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RFC 3525

Gateway Control Protocol Version 1

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ANNEX E - Basic packages

This annex contains definitions of some packages for use with Recommendation H.248.1.

E.1 Generic

PackageID: g (0x0001) Version: 1 Extends: None Description: Generic package for commonly encountered items.

E.1.1 Properties


E.1.2 Events

Cause EventID: cause (0x0001) Generic error event EventsDescriptor parameters: None ObservedEvents Descriptor Parameters: General Cause ParameterID: Generalcause (0x0001) This parameter groups the failures into six groups, which the MGC may act upon. Type: enumeration Possible values: "NR" Normal Release (0x0001) "UR" Unavailable Resources (0x0002) "FT" Failure, Temporary (0x0003) "FP" Failure, Permanent (0x0004) "IW" Interworking Error (0x0005) "UN" Unsupported (0x0006) Failure Cause ParameterID: Failurecause (0x0002)
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            Possible values:  OCTET STRING

            Description: The Failure Cause is the value generated by the
            Released equipment, i.e., a released network connection.
            The concerned value is defined in the appropriate bearer
            control protocol.

   Signal Completion

      EventID: sc (0x0002)

      Indicates the termination of a signal for which the
      notifyCompletion parameter was set to enable reporting of a
      completion event.  For further procedural description, see 7.1.1,
      7.1.17 and 7.2.7.

      EventsDescriptor parameters:  None

      ObservedEvents Descriptor parameters:

         Signal Identity
         ParameterID: SigID (0x0001)

            This parameter identifies the signal which has terminated.
            For a signal that is contained in a signal list, the signal
            list identity parameter should also be returned indicating
            the appropriate list.

            Type: Binary: octet (string), Text: string

            Possible values: a signal which has terminated.  A signal
            shall be identified using the pkgdName syntax without

         Termination Method
         ParameterID: Meth (0x0002)

            Indicates the means by which the signal terminated.

            Type: enumeration

            Possible values:
               "TO" (0x0001) Signal timed out or otherwise completed on
               its own
               "EV" (0x0002) Interrupted by event
               "SD" (0x0003) Halted by new Signals descriptor
               "NC" (0x0004) Not completed, other cause
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         Signal List ID
         ParameterID:  SLID (0x0003)

            Indicates to which signal list a signal belongs.  The
            SignalList ID is only returned in cases where the signal
            resides in a signal list.

            Type: integer

            Possible values: any integer

E.1.3 Signals


E.1.4 Statistics


E.2 Base Root Package

PackageID: root (0x0002) Version: 1 Extends: None Description: This package defines Gateway wide properties.

E.2.1 Properties

MaxNrOfContexts PropertyID: maxNumberOfContexts (0x0001) The value of this property gives the maximum number of contexts that can exist at any time. The NULL context is not included in this number. Type: double Possible values: 1 and up Defined in: TerminationState Characteristics: read only MaxTerminationsPerContext PropertyID: maxTerminationsPerContext (0x0002)
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      The maximum number of allowed terminations in a context, see 6.1

      Type: integer

      Possible values: any integer

      Defined in: TerminationState

      Characteristics: read only

   PropertyId: normalMGExecutionTime (0x0003)

      Settable by the MGC to indicate the interval within which the MGC
      expects a response to any transaction from the MG (exclusive of
      network delay)

      Type: integer

      Possible values: any integer, represents milliseconds

      Defined in: TerminationState

      Characteristics: read / write

   PropertyId: normalMGCExecutionTime (0x0004)

      Settable by the MGC to indicate the interval within which the MG
      should expects a response to any transaction from the MGC
      (exclusive of network delay)

      Type: integer

      Possible values: any integer, represents milliseconds

      Defined in: TerminationState

      Characteristics: read / write

   PropertyId: MGProvisionalResponseTimerValue (0x0005)

      Indicates the time within which the MGC should expect a Pending
      Response from the MG if a Transaction cannot be completed.

      Initially set to normalMGExecutionTime plus network delay, but may
      be lowered.
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      Type: Integer

      Possible Values: any integer, represents milliseconds

      Defined in: TerminationState

      Characteristics: read / write

   PropertyId: MGCProvisionalResponseTimerValue (0x0006)

      Indicates the time within which the MG should expect a Pending
      Response from the MGC if a Transaction cannot be completed.
      Initially set to normalMGCExecutionTime plus network delay, but
      may be lowered.

      Type: Integer

      Possible Values: any integer, represents milliseconds

      Defined in: TerminationState

      Characteristics: read / write

E.2.2 Events


E.2.3 Signals


E.2.4 Statistics


E.2.5 Procedures


E.3 Tone Generator Package

PackageID: tonegen (0x0003) Version: 1 Extends: None
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      This package defines signals to generate audio tones.  This
      package does not specify parameter values.  It is intended to be
      extendable.  Generally, tones are defined as an individual signal
      with a parameter, ind, representing "interdigit" time delay, and a
      tone id to be used with playtones.  A tone id should be kept
      consistent with any tone generation for the same tone.  MGs are
      expected to be provisioned with the characteristics of appropriate
      tones for the country in which the MG is located.

   Designed to be extended only.

E.3.1 Properties


E.3.2 Events


E.3.3 Signals

Play tone SignalID: pt (0x0001) Plays audio tone over an audio channel Signal Type: Brief Duration: Provisioned Additional parameters: Tone id list ParameterID: tl (0x0001) Type: list of tone ids List of tones to be played in sequence. The list SHALL contain one or more tone ids. Inter signal duration ParameterID: ind (0x0002) Type: integer Timeout between two consecutive tones in milliseconds
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   No tone ids are specified in this package.  Packages that extend this
   package can add possible values for tone id as well as adding
   individual tone signals.

E.3.4 Statistics


E.3.5 Procedures


E.4 Tone Detection Package

PackageID: tonedet (0x0004) Version: 1 Extends: None This Package defines events for audio tone detection. Tones are selected by name (tone id). MGs are expected to be provisioned with the characteristics of appropriate tones for the country in which the MG is located. Designed to be extended only: This package does not specify parameter values. It is intended to be extendable.

E.4.1 Properties


E.4.2 Events

Start tone detected EventID: std, 0x0001 Detects the start of a tone. The characteristics of positive tone detection are implementation dependent. EventsDescriptor parameters: Tone id list ParameterID: tl (0x0001) Type: list of tone ids
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            Possible values: The only tone id defined in this package is
            "wild card" which is "*" in text encoding and 0x0000 in
            binary.  Extensions to this package would add possible
            values for tone id.  If tl is "wild card", any tone id is

         ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters:

         Tone id
         ParameterID: tid (0x0003)

            Type: enumeration

            Possible values: "wildcard" as defined above is the only
            value defined in this package.  Extensions to this package
            would add additional possible values for tone id.

         End tone detected
         EventID: etd, 0x0002

         Detects the end of a tone.

         EventDescriptor parameters:

            Tone id list
            ParameterID: tl (0x0001)

               Type: enumeration or list of enumerated types

               Possible values: No possible values are specified in this
               package.  Extensions to this package would add possible
               values for tone id.

         ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters:

            Tone id
            ParameterID: tid (0x0003)

               Type: enumeration

               Possible values: "wildcard" as defined above is the only
               value defined in this package.  Extensions to this
               package would add possible values for tone id.

            ParameterId: dur (0x0002)

               Type: integer, in milliseconds
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               This parameter contains the duration of the tone from
               first detection until it stopped.

   Long tone detected
   EventID: ltd, 0x0003

      Detects that a tone has been playing for at least a certain amount
      of time.

      EventDescriptor parameters:

         Tone id list
         ParameterID: tl (0x0001)

            Type: enumeration or list

            Possible values: "wildcard" as defined above is the only
            value defined in this package.  Extensions to this package
            would add possible values for tone id.

         ParameterID: dur (0x0002)

            Type: integer, duration to test against

            Possible values: any legal integer, expressed in

      ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters:

         Tone id
         ParameterID: tid (0x0003)

            Type: Enumeration

            Possible values: No possible values are specified in this
            package.  Extensions to this package would add possible
            values for tone id.

E.4.3 Signals


E.4.4 Statistics

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E.4.5 Procedures


E.5 Basic DTMF Generator Package

PackageID: dg (0x0005) Version: 1 Extends: tonegen version 1 This package defines the basic DTMF tones as signals and extends the allowed values of parameter tl of playtone in tonegen.

E.5.1 Properties


E.5.2 Events


E.5.3 Signals

DTMF character 0 SignalID: d0 (0x0010) Generate DTMF 0 tone. The physical characteristic of DTMF 0 is defined in the gateway. Signal Type: Brief Duration: Provisioned Additional parameters: None. Additional values: d0 (0x0010) is defined as a tone id for playtone The other DTMF characters are specified in exactly the same way. A table with all signal names and signal IDs is included. Note that each DTMF character is defined as both a signal and a tone id, thus extending the basic tone generation package. Also note that DTMF SignalIds are different from the names used in a digit map.
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                     Signal name     Signal ID/Tone id

                    DTMF character 0    d0 (0x0010)
                    DTMF character 1    d1 (0x0011)
                    DTMF character 2    d2 (0x0012)
                    DTMF character 3    d3 (0x0013)
                    DTMF character 4    d4 (0x0014)
                    DTMF character 5    d5 (0x0015)
                    DTMF character 6    d6 (0x0016)
                    DTMF character 7    d7 (0x0017)
                    DTMF character 8    d8 (0x0018)
                    DTMF character 9    d9 (0x0019)
                    DTMF character *    ds (0x0020)
                    DTMF character #    do (0x0021)
                    DTMF character A    da (0x001a)
                    DTMF character B    db (0x001b)
                    DTMF character C    dc (0x001c)
                    DTMF character D    dd (0x001d)

E.5.4 Statistics


E.5.5 Procedures


E.6 DTMF detection Package

PackageID: dd (0x0006) Version: 1 Extends: tonedet version 1 This package defines the basic DTMF tones detection. This Package extends the possible values of tone id in the "start tone detected" "end tone detected" and "long tone detected" events. Additional tone id values are all tone ids described in package dg (basic DTMF generator package). The following table maps DTMF events to digit map symbols as described in 7.1.14. DTMF Event Symbol d0 "0" d1 "1" d2 "2"
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                           d3   "3"
                           d4   "4"
                           d5   "5"
                           d6   "6"
                           d7   "7"
                           d8   "8"
                           d9   "9"
                           da   "A" or "a"
                           db   "B" or "b"
                           dc   "C" or "c"
                           dd   "D" or "d"
                           ds   "E" or "e"
                           do   "F" or "f"

E.6.1 Properties


E.6.2 Events

DTMF digits EventIds are defined with the same names as the SignalIds defined in the table found in E.5.3. DigitMap Completion Event EventID: ce, 0x0004 Generated when a digit map completes as described in 7.1.14. EventsDescriptor parameters: None. ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters: DigitString ParameterID: ds (0x0001) Type: string of digit map symbols (possibly empty) returned as a quotedString Possible values: a sequence of the characters "0" through "9", "A" through "F", and the long duration modifier "Z". Description: the portion of the current dial string as described in 7.1.14 which matched part or all of an alternative event sequence specified in the digit map.
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         Termination Method
         ParameterID: Meth (0x0003)

            Type: enumeration

            Possible values:

               "UM" (0x0001) Unambiguous match

               "PM" (0x0002) Partial match, completion by timer expiry
               or unmatched event

               "FM" (0x0003) Full match, completion by timer expiry or
               unmatched event

            Description: indicates the reason for generation of the
            event.  See the procedures in 7.1.14.

E.6.3 Signals


E.6.4 Statistics


E.6.5 Procedures

Digit map processing is activated only if an events descriptor is activated that contains a digit map completion event as defined in Section E.6.2 and that digit map completion event contains an eventDM field in the requested actions as defined in Section 7.1.9. Other parameters such as KeepActive or embedded events of signals descriptors may also be present in the events descriptor and do not affect the activation of digit map processing.

E.7 Call Progress Tones Generator Package

PackageID: cg, 0x0007 Version: 1 Extends: tonegen version 1 This package defines the basic call progress tones as signals and extends the allowed values of the tl parameter of playtone in tonegen.
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E.7.1 Properties


E.7.2 Events


E.7.3 Signals

Dial Tone SignalID: dt (0x0030) Generate dial tone. The physical characteristic of dial tone is available in the gateway. Signal Type: TimeOut Duration: Provisioned Additional parameters: None. Additional values: dt (0x0030) is defined as a tone id for playtone The other tones of this package are defined in exactly the same way. A table with all signal names and signal IDs is included. Note that each tone is defined as both a signal and a tone id, thus extending the basic tone generation package. Signal Name Signal ID/tone id Dial Tone dt (0x0030) Ringing Tone rt (0x0031) Busy Tone bt (0x0032) Congestion Tone ct (0x0033) Special Information Tone sit(0x0034) Warning Tone wt (0x0035) Payphone Recognition Tone prt (0x0036) Call Waiting Tone cw (0x0037) Caller Waiting Tone cr (0x0038)

E.7.4 Statistics

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E.7.5 Procedures

NOTE - The required set of tone ids corresponds to those defined in Recommendation E.180/Q.35. See Recommendation E.180/Q.35 for definition of the meanings of these tones.

E.8 Call Progress Tones Detection Package

PackageID: cd (0x0008) Version: 1 Extends: tonedet version 1 This package defines the basic call progress detection tones. This package extends the possible values of tone id in the "start tone detected", "end tone detected" and "long tone detected" events. Additional values toneID values are defined for start tone detected, end tone detected and long tone detected with the same values as those in package cg (call progress tones generation package). The required set of tone ids corresponds to Recommendation E.180/Q.35. See Recommendation E.180/Q.35 for definition of the meanings of these tones.

E.8.1 Properties


E.8.2 Events

Events are defined as in the call progress tones generator package (cg) for the tones listed in the table of E.7.3.

E.8.3 Signals


E.8.4 Statistics


E.8.5 Procedures

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E.9 Analog Line Supervision Package

PackageID: al, 0x0009 Version: 1 Extends: None This package defines events and signals for an analog line. E.9.1 Properties None.

E.9.2 Events

onhook EventID: on (0x0004) Detects handset going on hook. Whenever an events descriptor is activated that requests monitoring for an on-hook event and the line is already on-hook, then the MG shall behave according to the setting of the "strict" parameter. EventDescriptor parameters: Strict Transition ParameterID: strict (0x0001) Type: enumeration Possible values: "exact" (0x00), "state" (0x01), "failWrong" (0x02) "exact" means that only an actual hook state transition to on-hook is to be recognized; "state" means that the event is to be recognized either if the hook state transition is detected or if the hook state is already on-hook; "failWrong" means that if the hook state is already on-hook, the command fails and an error is reported. ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters: Initial State ParameterID: init (0x0002) Type: Boolean
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            Possible values:

               "True" means that the event was reported because the line
               was already on-hook when the events descriptor containing
               this event was activated;

               "False" means that the event represents an actual state
               transition to on-hook.

   EventID: of (0x0005)

      Detects handset going off hook.  Whenever an events descriptor is
      activated that requests monitoring for an off-hook event and the
      line is already off-hook, then the MG shall behave according to
      the setting of the "strict" parameter.

      EventDescriptor parameters:

         Strict Transition
         ParameterID: strict (0x0001)

            Type: enumeration

            Possible values: "exact" (0x00), "state" (0x01), "failWrong"

               "exact" means that only an actual hook state transition
               to off-hook is to be recognized;

               "state" means that the event is to be recognized either
               if the hook state transition is detected or if the hook
               state is already off-hook;

               "failWrong" means that if the hook state is already off-
               hook, the command fails and an error is reported.

      ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters

         Initial State
         ParameterID: init (0x0002)

            Type: Boolean
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            Possible values:

               "True" means that the event was reported because the line
               was already off-hook when the events descriptor
               containing this event was activated;

               "False" means that the event represents an actual state
               transition to off-hook.

   EventID: fl, 0x0006

      Detects handset flash.  A flash occurs when an onhook is followed
      by an offhook between a minimum and maximum duration.

      EventDescriptor parameters:

         Minimum duration
         ParameterID: mindur (0x0004)

            Type: integer in milliseconds

            Default value is provisioned.

         Maximum duration
         ParameterID: maxdur (0x0005)

            Type: integer in milliseconds

            Default value is provisioned.

      ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters:


E.9.3 Signals

ring SignalID: ri, 0x0002 Applies ringing on the line Signal Type: TimeOut Duration: Provisioned
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      Additional parameters:

         ParameterID: cad (0x0006)

            Type: list of integers representing durations of alternating
            on and off segments, constituting a complete ringing cycle
            starting with an on.  Units in milliseconds

            Default is fixed or provisioned.  Restricted function MGs
            may ignore cadence values they are incapable of generating.

         ParameterID: freq (0x0007)

            Type: integer in Hz

            Default is fixed or provisioned.  Restricted function MGs
            may ignore frequency values they are incapable of

E.9.4 Statistics


E.9.5 Procedures

If the MGC sets an EventsDescriptor containing a hook state transition event (on-hook or off-hook) with the "strict" (0x0001) parameter set to "failWrong", and the hook state is already what the transition implies, the execution of the command containing that EventsDescriptor fails. The MG SHALL include error code 540 "Unexpected initial hook state" in its reponse.

E.9.6 Error code

This package defines a new error code: 540 - Unexpected initial hook state The procedure for use of this code is given in E.9.5.

E.10 Basic Continuity Package

PackageID: ct (0x000a) Version: 1 Extends: None
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   This package defines events and signals for continuity test.  The
   continuity test includes provision of either a loopback or
   transceiver functionality.

E.10.1 Properties


E.10.2 Events

Completion EventID: cmp, 0x0005 This event detects test completion of continuity test. EventDescriptor parameters None. ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters Result ParameterID: res (0x0008) Type: enumeration Possible values: success (0x0001), failure (0x0000)

E.10.3 Signals

Continuity test SignalID: ct (0x0003) Initiates sending of continuity test tone on the termination to which it is applied. Signal Type: TimeOut Default value is provisioned Additional parameters: None. Respond SignalID: rsp (0x0004)
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      The signal is used to respond to a continuity test.  See E.10.5
      for further explanation.

      Signal Type: On/Off

      Default duration is provisioned

      Additional parameters:


E.10.4 Statistics


E.10.5 Procedures

When a MGC wants to initiate a continuity test, it sends a command to the MG containing: - a signals descriptor with the ct signal; and - an events descriptor containing the cmp event. Upon reception of a command containing the ct signal and cmp event, the MG initiates the continuity test tone for the specified Termination. If the return tone is detected and any other required conditions are satisfied before the signal times out, the cmp event shall be generated with the value of the result parameter equal to success. In all other cases, the cmp event shall be generated with the value of the result parameter equal to failure. When a MGC wants the MG to respond to a continuity test, it sends a command to the MG containing a signals descriptor with the rsp signal. Upon reception of a command with the rsp signal, the MG either applies a loopback or (for 2-wire circuits) awaits reception of a continuity test tone. In the loopback case, any incoming information shall be reflected back as outgoing information. In the 2-wire case, any time the appropriate test tone is received, the appropriate response tone should be sent. The MGC determines when to remove the rsp signal. When a continuity test is performed on a Termination, no echo devices or codecs shall be active on that Termination. Performing voice path assurance as part of continuity testing is provisioned by bilateral agreement between network operators.
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      (Informative Note) Example tones and test procedure details are
      given in Q.724 sections 7 and 8, Q.764 section 2.1.8 and Q.1902.4.

E.11 Network Package

PackageID: nt (0x000b) Version: 1 Extends: None This package defines properties of network terminations independent of network type.

E.11.1 Properties

Maximum Jitter Buffer PropertyID: jit (0x0007) This property puts a maximum size on the jitter buffer. Type: integer in milliseconds Possible values: This property is specified in milliseconds. Defined in: LocalControlDescriptor Characteristics: read/write

E.11.2 Events

network failure EventID: netfail, 0x0005 The termination generates this event upon detection of a failure due to external or internal network reasons. EventDescriptor parameters None. ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters cause ParameterID: cs (0x0001) Type: string Possible values: any text string
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            This parameter may be included with the failure event to
            provide diagnostic information on the reason of failure.

   quality alert
   EventID: qualert, 0x0006

      This property allows the MG to indicate a loss of quality of the
      network connection.  The MG may do this by measuring packet loss,
      interarrival jitter, propagation delay and then indicating this
      using a percentage of quality loss.

      EventDescriptor parameters

         ParameterId: th (0x0001)

            Type: integer

            Possible values: 0 to 99

            Description: threshold for percent of quality loss measured,
            calculated based on a provisioned method, that could take
            into consideration packet loss, jitter, and delay for
            example.  Event is triggered when calculation exceeds the

      ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters

         ParameterId: th (0x0001)

            Type: integer

            Possible values: 0 to 99

            Description: percent of quality loss measured, calculated
            based on a provisioned method, that could take into
            consideration packet loss, jitter, and delay for example.

E.11.3 Signals

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E.11.4 Statistics

Duration StatisticsID: dur (0x0001) Description: provides duration of time the termination has been in the Context. Type: double, in milliseconds Octets Sent StatisticID: os (0x0002) Type: double Possible values: any 64-bit integer Octets Received StatisticID: or (0x0003) Type: double Possible values: any 64-bit integer

E.11.5 Procedures


E.12 RTP Package

PackageID: rtp (0x000c) Version: 1 Extends: Network Package version 1 This package is used to support packet-based multimedia data transfer by means of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) [RFC 1889].

E.12.1 Properties


E.12.2 Events

Payload Transition EventID: pltrans, 0x0001 This event detects and notifies when there is a transition of the RTP payload format from one format to another.
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      EventDescriptor parameters


      ObservedEventsDescriptor parameters

         ParameterName: rtppayload
         ParameterID: rtppltype, 0x01

         Type: list of enumerated types.

         Possible values: The encoding method shall be specified by
         using one or several valid encoding names, as defined in the
         RTP AV Profile or registered with IANA.

E.12.3 Signals


E.12.4 Statistics

Packets Sent StatisticID: ps (0x0004) Type: double Possible values: any 64-bit integer Packets Received StatisticID: pr (0x0005) Type: double Possible values: any 64-bit integer Packet Loss StatisticID: pl (0x0006) Describes the current rate of packet loss on an RTP stream, as defined in IETF RFC 1889. Packet loss is expressed as percentage value: number of packets lost in the interval between two reception reports, divided by the number of packets expected during that interval. Type: double Possible values: a 32-bit whole number and a 32-bit fraction.
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   StatisticID: jit (0x0007)

      Requests the current value of the interarrival jitter on an RTP
      stream as defined in IETF RFC 1889.  Jitter measures the variation
      in interarrival time for RTP data packets.

   StatisticID:delay (0x0008)

      Requests the current value of packet propagation delay expressed
      in timestamp units.  Same as average latency.

E.12.5 Procedures


E.13 TDM Circuit Package

PackageID: tdmc (0x000d) Version: 1 Extends: Network Package version 1 This package may be used by any termination that supports gain and echo control. It was originally intended for use on TDM circuits but may be more widely used. New versions or extensions of this package should take non-TDM use into account.

E.13.1 Properties

Echo Cancellation PropertyID: ec (0x0008) Type: boolean Possible values: "on" (when the echo cancellation is requested) and "off" (when it is turned off.) The default is provisioned. Defined in: LocalControlDescriptor
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         Characteristics: read/write

      Gain Control
      PropertyID: gain (0x000a)

         Gain control, or usage of of signal level adaptation and
         noise level reduction is used to adapt the level of the signal.
         However, it is necessary, for example for modem calls, to turn
         off this function.

         Type: integer

         Possible values:

         The gain control parameter may either be specified as
         "automatic" (0xffffffff), or as an explicit number of decibels
         of gain (any other integer value).  The default is provisioned
         in the MG.

      Defined in: LocalControlDescriptor

      Characteristics: read/write

E.13.2 Events


E.13.3 Signals


E.13.4 Statistics


E.13.5 Procedures
