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RFC 2707

Job Monitoring MIB - V1.0

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4 MIB specification

The following pages constitute the actual Job Monitoring MIB. Job-Monitoring-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF; -- The following textual-conventions are needed to implement -- certain attributes, but are not needed to compile this MIB. -- They are provided here for convenience: -- hrDeviceIndex FROM HOST-RESOURCES-MIB -- DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC -- PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC, -- CodedCharSet FROM Printer-MIB -- Use the enterprises arc assigned to the PWG which is pwg(2699). -- Group all PWG mibs under mibs(1). jobmonMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9902190000Z" ORGANIZATION "Printer Working Group (PWG)" CONTACT-INFO "Tom Hastings Postal: Xerox Corp. Mail stop ESAE-231 701 S. Aviation Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 Tel: (301)333-6413 Fax: (301)333-5514 E-mail: Send questions and comments to the Printer Working Group (PWG) using the Job Monitoring Project (JMP) Mailing List: For further information, including how to subscribe to the jmp mailing list, access the PWG web page under 'JMP': Implementers of this specification are encouraged to join the jmp mailing list in order to participate in discussions on any clarifications needed and registration proposals being reviewed
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        in order to achieve consensus."
        "The MIB module for monitoring job in servers, printers, and
        other devices.

        Version: 1.0"

    -- revision history
    REVISION    "9902190000Z"
    DESCRIPTION " This version published as RFC 2707"

    ::= { enterprises pwg(2699)  mibs(1)  jobmonMIB(1) }

-- Textual conventions for this MIB module

    DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
    STATUS      current
        "To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents
        information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1 character set,
        encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding

        See section 3.6.1, entitled: 'Text generated by the server or
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63))

    STATUS      current
        "To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents
        information using any coded character set registered by IANA as
        specified in section 3.7.  While it is recommended that the
        coded character set be UTF-8 [UTF-8], the actual coded
        character set SHALL be indicated by the value of the
        jobCodedCharSet(8) attribute for the job.

        See section 3.6.2, entitled: 'Text supplied by the job
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63))
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JmNaturalLanguageTagTC  ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "An IETF RFC 1766-compliant 'language tag', with zero or more
        sub-tags that identify a natural language.  While RFC 1766
        specifies that the US-ASCII values are case-insensitive, this
        MIB specification requires that all characters SHALL be lower
        case in order to simplify comparing by management applications.

        See section 3.6.1, entitled: 'Text generated by the server or
        device' and section 3.6.2, entitled: 'Text supplied by the job
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63))

    STATUS      current
        "The simple time at which an event took place.  The units are
        in seconds since the system was booted.

        NOTE - JmTimeStampTC is defined in units of seconds, rather
        than 100ths of seconds, so as to be simpler for agents to
        implement (even if they have to implement the 100ths of a
        second to comply with implementing sysUpTime in MIB-II[mib-

        NOTE - JmTimeStampTC is defined as an Integer32 so that it can
        be used as a value of an attribute, i.e., as a value of the
        jmAttributeValueAsInteger object.  The TimeStamp textual-
        convention defined in SNMPv2-TC [SMIv2-TC] is defined as an
        APPLICATION 3 IMPLICIT INTEGER tag, not an Integer32 which is
        defined in SNMPv2-SMI [SMIv2-TC] as UNIVERSAL 2 IMPLICIT
        INTEGER, so cannot be used in this MIB as one of the values of
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)

JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "The source platform type that can submit jobs to servers or
        devices in any of the 3 configurations.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section  See also
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        IANA operating-system-names registry."
        sptUNIX(3),           -- UNIX
        sptOS2(4),            -- OS/2
        sptPCDOS(5),          -- DOS
        sptNT(6),             -- NT
        sptMVS(7),            -- MVS
        sptVM(8),             -- VM
        sptOS400(9),          -- OS/400
        sptVMS(10),           -- VMS
        sptWindows(11),       -- Windows
        sptNetWare(12)        -- NetWare

    STATUS      current
        "The type of finishing operation.

        These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP
        'finishings' attribute.  See Section

            Some other finishing operation besides one of the specified
            or registered values.

            The finishing is unknown.

            Perform no finishing.

            Bind the document(s) with one or more staples. The exact
            number and placement of the staples is site-defined.

            Holes are required in the finished document. The exact
            number and placement of the holes is site-defined.  The
            punch specification MAY be satisfied (in a site- and
            implementation-specific manner) either by
            drilling/punching, or by substituting pre-drilled media.

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            Select a non-printed (or pre-printed) cover for the
            document. This does not supplant the specification of a
            printed cover (on cover stock medium) by the document

            Binding is to be applied to the document; the type and
            placement of the binding is product-specific.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"

    STATUS      current
        "Print quality settings.

        These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP 'print-
        quality' attribute.  See Section

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"
        other(1),    -- Not one of the specified or registered
                     -- values.
        unknown(2),  -- The actual value is unknown.
        draft(3),    -- Lowest quality available on the printer.
        normal(4),   -- Normal or intermediate quality on the
                     -- printer.
        high(5)      -- Highest quality available on the printer.

JmPrinterResolutionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
        "Printer resolutions.

        Nine octets consisting of two 4-octet SIGNED-INTEGERs followed
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        by a SIGNED-BYTE.  The values are the same as those specified
        in the Printer MIB [printmib]. The first SIGNED-INTEGER
        contains the value of prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir.  The
        second SIGNED-INTEGER contains the value of
        prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir.  The SIGNED-BYTE contains the
        value of prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.

        Note: the latter value is either 3 (tenThousandsOfInches) or 4
        (micrometers) and the addressability is in 10,000 units of
        measure. Thus the SIGNED-INTEGERs represent integral values in
        either dots-per-inch or dots-per-centimeter.

        The syntax is the same as the IPP 'printer-resolution'
        attribute.  See Section"

    STATUS      current
        "Toner economy settings.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"
        unknown(2),    -- unknown.
        off(3),        -- Off.  Normal.  Use full toner.
        on(4)          -- On.  Use less toner than normal.

    STATUS      current
        "Boolean true or false value.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"
        unknown(2),    -- unknown.
        false(3),      -- FALSE.
        true(4)        -- TRUE.

    STATUS      current
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        "Identifies the type of medium.

            The type is neither one of the values listed in this
            specification nor a registered value.

            The type is not known.

            Separately cut sheets of an opaque material.

            Separately cut sheets of a transparent material.

            Envelopes that can be used for conventional mailing

            Envelopes that are not preprinted and have no windows.

            Envelopes that have windows for addressing purposes.

            Continuously connected sheets of an opaque material
            connected along the long edge.

            Continuously connected sheets of an opaque material
            connected along the short edge.

            Media with tabs.

            Form medium composed of multiple layers not pre-attached to
            one another;  each sheet MAY be drawn separately from an
            input source.


            Form medium composed of multiple layers which are pre-
            attached to one another, e.g. for use with impact printers.
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        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section  These enum
        values correspond to the keyword name strings of the
        prtInputMediaType object in the Printer MIB [print-mib].  There
        is no printer description attribute in IPP/1.0 that represents
        these values."

    STATUS      current
        "This value is the type of job collation.  Implementations that
        don't support multiple documents or don't support multiple
        copies SHALL NOT support the uncollatedDocuments(5) value.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section See also
        Section 3.4, entitled 'Monitoring Job Progress'."
        uncollatedSheets(3),    -- sheets within each document copy
                                -- are not collated: 1 1 ..., 2 2 ...,
                                -- No corresponding value of IPP
                                -- "multiple-document-handling"
        collatedDocuments(4),   -- internal collated sheets,
                                -- documents: A, B, A, B, ...
                                -- Corresponds to IPP "multiple-
                                -- document-handling"='separate-
                                -- documents-collated-copies'
        uncollatedDocuments(5)  -- internal collated sheets,
                                -- documents: A, A, ..., B, B, ...
                                -- Corresponds to IPP "multiple-
                                -- document-handling"='separate-
                                -- documents-uncollated-copies'
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    STATUS      current
        "Identifies the format type of a job submission ID.

        Each job submission ID is a fixed-length, 48-octet printable
        US-ASCII [US-ASCII] coded character string containing no
        control characters, consisting of the fields defined in section

        This is like a type 2 enumeration.  See section 3.7.3."
    SYNTAX    OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) -- ASCII '0'-'9', 'A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'

    STATUS      current
        "The current state of the job (pending, processing, completed,
        etc.).  The following figure shows the normal job state

                                                    +----> canceled(7)
    +---> pending(3) -------> processing(5) ------+------> completed(9)
    |         ^                      ^             \
--->+         |                      |              +----> aborted(8)
    |         v                      v             /
    +---> pendingHeld(4)  processingStopped(6) ---+

                Figure 4 - Normal Job State Transitions

        Normally a job progresses from left to right.  Other state
        transitions are unlikely, but are not forbidden.  Not shown are
        the transitions to the canceled state from the pending,
        pendingHeld, and processingStopped states.

        Jobs in the pending, processing, and processingStopped states
        are called 'active', while jobs in the pendingHeld, canceled,
        aborted, and completed states are called 'inactive'.  Jobs
        reach one of the three terminal states: completed, canceled, or
        aborted, after the jobs have completed all activity, and all
        MIB objects and attributes have reached their final values for
        the job.
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        These values are the same as the enum values of the IPP 'job-
        state' job attribute.  See Section

            The job state is not known, or its state is indeterminate.

            The job is a candidate to start processing, but is not yet

            The job is not a candidate for processing for any number of
            reasons but will return to the pending state as soon as the
            reasons are no longer present.  The job's
            jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4)
            attributes SHALL indicate why the job is no longer a
            candidate for processing.  The reasons are represented as
            bits in the jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or
            jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes.  See the
            JmJobStateReasonsNTC (N=1..4) textual convention for the
            specification of each reason.

            One or more of:

            1.  the job is using, or is attempting to use, one or
            more purely software processes that are analyzing,
            creating, or interpreting a PDL, etc.,

            2.  the job is using, or is attempting to use, one or
            more hardware devices that are interpreting a PDL,
            making mark on a medium, and/or performing finishing,
            such as stapling, etc.,  OR

            3. (configuration 2) the server has made the job ready
            for printing, but the output device is not yet printing
            it, either because the job hasn't reached the output
            device or because the job is queued in the output
            device or some other spooler, awaiting the output
            device to print it.

            When the job is in the processing state, the entire job
            state includes the detailed status represented in the
            device MIB indicated by the hrDeviceIndex value of the
            job's physicalDevice attribute, if the agent implements
            such a device MIB.

            Implementations MAY, though they NEED NOT, include
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            additional values in the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object
            to indicate the progress of the job, such as adding the
            jobPrinting value to indicate when the device is actually
            making marks on a medium and/or the processingToStopPoint
            value to indicate that the server or device is in the
            process of canceling or aborting the job.

            The job has stopped while processing for any number of
            reasons and will return to the processing state as soon
            as the reasons are no longer present.

            The job's jmJobStateReasons1 object and/or the job's
            jobStateReasonsN (N=2..4) attributes MAY indicate why the
            job has stopped processing.  For example, if the output
            device is stopped, the deviceStopped value MAY be
            included in the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object.

            NOTE - When an output device is stopped, the device
            usually indicates its condition in human readable form
            at the device.  The management application can obtain
             more complete device status remotely by querying the
            appropriate device MIB using the job's deviceIndex
            attribute(s), if the agent implements such a device MIB

            A client has canceled the job and the server or device
            has completed canceling the job AND all MIB objects and
            attributes have reached their final values for the job.
            While the server or device is canceling the job, the
            job's jmJobStateReasons1 object SHOULD contain the
            processingToStopPoint value and one of the
            canceledByUser, canceledByOperator, or canceledAtDevice
            values.  The canceledByUser, canceledByOperator, or
            canceledAtDevice values remain while the job is in the
            canceled state.

            The job has been aborted by the system, usually while the
            job was in the processing or processingStopped state and
            the server or device has completed aborting the job AND
            all MIB objects and attributes have reached their final
            values for the job.  While the server or device is
            aborting the job, the job's jmJobStateReasons1 object MAY
            contain the processingToStopPoint and abortedBySystem
            values.  If implemented, the abortedBySystem value SHALL
            remain while the job is in the aborted state.
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            The job has completed successfully or with warnings or
            errors after processing and all of the media have been
            successfully stacked in the appropriate output bin(s) AND
            all MIB objects and attributes have reached their final
            values for the job.  The job's jmJobStateReasons1 object
            SHOULD contain one of: completedSuccessfully,
            completedWithWarnings, or completedWithErrors values.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"

    STATUS      current
        "The type of the attribute which identifies the attribute.

        NOTE - The enum assignments are grouped logically with values
        assigned in groups of 20, so that additional values may be
        registered in the future and assigned a value that is part of
        their logical grouping.

        Values in the range 2**30 to 2**31-1 are reserved for private
        or experimental usage.  This range corresponds to the same
        range reserved in IPP.  Implementers are warned that use of
        such values may conflict with other implementations.
        Implementers are encouraged to request registration of enum
        values following the procedures in Section 3.7.1.

        See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Attribute Mechanism' for a
        description of this textual-convention and its use in the
        jmAttributeTable.  See Section 3.3.8 for the specification of
        each attribute.  The comment(s) after each enum assignment
        specifies the data type(s) of the attribute.

        This is a type 2 enumeration.  See Section"
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        other(1),                       -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

        -- Job State attributes:
        jobStateReasons2(3),            -- JmJobStateReasons2TC
        jobStateReasons3(4),            -- JmJobStateReasons3TC
        jobStateReasons4(5),            -- JmJobStateReasons4TC
        processingMessage(6),           -- JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))
                                        -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))
        jobCodedCharSet(8),             -- CodedCharSet
        jobNaturalLanguageTag(9),       -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

        -- Job Identification attributes:
        jobURI(20),                     -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))
        jobAccountName(21),             -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))
        serverAssignedJobName(22),      -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        jobName(23),                    -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        jobServiceTypes(24),            -- JmJobServiceTypesTC
        jobSourceChannelIndex(25),      -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        jobSourcePlatformType(26),      -- JmJobSourcePlatformTypeTC
        submittingServerName(27),       -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        submittingApplicationName(28),  -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        jobOriginatingHost(29),         -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        deviceNameRequested(30),        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        queueNameRequested(31),         -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        physicalDevice(32),             -- hrDeviceIndex
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        numberOfDocuments(33),          -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        fileName(34),                   -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        documentName(35),               -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        jobComment(36),                 -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        documentFormatIndex(37),        -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        documentFormat(38),             -- PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63))

        -- Job Parameter attributes:
        jobPriority(50),                -- Integer32 (-2..100)
        jobProcessAfterDateAndTime(51), -- DateAndTime (SNMPv2-TC)
        jobHold(52),                    -- JmBooleanTC
        jobHoldUntil(53),               -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        outputBin(54),                  -- Integer32 (0..2147483647)
                                        -- AND/OR
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                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        sides(55),                      -- Integer32 (-2..2)
        finishing(56),                  -- JmFinishingTC

        -- Image Quality attributes:
        printQualityRequested(70),      -- JmPrintQualityTC
        printQualityUsed(71),           -- JmPrintQualityTC
        printerResolutionRequested(72), -- JmPrinterResolutionTC
        printerResolutionUsed(73),      -- JmPrinterResolutionTC
        tonerEcomonyRequested(74),      -- JmTonerEconomyTC
        tonerEcomonyUsed(75),           -- JmTonerEconomyTC
        tonerDensityRequested(76),      -- Integer32 (-2..100)
        tonerDensityUsed(77),           -- Integer32 (-2..100)

        -- Job Progress attributes:
        jobCopiesRequested(90),         -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        jobCopiesCompleted(91),         -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        documentCopiesRequested(92),    -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        documentCopiesCompleted(93),    -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        jobKOctetsTransferred(94),      -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        sheetCompletedCopyNumber(95),   -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        jobCollationType(97),           -- JmJobCollationTypeTC

        -- Impression attributes:
        impressionsSpooled(110),        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        impressionsSentToDevice(111),   -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        impressionsInterpreted(112),    -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

        -- Page attributes:
        pagesRequested(130),            -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        pagesCompleted(131),            -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        pagesCompletedCurrentCopy(132), -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

        -- Sheet attributes:
        sheetsRequested(150),           -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        sheetsCompleted(151),           -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
        sheetsCompletedCurrentCopy(152),-- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

        -- Resource attributes:
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        mediumRequested(170),           -- JmMediumTypeTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        mediumConsumed(171),            -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        colorantRequested(172),         -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        colorantConsumed(173),          -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        mediumTypeConsumed(174),        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))
        mediumSizeConsumed(175),        -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
                                        -- AND
                                        -- JmJobStringTC (SIZE(0..63))

        -- Time attributes:
        jobSubmissionToServerTime(190), -- JmTimeStampTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- DateAndTime
        jobSubmissionTime(191),         -- JmTimeStampTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- DateAndTime
        jobStartedBeingHeldTime(192),   -- JmTimeStampTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- DateAndTime
        jobStartedProcessingTime(193),  -- JmTimeStampTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- DateAndTime
        jobCompletionTime(194),         -- JmTimeStampTC
                                        -- AND/OR
                                        -- DateAndTime
        jobProcessingCPUTime(195)       -- Integer32 (-2..2147483647)

    STATUS      current
        "Specifies the type(s) of service to which the job has been
        submitted (print, fax, scan, etc.).  The service type is
        represented as an enum that is bit encoded with each job
        service type so that more general and arbitrary services can be
        created, such as services with more than one destination type,
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        or ones with only a source or only a destination.  For example,
        a job service might scan, faxOut, and print a single job.  In
        this case, three bits would be set in the jobServiceTypes
        attribute, corresponding to the hexadecimal values: 0x8 + 0x20
        + 0x4, respectively, yielding: 0x2C.

        Whether this attribute is set from a job attribute supplied by
        the job submission client or is set by the recipient job
        submission server or device depends on the job submission
        protocol.  With either implementation, the agent SHALL return a
        non-zero value for this attribute indicating the type of the

        One of the purposes of this attribute is to permit a requester
        to filter out jobs that are not of interest.  For example, a
        printer operator MAY only be interested in jobs that include
        printing.  That is why the attribute is in the job
        identification category.

        The following service component types are defined (in
        hexadecimal) and are assigned a separate bit value for use with
        the jobServiceTypes attribute:

        other                             0x1
            The job contains some instructions that are not one of the
            identified types.

        unknown                           0x2
            The job contains some instructions whose type is unknown to
            the agent.

        print                             0x4
            The job contains some instructions that specify printing

        scan                              0x8
            The job contains some instructions that specify scanning

        faxIn                             0x10
            The job contains some instructions that specify receive fax

        faxOut                            0x20
            The job contains some instructions that specify sending fax

        getFile                           0x40
            The job contains some instructions that specify accessing
            files or documents

        putFile                           0x80
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            The job contains some instructions that specify storing
            files or documents

        mailList                          0x100
            The job contains some instructions that specify
            distribution of documents using an electronic mail system.

        These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum
        except that combinations of them MAY be used together.  See
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)   -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

    STATUS      current
        "The JmJobStateReasonsNTC (N=1..4) textual-conventions are used
        with the jmJobStateReasons1 object and jobStateReasonsN
        (N=2..4), respectively, to provide additional information
        regarding the current jmJobState object value.  These values
        MAY be used with any job state or states for which the reason
        makes sense.  See section for the specification of each
        bit value defined for use with the JmJobStateReasons1TC.

        These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum
        except that combinations of bits may be used together.  See
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)   -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

    STATUS      current
        "This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons2
        attribute to provides additional information regarding the
        jmJobState object.  See section for the specification
        of JmJobStateReasons2TC.  See section for the
        description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional
        information that applies to all reasons.

        These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum
        except that combinations of them may be used together.  See
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)   -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 84
    STATUS      current
        "This textual-convention is used with the jobStateReasons3
        attribute to provides additional information regarding the
        jmJobState object.  See section for the specification
        of JmJobStateReasons3TC.  See section for the
        description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional
        information that applies to all reasons.

        These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum
        except that combinations of them may be used together.  See
        section  "
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)   -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

    STATUS      current
        "This textual-convention is used in the jobStateReasons4
        attribute to provides additional information regarding the
        jmJobState object.  See section for the specification
        of JmJobStateReasons4TC.  See section for the
        description under JmJobStateReasons1TC for additional
        information that applies to all reasons.

        These bit definitions are the equivalent of a type 2 enum
        except that combinations of them may be used together.  See
    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)   -- 31 bits, all but sign bit

jobmonMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::= { jobmonMIB 1 }

-- The General Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmGeneralGroup consists entirely of the jmGeneralTable.

jmGeneral  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 1 }

jmGeneralTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JmGeneralEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 85
        "The jmGeneralTable consists of information of a general nature
        that are per-job-set, but are not per-job.  See Section 2
        entitled 'Terminology and Job Model' for the definition of a
        job set.

        The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is
    ::= { jmGeneral 1 }

jmGeneralEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      JmGeneralEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "Information about a job set (queue).

        An entry SHALL exist in this table for each job set."
    INDEX  { jmGeneralJobSetIndex }
    ::= { jmGeneralTable 1 }

JmGeneralEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    jmGeneralJobSetIndex                  Integer32 (1..32767),
    jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs           Integer32 (0..2147483647),
    jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex         Integer32 (0..2147483647),
    jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex         Integer32 (0..2147483647),
    jmGeneralJobPersistence               Integer32 (15..2147483647),
    jmGeneralAttributePersistence         Integer32 (15..2147483647),
    jmGeneralJobSetName                   JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))

jmGeneralJobSetIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..32767)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "A unique value for each job set in this MIB.  The jmJobTable
        and jmAttributeTable tables have this same index as their
        primary index.

        The value(s) of the jmGeneralJobSetIndex SHALL be persistent
        across power cycles, so that clients that have retained
        jmGeneralJobSetIndex values will access the same job sets upon
        subsequent power-up.

        An implementation that has only one job set, such as a printer
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 86
        with a single queue, SHALL hard code this object with the value

        See Section 2 entitled 'Terminology and Job Model' for the
        definition of a job set.
        Corresponds to the first index in jmJobTable and
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 1 }

jmGeneralNumberOfActiveJobs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The current number of 'active' jobs in the jmJobIDTable,
        jmJobTable, and jmAttributeTable, i.e., the total number of
        jobs that are in the pending, processing, or processingStopped
        states.  See the JmJobStateTC textual-convention for the exact
        specification of the semantics of the job states."
    DEFVAL      { 0 }      -- no jobs
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 2 }

jmGeneralOldestActiveJobIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The jmJobIndex of the oldest job that is still in one of the
        'active' states (pending, processing, or processingStopped).
        In other words, the index of the 'active' job that has been in
        the job tables the longest.

        If there are no active jobs, the agent SHALL set the value of
        this object to 0.

        See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables and the Oldest Active
        and Newest Active Indexes' for a description of the usage of
        this object."
    DEFVAL      { 0 }      -- no active jobs
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 3 }

jmGeneralNewestActiveJobIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 87
    STATUS      current
        "The jmJobIndex of the newest job that is in one of the
        'active' states (pending, processing, or processingStopped).
        In other words, the index of the 'active' job that has been
        most recently added to the job tables.

        When all jobs become 'inactive', i.e., enter the pendingHeld,
        completed, canceled, or aborted states, the agent SHALL set the
        value of this object to 0.

        See Section 3.2 entitled 'The Job Tables and the Oldest Active
        and Newest Active Indexes' for a description of the usage of
        this object."
    DEFVAL      { 0 }      -- no active jobs
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 4 }

jmGeneralJobPersistence OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (15..2147483647)
    UNITS       "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The minimum time in seconds for this instance of the Job Set
        that an entry SHALL remain in the jmJobIDTable and jmJobTable
        after processing has completed, i.e., the minimum time in
        seconds starting when the job enters the completed, canceled,
        or aborted state.

        Configuring this object is implementation-dependent.

        This value SHALL be equal to or greater than the value of
        jmGeneralAttributePersistence.  This value SHOULD be at least
        60 which gives a monitoring or accounting application one
        minute in which to poll for job data."
    DEFVAL      { 60 }          -- one minute
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 5 }

jmGeneralAttributePersistence OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Integer32 (15..2147483647)
    UNITS       "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 88
        "The minimum time in seconds for this instance of the Job Set
        that an entry SHALL remain in the jmAttributeTable after
        processing has completed , i.e., the time in seconds starting
        when the job enters the completed, canceled, or aborted state.

        Configuring this object is implementation-dependent.

        This value SHOULD be at least 60 which gives a monitoring or
        accounting application one minute in which to poll for job
    DEFVAL      { 60 }          -- one minute
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 6 }

jmGeneralJobSetName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      JmUTF8StringTC (SIZE(0..63))
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The human readable name of this job set assigned by the system
        administrator (by means outside of this MIB).  Typically, this
        name SHOULD be the name of the job queue.  If a server or
        device has only a single job set, this object can be the
        administratively assigned name of the server or device itself.
        This name does not need to be unique, though each job set in a
        single Job Monitoring MIB SHOULD have distinct names.

        NOTE - If the job set corresponds to a single printer and the
        Printer MIB is implemented, this value SHOULD be the same as
        the prtGeneralPrinterName object in the draft Printer MIB
        [print-mib-draft].  If the job set corresponds to an IPP
        Printer, this value SHOULD be the same as the IPP 'printer-
        name' Printer attribute.

        NOTE - The purpose of this object is to help the user of the
        job monitoring application distinguish between several job sets
        in implementations that support more than one job set.

        See the OBJECT compliance macro for the minimum maximum length
        required for conformance."
    DEFVAL      { ''H }      -- empty string
    ::= { jmGeneralEntry 7 }

-- The Job ID Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmJobIDGroup consists entirely of the jmJobIDTable.
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 89
jmJobID  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 2 }

    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "The jmJobIDTable provides a correspondence map (1) between the
        job submission ID that a client uses to refer to a job and (2)
        the jmGeneralJobSetIndex and jmJobIndex that the Job Monitoring
        MIB agent assigned to the job and that are used to access the
        job in all of the other tables in the MIB.  If a monitoring
        application already knows the jmGeneralJobSetIndex and the
        jmJobIndex of the job it is querying, that application NEED NOT
        use the jmJobIDTable.

        The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is
    ::= { jmJobID 1 }

    SYNTAX      JmJobIDEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "The map from (1) the jmJobSubmissionID to (2) the
        jmGeneralJobSetIndex and jmJobIndex.

        An entry SHALL exist in this table for each job currently known
        to the agent for all job sets and job states.  There MAY be
        more than one jmJobIDEntry that maps to a single job.  This
        many to one mapping can occur when more than one network entity
        along the job submission path supplies a job submission ID.
        See Section 3.5.  However, each job SHALL appear once and in
        one and only one job set."
    INDEX  { jmJobSubmissionID }
    ::= { jmJobIDTable 1 }

JmJobIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    jmJobSubmissionID                     OCTET STRING(SIZE(48)),
    jmJobIDJobSetIndex                    Integer32 (0..32767),
    jmJobIDJobIndex                       Integer32 (0..2147483647)

jmJobSubmissionID OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 90
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "A quasi-unique 48-octet fixed-length string ID which
        identifies the job within a particular client-server
        environment.  There are multiple formats for the
        jmJobSubmissionID.  Each format SHALL be uniquely identified.
        See the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC textual convention.  Each
        format SHALL be registered using the procedures of a type 2
        enum.  See section 3.7.3 entitled: 'PWG Registration of Job
        Submission Id Formats'.

        If the requester (client or server) does not supply a job
        submission ID in the job submission protocol, then the
        recipient (server or device) SHALL assign a job submission ID
        using any of the standard formats that have been reserved for
        agents and adding the final 8 octets to distinguish the ID from
        others submitted from the same requester.

        The monitoring application, whether in the client or running
        separately, MAY use the job submission ID to help identify
        which jmJobIndex was assigned by the agent, i.e., in which row
        the job information is in the other tables.

        NOTE - fixed-length is used so that a management application
        can use a shortened GetNext varbind (in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2) in
        order to get the next submission ID, disregarding the remainder
        of the ID in order to access jobs independent of the trailing
        identifier part, e.g., to get all jobs submitted by a
        particular jmJobOwner or submitted from a particular MAC

        See the JmJobSubmissionIDTypeTC textual convention.
        See APPENDIX B - Support of Job Submission Protocols."
    ::= { jmJobIDEntry 1 }

    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32767)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object contains the value of the jmGeneralJobSetIndex for
        the job with the jmJobSubmissionID value, i.e., the job set
        index of the job set in which the job was placed when that
        server or device accepted the job.  This 16-bit value in
Top   ToC   RFC2707 - Page 91
        combination with the jmJobIDJobIndex value permits the
        management application to access the other tables to obtain the
        job-specific objects for this job.

        See jmGeneralJobSetIndex in the jmGeneralTable."
    DEFVAL      { 0 }      -- 0 indicates no job set index
    ::= { jmJobIDEntry 2 }

    SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "This object contains the value of the jmJobIndex for the job
        with the jmJobSubmissionID value, i.e., the job index for the
        job when the server or device accepted the job.  This value, in
        combination with the jmJobIDJobSetIndex value, permits the
        management application to access the other tables to obtain the
        job-specific objects for this job.

        See jmJobIndex in the jmJobTable."
    DEFVAL      { 0 }      -- 0 indicates no jmJobIndex value.
    ::= { jmJobIDEntry 3 }

-- The Job Group (MANDATORY)

-- The jmJobGroup consists entirely of the jmJobTable.

jmJob  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { jobmonMIBObjects 3 }

    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF JmJobEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
        "The jmJobTable consists of basic job state and status
        information for each job in a job set that (1) monitoring
        applications need to be able to access in a single SNMP Get
        operation, (2) that have a single value per job, and (3) that
        SHALL always be implemented.

        The MANDATORY-GROUP macro specifies that this group is
    ::= { jmJob 1 }

(next page on part 5)

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