its technical activities as an ongoing, open,
O>>    consensus-based process.  The Internet Society has long been a
O>>    part of the IETF's standards process, and this document does not
O>>    affect the ISOC-IETF working relationship concerning standards
O>>    development or communication of technical advice.  The purpose of
O>>    this memo is to define an administrative support activity that is
O>>    responsive to the IETF technical community's needs, as well as
O>>    consistent with ISOC's operational, financial and fiduciary
O>>    requirements while supporting the IETF technical activity.
O>>    The IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) provides
O>>    administrative support for the technical work of the IETF.  This
O>>    includes, as appropriate,  undertaking or contracting for the
O>>    work described in (currently, [RFC3716] but the eventual BCP
O>>    should include the detail as an appendix), covering IETF document
O>>    and data management, IETF meetings, any operational agreements or
O>>    contracts with the RFC Editor and IANA.  This provides the
O>>    administrative backdrop required to support the IETF standards
O>>    process and to support the IETF organized technical activities,
O>>    including the IESG, IAB and working groups.  This includes the
O>>    financial activities associated with such IETF support
O>>    (collecting IETF meeting fees, payment of invoices, appropriate
O>>    financial management, etc).  The IASA is responsible for ensuring
O>>    that the IETF's administrative activities are done and done well;
O>>    it is not the expectation that the IASA will undertake the work
O>>    directly, but rather contract the work from others, and manage
O>>    the contractual relationships in line with key operating
O>>    principles such as efficiency, transparency and cost
O>>    effectiveness.
O>>    The IASA is distinct from other IETF-related technical functions,
O>>    such as the RFC editor, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
O>>    (IANA), and the IETF standards process itself.  The IASA is not
O>>    intended to have any influence on the technical decisions of the
O>>    IETF or on the technical contents of IETF work.
O>> 2.1.1  Structure of the IASA
O>>    The IASA will be structured to allow accountability to the IETF
O>>    community.  It will determine the ongoing success of the activity
O>>    in meeting IETF community needs laid out in this BCP, as well as
O>>    ISOC oversight of its financial and resource contributions.  The
O>>    supervisory body defined for this will be called the IETF
O>>    Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC).  The IAOC will consist
O>>    of volunteers, all chosen directly or indirectly by the IETF
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O>>    community, as well as appropriate ex officio appointments from
O>>    ISOC and IETF leadership.  The IAOC will be accountable to the
O>>    IETF community for the effectiveness, efficiency and transparency
O>>    of the IASA.
O>>    The IASA will initially consist of a single full-time employee of
O>>    ISOC, the IETF Administrative Director (IAD).  The IAD will
O>>    require a variety of financial, legal and administrative support,
O>>    and it is expected that this support will be provided by ISOC
O>>    support staff following an expense and/or allocation model TBD.
O>>    Although the IAD will be a full-time ISOC employee, he will work
O>>    under the direction of the IAOC.  The IAD will be selected by a
O>>    committee of the IAOC, consisting minimally of the ISOC President
O>>    and the IETF Chair.  This same committee will be responsible for
O>>    periodically reviewing the performance of the IAD and determining
O>>    any changes to his employment and compensation.  In certain cases
O>>    (to be defined clearly -- chiefly cases where the ISOC employee
O>>    is determined to have contravened basic ISOC policies), the ISOC
O>>    President may make summary decisions, to be reviewed by the
O>>    hiring committee after the fact.
O>>    The IAD will be responsible for administering the IETF finances,
O>>    managing a separate bank account for the IASA, and establishing
O>>    and administering the IASA budget.  To perform these activities,
O>>    the IAD is expected to have signing authority comparable to other
O>>    ISOC director-level employees.  Generally, expenses or agreements
O>>    outside that authority to be approved for financial soundness as
O>>    determined by ISOC policy.  The joint expectation is that ISOC's
O>>    policies will be consistent with allowing the IAD to carry out
O>>    IASA work effectively and efficiently.  Should the IAOC have
O>>    concerns about that, the IAOC and ISOC commit to working out
O>>    other policies that are mutually agreeable.
O>>    The IAD will also fill the role of the IETF Executive Director,
O>>    as described in various IETF process BCPs.  All other
O>>    administrative functions will be outsourced via well-defined
O>>    contracts.  The IAD will be responsible for negotiating and
O>>    maintaining those contracts, as well as providing any
O>>    coordination that is necessary to make sure the IETF
O>>    administrative support functions are properly covered.
O>> 2.1.2  IAD Responsibilities
O>>    The day to day responsibilities of the IAD will focus on managing
O>>    contracts with the entities providing the work supporting the
O>>    IETF technical activity.
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O>>    The IAD will provide regular (monthly and quarterly) reports to
O>>    the IAOC and ISOC.
O>>    All contracts will be negotiated by the IAD (with input from any
O>>    other appropriate bodies), and reviewed by the IAOC.  The
O>>    contracts will be executed by ISOC, on behalf of the IETF, after
O>>    whatever review ISOC requires (e.g., legal, Board of Trustees).
O>>    The IAD will prepare an annual budget, which will be reviewed and
O>>    approved by the IAOC.  The IAD will be responsible for presenting
O>>    this budget to the ISOC Board of Trustees, as part of ISOC's
O>>    annual financial planning process.  The partnering is such that
O>>    the IAOC is responsible for ensuring the suitability of the
O>>    budget for meeting the IETF community's needs, but it does not
O>>    bear fiduciary responsibility; the ISOC board needs to review and
O>>    understand the budget and planned activity in have enough detail
O>>    of the budget and proposed plans to properly carry out its
O>>    fiduciary responsibility.
O>> 2.1.3  IAOC Responsibilities
O>>    The role of the IAOC is to provide appropriate input to the IAD,
O>>    and oversight of the IASA functioning.  The IAOC is not expected
O>>    to be regularly engaged in IASA work, but rather to provide
O>>    appropriate approval and oversight.
O>>    Therefore, the IAOC's responsibilities are:
O>>    o  Select the IAD, as described above.
O>>    o  Review the IAD's financial reports, and provide approval of
O>>       the IAD's budget proposals in terms of fitness for IETF
O>>       purposes.
O>>    o  Review IASA functioning with respect to meeting the IETF
O>>       community's working needs.
O>>    The IAOC's role is to review, not carry out the work of,  the IAD
O>>    and IASA.  As such, it is expected the IAOC will have monthly
O>>    teleconferences and periodic face to face meetings, probably
O>>    coincident with IETF plenary meetings, consistent with ensuring
O>>    an efficient and effective operation.
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O>> 2.1.4  IASA Funding
O>>    The IASA is supported financially in 3 ways:
O>>    1.  IETF meeting revenues.  The IAD, in consultation with the
O>>        IAOC, sets the meeting fees as part of the budgeting process.
O>>        All meeting revenues go to the IASA.
O>>    2.  Designated ISOC donations.  The IETF and IASA do no specific
O>>        fund raising activities; this maintains separation between
O>>        fundraising and standards activities.  Any organization
O>>        interested in supporting the IETF activity will continue to
O>>        be directed to ISOC, and any funds ISOC receives specifically
O>>        for IETF activities (as part of an ISOC program that allows
O>>        for specific designation) will be put in the IASA bank
O>>        account for IASA management.
O>>    3.  Other ISOC support.  ISOC will deposit in the IASA account,
O>>        each quarter, the funds committed to providing as part of the
O>>        IASA budget (where the meeting revenues and specific
O>>        donations do not cover the budget).  These funds may come
O>>        from member fees or from other revenue streams ISOC may
O>>        create.
O>>    Note that the goal is to achieve and maintain a viable IETF
O>>    support function based on meeting fees and specified donations,
O>>    and the IAOC and ISOC are expected to work together to attain
O>>    that goal.  (I.e., dropping the meeting fees to $0 and expecting
O>>    ISOC to pick up the slack is not desirable; nor is raising the
O>>    meeting fees to prohibitive levels to fund all non-meeting-
O>>    related activities!).
O>>    Also, in normal operating circumstances, the IASA would look to
O>>    have a 6 month operating reserve for its activities.  Rather than
O>>    having the IASA attempt to accrue that in its bank account, the
O>>    IASA looks to ISOC to build and provide that operational reserve
O>>    (through whatever mechanism instrument ISOC deems appropriate --
O>>    line of credit, financial reserves, etc).  Such reserves do not
O>>    appear instantaneously; the goal is to reach that level of
O>>    reserve by 3 years after the creation of the IASA.  It is not
O>>    expected that any funds associated with such reserve will be held
O>>    in the IASA bank account.
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O>> 2.2  IAOC Membership, Selection and Accountability
O>>    Note:  This section is particularly subject to change as we work
O>>    to find the best way to achieve the key principles.  The key
O>>    principles being adhered to are that while this should be
O>>    reasonably separate from IETF Standards process management:
O>>    o  the IETF and IAB Chairs need to be involved to a level that
O>>       permits them to be involved in and oversee the aspects
O>>       pertinent to their roles in managing the technical work (e.g.,
O>>       the IAB looks after the RFC Editor relationship)
O>>    o  the IETF and IAB Chairs must not be critical path to getting
O>>       decisions to and through the IASA.
O>>    The current draft, below, therefore makes the IETF Chair ex
O>>    officio voting member of the IAOC, and the IAB Chair a non-voting
O>>    liaison. Future versions may change either or both, depending on
O>>    what makes sense to the IETF community in its deliberations.
O>>    The IAOC will consist of seven voting members who will be
O>>    selected as follows:
O>>    o  2 members chosen by the IETF Nominations Committee (NomCom)
O>>    o  1 member chosen by the IESG
O>>    o  1 member chosen by the IAB
O>>    o  1 member chosen by the ISOC Board of Trustees
O>>    o  The IETF Chair (ex officio)
O>>    o  The ISOC President/CEO (ex officio)
O>>    There will also be two non-voting, ex officio liaisons:
O>>    o  The IAB Chair
O>>    o  The IETF Administrative Director
O>>    The voting members of the IAOC will choose their own chair each
O>>    year using a consensus mechanism of its choosing.  Any appointed
O>>    voting member of the IAOC may serve as the IAOC Chair (i.e., not
O>>    the IETF Chair or the ISOC President/CEO).  The role of the IAOC
O>>    Chair is to organize the IAOC.  The IAOC Chair has no formal
O>>    duties for representing the IAOC, except as directed by IAOC
O>>    consensus.
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O>>    The members of the IAOC will typically serve two year terms.
O>>    Initially, the IESG and ISOC Board will make one-year
O>>    appointments, the IAB will make a two-year appointment, and the
O>>    Nomcom will make one one-year appointment and one two-year
O>>    appointment to establish a pattern where approximately half of
O>>    the IAOC is selected each term.
O>>    The two NomCom selected members will be selected using the
O>>    procedures described in RFC 3777.  For the initial selection, the
O>>    IESG will provide the list of desired qualifications for these
O>>    positions.  In later years, this list will be provided by the
O>>    IAOC.
O>>    While there are no hard rules regarding how the IAB and the IESG
O>>    should select members of the IAOC, it is not expected that they
O>>    will typically choose current IAB or IESG members, if only to
O>>    avoid overloading existing leadership.  However, they should
O>>    choose people who are familiar with the administrative support
O>>    needs of the IAB, the IESG and/or the IETF standards process.  It
O>>    is suggested that a fairly open process be followed for these
O>>    selections, perhaps with an open call for nominations and/or a
O>>    period of public comment on the candidates.  The IAB and IESG are
O>>    encouraged to look at the procedure for IAB selection of ISOC
O>>    Trustees for an example of how this might work.
O>>    Although the IAB and IESG will choose some members of the IAOC,
O>>    those members will not directly represent the bodies that chose
O>>    them.  All members of the IAOC are accountable directly to the
O>>    IETF community. To receive direct feedback from the community,
O>>    the IAOC will hold an open meeting at least once per year at an
O>>    IETF meeting.  This may take the form of an open IAOC plenary or
O>>    a working meeting held during an IETF meeting slot.  The form and
O>>    contents of this meeting are left to the discretion of the IAOC
O>>    Chair.
O>>    Decisions of IAOC members or the entire IAOC are subject to
O>>    appeal using the procedures described in RFC 2026.  The initial
O>>    appeal of an individual decision will go to the full IAOC.
O>>    Appeals of IAOC decisions will go to the IESG and continue up the
O>>    chain as necessary (to the IAB and the ISOC Board).  The IAOC
O>>    will play no role (aside from possible administrative support) in
O>>    appeals of WG Chair, IESG or IAB decisions.
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O>>    In the event that an IAOC member abrogates his duties or acts
O>>    against the bests interests of the IETF community, IAOC members
O>>    are subject to recall using the recall procedure defined in RFC
O>>    3777.  IAB and IESG-appointed members of the IAOC are not subject
O>>    to recall by their appointing bodies.
O>> 2.3  IASA Budget Process
O>>    While the IASA sets a budget for the IETF's administrative needs,
O>>    its budget process clearly needs to be closely coordinated with
O>>    ISOC's. The specific timeline will be established each year,
O>>    before the second IETF meeting.  A general annual timeline for
O>>    budgeting will be:
O>>    July 1 The IAD presents a budget proposal (for the following
O>>       fiscal year, with 3 year projections) to the IAOC.
O>>    August 1 The IAOC approves the budget proposal for IETF purposes,
O>>       after any appropriate revisions.  As the ISOC President is
O>>       part of the IAOC, the IAOC should have a preliminary
O>>       indication of how the budget will fit with ISOC's own
O>>       budgetary expectations.  The budget proposal is passed to the
O>>       ISOC Board of Trustees for review in accordance with their
O>>       fiduciary duty.
O>>    September 1 The ISOC Board of Trustees approves the budget
O>>       proposal provisionally.  During the next 2 months, the budget
O>>       may be revised to be integrated in ISOC's overall budgeting
O>>       process.
O>>    November 1 Final budget to the ISOC Board for approval.
O>>    The IAD will provide monthly accountings of expenses, and will
O>>    update forecasts of expenditures quarterly.  This may necessitate
O>>    the adjustment of the IASA budget.  The revised budget will need
O>>    to be approved by the IAOC and ISOC Board of Trustees.
O>> 2.4  Relationship of the IAOC to Existing IETF Leadership
O>>    The IAOC will be directly accountable to the IETF Community.
O>>    However, the nature of the IAOC's work will involve treating the
O>>    IESG and IAB as internal customers.  The IAOC should not consider
O>>    its work successful unless the IESG and IAB are satisfied with
O>>    the administrative support that they are receiving.
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O>> 2.5  ISOC Responsibilities for IASA
O>>    Within ISOC, support for the IASA should be structured to meet
O>>    the following goals:
O>>    Transparency: The IETF community should have complete visibility
O>>       into the financial and legal structure of the ISOC standards
O>>       activity. In particular, the IETF community should have access
O>>       to a detailed budget for the entire standards activity,
O>>       quarterly financial reports and audited annual financials.  In
O>>       addition, key contract material and MOUs should be publicly
O>>       available.  Most of these goals are already met by ISOC today.
O>>       The IAOC will be responsible for providing the IETF community
O>>       with regular overviews of the state of affairs.
O>>    Unification: As part of this arrangement, ISOC's sponsorship of
O>>       the RFC Editor, IAB and IESG, as well as insurance coverage
O>>       for the IETF will be managed as part of the IASA under the
O>>       IAOC.
O>>    Independence: The IASA should be financially and legally distinct
O>>       from other ISOC activities.  IETF meeting fees should be
O>>       deposited in a separate IETF-specific bank account and used to
O>>       fund the IASA under the direction and oversight of the IAOC.
O>>       Any fees or payments collected from IETF meeting sponsors
O>>       should also be deposited into this account.  This account will
O>>       be administered by the IAD and used to fund the IASA in
O>>       accordance with a budget and policies that are developed as
O>>       described above.
O>>    Support: ISOC may, from time to time, choose to transfer other
O>>       funds into this account to fund IETF administrative projects
O>>       or to cover IETF meeting revenue shortfalls.  There may also
O>>       be cases where ISOC chooses to loan money to the IASA to help
O>>       with temporary cash flow issues.  These cases should be
O>>       carefully documented and tracked on both sides.  ISOC will
O>>       work to provide the 6 month operational reserve for IASA
O>>       functioning described above.
O>>    Removability: While there is no current plan to transfer the
O>>       legal and financial home of the IASA to another corporation,
O>>       the IASA should be structured to enable a clean transition in
O>>       the event that the IETF community decides, through BCP
O>>       publication, that such a transition is required.  In that
O>>       case, the IAOC will give ISOC a minimum six months notice
O>>       before the transition formally occurs.  During that period,
O>>       the IAOC and ISOC will work together to create a smooth
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O>>       transition that does not result in any significant service
O>>       outages or missed IETF meetings.  All contracts that are
O>>       executed by ISOC as part of the IASA should either include a
O>>       clause allowing termination or transfer by ISOC with six
O>>       months notice, or should be transferrable to another
O>>       corporation in the event that the IASA is transitioned away
O>>       from ISOC in the future.  Any accrued funds, and IETF-specific
O>>       intellectual property rights (concerning administrative data
O>>       and/ or tools) would also be expected to be transitioned to
O>>       any new entity, as well.
O>>    Within the constraints outlined above, all other details of how
O>>    to structure this activity within ISOC (as a cost center, a
O>>    department or a formal subsidiary) should be determined by ISOC
O>>    in consultation with the IAOC.
O>> 3.  Workplan for Formalizing the IETF Administrative Support
O>> Activity
O>>    This section proposes a workplan and schedule for formalizing the
O>>    IETF administrative support activity (IASA) for the remainder of
O>>    2004 and 2005.
O>> 3.1  Workplan Goals
O>>    This workplan is intended to satisfy four goals:
O>>    o  Satisfy the IETF's need for support functions through 2005,
O>>       with a careful transition that minimizes the risk of
O>>       substantial disruption to the IETF standards process.
O>>    o  Establish IETF community consensus and ISOC approval of a BCP
O>>       formalizing the IASA as described in this scenario before any
O>>       actions are taken that will have long term effects (hiring,
O>>       contacts, etc.)
O>>    o  Make sure that decisions with long term impact, such as hiring
O>>       the IAD and establishing contracts for administrative support,
O>>       are made by people chosen for that purpose who will be
O>>       responsible to the community for the effectiveness of this
O>>       effort (the IAD and members of the IAOC) -- not by our already
O>>       overloaded technical leadership.
O>>    o  Within the above constraints, move as quickly as possible
O>>       towards a well-defined administrative support structure that
O>>       is transparent and accountable to the IETF community.
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O>> 3.2  Workplan Overview
O>>    There are three major elements to this workplan which can, to
O>>    some degree, take place in parallel after we establish IETF
O>>    community consensus to pursue Scenario O:
O>>    o  Finalizing the BCP text and getting it approved by the IETF
O>>       community and ISOC.
O>>    o  Selecting IASA leadership.  This includes appointing an
O>>       interim IAOC, recruiting the IAD, and eventually appointing
O>>       the full IAOC.
O>>    o  Negotiating agreements with service providers.  This includes
O>>       determining the structure and work flow of the IASA, deciding
O>>       which portions of the IASA should be staffed via an open
O>>       request for proposals (RFP) process, and issuing a RFP for
O>>       those portions, as well as establishing sole source contracts
O>>       or MOUs for other portions of the IASA.
O>>    Each of the three items listed above is described in more detail
O>>    in the following sections.
O>> 3.3  Approval by the IETF Community and ISOC
O>>    In scenario O, the IASA is formalized in a BCP that is approved
O>>    by the IETF community and accepted by the ISOC Board of Trustees.
O>>    There are three steps in this process:
O>>    1.  Establishment of IETF community consensus that we should
O>>        pursue Scenario O as defined in a joint IAB/IESG
O>>        recommendation based on this proposal.  This consensus will
O>>        be established through community discussion and a formal two-
O>>        week consensus call issued by the IETF chair on the IETF
O>>        mailing list.
O>>    2.  Establishment of IETF community consensus on a BCP that
O>>        formalizes the IASA as described.  This consensus would be
O>>        established through public discussion, a four week IETF Last
O>>        Call and IESG review and approval.
O>>    3.  ISOC approval of the BCP and acceptance of ISOC's
O>>        responsibilities as described therein.  This approval and
O>>        acceptance would be signified by an ISOC Board resolution.
O>>    The timeline for these three stages is rather long, but there is
O>>    significant progress that can be made in other areas once we have
O>>    established IETF community consensus to pursue this scenario.
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O>> 3.4  Selecting IASA Leadership
O>>    Once we have IETF consensus to pursue this scenario, we can
O>>    appoint an interim IAOC to begin working on the IASA transition.
O>>    The interim IAOC could do substantial work on non-binding tasks,
O>>    such as beginning the recruitment process for an IAD, determining
O>>    the structure of the IASA work, issuing RFPs and negotiating
O>>    potential agreements with service providers.  The interim IAOC
O>>    would not be empowered to make binding agreements, but could work
O>>    appropriate consultants and advisors to make a lot of progress
O>>    towards determining the initial structure and work flow of the
O>>    IASA.
O>>    Because the IETF Nominations Commitee (NomCom) process for new
O>>    positions will consume a lot of resources and take a long time to
O>>    complete, we propose that the interim IAOC consist of:
O>>    o  1 IESG selected member
O>>    o  1 IAB selected member
O>>    o  1 ISOC selected member
O>>    o  The IETF Chair
O>>    o  The ISOC President/CEO
O>>    The IAB chair will serve as a liaison, as described above.
O>>    The IESG and ISOC Board appointments will be expected to serve
O>>    until the first IETF meeting of 2006, and the IAB appointment
O>>    will be expected to serve until the first IETF meeting of 2007,
O>>    assuming that the BCP is approved and the IAOC continues to have
O>>    appointed members from these bodies.
O>>    After all of the interim IAOC members are selected, they will
O>>    choose an interim IAOC chair from among the appointed members.
O>>    When the BCP is approved, if the BCP indicates that there will be
O>>    NomCom selected IAOC members they will be chosen at that time.
O>>    Any adjustments to appointed members based on the BCP contents
O>>    will also be made at that time.  The IAOC will transition from
O>>    interim to non-interim status when all non-interim members are
O>>    seated.  A new, non-interim chair selection process will then
O>>    commence.
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O>> 3.5  Recruiting the IETF Administrative Director
O>>    The interim IAOC should appoint an IAD selection committee to
O>>    recruit and select the IETF Administrative Director.  This
O>>    committee will consist entirely of IAOC members or liaisons, and
O>>    will, at minimum, include the IETF chair and the ISOC President.
O>>    If the IAOC chooses, this committee could include the entire
O>>    IAOC.
O>>    The IAD selection committee should determine a job description
O>>    for the IAD, in consultation with other IETF leaders and the IETF
O>>    community.  Once the job description is established, the IAD
O>>    selection committee should recruiting candidates for the
O>>    position.
O>>    Although the interim IAOC is not empowered to hire the IAD as a
O>>    full-time employee, it might be possible for the IAOC to ask ISOC
O>>    to engage the potential IAD as a consultant to help with other
O>>    tasks during the interim period.
O>> 3.6  Establishing Agreement with Service Providers
O>>    The most important activity of the IAOC during late 2004 and
O>>    early 2005 will be to determine the structure and work flow of
O>>    the IASA and to establish contracts or other agreements with
O>>    service providers to do the required work.  This work includes
O>>    the following functions as defined in the consultant's report:
O>>    o  Technical infrastructure
O>>    o  Meeting management
O>>    o  Clerk's office
O>>    o  RFC Editor services to support  IETF standards publication
O>>    o  IANA services to support IETF standards publication
O>>    The interim IAOC should work with IETF leaders and other
O>>    knowledgeable members of the community to determine the structure
O>>    and work flow required for the IASA activity and make
O>>    corresponding adjustments to the above list, if necessary.  The
O>>    interim IAOC can also identify which areas of IASA work should
O>>    continue to be provided by existing IETF service providers, and
O>>    work with those providers to establish proposed contracts or
O>>    agreements for later approval by the non-interim IAOC.  The IAOC
O>>    can also choose to start an RFP process for any services that
O>>    they believe should be filled through an open RFP process.
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O>> 3.7  Establishing a 2005 Operating Budget
O>>    Because the ISOC 2005 budgeting process will be finalized before
O>>    the non-interim IAOC is seated, the interim IAOC should work with
O>>    the ISOC staff and President to establish a proposed 2005
O>>    operating budget for the IASA.  Since this will happen in advance
O>>    of full knowledge regarding the costs of 2005 operations, it may
O>>    be subject to significant adjustment later.
O>> 3.8  Proposed Schedule for IASA Transition
O>>    As described above, the three stages of the IETF community and
O>>    ISOC approval process will take some time.  If the community
O>>    chooses scenario O and we reach quick consensus on the details,
O>>    an optimistic schedule for this approval would be:
O>>    1.  IETF discussion of this proposal and other scenarios through
O>>         1-Oct-2005.  IAB/IESG discusses this proposal with ISOC
O>>         Board.
O>>    2.  IAB/IESG joint recommendation issued on 8-Oct-04, including
O>>         full BCP proposal.
O>>    3.  Community discussion of the joint IAB/IESG recommendation
O>>         through 22-Oct-04.
O>>    4.  Two-week community consensus call issued on the IETF list on
O>>         23-Oct-04 regarding rough community consensus to pursue this
O>>         direction and appoint an interim IAOC -- extends through
O>>         IETF 61.  IAOC selecting bodies begin search, based on
O>>         expected community consensus.
O>>    5.  Rough community consensus declared on 8-Nov-04 to pursue
O>>         Scenario O and appoint the interim IAOC.
O>>    6.  Interim IAOC seated on 15-Nov-04.  Interim IAOC begins
O>>         interim work outlined above, including establishment of
O>>         estimated 2005 budget and IAD recruitment.
O>>    7.  BCP text  discussed by community, IETF leadership and ISOC
O>>         Board until we have something that represents rough
O>>         community consensus that is acceptable to all.  We hope that
O>>         this could be completed by 6-Dec-04.
O>>    8.  Four week IETF Last Call issued for BCP on 6-Dec-04 --
O>>         extends through 3-Jan-04.
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O>>    9.  Simultaneous IESG and ISOC Board approvals by 17-Jan-04.
O>>    10.  IAD officially hired in Jan 2005.
O>>    11.  NomCom seats IAOC members at the first IETF of 2005, moving
O>>         the IAOC from interim to non-interim status.
O>>    12.  Formal agreements with all service providers in-place by
O>>         June 2005.
O>> 4.  Security Considerations
O>>    This document describes a scenario for the structure of the
O>>    IETF's administrative support activities.  It introduces no
O>>    security considerations for the Internet.
O>> 5.  IANA Considerations
O>>    This document has no IANA considerations in the traditional
O>>    sense. As part of the extended IETF family, though, IANA may be
O>>    interested in the contents.
O>> 6.  Acknowledgements
O>>    Most of the ideas in this document are not new, and many of them
O>>    did not originate with the authors.  This scenario represents a
O>>    combination of ideas discussed within the IAB, the IESG and the
O>>    IETF Community.
O>>    This document was written using the xml2rfc tool described in RFC
O>>    2629 [RFC2629].
O>> 7.  References
O>> 7.1  Normative References
O>>    [I-D.malamud-consultant-report] Malamud, C., "IETF Administrative
O>>               Support Functions", draft-malamud-consultant-report-01
O>>               (work in progress), September 2004.
O>>    [RFC2026]  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process --
O>>               Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.
O>>    [RFC3716]  Advisory, IAB., "The IETF in the Large: Administration
O>>               and Execution", RFC 3716, March 2004.
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O>> 7.2  Informative References
O>>    [RFC2629]  Rose, M., "Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML", RFC 2629,
O>>               June 1999.
O>>    [RFC3667]  Bradner, S., "IETF Rights in Contributions", BCP 78,
O>>               RFC 3667, February 2004.
O>>    [RFC3668]  Bradner, S., "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF
O>>               Technology", BCP 79, RFC 3668, February 2004.
O>> Authors' Addresses
O>>    Leslie Daigle
O>>    VeriSign
O>>    EMail: leslie at, leslie at
O>>    Margaret Wasserman
O>>    ThingMagic
O>>    One Broadway, 14th Floor
O>>    Cambridge, MA 02142 USA
O>>    Phone: +1 617 758-4177
O>>    EMail: margaret at
O>>    URI:
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Informative References

[1] IAB Advisory Committee, "The IETF in the Large: Administration and Execution", RFC 3716, March 2004. [2] Malamud, C., "IETF Administrative Support Functions", Work in Progress, September 2004. [3] < msg31321.html> [4] < msg31326.html> [5] < msg31493.html> [6] < msg31609.html>

Author's Address

Scott Hollenbeck, Editor IAB and IESG EMail:
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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

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