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RFC 3730

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

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Part 2 of 3 – Pages 19 to 42
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2.9. Protocol Commands

EPP provides commands to manage sessions, retrieve object information, and perform transformation operations on objects. All EPP commands are atomic and designed so that they can be made idempotent, either succeeding completely or failing completely and producing predictable results in case of repeated execution. This section describes each EPP command, including examples with representative server responses.
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2.9.1. Session Management Commands

EPP provides two commands for session management: <login> to establish a session with a server, and <logout> to end a session with a server. The <login> command establishes an ongoing server session that preserves client identity and authorization information during the duration of the session. EPP <login> Command
The EPP <login> command is used to establish a session with an EPP server in response to a greeting issued by the server. A <login> command MUST be sent to a server before any other EPP command to establish an ongoing session. A server operator MAY limit the number of failed login attempts N, 1 <= N <= infinity, after which a login failure results in the connection to the server (if a connection exists) being closed. A client identifier and initial password MUST be created on the server before a client can successfully complete a <login> command. The client identifier and initial password MUST be delivered to the client using an out-of-band method that protects the identifier and password from inadvertent disclosure. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <login> command contains the following child elements: - A <clID> element that contains the client identifier assigned to the client by the server. - A <pw> element that contains the client's plain text password. The value of this element is case sensitive. - An OPTIONAL <newPW> element that contains a new plain text password to be assigned to the client for use with subsequent <login> commands. The value of this element is case sensitive. - An <options> element that contains the following child elements: - A <version> element that contains the protocol version to be used for the command or ongoing server session. - A <lang> element that contains the text response language to be used for the command or ongoing server session commands. The values of the <version> and <lang> elements MUST exactly match one of the values presented in the EPP greeting.
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   -  A <svcs> element that contains one or more <objURI> elements that
      contain namespace URIs representing the objects to be managed
      during the session.  The <svcs> element MAY contain an OPTIONAL
      <svcExtension> element that contains one or more <extURI> elements
      that identify object extensions to be used during the session.

   The PLAIN SASL mechanism presented in [RFC2595] describes a format
   for providing a user identifier, an authorization identifier, and a
   password as part of a single plain text string.  The EPP
   authentication mechanism is similar, though EPP does not require a
   session-level authorization identifier and the user identifier and
   password are separated into distinct XML elements.  Additional
   identification and authorization schemes MUST be provided at other
   protocol layers to provide more robust security services.

   Example <login> command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <login>
   C:      <clID>ClientX</clID>
   C:      <pw>foo-BAR2</pw>
   C:      <newPW>bar-FOO2</newPW>
   C:      <options>
   C:        <version>1.0</version>
   C:        <lang>en</lang>
   C:      </options>
   C:      <svcs>
   C:        <objURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj1</objURI>
   C:        <objURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj2</objURI>
   C:        <objURI>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj3</objURI>
   C:        <svcExtension>
   C:          <extURI>http://custom/obj1ext-1.0</extURI>
   C:        </svcExtension>
   C:      </svcs>
   C:    </login>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   When a <login> command has been processed successfully, a server MUST
   respond with an EPP response with no <resData> element.  If
   successful, the server will respond by creating and maintaining a new
   session that SHOULD be terminated by a future <logout> command.
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   Example <login> response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <login> command is used to establish a session with an EPP
   server.  A <login> command MUST be rejected if received within the
   bounds of an existing session.  This action MUST be open to all
   authorized clients. EPP <logout> Command
The EPP <logout> command is used to end a session with an EPP server. The <logout> command MUST be represented as an empty element with no child elements. A server MAY end a session due to client inactivity or excessive client session longevity. The parameters for determining excessive client inactivity or session longevity are a matter of server policy and are not specified by this protocol. Transport mappings MUST explicitly describe any connection-oriented processing that takes place after processing a <logout> command and ending a session.
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   Example <logout> command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <logout/>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   When a <logout> command has been processed successfully, a server
   MUST respond with an EPP response with no <resData> element.  If
   successful, the server MUST also end the current session.

   Example <logout> response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1500">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully; ending session</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <logout> command is used to end a session with an EPP server.
   A <logout> command MUST be rejected if the command has not been
   preceded by a successful <login> command.  This action MUST be open
   to all authorized clients.

2.9.2. Query Commands

EPP provides four commands to retrieve object information: <check> to determine if an object can be provisioned within a repository, <info> to retrieve detailed information associated with a known object, <poll> to receive service notifications from the server, and <transfer> to retrieve object transfer status information.
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 24 EPP <check> Command
The EPP <check> command is used to determine if an object can be provisioned within a repository. It provides a hint that allows a client to anticipate the success or failure of provisioning an object using the <create> command as object provisioning requirements are ultimately a matter of server policy. The elements needed to identify an object are object-specific, so the child elements of the <check> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <check> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:check> element that identify the objects to be queried. Multiple objects of the same type MAY be queried within a single <check> command. Example <check> command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <check> C: <obj:check xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <obj:name>example1</obj:name> C: <obj:name>example2</obj:name> C: <obj:name>example3</obj:name> C: </obj:check> C: </check> C: <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp> When a <check> command has been processed successfully, a server MUST respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the object schema. The child elements of the <resData> element are object-specific, though the EPP <resData> element MUST contain a child <obj:chkData> element that contains one or more <obj:cd> (check data) elements. Each <obj:cd> elements contains the following child elements:
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   -  An object-specific element that identifies the queried object.
      This element MUST contain an "avail" attribute whose value
      indicates object availability (can it be provisioned or not) at
      the moment the <check> command was completed.  A value of "1" or
      "true" means that the object can be provisioned.  A value of "0"
      or "false" means that the object can not be provisioned.

   -  An OPTIONAL <obj:reason> element that MAY be provided when an
      object can not be provisioned.  If present, this element contains
      server-specific text to help explain why the object can not be
      provisioned.  This text MUST be represented in the response
      language previously negotiated with the client; an OPTIONAL "lang"
      attribute MAY be present to identify the language if the
      negotiated value is something other than the default value of "en"

   Example <check> response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:chkData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <obj:cd>
   S:          <obj:name avail="1">example1</obj:name>
   S:        </obj:cd>
   S:        <obj:cd>
   S:          <obj:name avail="0">example2</obj:name>
   S:          <obj:reason>In use</obj:reason>
   S:        </obj:cd>
   S:        <obj:cd>
   S:          <obj:name avail="1">example3</obj:name>
   S:        </obj:cd>
   S:      </obj:chkData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>
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   The EPP <check> command is used to determine if an object can be
   provisioned within a repository.  This action MUST be open to all
   authorized clients. EPP <info> Command
The EPP <info> command is used to retrieve information associated with an existing object. The elements needed to identify an object and the type of information associated with an object are both object-specific, so the child elements of the <info> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <info> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:info> element that identifies the object to be queried. Example <info> command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <info> C: <obj:info xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <!-- Object-specific elements. --> C: </obj:info> C: </info> C: <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp> When an <info> command has been processed successfully, a server MUST respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the object schema and the Repository Object Identifier (ROID) that was assigned to the object when the object was created. Other child elements of the <resData> element are object-specific.
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   Example <info> response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:infData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <obj:roid>EXAMPLE1-REP</obj:roid>
   S:        <!-- Object-specific elements. -->
   S:      </obj:infData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <info> command is used to retrieve information associated
   with an existing object.  This action SHOULD be limited to authorized
   clients; restricting this action to the sponsoring client is
   RECOMMENDED. EPP <poll> Command
The EPP <poll> command is used to discover and retrieve service messages queued by a server for individual clients. If the message queue is not empty, a successful response to a <poll> command MUST return the first message from the message queue. Each response returned from the server includes a server-unique message identifier that MUST be provided to acknowledge receipt of the message, and a counter that indicates the number of messages in the queue. After a message has been received by the client, the client MUST respond to the message with an explicit acknowledgement to confirm that the message has been received. A server MUST dequeue the message and decrement the queue counter after receiving acknowledgement from the client, making the next message in the queue (if any) available for retrieval.
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   Servers can occasionally perform actions on objects that are not in
   direct response to a client request, or an action taken by one client
   can indirectly involve a second client.  Examples of such actions
   include deletion upon expiration, automatic renewal upon expiration,
   and transfer coordination; other types of service information MAY be
   defined as a matter of server policy.  Service messages MUST be
   created for all clients affected by an action on an object.  For
   example, <transfer> actions MUST be reported to both the client that
   requests an object transfer and the client that has the authority to
   approve or reject the transfer request.

   Message queues can consume server resources if clients do not
   retrieve and acknowledge messages on a regular basis.  Servers MAY
   implement other mechanisms to dequeue and deliver messages if queue
   maintenance needs exceed server resource consumption limits.  Server
   operators SHOULD consider time-sensitivity and resource management
   factors when selecting a delivery method for service information
   because some message types can be reasonably delivered using non-
   protocol methods that require fewer server resources.

   Some of the information returned in response to a <poll> command can
   be object-specific, so some child elements of the <poll> response MAY
   be specified using the EPP extension framework.  The <poll> command
   MUST be represented as an empty element with no child elements.  An
   "op" attribute with value "req" is REQUIRED to retrieve the first
   message from the server message queue.  An "op" attribute (with value
   "ack") and a "msgID" attribute (whose value corresponds to the value
   of the "id" attribute copied from the <msg> element in the message
   being acknowledged) are REQUIRED to acknowledge receipt of a message.

   Example <poll> command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <poll op="req"/>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   The returned result code notes that a message has been dequeued and
   returned in response to a <poll> command.
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   Example <poll> response with object-specific information:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1301">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <msgQ count="5" id="12345">
   S:      <qDate>2000-06-08T22:00:00.0Z</qDate>
   S:      <msg>Transfer requested.</msg>
   S:    </msgQ>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:trnData
   S:       xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj-1.0"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj-1.0
   S:       obj-1.0.xsd">
   S:        <obj:name></obj:name>
   S:        <obj:trStatus>pending</obj:trStatus>
   S:        <obj:reID>ClientX</obj:reID>
   S:        <obj:reDate>2000-06-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:reDate>
   S:        <obj:acID>ClientY</obj:acID>
   S:        <obj:acDate>2000-06-13T22:00:00.0Z</obj:acDate>
   S:        <obj:exDate>2002-09-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:exDate>
   S:      </obj:trnData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   A client MUST acknowledge each response to dequeue the message and
   make subsequent messages available for retrieval.
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   Example <poll> acknowledgement command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <poll op="ack" msgID="12345"/>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   A <poll> acknowledgement response notes the number of messages
   remaining in the queue and the ID of the next message available for

   Example <poll> acknowledgement response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <msgQ count="4" id="12346"/>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   Service messages can also be returned without object information.
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   Example <poll> response with mixed message content and without
   object-specific information:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1301">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <msgQ count="4" id="12346">
   S:      <qDate>2000-06-08T22:10:00.0Z</qDate>
   S:      <msg lang="en">Credit balance low.
   S:        <limit>100</limit><bal>5</bal>
   S:      </msg>
   S:    </msgQ>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The returned result code and message is used to note an empty server
   message queue.

   Example <poll> response to note an empty message queue:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1300">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully; no messages</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>
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   The EPP <poll> command is used to discover and retrieve client
   service messages from a server.  This action SHOULD be limited to
   authorized clients; queuing service messages and limiting queue
   access on a per-client basis is RECOMMENDED. EPP <transfer> Query Command
The EPP <transfer> command provides a query operation that allows a client to determine real-time status of pending and completed transfer requests. The elements needed to identify an object that is the subject of a transfer request are object-specific, so the child elements of the <transfer> query command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <transfer> command contains an "op" attribute with value "query", and the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:transfer> element that identifies the object whose transfer status is requested. Transfer status is typically considered sensitive information by the clients involved in the operation. Object mappings MUST provide features to restrict transfer queries to authorized clients, such as by requiring authorization information as part of the request. Example <transfer> query command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <transfer op="query"> C: <obj:transfer xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <!-- Object-specific elements. --> C: </obj:transfer> C: </transfer> C: <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp> When a <transfer> query command has been processed successfully, a server MUST respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the object schema. The child elements of the <resData> element are object-specific, but they MUST include elements that identify the object, the status of the transfer, the identifier of the client that
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   requested the transfer, the date and time that the request was made,
   the identifier of the client that is authorized to act on the
   request, the date and time by which an action is expected, and an
   OPTIONAL date and time noting changes in the object's validity period
   (if applicable) that occur as a result of the transfer.

   Example <transfer> query response:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:trnData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <obj:name>example</obj:name>
   S:        <obj:trStatus>pending</obj:trStatus>
   S:        <obj:reID>ClientX</obj:reID>
   S:        <obj:reDate>2000-06-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:reDate>
   S:        <obj:acID>ClientY</obj:acID>
   S:        <obj:acDate>2000-06-13T22:00:00.0Z</obj:acDate>
   S:        <obj:exDate>2002-09-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:exDate>
   S:      </obj:trnData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <transfer> command provides a query operation that allows a
   client to determine real-time status of pending and completed
   transfer requests.  This action SHOULD be limited to authorized
   clients; restricting queries to the requesting and responding clients
   is RECOMMENDED.  Object transfer MAY be unavailable or limited by
   object-specific policies.
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2.9.3. Object Transform Commands

EPP provides five commands to transform objects: <create> to create an instance of an object with a server, <delete> to remove an instance of an object from a server, <renew> to extend the validity period of an object, <update> to change information associated with an object, and <transfer> to manage changes in client sponsorship of an object. EPP <create> Command
The EPP <create> command is used to create an instance of an object. An object can be created for an indefinite period of time, or an object can be created for a specific validity period. The EPP mapping for an object MUST describe the status of an object with respect to time, to include expected client and server behavior if a validity period is used. The elements needed to identify an object and associated attributes are object-specific, so the child elements of the <create> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <create> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:create> element that identifies the object to be created and the elements that are required to create the object. Example <create> command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <create> C: <obj:create xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <!-- Object-specific elements. --> C: </obj:create> C: </create> C: <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp>
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   When a <create> command has been processed successfully, a server MAY
   respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child
   element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the
   object schema.  The child elements of the <resData> element are

   Example <create> response with <resData>:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:creData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <!-- Object-specific elements. -->
   S:      </obj:creData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12345</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54321-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <create> command is used to create an instance of an object.
   This action SHOULD be limited to authorized clients and MAY be
   restricted on a per-client basis. EPP <delete> Command
The EPP <delete> command is used to remove an instance of an existing object. The elements needed to identify an object are object- specific, so the child elements of the <delete> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <delete> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:delete> element that identifies the object to be deleted.
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   Example <delete> command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <delete>
   C:      <obj:delete xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   C:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   C:        <!-- Object-specific elements. -->
   C:      </obj:delete>
   C:    </delete>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   C:  </command>

   When a <delete> command has been processed successfully, a server MAY
   respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child
   element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the
   object schema.  The child elements of the <resData> element are

   Example <delete> response without <resData>:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <delete> command is used to remove an instance of an existing
   object.  This action SHOULD be limited to authorized clients;
   restricting this action to the sponsoring client is RECOMMENDED.
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 37 EPP <renew> Command
The EPP <renew> command is used to extend the validity period of an existing object. The elements needed to identify and extend the validity period of an object are object-specific, so the child elements of the <renew> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <renew> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:renew> element that identifies the object to be renewed and the elements that are required to extend the validity period of the object. Example <renew> command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <renew> C: <obj:renew xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <!-- Object-specific elements. --> C: </obj:renew> C: </renew> C: <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp> When a <renew> command has been processed successfully, a server MAY respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the object schema. The child elements of the <resData> element are object-specific. Example <renew> response with <resData>: S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" S: xmlns:xsi="" S: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 S: epp-1.0.xsd"> S: <response> S: <result code="1000"> S: <msg>Command completed successfully</msg> S: </result>
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 38
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:renData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <!-- Object-specific elements. -->
   S:      </obj:renData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <renew> command is used to extend the validity period of an
   existing object.  This action SHOULD be limited to authorized
   clients; restricting this action to the sponsoring client is
   RECOMMENDED.  Object renewal MAY be unavailable or limited by
   object-specific policies. EPP <transfer> Command
The EPP <transfer> command is used to manage changes in client sponsorship of an existing object. Clients can initiate a transfer request, cancel a transfer request, approve a transfer request, and reject a transfer request using the "op" command attribute. A client who wishes to assume sponsorship of a known object from another client uses the <transfer> command with the value of the "op" attribute set to "request". Once a transfer has been requested, the same client can cancel the request using a <transfer> command with the value of the "op" attribute set to "cancel". A request to cancel the transfer MUST be sent to the server before the current sponsoring client either approves or rejects the transfer request and before the server automatically processes the request due to responding client inactivity. Once a transfer request has been received by the server, the server MUST notify the current sponsoring client of the requested transfer by queuing a service message for retrieval via the <poll> command. The current status of a pending <transfer> command for any object can be found using the <transfer> query command. Transfer service messages MUST include the object-specific elements specified for <transfer> command responses.
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 39
   The current sponsoring client MAY explicitly approve or reject the
   transfer request.  The client can approve the request using a
   <transfer> command with the value of the "op" attribute set to
   "approve".  The client can reject the request using a <transfer>
   command with the value of the "op" attribute set to "reject".

   A server MAY automatically approve or reject all transfer requests
   that are not explicitly approved or rejected by the current
   sponsoring client within a fixed amount of time.  The amount of time
   to wait for explicit action and the default server behavior are local
   matters not specified by EPP, but they SHOULD be documented in a
   server-specific profile document that describes default server
   behavior for client information.

   Objects eligible for transfer MUST have associated authorization
   information that MUST be provided to complete a <transfer> command.
   The type of authorization information required is object-specific;
   passwords or more complex mechanisms based on public key cryptography
   are typical.

   The elements needed to identify and complete the transfer of an
   object are object-specific, so the child elements of the <transfer>
   command are specified using the EPP extension framework.  In addition
   to the standard EPP command elements, the <transfer> command contains
   the following child elements:

   -  An object-specific <obj:transfer> element that identifies the
      object to be transferred and the elements that are required to
      process the transfer command.

   Example <transfer> command:

   C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   C:     xmlns:xsi=""
   C:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   C:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   C:  <command>
   C:    <transfer op="request">
   C:      <obj:transfer xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   C:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   C:        <!-- Object-specific elements. -->
   C:      </obj:transfer>
   C:    </transfer>
   C:    <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   C:  </command>
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 40
   When a <transfer> command has been processed successfully, a server
   MUST respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child
   element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the
   object schema.  The child elements of the <resData> element are
   object-specific, but they MUST include elements that identify the
   object, the status of the transfer, the identifier of the client that
   requested the transfer, the date and time that the request was made,
   the identifier of the client that is authorized to act on the
   request, the date and time by which an action is expected, and an
   OPTIONAL date and time noting changes in the object's validity period
   (if applicable) that occur as a result of the transfer.

   Example <transfer> response with <resData>:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1001">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully; action pending</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <resData>
   S:      <obj:trnData xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj"
   S:       xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd">
   S:        <obj:name>example</obj:name>
   S:        <obj:trStatus>pending</obj:trStatus>
   S:        <obj:reID>ClientX</obj:reID>
   S:        <obj:reDate>2000-06-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:reDate>
   S:        <obj:acID>ClientY</obj:acID>
   S:        <obj:acDate>2000-06-13T22:00:00.0Z</obj:acDate>
   S:        <obj:exDate>2002-09-08T22:00:00.0Z</obj:exDate>
   S:      </obj:trnData>
   S:    </resData>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <transfer> command is used to manage changes in client
   sponsorship of an existing object.  This action SHOULD be limited to
   authorized clients; restricting <transfer> requests to a client other
   than the current sponsoring client, <transfer> approval requests to
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 41
   the current sponsoring client, and <transfer> cancellation requests
   to the original requesting client is RECOMMENDED.  Object transfer
   MAY be unavailable or limited by object-specific policies. EPP <update> Command
The EPP <update> command is used to change information associated with an existing object. The elements needed to identify and modify an object are object-specific, so the child elements of the <update> command are specified using the EPP extension framework. In addition to the standard EPP command elements, the <update> command contains the following child elements: - An object-specific <obj:update> element that identifies the object to be updated and the elements that are required to modify the object. Object-specific elements MUST identify values to be added, values to be removed, or values to be changed. Example <update> command: C:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> C:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0" C: xmlns:xsi="" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0 C: epp-1.0.xsd"> C: <command> C: <update> C: <obj:update xmlns:obj="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj" C: xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:obj obj.xsd"> C: <!-- Object-specific elements. --> C: </obj:update> C: </update> C: <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID> C: </command> C:</epp> When an <update> command has been processed successfully, a server MAY respond with an EPP <resData> element that MUST contain a child element that identifies the object namespace and the location of the object schema. The child elements of the <resData> element are object-specific.
ToP   noToC   RFC3730 - Page 42
   Example <update> response without <resData>:

   S:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
   S:<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"
   S:     xmlns:xsi=""
   S:     xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0
   S:     epp-1.0.xsd">
   S:  <response>
   S:    <result code="1000">
   S:      <msg>Command completed successfully</msg>
   S:    </result>
   S:    <trID>
   S:      <clTRID>ABC-12346</clTRID>
   S:      <svTRID>54322-XYZ</svTRID>
   S:    </trID>
   S:  </response>

   The EPP <update> command is used to change information associated
   with an existing object.  This action SHOULD be limited to authorized
   clients; restricting this action to the sponsoring client is

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