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RFC 3895

Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1, E1, DS2, and E2 Interface Types

Pages: 84
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Obsoleted by:  4805
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 21 to 54
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ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 21   prevText

3. Object Definitions

DS1-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] DisplayString, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863] PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount, PerfTotalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB; -- [RFC3593] ds1 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200409090000Z" -- September 09, 2004 ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG charter:
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 22
       Mailing Lists:
         General Discussion:
         To Subscribe:

       Editor: Orly Nicklass

       Postal: RAD Data Communications, Ltd.
               Ziv Tower, 24 Roul Walenberg
               Tel Aviv, Israel, 69719

               Tel: +9723 765 9969

         "The MIB module to describe DS1, E1, DS2, and
          E2 interfaces objects.

          Copyright (c) The Internet Society (2004).  This
          version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3895;
          see the RFC itself for full legal notices."

    REVISION "200409090000Z"  -- September 09, 2004
         "The RFC 3895 version of this MIB module.
          The key changes made to this MIB module
          since its publication in RFC 2495 are as follows:
     (1) The dsx1FracIfIndex SYNTAX matches the description range.
     (2) A value was added to dsx1TransmitClockSource.
     (3) Values were added to dsx1LineType.
     (4) Two objects were added, dsx1LineMode and dsx1LineBuildOut
         to better express transceiver mode and LineBuildOut for T1.
     (5) Reference was added to Circuit Identifier object.
     (6) Align the DESCRIPTION clauses of few statistic objects with
         the near end definition, the far end definition and with
         RFC 3593.
     (7) Changes in Compliance Statements to include new objects.
     (8) A typographical error in dsx2E2 was fixed, new name is dsx1E2."

    REVISION "199808011830Z"
         "The RFC 2495 version of this MIB module.
          The key changes made to this MIB module
          since its publication in RFC 1406 are as follows:
     (1)  The Fractional Table has been deprecated.
     (2)  This document uses SMIv2.
     (3)  Usage is given for ifTable and ifXTable.
     (4)  Example usage of ifStackTable is included.
     (5)  dsx1IfIndex has been deprecated.
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     (6)  Support for DS2 and E2 have been added.
     (7)  Additional lineTypes for DS2, E2, and unframed E1
          were added.
     (8)  The definition of valid intervals has been clarified
          for the case where the agent proxied for other devices.  In
          particular, the treatment of missing intervals has been
     (9)  An inward loopback has been added.
     (10) Additional lineStatus bits have been added for Near End in
          Unavailable Signal State, Carrier Equipment Out of Service,
          DS2 Payload AIS, and DS2 Performance Threshold.
     (11) A read-write line Length object has been added.
     (12) Signal mode of other has been added.
     (13) Added a lineStatus last change, trap and enabler.
     (14) The e1(19) ifType has been obsoleted so this MIB
          does not list it as a supported ifType.
     (15) Textual Conventions for statistics objects have been used.
     (16) A new object, dsx1LoopbackStatus has been introduced to
          reflect the loopbacks established on a DS1 interface and
          the source to the requests.  dsx1LoopbackConfig continues
          to be the desired loopback state while dsx1LoopbackStatus
          reflects the actual state.
     (17) A dual loopback has been added to allow the setting of an
          inward loopback and a line loopback at the same time.
     (18) An object indicating which channel to use within a parent
          object (i.e., DS3) has been added.
     (19) An object has been added to indicate whether or not this
          DS1/E1 is channelized.
     (20) Line coding type of B6ZS has been added for DS2"

    REVISION "199301252028Z"
         "Initial version, published as RFC 1406."

    ::= { transmission 18 }

-- note that this subsumes cept (19) and g703at2mb (67)
-- there is no separate CEPT or G703AT2MB MIB

-- The DS1 Near End Group

-- The DS1 Near End Group consists of five tables:
--    DS1 Configuration
--    DS1 Current
--    DS1 Interval
--    DS1 Total
--    DS1 Channel Table
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-- The DS1 Configuration Table

dsx1ConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1ConfigEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Configuration table."
     ::= { ds1 6 }

dsx1ConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1ConfigEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Configuration table."
     INDEX   { dsx1LineIndex }
     ::= { dsx1ConfigTable 1 }

Dsx1ConfigEntry ::=
           dsx1LineIndex                        InterfaceIndex,
           dsx1IfIndex                          InterfaceIndex,
           dsx1TimeElapsed                      INTEGER,
           dsx1ValidIntervals                   INTEGER,
           dsx1LineType                         INTEGER,
           dsx1LineCoding                       INTEGER,
           dsx1SendCode                         INTEGER,
           dsx1CircuitIdentifier                DisplayString,
           dsx1LoopbackConfig                   INTEGER,
           dsx1LineStatus                       INTEGER,
           dsx1SignalMode                       INTEGER,
           dsx1TransmitClockSource              INTEGER,
           dsx1Fdl                              INTEGER,
           dsx1InvalidIntervals                 INTEGER,
           dsx1LineLength                       INTEGER,
           dsx1LineStatusLastChange             TimeStamp,
           dsx1LineStatusChangeTrapEnable       INTEGER,
           dsx1LoopbackStatus                   INTEGER,
           dsx1Ds1ChannelNumber                 INTEGER,
           dsx1Channelization                   INTEGER,
           dsx1LineMode                         INTEGER,
           dsx1LineBuildOut                     INTEGER

dsx1LineIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
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                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "This object should be made equal to ifIndex.  The
            next paragraph describes its previous usage.
            Making the object equal to ifIndex allows proper
            use of ifStackTable and ds0/ds0bundle mibs.

            Previously, this object is the identifier of a DS1
            Interface on a managed device.  If there is an
            ifEntry that is directly associated with this and
            only this DS1 interface, it should have the same
            value as ifIndex.  Otherwise, number the
            dsx1LineIndices with an unique identifier
            following the rules of choosing a number that is
            greater than ifNumber and numbering the inside
            interfaces (e.g., equipment side) with even
            numbers and outside interfaces (e.g., network side)
            with odd numbers."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 1 }

     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  deprecated
            "This value for this object is equal to the value
            of ifIndex from the Interfaces table of MIB II
            (RFC 1213)."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 2 }

dsx1TimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..899)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the
            beginning of the near end current error-measurement
            period. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment
            in the system's time-of-day clock, the current interval
            exceeds the maximum value, the agent will return the
            maximum value."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 3 }

dsx1ValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
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            "The number of previous near end intervals for
            which data was collected.  The value will be 96
            unless the interface was brought online within the
            last 24 hours, in which case the value will be the
            number of complete 15 minute near end intervals
            since the interface has been online.  In the case
            where the agent is a proxy, it is possible that
            some intervals are unavailable.  In this case,
            this interval is the maximum interval number for
            which data is available."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 4 }

dsx1LineType OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "This variable indicates  the  variety  of  DS1
            Line  implementing  this  circuit.  The type of
            circuit affects the number of bits  per  second
            that  the circuit can reasonably carry, as well
            as the interpretation of the  usage  and  error
            statistics. The values, in sequence, describe:

                  TITLE:         SPECIFICATION:
                  dsx1ESF        Extended SuperFrame DS1
                  dsx1D4         AT&T D4 format DS1 (T1.107)
                  dsx1E1         ITU-T Recommendation G.704
                                       (Table 4a)
                  dsx1E1-CRC     ITU-T Recommendation G.704
                                       (Table 4b)
                  dsxE1-MF       G.704 (Table 4a) with TS16
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                                        multiframing enabled
                  dsx1E1-CRC-MF  G.704 (Table 4b) with TS16
                                       multiframing enabled
                  dsx1Unframed   DS1 with No Framing
                  dsx1E1Unframed E1 with No Framing (G.703)
                  dsx1DS2M12     DS2 frame format (T1.107)
                  dsx1E2         E2 frame format (G.704)
                  dsx1E1Q50      TS16 bits 5,7,8 set to 101, [in
                                   all other cases it is set
                                   to 111.](ITU-T G.704,table 14)
                  dsx1E1Q50CRC   E1Q50 with CRC.

            For clarification, the capacity for each E1 type
            is as listed below:
            dsx1E1Unframed - E1, no framing = 32 x 64k = 2048k
            dsx1E1 or dsx1E1CRC - E1, with framing,
               no signalling = 31 x 64k = 1984k
            dsx1E1MF or dsx1E1CRCMF - E1, with framing,
               signalling = 30 x 64k = 1920k"
            "American National Standard for telecommunications -
               digital hierarchy - formats specification,
               ANSI-T1.107 - 1988.
            CCITT Specifications Volume III, Recommendation
               G.703, Physical/Electrical Characteristics
               of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces, April 1991.
            ITU-T-G.704: Synchronous frame structures used at
               1544, 6312, 2048, 8488 and 44 736 kbit/s
               Hierarchical Levels, July 1995."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 5 }

dsx1LineCoding OBJECT-TYPE
                dsx1JBZS (1),
                dsx1B8ZS (2),
                dsx1HDB3 (3),
                dsx1ZBTSI (4),
                dsx1AMI (5),
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "This variable describes the variety of Zero Code
            Suppression used on this interface, which in turn
            affects a number of its characteristics.
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            dsx1JBZS refers the Jammed Bit Zero Suppression,
            in which the AT&T specification of at least one
            pulse every 8 bit periods is literally implemented
            by forcing a pulse in bit 8 of each channel.
            Thus, only seven bits per channel, or 1.344 Mbps,
            is available for data.

            dsx1B8ZS refers to the use of a specified pattern
            of normal bits and bipolar violations which are
            used to replace a sequence of eight zero bits.

            ANSI Clear Channels may use dsx1ZBTSI, or Zero
            Byte Time Slot Interchange.

            E1 links, with or without CRC, use dsx1HDB3 or

            dsx1AMI refers to a mode wherein no zero code
            suppression is present and the line encoding does
            not solve the problem directly.  In this
            application, the higher layer must provide data
            which meets or exceeds the pulse density
            requirements, such as inverting HDLC data.
            dsx1B6ZS refers to the user of a specified pattern
            of normal bits and bipolar violations which are
            used to replace a sequence of six zero bits.  Used
            for DS2."

     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 6 }

dsx1SendCode OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "This variable indicates what type of code is
            being sent across the DS1 interface by the device.
            Setting this variable causes the interface to send
            the code requested.  The values mean:
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           sending looped or normal data

           sending a request for a line loopback

           sending a request for a payload loopback

           sending a loopback termination request

           sending a Quasi-Random Signal  (QRS)  test

           sending a 511 bit fixed test pattern

           sending a fixed test pattern of 3 bits set
           in 24

           sending a test pattern  other  than  those
           described by this object"
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 7 }

dsx1CircuitIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "This variable contains the transmission vendor's
            circuit identifier, for the purpose of
            facilitating troubleshooting."
     REFERENCE "ITU-T M.1400"
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 8 }

dsx1LoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE
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     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "This variable represents the desired loopback
            configuration of the DS1 interface.  Agents
            supporting read/write access should return
            inconsistentValue in response to a requested
            loopback state that the interface does not
            support.  The values mean:

             Not in the loopback state.  A device that is not
            capable of performing a loopback on the interface
            shall always return this as its value.

             The received signal at this interface is looped
            through the device.  Typically the received signal
            is looped back for retransmission after it has
            passed through the device's framing function.

             The received signal at this interface does not go
            through the device (minimum penetration) but is
            looped back out.

             Loopbacks that are not defined here.

             The transmitted signal at this interface is
            looped back and received by the same interface.
            What is transmitted onto the line is product

             Both dsx1LineLoop and dsx1InwardLoop will be
            active simultaneously."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 9 }

dsx1LineStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..131071)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "This variable indicates the Line Status of the
            interface.  It contains loopback, failure,
            received 'alarm' and transmitted 'alarms
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            The dsx1LineStatus is a bit map represented as a
            sum, therefore, it can represent multiple failures
            (alarms) and a LoopbackState simultaneously.

            dsx1NoAlarm must be set if and only if no other
            flag is set.

            If the dsx1loopbackState bit is set, the loopback
            in effect can be determined from the
            dsx1loopbackConfig object.  The various bit
            positions are:

      1     dsx1NoAlarm           No alarm present
      2     dsx1RcvFarEndLOF      Far end LOF (a.k.a., Yellow Alarm)
      4     dsx1XmtFarEndLOF      Near end sending LOF Indication
      8     dsx1RcvAIS            Far end sending AIS
     16     dsx1XmtAIS            Near end sending AIS
     32     dsx1LossOfFrame       Near end LOF (a.k.a., Red Alarm)
     64     dsx1LossOfSignal      Near end Loss Of Signal
    128     dsx1LoopbackState     Near end is looped
    256     dsx1T16AIS            E1 TS16 AIS
    512     dsx1RcvFarEndLOMF     Far End Sending TS16 LOMF
   1024     dsx1XmtFarEndLOMF     Near End Sending TS16 LOMF
   2048     dsx1RcvTestCode       Near End detects a test code
   4096     dsx1OtherFailure      any line status not defined here
   8192     dsx1UnavailSigState   Near End in Unavailable Signal
  16384     dsx1NetEquipOOS       Carrier Equipment Out of Service
  32768     dsx1RcvPayloadAIS     DS2 Payload AIS
  65536     dsx1Ds2PerfThreshold  DS2 Performance Threshold
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 10 }

dsx1SignalMode OBJECT-TYPE
                none (1),
                robbedBit (2),
                bitOriented (3),
                messageOriented (4),
                other (5)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
       "'none' indicates that no bits are reserved for
       signaling on this channel.
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       'robbedBit' indicates that DS1 Robbed Bit Signaling
       is in use.

       'bitOriented' indicates that E1 Channel
       Associated Signaling is in use.

       'messageOriented' indicates that Common
       Channel Signaling is in use either on channel 16
       of an E1 link or channel 24 of a DS1."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 11 }

dsx1TransmitClockSource OBJECT-TYPE
                adaptive (4)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
       "The source of Transmit Clock.
        'loopTiming' indicates that the recovered
        receive clock is used as the transmit clock.

        'localTiming' indicates that a local clock
       source is used or when an external clock is
       attached to the box containing the interface.

        'throughTiming' indicates that recovered
       receive clock from another interface is used as
       the transmit clock.

        'adaptive' indicates that the clock is recovered
       based on the data flow and not based on the
       physical layer"
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 12 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..15)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
       "This bitmap describes the use of  the facilities
       data link, and is the sum of the capabilities.
       Set any bits that are appropriate:

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        'other' indicates that a protocol  other  than
       one following is used.

        'dsx1AnsiT1403' refers to the  FDL  exchange
       recommended by ANSI.

        'dsx1Att54016' refers to ESF FDL exchanges.

        'dsx1FdlNone' indicates that the device  does
       not use the FDL."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 13 }

dsx1InvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            " The number of intervals in the range from 0 to
            dsx1ValidIntervals for which no data is available.
            This object will typically be zero except in cases
            where the data for some intervals are not
            available (e.g., in proxy situations)."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 14 }

dsx1LineLength OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..64000)
     UNITS  "meters"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS  current
            "The length of the ds1 line in meters. This
            objects provides information for line build out
            circuitry.  This object is only useful if the
            interface has configurable line build out
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 15 }

dsx1LineStatusLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the
            time this DS1 entered its current line status
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            state.  If the current state was entered prior to
            the last re-initialization of the proxy-agent,
            then this object contains a zero value."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 16 }

dsx1LineStatusChangeTrapEnable  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
            "Indicates whether dsx1LineStatusChange traps
            should be generated for this interface."
     DEFVAL { disabled }
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 17 }

dsx1LoopbackStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..127)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
            "This variable represents the current state of the
            loopback on the DS1 interface.  It contains
            information about loopbacks established by a
            manager and remotely from the far end.

            The dsx1LoopbackStatus is a bit map represented as
            a sum, therefore is can represent multiple
            loopbacks simultaneously.

            The various bit positions are:
             1  dsx1NoLoopback
             2  dsx1NearEndPayloadLoopback
             4  dsx1NearEndLineLoopback
             8  dsx1NearEndOtherLoopback
            16  dsx1NearEndInwardLoopback
            32  dsx1FarEndPayloadLoopback
            64  dsx1FarEndLineLoopback"

     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 18 }

dsx1Ds1ChannelNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..28)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
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            "This variable represents the channel number of
            the DS1/E1 on its parent DS2/E2 or DS3/E3.  A
            value of 0 indicated this DS1/E1 does not have a
            parent DS3/E3."

     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 19 }

dsx1Channelization  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
            "Indicates whether this ds1/e1 is channelized or
            unchannelized.  The value of enabledDs0 indicates
            that this is a DS1 channelized into DS0s.  The
            value of enabledDs1 indicated that this is a DS2
            channelized into DS1s.  Setting this value will
            cause the creation or deletion of entries in the
            ifTable for the DS0s that are within the DS1."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 20 }

dsx1LineMode  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
            "This setting puts the T1 framer into either long
            haul (CSU) mode or short haul (DSU) mode."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 21 }

dsx1LineBuildOut  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                    notApplicable (1),
                    neg75dB (2),
                    neg15dB (3),
                    neg225dB (4),
                    zerodB (5)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-write
     STATUS      current
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            "Attenuation setting for T1 framer in long haul
            (CSU) mode.  The optional values are: -7.5dB,
            -15dB, -22.5dB and 0dB."
     ::= { dsx1ConfigEntry 22 }

-- The DS1 Current Table
dsx1CurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1CurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 current table contains various statistics
            being collected for the current 15 minute
     ::= { ds1 7 }

dsx1CurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1CurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Current table."
                 INDEX   { dsx1CurrentIndex }
                 ::= { dsx1CurrentTable 1 }

Dsx1CurrentEntry ::=
         dsx1CurrentIndex            InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1CurrentESs              PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentSESs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentSEFSs            PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentUASs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentCSSs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentPCVs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentLESs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentBESs             PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentDMs              PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1CurrentLCVs             PerfCurrentCount

dsx1CurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "The index value which uniquely identifies  the
            DS1 interface to which this entry is applicable.
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            The interface identified by a particular value of
            this index is the same interface as identified by
            the same value as a dsx1LineIndex object
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 1 }

dsx1CurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 5 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Controlled Slip Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 6 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
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     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Path Coding Violations."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 7 }

     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Line Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 8 }

     SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Bursty Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 9 }

dsx1CurrentDMs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Degraded Minutes."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 10 }

     SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Line Code Violations (LCVs)."
     ::= { dsx1CurrentEntry 11 }

-- The DS1 Interval Table
dsx1IntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1IntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Interval Table contains various
            statistics collected by each DS1 Interface over
            the previous 24 hours of operation.  The past 24
            hours are broken into 96 completed 15 minute
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            intervals.  Each row in this table represents one
            such interval (identified by dsx1IntervalNumber)
            for one specific instance (identified by
     ::= { ds1 8 }

dsx1IntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1IntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Interval table."
     INDEX   { dsx1IntervalIndex, dsx1IntervalNumber }
     ::= { dsx1IntervalTable 1 }

Dsx1IntervalEntry ::=
         dsx1IntervalIndex             InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1IntervalNumber            INTEGER,
         dsx1IntervalESs               PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalSESs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalSEFSs             PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalUASs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalCSSs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalPCVs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalLESs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalBESs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalDMs               PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalLCVs              PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1IntervalValidData         TruthValue

dsx1IntervalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
            interface identified by a particular value of this
            index is the same interface as identified by the
            same value as a dsx1LineIndex object instance."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 1 }

dsx1IntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 40
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most
            recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is
            the 15 minutes interval completed 23 hours and 45
            minutes prior to interval 1."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 2 }

dsx1IntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 3 }

dsx1IntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 5 }

dsx1IntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds.  This object
            may decrease if the occurrence of unavailable
            seconds occurs across an interval boundary."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 6 }

dsx1IntervalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 41
            "The number of Controlled Slip Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 7 }

dsx1IntervalPCVs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Path Coding Violations."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 8 }

dsx1IntervalLESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Line Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 9 }

dsx1IntervalBESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Bursty Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 10 }

dsx1IntervalDMs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Degraded Minutes."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 11 }

dsx1IntervalLCVs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Line Code Violations."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 12 }

dsx1IntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 42
            "This variable indicates if the data for this
            interval is valid."
     ::= { dsx1IntervalEntry 13 }

-- The DS1 Total Table
dsx1TotalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1TotalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Total Table contains the cumulative sum
            of the various statistics for the 24 hour period
            preceding the current interval."
     ::= { ds1 9 }

dsx1TotalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1TotalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Total table."
     INDEX   { dsx1TotalIndex }
     ::= { dsx1TotalTable 1 }

Dsx1TotalEntry ::=
         dsx1TotalIndex                InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1TotalESs                  PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalSESs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalSEFSs                PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalUASs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalCSSs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalPCVs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalLESs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalBESs                 PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalDMs                  PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1TotalLCVs                 PerfTotalCount

dsx1TotalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
            interface identified by a particular value of this
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 43
            index is the same interface as identified by the
            same value as a dsx1LineIndex object instance."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 1 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The sum of Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1
            interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
            Invalid 15 minute intervals count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Seconds
            encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
            hour interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count
            as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds
            encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
            hour interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count
            as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds encountered by
            a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
            Invalid 15 minute intervals count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 5 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 44
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Controlled Slip Seconds encountered
            by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
            interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count as
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 6 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Path Coding Violations encountered
            by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
            interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count as
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 7 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Line Errored Seconds encountered by
            a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
            Invalid 15 minute intervals count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 8 }

     SYNTAX PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Bursty Errored Seconds (BESs)
            encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
            hour interval. Invalid 15 minute intervals count
            as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 9 }

     SYNTAX PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Degraded Minutes (DMs) encountered
            by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 45
            interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count as
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 10 }

     SYNTAX PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Line Code Violations (LCVs)
            encountered by a DS1 interface in the current 15
            minute interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals
            count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1TotalEntry 11 }

-- The DS1 Channel Table
dsx1ChanMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1ChanMappingEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Channel Mapping table.  This table maps a
            DS1 channel number on a particular DS3 into an
            ifIndex.  In the presence of DS2s, this table can
            be used to map a DS2 channel number on a DS3 into
            an ifIndex, or used to map a DS1 channel number on
            a DS2 onto an ifIndex."
     ::= { ds1 16 }

dsx1ChanMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1ChanMappingEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Channel Mapping table.  There
            is an entry in this table corresponding to each
            ds1 ifEntry within any interface that is
            channelized to the individual ds1 ifEntry level.

            This table is intended to facilitate mapping from
            channelized interface / channel number to DS1
            ifEntry.  (e.g., mapping (DS3 ifIndex, DS1 Channel
            Number) -> ifIndex)

            While this table provides information that can
            also be found in the ifStackTable and
            dsx1ConfigTable, it provides this same information
            with a single table lookup, rather than by walking
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 46
            the ifStackTable to find the various constituent
            ds1 ifTable entries, and testing various
            dsx1ConfigTable entries to check for the entry
            with the applicable DS1 channel number."
     INDEX   { ifIndex, dsx1Ds1ChannelNumber }
     ::= { dsx1ChanMappingTable 1 }

Dsx1ChanMappingEntry ::=
         dsx1ChanMappedIfIndex  InterfaceIndex

dsx1ChanMappedIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "This object indicates the ifIndex value assigned
            by the agent for the individual ds1 ifEntry that
            corresponds to the given DS1 channel number
            (specified by the INDEX element
            dsx1Ds1ChannelNumber) of the given channelized
            interface (specified by INDEX element ifIndex)."
     ::= { dsx1ChanMappingEntry 1 }

-- The DS1 Far End Current Table

dsx1FarEndCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Far End Current table contains various
            statistics being collected for the current 15
            minute interval.  The statistics are collected
            from the far end messages on the Facilities Data
            Link.  The definitions are the same as described
            for the near-end information."
     ::= { ds1 10 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Far End Current table."
     INDEX   { dsx1FarEndCurrentIndex }
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentTable 1 }
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 47
Dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry ::=
         dsx1FarEndCurrentIndex      InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1FarEndTimeElapsed       INTEGER,
         dsx1FarEndValidIntervals    INTEGER,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentESs        PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentSESs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentSEFSs      PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentUASs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentCSSs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentLESs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentPCVs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentBESs       PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndCurrentDMs        PerfCurrentCount,
         dsx1FarEndInvalidIntervals  INTEGER

dsx1FarEndCurrentIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
            interface identified by a particular value of this
            index is identical to the interface identified by
            the same value of dsx1LineIndex."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 1 }

dsx1FarEndTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..899)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the
            beginning of the far end current error-measurement
            period. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment
            in the system's time-of-day clock, the current
            interval exceeds the maximum value, the agent will
            return the maximum value."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 2 }

dsx1FarEndValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 48
            "The number of previous far end intervals for
            which data was collected.  The value will be 96
            unless the interface was brought online within the
            last 24 hours, in which case the value will be the
            number of complete 15 minute far end intervals
            since the interface has been online. In the case
            where the agent is a proxy, it is possible that
            some intervals are unavailable.  In this case,
            this interval is the maximum interval number for
            which data is available."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 3 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 4 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 5 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Framing
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 6 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 7 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 49
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Controlled Slip Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 8 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentLESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Line Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 9 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentPCVs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Path Coding Violations."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 10 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentBESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Far End Bursty Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 11 }

dsx1FarEndCurrentDMs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Far End Degraded Minutes."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 12 }

dsx1FarEndInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            " The number of intervals in the range from 0 to
            dsx1FarEndValidIntervals for which no data is
            available.  This object will typically be zero
            except in cases where the data for some intervals
            are not available (e.g., in proxy situations)."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry 13 }
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 50
-- The DS1 Far End Interval Table
dsx1FarEndIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Far End Interval Table contains various
            statistics collected by each DS1 interface over
            the previous 24 hours of operation.  The past 24
            hours are broken into 96 completed 15 minute
            intervals. Each row in this table represents one
            such interval (identified by
            dsx1FarEndIntervalNumber) for one specific
            instance (identified by dsx1FarEndIntervalIndex)."
     ::= { ds1 11 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Far End Interval table."
     INDEX   { dsx1FarEndIntervalIndex,
               dsx1FarEndIntervalNumber }
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalTable 1 }

Dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry ::=
         dsx1FarEndIntervalIndex       InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalNumber      INTEGER,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalESs         PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalSESs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalSEFSs       PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalUASs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalCSSs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalLESs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalPCVs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalBESs        PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalDMs         PerfIntervalCount,
         dsx1FarEndIntervalValidData   TruthValue

dsx1FarEndIntervalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 51
            "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
            interface identified by a particular value of this
            index is identical to the interface identified by
            the same value of dsx1LineIndex."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 1 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..96)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most
            recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is
            the 15 minutes interval completed 23 hours and 45
            minutes prior to interval 1."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 2 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 3 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 4 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Framing
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 5 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 52
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 6 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalCSSs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Controlled Slip Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 7 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalLESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Line Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 8 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalPCVs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Path Coding Violations."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 9 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalBESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Far End Bursty Errored Seconds."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 10 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalDMs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
            "The number of Far End Degraded Minutes."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 11 }

dsx1FarEndIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX TruthValue
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS current
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 53
            " This variable indicates if the data for this
            interval is valid."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry 12 }

-- The DS1 Far End Total Table

dsx1FarEndTotalTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Dsx1FarEndTotalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "The DS1 Far End Total Table contains the
            cumulative sum of the various statistics for the
            24 hour period preceding the current interval."
     ::= { ds1 12 }

dsx1FarEndTotalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Dsx1FarEndTotalEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
            "An entry in the DS1 Far End Total table."
     INDEX   { dsx1FarEndTotalIndex }
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalTable 1 }

Dsx1FarEndTotalEntry ::=
         dsx1FarEndTotalIndex          InterfaceIndex,
         dsx1FarEndTotalESs            PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalSESs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalSEFSs          PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalUASs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalCSSs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalLESs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalPCVs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalBESs           PerfTotalCount,
         dsx1FarEndTotalDMs            PerfTotalCount

dsx1FarEndTotalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
                            -- SMIv1 index
     STATUS  current
            "The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1
            interface to which this entry is applicable.  The
ToP   noToC   RFC3895 - Page 54
            interface identified by a particular value of this
            index is identical to the interface identified by
            the same value of dsx1LineIndex."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalEntry 1 }

dsx1FarEndTotalESs OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Errored Seconds encountered
            by a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour
            interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count as
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Seconds
            encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24
            hour interval.  Invalid 15 minute intervals count
            as 0."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Far End Severely Errored Framing
            Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the
            previous 24 hour interval. Invalid 15 minute
            intervals count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  PerfTotalCount
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
            "The number of Unavailable Seconds encountered by
            a DS1 interface in the previous 24 hour interval.
            Invalid 15 minute intervals count as 0."
     ::= { dsx1FarEndTotalEntry 5 }