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RFC 2885

Megaco Protocol version 0.8

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Parameters for Local descriptors and Remote descriptors are specified as tag-value pairs if binary encoding is used for the protocol. This annex contains the property names (PropertyID), the tags (Property Tag), type of the property (Type) and the values (Value).Values presented in the Value field when the field contains references shall be regarded as "information". The reference contains the normative values. If a value field does not contain a reference then the values in that field can be considered as "normative". Tags are given as hexadecimal numbers in this annex. When setting the value of a property, a MGC may underspecify the value according to one of the mechanisms specified in section 7.1.1. For type "enumeration" the value is represented by the value in brackets, e.g., Send(0), Receive(1).

C.1 General Media Attributes

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag Media 1001 Enumeration Audio(0), Video(1), Data(2), Transmission mode 1002 Enumeration Send(0), Receive(1), Send&Receive(2) Number of Channels 1003 Unsigned 0-255 Integer Sampling rate 1004 Unsigned 0-2^32 Integer Bitrate 1005 Integer (0..4294967295) Note - units of 100 bit/s
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   ACodec              1006      Octet String     Audio Codec Type:
      Reference: ITU-T Rec. Q.765 - Application transport mechanism.
      Non-ITU codecs are defined with the appropriate standards
      organisation under a defined Organizational Identifier.

   Samplepp            1007      Unsigned         Maximum samples or
                                 Integer          frames per packet: 0-

   Silencesupp         1008      BOOLEAN          Silence Suppression:

   Encrypttype         1009      Octet string     Ref.: rec. H.245

   Encryptkey          100A      Octet string     Encryption key
      Ref.: rec. H.235

   Echocanc           100B       Enumeration      Echo Canceller:
                                                  Off(0), G.165(1),

   Gain               100C       Unsigned         Gain in db: 0-65535
   Jitterbuff         100D       Unsigned         Jitter buffer size in
                                 Integer          ms: 0-65535

   PropDelay          100E       Unsigned         Propagation Delay:
                                 Integer          0..65535
      Maximum propagation delay in milliseconds for the bearer
      connection between two  media gateways. The maximum delay will be
      dependent on the bearer technology.

   RTPpayload         100F       integer          Payload type in RTP
                                                  Profile for Audio and
                                                  Video Conferences
                                                  with Minimal Control
      Ref.: RFC 1890

C.2 Mux Properties

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag H.221 2001 Octet Ref.: rec. H.245, string H222LogicalChannelParameters
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   H223               2002      Octet     Ref.: rec. H.245,
                                string    H223LogicalChannelParameters

   V76                2003      Octet     Ref.: rec. H.245,
                                String    V76LogicalChannelParameters

   H2250              2004      Octet     Ref.: rec. H.245,
                                String    H2250LogicalChannelParameters

C.3 General bearer properties

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag Mediatx 3001 Enumeration Media Transport Type: TDM Circuit(0), ATM(1), FR(2), Ipv4(3), Ipv6(4), _ BIR 3002 4 OCTET Value depends on transport technology NSAP 3003 1-20 OCTETS See NSAP Reference: ITU X.213 Annex A

C.4 General ATM properties

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag AESA 4001 20 OCTETS ATM End System Address VPVC 4002 2 x 16 bit VPC/VCI integer SC 4003 4 bits Service Category Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995) BCOB 4004 5 bit integer Broadband Bearer Class Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2961.2 (06/97) BBTC 4005 octet Broadband Transfer Capability Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2961 (10/95) ATC 4006 Enumeration I.371 ATM Traffic Capability
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      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371:
      DBR(0), SBR1(1), SBR2(2), SBR(3), ABT/IT(4), ABT/DT(5), ABR(6)

   STC                4007      2 bits         Susceptibility to
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00 Susceptible
      01 Not-susceptible

   UPCC               4008      2 bits         User Plane Connection
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00 Pt-to-pt,
      01 Pt-to-mpt

   PCR0               4009      24 bit         Peak Cell Rate (For
                                integer        CLP=0)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   SCR0               400A      24 bit         Sustainable Cell Rate
                                integer        (For CLP=0)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   MBS0               400B      24 bit         Maximum Burst Size (For
                                integer        CLP=0)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   PCR1               400C      24 bit         Peak Cell Rate (For
                                integer        CLP=0+1)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   SCR2               400D      24 bit         Sustainable Cell Rate
                                integer        (For CLP=0+1)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   MBS3               400E      24 bit         Maximum Burst Size (For
                                integer        CLP=0+1)

      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.371

   BEI                400F      Boolean        Best Effort Indicator

   TI                 4010      Boolean        Tagging

   FD                 4011      Boolean        Frame Discard
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   FCDV               4012      24 bit         Forward P-P CDV

   BCDV               4013      24 bit         Backward P-P CDV

   FCLR0              4014      8 bit integer  Forward Cell Loss Ratio
                                               (For CLP=0)

   BCLR0              4015      8 bit integer  Backward P-P Cell Loss
                                               Ratio (For CLP=0)

   FCLR1              4016      8 bit integer  Forward Cell Loss Ratio

   BCLR1              4017      8 bit integer  Backward P-P Cell Loss
                                               Ratio (For CLP=0+1)

   FCDV               4018      24 bit         Forward Cell Delay
                                integer        Variation

   BCDV               4019      24 bit         Backward Cell Delay
                                integer        Variation

   FACDV              401A      24 bit         Forward Acceptable P-P-P
                                integer        CDV

   BACDV              401B      24 bit         Backward Acceptable P-P
                                integer        CDV

   FCCDV              401C      24 bit         Forward Cumulative P-P
                                integer        CDV

   BCCDV              401D      24 bit         Backward Cumulative P-P
                                integer        CDV

   FCLR               401E      8 bit integer  Acceptable Forward Cell
                                               Loss Ratio

   BCLR               401F      8 bit integer  Acceptable Backward Cell
                                               Loss Ratio

   EETD               4020      16 bit         End-to-end transit delay

   Mediatx (See       4021                     AAL Type
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
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   QosClass           4022      Integer 0-4    Qos Class
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      QoS Parameter Application:
    Qos Class0  QoS                       ApplicationBest Effort
                Parameter Unspecified

        0       Unspecified               Best EffortConstant Bit rate
                Specified                 circuit emulation
        1       Specified                 Constant Bit rate circuit
                Specified                 emulationVariable bit rate
                                          video and audio
        2       Specified                 Variable bit rate video and
                Specified                 audioConnection-oriented data
        3       Specified                 Connection-oriented
                Specified                 dataConnectionless data
        4       Specified                 Connectionless data

   AALtype            4023      1 OCTET        AAL Type
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00000000        AAL for voice
      00000001        AAL type 1
      00000010        AAL type 2
      00000011        AAL type 3/4
      00000101        AAL type 5
      00010000        user defined AAL

C.5 Frame Relay

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag DLCI 5001 Unsigned Integer Data link connection id CID 5002 Unsigned Integer sub-channel id. SID/Noiselevel 5003 Unsigned Integer silence insertion descriptor Primary Payload 5004 Unsigned Integer Primary Payload Type type Covers FAX and codecs
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C.6 IP

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag IPv4 6001 32 BITS Ipv4Address: Ipv4Address Reference: IETF RFC791 IPv6 6002 128 BITS IPv6 Address: Reference: IETF RFC2460 Port 6003 unsigned integer 0-65535 Porttype 6004 enumerated TCP(0), UDP(1), SCTP(2)


PropertyID Property Type Value Tag AESA 7001 20 OCTETS AAL2 service endpoint address as defined in Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2630.1 ESEA NSEA BIR See C.3 4 OCTETS Served user generated reference as defined in Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2630.1 SUGR ALC 7002 12 OCTETS AAL2 link characteristics as defined in Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2630.1 max/average CPS-SDU bitrate, max/average CPS-SDU size SSCS 7003 I.366.2: Service audio (8 OCTETS) specific multirate (3 OCTETS) convergence or I.366.1: sublayer SAR-assured (14 OCTETS)/ information unassured (7 OCTETS) as defined in Reference: Q.2630.1 and used in I.366.1 and I.366.2 I.366.2: audio/multirate
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      I.366.1: SAR-assured/unassured

   SUT              7004      1..254 octets      Served user transport
      as defined in Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2630.1

   TCI              7005      BOOLEAN            Test connection

      as defined in Reference: ITU Recommendation  Q.2630.1

   Timer_CU         7006      32 bit integer     Timer-CU: Milliseconds
                                                 to hold partially
                                                 filled cell before

   MaxCPSSDU        7007      8 bit integer      Maximum Common Part
                                                 Sublayer Service Data
      Ref.: rec. Q.2630.1

   SCLP             7008      Boolean            Set Cell Local
                                                 PriorityLP bit:
                                                 True if CLP bit is to
                                                 be set

   EETR             7009      Boolean            Timing Requirements
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      End to End Timing Required:
      In broadband bearer capability

   CID              700A      8 bits             subchannel id, 0-255
      Ref.: rec. I.363.2 (09/97)


PropertyID Property Type Value Tag BIR See GIT (Generic Table Identifier Transport) C.3 C.3 Ref.: Recommendation Q.2941.1 (09/97) AAL1ST 8001 1 OCTET AAL1 Subtype: Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995) 00000000 Null
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      00000001       voiceband signal transport on 64kbit/s
      00000010       circuit transport
      00000100       high-quality audio signal transport
      00000101       video signal transport

   CBRR             8002      1 OCTET            CBR Rate
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00000001           64 kbit/s
      00000100       1544 kbit/s
      00000101       6312 kbit/s
      00000110      32064 kbit/s
      00000111      44736 kbit/s
      00001000      97728 kbit/s
      00010000        2048 kbit/s
      00010001        8448 kbit/s
      00010010      34368 kbit/s
      00010011    139264 kbit/s
      01000000      n x 64 kbit/s
      01000001        n * 8 kbit/s

   MULT             See                          Multiplier, or n x
                    Table                        64k/8k/300

      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)

   SCRI             8003      1 OCTECT           Source Clock Frequency
                                                 Recovery Method
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00000000    NULL
      00000001    SRTS
      00000010    ACM

   ECM              8004      1 OCTECT           Error Correction
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995)
      00000000    Null
      00000001    FEC-LOSS
      00000010    FEC-DELAY

   SDTB             8005      16 bit integer     Structured Data
                                                 Transfer Blocksize
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.363.1
      Block size of SDT CBR service

   PFCI             8006      8 bit integer      Partially filled cells
      Reference: ITU Recommendation I.363.1
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   EETR             See       See Table C.7      See Table C.7

C.9 Bearer Capabilities

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag TMR 9001 1 OCTET Transmission Medium Requirement (Q.763) Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.763(09/97) Bit 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00000000 - speech 00000001 - spare 00000010 - 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00000011 - 3.1 kHz audio 00000100 - reserved for alternate speech (service 2)/64 kbit/s unrestricted (service 1) 00000101 - reserved for alternate 64 kbit/s unrestricted (service 1)/speech (service 2) 00000110 - 64 kbit/s preferred 00000111 - 2 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00001000 - 384 kbit/s unrestricted 00001001 - 1536 kbit/s unrestricted 00001010 - 1920 kbit/s unrestricted 00001011 through 00001111- spare 00010000 - 3 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010001 - 4 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010010 - 5 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010011 spare 00010100 - 7 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010101 - 8 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010110 - 9 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00010111 - 10 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011000 - 11 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011001 - 12 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011010 - 13 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011011 - 14 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011100 - 15 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011101 - 16 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011110 - 17 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00011111 - 18 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00100000 - 19 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted 00100001 - 20 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
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      00100010 - 21 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00100011 - 22 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00100100 - 23x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00100101 - spare
      00100110 - 25 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00100111 - 26 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00101000 - 27 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00101001 - 28 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00101010 - 29 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted
      00101011 through 11111111 Spare

   TMRSR            9002      1 OCTET            Transmission Medium
                                                 Requirement Subrate

      0 - unspecified
      1 - 8kbit/s
      2 - 16kbit/s
      3 - 32kbit/s

   Contcheck        9003      BOOLEAN            Continuity Check
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.763(09/97)
      0 - Not required on this circuit
      1 - Required on this circuit

   ITC              9004      5 BITS             Information Transfer
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.763(09/97)
      Bits 5 4 3 2 1
      00000 - Speech
      01000 -Unrestricted digital information
      01001- Restricted digital information
      10000 3.1 kHz audio
      10001 - Unrestricted digital information with tones/announcements
      (Note 2)
      11000 -Video
      All other values are reserved.

   TransMode        9005      2 BITS             Transfer Mode
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 2 1
      00 - Circuit mode
      10 - Packet mode

   TransRate        9006      5 BITS             Transfer Rate
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 5 4 3 2 1
      00000 - This code shall be used for packet mode calls
      10000 - 64 kbit/s
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      10001 - 2 x 64 kbit/s
      10011 -384 kbit/s
      10101 -1536 kbit/s
      10111 -1920 kbit/s
      11000 - Multirate (64 kbit/s base rate)

   MULT             9007      7 BITS             Rate Multiplier
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Any value from 2 to n (maximum number of B-channels)

   USI              9008      5 BITS             User Information Layer
                                                 1 Protocol
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bits 5 4 3 2 1
      00001 - CCITT standardized rate adaption V.110 and X.30.
      00010 - Recommendation G.711  u-law
      00011 - Recommendation G.711 A-law
      00100 - Recommendation G.721 32 kbit/s ADPCM and Recommendation
      00101 - Recommendations H.221 and H.242
      00110 - Recommendations H.223 and H.245
      00111 - Non-ITU-T standardized rate adaption.
      01000 - ITU-T standardized rate adaption V.120.
      01001 - CCITT standardized rate adaption X.31 HDLC flag stuffing.
      All other values are reserved.

   syncasync        9009      BOOLEAN            Synchronous/
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Synchronous data
      1 - Asynchronous data

   negotiation      900A      BOOLEAN            Negotiation
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - In-band negotiation possible
      1 - In-band negotiation not possible

   Userrate         900B      5 BITS             User Rate
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bits 5 4 3 2 1
      00000 - Rate is indicated by E-bits specified in Recommendation
      I.460  or may be negotiated in-band
      00001 - 0.6 kbit/s Recommendations V.6  and X.1
      00010 - 1.2 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      00011 - 2.4 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      00100 - 3.6 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      00101 - 4.8 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      00110 - 7.2 kbit/s RecommendationV.6
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      00111 - 8 kbit/s Recommendation I.460
      01000 - 9.6 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      01001 - 14.4 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      01010 - 16 kbit/s Recommendation I.460
      01011 - 19.2 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      01100 - 32 kbit/s Recommendation I.460
      01101 - 38.4 kbit/s Recommendation V.110
      01110 - 48 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      01111 - 56 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      10010 - 57.6 kbit/s Recommendation V.14 extended
      10011 - 28.8 kbit/s Recommendation V.110
      10100 - 24 kbit/s Recommendation V.110
      10101 - 0.1345 kbit/s Recommendation X.1
      10110 - 0.100 kbit/s Recommendation X.1
      10111 - 0.075/1.2 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11000 - 1.2/0.075 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11001 - 0.050 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11010 - 0.075 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11011 - 0.110 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11100 - 0.150 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11101 - 0.200 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11110 - 0.300 kbit/s Recommendations V.6 and X.1
      11111 - 12 kbit/s Recommendation V.6
      All other values are reserved.

   INTRATE          900C      2 BITS             Intermediate Rate
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 2 1
      00 - Not used
      01 - 8 kbit/s
      10 - 16 kbit/s
      11 - 32 kbit/s

   nictx            900D      BOOLEAN            Network Independent
                                                 Clock (NIC) on
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Not required to send data with network independent clock
      1 - Required to send data with network independent clock
   nicrx            900E      BOOLEAN            Network independent
                                                 clock (NIC) on
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Cannot accept data with network independent clock (i.e.
      sender does not support this optional procedure)
      1 - Can accept data with network independent clock (i.e. sender
      does support this optional procedure)
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   flowconttx       900F      BOOLEAN            Flow Control on
                                                 transmission (Tx)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Not required to send data with flow control mechanism
      1 - Required to send data with flow control mechanism

   flowcontrx       9010      BOOLEAN            Flow control on
                                                 reception (Rx)
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Cannot accept data with flow control mechanism (i.e. sender
      does not support this optional procedure)
      1 - Can accept data with flow control mechanism (i.e. sender does
      support this optional procedure)

   rateadapthdr     9011      BOOLEAN            Rate adaption
                                                 header/no header
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Rate adaption header not included
      1 - Rate adaption header included

   multiframe       9012      BOOLEAN            Multiple frame
                                                 establishment support
                                                 in data link
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Multiple frame establishment not supported. Only UI frames
      1 - Multiple frame establishment supported

   OPMODE           9013      BOOLEAN            Mode of operation
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 Bit transparent mode of operation
      1 Protocol sensitive mode of operation

   llidnegot        9014      BOOLEAN            Logical link
                                                 identifier negotiation
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 Default, LLI = 256 only
      1 Full protocol negotiation

   assign           9015      BOOLEAN            Assignor/assignee
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 Message originator is "Default assignee"
      1 Message originator is "Assignor only"

   inbandneg        9016      BOOLEAN            In-band/out-band
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
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      0- Negotiation is done with USER INFORMATION messages on a
      temporary signalling connection
      1- Negotiation is done in-band using logical link zero

   stopbits         9017      2 BITS             Number of stop bits
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bits 2 1
      00 - Not used
      01 - 1 bit
      10 - 1.5 bits
      11 - 2 bits

   databits         9018      2 BIT              Number of data bits
                                                 excluding parity Bit
                                                 if present
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 2 1
      00 - Not used
      01 - 5 bits
      10 - 7 bits
      11 - 8 bits

   parity           9019      3 BIT              Parity information
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 3 2 1
      000 - Odd
      010 - Even
      011 -None
      100 - Forced to 0
      101 - Forced to 1
      All other values are reserved.

   duplexmode       901A      BOOLEAN            Mode duplex
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      0 - Half duplex
      1 - Full duplex

   modem            901B      6 BIT              Modem Type
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bits 6 5 4 3 2 1
      00000 through 000101 National Use
      010001 - Recommendation V.21
      010010 - Recommendation V.22
      010011 - Recommendation V.22 bis
      010100 - Recommendation V.23
      010101 - Recommendation V.26
      011001 - Recommendation V.26 bis
      010111 -Recommendation V.26 ter
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      011000 - RecommendationV.27
      011001 - Recommendation V.27 bis
      011010 - Recommendation V.27 ter
      011011 - Recommendation V.29
      011101 - Recommendation V.32
      011110 - Recommendation V.34
      100000 through 101111 National Use
      110000 through 111111 User Specified

   layer2prot       901C      5 BIT              User information layer
                                                 2 protocol
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 5 4 3 2 1
      00010 - Recommendation Q.921/I.441 [3]
      00110 - Recommendation X.25 [5], link layer
      01100 - LAN logical link control (ISO/IEC 8802-2)
      All other values are reserved.

   layer3prot       901D      5 BIT              User information layer
                                                 3 protocol
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)
      Bit 5 4 3 2 1
      00010 - Recommendation Q.931/I.451
      00110 - Recommendation X.25, packet layer
      01011 - ISO/IEC TR 9577 (Protocol identification in the network
      All other values are reserved.

   addlayer3prot    901E      OCTET              Additional User
                                                 Information layer 3
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.931 (1998)

      Bits 4321 4321
      1100 1100 - Internet Protocol (RFC 791) (ISO/IEC TR 9577)
      1100 1111 - Point-to-point Protocol (RFC 1548)

   DialledN         901F      30 OCTETS          Dialled Number
   DiallingN        9020      30 OCTETS          Dialling Number

   ECHOCI           9021      Enumeration        Echo Control
      echo canceler off (0), incoming echo canceler on (1), outgoing
      echo canceler on (2), incoming and outgoing echo canceler on (3)

   NCI              9022      1 OCTET            Nature of Connection
      Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.763
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      Bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
      Bits 2 1 Satellite Indicator
      0 0           no satellite circuit in the connection
      0 1  one satellite circuit in the connection
      1 0  two satellite circuits in the connection
      1 1  spare

      Bits 4 3 Continuity check indicator
      0 0  continuity check not required
      0 1  continuity check required on this circuit
      1 0  continuity check performed on a previous circuit
      1 1          spare

      Bits 5 Echo control device indicator
      0  outgoing echo control device not included
      1   outgoing echo control device included

      Bits 8 7 6 Spare

C.10 AAL5 Properties

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag FMSDU A001 32 bit integer Forward Maximum CPCS- SDU Size: Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995) Maximum CPCS-SDU size sent in the direction from the calling user to the called user. BMSDU A002 32 bit integer Backwards Maximum CPCS-SDU Size Reference: ITU Recommendation Q.2931 (1995) Maximum CPCS-SDU size sent in the direction from the called user to the calling user. SSCS See See table C.7 See table C.7 table C.7 Additional values: VPI/VCI SC See See Table C.4 See table C.4 Table C.4
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C.11 SDP Equivalents

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag SDP_V B001 STRING Protocol Version SDP_O B002 STRING Owner/creator and session ID SDP_S B003 STRING Sesson name SDP_I B004 STRING Session identifier SDP_U B005 STRING URI of descriptor SDC_E B006 STRING email address SDP_P B007 STRING phone number SDP_C B008 STRING Connection information SDP_B B009 STRING Bandwidth Information SDP_Z B00A STRING time zone adjustment SDP_K B00B STRING Encryption Key SDP_A B00C STRING Zero or more session attributes SDP_T B00D STRING Active Session Time SDP_R B00E STRING Zero or more repeat times Reference in all cases: IETF RFC2327, "Session Description Protocol"

C.12 H.245

PropertyID Property Type Value Tag OLC C001 octet string The value of H.245 OpenLogicalChannel structure.
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   OLCack           C002      octet string   The value of H.245
   OLCcnf           C003      octet string   The value of H.245
   OLCrej           C004      octet string   The value of H.245
   CLC              C005      octet string   The value of H.245
   CLCack           C006      octet string   The value of H.245
      Reference in all cases: ITU-T Recommendation H.245

(page 125 continued on part 6)

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