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RFC 1759

Printer MIB

Pages: 113
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ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 90   prevText
                        -- general Printer group
                        -- Input Group
                        -- Output Group
                        -- Marker group
                        -- Marker Supplies group
                        -- Media Path Device Group
                        -- interpreter Group
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 91
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The code that describes the type of alert for this entry in
        the table.  There are different codes for each
        sub-unit type: for example, Media Supply Low and Media
        Supply Empty are Aler codes for the Input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtAlertEntry 7}

prtAlertDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "A description of this alert entry in the localization
        specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization.  The description is
        provided by the printer to further elaborate on the enumerated
        alert or provide information in the case where the code is
        classified ask `other' or `unknown'.  The printer is required
        to return a description string but the string may be a null
    ::= { prtAlertEntry 8 }

    STATUS  current
        "The value of the enterprise-specific oid in a SNMPv1 trap sent
        signalling a critical event in the prtAlertTable."
    ::= { prtAlert 2 }

printerV2AlertPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printerV1Alert 0 }

    OBJECTS { prtAlertIndex, prtAlertSeverityLevel, prtAlertGroup,
              prtAlertGroupIndex, prtAlertLocation, prtAlertCode }
    STATUS  current
        "This trap is sent whenever a critical event is added to the
    ::= { printerV2AlertPrefix 1 }

-- Note that the SNMPv2 to SNMPv1 translation rules dictate that the
-- preceding structure will result in SNMPv1 traps of the following
-- form:
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 92
-- printerAlert TRAP-TYPE
--     ENTERPRISE printerV1Alert
--     VARIABLES { prtAlertIndex, prtAlertSeverityLevel, prtAlertGroup,
--                 prtAlertGroupIndex, prtAlertLocation, prtAlertCode }
--        "This trap is sent whenever a critical event is added to the
--        prtAlertTable."
--     ::= 1

-- The Alert Time Group
-- This group is optional.  However, to claim conformance to this
-- group, it is necessary to implement every object in the group.

prtAlertTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of sysUpTime at the time that this alert was
    ::= { prtAlertEntry 9 }

-- Conformance Information

prtMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 2 }

-- compliance statements
    STATUS  current
        "The compliance statement for agents that implement the
        printer MIB."
    MODULE -- this module
    MANDATORY-GROUPS { prtGeneralGroup, prtInputGroup, prtOutputGroup,
                       prtMarkerGroup, prtMediaPathGroup,
                       prtChannelGroup, prtInterpreterGroup,
                       prtConsoleGroup, prtAlertTableGroup }

        OBJECT      prtGeneralReset
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 93
            "It is conformant to implement just these two states in
            this object.  Any additional states are optional."

        OBJECT      prtConsoleOnTime
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

        OBJECT      prtConsoleOffTime
        MIN-ACCESS  read-only
            "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only."

    -- the prtResponsiblePartyGroup, prtExtendedInputGroup,
    -- prtInputMediaGroup, prtExtendedOutputGroup,
    -- prtOutputDimensionsGroup, prtOutputFeaturesGroup,
    -- prtMarkerSuppliesGroup, prtMarkerColorantGroup,
    -- and the prtAlertTimeGroup are completely optional.
    ::= { prtMIBConformance 1 }

prtMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { prtMIBConformance 2 }

prtGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtGeneralConfigChanges, prtGeneralCurrentLocalization,
              prtGeneralReset, prtCoverDescription, prtCoverStatus,
              prtLocalizationLanguage, prtLocalizationCountry,
              prtLocalizationCharacterSet, prtStorageRefIndex,
              prtDeviceRefIndex }
    STATUS  current
        "The general printer group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 1 }

prtResponsiblePartyGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtGeneralCurrentOperator, prtGeneralServicePerson }
    STATUS  current
        "The responsible party group contains contact information for
        humans responsible for the printer."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 2 }

prtInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtInputDefaultIndex, prtInputType, prtInputDimUnit,
              prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen, prtInputCapacityUnit,
              prtInputMaxCapacity, prtInputCurrentLevel,
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              prtInputStatus, prtInputMediaName }
    STATUS  current
        "The input group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 3 }

prtExtendedInputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtInputName, prtInputVendorName, prtInputModel,
              prtInputVersion, prtInputSerialNumber,
              prtInputDescription, prtInputSecurity }
    STATUS  current
        "The extended input group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 4 }

prtInputMediaGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtInputMediaWeight, prtInputMediaType,
              prtInputMediaColor, prtInputMediaFormParts }
    STATUS  current
        "The input media group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 5 }

prtOutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtOutputDefaultIndex, prtOutputType,
              prtOutputCapacityUnit, prtOutputMaxCapacity,
              prtOutputRemainingCapacity,  prtOutputStatus }
    STATUS  current
        "The output group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 6 }

prtExtendedOutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtOutputName, prtOutputVendorName, prtOutputModel,
              prtOutputVersion, prtOutputSerialNumber,
              prtOutputDescription, prtOutputSecurity }
    STATUS  current
        "The extended output group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 7 }

prtOutputDimensionsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtOutputDimUnit, prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir,
              prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir, prtOutputMinDimFeedDir,
              prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir }
    STATUS  current
        "The output dimensions group"
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 95
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 8 }

prtOutputFeaturesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtOutputStackingOrder,
              prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation, prtOutputBursting,
              prtOutputDecollating, prtOutputPageCollated,
              prtOutputOffsetStacking }
    STATUS  current
        "The output features group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 9 }

prtMarkerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtMarkerDefaultIndex, prtMarkerMarkTech,
              prtMarkerCounterUnit, prtMarkerLifeCount,
              prtMarkerPowerOnCount, prtMarkerProcessColorants,
              prtMarkerSpotColorants, prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit,
              prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir, prtMarkerNorthMargin,
              prtMarkerSouthMargin, prtMarkerWestMargin,
              prtMarkerEastMargin, prtMarkerStatus }
    STATUS  current
        "The marker group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 10 }

prtMarkerSuppliesGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex,
              prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex, prtMarkerSuppliesClass,
              prtMarkerSuppliesType, prtMarkerSuppliesDescription,
              prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity, prtMarkerSuppliesLevel }
    STATUS  current
        "The marker supplies group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 11 }

prtMarkerColorantGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex, prtMarkerColorantRole,
              prtMarkerColorantValue, prtMarkerColorantTonality }
    STATUS  current
        "The marker colorant group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 12 }

prtMediaPathGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtMediaPathDefaultIndex, prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit,
              prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit, prtMediaPathMaxSpeed,
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 96
              prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir, prtMediaPathType,
              prtMediaPathDescription, prtMediaPathStatus}
    STATUS  current
        "The media path group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 13 }

prtChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtChannelType, prtChannelProtocolVersion,
              prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex, prtChannelState,
              prtChannelIfIndex, prtChannelStatus }
    STATUS  current
        "The channel group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 14 }

prtInterpreterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtInterpreterLangFamily, prtInterpreterLangLevel,
              prtInterpreterLangVersion, prtInterpreterDescription,
              prtInterpreterVersion, prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation,
              prtInterpreterDefaultCharSetOut, prtInterpreterTwoWay }
    STATUS  current
        "The interpreter group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 15 }

prtConsoleGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtConsoleLocalization, prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayLines,
              prtConsoleNumberOfDisplayChars, prtConsoleDisable,
              prtConsoleDisplayBufferText, prtConsoleOnTime,
              prtConsoleOffTime, prtConsoleColor,
              prtConsoleDescription }
    STATUS  current
        "The console group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 16 }

prtAlertTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtAlertSeverityLevel, prtAlertTrainingLevel,
              prtAlertGroup, prtAlertGroupIndex, prtAlertLocation,
              prtAlertCode, prtAlertDescription }
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 97
    STATUS  current
        "The alert table group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 17 }

prtAlertTimeGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    OBJECTS { prtAlertTime }
    STATUS  current
        "The alert time group."
    ::= { prtMIBGroups 18 }

ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 98
Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

   Addressability -- on the marker, the number of distinctly setable
   marking units (pels) per unit of addressability unit; for example,
   300 dots per inch is expressed as 300 per 1000 Thousandths Of Inches
   and 4 dots per millimeter is 4 per 1000 Micrometers. Addressability
   is not resolution because marks that are one addressability position
   apart may not be independently resolvable by the eye due to factors
   such as gain in the area of marks so they overlap or nearly touch.

   Alert -- a reportable event for which there is an entry in the alert

   Bin -- an output sub-unit which may or may not be removable

   Bursting -- the process by which continuous media is separated into
   individual sheets, typically by bursting along pre-formed

   Channel -- A term used to describe a single source of data which is
   presented to a printer.  The model that we use in describing a
   printer allows for an arbitrary number of channels.  Multiple
   channels can exist on the same physical port.  This is commonly done
   over EtherNet ports where EtherTalk, TCP/IP, and SPX/IPX protocols
   can be supplying different data streams simultaneously to a single
   printer on the same physical port.

   Collation -- in multiple copy output, placing the pages from separate
   copies into separte output bins

   Control Language - a data syntax or language for controlling the
   printer through the print data channel.

   Critical Alert -- an alert triggered by an event which leads to a
   state in which printing is no longer possible; the printer is stopped

   Decollating -- the process by which the individual parts within a
   multi-part form are separated and sorted into separate stacks for
   each part.

   Description -- information about the configuration and capabilities
   of the printer and its various sub-units

   DPA - ISO 10175 Document Printing Application standard.  A standard
   for a client server protocol for a print system, including (1)
   submitting print jobs to and (2) managing print jobs in a spooler

   Event - a state change in the printer
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 99
   Group -- a collection of objects that represent a type of sub-unit of
   the printer

   IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.  See STD 2, RFC 1700.

   Idempotent -- Idempotence is the property of an operation that
   results in the same state no matter how many times it is executed (at
   least once).  This is a property that is shared by true databases in
   which operations on data items only change the state of the data item
   and do not have other side effects.  Because the SNMP data model is
   that of operations on a database, SNMP MIB objects should be assumed
   to be idempotent.  If a MIB object is defined in a non-idempotent
   way, the this data model can break in subtle ways when faced with
   packet loss, multiple managers, and other common conditions.

   In order to fulfill the common need for actions to result from SNMP
   Set operations, SNMP MIB objects can be modeled such that the change
   in state from one state to another has the side effect of causing an
   action.  It is important to note that with this model, an SNMP
   operation that sets a value equal to its current value will cause no
   action.  This retains the idempotence of a single command, while
   allowing actions to be initiated by SNMP SET requests.

   For example, a switch like the foot switch that changes from high
   beams to low beams is not idempotent. If the command is received
   multiple times the result may be different than if the command was
   received a single time.  In the SNMP world preferred commands would
   be "set lights to high beam" and "set lights to low beam".  These
   commands yield predictable results when executed perhaps multiple
   times.  A command like "press foot toggle switch", is not idempotent
   because when executed an unknown number of times, it yields an
   indeterminate result.

   Input -- a tray or bin from which instances of the media are obtained
   and fed into the Media Path

   Interpreter - the embodiment of an algorithm that processes a data
   stream consisting of a Page Description Language (PDL) and/or a
   Control Language.

   Localization -- the specification of human language, country, and
   character set needed to present information to people in their native

   Management Application (a.k.a. Manager) -- a program which queries
   and controls one or more managed nodes
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 100
   Management Station -- a physical computer on which one or more
   management applications can run

   Media Path -- the mechanisms that transport instances of the media
   from an input, through the marker, possibly through media buffers and
   duplexing pathways, out to the output with optional finishing
   applied.  The inputs and outputs are not part of the Media Path.

   MIB - Management Information Base - the specification for a set of
   management objects to be managed using SNMP or other management
   protocol; also an instance of the data for such a set

   Non-critical Alert -- an alert triggered by a reportable event which
   does not lead to a state in which printing is no longer possible;
   such an alert may lead to a state from which printing may no longer
   be possible in the future, such as the low toner state or the alert
   may be pure informational, such as a configuration change at the

   Object - a data item that has a name, a syntax, and a value.  usage).

   Output -- a bin or stacker which accepts instances of media that have
   been processed by a printer

   Page Description Language (PDL) - a data syntax or language for the
   electronic representation of a document as a sequence of page images.

   Printer -- a physical device that takes media from an input source,
   produces marks on that media according to some page description or
   page control language and puts the result in some output destination,
   possibly with finishing applied.

   Printing -- the entire process of producing a printed document from
   gen- eration of the file to be printed, choosing printing properties,
   selection of a printer, routing, queuing, resource management,
   scheduling, and finally printing including notifying the user

   Reportable event -- an event that is deemed of interest to a
   management station watching the printer

   Status -- information regarding the current operating state of the
   printer and its various sub-units. This is an abstraction of the
   exact physical condition of the printer.

   Sub-mechanism -- a distinguishable part of a sub-unit

   Sub-unit -- a part of the printer which may be a physical part, such
   as one of the input sources or a logical part such as an interpreter.
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 101
   Tray -- an input sub-unit which is typically removable

   Visible state -- that portion of the state of the printer that can be
   examined by a management application

Appendix B - Media Size Names from ISO/IEC 10175 Document Printing

   For the convenience of management application developers, this
   appendix lists the standardized media size names from ISO/IEC 10175
   Document Printing Application (DPA). Management applications that
   present a dialogue for choosing or displaying media size are
   encouraged to present relevant names from this list to avoid
   requiring the user to remember the physical dimensions used to
   describe the size of the media. A printer implementing the Printer
   MIB has no knowledge of these names, however; all media sizes in the
   MIB are given in terms of media dimensions as the values of
   prtInputChosenMediaDimFeedDir and prtInputChosen-MediaDimXFeedDir.

String name               Description
na-letter or letter     North American letter
                          size: 8.5 by 11 inches
na-legal or legal       North American legal
                          size:  8.5 by 14 inches
na-10x13-envelope       North American 10x13 envelope
                           size:  10 by 13 inches
na-9x12-envelope        North American 9x12 envelope
                           size:  9 by 12 inches
na-number-10-envelope   North American number 10 business envelope
                           size:  4.125 by 9.5 inches
na-7x9-envelope         North American 7x9
                           size:  7 by 9 inches
na-9x11-envelope        North American 9x11
                           size: 9 by 11 inches
na-10x14-envelope       North American 10x14 envelope
                           size: 10 by 14 inches
na-number-9-envelope    North American number 9 business envelope
na-6x9-envelope         North American 6x9 envelope
                           size:  6 by 9 inches
na-10x15-envelope       North American 10x15 envelope
                           size: 10 by 15 inches
a                       engineering A size 8.5 inches by 11 inches
b                       engineering B size 11 inches by 17 inches
c                       engineering C size 17 inches by 22 inches
d                       engineering D size 22 inches by 34 inches
e                       engineering E size 34 inches by 44 inches
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 102
iso-a0                  ISO A0  size:  841 mm by 1189 mm
iso-a1                  ISO A1  size:  594 mm by  841 mm
iso-a2                  ISO A2  size:  420 mm by  594 mm
iso-a3                  ISO A3  size:  297 mm by  420 mm
iso-a4                  ISO A4  size:  210 mm by  297 mm
iso-a5                  ISO A5  size:  148 mm by  210 mm
iso-a6                  ISO A6  size:  105 mm by  148 mm
iso-a7                  ISO A7  size:   74 mm by  105 mm
iso-a8                  ISO A8  size:   52 mm by   74 mm
iso-a9                  ISO A9  size:   37 mm by   52 mm
iso-a10                 ISO A10 size:   26 mm by   37 mm
iso-b0                  ISO B0  size: 1000 mm by 1414 mm
iso-b1                  ISO B1  size:  707 mm by 1000 mm
iso-b2                  ISO B2  size:  500 mm by  707 mm
iso-b3                  ISO B3  size:  353 mm by  500 mm
iso-b4                  ISO B4  size:  250 mm by  353 mm
iso-b5                  ISO B5  size:  176 mm by  250 mm
iso-b6                  ISO B6  size:  125 mm by  176 mm
iso-b7                  ISO B7  size:   88 mm by  125 mm
iso-b8                  ISO B8  size:   62 mm by   88 mm
iso-b9                  ISO B9  size:   44 mm by   62 mm
iso-b10                 ISO B10 size:   31 mm by   44 mm
iso-c0                  ISO C0 size:   917 mm by 1297 mm
iso-c1                  ISO C1 size:   648 mm by  917 mm
iso-c2                  ISO C2 size:   458 mm by  648 mm
iso-c3                  ISO C3 size:   324 mm by  458 mm
iso-c4                  ISO C4 size:   229 mm by  324 mm
iso-c5                  ISO C5 size:   162 mm by  229 mm
iso-c6                  ISO C6 size:   114 mm by  162 mm
iso-c7                  ISO C7 size:    81 mm by  114 mm
iso-c8                  ISO C8 size:    57 mm by   81 mm
iso-designated          ISO Designated Long
                            size:  110 mm by 220 mm
jis-b0                  JIS B0  size  1030 mm by 1456 mm
jis-b1                  JIS B1  size   728 mm by 1030 mm
jis-b2                  JIS B2  size   515 mm by  728 mm
jis-b3                  JIS B3  size   364 mm by  515 mm
jis-b4                  JIS B4  size   257 mm by  364 mm
jis-b5                  JIS B5  size   182 mm by  257 mm
jis-b6                  JIS B6  size   128 mm by  182 mm
jis-b7                  JIS B7  size    91 mm by  128 mm
jis-b8                  JIS B8  size    64 mm by   91 mm
jis-b9                  JIS B9  size    45 mm by   64 mm
jis-b10                 JIS B10 size    32 mm by   45 mm
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 103
Appendix C - Media Names

   For the convenience of management application developers, this
   appendix lists the standardized media names from ISO/IEC 10175
   Document Printing Application (DPA). Management applications that
   present a dialogue for choosing media may wish to use these names as
   an alternative to separately specifying, size, color, and/or type.
   Using standard media names will mean that a single management
   application dealing with printers from different vendors and under
   different system mangers will tend to use the same names for the same
   media. If selection of media by name is used, the attributes (size,
   type or color) implied by the name must be explicitly mapped to the
   appropriate object (prtInputDeclared-MediaDimFeedDir,
   prtInputDeclaredMediaDimXFeedDir, prtInputMediaType and
   prtInputMediaColor) in the MIB. The object prtInputMediaName is
   intended for display to an operator and is purely descriptive. The
   value in prtInputMediaName is not interpreted by the printer so using
   a standard name for this value will not change any of the other media
   attributes nor will it cause an alert if the media in the input sub-
   unit does not match the name.

  Simple Name                 Descriptor Text

  iso-a4-white        Specifies the ISO A4 white medium with
                        size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a4-coloured     Specifies the ISO A4 coloured medium with
                        size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a4-transparent  Specifies the ISO A4 transparent medium with
                        size: 210 mm by 297 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a3-white        Specifies the ISO A3 white medium with
                        size: 297 mm by 420 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a3-coloured     Specifies the ISO A3 coloured medium with
                        size: 297 mm by 420 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a5-white        Specifies the ISO A5 white medium with
                        size: 148 mm by 210 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a5-coloured     Specifies the ISO A5 coloured medium with
                        size: 148 mm by 210 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b4-white        Specifies the ISO B4 white medium with
                        size: 250 mm by 353 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b4-coloured     Specifies the ISO B4 coloured medium with
                        size: 250 mm by 353 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b5-white        Specifies the ISO B5 white medium with
                        size: 176 mm by 250 mm as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b5-coloured     Specifies the ISO B5 coloured medium with
                        size: 176 mm by 250 mm as defined in ISO 216
  jis-b4-white        Specifies the JIS B4 white medium with
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 104
                        size: 257 mm by 364 mm as defined in JIS P0138
  jis-b4-coloured     Specifies the JIS B4 coloured medium with
                        size: 257 mm by 364 mm as defined in JIS P0138
  jis-b5-white        Specifies the JIS B5 white medium with
                        size: 182 mm by 257 mm as defined in JIS P0138
  jis-b5-coloured     Specifies the JIS B5 coloured medium with
                        size: 182 mm by 257 mm as defined in JIS P0138

  The following standard values are defined for North American media:

  na-letter-white    Specifies the North American letter white
                        medium with size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
  na-letter-coloured Specifies the North American letter coloured
                        medium with size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
                     Specifies the North American letter transparent
                        medium with size: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
  na-legal-white     Specifies the North American legal white
                        medium with size: 8.5 inches by 14 inches
  na-legal-coloured  Specifies the North American legal coloured
                        medium with size: 8.5 inches by 14 inches

  The following standard values are defined for envelopes:

  iso-b5-envelope    Specifies the ISO B5 envelope medium
                        with size: 176 mm by 250 mm
                        as defined in ISO 216 and ISO 269
  iso-b4-envelope    Specifies the ISO B4 envelope medium
                        with size: 250 mm by 353 mm
                        as defined in ISO 216
  iso-c4-envelope    Specifies the ISO C4 envelope medium
                        with size: 229 mm by 324 mm
                        as defined in ISO 216 and ISO 269
  iso-c5-envelope    Specifies the ISO C5 envelope medium
                        with size: 162 mm by 229 mm
                        as defined in ISO 269
                     Specifies the ISO Designated Long envelope medium
                        with size: 110 mm by 220 mm
                        as defined in ISO 269

  na-10x13-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x13 envelope medium
                        with size: 10 inches by 13 inches
  na-9x12-envelope   Specifies the North American 9x12 envelope medium
                        with size: 9 inches by 12 inches
                     Specifies the North American number 10 business
                     envelope medium
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 105
                        with size: 4.125 inches by 9.5 inches
  na-7x9-envelope    Specifies the North American 7x9 inch envelope

  na-9x11-envelope   Specifies the North American 9x11 inch envelope

  na-10x14-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x14 inch envelope

                     Specifies the North American number 9 business
  na-6x9-envelope    Specifies the North American 6x9 inch envelope

  na-10x15-envelope  Specifies the North American 10x15 inch envelope

  The following standard values are defined for the less commonly used
  media (white-only):

  iso-a0-white  Specifies the ISO A0 white medium
                  with size:  841 mm by 1189 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a1-white  Specifies the ISO A1 white medium
                  with size:  594 mm by 841 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a2-white  Specifies the ISO A2 white medium
                  with size:  420 mm by 594 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a6-white  Specifies the ISO A6 white medium
                  with size:  105 mm by 148 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a7-white  Specifies the ISO A7 white medium
                  with size:  74 mm by 105 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a8-white  Specifies the ISO A8 white medium
                  with size:  52 mm by 74 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-a9-white  Specifies the ISO A9 white medium
                  with size:  39 mm by 52 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-10-white  Specifies the ISO A10 white medium
                  with size:  26 mm by 37 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b0-white  Specifies the ISO B0 white medium
                  with size: 1000 mm by 1414 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b1-white  Specifies the ISO B1 white medium
                  with size:  707 mm by 1000 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
ToP   noToC   RFC1759 - Page 106
  iso-b2-white  Specifies the ISO B2 white medium
                  with size:  500 mm by 707 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b3-white  Specifies the ISO B3 white medium
                  with size:  353 mm by 500 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b6-white  Specifies the ISO B6 white medium
                  with size:  125 mm by 176 mm i
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b7-white  Specifies the ISO B7 white medium
                  with size:  88 mm by 125 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b8-white  Specifies the ISO B8 white medium
                  with size:  62 mm by 88 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b9-white  Specifies the ISO B9 white medium
                  with size:  44 mm by 62 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216
  iso-b10-white Specifies the ISO B10 white medium
                  with size:  31 mm by 44 mm
                  as defined in ISO 216

  jis-b0-white  Specifies the JIS B0 white medium with size:
                  1030 mm by 1456 mm
  jis-b1-white  Specifies the JIS B1 white medium with size:
                  728 mm by 1030 mm
  jis-b2-white  Specifies the JIS B2 white medium with size:
                  515 mm by 728 mm
  jis-b3-white  Specifies the JIS B3 white medium with size:
                  364 mm by 515 mm
  jis-b6-white  Specifies the JIS B6 white medium with size:
                  257 mm by 364 mm
  jis-b7-white  Specifies the JIS B7 white medium with size:
                  182 mm by 257 mm
  jis-b8-white  Specifies the JIS B8 white medium with size:
                  128 mm by 182 mm
  jis-b9-white  Specifies the JIS B9 white medium with size:
                  91 mm by 128 mm
  jis-b10-white Specifies the JIS B10 white medium with size:
                  64 mm by 91 mm

  The following standard values are defined for engineering media:
       a        Specifies the engineering A size medium with size:
                  8.5 inches by 11 inches
       b        Specifies the engineering B size medium with size:
                  11 inches by 17 inches
       c        Specifies the engineering C size medium with size:
                  17 inches by 22 inches
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       d        Specifies the engineering D size medium with size:
                  22 inches by 34 inches
       e        Specifies the engineering E size medium with size:
                  34 inches by 44 inches

Appendix D - Roles of Users


   The need for Role Models stemmed in large part from the need to
   understand the importance any given managed object under
   consideration for inclusion in the specification.  Many times the
   presence or nature of a particular proposed object would be debated
   within the group; the debate would typically end when one or more
   persons would describe the potential usage for the object, usually in
   terms of a "live" person operating in some target environment.

   Steve Zilles (Adobe) first mentioned that he had considered this
   general problem and had come up with a short list of categories by
   which the group can evaluate the relative utility of a proposed
   object.  The list Steve described was:

    - User

    - Trained Operator

    - Service

   Upon further examination of the overall problem I found it useful to
   expand the list of categories, as well as attempt to define a basic
   set of "requirements areas" that can help define the basic nature of
   each category.

   Every concept needs a name, and this concept is no different.  For
   lack of better alternatives, I refer to these categories as "Role
   Models" in this document.  This name was chosen in light of the fact
   that many times we try to find a "person" (or similar entity) for
   which the use of a proposed object is targeted.  (I resisted the
   temptation to use the term "Usage Models," as I felt the term was too
   generic in nature.)

   In presenting the initial list of Role Models, the initial set of
   "requirements areas" are presented, followed by the set of Role Model
   definitions.  Finally, a simple matrix is presented in which Role
   Models and requirements areas are cross-compared.

   It should be emphasized at this point that all of this is proposed as
   initial information for further discussion.  No doubt major changes
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   will be proposed by members of the group as time goes on.

Proposed Print System Requirements Areas

   Surrounding printers and printing systems, the following list of
   "requirement areas" is proposed as a "check list" of needs for the
   various Role Models:

  Printer job state - Determine the status of a job without a printer.
  Printer capabilities - Determine the current capabilities of a
     printer, for example, the available media sizes, two-sided
     printing, a particular type of interpreter, etc.
  Printer job submission - Submit a print job to a printer.
  Printer job removal - Remove a job from a printer.
  Notification of events - Receive notification of the existence of a
     defined printer event.  An event can be of many types, including
     warnings, errors, job stage completion (e.g., "job done"), etc.
  Printer configuration - Query the current configuration of a
  Printer consumables - Determine the current state of any and all
     consumables within a printer.
  Print job identification - Determine the identification of a job
     within a printer.
  Internal printer status - Determine the current status of the
  Printer identification - Determine the identify of a printer.
  Printer location - Determine the physical location of a printer.
  Local system configuration - Determine various aspects of the
     current configuration of the local system involved with the
     operation of a printer.

   These "requirements" cover a large spectrum of requirements
   surrounding the operation of a printer in a network environment.
   This list is by no means complete, but serves as a starting point for
   assessing major requirements of the various Role Models described

Proposed Role Models

   Following is a proposed list of "Role Models" to be used in
   evaluating the requirements for any given object defined within the
   Printer MIB.  Note that the keyword enclosed in parentheses
   represents an abbreviation for the particular Role Model in the
   matrix described later in this document.

  User  (USER) - A person or application that submits print jobs to
     the printer; typically viewed as the "end user" within the overall
     printing environment.
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  Operator  (OP) - A person responsible for maintaining a printer on a
     day-to-day basis, including such tasks as filling empty media
     trays, emptying full output trays, replacing toner cartridges,
  Technician  (TECH) - A person responsible for repairing a
     malfunctioning printer, performing routine preventive maintenance,
     and other tasks that typically require advanced training on the
     printer internals.  An example of a "technician" would be a
     manufacturer's Field Service representative, or other person
     formally trained by the manufacturer or similar representative.
  System Manager  (MGR) - A person responsible for configuration and
     troubleshooting of components involved in the overall printing
     environment, including printers, print queues and network
     connectivity issues.  This person is typically responsible for
     ensuring the overall operational integrity of the print system
     components, and is typically viewed as the central point of
     coordination among all other Role Models.
  Help Desk  (HELP) - A person responsible for supporting Users in
     their printing needs, including training Users and troubleshooting
     Users' printing problems.
  Asset Manager  (AM) - A person responsible for managing an
     organizations printing system assets (primarily printers).  Such a
     person needs to be able to identify and track the location of
     printing assets on an ongoing basis.
  Capacity Planner  (CP) - A person responsible for tracking the usage
     of printing resources on an ongoing basis.  An optional related
     activity might be to acquire printing resource utilization
     information for the purposes of charging Users for resources used.
  Installer  (INST) - A person or application responsible for
     installing or configuring printing system components on a local

   The purpose of these Role Models is to evaluate the relative merit of
   any given managed object.  Whenever a managed object is proposed for
   inclusion into the specification, discussion on its expected value
   should be geared around which Role Models benefit from its presence
   and operation.

Matrix of Requirement Areas and Role Models

   To better understand the relationship between the set of defined
   "Requirements Areas" and the various "Role Models," the following
   matrix is offered.

   It is important to recognize that many of the requirements areas will
   appear to be applicable to many of the Role Models.  However, when
   considering the actual context of a requirement area, it is very
   important to realize that often the actual context of a requirement
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   is such the Role Model can change.

   For example, it is obvious that a "System Manager" must be able to
   submit print jobs to a printer; however, when submitting a print job
   a person identified as a "System Manager" is actually operating in
   the context of a "User" in this case; hence, the requirement to
   submit a print job is not listed as a requirement for a System

   Conversely, while a "User" must be able to remove a job previously
   submitted to a printer, an "Operator" is often expected to be able to
   remove any print job from any printer; hence, print job removal is a
   (subtly different) requirement for both "User" and an "Operator" Role

   That being said, I'm sure you'll find some inconsistencies in the
   following matrix, depending on your particular interpretations of the
   various requirements areas.

                       Role Models
   Requirement Area         USER  OP  TECH  MGR  HELP AM  CP  INST
Print job status             xx   xx   xx    xx   xx
Printer capabilities         xx              xx   xx
Print job submission         xx
Print job removal            xx   xx
Notification of events            xx   xx
Printer configuration                        xx                xx
Printer consumables               xx                      xx
Print job identification          xx         xx   xx      xx
Internal printer status           xx   xx    xx
Printer identification            xx         xx   xx  xx  xx   xx
Printer location                                          xx
Local system configuration                   xx                xx
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Appendix E - Participants

   The following people attended at least one meeting of the Printer
   Working Group meeting; many attended most meetings.

              Azmy Abouased - Compaq
              Avi Basu - HP
              Kerry Bott - Intel
              Michael Bringmann - QMS
              Ted Brunner - Tektronix
              Jeff Case - SNMP Inc.
              Rong Chang - IBM
              Andy Davidson - Tektronix
              Jack Demcak - Jadtech
              Andria Demetroulakos - Digital Products
              Mike Evans - ESI
              Richard Everman -
              Neal Fischer - Fujitsu
              Joseph Flick - HP
              Rod Gerhart - Ricoh
              Christine Gressley - University of Illinois
              Joel Gyllenskog - HP
              Tom Hastings - Xerox Corporation
              Tim Hathaway - Pacific Data
              Mark Held - CMU
              Bob Herriot - SUN
              Jeff Johnson - Cisco
              Jeff Johnson - Microsoft
              Theodore Kearley - QMS
              Barry Kelman - Microsoft
              Charles Kimber - Dataproducts
              Andrew Knutsen - SCO
              Peter Leunig - Leunig GmbH
              Harry Lewis - IBM Pennant Systems
              Bill Lott - QMS
              Mike MacKay - Xerox
              Jay Martin - Underscore
              Mike Mayes - Brother
              Kevin McBride - Underscore
              Stan McConnell - XEROX
              Gaylord Miyata - Underscore
              Michael Moore - Ricoh
              Rudy Nedved - CMU Computer Science Dept.
              Pete Neergaard - CMU
              Bill Norton -
              Ron Norton - Printronix
              Roman Orzol - Okidata
              Alan Perelman - Emulex
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              Noga Prat - Intel
              Dave Roach - Unisys
              Marshall Rose - Dover Beach Consulting
              John Saperia - BGS Systems Inc.
              Mike Scanlon - FTP Software
              Avi Schlank - Canon
              Ron Smith - TI
              Larry Stein - Farpoint
              Koji Tashiro - NEC Technologies
              Jody Terrill - Extended Systems
              Chris Thomas - Intel Products
              Mike Timperman - Lexmark
              Randy Turner - QMS
              Bill Wagner - Digital Products
              Steve Waldbusser - CMU
              Tim Wells - Microsoft
              Craig Whittle - Compaq
              Don Wright - Lexmark
              Lloyd Young - Lexmark International Inc.
              Steve Zilles - Adobe
              Jim Zuber - Genoa
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Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

   Ronald L. Smith
   Texas Instruments

   Phone: (817) 774-6151

   F.D. Wright
   Lexmark International

   Phone: (606) 232-4808

   Thomas N. Hastings
   Xerox Corporation

   Phone:  (310) 333-6413

   Stephen N. Zilles
   Adobe Systems, Inc.

   Phone: (415) 962-4766

   Joel Gyllenskog
   Hewlett-Packard Company

   Phone: (208) 396-4515