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RFC 2967

TISDAG - Technical Infrastructure for Swedish Directory Access Gateways

Pages: 105
Part 2 of 5 – Pages 15 to 42
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Top   ToC   RFC2967 - Page 15   prevText

4.0 Architecture

4.1 Software Components

The conceptual architecture of the DAG is represented in Figure 4.1. General architectural specifications are described below, followed by individual component specifications Sections 5.5 through 5.12.

4.1.1 Internal Communications

Communications between components of the DAG will be by TCP/IP connections, using the DAG-Internal Protocol (DAG/IP). DAG/IP is used by DAG-CAPs to communicate with the Referral Index and DAG-SAPs. Thus, the DAG/IP defines - the DAG-CAPs' range of query ability in the Referral Index (to gather referrals in response to the end-user's requests) - the responses (and their formats) of the Referral Index to the DAG-CAP requests - the DAG-CAPs' range of query ability to the DAG-SAPs for pursuing referrals when the DAG-CAP needs to do chaining for the client access software - the responses (and their formats) of the DAG-SAPs to the DAG-CAPs. The detail of the planned DAG/IP is given in Appendix C. The detail of the DAG-CAP--Referral Index and DAG-CAP--DAG-SAP interactions is given in the definitions of individual DAG-CAPs and DAG-SAPs, below (Sections 5.5 through 5.12).

4.1.2 Referral Index

The Referral Index is responsible for maintaining the index of WDSP information, and providing a list of reasonable referrals in response to DAG-CAP search requests. These "referrals" provide pointers to identify WDSPs that may have information that matches the end-user's query.

4.1.3 DAG-CAPs

Individual DAG-CAPs are responsible for providing a particular client access protocol interface to the DAG service. DAG-CAPs receive end- user queries in a particular query access protocol, convert the request into a query for the Referral Index ( i.e., expressed in DAG/IP), and then convert the Referral Index's response into a form that is appropriate for the client access protocol. This may mean passing back the referrals directly, calling on DAG-SAPs to do the work of translating the referral into results ("chaining"), or a combination of both.
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              |+====+                               |
   HTTP   <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> Whois++
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   SMTP   <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> LDAPv2
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   Whois++<-->+|    |<------+  (Chain LDAPv2/3)     |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> LDAPv3
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   LDAPv2 <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
   LDAPv3 <-->+|    |<------+  (Chain Whois++)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                       |
              |             v                       |
              |   +-----------------------+         |
              |   |  Referral Index       |<---------------> Common
              |   |                       |         | Indexing Protocol
              |   +-----------------------+         | (CIP)

            All internal communications are in DAG/IP.

            Figure 4.1 Conceptual Architecture of the DAG
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4.1.4 DAG-SAPs

Individual DAG-SAPs are called upon (by DAG-CAPs) to take DAG- generated referrals and pursue them -- issuing the indicated query at the specified WDSP service. Results from individual WDSPs are converted back into DAG/IP-specific format for the DAG-CAP that made the request. Each DAG-SAP is responsible for handling referrals to WDSPs of a particular protocol (e.g., LDAPv2, Whois++, etc).

4.2 Important Architectural Notes

This section notes some of the thinking that has driven the architectural and software design specification for the DAG system. This helps to provide the context in which to understand the software specifications that follow, and should give clues for the eventual extension of the DAG system. This section also acts, in some ways, as an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, as the content is shaped by questions received during the tech spec development phase. It attempts to illuminate context that may not otherwise be apparent on a first reading of the software specifications.

4.2.1 2 Distinct Functions: Referrals and Chaining

At all times, it must be kept in mind that the primary function of the DAG system is to provide users with referrals to WDSP services that may have the information they seek. Since it is the case that not all supported client protocols can handle referrals, the DAG system also provides a chaining service to pursue referrals that the user's client software cannot handle itself. This chaining service does attempt to match the user's query against data from WDSPs, but this is to be seen as a secondary, or support function of the DAG system. In the perfect future, all access protocols will be able to handle all referrals!

4.2.2 Limited Query and Response Semantics

The DAG system does not attempt to be a chameleon, or the ultimate whitepages query service. It focuses on providing referrals for information on the limited number of query types outlined in the functional specifications of the DAG service. This makes the DAG system a good place to start a search, but refinements and detailed inquiries are beyond its scope.

4.2.3 Visibility

Given the limited query syntax of the DAG system it will not always be possible to exactly match a query posed to a CAP into a query posed to a SAP. This will have the effect that for instance a LDAPv2
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   client that issues a query to the DAG system which by the DAG system
   is chained to a LDAP server might not get the same results as if the
   client where directly connected to the server in question.

4.2.4 Richness of Query semantics

Even the limited query syntax of the DAG system is capable of expressing queries that might NOT be possible to represent in the access protocols to the WDSPs. In these cases the DAG-SAP either can refuse the query or try to emulate it.

4.2.5 N+M Protocol Mappings

As part of the chaining service offered by the DAG system, a certain amount of mapping between protocols is required -- in theoretical terms, there are "N" allowable end-user query access protocols, and "M" supported WDSP server protocols. The architecture of the software is constructed to use a single internal protocol (the DAG/IP) and data schema, providing a common language between all components. Without this, each input protocol module (DAG-CAP) would have to be constructed to be able to handle every WDSP protocol -- NxM protocol mappings. This would make the system complex, and difficult to expand to include new protocols in future.

4.2.6 DAG-CAPs and DAG-SAPs are completely independent of each other

For the above reasons, the DAG-CAP and DAG-SAP modules are intended to be completely independent of each other. A DAG-SAP responds to a query that is posed to it in the DAG/IP, without regard to the protocol of the DAG-CAP that passed the query.

4.2.7 The Role of the DAG-CAP

Thus, the DAG-CAP is responsible for using the DAG/IP to obtain referral information and, where necessary, chained responses. Where necessary, it performs adjustments to accommodate the differences in semantics between the DAG/IP and its native protocol. This might involved doing post-filtering of the results returned by the DAG-SAPs since the query issued in DAG/IP to the DAG-SAP might be "broader" then the original query. Thus, the DAG-CAP "knows" only 2 protocols: its native protocol, and the DAG/IP.
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4.2.8 The Role of the DAG-SAP

Similarly, the DAG-SAP is responsible for responding to DAG/IP queries by contacting the designated WDSP server. Where necessary, it performs adjustments to accommodate the differences in semantics between the DAG/IP and its native protocol. These adjustments might mean that, as a consequence, the DAG-SAP will receive results that do not match the original query. In such cases the DAG-SAP should attempt to do post-pruning in order to reduce the mismatch between the original query and the results returned. Thus, the DAG-SAP "knows" only 2 protocols: its native protocol, and the DAG/IP.

4.2.9 DAG/IP is internal

No module outside of the DAG system should be aware of the DAG/IP's construction. End-users use the query protocols supported by DAG- CAPs; WDSPs are contacted using the query protocols supported in the DAG-SAPs.

4.2.10 Expectations

The expectation is that the DAG system, although defined as a single construct, will operate by running modules on several different, perhaps widely distributed (in terms of geography and ownership), computers. For this reason, the DAG/IP specified in such a way that it will operate on inter-machine communications.

4.2.11 Future Extensions

The DAG system architecture was constructed with a specific view to extensibility. At any time, an individual component may be improved (e.g., the Mail DAG-CAP may be given a different query interface) without disrupting the system. Additionally, future versions of the DAG system may support other access protocols -- for end-users, and for WDSPs.

5.0 Software Specifications

5.1 Notational Convention

It is always a challenge to accurately represent text protocol in a printed document; when is a new line a "newline", and when is it an effect of the text formatter?
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   In order to be adequately illustrated, this document includes many
   segments of protocol grammars, sample data, and sample input/output
   in a text protocol.  In order to distinguish newlines that are
   significant in a protocol, the symbol


   is used.  For example,

   This is an example of a very long line of input.  There is only one
   newline in it (at the end), in spite of the fact that this document
   shows it spanning several lines of text.<NL>

5.2 DAG-CAP Basics

5.2.1 Functionality

Every DAG-CAP must support the full range of DAG queries, as defined in 3.3.1. Each DAG-CAP accepts queries in its native protocol. Individual DAG-CAP definitions define the expected expression of the DAG queries in the native protocol. The DAG-CAP is then responsible for: - converting that expression into a query in the DAG/IP to obtain relevant referrals from the Referral Index. This might mean that parts of the original query are disregarded (e.g., if the query included attributes not supported by the DAG application, or if the query algebra was not supported by the DAG application); - returning referrals in the client's native protocol, where possible; - expressing the client query to the necessary DAG-SAPs, given the limitations mentioned above, to chain those referrals not usefully expressible in the client's native protocol; - possibly doing post-filtering on the DAG-SAP results; and - converting the collected DAG-SAP results for expression in the client's native protocol (and schema, where applicable). Each DAG-CAP defines the nature of the interaction with the end-user (e.g., synchronous or asynchronous, etc). Additionally, each DAG-CAP must be able to carry out the following, in order to permit load- limiting and load-balancing in the DAG system: - direct the client to a different DAG-CAP of the same type (for load-balancing)
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   - decline to return results because too many referrals were generated
     (to discourage data-mining).  Ideally, this should include the
     generation of a message to refine the query in order to produce a
     more manageable number of referrals/replies.

   DAG-CAPs must be capable of accepting and respecting DAG-SAP service
   referrals (for DAG-SAP load-sharing).

   In protocols that permit it, the DAG-CAP should indicate to the end-
   user which services were unavailable for chaining referrals (i.e., to
   indicate there were parts of the search that could not be completed,
   and information might be missing).

      TISDAG: Any CAP that receives commands other than queries, like
      help, answers those on its own.  A CAP should not pass any system
      command on to the RI.

5.2.2 Configuration

It must be possible to change the expected address of the DAG-CAP by configuration of the software (i.e., host and port, e-mail address, etc). For DAG-CAPs that need to access DAG-SAPs for query chaining, for each type (protocol) of DAG-SAP that is needed, the DAG-CAP must be configurable in terms of: - at least one known DAG-SAP of every necessary protocol to contact - for each DAG-SAP, the host and port of the DAG-SAP software The DAG-CAPs must also be configurable in terms of a maximum number of referrals to handle for a user transaction (i.e., to prevent data mining, the DAG-CAP will refuse to reply if the query is too general and too many hits are generated at the Referral Index). The DAG-CAP must be configurable in terms of alternate DAG-CAPs of the same type to which the end-user software may be directed if this one is too busy.

5.2.3 Error handling

Apart from error conditions arising from the operation of the DAG-CAP itself, DAG-CAPs are responsible for communicating error conditions occurring elsewhere in the system that affect the outcome of the user's query (e.g., in the DAG-RI, or in one or more DAG-SAPs).
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   If the DAG-CAP sends a query to the DAG-RI and receives an error
   message, it should attempt to match the the received DAG errorcode
   into its native access protocol's error codes.  The same action is
   appropriate when the DAG-CAP is "chaining" the query to one DAG-SAP.

   There are also occasions when the DAG-CAP may have to combine
   multiple errorcodes into a single expression to the user.  When the
   DAG-CAP is "chaining" the query through DAG-SAPs to one or more
   WDSPs, situations can arise when there is a mix of responsecodes from
   the DAG-SAPs.  If this happens, the DAG-CAP should try to forward
   information to the end-user software that is as specific as possible,
   for instance which of the WDSPs has not been able to fulfill the
   query and why.

   See Appendix D for more information concerning error condition
   message mappings.

5.2.4 Pruning of results

Since there is no perfect match between the query syntaxes of the DAG system on one hand and the different access protocols that the DAG- CAPs and DAG-SAPs supports on the other, there will be situations where the results a DAG-CAP has to collect is "broader" then what would have been the case if there had been a perfect match. This might have adverse effects on the system to the extent that administrative limits will "unnecessary" be exceeded on WDSPs or that the collected results exceeds the sizelimit of the DAG-CAP. Since the DAG-CAP is the only part of the DAG system that actually knows what the original query was, the DAG-CAP can prune the results received from the DAG-SAPs in such a way that the results presented to the client better matches the original question.

5.3 DAG-SAP Basics

5.3.1 Functionality

Every DAG-SAP must support the full range of DAG queries, as defined in 3.3.1. Results must be complete DAG schemas expressed in well- formed DAG/IP result formats (see Appendix C). Each DAG-SAP accepts queries in DAG/IP and converts them to the native schema and protocol for which it is designed to proxy. The DAG-SAP is then responsible for - converting the query into the native schema and protocol of the WDSP to which the referral points. (If the query is not representable in the native protocol, it must return an error
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     message.  If it is emulatable, the DAG-SAP can attempt emulate it
     by posing a related query to the WDSP and post-pruning the results
   - contacting that WDSP, using the host, port, and protocol
     information provided in the referral;
   - negotiating the query with the remote WDSP;
   - accepting results from the WDSP, possibly doing post-filtering on
     the result set; and
   - conveying the results back to the calling DAG-CAP using the DAG/IP
     and its schema.

   Note that this implicitly means that the DAG-SAP is responsible for
   chaining and pursuing any referrals it receives from WDSP services.
   The DAG-SAP returns only search results to the DAG-CAP that called

5.3.2 Configuration

DAG-SAPs must be configurable to accept connections only from recognized DAG components. DAG-SAPs that have service limits must be configurable to redirect DAG-CAPs to alternate DAG-SAPs of the same type when necessary.

5.3.3 Error handling

A DAG-SAP must translate error codes received from a WDSP server to DAG error codes according to Appendix D.

5.3.4 Pruning of results

Since it might not be possible to exactly map a DAG query into a query in the access protocol supported by the a DAG-SAP, the DAG-SAP should try to translate it into a more general query (or if necessary into a set of queries). If so, the DAG-SAP must then prune the result set received before furthering it to the DAG-CAP.

5.3.5 Constraint precedence

Some constraints, search and case, can appear both as local and global constraints. If this happens in a query then the local constraint specification overrides the global. For a query like the following: fn=leslie;search=exact and org=think:search=substring the resulting search constraint for "fn=leslie" will be "exact" while it for "org=think" will be "substring".
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5.4 The Referral Index

5.4.1 Architecture

The Referral Index contains (only) information necessary to deliver referrals to DAG-CAPs based on the query types supported by the DAG itself. The Referral Index creates an index over these objects so that it can respond to DAG-CAP queries using the DAG/IP. The information is drawn directly from interactions with participating WDSPs' software, using the Common Indexing Protocol (CIP).

5.4.2 Interactions with WDSPs (CIP)

WDSPs that wish to participate in the DAG system must register themselves (see Section 5.4.6). Once registered, the Referral Index will interact with the WDSPs using the Common Indexing Protocol as defined in [1], using the Index Object defined in Section 5.4.3.

5.4.3 Index Object Format

The CIP index object type is based on the Tagged Index Object as defined in [12]. Appendix E details the expected content of the index objects as they are to be provided by the WDSPs. TISDAG: The tokens in the Tagged Index Object should be UTF-8 encoded composed UNICODE version 2 character encoding.

5.4.4 DAG-Internal I/O

The Referral Index interacts with the rest of the DAG internal modules (DAG-CAPs) by listening for queries and responding in the DAG/IP (defined in Appendix C).

5.4.5 The Index Server

The Referral Index must index the necessary attributes of the CIP index object in order to respond to queries of the form described in Table 3.1. The semantics of the chosen CIP object (defined in Appendix E) are such that a referral to a WDSP server is sent back if (and only if) - the index object of the WDSP contains all the tokens of the query, in the attributes specified, according to the logic of the DAG/IP query, and - all of those tokens are found with a common tag.
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   This means that a query for the name "Fred Flintstone" (2 tokens)
   will yield a referral to a server that has a record for "Fred Amadeus
   Flintstone", but not to a WDSP with 2 differently tagged records, for
   "Fred Amadeus" and "Julie Flintstone".  Depending on the access
   protocol being used and the original end-user query, the referral to
   the WDSP with "Fred Amadeus Flintstone" may yield a successful
   result, or it may not.  But, it is known that the other WDSP would
   not have yielded successful searches.  That is, the referral approach
   may yield false-positive results, but will not miss appropriate

5.4.6 Configuration

The Referral Index must provide the ability to register interested WDSPs, as outlined in Appendix E. The Referral Index must be able to configure the port for DAG/IP communications. Also, it must be configurable to recognize only registered DAG-CAPs.

5.4.7 Security

The Referral Index will accept queries only from recognized (registered) DAG-CAPs. This will reduce "denial of service" attack types, but is also a reflection on the fact that the Referral Index uses the DAG/IP, (i.e., internal) protocol, which should not be exposed to non-DAG software. The Referral Index must be able to use authenticated communication to receive data from WDSPs (see Appendix E).

5.5 Mail (SMTP) DAG-CAP

This is the default Mail DAG-CAP. More sophisticated ones could certainly be written -- e.g., for pretty-printed output, or for handling different philosophies of case-matching. This DAG-CAP has been designed on the assumption that mail queries will be human-generated (i.e., using a mail program/text editor), as opposed to being queries formulated by software agents. The input grammar should therefore be simple and liberal in acceptance of variations of whitespace formatting.
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5.5.1 Mail DAG-CAP Input

Mail DAG-CAP input is expected to be a regular or MIME-encoded (see [9] and [10]) SMTP mail message, sent to an advertised mail address. The mail DAG-CAP parses the message and replies to it with a MIME- encoded message containing the results of the DAG search. One query is accepted per e-mail message -- text after a single valid query has been read is simply ignored. The body of the query message must follow the syntax defined below. Note that all input control terms ("type=", "name=" etc) are shown in lower case for convenience, but could be upper case or mixed case on input. mailquery = [mnl] [controls] mnl terms mnl controls = [msp] "searchtype" [msp] "=" [msp] ( matchtype / casetype / matchtype msp casetype / casetype msp matchtype / <nothing> ) matchtype = "substring" / "exact" ; default: substring casetype = "ignore" / "sensitive" ; default: ignore terms = n / n-l / n-o / n-o-l / r-o / r-o-l n = n-term n-l = ( n-term l-term / l-term n-term) n-o = ( n-term o-term / o-term n-term ) n-o-l = ( n-term o-term l-term / n-term l-term o-term / l-term n-term o-term / l-term o-term n-term / o-term l-term n-term / o-term n-term l-term ) r-o = ( r-term o-term / o-term r-term ) r-o-l = ( r-term o-term l-term / r-term l-term o-term / l-term o-term r-term / l-term r-term o-term / o-term l-term r-term / o-term r-term l-term ) n-term = [msp] "name" [msp] "=" [msp] string mnl o-term = [msp] "org" [msp] "=" [msp] string mnl
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   l-term          = [msp] "loc" [msp] "=" [msp] string mnl
   r-term          = [msp] "role" [msp] "=" [msp] string mnl

   string          = <US-ASCII or quoted-printable encoded
                   ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 except nl and sp>
   msp             = 1*(sp)
    sp              = " "
   mnl             = 1*(nl)

   nl              = <linebreak>

   The following are valid mail queries:

   Example 1:

   searchtype =   <NL>
   name = thinking cat<NL>

   Example 2:

   searchtype = exact ignore<NL>
   name=thinking cat<NL>

   Example 3:

   role=thinking cat<NL>
   org =space colonization<NL>

   Example 4:

   name=thinking cat <NL>
   My signature line follows here in the most annoying
   fashion <NL>

   Note that the following are not acceptable queries:

   Example 5:

   searchtype= exact substring <NL>
   name = thinking cat <NL>

   Example 6:

   name=thinking cat org= freedom fighters anonymous<NL>
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   In Example 5, two conflicting searchtypes are given.  In Example 6,
   no linebreak follows the n-term.

5.5.2 Translation from Mail query to DAG/IP

Querying the Referral Index A key element of translating from the Mail DAG-CAP input into the DAG/IP query format is to "tokenize" the input terms into single token elements for the DAG/IP query. For example, the n-term name= thinking cat<NL> is tokenized into 2 n-tokens: thinking cat which are then mapped into the following in the DAG/IP query (dag-n- terms): FN=thinking and FN=cat<NL> The same is true for all r-terms, l-terms and o-terms. The primary steps in translating the mail input into a DAG/IP query are: translate quoted-printable encoding, if necessary translate base64 encoding, if necessary tokenize the strings for each term construct the DAG/IP query from the resulting components, as described in more detail below DAG/IP constraints are constructed from the searchtype information in the query. dag-matchtype = "search=" <matchtype> / "search=substring" ; if matchtype not ; specified dag-casetype = "case=ignore" / ; if casetype not ; specified or ; casetype=ignore "case=consider" ; if casetype=sensitive constraints = ":" dag-matchtype ";" dag-casetype The terms for the DAG/IP query are constructed from the tokenized strings from the mail input.
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   dag-n-terms   = "FN=" n-token 0*( " and FN=" n-token)
   dag-o-terms   = "ORG=" o-token 0*( " and ORG=" o-token)
   dag-l-terms   = "LOC=" l-token 0*( " and LOC=" l-token)
   dag-r-terms   = "ROLE=" r-token 0*( " and ROLE=" r-token)

   This means that the relevant DAG/IP queries are formulated as one of
   two types:

   dagip-query   = ( ( ( n-query / nl-query / no-query /
                      nol-query ) [" and template=DAGPERSON"]":"
                   dag-matchtype ";" dag-casetype) /
                  ( ( ro-query / rol-query )
                    [" and template=DAGORGROLE"]":"
                    dag-matchtype ";" dag-casetype)  )

   n-query       = dag-n-terms
   nl-query      = dag-n-terms " and " dag-l-terms
   no-query      = dag-n-terms " and " dag-o-terms
   nol-query     = dag-n-terms " and " dag-o-terms " and "
   ro-query      = dag-r-terms " and " dag-o-terms
   rol-query     = dag-r-terms " and " dag-o-terms " and "

   The examples given earlier are then translated as follows.

   Example 1:

   FN=thinking and FN=cat:search=substring;case=ignore<NL>

   Example 2:

   FN=thinking and FN=cat:search=exact;case=ignore<NL>

   Example 3:

   ROLE=thinking and ROLE=cat and ORG=space and

   Querying a DAG-SAP

   In querying a DAG-SAP (irrespective of the protocol of that DAG-SAP),
   the DAG/IP query must include information about the target WDSP
   server.  This information is drawn from the Referral Index SERVER-
   TO-ASK referral information, and is appended to the query as
   specified in Appendix C):
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   ":host=" quoted-hostname ";port=" number ";server-info="
   quoted-serverinfo ";charset=" charset

   where the response from the Referral Index included:

   "# SERVER-TO-ASK " serverhandle nl
   " Server-info: " serverinfo nl
   " Host-Name: " hostname nl
   " Host-Port: " number nl

   " Protocol: " prot nl
   " Source-URI: " source nl
   " Charset: " charset nl
   "# END" nl

   and the "quoted-hostname" and "quoted-serverinfo" are obtained from
   "hostname" and "serverinfo" respectively, by quoting the DAG/IP
   special characters.

   For example, the referral

   # SERVER-TO-ASK dagsystem01<NL>
    Server-info: o=thinkingcat, c=se<NL>
    Host-Port: 2839<NL>
    Protocol: ldapv2<NL>
    Charset: T.61<NL>
    # END<NL>

   would yield the addition


   in its query to an LDAPv2 DAG-SAP.

   (N.B.: See Appendix C for further definitions of the terms used in
   the SERVER-TO-ASK response).

   Note that it is the DAG-SAP's responsibility to extract these terms
   from the query and use them to identify the WDSP server to be
   contacted.  See the individual DAG-SAP definitions, below.
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5.5.3 Chaining queries in Mail DAG-CAP

The Mail DAG-CAP has to chain all referrals -- to the Whois++ DAG- SAP, LDAPv2 DAG-SAP, or LDAPv3 DAG-SAP as appropriate for the referral.

5.5.4 Expression of results in Mail DAG-CAP

The results message is sent to the "Reply-To:" address of the originating mail, if available (see [4] for appropriate interpretation of mail originator headers). The original query is repeated, along with the message-id. The remainder of the body of the mail message is the concatenation of responses from the DAG-SAP calls, each result having the WDSP's SOURCE URI (from the referral) appended to it, and the system messages also having been removed. At the end of the message, the WDSP servers that failed to respond (i.e., the DAG-SAP handling the referral returned the "% 403 Information Unavailable" message) are listed with their server-info.

5.5.5 Expression of Errors in Mail DAG-CAP

If the mail DAG-CAP receives a message that is not parsable using the query grammar described above, it returns an explanatory message to the query mail's reply address saying that the query could not be interpreted, and giving a description of valid queries. If the number of referrals sent by the Referral Index is greater than the pre-determined maximum (for detecting data-mining efforts, or otherwise refusing over-general queries, such as "FN=svensson"), the mail DAG-CAP will send an explanatory message to the query mail's reply address describing the "over-generalized query" problem, suggesting the user resubmit a more precise query, and describing the list of valid query types. If the mail DAG-CAP receives several different result codes from the DAG-SAPs it should represent those in an appropriate manner in the response message. A mail DAG-CAP may redirect a connection to another mail DAG-CAP for reasons of load-balancing. This is done simply by forwarding the mail query to the address of the alternate mail DAG-CAP.
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5.6 Web (HTTP) DAG-CAP

5.6.1 Web DAG-CAP Input

The web DAG-CAP provides its interface via standard HTTP protocol. The general expectation is that the web DAG-CAP will provide a form page with radio buttons to select "substring or exact match" and "consider case or ignore case". Other information (about name, role, organization, locality) is solicited as free-form text. The DAG-CAP receives queries via an HTTP "post" method (the outcome of the form action for the page described above, or generated elsewhere). The rest of this section describes the variables that are to be expressed in that post. The actual layout of the page and most user interface issues are left to the discretion of the builder. Note that the Web DAG-CAP may be called upon to provide responses in different content encoding, and must therefore address the "Accept- Encoding:" request header in the HTTP connection. Although the Web protocol, HTTP, is not itself capable of handling referrals, through the use of two extra variables this client is given the option of requesting referral information and then pursuing individual referrals through the Web DAG-CAP itself, as a proxy for those referrals. This is handled through the extra "control variables" to request referrals only, and to indicate when the transaction is a continuation of a previous query to pursue a referral. There has been call to have a "machine-readable" version of the search output. As HTML is geared towards visual layout, user agents that intend to do something with the results other than present them in an HTML browser have few cues to use to extract the relevant information from the HTML page. Also, "minor" visual changes, accomplished with extensive HTML updates, can disrupt user agents that were built to blindly parse the original HTML. Therefore, provision has been made to return "raw" format results. These are requested by specifying "Accept-Content: application/whoispp- response" in the request header of the HTTP message to the HTTP DAG-CAP.
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   The variables that are expected are:

   transaction     = "new" / "chain"  ; default is "new". This
                   ; should not be user-settable.  It is used
                   ; in constructed URLs
   resulttype      = "all" / "referrals" ; default is "all"
   matchtype       = "substring" / "exact"
   casetype        = "case ignore" / "case sensitive"
   n-term          = string
   o-term          = string
   l-term          = string
   r-term          = string
   host-term       = string
   port-term       = string
   servinfo-term   = string
   prot-term       = string ; the protocol of the referral
   string          = <UNICODE-2-0-UTF-8> / <UNICODE-1-1-UTF-8> /

5.6.2 Translation from Web query to DAG/IP

Querying a DAG-SAP Directly If the transaction variable is "chain", the information in the POST is used to pursue a particular referral, not do a search of the Referral Index. The appropriate DAG-SAP (deduced from the prot-term) is contacted and issued the query directly. Results from this type of query are always full results (i.e., not referrals). Querying the Referral Index A key element of translating from the Web DAG-CAP input into the DAG/IP query format is to "tokenize" the input terms into single token elements for the DAG/IP query. For example, the n-term name= thinking cat is tokenized into 2 n-tokens: thinking cat which are then mapped into the following in the DAG/IP query (dag-n- terms): FN=thinking and FN=cat
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   The same is true for the r-term, l-term and o-term.

   The primary steps in translating the HTTP input into a DAG/IP query

   translate encodings, if necessary
   tokenize the strings for each term
   construct the DAG/IP query from the resulting components, as
   described in more detail below

   DAG/IP constraints are constructed from the searchtype information in
   the query.

   dag-matchtype = "search=" <matchtype> /
                "search=substring"     ; if matchtype not
                                       ; specified

   dag-casetype  = "case=ignore"  /       ; if casetype not
                                       ; specified or
                                       ; casetype="case ignore"
                "case=consider"        ; if casetype=
                                       ; "case sensitive"

   constraints   = ":" dag-matchtype ";" dag-casetype

   The terms for the DAG/IP query are constructed from the tokenized
   strings from the HTTP post input.

   dag-n-terms   = "FN=" n-token 0*( " and FN=" n-token)
   dag-o-terms   = "ORG=" o-token 0*( " and ORG=" o-token)
   dag-l-terms   = "LOC=" l-token 0*( " and LOC=" l-token)
   dag-r-terms   = "ROLE=" r-token 0*( " and ROLE=" r-token)

   This means that the relevant DAG/IP queries are formulated as one of
   two types:

   dagip-query   = ( ( ( n-query / nl-query / no-query / nol-query )
                      [" and template=DAGPERSON"]":" dag-matchtype
                      ";" dag-casetype) /
                  ( ( ro-query / rol-query )
                      [" and template=DAGORGROLE"]":" dag-matchtype
                      ";" dag-casetype)  )

   n-query       = dag-n-terms
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   nl-query      = dag-n-terms " and " dag-l-terms
   no-query      = dag-n-terms " and " dag-o-terms
   nol-query     = dag-n-terms " and " dag-o-terms " and "
   ro-query      = dag-r-terms " and " dag-o-terms
   rol-query     = dag-r-terms " and " dag-o-terms " and "

   Querying a DAG-SAP

   In querying a DAG-SAP (irrespective of the protocol of that DAG-SAP),
   the DAG/IP query must include information about the target WDSP
   server.  This information is drawn from the Referral Index SERVER-
   TO-ASK referral information, and is appended to the query as
   specified in Appendix C:

   ":host=" quoted-hostname ";port=" number ";server-info="
   quoted-serverinfo ";charset=" charset

   where the response from the Referral Index included:

   "# SERVER-TO-ASK " serverhandle <NL>
   " Server-info: " serverinfo <NL>
   " Host-Name: " hostname <NL>
   " Host-Port: " number <NL>
   " Protocol: " prot <NL>
   " Source-URI: " source <NL>
   " Charset: " charset <NL>
   "# END" <NL>

   and the "quoted-hostname" and "quoted-serverinfo" are obtained from
   "hostname" and "serverinfo" respectively, by quoting the DAG/IP
   special characters.

   For example, the referral

   # SERVER-TO-ASK dagsystem01<NL>
    Server-info: o=thinkingcat, c=se<NL>
    Host-Port: 2839<NL>
    Protocol: ldapv2<NL>
    Charset: T.61<NL>
   # END<NL>

   would yield the addition
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   in its query to an LDAPv2 DAG-SAP

   (N.B.: See Appendix C for further definitions of the terms used in
   the SERVER-TO-ASK response).

   Note that it is the DAG-SAP's responsibility to extract these terms
   from the query and use them to identify the WDSP server to be
   contacted.  See the individual DAG-SAP definitions, below.

5.6.3 Chaining queries in Web DAG-CAP

If the resulttype was "all", all of the referrals received from the Referral Index are chained using the appropriate DAG-SAPs. If only referrals were requested, the Referral Index results are returned.

5.6.4 Expression of results in Web DAG-CAP

text/html results The default response encoding is text/html. If the resulttype was "all", the content of the chaining responses from the DAG-SAPs, without the system messages, is collated into a single page response, one result entry per demarcated line ( e.g., bullet item). The FN or ROLE value should be presented first and clearly. The SOURCE URI for each WDSP referral should be presented as an HREF for each of the WDSPs results. At the end of the message, the WDSP servers that failed to respond (i.e., the DAG-SAP handling the referral returned the "% 403 Information Unavailable" message) are listed with their server-info. If, however, the resulttype was "referrals", the results from the Referral Index are returned as HREF URLs to the Web DAG-CAP itself, with the necessary information to carry out the query (including the "HOST=", etc, for the referral). For example, if the original query: n-term="thinking cat" resulttype="referrals" drew the following referral from the Referral Index: # SERVER-TO-ASK DAG-Serverhandle<NL> Server-Info: c=se, o=tce<NL>
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    Host-Port: 1111<NL>

    Protocol: ldapv3<NL>
    Charset: UTF-8<NL>
   # END<NL>

   the response would be an HTML page with an HREF HTTP "POST" URL to
   the Web DAG-CAP with the following variables set:

   n-term="thinking cat"
   servinfo-term="c=se, o=tce"

   The Source-URI should be established in the response as its own HREF

   application/whoispp-response Results

   If Accept-Encoding: " HTTP request header had the value
   "application/whoispp-response", the content of the HTTP response will
   be constructed in the same syntax and attribute mapping as for the
   Whois++ DAG-CAP.

   If the resulttype was "all", all the referrals will have been chained
   by the Web DAG-CAP, and the response will include only full data

   If the resulttype was "referrals", then all referrals are passed
   directly back in a single response, in correct Whois++ referral
   format (conveniently, this is how they are formulated in the DAG/IP).
   Note that this will include referrals to LDAP-based services as well
   as Whois++ servers.

5.6.5 Expression of Errors in Web DAG-CAP

A Web DAG-CAP may redirect a connection to another web DAG-CAP for reasons of load-balancing. This is done simply by using an HTTP redirect.
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   Standard Errors

   If the web DAG-CAP receives a message that is not parsable using the
   query grammar described above, it sends an explanatory HTML page
   saying that the query could not be interpreted, and giving a
   description of valid queries.

   If the number of referrals sent by the Referral Index is greater than
   the pre-determined maximum (for detecting data-mining efforts, or
   otherwise refusing over-general queries, such as "FN=svensson"), the
   web DAG-CAP will send a page with an explanatory message describing
   the "over-generalized query" problem, suggesting the user resubmit a
   more precise query, and describing the list of valid query types.

   If the web DAG-CAP receives more than one result code from the DAG-
   SAPs, it must represent them all in a appropriate manner in the

   application/whoispp-response Errors

   An invalid query is responded to with a simple text response with the
   error: "% 500 Syntax Error".

   If too many referrals are generated from the Referral Index, the
   simple text response will have the message "% 503 Query too general".

5.7 Whois++ DAG-CAP

TISDAG: The system commands polled-for/-by should elicit the empty set as a return value until we better understand the implications of doing otherwise.

5.7.1 Whois++ DAG-CAP Input

Input to the Whois++ DAG-CAP follows the Whois++ standard ([6]). Minimally, the Whois++ DAG-CAP must support the following queries: Query Type Expression in Whois++ ----------- ------------------------------------ N One or more "name=" and template=USER NL One or more "name=" and One or more "address-locality=" and template=USER NO One or more "name=" and one or more "organization-name=" and template=USER
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   NOL            One or more "name=" and
                  one or more  "organization-name=" and
                  one or more  "address-locality=" and template=USER

   RO             One or more "org-role=" and
                  one or more "organization-name=" and template=ORGROLE

   ROL            One or more "org-role=" and
                  one or more "organization-name=" and
                  one or more "address-locality=" and template=ORGROLE

      Table 5.1 Allowable Whois++ Queries

   The following constraints must be supported for queries:

   "search=" (substring / exact)
   "case=" (ignore / consider)

   If no constraints are defined in a query the default is exact and
   ignore.  For example,

   FN=foo and loc=kista and fn=bar<NL>

   is a perfectly valid Whois++ NL query for "Foo Bar" in "Kista".

5.7.2 Translation from Whois++ query to DAG/IP

Querying the Referral Index The Whois++ DAG-CAP formulates a DAG/IP query by forwarding the search terms received (as defined in Table 5.1). For example, the above query would be expressed as: FN=foo and LOC=kista and FN=bar and template=DAGPERSON<NL> Querying a DAG-SAP In querying a DAG-SAP (irrespective of the protocol of that DAG-SAP), the DAG/IP query must include information about the target WDSP server. This information is drawn from the Referral Index SERVER- TO-ASK referral information, and is appended to the query as specified in appendix C: ":host=" quoted-hostname ";port=" number ";server-info=" quoted-serverinfo ";charset=" charset
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   where the response from the Referral Index included:

   "# SERVER-TO-ASK " serverhandle<NL>
   " Server-info: " serverinfo<NL>
   " Host-Name: " hostname<NL>
   " Host-Port: " number<NL>
   " Protocol: " prot<NL>
   " Source-URI: " source<NL>
   " Charset: " charset<NL>
   "# END"<NL>

   and the "quoted-hostname" and "quoted-serverinfo" are obtained from
   "hostname" and "serverinfo" respectively, by quoting the DAG/IP
   special characters.

   For example, the referral

   # SERVER-TO-ASK dagsystem01<NL>
    Server-info: o=thinkingcat, c=se<NL>
    Host-Port: 2839<NL>
    Protocol: ldapv2<NL>
    Charset: T.61<NL>
   # END<NL>

   would yield the addition


   in its query to an LDAPv2 DAG-SAP.

   (N.B.: See Appendix C for further definitions of the terms used in
   the SERVER-TO-ASK response).

   Note that it is the DAG-SAP's responsibility to extract these terms
   from the query and use them to identify the WDSP server to be
   contacted.  See the individual DAG-SAP definitions, below.

5.7.3 Chaining in Whois++ DAG-CAP

The Whois++ DAG-CAP relies on DAG-SAPs to chain any non-Whois++ referrals (currently, the LDAPv2 and LDAPv3 DAG-SAPs).
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5.7.4 Expression of results in Whois++

Results are expressed in Whois++ by collating the DAG/IP results received from DAG-SAPs (using the FULL response), and using the template and attribute mappings defined in Appendix B. For each result from a given referral, the SOURCE attribute is added, with the value of the SOURCE-URI from the referral. Any referrals to other Whois++ servers provided by the Referral Index are sent directly to the Whois++ client as follows: server-to-ask = "# SERVER-TO-ASK " DAG-Serverhandle<NL> " Server-Handle: " SERVER-INFO<NL> " Host-Name: " HOST<NL> " Host-Port: " PORT<NL> " Protocol: " PROTOCOL<NL> "# END"<NL> where SERVER-INFO, HOST, PORT, PROTOCOL are drawn from the referral provided in the DAG/IP, and the SOURCE-URI information is lost.

5.7.5 Expression of Errors in Whois++ DAG-CAP

As appropriate, the Whois++ DAG-CAP will express operational errors following the Whois++ standard. There are 4 particular error conditions of the DAG system that the DAG-CAP will handle as described below. When the Whois++ DAG-CAP receives a query that it cannot reply to within the (data) constraints of the DAG, it sends an error message and closes the connection. The error message includes % 502 Search expression too complicated<NL> If the number of referrals sent by the Referral Index is greater than the pre-determined maximum (for detecting data-mining efforts, or otherwise refusing over-general queries, such as "FN=svensson"), the Whois++ DAG-CAP will send an error message and close the connection. The error message includes % 503 Query too general<NL> (N.B.: this is different from the "Too many hits" reply, which does send partial results.)
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   A Whois++ DAG-CAP may redirect a connection to another Whois++ DAG-
   CAP for reasons of load-balancing.  This is expressed to the end-user
   client software using the SERVER-TO-ASK response with appropriate
   information to reach the designated alternate DAG-CAP.

   If a Whois++ DAG-CAP receives several different response codes from
   DAG-SAPs it should try to represent them all in the response to the
   end-user client.

   The proposed mapping between DAG/IP response codes and Whois++
   response codes are given in Appendix D.

(page 42 continued on part 3)

Next Section