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RFC 1742

AppleTalk Management Information Base II

Pages: 84
Obsoletes:  1243
Part 2 of 4 – Pages 11 to 38
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Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 11   prevText
5.  Definitions


              Counter, IpAddress, TimeTicks
                  FROM RFC1155-SMI
              DisplayString, mib-2
                  FROM RFC1213-MIB
                  FROM RFC-1212;

          --  This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as
          --  defined in RFC-1212.

          --  The following reference is used in this MIB:
          --  [Inside AppleTalk]
          --  This refers to Gursharan S. Sidhu, Richard F. Andrews, and
          --  Alan B. Oppenheimer, Inside AppleTalk, Second Edition,
          --  Addison Wesley, (1990).

          --  AppleTalk MIB

              appletalk    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 13 }

                  ATNetworkNumber ::=         -- 2 octets of net number
                                              -- in network byte order
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))

                  DdpNodeAddress ::=          -- 2 octets of net number
                                              -- in network byte order,
                                              -- 1 octet of node number
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (3))

                  DdpSocketAddress ::=        -- 2 octets of net number
                                              -- in network byte order,
                                              -- 1 octet of node number,
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 12
                                              -- 1 octet of socket number
                                              -- (0..255)
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (4))

                  ATName ::=              -- 0 to 32 octets of AppleTalk
                                              -- ASCII [Inside AppleTalk]
                          OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32))

              llap         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 1 }
              aarp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 2 }
              atport       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 3 }
              ddp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 4 }
              rtmp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 5 }
              kip          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 6 }
              zipRouter    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 7 }
              nbp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 8 }
              atecho       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 9 }
              atp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 10 }
              pap          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 11 }
              asp          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 12 }
              adsp         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 13 }
              atportptop   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 14 }
              rtmpStub     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 16 }
              zipEndNode   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 17 }
              perPort  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { appletalk 18 }

          -- The LLAP Group
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- entities that implement LLAP
          -- Notes for the interfaces group
          -- When implementing the Interfaces Group of MIB-II, it is
          -- suggested that the following values be used for any
          -- LocalTalk interfaces:
          --  ifMtu: 600
          --  ifSpeed: 230000
          --  ifPhysAddress: the one octet node number for the
          --      particular interface
          -- Note also that LLAP control packets should not be
          -- included in the Interfaces Group packet or octet
          -- counters.
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 13
          llapTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LlapEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The list of LLAP entries."
              ::= { llap 1 }

          llapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX LlapEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An LLAP entry containing objects for the LocalTalk
                  Link Access Protocol for a particular LocalTalk

                  As an example, an instance of the llapOutPkts object
                  might be named llapOutPks.1"
              INDEX { llapIfIndex }
              ::= { llapTable 1 }

          LlapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              llapIfIndex             INTEGER,
              llapInPkts              Counter,
              llapOutPkts             Counter,
              llapInNoHandlers        Counter,
              llapInLengthErrors      Counter,
              llapInErrors            Counter,
              llapCollisions          Counter,
              llapDefers              Counter,
              llapNoDataErrors        Counter,
              llapRandomCTSErrors     Counter,
              llapFCSErrors           Counter

          llapIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The LLAP interface to which this entry pertains.
                  The interface identified by a particular value of
                  this index is the same interface as identified
                  by the same value of ifIndex."
              ::= { llapEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 14
          -- this object has been deprecated because it duplicates the
          -- sum of the MIB-II variables ifInUcastPkts and
          -- ifInNUcastPkts

          llapInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS deprecated
                  "The total number of good data packets received on
                  this LocalTalk interface."
              ::= { llapEntry 2 }

          -- this object has been deprecated because it duplicates the
          -- sum of the MIB-II variables ifOutUcastPkts and
          -- ifOutNUcastPkts

          llapOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS deprecated
                  "The total number of data packets transmitted on
                  this LocalTalk interface."
              ::= { llapEntry 3 }

          -- this object has been deprecated because it duplicates the
          -- MIB-II variable ifInUnknownProtos

          llapInNoHandlers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS deprecated
                  "The total number of good packets received on this
                  LocalTalk interface for which there was no protocol
              ::= { llapEntry 4 }

          llapInLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of packets received on this LocalTalk
                  interface whose actual length did not match the length
                  in the header."
              ::= { llapEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 15
          -- this object has been deprecated because it duplicates the
          -- MIB-II variable ifInErrors

          llapInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS deprecated
                  "The total number of packets containing errors received
                  on this LocalTalk interface."
              ::= { llapEntry 6 }

          llapCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of collisions assumed on this
                  LocalTalk interface due to the lack of a lapCTS reply."
              ::= { llapEntry 7 }

          llapDefers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of times this LocalTalk interface
                  deferred to other packets."
              ::= { llapEntry 8 }

          llapNoDataErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of times this LocalTalk interface
                  received a lapRTS packet and expected a data packet,
                  but did not receive any data packet."
              ::= { llapEntry 9 }

          llapRandomCTSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of times this LocalTalk interface
                  received a lapCTS packet that was not solicited by a
                  lapRTS packet."
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 16
              ::= { llapEntry 10 }

          llapFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of times this LocalTalk interface
                  received a packet with an FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
              ::= { llapEntry 11 }

          -- The AARP Group
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all entities
          -- that implement AARP

          aarpTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AarpEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The AppleTalk Address Translation Table contains an
                  equivalence of AppleTalk Network Addresses to the link
                  layer physical address."
              ::= { aarp 1 }

          aarpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX AarpEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "Each entry contains one AppleTalk Network Address to
                  physical address equivalence.

                  As an example, an instance of the aarpPhysAddress
                  object might be named aarpPhysAddress."
              INDEX { aarpIfIndex, aarpNetAddress }
              ::= { aarpTable 1 }

          AarpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              aarpIfIndex     INTEGER,
              aarpPhysAddress OCTET STRING,
              aarpNetAddress  DdpNodeAddress,
              aarpStatus      INTEGER
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 17
          aarpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The interface on which this entry's equivalence is
                  effective.  The interface identified by a particular
                  value of this index is the same interface as
                  identified by the same value of ifIndex."
              ::= { aarpEntry 1 }

          aarpPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The media-dependent physical address."
              ::= { aarpEntry 2 }

          aarpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpNodeAddress
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The AppleTalk Network Address corresponding to the
                  media-dependent physical address."
              ::= { aarpEntry 3 }

          aarpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of this AARP entry.
                  Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the
                  effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
                  aarpTable.  That is, it effectively disassociates
                  the mapping identified with said entry.  It is an
                  implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent
                  removes an invalidated entry from the table.
                  Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to
                  receive from agents tabular information corresponding
                  to entries not currently in use.  Proper
                  interpretation of such entries requires examination
                  of the relevant aarpStatus object."
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 18
              ::= { aarpEntry 4 }

          aarpLookups OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of times the AARP cache for this entity
                  was searched."
              ::= { aarp 2 }

          aarpHits OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of times an entry was searched for and
                  found in the AARP cache for this entity."
              ::= { aarp 3 }

          -- The ATPort Group
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all entities
          -- that implement AppleTalk ports
          -- Note that to be compliant with this group, all variables
          -- that have read-write access must be implemented as
          -- read-write.

          atportTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtportEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of AppleTalk ports for this entity."
              ::= { atport 1 }

          atportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX AtportEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The description of one of the AppleTalk
                  ports on this entity.

                  As an example, an instance of the atportNetFrom object
                  might be named atportNetFrom.2"
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 19
              INDEX { atportIndex }
              ::= { atportTable 1 }

          AtportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              atportIndex               INTEGER,
              atportDescr               DisplayString,
              atportType                INTEGER,
              atportNetStart            ATNetworkNumber,
              atportNetEnd              ATNetworkNumber,
              atportNetAddress          DdpNodeAddress,
              atportStatus              INTEGER,
              atportNetConfig           INTEGER,
              atportZoneConfig          INTEGER,
              atportZoneDefault         ATName,
              atportIfIndex             INTEGER,
              atportNetFrom             DdpNodeAddress,
              atportZoneFrom            DdpNodeAddress,
              atportInPkts              Counter,
              atportOutPkts             Counter,
              atportHome                INTEGER,
              atportCurrentZone         ATName,
              atportConflictPhysAddr    OCTET STRING

          atportIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A unique value for each AppleTalk port.
                  Its value is between 1 and the total number of
                  AppleTalk ports.  The value for each port must
                  remain constant at least from the re-initialization
                  of the entity's network management system to the
                  next re-initialization."
              ::= { atportEntry 1 }

          atportDescr OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DisplayString
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A text string containing information about the
                  port.  This string is intended for presentation
                  to a human; it must not contain anything but printable
                  ASCII characters."
              ::= { atportEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 20
          -- Several objects throughout the MIB key off of atportType to
          -- determine the format of OCTET STRING addresses of peers.
          -- The address formats are as follows:
          --     localtalk, ethertalk1, ethertalk2, tokentalk, iptalk,
          --       fdditalk, smdstalk, arctalk, and virtual take the
          --       format of DdpNodeAddress
          --     serialPPP: null OCTET STRING
          --     serialNonstandard: vendor specific
          --     aurp: see AURP MIB to determine format
          --     frameRelay: 32 bit DLCI in network byte order
          --       (OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)))
          --     x25: X121Address (see RFC 1382)
          --     ip: IP address (OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)))
          --     osi: NSAP (OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..20)))
          --     decnetIV: 6 bit area, 10 bit host in network byte order
          --       (OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)))
          --     arap: ???
          --     nonAppleTalk3Com: based on ifType
          --     ipx: 32 bit network number in network byte order
          --       followed by datalink address of host
          --     arns: 32 bit ARNS header
          --     hdlc: DdpNodeAddress or null OCTET STRING

          atportType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                   other(1),       -- none of the following
                   virtual(9),    -- an internal interface
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 21
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The type of port, distinguished by the protocol
                  immediately below DDP in the protocol stack."
              ::= { atportEntry 3 }

          atportNetStart OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The first AppleTalk network address in the range
                  configured for this port.  If this port is not a
                  native AppleTalk port, this object shall have the
                  value of two octets of zero."
              ::= { atportEntry 4 }

          atportNetEnd OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The last AppleTalk network address in the range
                  configured for this port.  If the network to which
                  this AppleTalk port is connected is a non-extended
                  network, or if it is not a native AppleTalk port,
                  the value for atportNetEnd shall be two octets of
              ::= { atportEntry 5 }

          atportNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpNodeAddress
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The AppleTalk network address configured for this
                  port.  In addition, this value may be used as a hint
                  for an initial node number used during node-finding.
                  If this port is not a native AppleTalk port, this
                  object shall have the value of three octets of zero."
              ::= { atportEntry 6 }

          atportStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                   routing(1), --this port is fully configured & routing
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 22
                   endNode(5), -- this port is acting as an end node
                   offDueToConflict(6), -- port is off due to
                                -- configuration conflict
                   other(7) -- none of the states defined above
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The configuration status of this port.

                  Setting this object to the value invalid(4) has the
                  effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
                  atportTable.  That is, it effectively disassociates the
                  mapping identified with said entry.  It is an
                  implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent
                  removes an invalidated entry from the table.
                  Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to
                  receive from agents tabular information corresponding
                  to entries not currently in use.  Proper
                  interpretation of such entries requires examination
                  of the relevant atportStatus object."
              ::= { atportEntry 7 }

          atportNetConfig OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  conflictOrientedSeed(1),  -- use configured network
                        -- range even if it conflicts with another
                        -- AppleTalk device
                  garnered(2), -- acquire from another AppleTalk device
                  guessed(3),  -- generate a "random" network range
                  unconfigured(4), -- no other value applies
                  conflictAverseSeed(5),  -- use configured network
                        -- range, but don't come up if it conflicts
                  softSeed(6)  -- attempt to use configured network
                        -- range, but use network range from another
                        -- router if our configuration conflicts
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of the network information for this port.
                  If this port is not a native AppleTalk port, this
                  object shall have the value unconfigured(4)."
              ::= { atportEntry 8 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 23
          atportZoneConfig OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                  conflictOrientedSeed(1), -- use configured zone
                       -- information even if it conflicts with
                       -- another AppleTalk device
                  garnered(2), -- acquire from another AppleTalk device
                  guessed(3),  -- generate "random" zone information
                  unconfigured(4), -- no other value applies
                  conflictAverseSeed(5),  -- use configured zone
                        -- information, but don't come up if it
                        -- conflicts
                  softSeed(6)  -- attempt to use configured zone
                        -- information, but use zone information
                        -- from another router if our configuration
                        -- conflicts
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of the zone information for this port.
                  If this port is not a native AppleTalk port, this
                  object shall have the value unconfigured(4)."
              ::= { atportEntry 9 }

          atportZoneDefault OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATName
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The name of the default zone for this port.  If
                  this port only has one zone, that zone is
                  represented here. If this port is not a native
                  AppleTalk port, this object shall contain an octet
                  string of zero length.

                  When this value is changed in a router, the router
                  must send a zipNotify packet on the associated
              ::= { atportEntry 10 }

          atportIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The physical interface associated with this
                  AppleTalk port.  The interface identified by a
                  particular value of this index is the same interface
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 24
                  as identified by the same value of ifIndex."
              ::= { atportEntry 11 }

          atportNetFrom OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpNodeAddress
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "When atportNetConfig is set to garnered(2), this
                  variable contains the DDP address of an entity from
                  which the AppleTalk network number was garnered.
                  When atportNetConfig is set to
                  conflictOrientedSeed(1), conflictAverseSeed(5),
                  or softSeed(6), this variable contains the DDP
                  address of an entity which confirmed or supplied our
                  AppleTalk network number, for example by replying to
                  a ZIP GetNetInfo request.

                  If atportNetConfig is set to guessed(3) or
                  unconfigured(4), or if the entity has not received
                  any network number confirmation, this variable
                  should be set to three octets of zero."
              ::= { atportEntry 12 }

          atportZoneFrom OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpNodeAddress
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "When atportZoneConfig is set to garnered(2), this
                  variable contains the DDP address of an entity from
                  which the AppleTalk zone list was garnered.

                  When atportZoneConfig is set to
                  conflictOrientedSeed(1), conflictAverseSeed(5), or
                  softSeed(6), this variable contains the DDP address
                  of an entity which confirmed or supplied our
                  AppleTalk zone information, for example by replying
                  to a ZIP GetNetInfo request or a ZIP Query.

                  If atportZoneConfig is set to guessed(3) or
                  unconfigured(4), or if the entity has not received
                  any zone confirmation, this variable should be set
                  to three octets of zero."
              ::= { atportEntry 13 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 25
          atportInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of packets received by this entity on
                  this port."
              ::= { atportEntry 14 }

          atportOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of packets transmitted by this entity on
                  this port."
              ::= { atportEntry 15 }

          atportHome OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An indication of whether or not the entity is
                  homed on this port, that is to say, a port on which
                  the entity could perform NBP registrations for
                  services that it chooses to advertise."
              ::= { atportEntry 16 }

          atportCurrentZone OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATName
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The current zone for the port.  In general, this is
                  the zone name in which services on this port will
                  be registered.  If this port is not a native
                  AppleTalk port, this object shall contain an octet
                  string of zero length.  Note that modifications to
                  this object do not affect the nbpTable."
              ::= { atportEntry 17 }

          atportConflictPhysAddr OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 26
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The link-layer address of a device which caused
                  this entity to set atportStatus to
                  offDueToConflict(6). If this address is not
                  available, or if the entity has not set atportStatus
                  to offDueToConflict, this object shall be a zero
                  length OCTET STRING."
              ::= { atportEntry 18 }

          -- The atportZoneTable stores information about the zones
          -- associated with each port.  The default zone for each
          -- port is stored in the port's atportZoneDefault variable;
          -- all other zones for the port are listed in this table.
          -- If a port only has one zone, it should be stored in the
          -- port's atportZoneDefault variable, and this table should
          -- be empty.
          -- One of the indexes for this table is atportZoneName.
          -- Even though AppleTalk zone name matches are
          -- case-insensitive, this table will store zone names
          -- regardless of case.  SNMP Get, GetNext and Set operations
          -- are performed on these (potentially) mixed case strings
          -- according to the normal SNMP rules with the following
          -- caveat: in processing a SET request, the agent shall
          -- perform a case-insensitive search and a case-sensitive
          -- search.  If the case-insensitive search matches and the
          -- case-sensitive search does not match, the "equivalent"
          -- zone name exists in another entry with a different
          -- capitalization and the SET request shall fail due
          -- to the name being inconsistent (SNMPv1 should return a
          -- genErr.) This insures that only one version of a zone
          -- name will appear in each agent, at the expense of forcing
          -- a management station to query using that exact name.

          atportZoneTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtportZoneEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The table of zone information for non-default
                  zones on ports."
              ::= { atport 2 }

          atportZoneEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX AtportZoneEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 27
                  "An entry of zone information for a port.

                  As an example, an instance of the atportZoneStatus
                  object might be named
              INDEX { atportZonePort, atportZoneName }
              ::= { atportZoneTable 1 }

          AtportZoneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              atportZonePort     INTEGER,
              atportZoneName     ATName (SIZE (1..32)),
              atportZoneStatus   INTEGER

          atportZonePort OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An integer representing the port to which this zone
                  belongs. The port identified by a particular value
                  of this object is the same port as identified by the
                  same value of atportIndex."
              ::= { atportZoneEntry 1 }

          atportZoneName OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATName (SIZE (1..32))
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A zone name configured for the AppleTalk port
                  referred to in the corresponding entry of

                  When this value is changed in a router, the router
                  must send a zipNotify packet on the associated
              ::= { atportZoneEntry 2 }

          atportZoneStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 28
                  "The status of this zone entry.

                  Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the
                  effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in
                  the atportZoneTable.  That is, it effectively
                  disassociates the mapping identified with said
                  entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter as
                  to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
                  from the table. Accordingly, management stations
                  must be prepared to receive from agents tabular
                  information corresponding to entries not currently
                  in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
                  requires examination of the relevant
                  atportZoneStatus object."
              ::= { atportZoneEntry 3 }

          -- The DDP Group
          -- Implementation of this group is mandatory for all
          -- entities that implement DDP
          -- This group consists of DDP variables that would be
          -- implemented by either a router or an end node.  The
          -- following variables are included:
          --     ddpOutRequests
          --     ddpOutShorts
          --     ddpOutLongs
          --     ddpInReceives
          --     ddpInLocalDatagrams
          --     ddpNoProtocolHandlers
          --     ddpTooShortErrors
          --     ddpTooLongErrors
          --     ddpShortDDPErrors
          --     ddpChecksumErrors
          --     ddpListenerTable
          -- Note that the variables in this group are not numbered
          -- sequentially.  This was done so that it was not necessary
          -- to deprecate variables from RFC 1243.

          ddpOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of DDP datagrams which were
                  supplied to DDP by local DDP clients in requests for
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 29
                  transmission.  Note that this counter does not
                  include any datagrams counted in ddpForwRequests."
              ::= { ddp 1 }

          ddpOutShorts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of short DDP datagrams which were
                  transmitted from this entity."
              ::= { ddp 2 }

          ddpOutLongs OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of long DDP datagrams which were
                  transmitted from this entity."
              ::= { ddp 3 }

          ddpInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input datagrams received by
                  DDP, including those received in error."
              ::= { ddp 4 }

          ddpInLocalDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams for which
                  entity was their final DDP destination."
              ::= { ddp 6 }

          ddpNoProtocolHandlers OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of DDP datagrams addressed to this
                  entity that were addressed to an upper layer protocol
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 30
                  for which no protocol handler existed."
              ::= { ddp 7 }

          ddpTooShortErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                  because the received data length was less than the
                  data length specified in the DDP header or the
                  received data length was less than the length of the
                  expected DDP header."
              ::= { ddp 9 }

          ddpTooLongErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                  because they exceeded the maximum DDP datagram
              ::= { ddp 10 }

          ddpShortDDPErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                  because this entity was not their final destination
                  and their type was short DDP."
              ::= { ddp 12 }

          ddpChecksumErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams for which
                  this DDP entity was their final destination, and
                  which were dropped because of a checksum error."
              ::= { ddp 14 }

          ddpListenerTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdpListenerEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 31
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The ddpListenerTable stores information for each
                  DDP socket that has a listener."
              ::= { ddp 15 }

          ddpListenerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpListenerEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "This ddpListenerEntry contains information about a
                  particular socket that has a socket listener.

                  As an example, an instance of the ddpListenerStatus
                  object might be named ddpListenerStatus."
              INDEX { ddpListenerAddress }
              ::= { ddpListenerTable 1 }

          DdpListenerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              ddpListenerAddress         DdpSocketAddress,
              ddpListenerInPkts          Counter,
              ddpListenerStatus          INTEGER

          ddpListenerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpSocketAddress
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The DDP address that this socket listener is bound
                  to.  If this socket listener isn't bound to a
                  particular address, for instance if it is intended
                  for all interfaces, this object shall have the value
                  of three octets of zero followed by one octet of
                  socket number. The socket number must not equal
              ::= { ddpListenerEntry 1 }

          ddpListenerInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of packets received for this listener."
              ::= { ddpListenerEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 32
          ddpListenerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of this socket listener.
                  Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the
                  effect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the
                  ddpListenerTable.  That is, it effectively
                  disassociates the mapping identified with said
                  entry.  It is an implementation-specific matter as
                  to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry
                  from the table. Accordingly, management stations
                  must be prepared to receive from agents tabular
                  information corresponding to entries not currently
                  in use.  Proper interpretation of such entries
                  requires examination of the relevant
                  ddpListenerStatus object."
              ::= { ddpListenerEntry 3 }

          -- The DDP Router Group
          -- Implementation of this group is required for all routers
          -- which implement DDP
          -- This group consists of DDP variables that only a router
          -- would implement.  The following variables are included:
          --     ddpForwRequests
          --     ddpOutNoRoutes
          --     ddpBroadcastErrors
          --     ddpHopCountErrors
          --     ddpForwardingTable
          -- Note that the variables in this group are not numbered
          -- sequentially.  This was done so that variables from
          -- RFC 1243 did not need to be deprecated.

          ddpForwRequests OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of input datagrams for which this entity
                  was not their final DDP destination, as a result of
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 33
                  which an attempt was made to find a route to forward
                  them to that final destination."
              ::= { ddp 5 }

          ddpOutNoRoutes OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of DDP datagrams dropped because a
                  route could not be found to their final destination."
              ::= { ddp 8 }

          ddpBroadcastErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                  because this entity was not their final destination
                  and they were addressed to the link level broadcast."
              ::= { ddp 11 }

          ddpHopCountErrors OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped
                  because this entity was not their final destination
                  and their hop count would exceed 15."
              ::= { ddp 13 }

          -- The ddpForwardingTable is a read-only table which shows the
          -- next hop that a datagram will take when being routed to a
          -- specific network.  If a manager wishes to change data in
          -- this table via SNMP, he must change it in the MIB for the
          -- routing protocol itself (by incrementing hop counts,
          -- etc), rather than in this table.  This table is derived
          -- by the managed entity from the information it receives
          -- from the routing protocols that it supports.
          -- This table also shows the routing table from which the next
          -- hop was derived.  When a MIB is written for an AppleTalk
          -- routing protocol, it should include the definition of an
          -- object identifier which will be used in the
          -- ddpForwardingProto variable defined here.  (For example,
          -- a value for RTMP is defined as { ddp-forw-proto-oids 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 34
          -- below.)
          -- To look for a specific net N in this table, it is suggested
          -- that the management station perform a get-next query for
          -- ddpForwardingNetEnd.(N-1).  This will retrieve the correct
          -- row if it exists in the table.

          ddpForwardingTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdpForwardingEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A table of forwarding entries for DDP.  This table
                  contains a route for each AppleTalk network currently
                  known to the entity."
              ::= { ddp 16 }

          ddpForwardingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DdpForwardingEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A forwarding entry for a particular AppleTalk

                  As an example, an instance of the ddpForwardingPort
                  object might be named ddpForwardingPort.0.90"
              INDEX { ddpForwardingNetEnd }
              ::= { ddpForwardingTable 1 }

          DdpForwardingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              ddpForwardingNetEnd         ATNetworkNumber,
              ddpForwardingNetStart       ATNetworkNumber,
              ddpForwardingNextHop        OCTET STRING,
              ddpForwardingProto          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
              ddpForwardingModifiedTime   TimeTicks,
              ddpForwardingUseCounts      Counter,
              ddpForwardingPort           INTEGER

          ddpForwardingNetEnd OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The last network number in the network range
                  matched by this forwarding entry.  This will not be
                  zero even if this corresponds to a non-extended
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 35
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 1 }

          ddpForwardingNetStart OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The first network number in the network range
                  matched by this forwarding entry."
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 2 }

          ddpForwardingNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The next hop in the route to this entry's
                  destination network.  The format of this address can
                  be determined by examinating the atportType
                  corresponding to this entry."
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 3 }

          ddpForwardingProto OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The routing mechanism by which this route was
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 4 }

          ddpForwardingModifiedTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX TimeTicks
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last
                  modification to this entry.  The initial value of
                  ddpForwardingModified time shall be the value of
                  sysUpTime at the time the entry is created."
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 5 }

          ddpForwardingUseCounts OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 36
                  "The number of times this entry has been used to
                  route a packet to the destination network.  Note
                  that this counter is not cleared when the
                  corresponding ddpForwardingNextHop variable
             ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 6 }

          ddpForwardingPort OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The AppleTalk port through which
                  ddpForwardingNextHop is reached.  The interface
                  identified by a particular value of this variable is
                  the same interface as identified by the same value
                  of atportIndex."
              ::= { ddpForwardingEntry 7 }

          ddpForwProtoOids OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddp 17 }

          -- The value to be assigned to ddpForwardingProto when the
          -- routing protocol is RTMP.
          rtmpRoutingProto OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddpForwProtoOids 1 }

          -- The value to be assigned to ddpForwardingProto when the
          -- routing protocol is KIP.
          kipRoutingProto OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddpForwProtoOids 2 }

          ddpForwardingTableOverflows OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of times the entity attempted to add an
                  entry to the forwarding table but failed due to
              ::= { ddp 18 }

          -- The RTMP Group
          -- Implementation of this group is required for all routers
          -- which implement RTMP

          rtmpTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RtmpEntry
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 37
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
                  entries for this entity."
              ::= { rtmp 1 }

          rtmpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX RtmpEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The route entry to a particular network range.

                  As an example, an instance of the rtmpPort object
                  might be named rtmpPort.0.80"
              INDEX { rtmpRangeStart }
              ::= { rtmpTable 1 }

          RtmpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              rtmpRangeStart  ATNetworkNumber,
              rtmpRangeEnd    ATNetworkNumber,
              rtmpNextHop     OCTET STRING,
              rtmpType        INTEGER,
              rtmpPort        INTEGER,
              rtmpHops        INTEGER,
              rtmpState       INTEGER

          rtmpRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The first DDP network address in the network range
                  to which this routing entry pertains.  This is a two
                  octet DDP network address in network byte order."
              ::= { rtmpEntry 1 }

          rtmpRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX ATNetworkNumber
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The last DDP network address in the network range
                  to which this routing entry pertains.  This is a two
                  octet DDP network address in network byte order.  If
                  the network to which this routing entry pertains is
Top   ToC   RFC1742 - Page 38
                  a non-extended network, the value for rtmpRangeEnd
                  shall be two octets of zero."
              ::= { rtmpEntry 2 }

          rtmpNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The next internet router in the route to this
                  entry's destination network.  The format of this
                  address can be determined by examinating the
                  atportType corresponding to this entry."
              ::= { rtmpEntry 3 }

          rtmpType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The type of network over which this route points."
              ::= { rtmpEntry 4 }

          rtmpPort OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The AppleTalk port over which this route points.
                  The interface identified by a particular value of
                  this variable is the same interface as identified by
                  the same value of atportIndex."
              ::= { rtmpEntry 5 }

          rtmpHops OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of hops required to reach the
                  destination network to which this routing entry
              ::= { rtmpEntry 6 }

(next page on part 3)

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