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RFC 3287

Remote Monitoring MIB Extensions for Differentiated Services

Pages: 120
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 5 – Pages 16 to 42
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Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 16   prevText

4. Definitions

DSMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF RowStatus, TimeStamp, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC OwnerString, rmon FROM RMON-MIB protocolDirLocalIndex, LastCreateTime, DataSource, ZeroBasedCounter32, TimeFilter FROM RMON2-MIB CounterBasedGauge64, ZeroBasedCounter64 FROM HCNUM-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB Dscp FROM DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC; dsmonMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200205310000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF RMONMIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " Andy Bierman Cisco Systems, Inc. RMONMIB WG Chair and DSMON MIB Editor Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA USA 95134 Tel: +1 408 527-3711 E-mail: Send comments to <> Mailing list subscription info: " DESCRIPTION "This module defines Remote Monitoring MIB extensions for Differentiated Services enabled networks. RMON DIFFSERV DSCP statistics * Per Counter Aggregation Group * Per Protocol Per Counter Aggregation Group * Per Counter Aggregation Group Per Host
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 17
              * Per Counter Aggregation Group Per Host-Pair

            In order to maintain the RMON 'look-and-feel' and semantic
            consistency, some of the text from the RMON-2 and HC-RMON
            MIBs by Steve Waldbusser has been adapted for use in this
    REVISION        "200205310000Z"
            "Initial version of the DSMON MIB module.  This version
            published as RFC 3287."
    ::= { rmon 26 }

dsmonObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 1 }
dsmonNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 2 }
dsmonConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonMIB 3 }

dsmonAggObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 1 }
dsmonStatsObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 2 }
dsmonPdistObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 3 }
dsmonHostObjects   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 4 }
dsmonCapsObjects   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 5 }
dsmonMatrixObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsmonObjects 6 }

-- Textual Convention to define a
-- DSMON Counter Aggregation Group Index

DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS current
            "This TC describes a data type which identifies a DSMON
            counter aggregation group, which is an arbitrary grouping of
            conceptual counters, for monitoring purposes only.  The
            range for this data type begins with zero (instead of
            one), to allow for a direct mapping between counter
            indexing schemes that start at zero (e.g. DSCP values in
            packets) and counter aggregation group values."
    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

-- Textual Convention to define a
-- DSMON Counter Aggregation Profile Index

DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS current
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            "This TC describes a data type which identifies a DSMON
            counter aggregation profile, which is a set of counter
            aggregation group assignments for each of the 64 DSCP
            values, for a particular statistical collection."
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

-- ***********************************************************
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-- *           D S M O N    C A P A B I L I T I E S          *
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dsmonCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      BITS  {
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "This object provides an indication of the DSMON groups
            supported by the agent.  If a bit is set, then the agent
            implements all of the objects in the DSMON object group,
            where bit 'n' represents the MIB group identified by the
            OBJECT IDENTIFIER value { dsmonGroups n+1 }."
    ::= { dsmonCapsObjects 1 }

-- ***********************************************************
-- *                                                         *
-- *   A G G R E G A T I O N   C O N T R O L   G R O U P S   *
-- *                                                         *
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dsmonMaxAggGroups OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (2..64)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The maximum number of counter aggregation groups that this
            agent can support.  The agent will allow this number of
            distinct groups to be configured in the
            dsmonAggProfileTable, numbered from '0' to
            'dsmonMaxAggGroups - 1', for each counter aggregation
            profile entry supported by the agent.

            The agent MUST NOT lower this value during system operation,
            and SHOULD set this object to an appropriate value during
            system initialization."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 1 }

dsmonAggControlLocked OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
            "Controls the setup of counter aggregation groups for this

            If this object contains the value 'true', then write access
            to the objects in the dsmonAggControlTable (except the
            dsmonAggControlOwner object), dsmonAggProfileTable, and
            dsmonAggGroupTable is not permitted, and data collection is
            possible.  This object only controls write access to these
            MIB objects.  The DSMON data collection control tables
            (e.g., dsmonHostCtlTable) can be configured at any time,
            regardless of the value of this object.

            If this object contains the value 'false', write access to
            the objects in the dsmonAggControlTable,
            dsmonAggProfileTable, and dsmonAggGroupTable is permitted,
            and data collection is not possible.  In addition, all
            objects in all DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsTable)
            shall be deleted.

            An agent is not required to process SNMP Set Requests for
            this object in conjunction with other objects from this MIB.
            This is intended to simplify the processing of Set Requests
            for tables such as the dsmonAggProfileTable, by eliminating
            the possibility that a single Set PDU will contain multiple
            varbinds which are in conflict, such as a PDU which both
            modifies the dsmonAggProfileTable and locks the
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 20
            dsmonAggProfileTable at the same time.

            Note that the agent is not required to validate the entire
            counter aggregation configuration when an attempt is made to
            transition an instance of this object from 'true' to
            'false'.  That validation is done if and when a DSMON data
            collection is activated.

            An agent is required to reactivate any suspended data
            collections when this object transitions to 'true', Each
            active data control entry (e.g., dsmonStatsControlEntry),
            will be validated with respect to the new counter
            aggregation configuration.  If the counter aggregation
            profile referenced in the data collection is valid, then
            that collection will be restarted.  Otherwise, the RowStatus
            object (e.g., dsmonStatsControlStatus) will be set to
            'notReady' for that collection control entry."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 2 }

dsmonAggControlChanges OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "This object counts the number of times the value of the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object has changed.  A management
            station can use this object to detect if counters in the
            DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsEntry) have been deleted
            and recreated between polls.

            This object shall be incremented by one each time the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object changes from 'false' to 'true',
            or from 'true' to 'false'."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 3 }

dsmonAggControlLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "This object identifies the value of sysUpTime at the moment
            the dsmonAggControlLocked object was last modified.  A
            management station can use this object to detect if counters
            in the DSMON data tables (e.g., dsmonStatsEntry) have been
            deleted and recreated between polls.

            This object shall be updated with the current value of
            sysUpTime, if the dsmonAggControlLocked object changes from
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 21
            'false' to 'true', or from 'true' to 'false'.

            Upon system initialization, this object shall contain the
            value zero."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 4 }

-- Counter Aggregation Control Table

dsmonAggControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonAggControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "This table provides an overall description and control
            point for all dsmonAggProfileEntries with the same
            dsmonAggControlIndex value.

            A management application SHOULD create a counter aggregation
            profile by first creating and activating an entry in this
            table.  This will cause the agent to create a set of 64
            dsmonAggProfileEntries on behalf of this control entry.  An
            application can then set the individual counter aggregation
            group assignments for each of the 64 DSCP values,

            This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked
            object is equal to 'true'.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            entries which may be created in this table, and
            (independently) the number of counter aggregation profiles
            which may be applied to a particular data source.  In this
            case, the agent SHOULD return an error-status of
            'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the
            'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905].

            The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this
            table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values.  Otherwise, each
            potential counter aggregation group description string
            SHOULD contain the empty string."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 5 }

dsmonAggControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonAggControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 22
    STATUS      current
            "A conceptual row in the dsmonAggControlTable."
    INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex }
    ::= { dsmonAggControlTable 1 }

DsmonAggControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonAggControlIndex         DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,
    dsmonAggControlDescr         SnmpAdminString,
    dsmonAggControlOwner         OwnerString,
    dsmonAggControlStatus        RowStatus

dsmonAggControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "An arbitrary integer index value used to identify the
            counter aggregation profile specified by this control
    ::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 1 }

dsmonAggControlDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "An administratively assigned description of the counter
            aggregation profile identified by this entry.

            Upon first creation of an instance of this object, the agent
            SHOULD set this object to the empty string.  If the agent
            supports non-volatile storage, then this object SHOULD be
            re-initialized with its stored value after a system reboot.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonAggControlStatus object is equal to 'active', or the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."
    ::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 2 }

dsmonAggControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
            "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
            using the resources assigned to it."
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    ::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 3 }

dsmonAggControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The status of this row.

            An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all
            objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

            Upon setting this object to active(1), the agent will create
            a complete set of 64 associated entries in the

            If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated
            entries in the dsmonAggProfileTable shall be deleted.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."
    ::= { dsmonAggControlEntry 4 }

-- Counter Aggregation Profile Table

dsmonAggProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonAggProfileEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "Controls the setup of counter aggregation profiles for this
            agent.  For each such profile, every DSCP value MUST be
            configured into exactly one counter aggregation group.

            This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked
            object is equal to 'true'.

            The agent will create a set of 64 entries in this table
            (with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value) when the
            associated dsmonAggControlEntry is activated.

            If the agent supports non-volatile configuration of this
            table, then upon system initialization, this table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 6 }
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dsmonAggProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonAggProfileEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A conceptual row in the dsmonAggProfileTable.  The
            dsmonAggControlIndex value in the index identifies the
            dsmonAggControlEntry associated with each entry in this
    INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex, dsmonAggProfileDSCP }
    ::= { dsmonAggProfileTable 1 }

DsmonAggProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonAggProfileDSCP          Dscp,
    dsmonAggGroupIndex           DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex

    SYNTAX      Dscp
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "The specific DSCP value for the DSCP counter which is
            configured in a counter aggregation group by this entry."
    ::= { dsmonAggProfileEntry 1 }

dsmonAggGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonCounterAggGroupIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
            "The counter aggregation group which contains this DSCP
            value.  Upon creation of a new sub-tree (set of 64 entries
            with the same dsmonAggControlIndex value) in this table, the
            agent SHOULD initialize all related instances of this object
            to the value zero.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."
    DEFVAL { 0 }
    ::= { dsmonAggProfileEntry 2 }

-- Counter Aggregation Group Table
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dsmonAggGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonAggGroupEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "This table provides a description of each counter
            aggregation group configured on this system.  Note that the
            semantics of a particular counter aggregation group are only
            relevant within the scope of a particular counter
            aggregation profile.

            This table MUST NOT be modified if the dsmonAggControlLocked
            object is equal to 'true'.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            entries which may be created in this table, and
            (independently) the number of counter aggregation profiles
            which may be applied to a particular data source.  In this
            case, the agent SHOULD return an error-status of
            'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the
            'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905].

            If the agent supports non-volatile configuration of this
            table, then upon system initialization, this table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values.  Otherwise, each
            potential counter aggregation group description string
            SHOULD contain the empty string.

            An agent SHOULD allow entries to be created or modified in
            this table, even if the specified dsmonAggControlIndex value
            does not identify a valid dsmonAggControlEntry or a complete
            set of valid dsmonAggProfileEntries, to reduce row creation
            order dependencies."
    ::= { dsmonAggObjects 7 }

dsmonAggGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonAggGroupEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A conceptual row in the dsmonAggGroupTable.  The
            dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the INDEX identifies the counter
            aggregation group associated with each entry.

            The dsmonAggControlIndex in the index identifies the counter
            aggregation profile associated with each entry, identified
            by the dsmonAggControlEntry and dsmonAggProfileEntries with
            the same index value.
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            The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this
            table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values.

            The dsmonAggGroupIndex in the index identifies the counter
            aggregation group associated with each entry.  This object
            SHOULD be indexed from zero to 'N', where 'N' is less than
            the value of the dsmonMaxAggGroups for this agent."

    INDEX { dsmonAggControlIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex }
    ::= { dsmonAggGroupTable 1 }
DsmonAggGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonAggGroupDescr         SnmpAdminString,
    dsmonAggGroupStatus        RowStatus

dsmonAggGroupDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "An administratively assigned description of the counter
            aggregation group identified by this entry.

            Upon first creation of an instance of this object, the agent
            SHOULD set this object to the empty string.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonAggGroupStatus object is equal to 'active', or the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."
    ::= { dsmonAggGroupEntry 1 }

dsmonAggGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The status of this row.

            An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all
            objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the
            dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'true'."
    ::= { dsmonAggGroupEntry 2 }
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-- *************************************************************
-- *                                                           *
-- *     P E R - D A T A S O U R C E   C O L L E C T I O N S   *
-- *                                                           *
-- *************************************************************

-- Per-DataSource Statistics Control Table

dsmonStatsControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonStatsControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "Controls the setup of per data source per counter
            aggregation group distribution statistics.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            entries which may be created in this table.  In this case,
            the agent SHOULD return an error-status of
            'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the
            'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."
    ::= { dsmonStatsObjects 1 }

dsmonStatsControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonStatsControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A conceptual row in the dsmonStatsControlTable.

            Entries are created and deleted from this table by
            management action only, using the dsmonStatsControlStatus
            RowStatus object.

            The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this
            table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values.

            Activation of a control row in this table will cause an
            associated dsmonStatsTable to be created and maintained by
            the agent."
    INDEX { dsmonStatsControlIndex }
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlTable 1 }

DsmonStatsControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonStatsControlIndex                Integer32,
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 28
    dsmonStatsControlDataSource           DataSource,
    dsmonStatsControlAggProfile           DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,
    dsmonStatsControlDroppedFrames        Counter32,
    dsmonStatsControlCreateTime           LastCreateTime,
    dsmonStatsControlOwner                OwnerString,
    dsmonStatsControlStatus               RowStatus

dsmonStatsControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "An arbitrary and unique index for this
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 1 }

dsmonStatsControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DataSource
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The data source of this per protocol per counter
            aggregation group distribution.

            Note that only packets that contain a network protocol
            encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be
            counted in this table.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonStatsControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 2 }

dsmonStatsControlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter
            aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this

            The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and
            dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same
            dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order
            for this entry to remain active.  It is possible for the
            counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to
            invalid state for this dsmonStats collection.  In this case,
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 29
            the associated dsmonStatsControlStatus object will be
            changed to the 'notReady' state, and data collection will
            not occur on behalf of this control entry.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a
            particular data source.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonStatsControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 3 }

dsmonStatsControlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    UNITS      "frames"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The total number of frames which were received by the probe
            and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but
            for which the probe chose not to count for this entry for
            whatever reason.  Most often, this event occurs when the
            probe is out of some resources and decides to shed load from
            this collection.

            This count does not include packets that were not counted
            because they had MAC-layer errors.

            Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the
            exact number of frames dropped."
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 4 }

dsmonStatsControlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     LastCreateTime
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last
            activated.  This can be used by the management station to
            detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 5 }

dsmonStatsControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 30
            "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
            using the resources assigned to it."
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 6 }

dsmonStatsControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The status of this row.

            An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all
            objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

            If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated
            entries in the dsmonStatsTable shall be deleted."
    ::= { dsmonStatsControlEntry 7 }

-- Per-DataSource Statistics Table

dsmonStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A list of information on counter aggregation group usage
            for each monitored data source.

            The following table defines per counter aggregation group
            statistics for full and/or half-duplex links as well as high
            capacity links.

            For half-duplex links, or full-duplex-capable links
            operating in half-duplex mode, the dsmonStatsIn* objects
            shall be used and the dsmonStatsOut* objects will not

            For full-duplex links, the dsmonStatsOut* objects will be
            present.  Whenever possible, the probe SHOULD count packets
            moving away from the closest terminating equipment as output
            packets.  Failing that, the probe SHOULD count packets
            moving away from the DTE as output packets.

            If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',
            then all entries in this table will be deleted and the agent
            will not process packets on behalf of any
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 31
    ::= { dsmonStatsObjects 2 }

dsmonStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A list of information on Differentiated Services DSCP
            usage, containing inbound and outbound packet and octet
            counters for each counter aggregation group configured for

            The dsmonStatsControlIndex value in the index identifies the
            dsmonStatsControlEntry on whose behalf this entry was

            The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by
            examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the
            dsmonAggProfileTable entry for that DSCP value.

            Note that only packets that contain a network protocol
            encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be
            counted in this table.

            An example of the indexing of this entry is
     INDEX { dsmonStatsControlIndex, dsmonAggGroupIndex }
    ::= { dsmonStatsTable 1 }

DsmonStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonStatsInPkts            ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsInOctets          ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsInOvflPkts        ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsInOvflOctets      ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsInHCPkts          ZeroBasedCounter64,
    dsmonStatsInHCOctets        ZeroBasedCounter64,
    dsmonStatsOutPkts           ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsOutOctets         ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsOutOvflPkts       ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsOutOvflOctets     ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonStatsOutHCPkts         ZeroBasedCounter64,
    dsmonStatsOutHCOctets       ZeroBasedCounter64

dsmonStatsInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "packets"
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of packets using one of the DSCP values in the
            indicated counter aggregation group, received on a half-
            duplex link or on the inbound connection of a full-duplex
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 1 }

dsmonStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP
            values in the indicated counter aggregation group, received
            on a half-duplex link or on the inbound connection of a
            full-duplex link."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 2 }

dsmonStatsInOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
            "The number of times the associated dsmonStatsInPkts counter
            has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsInHCPkts object is
            also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 3 }

dsmonStatsInOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
            "The number of times the associated dsmonStatsInOctets
            counter has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsInHCOctets object
            is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 4 }

dsmonStatsInHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "packets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 33
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsInPkts object.

            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 5 }

dsmonStatsInHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsInOctets object.

            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 6 }

dsmonStatsOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "packets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of packets using one of the DSCP values in the
            indicated counter aggregation group, received on a full-
            duplex link in the direction of the network."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 7 }

dsmonStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP
            values in the indicated counter aggregation group, received
            on a full-duplex link in the direction of the network."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 8 }

dsmonStatsOutOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 34
            "The number of times the associated dsmonStatsOutPkts
            counter has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsOutHCPkts object is
            also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 9 }

dsmonStatsOutOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
            "The number of times the associated dsmonStatsOutOctets
            counter has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonStatsOutHCOctets object
            is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 10 }

dsmonStatsOutHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "packets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsOutPkts object.

            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 11 }

dsmonStatsOutHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonStatsOutOctets object.
            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonStatsEntry 12 }

-- ***********************************************************
-- *                                                         *
-- *     P E R - P R O T O C O L    C O L L E C T I O N S    *
-- *                                                         *
-- ***********************************************************
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 35
-- DSCP Per-Protocol Statistics Control Table

dsmonPdistCtlTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonPdistCtlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "Controls the setup of per application per counter
            aggregation group distribution statistics.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            entries which may be created in this table.  In this case,
            the agent SHOULD return an error-status of
            'resourceUnavailable(13)', as per section 4.2.5 of the
            'Protocol Operations for SNMPv2' specification [RFC1905]."
    ::= { dsmonPdistObjects 1 }

dsmonPdistCtlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonPdistCtlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A conceptual row in the dsmonPdistCtlTable.

            Entries are created and deleted from this table by
            management action only, using the dsmonPdistCtlStatus
            RowStatus object.

            The agent SHOULD support non-volatile configuration of this
            table, and upon system initialization, the table SHOULD be
            initialized with the saved values.

            Activation of a control row in this table will cause an
            associated dsmonPdistStatsTable to be created and maintained
            by the agent."
    INDEX { dsmonPdistCtlIndex }
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlTable 1 }

DsmonPdistCtlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonPdistCtlIndex                Integer32,
    dsmonPdistCtlDataSource           DataSource,
    dsmonPdistCtlAggProfile           DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex,
    dsmonPdistCtlMaxDesiredEntries    Integer32,
    dsmonPdistCtlDroppedFrames        Counter32,
    dsmonPdistCtlInserts              Counter32,
    dsmonPdistCtlDeletes              Counter32,
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 36
    dsmonPdistCtlCreateTime           LastCreateTime,
    dsmonPdistCtlOwner                OwnerString,
    dsmonPdistCtlStatus               RowStatus

dsmonPdistCtlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "An arbitrary and unique index for this dsmonPdistCtlEntry."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistCtlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DataSource
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The source of data for the this per protocol counter
            aggregation group distribution.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistCtlAggProfile OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonCounterAggProfileIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The dsmonAggControlIndex value identifying the counter
            aggregation profile which should be used on behalf of this

            The associated dsmonAggControlEntry and
            dsmonAggProfileEntries, identified by the same
            dsmonAggControlIndex index value, MUST be active in order
            for this entry to remain active.  It is possible for the
            counter aggregation configuration to change from a valid to
            invalid state for this dsmonPdist collection.  In this case,
            the associated dsmonPdistCtlStatus object will be changed to
            the 'notReady' state, and data collection will not occur on
            behalf of this control entry.

            Note that an agent MAY choose to limit the actual number of
            counter aggregation profiles which may be applied to a
            particular data source.
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 37
            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistCtlMaxDesiredEntries OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (-1 | 1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The maximum number of entries that are desired in the
            dsmonPdistStatsTable on behalf of this control entry.  The
            probe will not create more than this number of associated
            entries in the table, but MAY choose to create fewer entries
            in this table for any reason including the lack of

            If this value is set to -1, the probe MAY create any number
            of entries in this table.

            This object MUST NOT be modified if the associated
            dsmonPdistCtlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistCtlDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    UNITS      "frames"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The total number of frames which were received by the probe
            and therefore not accounted for in the *StatsDropEvents, but
            for which the probe chose not to count for this entry for
            whatever reason.  Most often, this event occurs when the
            probe is out of some resources and decides to shed load from
            this collection.

            This count does not include packets that were not counted
            because they had MAC-layer errors.

            Note that, unlike the dropEvents counter, this number is the
            exact number of frames dropped."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistCtlInserts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    UNITS      "table entries"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 38
            "The number of times a dsmonPdist entry has been inserted
            into the dsmonPdistTable.  If an entry is inserted, then
            deleted, and then inserted, this counter will be incremented
            by 2.

            To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY
            delay updating this object for short periods of time.  For
            example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data
            structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short
            periods of time.  This counter may reflect the internal data
            structures for those short periods of time.

            Note that the table size can be determined by subtracting
            dsmonPdistCtlDeletes from dsmonPdistCtlInserts."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 6 }

dsmonPdistCtlDeletes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    UNITS      "table entries"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The number of times a dsmonPdist entry has been deleted
            from the dsmonPdist table (for any reason).  If an entry is
            deleted, then inserted, and then deleted, this counter will
            be incremented by 2.

            To allow for efficient implementation strategies, agents MAY
            delay updating this object for short periods of time.  For
            example, an implementation strategy may allow internal data
            structures to differ from those visible via SNMP for short
            periods of time.  This counter may reflect the internal data
            structures for those short periods of time.

            Note that the table size can be determined by subtracting
            dsmonPdistCtlDeletes from dsmonPdistCtlInserts."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 7 }

dsmonPdistCtlCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     LastCreateTime
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The value of sysUpTime when this control entry was last
            activated.  This can be used by the management station to
            detect if the table has been deleted and recreated between
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 39
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 8 }

dsmonPdistCtlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
            using the resources assigned to it."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 9 }

dsmonPdistCtlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
            "The status of this row.

            An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all
            objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

            If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated
            entries in the dsmonPdistStatsTable shall be deleted."
    ::= { dsmonPdistCtlEntry 10 }

-- Per-Protocol Statistics Table

dsmonPdistStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DsmonPdistStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A list of information on a per protocol per counter
            aggregation group usage.

            If the dsmonAggControlLocked object is equal to 'false',
            then all entries in this table will be deleted and the agent
            will not process packets on behalf of any
    ::= { dsmonPdistObjects 2 }

dsmonPdistStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DsmonPdistStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 40
            "A list of information on Differentiated Services DSCP
            usage, containing packet and octet counters for each counter
            aggregation group configured for collection, and each
            protocol (as identified by the protocolDirLocalIndex for the
            protocol) identified in each monitored packet.

            The dsmonPdistCtlIndex value in the index identifies the
            dsmonPdistCtlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

            Note that only packets that contain a network protocol
            encapsulation which contains a DS field [RFC2474] will be
            counted in this table.

            The dsmonAggGroupIndex value in the index is determined by
            examining the DSCP value in each monitored packet, and the
            dsmonAggProfileTable entry for that value.

            The protocolDirLocalIndex in the index identifies the
            protocolDirEntry for the protocol encapsulation of each
            monitored packet.  The agent will include only application
            layer protocols in the associated dsmonPdistStatsTable.  Any
            'terminal' protocol is considered to be an application

            An example of the indexing of this entry is
     INDEX { dsmonPdistCtlIndex,
             protocolDirLocalIndex }
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsTable 1 }

DsmonPdistStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    dsmonPdistTimeMark             TimeFilter,
    dsmonPdistStatsPkts            ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonPdistStatsOctets          ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonPdistStatsOvflPkts        ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonPdistStatsOvflOctets      ZeroBasedCounter32,
    dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts          ZeroBasedCounter64,
    dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets        ZeroBasedCounter64,
    dsmonPdistStatsCreateTime      LastCreateTime

dsmonPdistTimeMark OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeFilter
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 41
            "The Time Filter index for this table.  This object may be
            used by a management station to retrieve only rows which
            have been created or modified since a particular time.  Note
            that the current value for a row are always returned and the
            TimeFilter is not a historical data archiving mechanism.
            Refer to RFC 2021 [RFC2021] for a detailed description of
            TimeFilter operation."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 1 }

dsmonPdistStatsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "packets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of packets, using one of the DSCP values in the
            indicated counter aggregation group, for the protocol
            identified by the associated protocolDirLocalIndex value."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 2 }

dsmonPdistStatsOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The number of octets in packets, using one of the DSCP
            values in the indicated counter aggregation group, for the
            protocol identified by the associated protocolDirLocalIndex

            Note that this object doesn't count just those octets in the
            particular protocol frames, but includes the entire packet
            that contained the protocol."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 3 }

dsmonPdistStatsOvflPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
            "The number of times the associated dsmonPdistStatsPkts
            counter has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts object
            is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 4 }

dsmonPdistStatsOvflOctets OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3287 - Page 42
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      deprecated
            "The number of times the associated dsmonPdistStatsOctets
            counter has overflowed.  Note that this object will only be
            instantiated if the associated dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets
            object is also instantiated for a particular dataSource."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 5 }

dsmonPdistStatsHCPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "packets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonPdistStatsPkts object.

            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 6 }

dsmonPdistStatsHCOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS       "octets"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The 64-bit version of the dsmonPdistStatsOctets object.

            Note that this object will only be instantiated if the RMON
            agent supports High Capacity monitoring for a particular
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 7 }

dsmonPdistStatsCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     LastCreateTime
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "The value of sysUpTime when this dsmonPdistStats entry was
            last instantiated by the agent.  This can be used by the
            management station to detect if the entry has been deleted
            and recreated between polls."
    ::= { dsmonPdistStatsEntry 8 }

(next page on part 3)

Next Section