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RFC 1689

A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval: Tools and Groups

Pages: 226
FYI 25
Part 6 of 7 – Pages 160 to 189
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ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 160   prevText

 Document Archive:

 Location details:     Gopher: 70


 Other Information:

  This Working Group formed jointly in the User Services and
  Applications Areas of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 161

 Date template updated or checked: 1st March, 1994
 By: Name:          Mike Schwartz
     Email address:


 NIR Group Name: Internet Research Task Force Research Group on Resource
                 Discovery and Directory Service (IRTF-RD)

 Sponsoring Organisation: Internet Society

 Working subgroups: None

 Description of main group:

  The IRTF-RD group is focused on problems of scale that will arise in
  resource discovery systems in the next 3-5 years.  We divide these
  scaling problems into three dimensions: volume of information, size of
  the user base, and information diversity.

  Our goal is to explore techniques for dealing with these problems
  through a set of interrelated prototypes demonstrating advances in
  each of these dimensions.  Briefly, our current approaches are:
     - deal with information diversity through a coordinated set
       of techniques to gather, transform, and manage entropy of data
     - deal with user scale through large scale replication
     - deal with information volume using a combination of
       views, space efficient indexing, and customization w.r.t.
       vocabulary, search methods, and personal user history
  We expect these approaches to evolve significantly over time.

  Membership of this group is closed.  We will consider new members,
  with two constraints.  First, the group must be kept small and focused
  to make substantive progress - at most 4 or 5 members seems
  appropriate at this time.  Second, prospective members must be active
  resource discovery researchers, who will bring clear strengths to the
  group.  Prospective members should send a vitae and a one page
  position paper describing what they propose to do to advance the
  group's efforts, addressed to the group chair.

  The group currently consists of:
     Mic Bowman (Transarc, Inc.)
     Peter Danzig (University of Southern California)
     Udi Manber (University of Arizona)
     Mike Schwartz (University of Colorado - Boulder; chair)
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 162

 Primary Contact(s):

  Name:                 Mike Schwartz

  Email address:

  Postal Address:       Department of Computer Science
                        University of Colorado
                        Boulder, CO  80309-0430

  Telephone:            +1-303-492-3902

  Fax:                  Declined.


 Mailing Lists:

  The IRTF-RD group has no formal mailing list or archive.


 News groups:

  The IRTF-RD group has no news groups.


 Document Archive:

  The IRTF-RD group has no document archive, although our paper(s) and
  prototype(s) are available from the members' FTP archives (see below).


 Official Publications:

  Occasional updates in the Internet Monthly Report.



    C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig and Michael F. Schwartz.
    Research Problems for Scalable Internet Resource Discovery.
    Technical Report CU-CS-643-93, Department of Computer Science,
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 163
    University of Colorado, Boulder, March 1993.  To appear,
    Proceedings of INET '93.  Available by anonymous FTP from in the file
    (compressed PostScript) or in the file
    (compressed ASCII).

    C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Udi Manber and Michael F.
    Schwartz.  Scalable Internet Resource Discovery: Research
    Problems and Approaches.  Technical Report CU- CS-679-93,

    Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder,
    October 1993.  To appear, Communications of the ACM, 1994.  A
    pre-publication version of this paper is available by anonymous
    FTP and e-mail from in the file
    (compressed PostScript) or in the file
    (compressed ASCII).

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 164
 Z39.50 Implementors Group

  Date template updated or checked:  28 February 1994
  By: Name:          Mark Needleman
      Email address:


 NIR Group name: Z39.50 Implementors Group

 Description of main group:

   The Z39.50 Implementors group (ZIG) is a volunteer organization
   consisting of representatives of most of the organizations in the
   United States and Canada that are actively engaged in implementing
   the Z39.50 protocol.  This includes the United States Library of
   Congress, The National Library of Canada, the major bibliographic
   utilities, many library automation vendors, and other information
   service providers.  The group is a volunteer effort whose meetings
   are open at no charge to all.  The group meets about 3 times a year
   and conducts its activities extensively on its mailing list which is
   also open to any interested party.

   The group was originally formed to deal with interoperability issues
   among the Z39.50 implementations that were beginning to emerge in
   1989 and 1990 but the group has since expanded its role and has now
   become the primary forum in which new features and versions of the
   Z39.50 are developed.


 Primary Contact(s):    Z39.50 Implementors Group

  Name:                 Mark Hinnebusch (Chair)

  Email address: (Internet)
                        FCLMTH@NERVM  (Bitnet)

  Postal address:       Florida Center For Library Automation
                        Suite 320
                        2002 NW 13th Street
                        Gainesville, FL 32609

  Telephone:            +1-904-392-9020

  Fax:                  +1-904-392-9185

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 165
  Z39.50 Maintenance Agency

  Name:                 Ray Denenberg

  Email address:

  Postal address:       Library of Congress
                        Network Development and MARC Standards Office
                        Collections Services
                        Washington, DC 20540

  Telephone:            +1-202-707-5795


 Mailing Lists:

  Name:                 Z39.50 Implementors Group (ZIG)


                        (archives of the mailing list are also
                        available at this address.)

  Archive:              gopher://


 Documentation and References for the Z39.50 Protocol

  American National Standard Information Retrieval Application
  Service Definition and Protocol Specification for Open Systems
  Interconnection Version 2, National Information Standards
  Organization, July 1992

  Mark Hinnebusch "A Primer on Z39.50 Parts 1-8", Academic and
  Library Computing Volume 9, Numbers 2-9, February-October 1992,
  Meckler Corporation, Westport CN. (ISSN 1055-4769)

  Mark Hinnebusch "The Z39.50 Explain Service", Campus Wide
  Information Systems, Volume 10, Number 1, January/February 1993,
  Meckler Corporation, Westport, CT. (ISSN 1065-0741)

  Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch. "THE LINKED SYSTEMS PROTOCOL
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 166
  Information Technology and Libraries 6:2 (June 1987), pp. 83-88.

  Michael Buckland and Clifford Lynch. "NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL
  BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS," Cataloging and Classification Quarterly
  8:3/4 (Spring 1988), pp. 15-33.

  Integrated Online Library Systems Meeting, New York, New York,
  May 10-11, 1989. (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989),
  pp. 107-112.

  NETWORK," EDUCOM Review (Fall 1989), pp. 21-28.

  RESOURCES," CAUSE/EFFECT (Summer 1990), pp. 15-20.

  Clifford A. Lynch; Cecilia M. Preston. "INTERNET ACCESS TO
  INFORMATION RESOURCES," Annual Review of Information Science and
  Technology (ARIST) Volume 25. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
  1990), pp. 264-312.

  RETRIEVAL," Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online
  Systems: The State of the Art Martin Dillon, ed. (Westport, CT:
  Greenwood Press, 1991); pp. 301-318.

  APPLICATION," Library Hi Tech 8:4, Issue 32 (1990), pp. 59-74.

  AN OVERVIEW AND STATUS REPORT," Computer Communications Review
  21:1   (Sigcomm) (January 1991), pp. 58-70.

  Produced as a pamphlet by Data Research Associates (1991).

  Dennis Lynch "Z39.50 Extended Services" Campus Wide Information
  Systems Volume 10, Number 3 May/June 1993, Meckler Corporation,
  Westport, CT  (ISSN 1065 0741)

  Mark H Needleman. "The Z39.50 Protocol: An Implementor's Perspective",
  Resource Sharing and Information Networks Volume 8 Number 1, 1992, The
  Haworth Press Inc, Binghamton, NY (ISSN 0737-7797)
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 167
  Kunze, John A.  "Nonbibliographic Applications of Z39.50."  The
  Public-Access Computer Systems Review 3, no. 5 (1992): 4-30.
  (Refereed Article.)  To retrieve this article, send the following


 Other Information:

 Brief Description of the Z39.50 Protocol

   Z39.50 is a US ANSI standard protocol for information retrieval.  It
   uses a client server model that allows clients ( or origins in Z39.50
   terminology) to search servers (targets in Z39.50 usage) and retrieve
   records from remote databases.  The type and format of the data
   retrieved is not constrained by the protocol but is agreed to by the
   origin and the target.  There is a mechanism that allows popular
   record syntax's to be registered and then referred to by well known
   identifiers.  Z39.50 is an OSI application layer protocol; that is,
   it is designed to make use of the OSI presentation layer protocol.
   It may be used with or without the presentation protocol, and below
   that, it is irrelevant (to the Z39.50 protocol) what protocols are
   used.  Most implementations of Z39.50 currently run directly over

 User's View:

   Users (either human or electronic) run client software to connect
   with servers to retrieve information using the Z39.50 protocol.  Many
   clients already exist at least in prototype version today and more
   are being written.  Most of the major library automation vendors have
   announced that they will be supporting Z39.50 in either client or
   server mode or both.  Many of the major information vendors either
   currently have or are working on implementations of Z39.50 for their
   systems.  There are also a couple of Z39.50 implementations that are
   expected to be put in the public domain at some point.  The recently
   announced FREEWAIS software incorporates Z39.50 Version 2 into it
   (the older version used a variant of the 1988 version 1 protocol).
   The Library of Congress acts as the maintenance agency for Z39.50 and
   can be contacted for a list of registered Implementors.

   Z39.50 provides a protocol mechanism for accessing remote information
   sources.  It defines the model for the interaction between two sides,
   a client and a server.  It makes no assumptions or presumptions about
   how the data is actually organized in the server, nor about how the
   data is presented to the end user by the client.
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 168
   The model postulates one or more databases on the remote system that
   can be searched using attributes from defined search attribute sets,
   creating a result set.  Records can be retrieved from the result set
   using agreed upon record formats.

 Information types supported:

   The Z39.50 protocol was designed as a general purpose search and
   retrieval mechanism that could be used with a wide variety of data
   types.  The MARC format (a format used for cataloging library
   material among other things) and a search attribute set suitable for
   bibliographic and similar types of data are registered within the
   current version of the standard.  It is assumed that, as the protocol
   begins to be used by other communities and for other types of data,
   other attribute sets and record syntaxes will be developed.  This
   process has already begun and a generic record syntax and attribute
   set are already under development, as well as some others,
   specifically those supporting chemical structures, general science
   and technology, and business information.  The design philosophy
   behind Z39.50 is that it will be used with other standards such as
   Postscript, SGML, ODIF (and others), to communicate a wide variety of
   data types, including full text, images, and many others.

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 169
 RARE Groups

  RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne) is the
  Association of European Networking Organizations and their users.
  RARE's aim is to overcome national boundaries in research networking
  by creating a harmonized computer communications infrastructure for
  the European research community.  At this point in time RARE has over
  40 members, most of which are national networking organizations
  providing networking services to their national research and education

  RARE's technical programme is carried out by volunteers working in a
  number of Working Groups.

  For further information on RARE contact:

  RARE Secretariat
  Singel 466-468

  Telephone number        +31-20-639-1131
  Fax number              +31-20-639-3289

  E-mail address RFC822

  E-mail address X.400
  C=nl; ADMD=400net; PRMD=surf; O=rare; S=raresec;

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 170

  Date template updated or checked: 28th February, 1994
  By: Name:            Jill Foster
      Email address:


 NIR Group Name:  RARE Information Services and User Support Working

 Sponsoring Organisation:
                  RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne)

 Working subgroups (of relevance to nir):

  Name of subgroup:     MMIS Task Force

  Name of subgroup:     NIR Task Force

  Name of subgroup:     UNITE Task Force

 Description of main group:

  The Information Services and User Support (ISUS) Working Group has
  been established by the RARE Technical Committee as one of the major
  working groups in the RARE Technical Programme.  ISUS is concerned
  with all aspects of networked information services, group
  communications and network user support.  It is open to all those
  involved in working in these areas and should include:

  Network User Support Staff: National and European Support Staff
                              (whether RARE, RIPE, EARN, Eunet etc.)
                              Site Computing Centre Support Staff
                              Special subject related User Support Staff

  Library Staff
  Networked Information Providers
  Networked Information Service Providers
  Application Developers

  The ISUS WG mailing list will act both as a forum for discussion
  amongst experts in this field and as a means for disseminating
  information to the wider community.
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 171
  The ISUS Working Group is chartered to have a very broad area of
  interest which is broken down into several sub-areas:
               Network User Support
               Asynchronous Group Communication
               Networked Information Retrieval and Services

  Current tasks being worked on in the area of NIR include:

  o    Coordination of NIR services in Europe

  o    Collection of information related to NIR tools and groups.
       This is a joint effort with the IETF and CNI.

  o    Network Interface to everything (UNITE).  This group is starting
       to look at the user requirements for a single interface to the
       network (network information services, email, bulletin boards,
       etc.).   (

  o    Multimedia Information Services task force (MMIS).  This group is
       a joint task force of the RARE ISUS Working Group and RARE
       Interactive Multimedia Working Group (

  charter:  anonymous ftp from
            file:  /pub/lists/wg-isus/files/isus.charter


 Primary Contact(s):

  Name:                 Jill Foster

  Email address:

  Postal Address:       Computing Service
                        University of Newcastle upon Tyne
                        Newcastle upon Tyne
                        NE1 7RU

  Telephone:            +44-91-222-8250

  Fax:                  +44-91-222-8765


 Mailing Lists:
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 172

  Administration:       Auto subscriptions to:
                        "subscribe wg-isus <firstname> <lastname>"

                        Human admin to:

  Description:          General purpose mailing list for whole ISUS WG.

  Archive:              Not yet available


 News groups:           None


 Document Archive:

  Location details
       Directory:       /rare/working-groups

  Location details
       Directory:       /pub/lists/wg-isus/files


 Official Publications: RARE Technical Reports



  RARE Technical Report 1: User Support and Information Services
  in the RARE Community - a Status Report.   Jill Foster

  RARE Technical Report 5: A Survey of Distributed Multimedia -
  Research, Standards and Products.  Chris Adie


 Other Information:

  This group was formed in May 1992 and takes over and expands on the
  work of the former RARE WG3 USIS Subgroup. The group conducts most
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 173
  of its business by email, but meets twice a year before the European
  Networking Conferences.

  The EARNinfo group has recently joined forces with RARE ISUS WG, they
  will be working together in the areas of documentation and network

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 174

  Date template updated or checked:  10 March 1994
  By: Name:          Rebecca Guenther
      Email address:


 Working Group or Organisation:  USMARC/OCLC

 Name of group: USMARC Advisory Group; OCLC Internet Resources
                Cataloging Experiment

 Sponsoring Organisations: OCLC, Library of Congress,
                           USMARC Advisory Group

 Working subgroups:  None

 Description of main group:

  OCLC and the Library of Congress have formed a working group to
  consider how libraries can create cataloging records for online
  information resources.  The group initiated a cataloging experiment
  designed to test and verify the applicability of the cataloging rules
  and the USMARC format for computer files.  Guidelines have been
  written for cataloging Internet resources and were considered by the
  American Library Association committee responsible for maintaining the
  Anglo- American Cataloging Rules.  Changes to the USMARC format were
  initiated to accommodate a subset of these materials (electronic data
  resources, such as software, electronic text, bibliographic and
  nonbibliographic databases).  USMARC format changes which were
  approved included an identification of type of file and a field for
  location and access of the resource (very much like a URL).

  The group is continuing its work by looking at how online systems and
  services can be accommodated in USMARC.  This work will be done within
  the USMARC Advisory Group of the American Library Association, which
  considers changes to the USMARC formats.  Data elements will be
  defined with mapping to MARC fields; in some cases new fields will be
  proposed.  This will be accomplished in conjunction with efforts by
  other working groups (e.g., Government Information Locator Service, or

  A proposal was presented and approved in February 1994 to the USMARC
  Advisory Group to add data elements to the Electronic Location and
  Access Field (USMARC field 856).  Included among these was a subfield
  for URL (Uniform Resource Locator).  It is intended to be used instead
  of or in addition to other data identifying location of and access to
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 175
  a networked information resource.

  Membership is closed at this point.


 Primary Contact(s):    Rebecca Guenther

  Name:                 Rebecca Guenther

  Email address:;

  Postal address:       Network Development and MARC Standards Office,
                        Library of Congress,
                        Washington, DC 20540-4020

  Telephone:            +1-202-707-5092

  Fax:                  +1-202-707-6269


  Name:                 Erik Jul

  Email address:

  Postal address:       OCLC, Inc.
                        6565 Franz Rd.
                        Dublin OH 43017-0702

  Telephone:            +1-614-764-4364

  Fax:                  +1-614-764-2344


  Name:                 Priscilla Caplan

  Email address:

  Postal Address:       University of Chicago Library,
                        1100 E. 57th St.,
                        Chicago, IL 60637

  Telephone:            +1-312-702-5079

  Fax:                  +1-312-702-6623
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 176

  Name:                 William W. Jones, Jr.

  Email Address:

  Postal Address:       New York University/Elmer Holmes Bobst Library,
                        Technical and Automated Services Division,
                        70 Washington Square South,
                        New York, NY 10012

  Telephone:            +1-212-998-4070

  Fax:                  +1-212-995-4070


  Name:                 Nancy Olson

  Email Address:

  Postal Address:       Memorial Library,
                        Mankato State University,
                        Mankato, MN 56001

  Telephone:            +1-507-389-5062

  Fax:                  +1-507-389-5488


  Name:                 Glenn Patton

  Email address:

  Postal address:       OCLC, Inc.
                        6565 Franz Rd.
                        Dublin OH 43017-0702

  Telephone:            +1-800-848-5878

  Fax:                  +1-614-764-0155


  Name:                 Martin Dillon

  Email address:
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 177
  Postal address:       OCLC, Inc.
                        6565 Franz Rd.
                        Dublin OH 43017-0702

  Telephone:            +1-614-764-6079

  Fax:                  +1-614-764-2344


 Mailing Lists:         None.


 News groups:           None.


 Document Archive:

  Archives under USMARC listserv.

  Documents available:

  94-2.doc (Proposal 94-2: Addition of Subfields $g and $3 to Field 856
            Electronic Location and Access) in the USMARC
            Formats:   Document)
  94-2.cov (Cover sheet with status information)
  94-3.doc (Proposal 94-3: Addition of Subfield $u (Uniform
            Resource Locator) to Field 856 in the USMARC
            Formats: Document)
  94-3.cov (Cover sheet with status information)
  93-4.doc (Proposal 93-4: Changes to the USMARC Bibliographic
            Format (Computer Files) to Accommodate Online Information
            Resources: Document)
  93-4.cov (Proposal 93-4: Cover sheet with status information)
  dp69.doc (Discussion Paper No. 69: Accommodating Online Systems
            and Services within USMARC: Document)
  dp69.cov (Discussion Paper No. 69: Cover sheet with status

  Location details

   Telnet to:
   Login: marvel
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 178
   Select: Services to Libraries and Publishers
   Select: USMARC Standards
   Select: USMARC Listserv
   See list of documents



  Send email message with

   get usmarc 93-4.doc
   get usmarc 93-4.cov
   get usmarc dp69.doc
   get usmarc dp69.cov


 Official Publications:

  "Assessing Information on the Internet: Toward Providing Library
   Services for Computer-Mediated Communication". Dublin, OH: OCLC
   Online Computer Library Center, 1993.  Available in print form
   from OCLC, Inc. for $20 or electronically from:
   Filenames: *.*



   Proposal 94-2: Addition of Subfields $g and $3 to Field 856
   Electronic Location and Access) in the USMARC Holdings/Bibliographic

   Proposal 94-3: Addition of Subfield $u (Uniform Resource Locator) to
   Field 856 in the USMARC Holdings/Bibliographic Formats

   Discussion Paper No. 69: Accommodating Online Systems and
   Services in USMARC  (Washington: Library of Congress, Network
   Development and MARC Standards Office, Apr. 1993).

   Proposal 93-4:  Changes to the USMARC Bibligraphic Format
   (Computer Files) to Accommodate Online Information Resources
   (Washington: Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 179
   Standards Office, Nov. 1992 (rev. Mar. 1993).


  Other Information:             None.

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 180
8.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

9.  Acknowledgements

   The report was very much a collaborative effort of the members of the
   NIR WG and in particular Peter Deutsch (who contributed the mailing
   list section and the basis for Section 5), April Marine, Rick
   Rodgers, Lars-Gunnar Olsson, Farhad Anklesaria, Marsha Perrott, Kevin
   Gamiel, George Brett, Barbara Thomas and all those who helped review
   the document.  Special thanks are due to all those contributors who
   took the time to submit and update descriptions of their NIR tools
   and groups; their names are included in the templates in Sections 6
   and 7.

   Before final submission of the report as an RFC, independent
   reviewers from around the world took two or three templates each and
   checked them out for accuracy and currency as best they could.  They
   liaised with the original template authors over the changes they
   made.  The volunteers were: Larry Masinter, Marilyn Martin, Sinha
   Velu, Ton Verschuren, Shirley Browne, Alfred Vella, Bert Stals,
   Yannis Corovesis, Gerard Egan, Robert Janz and Andy Linton.  They
   provided some very valuable input.

10. Author's Address

   Jill Foster
   Computing Service
   University of Newcastle upon Tyne
   Claremont Road
   Newcastle upon Tyne
   NE1 7RU

   Phone: +44-91-222-8250
   Fax:   +44-91-222-8765
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 181

 NIR TOOL Template (last updated 22.12.93)

 Purpose and scope:

  This template is to be used to collect the information necessary to
  identify and track the development of networked information retrieval
  tools.  It is intended that the main part of this will be completed by
  the main individual responsible for the tool.  Sections of the
  template may require completion by others.

  The NIR tools included are defined by enumeration.  The IETF/RARE/CNI
  NIR-WG welcome suggestions for others to be included.

 NIR Tools:

      WAIS  (including freeWAIS)
      World Wide Web  (including Mosaic)
      X.500 White Pages

 New entries: Please complete this template and return it to (NIR-WG co-chair).  Receipt of your
 message will be acknowledged.

 Please imbed descriptive text by at least one more column than the
 heading for that item:

 For example:

 Brief description of tool:

  This is the best application ever seen.  It makes finding information
  very easy.  This is the decription imbedded one more column.

  Updates: updates to existing information on NIR Tools may be sent by
  the appropriate contact person at any time to:
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 182

  The full report will be updated annually and will form the basis of a
  "snapshot" report on the activities in the area of networked
  information retrieval (NIR).

 -------------------------x---- cut here ----x--------------------------

 Date template updated or checked: (e.g., 02 November, 1992)
 By: Name:
     Email address:


 NIR Tool Name:

 Brief Description of Tool:
      Note: This should be a maximum of 100 line description which
      should cover the following:
      - overview of use, purpose, scope and characteristics
      - user's view
      - information provider's view
      - information types supported (e.g., text, sound, etc.)


 Primary Contact(s):
 [Please duplicate this section for each separate contact]

  [May be the name of a role e.g., nirtool-support or of an

  Email address:

  Postal Address:




 Help Line:
 [for major center as well as each client if available]

  [May be the name of a role e.g., nirtool-support or of an
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 183

  Email address:


  Level of support offered: [delete as appropriate]
       o volunteer
       o funded
       o for experts only
       o all users

  Hours available:


 Related Working Groups:
  [Name only]


 Sponsoring Organisation / Funding source:
  [Name only]


 Mailing Lists:
  [Duplicate this section for each list]

  Address:          [Email Address to send contributions]

  Administration:   [<listname>-request etc.]

  [This is optional - if the group has only one mailing list]

  Archive:  [Location of message archive for this list]


 News groups:
  [Duplicate this section for each news group]


  [This is optional - if the group has only one news group]
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 184
  Archive:  [Location of message archive for this news group]



  What is supported:   [e.g., Z39.50]

  What it runs over:

  Other NIR tools this interworks with:

  Future plans:



  [Duplicate the following for each platform
  e.g., Unix, VMS, VM/CMS,....]

  [The main contact for this NIR tool should complete at least
  "platform" and "contact" for each server known to them.]

  Date completed or updated:
  By: Name:
      Email address: [If different from that of the Primary
                     contact listed below]


  Primary Contact:
  Email address:

  Server software available from:

  Location of more information:
       [Such as installation instructions
        copyright statements,
        warnings & bug reports etc.

        Eventually this will be the Unique Resource
        Identifiers of the documents]

  Latest version number:
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 185
  Brief Scope and Characteristics:

  Approximate number of such servers in use:

  General comments:


  [Duplicate the following for each platform
  e.g., MS-DOS PC, MAC, vt100,...]

  [The main contact for this NIR tool should complete
  "platform" and "contact" for each server known to them.]

  Date completed or updated:
  By: Name:
      Email address: [If different from that of the Primary
                     contact listed below]

  Primary Contact:
  Email address:

  Client software available from:

  Location of more information:
       [Such as installation instructions
        copyright statements,
        warnings & bug reports etc.

        Eventually this will be the Unique Resource
        Identifiers of the documents]

  Latest version number:

  Brief Scope and Characteristics:

  General comments:

  Future plans:
       Items included here could include
       - optional items to come.
       - plans for moving to international standards
       - plans for interoperating with other NIR tools
       - other functionality to be supported
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 186

 Demonstration sites:

  List of sites which are willing to act as demonstration
  sites for this application.
  [Duplicate for each site]
       Site name:
       Access details:
                 login as archie              ]



  The following is a list of suggested items to be found in a
  document archive. Note that the location pointers below could be
  replaced in the future by the "Uniform Resource Name".

       o   current overview
       o   instructions to information providers
       o   Frequently Asked Questions
       o   user manuals
       o   training materials
               -   tutorials
               -   canned demos
               -   sample session (screen dumps)
               -   videos
               -   etc.
       o   miscellaneous documents

  [Duplicate the following for each existing document as

  Document Title:
  Location details:
       Full file name:


  [A list of a maximum of 10 key papers, books etc. on this NIR tool.
  Optionally a pointer to a fuller bibliography could be given.]

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 187
 Other Information:

  [Feel free to add other information that you feel is relevant.
  This will be considered for inclusion in the report.]

ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 188

 NIR Group Template (last updated 22.12.93)

 Purpose and scope:

  This template is to be used to collect the information necessary to
  identify and track major groups that are working to promote or develop
  networked information retrieval.  It is intended that this will be
  completed by the group representative.

  The groups included are defined by enumeration.  The IETF/RARE/CNI
  NIR-WG welcome suggestions for other groups to be included.


    CNI         Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
                Architectures and Standards
                Directories and Resource Information Services
                TopNode for Networked Information Resources, Services,
                                                           and Tools

    CNIDR       Clearing House for Networked Information Discovery
                                                      and Retrieval

    IETF        Integrated Directory Services (IDS)
                Integration of Internet Information Resources (IIIR)
                Networked Information Retrieval (NIR) joint IETF/RARE WG
                Network Information Services Infrastructure (NISI)
                OSI-Directory Service (OSI-DS)
                Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
                Whois and Network Information Lookup Service (WNILS)

    IRTF        Internet Research Task Force Research Group on
                  Resource Discovery and Directory Service (IRTF-RD)

    NISO        Z39.50 Implementors Group

    RARE        Information Services and User Support Working Group

    USMARC/OCLC USMARC Advisory Group; OCLC Internet Resources
                   Cataloging Experiment (USMARC/OCLC)

 New Entries: Please complete this template for your group or
 organisation and return it to (NIR-WG
 co-chair).  Receipt of your message will be acknowledged.
ToP   noToC   RFC1689 - Page 189
 Please imbed descriptive text by at least one more column than the
 heading for that item:

 For example:

 Description of main group:

  This is the most active NIR group.  This is the decription imbedded
  one more column.

 Updates: updates to existing information on NIR Groups may be sent by
 the appropriate contact person at any time to:

 The full report will be updated annually and will form the basis of a
 "snapshot" report on the activities in the area of networked
 information retrieval (NIR).

 -----------------------x---- cut here ----x----------------------------

  Date template updated or checked: (e.g., 02 November, 1992)
  By: Name:
      Email address:


 NIR Group Name:

 Sponsoring Organisation:

 Working subgroups:
    Name of subgroup:

 Description of main group:

      [Description of the scope and purpose of the group and the
      current tasks being worked on.  (Recommended maximum of
      100 lines.)  Please indicate whether membership is open or
      closed.  Include a pointer to an on-line charter if


 Primary Contact(s):

  [Please duplicate this section for each separate contact]

(next page on part 7)

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