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RFC 2366

Definitions of Managed Objects for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks

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ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 6   prevText
3. IP Over ATM Multicast Address Resolution Server MIB Definitions


           FROM SNMPv2-CONF
       snmpModules, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32,
           Integer32, Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress
           FROM SNMPv2-SMI
           FROM ATM-TC-MIB
       TruthValue, RowStatus
           FROM SNMPv2-TC
           FROM RFC1213-MIB
           FROM IF-MIB;

       LAST-UPDATED "9804150145Z" -- 15 April 1998
       ORGANIZATION "Internetworking Over NBMA (ion) Working Group"
           "        Chris Chung
            Postal: SAIC
                    1710 Goodridge Drive
                    Mail Stop 1-4-7
                    McLean, VA 22102
            Tel:    +1 703 448 6485
            Fax:    +1 703 356 2160

            Editor: Maria Greene
            Postal: Independent Contractor
           "This module defines a portion of the managed information
            base (MIB) for managing classical IP multicast address
            resolution server (MARS) and related entities as
            described in the RFC2022.  This MIB is meant to be
            used in conjunction with the ATM-MIB (RFC1695),
            MIB-II (RFC1213), and optionally the IF-MIB (RFC1573)."
       ::= { snmpModules 17 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Client Object Definitions
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 7
   marsClientObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { marsMIB 1 }

   marsClientTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsClientEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "The objects defined in this table are used for
            the management of MARS clients, ATM attached
       ::= { marsClientObjects 1 }

   marsClientEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsClientEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry contains a MARS client and its associated
            attributes.  An entry in the marsClientTable has
            a corresponding entry in the ipAddrTable defined in
            RFC1213. Association between the ipAddrTable and
            the marsClientTable is made through the index,
       INDEX { ipAdEntAddr, marsClientIndex }
       ::= { marsClientTable 1 }

   MarsClientEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsClientIndex                    Integer32,
           marsClientAddr                     AtmAddr,
           marsClientDefaultMarsAddr          AtmAddr,
           marsClientHsn                      Unsigned32,
           marsClientRegistration             INTEGER,
           marsClientCmi                      INTEGER,
           marsClientDefaultMtu               INTEGER,
           marsClientFailureTimer             INTEGER,
           marsClientRetranDelayTimer         INTEGER,
           marsClientRdmMulReqAddRetrTimer    INTEGER,
           marsClientRdmVcRevalidateTimer     INTEGER,
           marsClientJoinLeaveRetrInterval    INTEGER,
           marsClientJoinLeaveRetrLimit       INTEGER,
           marsClientRegWithMarsRdmTimer      INTEGER,
           marsClientForceWaitTimer           INTEGER,
           marsClientLmtToMissRedirMapTimer   INTEGER,
           marsClientIdleTimer                INTEGER,
           marsClientRowStatus                RowStatus
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 8
   marsClientIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32(1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The auxiliary variable used to identify instances of
            the columnar objects in the MARS MarsClientTable."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 1 }

   marsClientAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
          MAX-ACCESS read-create
          STATUS  current
              "The ATM address associated with the ATM Client."
          ::= { marsClientEntry 2 }

   marsClientDefaultMarsAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
          MAX-ACCESS read-create
          STATUS  current
              "The default MARS ATM address which is needed to
               setup the initial signalling path between a MARS
               client and its associated MARS."
          ::= { marsClientEntry 3 }

   marsClientHsn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
          STATUS  current
              "The cluster membership own 32 bit Host Sequence
               Number.  When a new cluster member starts up, it is
               initialized to zero.  When the cluster member sends
               the MARS_JOIN to register, the HSN will be correctly
               set to the current cluster sequence number (CSN) when
               the Client receives the copy of its MARS_JOIN from
               the MARS.  It is is used to track the MARS sequence
          ::= { marsClientEntry 4 }

   marsClientRegistration OBJECT-TYPE
             notRegistered (1),
             registering (2),
             registered (3),
             reRegisteringFault (4),
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 9
             reRegisteringRedirMap (5)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "An indication with regards to the registration
            status of this client. The registration codes
            of 'notRegistered (1)', 'registered (2)', and
            registered (3) are self-explanatory. The
            'reRegisteringFault (4)' indicates the client is
            in the process of re-registering with a MARS due
            to some fault conditions.  The 'reRegisteringRedMap
            (5)' status code shows that client is re-registering
            because it has received a MARS_REDIRECT_MAP message
            and was told to register with a different MARS from
            the current MARS."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 5 }

   marsClientCmi OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "16 bit Cluster member identifier (CMI) assigned by the
            MARS which uniquely identifies each endpoint attached
            to the cluster.  The value becomes valid after the
            'marsClientRegistration' is set to the value
            of 'registered (1)'."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 6 }

   marsClientDefaultMtu OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The default maximum transmission unit (MTU) used for
            this cluster.  Note that the actual size used for a
            VC between two members of the cluster may be negotiated
            during connection setup and may be different than this
            value.  Default value = 9180 bytes."
       DEFVAL { 9180 }
       ::= { marsClientEntry 7 }

   marsClientFailureTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 10
           "A timer used to flag the failure of last MARS_MULTI
            to arrive.  Default value = 10 seconds (recommended)."
       DEFVAL { 10 }
       ::= { marsClientEntry 8 }

   marsClientRetranDelayTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..10)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The delay timer for sending out new MARS_REQUEST
            for the group after the client learned that there
            is no other group in the cluster.  The timer must
            be set between 5 and 10 seconds inclusive."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 9 }

   marsClientRdmMulReqAddRetrTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..10)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The initial random L_MULTI_RQ/ADD retransmit timer
            which can be set between 5 and 10 seconds inclusive."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 10 }

   marsClientRdmVcRevalidateTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The random time to set VC_revalidate flag.  The
            timer value ranges between 1 and 10 seconds
       ::= { marsClientEntry 11 }

   marsClientJoinLeaveRetrInterval OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER(5..2147483647)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "MARS_JOIN/LEAVE retransmit interval. The minimum
            and recommended values are 5 and 10 seconds,
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 11
       DEFVAL { 10 }
       ::= { marsClientEntry 12 }

   marsClientJoinLeaveRetrLimit OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..5)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "MARS_JOIN/LEAVE retransmit limit. The maximum
            value is 5."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 13 }

   marsClientRegWithMarsRdmTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Random time to register with MARS."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 14 }

   marsClientForceWaitTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
       UNITS   "minutes"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Force wait if MARS re-registration is looping.
            The minimum value is 1 minute."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 15 }

   marsClientLmtToMissRedirMapTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..4)
       UNITS   "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Timer limit for client to miss MARS_REDIRECT_MAPS."
       ::= { marsClientEntry 16 }

   marsClientIdleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
       UNITS   "minutes"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 12
           "The configurable inactivity timer associated with a
            client. When a VC is created at this client, it gets
            the idle timer value from this configurable timer.
            The minimum suggested value is 1 minute and the
            recommended default value is 20 minutes."
       DEFVAL { 20 }
       ::= { marsClientEntry 17 }

   marsClientRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            A row cannot be made 'active' until instances of
            all corresponding columns in the row of this table
            are appropriately configured and until the agent
            has also created a corresponding row in the

            When this object has a value of 'active', the
            following columnar objects can not be modified:


            while other objects in this conceptual row can be
            modified irrespective of the value of this object.

            Deletion of this row is allowed regardless of
            whether or not a row in any associated tables
            (i.e., marsClientVcTable) still exists or is in
            use. Once this row is deleted, it is recommended
            that the agent or the SNMP management station
            (if possible) through the set command deletes
            any stale rows that are associated with this
       ::= { marsClientEntry 18 }

   -- IP ATM MARS Client Multicast Group Address Object Definitions
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 13
   marsClientMcGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsClientMcGrpEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table contains a list of IP multicast group address
            blocks associated with a MARS client.  Entries in this
            table are used by the client that needs to receive or
            transmit packets from/to the specified range of
            multicast addresses.
            Each row can be created or deleted via configuration."
       ::= {  marsClientObjects 2 }

   marsClientMcGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsClientMcGrpEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry represents a consecutive block of multicast
            group addresses."
       INDEX { ipAdEntAddr,
               marsClientMcMaxGrpAddr }
       ::= { marsClientMcGrpTable 1 }

   MarsClientMcGrpEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsClientMcMinGrpAddr           IpAddress,
           marsClientMcMaxGrpAddr           IpAddress,
           marsClientMcGrpRowStatus         RowStatus

   marsClientMcMinGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Minimum multicast group address - the min and max
            multicast forms multi-group block.  If the MinGrpAddr
            and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it indicates that this
            block contains a single group address."
       ::= { marsClientMcGrpEntry 1 }

   marsClientMcMaxGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 14
           "Maximum multicast group address - the min and max
            multicast forms a multi-group block.  If the MinGrpAddr
            and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it indicates that this
            block contains a single group address."
       ::= { marsClientMcGrpEntry 2 }

   marsClientMcGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create or delete a row in this

            Since other objects in this row are not-accessible
            'index-objects', the value of this object has no
            effect on whether those objects in this conceptual
            row can be modified."
       ::= { marsClientMcGrpEntry 3 }

   -- IP ATM MARS Client Backup MARS Object Definitions

   marsClientBackupMarsTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsClientBackupMarsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table contains a list of backup MARS addresses that
            a client can connect to in case of failure for connecting
            to the primary server. The list of addresses is in
            descending order of preference. It should be noted that
            the backup list provided by the MARS to the client via
            the MARS_REDIRECT_MAP message has a higher preference than
            addresses that are manually configured into the client.
            When such a list is received from the MARS, this information
            should be inserted at the top of the list.
            Each row can be created or deleted via configuration."
       ::= {  marsClientObjects 3 }

   marsClientBackupMarsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsClientBackupMarsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry represents an ATM address of a backup MARS."
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 15
       INDEX { ipAdEntAddr,
               marsClientBackupMarsAddr }
       ::= { marsClientBackupMarsTable 1 }

   MarsClientBackupMarsEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsClientBackupMarsPriority     Unsigned32,
           marsClientBackupMarsAddr         AtmAddr,
           marsClientBackupMarsRowStatus    RowStatus

   marsClientBackupMarsPriority OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Unsigned32(0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The priority associated with a backup MARS. A lower
            priority value inidcates a higher preference."
       ::= { marsClientBackupMarsEntry 1 }

   marsClientBackupMarsAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The ATM address associated with a backup MARS."
       ::= { marsClientBackupMarsEntry 2 }

   marsClientBackupMarsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create or delete a row in this

            Since other objects in this row are not-accessible
            'index-objects', the value of this object has no effect
            on whether those objects in this conceptual row can be
       ::= { marsClientBackupMarsEntry 3 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Client VC Object Definition Table
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 16
   marsClientVcTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsClientVcEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table contains information about open virtual
            circuits (VCs) that a client has.  For point to point
            circuit, each entry represents a single VC connection
            between this client ATM address to another party ATM
            address.  In the case of point to multipoint connection
            where a single source address is associated with
            multiple destinations, several entries are used to
            represent the relationship.  An example of point to
            multi-point VC represented in a table is shown below.

                   Client    VPI/VCI    Grp Addr1/Addr2    Part Addr
                     1         0,1          g1,g2             p1
                     1         0,1          g1,g2             p2
                     1         0,1          g1,g2             p3

            Note:  This table assumes the IP multicast address
                   groups (min, max) defined in each entry are
                   always consecutive.  In the case of that a
                   client receives a JOIN/LEAVE with
                   mars$flag.punched set, each pair of the IP
                   groups will first be broken into several
                   pairs of consecutive IP groups before each
                   entry row corresponding to a pair of IP group
                   is created."
       ::= { marsClientObjects 4 }

   marsClientVcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsClientVcEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The objects contained in the entry are VC related
            attributes such as VC signalling type, control VC
            type, idle timer, negotiated MTU size, etc."
       INDEX { ipAdEntAddr,
               marsClientVcPartyAddr }
       ::= { marsClientVcTable 1 }
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 17
   MarsClientVcEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsClientVcVpi            INTEGER,
           marsClientVcVci            INTEGER,
           marsClientVcMinGrpAddr     IpAddress,
           marsClientVcMaxGrpAddr     IpAddress,
           marsClientVcPartyAddr      AtmAddr,
           marsClientVcPartyAddrType  INTEGER,
           marsClientVcType           INTEGER,
           marsClientVcCtrlType       INTEGER,
           marsClientVcIdleTimer      INTEGER,
           marsClientVcRevalidate     TruthValue,
           marsClientVcEncapsType     INTEGER,
           marsClientVcNegotiatedMtu  INTEGER,
           marsClientVcRowStatus      RowStatus

   marsClientVcVpi OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The value of virtual path identifier (VPI). Since
            a VPI can be numbered 0, this sub-index can take
            a value of 0."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 1 }

   marsClientVcVci OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The value of virtual circuit identifier (VCI). Since
            a VCI can be numbered 0, this sub-index can take
            a value of 0."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 2 }

   marsClientVcMinGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Minimum IP multicast group address - the min and
            max multicast forms a multi-group consecutive
            block which is associated with a table entry.
            if the MinGrpAddr and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it
            indicates that the size of multi-group block is 1,
            a single IP group."
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 18
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 3 }

   marsClientVcMaxGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress

       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Maximum IP multicast group address - the min and
            max multicast forms a multi-group consecutive
            block which is associated with a table entry.
            if the MinGrpAddr and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it
            indicates that the size of multi-group block is 1,
            a single IP group."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 4 }

   marsClientVcPartyAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "An ATM party address in which this VC is linked.
            The party type is identified by the
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 5 }

   marsClientVcPartyAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
             called (1),
             calling (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The party type is associated with the party address.
            The 'called (1)' indicates that the party address is
            a destination address which implies that VC is
            originated from this client.  The 'calling (2)'
            indicates the VC was initiated externally to this
            client. In this case, the party address is the
            source address."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 6 }

   marsClientVcType OBJECT-TYPE
             pvc (1),
             svc (2)
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 19
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Circuit Connection type: permanent virtual circuit or
            switched virtual circuit."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 7 }

   marsClientVcCtrlType OBJECT-TYPE
              pointToPointVC (1),
              clusterControlVC (2),
              pointToMultiPointVC (3)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Control VC type used to specify a particular connection.
              pointToPointVC (1):
                used by the ATM Clients for the registration and
                queries.  This VC or the initial signalling path
                is set up from the source Client to a MARS. It is
              clusterControlVC (2):
                used by a MARS to issue asynchronous updates to an
                ATM Client.  This VC is established from the MARS
                to the ATM Client.
              pointToMultiPointVC (3):
                used by the client to transfer multicast data
                packets from layer 3.  This VC is established
                from the source ATM Client to a destination ATM
                endpoint which can be a multicast group member
                or an MCS.  The destination endpoint was obtained
                from the MARS."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 8 }

   marsClientVcIdleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
       UNITS   "minutes"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The idle timer associated with this VC.  The minimum
            suggested value is 1 minute and the recommended
            default value is 20 minutes."
       DEFVAL { 20 }
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 9 }
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 20
   marsClientVcRevalidate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "A flag associated with an open and active multipoint
            VC.  It is checked every time a packet is queued for
            transmission on that VC. The object has the value of
            true (1) if revalidate is required and the value
            false (2) otherwise."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 10 }

    marsClientVcEncapsType OBJECT-TYPE
             other (1),
             llcSnap (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The encapsulation type used when communicating over
            this VC."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 11 }

   marsClientVcNegotiatedMtu OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The negotiated MTU when communicating over this VC."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 12 }

   marsClientVcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            A row cannot be made 'active' until instances of
            all corresponding columns in the row of this table
            are appropriately configured.

            While objects: marsClientVcIdleTimer and
            marsClientVcRevalidate in this conceptual
            row can be modified irrespective of the value
            of this object, all other objects in the row can
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 21
            not be modified when this object has a value
            of 'active'.

            It is possible for an SNMP management station
            to set the row to 'notInService' and modify
            the entry and then set it back to 'active'

            with the following exception. That is, rows
            for which the corresponding instance of
            marsClientVcType has a value of 'svc' can not
            be modified or deleted."
       ::= { marsClientVcEntry 13 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Client Statistic Object Definition Table

   marsClientStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsClientStatEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "The table contains statistics collected at MARS
       ::= { marsClientObjects 5 }

   marsClientStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsClientStatEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry contains statistics collected at one MARS
       INDEX { ipAdEntAddr, marsClientIndex }
       ::= { marsClientStatTable 1 }

   MarsClientStatEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsClientStatTxReqMsgs        Counter32,
           marsClientStatTxJoinMsgs       Counter32,
           marsClientStatTxLeaveMsgs      Counter32,
           marsClientStatTxGrpLstReqMsgs  Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxJoinMsgs       Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxLeaveMsgs      Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxMultiMsgs      Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxNakMsgs        Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxMigrateMsgs    Counter32,
           marsClientStatRxGrpLstRplyMsgs Counter32,
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 22
           marsClientStatFailMultiMsgs    Counter32

   marsClientStatTxReqMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_REQUEST messages transmitted
            from a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 1 }

   marsClientStatTxJoinMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_JOIN messages transmitted from
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 2 }

   marsClientStatTxLeaveMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_LEAVE messages transmitted from
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 3 }

   marsClientStatTxGrpLstReqMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_GROUPLIST_REQUEST messages
            transmitted from a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 4 }

   marsClientStatRxJoinMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_JOIN messages received by
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 5 }
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 23
   marsClientStatRxLeaveMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_LEAVE messages received by
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 6 }

   marsClientStatRxMultiMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_MULTI messages received by
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 7 }

   marsClientStatRxNakMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_NAK messages received by
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 8 }

   marsClientStatRxMigrateMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_MIGRATE messages received by
            a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 9 }

       marsClientStatRxGrpLstRplyMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of MARS_GROUPLIST_REPLY messages
            received by a client."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 10 }

   marsClientStatFailMultiMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 24
       STATUS  current
           "Total number of timeouts occurred indicating
            failure of the last MARS_MULTI to arrive."
       ::= { marsClientStatEntry 11 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Object Definitions

   marsObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { marsMIB 2 }

   marsTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "The objects defined in this table are used for the
            management of MARS servers."
       ::= {  marsObjects 1 }

   marsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry contains a MARS and its associated
       INDEX { marsIndex, marsIfIndex }
       ::= { marsTable 1 }

   MarsEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsIndex              Integer32,
           marsIfIndex            InterfaceIndex,
           marsAddr               AtmAddr,
           marsLocal              TruthValue,
           marsServStatus         INTEGER,
           marsServType           INTEGER,
           marsServPriority       Unsigned32,
           marsRedirMapMsgTimer   INTEGER,
           marsCsn                Unsigned32,
           marsSsn                Unsigned32,
           marsRowStatus          RowStatus

   marsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Integer32(1..65535)
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 25
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The auxiliary variable used to identify instances of
            the columnar objects in the MARS table."
       ::= { marsEntry 1 }

   marsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  InterfaceIndex
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The ifIndex of the interface that the MARS is
            associated with."
       ::= { marsEntry 2 }

   marsAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The ATM address associated with the MARS."
       ::= { marsEntry 3 }

   marsLocal OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "A flag associated with a MARS entry.  The object has
            the value of true (1) if the MARS whose interface
            is local to the machine that implements this MIB;
            otherwise the object has the value of false (2)."
       ::= { marsEntry 4 }

   marsServStatus OBJECT-TYPE
             active (1),
             inactive (2),
             faulted (3)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The current status of MARS."
       ::= { marsEntry 5 }

   marsServType OBJECT-TYPE
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 26
             primary (1),
             backup (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Types of MARS servers: primary or backup."
       ::= { marsEntry 6 }

   marsServPriority OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Unsigned32(0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Priority associated with a backup MARS server.
            A backup MARS server with lower priority value
            indicates a higher preference than other backup
            MARS servers to be used as the MARS server when
            the primary server fails."
       ::= { marsEntry 7 }

   marsRedirMapMsgTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2)
       UNITS   "minutes"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Periodic interval on which a multi-part
            MARS_REDIRECT_MAP is sent from this MARS."
          DEFVAL { 1 }
       ::= { marsEntry 8 }

   marsCsn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Current cluster sequence number (CSN) which is global
            within the context of a given protocol.  The CSN is
            incremented by the MARS on every transmission of a
            message on ClusterControlVC.  A cluster member uses
            the CSN to track the message loss on ClusterControlVC
            or to monitor a membership change."
       ::= { marsEntry 9 }

   marsSsn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Unsigned32
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 27
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Current server sequence number (SSN) which is global
            within the context of a given protocol.  The SSN is
            incremented by the MARS on every transmission of a
            message on ServerControlVC.  A MCS uses the SSN to
            track the message loss on ServerControlVC or to
            monitor a membership change."
       ::= { marsEntry 10 }

   marsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            A row cannot be made 'active' until instances of
            all corresponding columns in the row of this table
            are appropriately configured and until the agent
            has also created a corresponding row in the

            When this object has a value of 'active', the
            following columnar objects can not be modified:


            while other objects in this conceptual row can be
            modified irrespective of the value of this object.

            Deletion of this row is allowed regardless of
            whether or not a row in any associated tables
            (i.e., marsVcTable) still exists or is in use.
            Once this row is deleted, it is recommended that
            the agent or the SNMP management station (if
            possible) through the set command deletes any
            stale rows that are associated with this row."
       ::= { marsEntry 11 }
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 28
   -- IP ATM MARS Multicast Group Address Object Definitions

   marsMcGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsMcGrpEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table contains a list of IP multicast address
            blocks associated with a MARS.  Entries in this table
            are used by the MARS host map table and the server map
            table.  They should be created prior to being referenced
            as indices by those tables.
            Each row can be created or deleted via configuration."
       ::= { marsObjects 2 }

   marsMcGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsMcGrpEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry represents a consecutive block of multicast
            group addresses."
       INDEX { marsIndex,
               marsMcMaxGrpAddr }
       ::= { marsMcGrpTable 1 }

   MarsMcGrpEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsMcMinGrpAddr           IpAddress,
           marsMcMaxGrpAddr           IpAddress,
           marsMcGrpAddrUsage         INTEGER,
           marsMcGrpRxLayer3GrpSets   Counter32,
           marsMcGrpRxLayer3GrpResets Counter32,
           marsMcGrpRowStatus         RowStatus

   marsMcMinGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Minimum multicast group address - the min and max
            multicast forms multi-group block.  If the MinGrpAddr
            and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it indicates that this
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 29
            block contains a single group address."
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 1 }

   marsMcMaxGrpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  IpAddress
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Maximum multicast group address - the min and max
            multicast forms a multi-group block.  If The
            MinGrpAddr and MaxGrpAddr are the same, it indicates
            that this block contains a single group address."
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 2 }

   marsMcGrpAddrUsage OBJECT-TYPE
             hostMap (1),
             serverMap (2),
             hostServerMap (3)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Usage of the multicast address block.  The hostMap (1)
            indicates that the address block is only used in the
            MARS host map table. The serverMap (2) indicates
            that the address block is only used in the MARS
            server map table.  The hostServerMap (3) indicates
            that the address block is used in both the host map
            and the server map tables."
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 3 }

   marsMcGrpRxLayer3GrpSets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Number of MARS_JOIN messages received with
            mars$flags.layer3grp flag set."
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 4 }

   marsMcGrpRxLayer3GrpResets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  Counter32
       MAX-ACCESS read-only
       STATUS  current
           "Number of MARS_JOIN messages received with
            mars$flags.layer3grp flag reset."
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 30
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 5 }

   marsMcGrpRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            The value of this object has no effect on whether
            other objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
       ::= { marsMcGrpEntry 6 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Host Map Object Definitions

   marsHostMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsHostMapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table caches mappings between IP multicast
            address to a list of ATM addresses that are
            configured or dynamically learned from the MARS.
            This address resolution is used for the host map.
            It supports the mapping of a block of multicast
            group addresses to a cluster member address.  In
            the case where a group block is associated with
            multiple cluster members, several entries are
            used to representing the relationship."
       ::= { marsObjects 3 }

   marsHostMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsHostMapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry row contains attributes associated with
            the mapping between a multicast group block and an
            ATM address."
       INDEX { marsIndex,
               marsHostMapAtmAddr }
       ::= { marsHostMapTable 1 }
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 31
   MarsHostMapEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsHostMapAtmAddr     AtmAddr,
           marsHostMapRowType     INTEGER,
           marsHostMapRowStatus   RowStatus

   marsHostMapAtmAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The mapped cluster member ATM address."
       ::= { marsHostMapEntry 1 }

   marsHostMapRowType OBJECT-TYPE
             static (1),
             dynamic (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Method in which this entry row is created. The
            static (1) indicates that this row is created
            through configuration.  The dynamic (2) indicates
            that the row is created as the result of group
            address updates received at this MARS."
       ::= { marsHostMapEntry 2 }

   marsHostMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            This object must not be set to 'active' until
            instances of all corresponding columns in the
            row of this table are appropriately configured.

            It is possible for an SNMP management station
            to set the row to 'notInService' and modify
            the entry and then set it back to 'active'
            with the following exception. That is, rows
            for which the corresponding instance of
            marsHostMapRowType has a value of 'dynamic'
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 32
            can not be modified or deleted."
       ::= { marsHostMapEntry 3 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Server Map Object Definitions

   marsServerMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsServerMapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table caches mappings between IP multicast
            address to a list of MCS ATM addresses that are
            configured or dynamically learned from the MARS.
            This address resolution is used for the server map.
            It supports the mapping of a block of multicast
            group addresses to a MCS address.  In the case
            where a group block is associated with multiple
            MCSs, several entries are used to representing the
       ::= { marsObjects 4 }

   marsServerMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsServerMapEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry row contains attributes associated with
            the mapping between a multicast group block and an
            MCS address."
       INDEX { marsIndex,
               marsServerMapAtmAddr }
       ::= { marsServerMapTable 1 }

   MarsServerMapEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsServerMapAtmAddr   AtmAddr,
           marsServerMapRowType   INTEGER,
           marsServerMapRowStatus RowStatus

   marsServerMapAtmAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 33
       STATUS  current
           "The mapped MCS ATM address."
       ::= { marsServerMapEntry 1 }

   marsServerMapRowType OBJECT-TYPE
               static (1),
               dynamic (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Method in which this entry row is created. The
            'static (1)' indicates that this row is created
            through configuration.  The 'dynamic (2)' indicates
            that the row is created as the result of group
            address updates received at this MARS."
       ::= { marsServerMapEntry 2 }

   marsServerMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            This object must not be set to 'active' until
            instances of all corresponding columns in the
            row of this table are appropriately configured.

            It is possible for an SNMP management station
            to set the row to 'notInService' and modify
            the entry and then set it back to 'active'
            with the following exception. That is, rows
            for which the corresponding instance of
            marsServerMapRowType has a value of 'dynamic'
            can not be modified or deleted."
       ::= { marsServerMapEntry 3 }

   --  IP ATM MARS VC Object Definition Table

   marsVcTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsVcEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 34
       STATUS current
           "This table contains information about open virtual circuits
            (VCs) that a MARS has.  For point to point circuit, each
            entry represents a single VC connection between this MARS
            ATM address to another party's ATM address.  In the case of
            point to multipoint connection where a ControlVc is attached
            with multiple leaf nodes, several entries are used  to
            represent the relationship.  An example of point to
            multi-point VC represented in a table is shown below.

                 MARS     VPI/VCI    MARS Addr     Party Addr
                   1         0,1         m1            p1
                   1         0,1         m1            p2
                   1         0,1         m1            p3"
       ::= { marsObjects 5 }

   marsVcEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsVcEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The objects contained in the entry are VC related attributes
            such as VC signalling type, control VC type, idle timer,
            negotiated MTU size, etc."
       INDEX { marsIndex,
               marsVcPartyAddr }
       ::= { marsVcTable 1 }

   MarsVcEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsVcVpi              INTEGER,
           marsVcVci              INTEGER,
           marsVcPartyAddr        AtmAddr,
           marsVcPartyAddrType    INTEGER,
           marsVcType             INTEGER,
           marsVcCtrlType         INTEGER,
           marsVcIdleTimer        INTEGER,
           marsVcCmi              INTEGER,
           marsVcEncapsType       INTEGER,
           marsVcNegotiatedMtu    INTEGER,
           marsVcRowStatus        RowStatus

   marsVcVpi OBJECT-TYPE
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 35
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "The value of virtual path identifier (VPI). Since
            a VPI can be numbered 0, this sub-index can take
            a value of 0."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 1 }

   marsVcVci OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
            "The value of virtual circuit identifier (VCI).
             Since a VCI can be numbered 0, this sub-index
             can take a value of 0."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 2 }

   marsVcPartyAddr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  AtmAddr
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "An ATM party address in which this VC is linked. The
            party type is identified by the marsVcPartyAddrType."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 5 }

   marsVcPartyAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
             called (1),
             calling (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The party type is associated with the party address.  The
            'called (1)' indicates that the party address is a
            destination address which implies that VC is originated
            from this MARS. The 'calling (2)' indicates the VC was
            initiated externally to this MARS.  The party address is
            the source address."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 6 }

   marsVcType OBJECT-TYPE
                pvc (1),
                svc (2)
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 36
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Circuit Connection type: permanent virtual circuit or
            switched virtual circuit."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 7 }

   marsVcCtrlType OBJECT-TYPE
              pointToPointVC (1),
              clusterControlVC (2),
              serverControlVC (3)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "Control VC type used to specify a particular connection.
              pointToPointVC (1):
                used by the ATM endpoints (clients) or the MCS for
                registration and queries.  This VC is set up from
                a MARS client and MCS to this MARS.  It is a
                bi-directional VC.
              clusterControlVC (2):
                used by MARS to issue asynchronous updates to ATM
                an ATM client.  This VC is established from the
                MARs to the ATM client.
              serverControlVC (3):
                used by MARS to issue asynchronous update to ATM
                multicast servers.  This type of VC exists when at
                least a MCS is being used."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 8 }

   marsVcIdleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..2147483647)
       UNITS   "minutes"
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The idle timer associated with this VC.  The minimum
            suggested value is 1 minute and the recommended default
            value is 20 minutes."
       DEFVAL { 20 }
       ::= { marsVcEntry 9 }

   marsVcCmi OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 37
       STATUS  current
           "Cluster member identifier (CMI) which uniquely identifies
            each endpoint attached to the cluster.  This variable
            applies to each 'leaf node' of an outgoing control VC."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 10 }

   marsVcEncapsType OBJECT-TYPE
             other (1),
             llcSnap (2)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The encapsulation type used when communicating over
            this VC."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 11 }

   marsVcNegotiatedMtu OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The negotiated MTU when communicating over this VC."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 12 }

   marsVcRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS read-create
       STATUS  current
           "The object is used to create, delete or modify a
            row in this table.

            A row cannot be made 'active' until instances of
            all corresponding columns in the row of this table
            are appropriately configured.

            While the marsVcIdleTimer in this conceptual
            row can be modified irrespective of the value
            of this object, all other objects in the row can
            not be modified when this object has a value
            of 'active'.

            It is possible for an SNMP management station
            to set the row to 'notInService' and modify
            the entry and then set it back to 'active'
ToP   noToC   RFC2366 - Page 38
            with the following exception. That is, rows
            for which the corresponding instance of
            marsVcType has a value of 'svc' can not be
            modified or deleted."
       ::= { marsVcEntry 13 }

   --  IP ATM MARS Registered Cluster Member List Table

   marsRegClientTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF MarsRegClientEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS current
           "This table contains ATM identities of all the currently
            registered cluster members at a MARS.  Each entry represents
            one set of ATM identities associated with one cluster member
            or the MARS client."
       ::= { marsObjects 6 }

   marsRegClientEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  MarsRegClientEntry
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "Each entry row contains attributes associated with one
            register cluster member."
       INDEX { marsIndex,
       ::= { marsRegClientTable 1 }

   MarsRegClientEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           marsRegClientCmi       INTEGER,
           marsRegClientAtmAddr   AtmAddr

   marsRegClientCmi OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
       STATUS  current
           "This cluster member identifier is used as an auxiliary index
            for the entry in this table."
       ::= { marsRegClientEntry 1 }

(next page on part 3)

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