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RFC 3318

Framework Policy Information Base

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Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 21   prevText

5. The Framework PIB Module

FRAMEWORK-PIB PIB-DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Unsigned32, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-GROUP, pib FROM COPS-PR-SPPI InstanceId, Prid FROM COPS-PR-SPPI-TC RoleCombination, PrcIdentifierOid, AttrIdentifierOrZero, ClientType, ClientHandle FROM FRAMEWORK-TC-PIB InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB DscpOrAny FROM DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC TruthValue, PhysAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB; frameworkPib MODULE-IDENTITY SUBJECT-CATEGORIES { all } LAST-UPDATED "200302130000Z" -- 13 Feb 2003 ORGANIZATION "IETF RAP WG" CONTACT-INFO " Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Phone: +1 408 526 5260 Email: John Seligson Nortel Networks, Inc. 4401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone: +1 408 495 2992 Email:
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 22
                    Ravi Sahita
                    Intel Labs.
                    2111 NE 25th Ave.

                    Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA
                    Phone: +1 503 712 1554

                    RAP WG Mailing list:"

           "A PIB module containing the base set of PRCs that
           provide support for management of multiple PIB contexts,
           association of roles to device capabilities and other
           reusable PRCs. PEPs are required for to implement this
           PIB if the above features are desired. This PIB defines
           PRCs applicable to 'all' subject-categories.

           Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This version
           of this PIB module is part of RFC 3318; see the RFC
           itself for full legal notices."
      REVISION     "200302130000Z"  -- 13 Feb 2003
           "Initial version, published in RFC 3318."

      ::= { pib 2 }

  -- The root OID for PRCs in the Framework PIB

               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 1 }

  -- PRC Support Table
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  frwkPrcSupportTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkPrcSupportEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     notify
      STATUS         current
          "Each instance of this PRC specifies a PRC that the device
          supports and a bit string to indicate the attributes of the
          class that are supported.  These PRIs are sent to the PDP to
          indicate to the PDP which PRCs, and which attributes of
          these PRCs, the device supports.

          All install and install-notify PRCs supported by the device
          must be represented in this PRC. Notify PRCs may be
          represented for informational purposes."

      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 1 }

  frwkPrcSupportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkPrcSupportEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkPrcSupport class that identifies a
          specific PRC and associated attributes as supported
          by the device."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkPrcSupportPrid }
      UNIQUENESS { frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc }

      ::= { frwkPrcSupportTable 1 }

  FrwkPrcSupportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkPrcSupportPrid           InstanceId,
          frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc   PrcIdentifierOid,
          frwkPrcSupportSupportedAttrs OCTET STRING

  frwkPrcSupportPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an
          instance of the frwkPrcSupport class."

      ::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 24
  frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         PrcIdentifierOid
      STATUS         current
          "The object identifier of a supported PRC. The value is the
           OID of the Entry object of the PRC definition. The Entry
           Object definition of a PRC has an OID with value XxxTable.1
           Where, XxxTable is the OID assigned to the PRC Table
           Object definition. There may not be more than one instance
           of the frwkPrcSupport class with the same value of

      ::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 2 }

  frwkPrcSupportSupportedAttrs OBJECT-TYPE
      STATUS         current
          "A bit string representing the supported attributes of the
          class that is identified by the frwkPrcSupportSupportedPrc

          Each bit of this bit string corresponds to a class
          attribute, with the most significant bit of the i-th octet
          of this octet string corresponding to the (8*i - 7)-th
          attribute, and the least significant bit of the i-th octet
          corresponding to the (8*i)-th class attribute. Each bit
          specifies whether or not the corresponding class attribute
          is currently supported, with a '1' indicating support and a
          '0' indicating no support.

          If the value of this bit string is N bits long and there are
          more than N class attributes then the bit string is
          logically extended with 0's to the required length.
          On the other hand, If the PDP receives a bit string of
          length N and there are less that N class attributes then the
          PDP should ignore the extra bits in the bit string, i.e.,
          assume those attributes are unsupported."
          "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning.  RFC 3084, section

      ::= { frwkPrcSupportEntry 3 }

  -- PIB Incarnation Table
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 25
  frwkPibIncarnationTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkPibIncarnationEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install-notify
      STATUS         current
          "This PRC contains a single PRovisioning Instance per
          installed context that identifies the current incarnation
          of the PIB and the PDP or network manager that installed
          this incarnation.  The instance of this PRC is reported to
          the PDP in the REQ message so that the PDP can (attempt to)
          ascertain the current state of the PIB. A network manager
          may use the instance to determine the state of the device."

      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 2 }

  frwkPibIncarnationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkPibIncarnationEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkPibIncarnation class. Only
          one instance of this PRC is ever instantiated per context"

      PIB-INDEX { frwkPibIncarnationPrid }

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationTable 1 }

  FrwkPibIncarnationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkPibIncarnationPrid                InstanceId,
          frwkPibIncarnationName                SnmpAdminString,
          frwkPibIncarnationId                  OCTET STRING,
          frwkPibIncarnationLongevity           INTEGER,
          frwkPibIncarnationTtl                 Unsigned32,
          frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet           TruthValue,
          frwkPibIncarnationActive              TruthValue,
          frwkPibIncarnationFullState           TruthValue

  frwkPibIncarnationPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An index to uniquely identify an instance of this PRC."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 26
  frwkPibIncarnationName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
      STATUS         current
          "The name of the PDP that installed the current incarnation
          of the PIB into the device.  A zero-length string value for
          this type implies the PDP has not assigned this type any
          value. By default, it is the zero length string."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 2 }

  frwkPibIncarnationId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
      STATUS         current
          "An ID to identify the current incarnation.  It has meaning
          to the PDP/manager that installed the PIB and perhaps its
          standby PDPs/managers. A zero-length string value for
          this type implies the PDP has not assigned this type any
          value. By default, it is the zero-length string."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 3 }

  frwkPibIncarnationLongevity OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         INTEGER {
      STATUS         current
          "This attribute controls what the PEP does with the
          downloaded policy on a Client Close message or a loss of
          connection to the PDP.

          If set to expireNever, the PEP continues to operate with the
          installed policy indefinitely.  If set to expireImmediate,
          the PEP immediately expires the policy obtained from the PDP
          and installs policy from local configuration.  If set to
          expireOnTimeout, the PEP continues to operate with the
          policy installed by the PDP for a period of time specified
          by frwkPibIncarnationTtl.  After this time (and it has not
          reconnected to the original or new PDP) the PEP expires this
          policy and reverts to local configuration.

          For all cases, it is the responsibility of the PDP to check
          the incarnation and download new policy, if necessary, on a
          reconnect. On receiving a Remove-State for the active
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 27
          context, this attribute value MUST be ignored and the PEP
          should expire the policy in that active context immediately.
          Policy enforcement timing only applies to policies that have
          been installed dynamically (e.g., by a PDP via COPS)."
          "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 4 }

  frwkPibIncarnationTtl OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         Unsigned32
      UNITS          "seconds"
      STATUS         current
          "The number of seconds after a Client Close or TCP timeout
          for which the PEP continues to enforce the policy in the
          PIB. After this interval, the PIB is considered expired and
          the device no longer enforces the policy installed in the

          This attribute is only meaningful if
          frwkPibIncarnationLongevity is set to expireOnTimeout."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 5 }

  frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      STATUS         current
          "When the PDP installs a PRI with this flag set to 'true' it
          implies this context belongs to the set of contexts out of
          which at the most one context can be active at a given time.
          If this attribute is set to 'false' this context is one of
          the outsourcing (simultaneous active) contexts on the PEP.

          This attribute is 'true' for all contexts belong to the set
          of configuration contexts. Within the configuration context
          set, one context can be active identified by the
          frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute."
          "TruthValue Textual Convention, defined in RFC 2579."
      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 28
  frwkPibIncarnationActive OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         TruthValue
      STATUS         current
          "When the PDP installs a PRI on the PEP with this attribute
          set to 'true' and if this context belongs to the
          'configuration contexts' set, i.e., the
          frwkPibIncarnationInCtxtSet is set to 'true', then the PIB
          instance to which this PRI belongs must become the active
          PIB instance. In this case, the previous active instance
          from this set MUST become inactive and the
          frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute in that PIB instance MUST
          be set to 'false'.

          When the PDP installs an attribute frwkPibIncarnationActive
          on the PEP  that is 'true' in one PIB instance and if the
          context belongs to the 'configuration contexts' set, the PEP
          must ensure, re-setting the attribute if necessary, that the
          frwkPibIncarnationActive attribute is  'false' in all other
          contexts which belong to the 'configuration contexts' set."

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 7 }

  frwkPibIncarnationFullState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         TruthValue
      STATUS         current
          "This attribute is interpreted only when sent in a COPS
          request message from the PEP to the PDP. It does not have
          any meaning when sent from the PDP to the PEP.

          If this attribute is set to 'true' by the PEP, then the
          request that the PEP sends to the PDP must be interpreted as
          the complete configuration request for the PEP. The PDP must
          in this case refresh the request information for the
          handle that the request containing this PRI was received on.
          If this attribute is set to 'false', then the
             request PRIs sent in the request must be interpreted as
          updates to the previous request PRIs sent using that handle.
          See section 3.3 for details on updating request state
          "RFC 3318 Section 2.3"

      ::= { frwkPibIncarnationEntry 8 }

  -- Device Identification Table
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 29

  frwkDeviceIdTable OBJECT-TYPE

      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkDeviceIdEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     notify
      STATUS         current
          "This PRC contains a single PRovisioning Instance that
          contains general purpose device-specific information that is
          used to facilitate efficient policy communication by a PDP.
          The  instance of this PRC is reported to the PDP in a COPS
          request message so that the PDP can take into account
          certain device characteristics during policy installation."

      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 3 }

  frwkDeviceIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkDeviceIdEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkDeviceId class. Only one instance of
          this PRC is ever instantiated."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkDeviceIdPrid }

      ::= { frwkDeviceIdTable 1 }

  FrwkDeviceIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkDeviceIdPrid        InstanceId,
          frwkDeviceIdDescr       SnmpAdminString,
          frwkDeviceIdMaxMsg      Unsigned32,
          frwkDeviceIdMaxContexts Unsigned32

  frwkDeviceIdPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An index to uniquely identify an instance of this PRC."

      ::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 1 }
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  frwkDeviceIdDescr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))
      STATUS         current
          "A textual description of the PEP. This value should include
          the name and version identification of the PEP's hardware
          and software."

      ::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 2 }

  frwkDeviceIdMaxMsg OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (64..4294967295)
      UNITS          "octets"
      STATUS         current
          "The maximum COPS-PR message size, in octets, that the
          device is capable of processing. Received messages with a
          size in excess of this value must cause the PEP to return an
          error to the PDP containing the global error code
          'maxMsgSizeExceeded'. This is an additional error-avoidance
          mechanism to allow the administrator to know the maximum
          message size supported so that they have the ability to
          control the message size of messages sent to the device.
          This attribute must have a non-zero value. The device should
          send the MAX value for Unsigned32 for this attribute if it
          not defined."
      DEFVAL { 4294967295 }

      ::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 3 }

  frwkDeviceIdMaxContexts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     UNITS          "contexts"
     STATUS         current
         "The maximum number of unique contexts supported by
          the device. This is an additional error-avoidance mechanism
          to allow the administrators to have the ability to know the
          maximum number of contexts supported so that they can
          control the number of configuration contexts they install on
          the device. This attribute must have a non-zero value. The
          device should send the MAX value for Unsigned32 for this
          attribute if it not defined."
      DEFVAL { 4294967295 }

     ::= { frwkDeviceIdEntry 4 }

Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 31
  -- Component Limitations Table

  frwkCompLimitsTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkCompLimitsEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     notify
      STATUS         current
          "This PRC supports the ability to export information
          detailing PRC/attribute implementation limitations to the
          policy management system. Instances of this PRC apply only
          for PRCs with access type 'install' or 'install-notify'.

          Each instance of this PRC identifies a PRovisioning Class
          or attribute and a limitation related to the implementation
          of the class/attribute in the device. Additional information
          providing guidance related to the limitation may also be
          present. These PRIs are sent to the PDP to indicate which
          PRCs or PRC attributes the device supports in a restricted

      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 4 }

  frwkCompLimitsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkCompLimitsEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkCompLimits class that identifies
          a PRC or PRC attribute and a limitation related to the PRC
          or PRC attribute implementation supported by the device.
          COPS-PR lists the error codes that MUST be returned (if
          applicable)for policy installation that don't abide by the
          restrictions indicated by the limitations exported. [SPPI]
          defines an INSTALL-ERRORS clause that allows PIB designers
          to define PRC specific error codes that can be returned for
          policy installation. This allows efficient debugging of PIB
          "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkCompLimitsPrid }
      UNIQUENESS { frwkCompLimitsComponent,
                   frwkCompLimitsGuidance }
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      ::= { frwkCompLimitsTable 1 }

  FrwkCompLimitsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkCompLimitsPrid           InstanceId,
          frwkCompLimitsComponent      PrcIdentifierOid,
          frwkCompLimitsAttrPos        AttrIdentifierOrZero,
          frwkCompLimitsNegation       TruthValue,
          frwkCompLimitsType           INTEGER,
          frwkCompLimitsSubType        INTEGER,
          frwkCompLimitsGuidance       OCTET STRING

  frwkCompLimitsPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an
          instance of the frwkCompLimits class."

      ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 1 }

  frwkCompLimitsComponent OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         PrcIdentifierOid
      STATUS         current
          "The value is the OID of a PRC (the table entry) which is
          supported in some limited fashion or contains an attribute
          that is supported in some limited fashion with regard to
          it's definition in the associated PIB module. The same OID
          may appear in the table several times, once for each
          implementation limitation acknowledged by the device."

      ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 2 }

  frwkCompLimitsAttrPos OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         AttrIdentifierOrZero
      STATUS         current
          "The relative position of the attribute within the PRC
          specified by the frwkCompLimitsComponent. A value of 1 would
          represent the first columnar object in the PRC and a value
          of N would represent the Nth columnar object in the PRC. A
          value of zero (0) indicates that the limit applies to the
          PRC itself and not to a specific attribute."

      ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 33
  frwkCompLimitsNegation OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        TruthValue
      STATUS        current
           "A boolean value ,if 'true', negates the component limit

      ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 4 }

  frwkCompLimitsType OBJECT-TYPE
      STATUS   current
          "A value describing an implementation limitation for the
          device related to the PRC or PRC attribute identified by
          the frwkCompLimitsComponent and the frwkCompLimitsAttrPos

          Values for this object are one of the following:

          priSpaceLimited(1) - No more instances than that specified
          by the guidance value may be installed in the given class.
          The component identified MUST be a valid PRC. The SubType
          used MUST be valueOnly(9).

          attrValueSupLimited(2) - Limited values are acceptable for
          the identified component. The component identified MUST be a
          valid PRC attribute. The guidance OCTET STRING will be
          decoded according to the attribute type.

          attrEnumSupLimited(3) - Limited enumeration values are legal
          for the identified component. The attribute identified MUST
          be a valid enum type.

          attrLengthLimited(4) - The length of the specified
          value for the identified component is limited. The component
          identified MUST be a valid PRC attribute of base-type OCTET

          prcLimitedNotify (5) - The component is currently limited
          for use by request or report messages prohibiting decision
          installation. The component identified must be a valid PRC."
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 34
      ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 5 }

     frwkCompLimitsSubType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         INTEGER {
      STATUS         current
          "This object indicates the type of guidance related
          to the noted limitation (as indicated by the
          frwkCompLimitsType attribute) that is provided
          in the frwkCompLimitsGuidance attribute.

          A value of 'none(1)' means that no additional
          guidance is provided for the noted limitation type.

          A value of 'lengthMin(2)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the minimum
          acceptable length for the value of the identified
          component. A corresponding class instance
          specifying the 'lengthMax(3)' value is required
          in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'lengthMax(3)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the maximum
          acceptable length for the value of the identified
          component. A corresponding class instance
          specifying the 'lengthMin(2)' value is required
          in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'rangeMin(4)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the lower bound
          of the range for the value of the identified
          component. A corresponding class instance
          specifying the 'rangeMax(5)' value is required
          in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'rangeMax(5)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the upper bound
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 35
          of the range for the value of the identified
          component. A corresponding class instance
          specifying the 'rangeMin(4)' value is required
          in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'enumMin(6)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the lowest
          enumeration acceptable for the value of the
          identified component. A corresponding
          class instance specifying the 'enumMax(7)'
          value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'enumMax(7)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to the largest
          enumeration acceptable for the value of the
          identified component. A corresponding
          class instance specifying the 'enumMin(6)'
          value is required in conjunction with this sub-type.

          A value of 'enumOnly(8)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to a single
          enumeration acceptable for the value of the
          identified component.

          A value of 'valueOnly(9)' means that the guidance
          attribute provides data related to a single
          value that is acceptable for the identified

          A value of 'bitMask(10)' means that the guidance
          attribute is a bit mask such that all the combinations of
          bits set in the bitmask are acceptable values for the
          identified component which should be an attribute of type


          For example, an implementation of the frwkIpFilter class may
          be limited in several ways, such as address mask, protocol
          and Layer 4 port options. These limitations could be
          exported using this PRC with the following instances:

          Component        Type                 Sub-Type   Guidance
          DstPrefixLength  attrValueSupLimited  valueOnly   24
          SrcPrefixLength  attrValueSupLimited  valueOnly   24
          Protocol         attrValueSupLimited  rangeMin    10
          Protocol         attrValueSupLimited  rangeMax    20
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 36
          The above entries describe a number of limitations that
          may be in effect for the frwkIpFilter class on a given
          device. The limitations include restrictions on acceptable
          values for certain attributes.

          Also, an implementation of a PRC may be limited in the ways
          it can be accessed. For instance, for a fictitious PRC
          dscpMapEntry, which has a PIB-ACCESS of 'install-notify':

          Component    Type              SubType  Guidance
          dscpMapEntry prcLimitedNotify  none     zero-length string."

         ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 6 }

   frwkCompLimitsGuidance OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX         OCTET STRING
         STATUS         current
             "A value used to convey additional information related
             to the implementation limitation. Note that a guidance
             value will not necessarily be provided for all exported
             limitations. If a guidance value is not provided, the
             value must be a zero-length string.

             The format of the guidance value, if one is present as
             indicated by the frwkCompLimitsSubType attribute,
             is described by the following table. Note that the
             format of guidance value is dictated by the base-type of
             the component whose limitation is being exported,
             interpreted in the context of the frwkCompLimitsType and
             frwkCompLimitsSubType values. Any other restrictions
             (such as size/range/enumerated value) on the guidance
             value MUST be complied with according to the definition
             of the component for which guidance is being specified.

             Note that numbers are encoded in network byte order.

             Base Type                      Value
             ---------                      -----
             Unsigned32/Integer32/INTEGER   32-bit value.
             Unsigned64/Integer64        64-bit Value.
             OCTET STRING                octets of data.
             OID                         32-bit OID components.
             BITS                        Binary octets of length
                                         same as Component specified."

         ::= { frwkCompLimitsEntry 7 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 37
  -- Complete Reference specification table

  frwkReferenceTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkReferenceEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install-notify
      STATUS         current
          "Each instance of this PRC specifies a reference to a PRI
          in a specific PIB context (handle) for a specific client-
          type. This table gives the PDP the ability to set up
          policies that span installed contexts and the PEP the
          ability to reference instances in another, perhaps
          configured context. The PEP must send a
          'attrReferenceUnknown' COPS-PR error to the PDP if it
          encounters an invalid reference. "
          "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084, error
          codes section 4.5."

      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 5 }

  frwkReferenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkReferenceEntry
      STATUS         current
          "Entry specification for the frwkReferenceTable."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkReferencePrid }
      UNIQUENESS { }

      ::= { frwkReferenceTable 1 }

  FrwkReferenceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkReferencePrid           InstanceId,
          frwkReferenceClientType     ClientType,
          frwkReferenceClientHandle   ClientHandle,
          frwkReferenceInstance       Prid

  frwkReferencePrid  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an
          instance of the frwkReference class."
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      ::= { frwkReferenceEntry 1 }

  frwkReferenceClientType OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         ClientType
      STATUS         current
          "Is unused if set to zero else specifies a client-type for
           which the reference is to be interpreted. This non-zero
           client-type must be activated explicitly via a separate
           COPS client-open else this attribute is not valid."

      ::= { frwkReferenceEntry 2 }

  frwkReferenceClientHandle OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         ClientHandle
      STATUS         current
          "Must be set to specify a valid client-handle in the scope
          of the client-type specified."

      ::= { frwkReferenceEntry 3 }

  frwkReferenceInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         Prid
      STATUS         current
          "References a PRI in the context identified by
           frwkReferenceClientHandle for client-type identified by

      ::= { frwkReferenceEntry 4 }

  -- Error specification table

  frwkErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkErrorEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install
      STATUS         current
          "Each instance of this PRC specifies a class specific
          error object. Instances of this PRC are transient, i.e.,
          instances received in a COPS decision message must not be
          maintained by the PEP in its copy of the PIB instances. This
          PRC allows a PDP to send error information to the PEP if the
          PDP cannot process updates to a Request successfully."
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 39
      ::= { frwkBasePibClasses 6 }

  frwkErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkErrorEntry
      STATUS         current
          "Entry specification for the frwkErrorTable."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkErrorPrid }

      ::= { frwkErrorTable 1 }

  FrwkErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkErrorPrid        InstanceId,
          frwkErrorCode        Unsigned32,
          frwkErrorSubCode     Unsigned32,
          frwkErrorPrc         PrcIdentifierOid,
          frwkErrorInstance    InstanceId

  frwkErrorPrid  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an
          instance of the frwkError class."

      ::= { frwkErrorEntry 1 }

  frwkErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      STATUS         current
          "Error code defined in COPS-PR CPERR object."
          "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084."

      ::= { frwkErrorEntry 2 }

  frwkErrorSubCode OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (0..65535)
      STATUS         current
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 40
          "The class-specific error object is used to communicate
          errors relating to specific PRCs."

      ::= { frwkErrorEntry 3 }

  frwkErrorPrc OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         PrcIdentifierOid
      STATUS         current
          "The PRC due to which the error specified by codes
          (frwkErrorCode , frwkErrorSubCode) occurred."

      ::= { frwkErrorEntry 4 }

  frwkErrorInstance OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "The PRI of the identified PRC (frwkErrorPrc) due to which
          the error specified by codes (frwkErrorCode ,
          frwkErrorSubCode) occurred. Must be set to zero if unused."

      ::= { frwkErrorEntry 5 }

  -- The device capabilities and role combo classes group

              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 2 }
  -- Capability Set Table

  frwkCapabilitySetTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkCapabilitySetEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     notify
      STATUS         current

          "This PRC describes the capability sets that exist on the
          interfaces on the device. The capability set is given a
          unique name that identifies a set. These capability set
          names are used by the PDP to determine policy information to
          be associated with interfaces that possess similar sets of
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 41
      ::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 1 }

  frwkCapabilitySetEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkCapabilitySetEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of this PRC describes a particular set of
          capabilities and associates a unique name with the set."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkCapabilitySetPrid }
      UNIQUENESS { frwkCapabilitySetName,
                   frwkCapabilitySetCapability }

      ::= { frwkCapabilitySetTable 1 }

  FrwkCapabilitySetEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkCapabilitySetPrid           InstanceId,
          frwkCapabilitySetName           SnmpAdminString,
          frwkCapabilitySetCapability     Prid

  frwkCapabilitySetPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies a
          instance of the class."

      ::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 1 }

  frwkCapabilitySetName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..255))
      STATUS         current
          "The name for the capability set.  This name  is the unique
          identifier of a set of capabilities. This attribute must not
          be assigned a zero-length string."

      ::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 2 }

  frwkCapabilitySetCapability OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX      Prid
      STATUS      current

          "The complete PRC OID and instance identifier specifying the
          capability PRC instance for the interface. This attribute
          references a specific instance of a capability table. The
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 42
          capability table whose instance is referenced must be
          defined in the client type specific PIB that this PIB is
          used with. The referenced capability instance becomes a part
          of the set of capabilities associated with the specified

      ::= { frwkCapabilitySetEntry 3 }

  -- Interface and Role Combination Tables

  frwkRoleComboTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkRoleComboEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install-notify
      STATUS         current
          "This is an abstract PRC that may be extended or referenced
          to enumerate the role combinations, capability set names
          assigned to any interface on a PEP. The identification of
          the interface is to be defined by its extensions or
          referencing PRCs."

      ::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 2 }

  frwkRoleComboEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkRoleComboEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of this PRC describes one association of an
          interface to a role-combination and capability set name .
          Note that an interface can have multiple associations. This
          constraint is controlled by the extending or referencing
          PRC's uniqueness clause."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkRoleComboPrid }
      UNIQUENESS { }

      ::= { frwkRoleComboTable 1 }

  FrwkRoleComboEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkRoleComboPrid         InstanceId,
          frwkRoleComboRoles        RoleCombination,
          frwkRoleComboCapSetName   SnmpAdminString

  frwkRoleComboPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 43
      STATUS         current
          "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an
          instance of the class."

      ::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 1 }

  frwkRoleComboRoles OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         RoleCombination
      STATUS         current
          "The role combination assigned to a specific interface."

      ::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 2 }

  frwkRoleComboCapSetName OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
      STATUS         current
          "The name of the capability set associated with
          the Role Combination specified in frwkRoleComboRoles. If
          this is a zero length string it implies the PEP is not
          exporting any capability set information for this
          RoleCombination. The PDP must then use the RoleCombinations
          provided as the only means of assigning policies
          If a non-zero length string is specified, the name must
          exist in frwkCapabilitySetTable."

      ::= { frwkRoleComboEntry 3 }

  -- Interface, Role Combination association via IfIndex

  frwkIfRoleComboTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkIfRoleComboEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install-notify
      STATUS         current
          "This PRC enumerates the interface to role combination and
          frwkRoleComboCapSetName mapping for all policy managed
          interfaces of a device. Policy for an interface depends not
          only on the capability set of an interface but also on its
          roles. This  table specifies all the <interface index,
          interface capability set name, role combination> tuples
          currently on the device"

      ::= { frwkDeviceCapClasses 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 44
  frwkIfRoleComboEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkIfRoleComboEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of this PRC describes the association of
          a interface to an capability set name and a role
          Note that a capability set name can have multiple role
          combinations assigned to it, but an IfIndex can have only
          one role combination associated."

      EXTENDS { frwkRoleComboEntry }
      UNIQUENESS { frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex,
                   frwkRoleComboCapSetName   }

      ::= { frwkIfRoleComboTable 1 }

  FrwkIfRoleComboEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex      InterfaceIndex

  frwkIfRoleComboIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InterfaceIndex
      STATUS         current
          "The value of this attribute is the ifIndex which is
          associated with the specified RoleCombination and interface
          capability set name."

      ::= { frwkIfRoleComboEntry 1 }

  -- The Classification classes group

             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frameworkPib 3 }
  -- The Base Filter Table

  frwkBaseFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkBaseFilterEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install
      STATUS         current
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 45
          "The Base Filter class.  A packet has to match all
          fields in an Filter.  Wildcards may be specified for those
          fields that are not relevant."

      ::= { frwkClassifierClasses 1 }

  frwkBaseFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkBaseFilterEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkBaseFilter class."

      PIB-INDEX { frwkBaseFilterPrid }

      ::= { frwkBaseFilterTable 1 }

  FrwkBaseFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkBaseFilterPrid         InstanceId,
          frwkBaseFilterNegation     TruthValue

  frwkBaseFilterPrid OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InstanceId
      STATUS         current
          "An integer index to uniquely identify this Filter among all
          the Filters."

      ::= { frwkBaseFilterEntry 1 }

  frwkBaseFilterNegation OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         TruthValue
      STATUS         current
          "This attribute behaves like a logical NOT for the filter.
          If the packet matches this filter and the value of this
          attribute is 'true', the action associated with this filter
          is not applied to the packet.  If the value of this
          attribute is 'false', then the action is applied to the

      ::= { frwkBaseFilterEntry 2 }

  -- The IP Filter Table
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 46
  frwkIpFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF FrwkIpFilterEntry
      PIB-ACCESS     install
      STATUS         current
          "Filter definitions.  A packet has to match all fields in a
          filter.  Wildcards may be specified for those fields that
          are not relevant."

      ::= { frwkClassifierClasses 2 }

  frwkIpFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         FrwkIpFilterEntry
      STATUS         current
          "An instance of the frwkIpFilter class."

      EXTENDS { frwkBaseFilterEntry }
      UNIQUENESS { frwkBaseFilterNegation,
                   frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax }

      ::= { frwkIpFilterTable 1 }

  FrwkIpFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
          frwkIpFilterAddrType         InetAddressType,
          frwkIpFilterDstAddr          InetAddress,
          frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength  InetAddressPrefixLength,
          frwkIpFilterSrcAddr          InetAddress,
          frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength  InetAddressPrefixLength,
          frwkIpFilterDscp             DscpOrAny,
          frwkIpFilterFlowId           Integer32,
          frwkIpFilterProtocol         Unsigned32,
          frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMin     InetPortNumber,
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 47
          frwkIpFilterDstL4PortMax     InetPortNumber,
          frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMin     InetPortNumber,
          frwkIpFilterSrcL4PortMax     InetPortNumber

  frwkIpFilterAddrType OBJECT-TYPE

      SYNTAX         InetAddressType
      STATUS         current
          "The address type enumeration value to specify the type of
          the packet's IP address.

          While other types of addresses are defined in the
          InetAddressType textual convention, an IP filter can only
          use IPv4 and IPv6 addresses directly to classify traffic.
          All other InetAddressTypes require mapping to the
          corresponding Ipv4 or IPv6 address before being used to
          classify traffic. Therefore, this object as such is not
          limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, i.e., it can be assigned
          any of the valid values defined in the InetAddressType TC,
          but the mapping of the address values to IPv4 or IPv6
          addresses for the address attributes (frwkIpFilterDstAddr
          and frwkIpFilterSrcAddr) must be done by the PEP. For
          example when dns (16) is used, the PEP must resolve
          the address to IPv4 or IPv6 at install time."
          "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
          RFC 3291."

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 1 }

  frwkIpFilterDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE

      SYNTAX         InetAddress
      STATUS         current
          "The IP address to match against the packet's
           destination IP address. If the address type is 'ipv4',
           'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or 'ipv6z' then, the attribute
           frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength indicates the number of bits
           that are relevant. "
          "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
          RFC 3291."

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 48
  frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InetAddressPrefixLength
      STATUS         current
          "The length of a mask for the matching of the destination
           IP address. This attribute is interpreted only if the
           InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.
           Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the
           most-significant bit downwards for
           frwkIpFilterDstPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in
           the mask, up to the  number needed to fill the length of
           the address frwkIpFilterDstAddr are cleared to zero. A zero
           bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit in
           the address always matches.

           In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any
           address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host
           address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of
           a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths
           range from 0..128."
          "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
          RFC 3291."
      DEFVAL { 0 }

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 3 }

  frwkIpFilterSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InetAddress
      STATUS         current
          "The IP address to match against the packet's source IP
          address. If the address type is 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or
          'ipv6z' then, the attribute frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength
          indicates the number of bits that are relevant."
          "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
          RFC 3291."

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 4 }

  frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         InetAddressPrefixLength
      UNITS          "bits"
      STATUS         current
          "The length of a mask for the matching of the source IP
           address. This attribute is interpreted only if the
Top   ToC   RFC3318 - Page 49
           InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'.
           Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the
           most-significant bit downwards for
           frwkIpFilterSrcPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in
           the mask, up to the  number needed to fill the length of
           the address frwkIpFilterSrcAddr are cleared to zero.  A
           zero bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit
           in the address always matches.

           In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any
           address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host
           address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of
           a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths
           range from 0..128."
          "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses.
          RFC 3291."
      DEFVAL { 0 }

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 5 }

  frwkIpFilterDscp OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX         DscpOrAny
      STATUS         current
          "The value that the DSCP in the packet can have and
           match this filter. A value of -1 indicates that a specific
           DSCP value has not been defined and thus all DSCP values
           are considered a match."
          "Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services
           Architecture. RFC 3289."
      DEFVAL { -1 }

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 6 }

  frwkIpFilterFlowId OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX        Integer32 (-1 | 0..1048575)
      STATUS         current
          "The flow label or flow identifier in an IPv6 header
           that may be used to discriminate traffic flows.
           The value of -1 for this attribute MUST imply that
           any flow label value in the IPv6 header will match,
           resulting in the flow label field of the IPv6 header
           being ignored for matching this filter entry."

      ::= { frwkIpFilterEntry 7 }

(next page on part 3)

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