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RFC 3877

Alarm Management Information Base (MIB)

Pages: 75
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 4 – Pages 10 to 38
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4. Generic Alarm MIB

4.1. Overview

The ALARM-MIB consists of alarm models and lists of active and cleared alarms. The alarmModelTable contains information that is applicable to all instances of an alarm. It can be populated at start-up with all alarms that could happen on a system or later configured by a management application. It contains all the alarms for a given system. If a Notification is not represented in the alarmModelTable, it is not an alarm state transition. The alarmModelTable provides a
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   means of defining the raise/clear and other state transition
   relationships between alarm states.  The alarmModelIndex acts as a
   unique identifier for an alarm.  An alarm model consists of
   definitions of the possible states an alarm can assume as well as the
   Object Identifier (OID) of the Notification associated with this
   alarm state.  The object alarmModelState defines the states of an

   The alarmActiveTable contains a list of alarms that are currently
   occurring on a system.  It is intended that this table be queried
   upon device discovery and rediscovery to determine which alarms are
   currently active on the device.

   The alarmActiveVariableTable contains the Notification variable
   bindings associated with the alarms in the alarmActiveTable.

   The alarmActiveStatsTable contains current and total raised alarm
   counts as well as the time of the last alarm raise and alarm clears
   per named alarm list.

   The alarmClearTable contains recently cleared alarms.  It contains up
   to alarmClearMaximum cleared alarms.

   The MIB also defines generic alarm Notifications that can be used
   when there is not an existing applicable Notification to signal the
   alarm state transition - alarmActiveState and alarmClearState.

4.1.1. Extensibility

The relationship between the Alarm MIB and the other alarm model MIB modules is expressed by the following: The alarmModelTable has a corresponding table in the specific MIB. For each row in the specific MIB alarm model table there is one row in the alarmModelTable. The alarmActiveTable has a corresponding table in the specific MIBs. For each row in the specific MIB active alarm table, there is one row in the alarmActiveTable. The alarmModelSpecificPointer object in the alarmModelTable points to the specific model entry in an extended alarm model table corresponding to this particular alarm. The alarmActiveSpecificPointer object in the alarmActiveTable points to the specific active alarm entry in an extended active alarm table corresponding to this particular alarm instance. Additional extensions can be defined by defining an AUGMENTATION of either the Alarm or ITU Alarm tables. As the alarm model table only provides a mechanism to point at one specific alarm model, additional specific models SHOULD define another mechanism to map from the generic alarm model to the additional model.
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4.1.2. Problem Indication

The problem that each alarm indicates is identified through the Object Identifier of the NotificationId of the state transition, and, optionally, the ITU parameters. alarmModelDescription provides a description of the alarm state suitable for displaying to an operator.

4.1.3. Alarm State Transition Notification

The SNMP-TARGET-MIB [RFC3413] provides the ability to specify which managers, if any, receive Notifications of problems. Solutions can therefore use the features of this MIB to change the Notification behaviour of their implementations. Specifying target hosts in this MIB along with specifying notifications in the alarmModelNotificationId would allow Notifications to be logged and sent out to management stations in an architecture as described in section 3.2. Specifying no target hosts in this MIB along with specifying notifications in the alarmModelNotificationId would allow Notifications to be logged but not sent out to management stations in an architecture as described in section 3.2. Regardless of what is defined in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB, specifying { 0 0 } in the alarmModelNotificationId would result in no notifications being logged or sent to management stations as a consequence of this particular alarm state transition. Alarms are modelled by defining all possible states in the alarmModelTable, as well as defining alarmModelNotificationId, alarmModelVarbindIndex, and alarmModelVarbindValue for each of the possible alarm states. Optionally, ituAlarmPerceivedSeverity models the states in terms of ITU perceived severity.

4.1.4. Active Alarm Resource Identifier

Resources under alarm can be identified using the alarmActiveResourceId. This OBJECT IDENTIFIER points to an appropriate object to identify the given resource, depending on the type of the resource. The consumer of the alarmActiveResourceId does not necessarily need to know the type of the resource in the resource ID, but if they want to know this, examining the content of the resource ID can derive it - is an interface, for example. It is therefore good practice to use resource IDs that can be consistently used across technologies, such as ifIndex, entPhysicalIndex or sysApplRunIndex, to minimize the number of resource prefixes a manager interested in a resource type needs to learn.
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   Resource ID can be calculated using the alarmModelResourcePrefix,
   alarmModelVarbindSubtree and the Notification varbinds.  This allows
   for both the managed element to be able to compute and populate the
   alarmActiveResourceId object and for the manager to be able to
   determine when two separate alarm instances are referring to the same

   If alarmModelResourcePrefix has a value of 0.0, then
   alarmActiveResourceId is simply the variable identifier of the first
   Notification varbind that matches the prefix defined in
   alarmModelVarbindSubtree.  Otherwise, alarmActiveResourceId is
   calculated by appending the instance information from the first
   Notification varbind that matches alarmModelVarbindSubtree to the
   prefix defined in alarmModelResourcePrefix.  The instance information
   is the portion of the variable identifier following the part that
   matched alarmModelVarbindSubtree.  If no match is found, then
   alarmActiveResourceId is simply the value of

   In addition to this, the variable bindings from the Notifications
   that signal the alarm state transitions are stored in the active
   alarm variable table.  This allows for implementations familiar with
   the particular Notifications to implement other forms of resource

   For Example:

   A) Consider an alarm modelled using the authenticationFailure
   [RFC3418] Notification.

     authenticationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE
      STATUS  current
           "An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2
           entity, acting in an agent role, has received a protocol
           message that is not properly authenticated.  While all
           implementations of the SNMPv2 must be capable of generating
           this trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object indicates
           whether this trap will be generated."
      ::= { snmpTraps 5 }

     To set the resource ID to be usmStats,,
     configure as follows:
          alarmModelVarbindSubtree = 0.0
          alarmModelResourcePrefix = usmStats (
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   B) Consider an alarm modelled using linkDown [RFC2863]

             OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
             STATUS  current
         ::= { snmpTraps 3 }

    To set the resource Id to be the ifIndex, configure as follows:
          alarmModelVarbindSubtree = ifIndex (
          alarmModelResourcePrefix = 0.0

    Alternatively, since ifIndex is the first varbind, the following
    would also work, but might be less meaningful to a human reader
    of the MIB table:
          alarmModelVarbindSubtree = 0.0
          alarmModelResourcePrefix = 0.0

   C) Consider an alarm modelled using the bgpBackwardTransition
   [RFC1657] Notification.

     bgpBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE
             OBJECTS { bgpPeerLastError,
                          bgpPeerState      }
             STATUS  current
                   "The BGPBackwardTransition Event is generated
                   when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered
                   state to a lower numbered state."
             ::= { bgpTraps 2 }

     To set the resource Id to be the bgpPeerRemoteAddr, the index to
     the bgpTable, where bgpPeerState resides, configure as follows:
          alarmModelVarbindSubtree = bgpPeerState
          alarmModelResourcePrefix = bgpPeerRemoteAddr

4.1.5. Configurable Alarm Models

The alarm model table SHOULD be initially populated by the system. The objects in alarmModelTable and ituAlarmTable have a MAX-ACCESS of read-create, which allows managers to modify the alarm models to suit their requirements.
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4.1.6. Active Alarm Management

Lists of alarms currently active on an SNMP entity are stored in the alarmActiveTable and, optionally, a model specific alarmTable, e.g., the ituAlarmActiveTable.

4.1.7. Distributed Alarm Management

Distributed alarm management can be achieved by support of the Alarm MIB on both the alarm detection point and on the mid-level manager. This is facilitated by the ability to be able to store different named alarm lists. A mid-level manager could create an alarmListName for each of the devices it manages and therefore store separate lists for each device. In addition, the context and IP addresses of the alarm detection point are stored in the alarmActiveTable.

4.2. Definitions

ALARM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, TimeTicks, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress, Opaque, mib-2, zeroDotZero FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] DateAndTime, RowStatus, RowPointer, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- [RFC3411] InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- [RFC3291] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] ZeroBasedCounter32 FROM RMON2-MIB; -- [RFC2021] alarmMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200409090000Z" -- September 09, 2004 ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG EMail: Subscribe:
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           Chair:     Randy Presuhn

           Editors:   Sharon Chisholm
                      Nortel Networks
                      PO Box 3511 Station C
                      Ottawa, Ont.  K1Y 4H7

                      Dan Romascanu
                      Atidim Technology Park, Bldg. #3
                      Tel Aviv, 61131
                      Tel: +972-3-645-8414
           "The MIB module describes a generic solution
           to model alarms and to store the current list
           of active alarms.

           Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).  The
           initial version of this MIB module was published
           in RFC 3877.  For full legal notices see the RFC
           itself.  Supplementary information may be available on:
      REVISION    "200409090000Z"  -- September 09, 2004
          "Initial version, published as RFC 3877."
      ::= { mib-2 118 }

alarmObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 1 }

alarmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 0 }

alarmModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 1 }

alarmActive  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 2 }

alarmClear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmObjects 3 }

-- Textual Conventions

 -- ResourceId is intended to be a general textual convention
 -- that can be used outside of the set of MIBs related to
 -- Alarm Management.
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    STATUS current
            "A unique identifier for this resource.

            The type of the resource can be determined by looking
            at the OID that describes the resource.

            Resources must be identified in a consistent manner.
            For example, if this resource is an interface, this
            object MUST point to an ifIndex and if this resource
            is a physical entity [RFC2737], then this MUST point
            to an entPhysicalDescr, given that entPhysicalIndex
            is not accessible.  In general, the value is the
            name of the instance of the first accessible columnar
            object in the conceptual row of a table that is
            meaningful for this resource type, which SHOULD
            be defined in an IETF standard MIB."

 -- LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr is intended to be a general
 -- textual convention that can be used outside of the set of
 -- MIBs related to Alarm Management.

  LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
      STATUS current
          "An SNMP Engine ID or a zero-length string.  The
           instantiation of this textual convention will provide
           guidance on when this will be an SNMP Engine ID and
           when it will be a zero lengths string"
      SYNTAX         OCTET STRING (SIZE(0 | 5..32))

-- Alarm Model

alarmModelLastChanged  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      TimeTicks
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
         creation, deletion or modification of an entry in
         the alarmModelTable.

         If the number and content of entries has been unchanged
         since the last re-initialization of the local network
         management subsystem, then the value of this object
         MUST be zero."
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      ::= { alarmModel 1 }

alarmModelTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AlarmModelEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "A table of information about possible alarms on the system,
        and how they have been modelled."
   ::= { alarmModel 2 }

alarmModelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      AlarmModelEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "Entries appear in this table for each possible alarm state.
       This table MUST be persistent across system reboots."
   INDEX       { alarmListName, alarmModelIndex, alarmModelState }
   ::= { alarmModelTable 1 }

AlarmModelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   alarmModelIndex                 Unsigned32,
   alarmModelState                 Unsigned32,
   alarmModelNotificationId        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmModelVarbindIndex          Unsigned32,
   alarmModelVarbindValue          Integer32,
   alarmModelDescription           SnmpAdminString,
   alarmModelSpecificPointer       RowPointer,
   alarmModelVarbindSubtree        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmModelResourcePrefix        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmModelRowStatus             RowStatus

alarmModelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
       "An integer that acts as an alarm Id
       to uniquely identify each alarm
       within the named alarm list. "
   ::= { alarmModelEntry 1 }

alarmModelState OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS       current
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        "A value of 1 MUST indicate a clear alarm state.
        The value of this object MUST be less than the
        alarmModelState of more severe alarm states for
        this alarm.  The value of this object MUST be more
        than the alarmModelState of less severe alarm states
        for this alarm."
    ::= { alarmModelEntry 2 }

alarmModelNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-create
   STATUS      current
       "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of this alarm
       state transition.  If there is no notification associated
       with this alarm state, the value of this object MUST be
   DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
   ::= { alarmModelEntry 3 }

alarmModelVarbindIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS   read-create
   STATUS       current
     "The index into the varbind listing of the notification
     indicated by alarmModelNotificationId which helps
     signal that the given alarm has changed state.
     If there is no applicable varbind, the value of this
     object MUST be zero.

     Note that the value of alarmModelVarbindIndex acknowledges
     the existence of the first two obligatory varbinds in
     the InformRequest-PDU and SNMPv2-Trap-PDU (sysUpTime.0
     and snmpTrapOID.0).  That is, a value of 2 refers to
     the snmpTrapOID.0.

     If the incoming notification is instead an SNMPv1 Trap-PDU,
     then an appropriate value for sysUpTime.0 or snmpTrapOID.0
     shall be determined by using the rules in section 3.1 of
     DEFVAL { 0 }
    ::= { alarmModelEntry 4 }

alarmModelVarbindValue OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX  Integer32
   MAX-ACCESS   read-create
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   STATUS       current
     "The value that the varbind indicated by
     alarmModelVarbindIndex takes to indicate
     that the alarm has entered this state.

     If alarmModelVarbindIndex has a value of 0, so
     MUST alarmModelVarbindValue.
     DEFVAL { 0 }
    ::= { alarmModelEntry 5 }

alarmModelDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
      "A brief description of this alarm and state suitable
      to display to operators."
   DEFVAL { "" }
   ::= { alarmModelEntry 6 }

alarmModelSpecificPointer OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS     current
     "If no additional, model-specific Alarm MIB is supported by
      the system the value of this object is `0.0'and attempts
      to set it to any other value MUST be rejected appropriately.

      When a model-specific Alarm MIB is supported, this object
      MUST refer to the first accessible object in a corresponding
      row of the model definition in one of these model-specific
      MIB and attempts to set this object to { 0 0 } or any other
      value MUST be rejected appropriately."
   DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
   ::= { alarmModelEntry 7 }

  alarmModelVarbindSubtree  OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       current
       "The name portion of each VarBind in the notification,
        in order, is compared to the value of this object.
        If the name is equal to or a subtree of the value
        of this object, for purposes of computing the value
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        of AlarmActiveResourceID the 'prefix' will be the
        matching portion, and the 'indexes' will be any
        remainder.  The examination of varbinds ends with
        the first match.  If the value of this object is 0.0,
        then the first varbind, or in the case of v2, the
        first varbind after the timestamp and the trap
        OID, will always be matched.
      DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
     ::= { alarmModelEntry 8 }

  alarmModelResourcePrefix  OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       current
       "The value of AlarmActiveResourceId is computed
        by appending any indexes extracted in accordance
        with the description of alarmModelVarbindSubtree
        onto the value of this object.  If this object's
        value is 0.0, then the 'prefix' extracted is used
     DEFVAL { zeroDotZero }
     ::= { alarmModelEntry 9 }

alarmModelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowStatus
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS     current
    "Control for creating and deleting entries.  Entries may be
    modified while active.  Alarms whose alarmModelRowStatus is
    not active will not appear in either the alarmActiveTable
    or the alarmClearTable.  Setting this object to notInService
    cannot be used as an alarm suppression mechanism.  Entries
    that are notInService will disappear as described in RFC2579.

    This row can not be modified while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer.  In these
    cases, an error of `inconsistentValue' will be returned to
    the manager.

    This entry may be deleted while it is being
    referenced by a value of alarmActiveModelPointer.  This results
    in the deletion of this entry and entries in the active alarms
    referencing this entry via an alarmActiveModelPointer.
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    As all read-create objects in this table have a DEFVAL clause,
    there is no requirement that any object be explicitly set
    before this row can become active.  Note that a row consisting
    only of default values is not very meaningful."
   ::= { alarmModelEntry 10 }

-- Active Alarm Table --

alarmActiveLastChanged  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
       creation or deletion of an entry in the alarmActiveTable.
       If the number of entries has been unchanged since the
       last re-initialization of the local network management
       subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
   ::= { alarmActive 1 }

 alarmActiveOverflow  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Counter32
     UNITS       "active alarms"
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
        "The number of active alarms that have not been put into
         the alarmActiveTable since system restart as a result
         of extreme resource constraints."
     ::= { alarmActive 5 }

alarmActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AlarmActiveEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "A table of Active Alarms entries."
   ::= { alarmActive 2 }

alarmActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      AlarmActiveEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "Entries appear in this table when alarms are raised.  They
        are removed when the alarm is cleared.

        If under extreme resource constraint the system is unable to
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        add any more entries into this table, then the
        alarmActiveOverflow statistic will be increased by one."
   INDEX       { alarmListName, alarmActiveDateAndTime,
                 alarmActiveIndex }
   ::= { alarmActiveTable 1 }

AlarmActiveEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   alarmListName                    SnmpAdminString,
   alarmActiveDateAndTime           DateAndTime,
   alarmActiveIndex                 Unsigned32,
   alarmActiveEngineID              LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr,
   alarmActiveEngineAddressType     InetAddressType,
   alarmActiveEngineAddress         InetAddress,
   alarmActiveContextName           SnmpAdminString,
   alarmActiveVariables             Unsigned32,
   alarmActiveNotificationID        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmActiveResourceId            ResourceId,
   alarmActiveDescription           SnmpAdminString,
   alarmActiveLogPointer            RowPointer,
   alarmActiveModelPointer          RowPointer,
   alarmActiveSpecificPointer       RowPointer }

alarmListName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
    "The name of the list of alarms.  This SHOULD be the same as
    nlmLogName if the Notification Log MIB [RFC3014] is supported.
    This SHOULD be the same as, or contain as a prefix, the
    applicable snmpNotifyFilterProfileName if the

    An implementation may allow multiple named alarm lists, up to
    some implementation-specific limit (which may be none).  A
    zero-length list name is reserved for creation and deletion
    by the managed system, and MUST be used as the default log
    name by systems that do not support named alarm lists."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 1 }

alarmActiveDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      DateAndTime
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "The local date and time when the error occurred.

       This object facilitates retrieving all instances of
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       alarms that have been raised or have changed state
       since a given point in time.

       Implementations MUST include the offset from UTC,
       if available.  Implementation in environments in which
       the UTC offset is not available is NOT RECOMMENDED."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 2 }

alarmActiveIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
       "A strictly monotonically increasing integer which
       acts as the index of entries within the named alarm
       list.  It wraps back to 1 after it reaches its
       maximum value."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 3 }

alarmActiveEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The identification of the SNMP engine at which the alarm
        originated.  If the alarm is from an SNMPv1 system this
        object is a zero length string."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 4 }

alarmActiveEngineAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      InetAddressType
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
    "This object indicates what type of address is stored in
    the alarmActiveEngineAddress object - IPv4, IPv6, DNS, etc."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 5 }

alarmActiveEngineAddress OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      InetAddress
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
    "The address of the SNMP engine on which the alarm is

    This object MUST always be instantiated, even if the list
    can contain alarms from only one engine."
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   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 6 }

alarmActiveContextName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The name of the SNMP MIB context from which the alarm came.
        For SNMPv1 alarms this is the community string from the Trap.
        Note that care MUST be taken when selecting community
        strings to ensure that these can be represented as a
        well-formed SnmpAdminString.  Community or Context names
        that are not well-formed SnmpAdminStrings will be mapped
        to zero length strings.

        If the alarm's source SNMP engine is known not to support
        multiple contexts, this object is a zero length string."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 7 }

alarmActiveVariables OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The number of variables in alarmActiveVariableTable for this
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 8 }

alarmActiveNotificationID OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the alarm
       state transition that is occurring."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 9 }

alarmActiveResourceId    OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      ResourceId
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This object identifies the resource under alarm.

      If there is no corresponding resource, then
      the value of this object MUST be 0.0."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 10 }
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alarmActiveDescription    OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This object provides a textual description of the
      active alarm.  This text is generated dynamically by the
      notification generator to provide useful information
      to the human operator.  This information SHOULD
      provide information allowing the operator to locate
      the resource for which this alarm is being generated.
      This information is not intended for consumption by
      automated tools."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 11 }

alarmActiveLogPointer OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
       "A pointer to the corresponding row in a
       notification logging MIB where the state change
       notification for this active alarm is logged.
       If no log entry applies to this active alarm,
       then this object MUST have the value of 0.0"
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 12 }

alarmActiveModelPointer OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
       "A pointer to the corresponding row in the
       alarmModelTable for this active alarm.  This
       points not only to the alarm model being
       instantiated, but also to the specific alarm
       state that is active."
   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 13 }

alarmActiveSpecificPointer OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
     "If no additional, model-specific, Alarm MIB is supported by
     the system this object is `0.0'.  When a model-specific Alarm
     MIB is supported, this object is the instance pointer to the
     specific model-specific active alarm list."
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   ::= { alarmActiveEntry 14 }

-- Active Alarm Variable Table --

alarmActiveVariableTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF AlarmActiveVariableEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "A table of variables to go with active alarm entries."
   ::= { alarmActive 3 }

alarmActiveVariableEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      AlarmActiveVariableEntry
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "Entries appear in this table when there are variables in
       the varbind list of a corresponding alarm in

       Entries appear in this table as though
       the trap/notification had been transported using a
       SNMPv2-Trap-PDU, as defined in [RFC3416] - i.e., the
       alarmActiveVariableIndex 1 will always be sysUpTime
       and alarmActiveVariableIndex 2 will always be

       If the incoming notification is instead an SNMPv1 Trap-PDU and
       the value of alarmModelVarbindIndex is 1 or 2, an appropriate
       value for sysUpTime.0 or snmpTrapOID.0 shall be determined
       by using the rules in section 3.1 of [RFC3584]."
   INDEX   {  alarmListName, alarmActiveIndex,
              alarmActiveVariableIndex }
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableTable 1 }

AlarmActiveVariableEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   alarmActiveVariableIndex                 Unsigned32,
   alarmActiveVariableID                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmActiveVariableValueType             INTEGER,
   alarmActiveVariableCounter32Val          Counter32,
   alarmActiveVariableUnsigned32Val         Unsigned32,
   alarmActiveVariableTimeTicksVal          TimeTicks,
   alarmActiveVariableInteger32Val          Integer32,
   alarmActiveVariableOctetStringVal        OCTET STRING,
   alarmActiveVariableIpAddressVal          IpAddress,
   alarmActiveVariableOidVal                OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmActiveVariableCounter64Val          Counter64,
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   alarmActiveVariableOpaqueVal             Opaque }

alarmActiveVariableIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
       "A strictly monotonically increasing integer, starting at
       1 for a given alarmActiveIndex, for indexing variables
       within the active alarm variable list. "
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 1 }

alarmActiveVariableID OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
       "The alarm variable's object identifier."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 2 }

alarmActiveVariableValueType OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The type of the value.  One and only one of the value
       objects that follow is used for a given row in this table,
       based on this type."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 3 }

alarmActiveVariableCounter32Val OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'counter32'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 29
alarmActiveVariableUnsigned32Val OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'unsigned32'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 5 }

alarmActiveVariableTimeTicksVal OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'timeTicks'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 6 }

alarmActiveVariableInteger32Val OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Integer32
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'integer32'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 7 }

alarmActiveVariableOctetStringVal OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65535))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'octetString'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 8 }

alarmActiveVariableIpAddressVal OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      IpAddress
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'ipAddress'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 9 }

alarmActiveVariableOidVal OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'objectId'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 10 }
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 30
alarmActiveVariableCounter64Val OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Counter64
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'counter64'."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 11 }

alarmActiveVariableOpaqueVal OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      Opaque (SIZE(0..65535))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The value when alarmActiveVariableType is 'opaque'.

       Note that although RFC2578 [RFC2578] forbids the use
       of Opaque in 'standard' MIB modules, this particular
       usage is driven by the need to be able to accurately
       represent any well-formed notification, and justified
       by the need for backward compatibility."
   ::= { alarmActiveVariableEntry 12 }

-- Statistics --

alarmActiveStatsTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF AlarmActiveStatsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
         "This table represents the alarm statistics
  ::= { alarmActive 4 }

alarmActiveStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  AlarmActiveStatsEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
         "Statistics on the current active alarms."
      INDEX   { alarmListName }

  ::= {  alarmActiveStatsTable 1 }

AlarmActiveStatsEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
           alarmActiveStatsActiveCurrent  Gauge32,
           alarmActiveStatsActives        ZeroBasedCounter32,
           alarmActiveStatsLastRaise      TimeTicks,
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 31
           alarmActiveStatsLastClear      TimeTicks

alarmActiveStatsActiveCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX Gauge32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS  current
         "The total number of currently active alarms on the system."
       ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 1 }

alarmActiveStatsActives OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX ZeroBasedCounter32
      MAX-ACCESS read-only
      STATUS  current
         "The total number of active alarms since system restarted."
       ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 2 }

alarmActiveStatsLastRaise  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
       alarm raise for this alarm list.
       If no alarm raises have occurred since the
       last re-initialization of the local network management
       subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
 ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 3 }

alarmActiveStatsLastClear  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      TimeTicks
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
       alarm clear for this alarm list.
       If no alarm clears have occurred since the
       last re-initialization of the local network management
       subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
 ::= { alarmActiveStatsEntry 4 }

-- Alarm Clear

alarmClearMaximum OBJECT-TYPE
 SYNTAX Unsigned32
 MAX-ACCESS read-write
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 32
 STATUS current
   "This object specifies the maximum number of cleared
   alarms to store in the alarmClearTable.  When this
   number is reached, the cleared alarms with the
   earliest clear time will be removed from the table."
 ::= { alarmClear 1 }

alarmClearTable  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF AlarmClearEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
         "This table contains information on
         cleared alarms."
  ::= { alarmClear 2 }

alarmClearEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  AlarmClearEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
         "Information on a cleared alarm."
      INDEX   { alarmListName, alarmClearDateAndTime,
alarmClearIndex }

  ::= {  alarmClearTable 1 }

AlarmClearEntry ::=
      SEQUENCE {
   alarmClearIndex                 Unsigned32,
   alarmClearDateAndTime           DateAndTime,
   alarmClearEngineID              LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr,
   alarmClearEngineAddressType     InetAddressType,
   alarmClearEngineAddress         InetAddress,
   alarmClearContextName           SnmpAdminString,
   alarmClearNotificationID        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
   alarmClearResourceId            ResourceId,
   alarmClearLogIndex              Unsigned32,
   alarmClearModelPointer          RowPointer

alarmClearIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
       "An integer which acts as the index of entries within
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 33
       the named alarm list.  It wraps back to 1 after it
       reaches its maximum value.

       This object has the same value as the alarmActiveIndex that
       this alarm instance had when it was active."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 1 }

alarmClearDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      DateAndTime
   MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
   STATUS      current
       "The local date and time when the alarm cleared.

       This object facilitates retrieving all instances of
       alarms that have been cleared since a given point in time.

       Implementations MUST include the offset from UTC,
       if available.  Implementation in environments in which
       the UTC offset is not available is NOT RECOMMENDED."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 2 }

alarmClearEngineID OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      LocalSnmpEngineOrZeroLenStr
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The identification of the SNMP engine at which the alarm
        originated.  If the alarm is from an SNMPv1 system this
        object is a zero length string."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 3 }

alarmClearEngineAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      InetAddressType
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
    "This object indicates what type of address is stored in
    the alarmActiveEngineAddress object - IPv4, IPv6, DNS, etc."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 4 }

alarmClearEngineAddress OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      InetAddress
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
    "The Address of the SNMP engine on which the alarm was
    occurring.  This is used to identify the source of an SNMPv1
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 34
    trap, since an alarmActiveEngineId cannot be extracted from the
    SNMPv1 trap PDU.

    This object MUST always be instantiated, even if the list
    can contain alarms from only one engine."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 5 }

alarmClearContextName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32))
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The name of the SNMP MIB context from which the alarm came.
       For SNMPv1 traps this is the community string from the Trap.
       Note that care needs to be taken when selecting community
       strings to ensure that these can be represented as a
       well-formed SnmpAdminString.  Community or Context names
       that are not well-formed SnmpAdminStrings will be mapped
       to zero length strings.

       If the alarm's source SNMP engine is known not to support
       multiple contexts, this object is a zero length string."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 6 }

alarmClearNotificationID OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
       "The NOTIFICATION-TYPE object identifier of the alarm
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 7 }

alarmClearResourceId    OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX      ResourceId
   MAX-ACCESS  read-only
   STATUS      current
      "This object identifies the resource that was under alarm.

      If there is no corresponding resource, then
      the value of this object MUST be 0.0."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 8 }

alarmClearLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 35
       "This number MUST be the same as the log index of the
       applicable row in the notification log MIB, if it exists.
       If no log index applies to the trap, then this object
       MUST have the value of 0."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 9 }

alarmClearModelPointer OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     RowPointer
   MAX-ACCESS read-only
   STATUS     current
       "A pointer to the corresponding row in the
       alarmModelTable for this cleared alarm."
   ::= { alarmClearEntry 10 }

-- Notifications

 OBJECTS     { alarmActiveModelPointer,
               alarmActiveResourceId }
 STATUS      current
    "An instance of the alarm indicated by
    alarmActiveModelPointer has been raised
    against the entity indicated by

    The agent must throttle the generation of
    consecutive alarmActiveState traps so that there is at
    least a two-second gap between traps of this
    type against the same alarmActiveModelPointer and
    alarmActiveResourceId.  When traps are throttled,
    they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.

    A management application should periodically check
    the value of alarmActiveLastChanged to detect any
    missed alarmActiveState notification-events, e.g.,
    due to throttling or transmission loss."
 ::= { alarmNotifications 2 }

   OBJECTS     { alarmActiveModelPointer,
                 alarmActiveResourceId }
   STATUS      current
     "An instance of the alarm indicated by
     alarmActiveModelPointer has been cleared against
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 36
     the entity indicated by alarmActiveResourceId.

    The agent must throttle the generation of
    consecutive alarmActiveClear traps so that there is at
    least a two-second gap between traps of this
    type against the same alarmActiveModelPointer and
    alarmActiveResourceId.  When traps are throttled,
    they are dropped, not queued for sending at a future time.

    A management application should periodically check
    the value of alarmActiveLastChanged to detect any
    missed alarmClearState notification-events, e.g.,
    due to throttling or transmission loss."
   ::= { alarmNotifications 3 }

-- Conformance

alarmConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmMIB 2 }

alarmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmConformance 1 }

      STATUS  current
          "The compliance statement for systems supporting
          the Alarm MIB."
      MODULE -- this module
      GROUP       alarmActiveStatsGroup
           "This group is optional."
      GROUP       alarmClearGroup
           "This group is optional."
      GROUP       alarmNotificationsGroup
           "This group is optional."
   ::= { alarmCompliances 1 }

alarmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmConformance 2 }

alarmModelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 37
    STATUS   current
               "Alarm model group."
    ::= { alarmGroups 1}

alarmActiveGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS {
          STATUS   current
               "Active Alarm list group."
          ::= { alarmGroups 2}

    alarmActiveStatsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS  {
Top   ToC   RFC3877 - Page 38
          STATUS   current
               "Active alarm summary group."
          ::= { alarmGroups 3}

alarmClearGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
          OBJECTS  {
          STATUS   current
               "Cleared alarm group."
          ::= { alarmGroups 4}

alarmNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
   NOTIFICATIONS { alarmActiveState, alarmClearState }
   STATUS        current
           "The collection of notifications that can be used to
           model alarms for faults lacking pre-existing
           notification definitions."
   ::= { alarmGroups 6 }


(page 38 continued on part 3)

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