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RFC 3592

Definitions of Managed Objects for the Synchronous Optical Network/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH) Interface Type

Pages: 73
Draft Standard
Obsoletes:  2558
Part 2 of 3 – Pages 15 to 42
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Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 15   prevText

4. Object Definitions

SONET-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM IF-MIB PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB; -- This is the MIB module for the SONET/SDH Interface objects. sonetMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200308110000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group"
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 16
         "WG charter:

          Mailing Lists:
            General Discussion:
            To Subscribe:

          Kaj Tesink
          Telcordia Technologies
          Tel: (732) 758-5254
          Fax: (732) 758-2269
         "The MIB module to describe SONET/SDH interface objects.

          Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  This version
          of this MIB module is part of RFC 3592;  see the RFC
          itself for full legal notices."
       REVISION      "200308110000Z"
           "The key changes made to this MIB module
           since its publication in RFC 2558
           are as follows.

           (1) Corrected typographical error
               (bellcore1991(2) in sonetSESthresholdSet)

           (2) Added support for sts192cSTM64(6) and
               sts768cSTM256(7) in sonetPathCurrentWidth

           (3) Corrected description of the applicability
               of VTs for SDH for improved accuracy

           (4) Added clarification in the SES description that
               CV counts should be frozen during SESs

           (5) Corrected typographical errors:
               - Line Alarm Indication Signal description of the
                 Terminology section (20.5 --> 2.5 seconds)
               - In the Terminology section
                 sonetSESThresholdSet  --> sonetSESthresholdSet
       REVISION      "199810190000Z"
           "The RFC 2558 version of this MIB module.
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           The key changes made to this MIB module
           since its initial publication in RFC 1595
           are as follows.

           (1) The MODULE-IDENTITY has been updated to reflect the
               changes to the MIB.

           (2) Where applicable, the textual conventions
               PerfCurrentCount and PerfIntervalCount from
               PerfHist-TC-MIB have been used in place of Gauge32.

           (3) An agent now has the option to delay updates to
               the various performance counts in lieu of performing
               retroactive adjustments upon entering into or exiting
               from unavailable time. This implementation option is
               described in Appendix A of this memo.

           (4) In order to make the SONET-MIB more useful for
               circuit provisioning, the formerly read-only objects
               sonetMediumType, sonetMediumLineCoding,
               sonetMediumLineType, and sonetMediumCircuitIdentifier
               have been given a MAX-ACCESS of read-write. The
               MIN-ACCESS remains read-only.

           (5) The DESCRIPTION clause for sonetMediumTimeElapsed has
               been updated to describe its behaviour if the duration
               of the current interval exceeds the maximum value.

           (6) The DESCRIPTION clause for sonetMediumValidIntervals
               has been updated to describe its behaviour when some
               intervals may be unavailable, and the object
               sonetMediumInvalidIntervals has been added to keep
               count of the number of missing intervals (if any).

           (7) The object sonetMediumLoopbackConfig has been added
               to enable or disable loopback configurations.

           (8) Because the error count thresholds for declaring
               severely errored seconds that are specified in ANSI
               T1.231-1993, ITU-T G.826-1995, and ANSI T1.231-1997
               are all different from each other and from the thresholds
               specified in RFC 1595, an enumerated INTEGER object
               sonetSESthresholdSet has been added to allow an agent
               to specify which threshold set is in use. Text has
               been added to Section 3 stating that if this object is
               not implemented the thresholds specified in RFC 1595
               should be assumed, and the table containing those
               thresholds has been moved to Appendix B of this memo.
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           (9) A column with SYNTAX TruthValue has been added to each
               interval table.  The purpose of the additional column
               is to indicate, for each interval, whether the data
               is valid in the sense intended by ANSI T1.231 clause
      [T1.231a][T1.231b]. The objects in question are:


          (10) The ranges for sonetPathCurrentStatus and
               sonetVTCurrentStatus have been made consistent
               with the DESCRIPTION clauses.

          (11) The conformance information has been updated. Previous
               conformance information from RFC 1595 has been
               deprecated. Some typographical errors in the deprecated
               section have been corrected in order to prevent
               MIB compilation errors."

       REVISION      "199401030000Z"
           "The RFC 1595 version of this MIB module."

       ::= { transmission 39 }

   --  This is the MIB module for the SONET/SDH objects

   sonetObjects      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetMIB 1 }

   sonetObjectsPath  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetMIB 2 }

   sonetObjectsVT    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetMIB 3 }

   -- groups in the SONET/SDH MIB module

   sonetMedium        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjects 1 }

   sonetSection       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjects 2 }

   sonetLine          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjects 3 }

   sonetFarEndLine    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjects 4 }
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   sonetPath          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjectsPath 1 }

   sonetFarEndPath    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjectsPath 2 }

   sonetVT            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjectsVT 1 }

   sonetFarEndVT      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sonetObjectsVT 2 }

4.1. -- the SONET/SDH Medium group

-- SONET/SDH interfaces for some applications may be electrical -- interfaces and not optical interfaces. This group handles -- the configuration information for both optical SONET/SDH -- interfaces and electrical SONET/SDH interfaces. sonetMediumTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SonetMediumEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SONET/SDH Medium table." ::= { sonetMedium 1 } sonetMediumEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SonetMediumEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the SONET/SDH Medium table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sonetMediumTable 1 } SonetMediumEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sonetMediumType INTEGER, sonetMediumTimeElapsed Integer32, sonetMediumValidIntervals Integer32, sonetMediumLineCoding INTEGER, sonetMediumLineType INTEGER, sonetMediumCircuitIdentifier DisplayString, sonetMediumInvalidIntervals Integer32, sonetMediumLoopbackConfig BITS } sonetMediumType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sonet(1), sdh(2)
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 20
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  current
          "This variable identifies whether a SONET
          or a SDH signal is used across this interface."
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 1 }

   sonetMediumTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..900)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
          that have elapsed since the beginning of the current
          measurement period. If, for some reason, such as an
          adjustment in the system's time-of-day clock, the
          current interval exceeds the maximum value, the
          agent will return the maximum value."
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 2 }

   sonetMediumValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..96)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The number of previous 15-minute intervals
          for which data was collected.
          A SONET/SDH interface must be capable
          of supporting at least n intervals.
          The minimum value of n is 4.
          The default of n is 32.
          The maximum value of n is 96.
          The value will be <n> unless the measurement was
          (re-)started within the last (<n>*15) minutes, in which
          case the value will be the number of complete 15
          minute intervals for which the agent has at least
          some data. In certain cases (e.g., in the case
          where the agent is a proxy) it is possible that some
          intervals are unavailable.  In this case, this
          interval is the maximum interval number for
          which data is available. "
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 3 }

   sonetMediumLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 21
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  current
          "This variable describes the line coding for
          this interface. The B3ZS and CMI are used for
          electrical SONET/SDH signals (STS-1 and STS-3).
          The Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) and the Return
          to Zero are used for optical SONET/SDH signals."
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 4 }

   sonetMediumLineType OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  current
          "This variable describes the line type for
          this interface. The line types are
          Short and Long Range
          Single Mode fiber or Multi-Mode fiber interfaces,
          and coax and UTP for electrical interfaces.  The
          value sonetOther should be used when the Line Type is
          not one of the listed values."
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 5 }

   sonetMediumCircuitIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  current
          "This variable contains the transmission
          vendor's circuit identifier, for the
          purpose of facilitating troubleshooting.
          Note that the circuit identifier, if available,
          is also represented by ifPhysAddress."
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 6 }
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   sonetMediumInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (0..96)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
           "The number of intervals in the range from
           0 to sonetMediumValidIntervals for which no
           data is available. This object will typically
           be zero except in cases where the data for some
           intervals are not available (e.g., in proxy
       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 7 }

   sonetMediumLoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      BITS {
                     sonetOtherLoop(3) }
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS      current
          "The current loopback state of the SONET/SDH interface.  The
           values mean:

                Not in the loopback state. A device that is not
                capable of performing a loopback on this interface
                shall always return this value.

                The received signal at this interface is looped back
                out through the corresponding transmitter in the return

                The signal that is about to be transmitted is connected
                to the associated incoming receiver.

                Loopbacks that are not defined here."

       ::= { sonetMediumEntry 8 }

   sonetSESthresholdSet    OBJECT-TYPE
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       MAX-ACCESS      read-write
       STATUS          current
         "An enumerated integer indicating which
          recognized set of SES thresholds that
          the agent uses for determining severely
          errored seconds and unavailable time.

            None of the following.

            Bellcore TR-NWT-000253, 1991 [TR253], or
            ANSI T1M1.3/93-005R2, 1993 [T1M1.3].
            See also Appendix B.

            ANSI T1.231, 1993 [T1.231a], or
            Bellcore GR-253-CORE, Issue 2, 1995 [GR253]

            ITU Recommendation G.826, 1995 [G.826]

            ANSI T1.231, 1997 [T1.231b]

          If a manager changes the value of this
          object then the SES statistics collected
          prior to this change must be invalidated."
        ::= { sonetMedium 2 }

4.2. -- the SONET/SDH Section group

-- this group consists of 2 tables: -- - the SONET/SDH Section Current Table -- - the SONET/SDH Section Interval Table

4.2.1. -- the SONET/SDH Section Current Table

-- The SONET/SDH Section -- current table contains various statistics -- being collected for the current 15 minute interval.
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   sonetSectionCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SonetSectionCurrentEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "The SONET/SDH Section Current table."
        ::= { sonetSection 1 }

   sonetSectionCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SonetSectionCurrentEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "An entry in the SONET/SDH Section Current table."
       INDEX   { ifIndex }
        ::= { sonetSectionCurrentTable 1 }

   SonetSectionCurrentEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           sonetSectionCurrentStatus   Integer32,
           sonetSectionCurrentESs      PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetSectionCurrentSESs     PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetSectionCurrentSEFSs    PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetSectionCurrentCVs      PerfCurrentCount

   sonetSectionCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..6)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates the
          status of the interface.
          The sonetSectionCurrentStatus
          is a bit map represented
          as a sum, therefore,
          it can represent multiple defects
          The sonetSectionNoDefect should be
          set if and only if
          no other flag is set.

          The various bit positions are:
                1   sonetSectionNoDefect
                2   sonetSectionLOS
                4   sonetSectionLOF"
        ::= { sonetSectionCurrentEntry 1 }
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   sonetSectionCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of Errored
          Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
          Section in the current 15 minute interval."
        ::= { sonetSectionCurrentEntry 2 }

   sonetSectionCurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Errored Seconds
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the current 15
          minute interval."
        ::= { sonetSectionCurrentEntry 3 }

   sonetSectionCurrentSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Errored Framing Seconds
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in the current
          15 minute interval."
       ::= { sonetSectionCurrentEntry 4 }

   sonetSectionCurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of Coding
          Violations encountered by a
          SONET/SDH Section in the current 15 minute interval."
        ::= { sonetSectionCurrentEntry 5 }

4.2.2. -- the SONET/SDH Section Interval Table

-- The SONET/SDH Section Interval Table -- contains various statistics -- collected by each system over a maximum -- of the previous 24 hours of
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 26
   -- operation.  The past 24 hours may be broken into 96
   -- completed 15 minute intervals.
   -- A system is required to store at
   -- least 4 completed 15 minute interval.
   -- The default value is 32 intervals.

   sonetSectionIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SonetSectionIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "The SONET/SDH Section Interval table."
        ::= { sonetSection 2 }

   sonetSectionIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SonetSectionIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "An entry in the SONET/SDH Section Interval table."
       INDEX   { ifIndex,
                 sonetSectionIntervalNumber }
        ::= { sonetSectionIntervalTable 1 }

   SonetSectionIntervalEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
            sonetSectionIntervalNumber  Integer32,
            sonetSectionIntervalESs     PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetSectionIntervalSESs    PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetSectionIntervalSEFSs   PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetSectionIntervalCVs     PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetSectionIntervalValidData  TruthValue

   sonetSectionIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..96)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
         "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
         interval for which the set of statistics is available.
         The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
         completed 15 minute interval,
         and the interval identified
         by N is the interval immediately preceding the
         one identified
         by N-1."
        ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 27
   sonetSectionIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Errored Seconds encountered
          by a SONET/SDH Section in a
          particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
        ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 2 }

   sonetSectionIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Errored Seconds
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in a
          particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 3 }

   sonetSectionIntervalSEFSs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Errored Framing Seconds
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Section in a
          particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 4 }

   sonetSectionIntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of Coding
          Violations encountered by a
          SONET/SDH Section in a particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 5 }
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   sonetSectionIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates if the data for this
           interval is valid."
       ::= { sonetSectionIntervalEntry 6 }

4.3. -- the SONET/SDH Line group

-- this group consists of 2 tables: -- - the SONET/SDH Line Current Table -- - the SONET/SDH Line Interval Table

4.3.1. -- the SONET/SDH Line Current Table

-- The SONET/SDH Line -- current table contains various statistics -- being collected for the current 15 minute interval. sonetLineCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SonetLineCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SONET/SDH Line Current table." ::= { sonetLine 1 } sonetLineCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SonetLineCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the SONET/SDH Line Current table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sonetLineCurrentTable 1 } SonetLineCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sonetLineCurrentStatus Integer32, sonetLineCurrentESs PerfCurrentCount, sonetLineCurrentSESs PerfCurrentCount, sonetLineCurrentCVs PerfCurrentCount, sonetLineCurrentUASs PerfCurrentCount }
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 29
   sonetLineCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..6)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates the
          status of the interface.
          The sonetLineCurrentStatus
          is a bit map represented
          as a sum, therefore,
          it can represent multiple defects
          The sonetLineNoDefect should be
          set if and only if
          no other flag is set.

          The various bit positions are:
           1   sonetLineNoDefect
           2   sonetLineAIS
           4   sonetLineRDI"
        ::= { sonetLineCurrentEntry 1 }

   sonetLineCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of Errored
        Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
        Line in the current 15 minute interval."
       ::= { sonetLineCurrentEntry 2 }

   sonetLineCurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Severely Errored Seconds
        encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current 15
       ::= { sonetLineCurrentEntry 3 }

   sonetLineCurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 30
        "The counter associated with the number of Coding
        Violations encountered by a
        SONET/SDH Line in the current 15 minute interval."
       ::= { sonetLineCurrentEntry 4 }

   sonetLineCurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Unavailable Seconds
        encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in the current 15
       ::= { sonetLineCurrentEntry 5 }

4.3.2. -- the SONET/SDH Line Interval Table

-- The SONET/SDH Line Interval Table -- contains various statistics -- collected by each system over a maximum -- of the previous 24 hours of -- operation. The past 24 hours may be broken into 96 -- completed 15 minute intervals. -- A system is required to store at -- least 4 completed 15 minute interval. -- The default value is 32 intervals. sonetLineIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SonetLineIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SONET/SDH Line Interval table." ::= { sonetLine 2 } sonetLineIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SonetLineIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the SONET/SDH Line Interval table." INDEX { ifIndex, sonetLineIntervalNumber } ::= { sonetLineIntervalTable 1 }
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   SonetLineIntervalEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           sonetLineIntervalNumber    Integer32,
           sonetLineIntervalESs       PerfIntervalCount,
           sonetLineIntervalSESs      PerfIntervalCount,
           sonetLineIntervalCVs       PerfIntervalCount,
           sonetLineIntervalUASs      PerfIntervalCount,
           sonetLineIntervalValidData TruthValue

   sonetLineIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..96)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
           interval for which the set of statistics is available.
           The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
           completed 15 minute interval,
           and the interval identified
           by N is the interval immediately preceding the
           one identified
           by N-1."
        ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 1 }

   sonetLineIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Errored Seconds encountered
          by a SONET/SDH Line in a
          particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
        ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 2 }

   sonetLineIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Severely Errored Seconds
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in a
          particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
         ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 3 }
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   sonetLineIntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
         "The counter associated with the number of Coding
         Violations encountered by a
         SONET/SDH Line in a
         particular 15-minute interval
         in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 4 }

   sonetLineIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
         "The counter associated with the
         number of Unavailable Seconds
         encountered by a SONET/SDH Line in
         a particular 15-minute interval
         in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 5 }

   sonetLineIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates if the data for this
           interval is valid."
       ::= { sonetLineIntervalEntry 6 }

4.4. -- The SONET/SDH Far End Line group

-- This group may only be implemented by SONET/SDH (LTEs) -- systems that provide for a far end block error (FEBE) -- information at the SONET/SDH Line Layer. -- This group consists of two tables: -- SONET/SDH Far End Line Current Table -- SONET/SDH Far End Line Interval Table

4.4.1. -- The SONET/SDH Far End Line Current Table

-- The SONET/SDH Far End Line Current table contains -- various statistics being -- collected for the current 15 minute interval. -- The statistics are collected from the far end
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   -- block error code (FEBE)
   -- within the third Z2 byte of the Line Overhead
   -- in Broadband ISDN applications.
   -- The definitions are the same as described for
   -- the near-end information.

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
         "The SONET/SDH Far End Line Current table."
       ::= { sonetFarEndLine 1 }

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
         "An entry in the SONET/SDH Far End Line Current table."
       INDEX   { ifIndex }
       ::= { sonetFarEndLineCurrentTable 1 }

   SonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           sonetFarEndLineCurrentESs       PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetFarEndLineCurrentSESs      PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetFarEndLineCurrentCVs       PerfCurrentCount,
           sonetFarEndLineCurrentUASs      PerfCurrentCount

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of Far
          End Errored Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
          interface in the current 15 minute interval."
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry 1 }

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Far End Severely Errored Seconds
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 34
          encountered by a SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
          interface in the current 15 minute
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry 2 }

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Far End Coding Violations reported via
          the far end block error count
          encountered by a
          SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
          interface in the current 15 minute interval."
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry 3 }

   sonetFarEndLineCurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Far End Unavailable Seconds
          encountered by a
          SONET/SDH Medium/Section/Line
          interface in the current 15 minute interval."
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry 4 }

4.4.2. -- The SONET/SDH Far End Line Interval Table

-- The SONET/SDH Far End Line Interval Table -- contains various statistics -- collected by each system over a maximum -- of the previous 24 hours of -- operation. The past 24 hours may be broken into 96 -- completed 15 minute intervals. -- A system is required to store at -- least 4 completed 15 minute interval. -- The default value is 32 intervals. sonetFarEndLineIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SONET/SDH Far End Line Interval table."
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 35
      ::= { sonetFarEndLine 2 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  SonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
        "An entry in the SONET/SDH Far
        End Line Interval table."
      INDEX   { ifIndex,
                sonetFarEndLineIntervalNumber }
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalTable 1 }

   SonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalNumber    Integer32,
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalESs       PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalSESs      PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalCVs       PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalUASs      PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetFarEndLineIntervalValidData TruthValue

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..96)
      MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
      STATUS  current
            "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
            interval for which the set of statistics is available.
            The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
            completed 15 minute interval,
            and the interval identified
            by N is the interval immediately preceding the
            one identified
            by N-1."
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 1 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
           "The counter associated with the number of
           Far End Errored Seconds encountered
           by a SONET/SDH Line
           interface in a particular 15-minute interval
           in the past 24 hours."
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     ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 2 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
           "The counter associated with the number of
           Far End Severely Errored Seconds
           encountered by a SONET/SDH Line
           interface in a particular 15-minute interval
           in the past 24 hours."
     ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 3 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
            "The counter associated with the number of
            Far End Coding Violations reported via
            the far end block error count
            encountered by a
            SONET/SDH Line
            interface in a particular 15-minute interval
            in the past 24 hours."
       ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 4 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
      MAX-ACCESS  read-only
      STATUS  current
          "The counter associated with the number of
          Far End Unavailable Seconds
          encountered by a
          SONET/SDH Line
          interface in a particular 15-minute interval
          in the past 24 hours."
      ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 5 }

   sonetFarEndLineIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates if the data for this
           interval is valid."
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       ::= { sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry 6 }

4.5. -- the SONET/SDH Path group

-- this group consists of 2 tables: -- - the SONET/SDH Path Current Table -- - the SONET/SDH Path Interval Table

4.5.1. -- the SONET/SDH Path Current Table

-- The SONET/SDH Path -- current table contains various statistics -- being collected for the current 15 minute interval. sonetPathCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SonetPathCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SONET/SDH Path Current table." ::= { sonetPath 1 } sonetPathCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SonetPathCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the SONET/SDH Path Current table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { sonetPathCurrentTable 1 } SonetPathCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sonetPathCurrentWidth INTEGER, sonetPathCurrentStatus Integer32, sonetPathCurrentESs PerfCurrentCount, sonetPathCurrentSESs PerfCurrentCount, sonetPathCurrentCVs PerfCurrentCount, sonetPathCurrentUASs PerfCurrentCount } sonetPathCurrentWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sts1(1), sts3cSTM1(2), sts12cSTM4(3), sts24c(4), sts48cSTM16(5),
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 38
       MAX-ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  current
        "A value that indicates the type of the SONET/SDH
        Path.  For SONET, the assigned types are
        the STS-Nc SPEs, where N = 1, 3, 12, 24, 48, 192 and 768.
        STS-1 is equal to 51.84 Mbps.  For SDH, the assigned
        types are the STM-Nc VCs, where N = 1, 4, 16, 64 and 256."
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 1 }

   sonetPathCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..62)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
         "This variable indicates the
         status of the interface.
         The sonetPathCurrentStatus
         is a bit map represented
         as a sum, therefore,
         it can represent multiple defects
         The sonetPathNoDefect should be
         set if and only if
         no other flag is set.

         The various bit positions are:
            1   sonetPathNoDefect
            2   sonetPathSTSLOP
            4   sonetPathSTSAIS
            8   sonetPathSTSRDI
           16   sonetPathUnequipped
           32   sonetPathSignalLabelMismatch"
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 2 }

   sonetPathCurrentESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of Errored
        Seconds encountered by a SONET/SDH
        Path in the current 15 minute interval."
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 3 }
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   sonetPathCurrentSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Severely Errored Seconds
        encountered by a SONET/SDH Path in the current 15
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 4 }

   sonetPathCurrentCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of Coding
        Violations encountered by a
        SONET/SDH Path in the current 15 minute interval."
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 5 }

   sonetPathCurrentUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfCurrentCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Unavailable Seconds
        encountered by a Path in the current
        15 minute interval."
   ::= { sonetPathCurrentEntry 6 }

4.5.2. -- the SONET/SDH Path Interval Table

-- The SONET/SDH Path Interval Table -- contains various statistics -- collected by each system over a maximum -- of the previous 24 hours of -- operation. The past 24 hours may be broken into 96 -- completed 15 minute intervals. -- A system is required to store at -- least 4 completed 15 minute interval. -- The default value is 32 intervals.
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   sonetPathIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF SonetPathIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
        "The SONET/SDH Path Interval table."
   ::= { sonetPath 2 }

   sonetPathIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SonetPathIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
        "An entry in the SONET/SDH Path Interval table."
       INDEX   { ifIndex,
                 sonetPathIntervalNumber }
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalTable 1 }

   SonetPathIntervalEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
            sonetPathIntervalNumber     Integer32,
            sonetPathIntervalESs        PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetPathIntervalSESs       PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetPathIntervalCVs        PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetPathIntervalUASs       PerfIntervalCount,
            sonetPathIntervalValidData  TruthValue

   sonetPathIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32 (1..96)
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS  current
          "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the
          interval for which the set of statistics is available.
          The interval identified by 1 is the most recently
          completed 15 minute interval,
          and the interval identified
          by N is the interval immediately preceding the
          one identified
          by N-1."
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 1 }

   sonetPathIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
Top   ToC   RFC3592 - Page 41
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Errored Seconds encountered
        by a SONET/SDH Path in a
        particular 15-minute interval
        in the past 24 hours."
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 2 }

   sonetPathIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Severely Errored Seconds
        encountered by a SONET/SDH Path in
        a particular 15-minute interval
        in the past 24 hours."
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 3 }

   sonetPathIntervalCVs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of Coding
        Violations encountered by a
        SONET/SDH Path in a particular 15-minute interval
        in the past 24 hours."
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 4 }

   sonetPathIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  PerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
        "The counter associated with the number of
        Unavailable Seconds
        encountered by a Path in a
        particular 15-minute interval
        in the past 24 hours."
   ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 5 }

   sonetPathIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS  current
          "This variable indicates if the data for this
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           interval is valid."
       ::= { sonetPathIntervalEntry 6 }

(page 42 continued on part 3)

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