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RFC 1507

DASS - Distributed Authentication Security Service

Pages: 119
Part 4 of 4 – Pages 89 to 119
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Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 89   prevText
4. Certificate and message formats

4.1 ASN.1 encoding

   Some definitions are taken from X.501 and X.509.



   --CCITT Definitions:

   joint-iso-ccitt      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {2}
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   ds                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt 5}
   algorithm            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ds 8}
   encryptionAlgorithm  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {algorithm 1}
   hashAlgorithm        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {algorithm 2}
   signatureAlgorithm   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {algorithm 3}
   rsa                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {encryptionAlgorithm 1}

   iso                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {1}
   identified-organization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {iso 3}
   ecma               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {identified-organization 12}
   member-company       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ecma 2}
   digital              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {member-company 1011}

   --1989 OSI Implementors Workshop "Stable" Agreements

   oiw                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {identified-organization 14}
   dssig                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiw 7}
   oiwAlgorithm           OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dssig 2}
   oiwEncryptionAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiwAlgorithm 1}
   oiwHashAlgorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiwAlgorithm 2}
   oiwSignatureAlgorithm  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiwAlgorithm 3}
   oiwMD2                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiwHashAlgorithm 1}
                                                  --null parameter
   oiwMD2withRSA          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {oiwSignatureAlgorithm 1}
                                                  --null parameter

   --X.501 definitions

   AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
   AttributeValue ::= ANY
   AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {AttributeType,AttributeValue}

   Name ::= CHOICE {       --only one for now
   RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
   DistinguishedName ::= RDNSequence

   RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET OF AttributeValueAssertion

   --X.509 definitions (with proposed 1992 extensions presumed)

   TYPE NOTATION   ::= type(ToBeEnciphered)
   END     -- of ENCRYPTED
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   SIGNED MACRO    ::=
   TYPE NOTATION   ::= type (ToBeSigned)
           AlgorithmIdentifier,    --of the algorithm used to
                                   --generate the signature
           ENCRYPTED OCTET STRING  --where the octet string is the
                                   --result of the hashing of the
                                   --value of "ToBeSigned"
   END     -- of SIGNED

   TYPE NOTATION   ::= type (OfSignature)
           AlgorithmIdentifier,    --of the algorithm used to compute
           ENCRYPTED OCTET STRING  -- the signature where the octet
                                   -- string is a function (e.g., a
                                   -- compressed or hashed version)
                                   -- of the value 'OfSignature',
                                   -- which may include the
                                   -- identifier of the algorithm
                                   -- used to compute the signature
   END     -- of SIGNATURE

   Certificate ::= SIGNED SEQUENCE {
           version [0]             Version DEFAULT v1988,
           serialNumber    CertificateSerialNumber,
           signature               AlgorithmIdentifier,
           issuer          Name,
           valid           Validity,
           subject         Name,
           subjectPublicKey        SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
           issuerUID [1]   IMPLICIT UID OPTIONAL,  -- v1992
           subjectUID [2]  IMPLICIT UID OPTIONAL   -- v1992

           --The Algorithm Identifier for both the signature field
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           --and in the signature itself is:
           --      oiwMD2withRSA (

   Version ::= INTEGER {v1988(0), v1992(1)}

   CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER

   Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
           NotBefore       UTCTime,
           NotAfter        UTCTime

   AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           parameter       ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

   --The algorithms we support in one context or another are:
           --oiwMD2withRSA ( with parameter NULL
           --rsa ( with parameter keysize INTEGER which is
           --           the keysize in bits
           --decDEA ( with optional parameter
           --           missing
           --decDEAMAC ( with optional parameter
           --           missing

   SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {
           algorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,     -- rsa (
           subjectPublicKey        BIT STRING
                   -- the "bits" further decode into a DASS public key


   -- the following definitions are for Digital specified Algorithms

   cryptoAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {digital 7}

   decEncryptionAlgorithm  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cryptoAlgorithm 1}
   decHashAlgorithm        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cryptoAlgorithm 2}
   decSignatureAlgorithm   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cryptoAlgorithm 3}
   decDASSLessness         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cryptoAlgorithm 6}

   decMD2withRSA   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decSignatureAlgorithm 1}
   decMD4withRSA   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decSignatureAlgorithm 2}
   decDEAMAC       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decSignatureAlgorithm 3}
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   decDEA          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decEncryptionAlgorithm 2}
   decMD2          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decHashAlgorithm 1}
   decMD4          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {decHashAlgorithm 2}

   ShortPosixTime ::= INTEGER   -- number of seconds since base time

   LongPosixTime ::= SEQUENCE {
           INTEGER,             -- number of seconds since base time
           INTEGER              -- number of nanoseconds since second

   ShortPosixValidity ::=  SEQUENCE {
           notBefore       ShortPosixTime,
           notAfter        ShortPosixTime }

   -- Note: Annex C of X.509 prescribes the following format for the
   -- representation of a public key, but does not give the structure
   -- a name.

   DASSPublicKey ::=  SEQUENCE {
           modulus         INTEGER,
           exponent        INTEGER

   DASSPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
           p       INTEGER ,                      -- prime p
           q [0]   IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL ,    -- prime q
           mod[1]  IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL,     -- modulus
           exp [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL,     -- public exponent
           dp [3]  IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL ,    -- exponent mod p
           dq [4]  IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL ,    -- exponent mod q
           cr [5]  IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL ,    -- Chinese
                                              --remainder coefficient
           uid[6]  IMPLICIT UID OPTIONAL,
           more[7] IMPLICIT BIT STRING OPTIONAL   --Reserved for
                                                  --future use

   LocalUserName   ::= OCTET STRING
   ChannelId               ::= OCTET STRING
   VersionNumber           ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3))
                           -- first octet is major version
                           -- second octet is minor version
                           -- third octet is ECO rev.
   versionZero  VersionNumber ::= '000000'H
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   Authenticator ::= SIGNED SEQUENCE {
           type            BIT STRING,
                    -- first bit `delegation required'
                    -- second bit `Mutual Authentication Requested'
           whenSigned      LongPosixTime ,
           channelId  [3]  IMPLICIT ChannelId OPTIONAL
                   -- channel bindings are included when doing the
                   -- signature, but excluded when transmitting the
                   -- Authenticator
                   -- uses decDEAMAC (

   EncryptedKey ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier,
                           -- uses rsa (
           encryptedAuthKey        BIT STRING
                           -- as defined in section 4.4.5

   SignatureOnEncryptedKey ::=  SIGNATURE EncryptedKey
                -- uses oiwMD2withRSA (
                -- Signature bits computed over EncryptedKey structure

   LoginTicket ::= SIGNED SEQUENCE {
           version [0]         IMPLICIT VersionNumber DEFAULT versionZero,
           validity            ShortPosixValidity ,
           subjectUID          UID ,
           delegatingPublicKey SubjectPublicKeyInfo
           -- uses oiwMD2withRSA (

   Delegator ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier
                           -- decDEA encryption (
           encryptedPrivKey        ENCRYPTED  DASSPrivateKey,
                           -- (only p is included)

   UserClaimant ::=  SEQUENCE {
           userTicket [0]  IMPLICIT LoginTicket,
           evidence  CHOICE {
                   delegator [1]   IMPLICIT Delegator ,
                                -- encrypted delegation private key
                                -- under DES authenticating key
                                -- present if delegating
                   sharedKeyTicketSignature [2]
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                           IMPLICIT SignatureOnEncryptedKey
                                -- present if not delegating
                   } ,
           userName [3]    IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL
                                -- name of user principal

   EncryptedKeyandUserName ::= SEQUENCE {
           encryptedKey    EncryptedKey ,
           username                LocalUserName

   SignatureOnEncryptedKeyandUserName ::=
           SIGNATURE EncryptedKeyandUserName
                   -- uses oiwMD2withRSA (
                   -- Signature bits computed over
                   -- EncryptedKeyandUserName structure
                   -- using node private key

   NodeClaimant ::= SEQUENCE {
           nodeTicket Signature[0] IMPLICIT
           nodeName  [1]   IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL,
           username  [2]   IMPLICIT LocalUserName OPTIONAL

   AuthenticationToken ::= SEQUENCE {
           version [0]    IMPLICIT VersionNumber DEFAULT versionZero,
           authenticator [1]       IMPLICIT Authenticator ,
           encryptedKey  [2]       IMPLICIT EncryptedKey OPTIONAL ,
                    -- required if initiating token
           userclaimant  [3]       IMPLICIT UserClaimant OPTIONAL ,
                    -- missing if only doing node authentication
                    -- required if not doing node authentication
           nodeclaimant [4]        IMPLICIT NodeClaimant OPTIONAL
                    -- missing if only doing principal authentication
                    -- required if not doing principal authentication

   MutualAuthenticationToken ::= CHOICE {
           v1Response [0] IMPLICIT  OCTET STRING (SIZE(6))
                 -- Constructed as follows:  A single DES block
                 -- of eight octets is constructed from the two
                 -- integers in the timestamp.  First four bytes
                 -- are the high order integer encoded MSB
                 -- first; Last four bytes are the low order
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                 -- integer encoded MSB first.  The block is
                 -- encrypted using the shared DES key, and
                 -- the first six bytes are the OCTET STRING.
                 -- With the [0] type and 6-byte length, the
                 -- MutualAuthenticationToken has a fixed
                 -- length of eight bytes.

4.2 Encoding Rules

   Whenever a structure is to be signed it must always be constructed
   the same way. This is particularly important where a signed structure
   has to be reconstructed by the recipient before the signature is
   verified. The rules listed below are taken from X.509.

    - the definite form of length encoding shall be used, encoded in
      the minimum number of octets;

    - for string types, the constructed form of encoding shall not
      be used;

    - if the value of a type is its default value, it shall be

    - the components of a Set type shall be encoded in ascending
      order of their tag value;

    - the components of a Set-of type shall be encoded in ascending
      order of their octet value;

    - if the value of a Boolean type is true, the encoding shall
      have its contents octet set to `FF'16;

    - each unused bits in the final octet of the encoding of a
      BitString value, if there are any, shall be set to zero;

    - the encoding of a Real type shall be such that bases 8, 10 and
      16 shall not  be used, and the binary scaling factor shall be

4.3 Version numbers and forward compatibility

   The LoginTicket and AuthenticationToken structures contain a
   three octet version identifier which is intended to ease
   transition to future revisions of this architecture.  The default
   value, and the value which should always be supplied by
   implementations of this version of the architecture is 0.0.0
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   (three zero octets).  The first octet is the major version.  An
   implementation of this version of the architecture should refuse
   to process data structures where it is other than zero, because
   changing it indicates that the interpretation of some subsidiary
   data structure has changed.  The second octet is the minor
   version.  An implementation of this version of the architecture
   should ignore the value of this octet.  Some future version of
   the architecture may set a value other than zero and may specify
   some different processing of the remainder of the structure based
   on that different value.  Such a change would be backward compatible
   and interoperable.  The third octet is the ECO revision.  No
   implementation should make any processing decisions based on the
   value of that octet.  It may be logged, however, to help in
   debugging interoperability problems.

   In the CDC protocol, there is also a three octet version
   numbering scheme, where versions 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 have been
   defined.  Implementations should follow the same rules above and
   reject major version numbers greater than 2.

   ASN.1 is inherently extensible because it allows new fields to be
   added "onto the end" of existing data structures in an
   unambiguous way.  Implementations of DASS are encouraged to
   ignore any such additional fields in order to enhance backwards
   compatibility with future versions of the architecture.
   Unfortunately, commonly available ASN.1 compilers lack this
   capability, so this behavior cannot reasonably be required and
   may limit options for future extensions.

4.4 Cryptographic Encoding

   Some of the substructures listed in the previous sections are
   specified as ENCRYPTED OCTET STRINGs containing encrypted
   information.  DASS uses the DES, RSA, and MD2 cryptosystems  Each
   of those cryptosystems specifies a function from octet string
   into another in the presence of a key (except MD2, which is
   keyless).  This section describes how to form the octet strings
   on which the DES and RSA operations are performed.

4.4.1 Algorithm Independence vs. Key Parity

   All of the defined encodings for DASS for secret key encryption
   are based on DES.  It is intended, however, that other
   cryptosystems could be substituted without any other changes for
   formats or algorithms.  The required "form factor" for such a
   cryptosystem is that it have a 64 bit key and operate on 64 bit
   blocks (this appears to be a common form factor for a
   cryptosystem).  For this reason, DES keys are in all places
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   treated as though they were 64 bits long rather than 56.  Only in
   the operation of the algorithm itself are eight bits of the key
   dropped and key parity bits substituted. Choosing a key always
   involves picking a 64 bit random number.

4.4.2 Password Hashing

   Encrypted credentials are encrypted using DES as described in the
   next section.  The key for that encryption is derived from the
   user's password and name by the following algorithm:

    a) Put the rightmost RDN of the user's name in canonical form
       according to BER and the X.509 encoding rules.  For any string
       types that are case insensitive, map to upper case, and where
       matching is independent of number of spaces collapse all
       multiple spaces to a single space and delete leading and
       trailing spaces.

       Note:  the RDN is used to add "salt" to the hash calculation
       so that someone can't precompute the hash of all the words in
       a dictionary and then apply them against all names.  Deriving
       the salt from the last RDN of the name is a compromise.  If it
       were derived from the whole name, all encrypted keys would be
       obsoleted when a branch of the namespace was renamed.  If it
       were independent of name, interaction with a login agent would
       take two extra messages to retrieve the salt.  With this
       scheme, encrypted keys are obsoleted by a change in the last
       RDN and if a final RDN is common to a large number of users,
       dictionary attacks against them are easier; but the common
       case works as desired.

    b) Compute TEMP as the MD2 message digest of the concatenation of
       the password and the RDN computed above.

    c) Repeat the following 40 times:  Use the first 64 bits of TEMP
       as a DES key to encrypt the second 64 bits;  XOR the result
       with the first 64 bits of TEMP; and compute a new TEMP as MD2
       of the 128 bit result.

    d) Use the final 64 bits of the result (called hash1) as the key
       to decrypt the encrypted credentials.  Use the first 64 bits
       (called hash2) as the proof of knowledge of the password for
       presentation to a login agent (if any).
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4.4.3 Digital DEA encryption

   DES encryption is used in the following places:

    - In the encryption of the encrypted credentials structure

    - To encrypt the delegator in authentication tokens

    - To encrypt the time in the mutual authenticator

   In the first two cases, a varying length block of information
   coded in ASN.1 is encrypted.  This is done by dividing the block
   of information into 8 octet blocks, padding the last block with
   zero bytes if necessary, and encrypting the result using the CBC
   mode of DES.  A zero IV is used.

   In the third case, a fixed length (8 byte) quantity (a timestamp)
   is encrypted.  The timestamp is mapped to a byte string using
   "big endian" order and the block is encrypted using the ECB mode
   of DES.

4.4.4  Digital MAC Signing

   DES signing is used in the Authenticator.  Here, the signature is
   computed over an ASN.1 structure.  The signature is the CBC residue
   of the structure padded to a multiple of eight bytes with zeros.  The
   CBC is computed with an IV of zero.

4.4.5 RSA Encryption

   RSA encryption is used in the Encrypted Shared Key.  RSA encryption
   is best thought of as operating on blocks which are integers rather
   than octet strings and the results are also integers.  Because an RSA
   encryption permutes the integers between zero and (modulus-1), it is
   generally thought of as acting on a block of size (keysizeinbits-1)
   and producing a block of size (keysizeinbits) where keysizeinbits is
   the smallest number of bits in which the modulus can be represented.

   DASS only supports key sizes which are a multiple of eight bits (This
   restriction is only required to support interoperation with certain
   existing implementations.  If the key size is not a multiple of eight
   bits, the high order byte may not be able to hold values as large as
   the mandated '64'.  This is not a problem so long as the two high
   order bytes together are non-zero, but certain early implementations
   check for the value '64' and will not interoperate with
   implementations that use some other value.).

   The encrypted shared key structure is laid out as follows:
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    - The DES key to be shared is placed in the last eight bytes

    - The POSIX format creation time encoded in four bytes using big
      endian byte order is placed in the next four (from the end)

    - The POSIX format expiration time encoded in four bytes using
      big endian byte order is placed in the next four (from the
      end) bytes

    - Four zero bytes are placed in the next four (from the end)

    - The first byte contains the constant '64' (decimal)

    - All remaining bytes are filled with random bytes (the security
      of the system does not depend on the cryptographic randomness
      of these bytes, but they should not be a frequently repeating
      or predictable value.  Repeating the DES key from the last
      bytes would be good).

   The RSA algorithm is applied to the integer formed by treating the
   bytes above as an integer in big endian order and the resulting
   integer is converted to a BIT STRING by laying out the integer in
   'big endian' order.

   On decryption, the process is reversed; the decryptor should verify
   the four explicitly zero bytes but should not verify the contents of
   the high order byte or the random bytes.

4.4.6 oiwMD2withRSA Signatures

   RSA-MD2 signatures are used on certificates, login tickets, shared
   key tickets, and node tickets.  In all cases, a signature is computed
   on an ASN.1 encoded string using an RSA private key.  This is done as

    - The MD2 algorithm is applied to the ASN.1 encoded string to
      produce a 128 bit message digest

    - The message digest is placed in the low order bytes of the RSA
      block (big endian)

    - The next two lowest order bytes are the ASN.1 'T' and 'L' for
      an OCTET STRING.

    - The remainder of the RSA block is filled with zeros
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    - The RSA operation is performed, and the resulting integer is
      converted to an octet string by laying out the bytes in big
      endian order.

   On verification, a value like the above  or one where the message
   digest is present but the 'T' and 'L' are missing (zero) should be
   accepted for backwards compatibility with an earlier definition of
   this crypto algorithm.

4.4.7 decMD2withRSA Signatures

   This algorithm is the same as the oiwMD2withRSA algorithm as defined
   above.  We allocated an algorithm object identifier from the Digital
   space in case the definition of that OID should change.  It will not
   be used unless the meaning of oiwMD2withRSA becomes unstable.

Annex A

Typical Usage

   This annex describes one way a system could use DASS services (as
   described in section 3) to provide security services.  While this
   example provided motivation for some of the properties of DASS, it is
   not intended to represent the only way that DASS may be used.  This
   goes through the steps that would be needed to install DASS "from

A.1 Creating a CA

   A CA is created by initializing its state. Each CA can sign
   certificates that will be placed in some directory in the name
   service. Before these certificates will be believed in a wider
   context than the sub-tree of the name space which is headed by that
   directory, the CA must be certified by a CA for the parent directory.
   The procedure below accomplishes this. For most secure operation, the
   CA should run on an off-line system and communicate with the rest of
   the network by interchanging files using a simple specialized
   mechanism such as an RS232 line or a floppy disk. It is assumed that
   access to the CA is controlled and that the CA will accept
   instructions from an operator.

    - Call Install_CA to create the CA State.
      This state is saved within the CA system and is never

    - If this is the first CA in the namespace and the CA is
      intended to certify only members of a single directory, we are
      done.  Otherwise, the new CA must be linked into the CA
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      hierarchy by cross-certifying the parent and children of this
      CA.  There is no requirement that CA hierarchies be created
      from the root down, but to simplify exposition, only this case
      will be described.  The newly created CA must learn its name,
      its UID, the UID of its parent directory, and the public key
      of the parent directory CA by some out of band reliable means.
      Most likely, this would be done by looking up the information
      in the naming service and asking the CA operator to verify it.
      The CA then forms this information into a   parent certificate
      and signs it using the Create_certificate function.  It
      communicates the certificate to the network and posts it in
      the naming service.

    - This name, UID, and public key of the new CA are taken to the
      CA of the parent directory, which verifies it (again by some
      unspecified out-of-band mechanism) and calls
      Create_Certificate to create a child  certificate using its own
      Name and UID in the issuer fields. This certificate is also
      placed in the naming service.

   A CA can sign certificates for more than one directory. In this case
   it is possible that a single CA will take the role of both CAs in the
   example above. The above procedure can be simplified in this case, as
   no interchange of information is required.

A.2 Creating a User Principal

   A system manager may create a new user principal by invoking the
   Create_principal function supplying the principal's name, UID, and
   the public key/UID of the parent CA.  The public key and UID must be
   obtained in a reliable out of band manner.  This is probably by
   having knowledge of that information "wired into" the utility which
   creates new principals.  At account creation time, the system manager
   must supply what will become the user's password.  This might be done
   by having the user present and directly enter a password or by having
   the password selected by some random generator.

   The trusted authority certificate and corresponding user public key
   generated by the Create_principal function are sent to the CA which
   verifies its contents (again by an out-of-band mechanism) and signs a
   corresponding certificate.  The encrypted credentials, CA signed
   certificate, and trusted authority certificates are all placed in the
   naming service.  The process by which the password is made known to
   the user must be protected by some out-of-band mechanism.

   In some cases the principal may wish to generate its own key, and not
   use the Encrypted_Credentials. (e.g., if the Principal is represented
   by a Smart Card). This may be done using a procedure similar to the
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   one for creating a new CA.

A.3 Creating a Server Principal

   A server also has a public/private key pair. Conceptually, the same
   procedure used to create a user principal can be used to create a
   server.  In practice, the most important difference  is likely to be
   how the password is protected when installing it on a server compared
   to giving it to a user.

   A server may wish to retrieve (and store) its Encrypted Credentials
   directly and never have them placed in the naming service. In this
   case some other mechanism can be used (e.g., passing the floppy disk
   containing the encrypted credentials to the server). This would
   require a variant of the Initialize_Server routine which does not
   fetch the Encrypted Credentials from the naming service.

A.4 Booting a Server Principal

   When the server first boots it needs its name (unreliably) and
   password (reliably). It then calls Initialize_Server to obtain its
   credentials and trusted authority certificates (which it will later
   need in order to authenticate users).  These credentials never time
   out, and are expected to be saved for a long time.  In particular the
   associated Incoming Timestamp List must be preserved while there are
   any timestamps on it. It is desirable to preserve the Cached Incoming
   Contexts as long as there are any contexts likely to be reused.

   If a server wants to initiate associations on its own behalf then it
   must call Generate_Server_Ticket.  It must repeat this at intervals
   if the expiration period expires.

   A node that wishes to do node authentication (or which acts as a
   server under its own name) must be created as a server.

A.5 A user logs on to the network

   The system that the user logs onto finds the user's name and
   password. It then calls Network_Login to obtain credentials for the
   user. These credentials are saved until the user wants to make a
   network connection. The credentials have a time limit, so the user
   will have to obtain new credentials in order to make connections
   after the time limit. The credentials are then checked by calling
   Verify_Principal_Name, in order to check that the key specified in
   the encrypted credentials has been certified by the CA.

   If the system does source node authentication it will call
   Combine_credentials, once the local username has been found.  (This
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   can either be found by looking the principal's global name up in a
   file, or the user can be asked to give the local name directly.
   Alternatively the user can be asked to give his local username, which
   the system looks up to find the global name).

A.6 An Rlogin (TCP/IP) connection is made

   When the user calls a modified version of the rlogin utility, it
   calls Create_token in order to create the Initial Authentication
   Token, which is passed to the other system as part of the rlogin
   protocol.  The rlogind utility at the destination node calls
   Accept_token to verify it.  It then looks up in a local rhosts-like
   database to determine whether this global user is allowed access to
   the requested destination account.  It calls Verify_principal_name
   and/or Verify_node_name to confirm the identity of the requester.  If
   access is allowed, the connection is accepted and the Mutual
   Authentication Token is returned in the response message.

   The source receives the returned Mutual Authentication Token and uses
   it to confirm it communicating with the correct destination node.

   Rlogind then calls Combine_credentials to combine its node/account
   information with the global user identification in the received
   credentials in case the user accesses any network resources from the
   destination system.

A.7 A Transport-Independent Connection

   As an alternative to the description in A.6, an application wishing
   to be portable between different underlying transports may call
   create_token to create an authentication token which it then sends to
   its peer.  The peer can then call accept_token and
   verify_principal_name and learn the identity of the requester.

Annex B

Support of the GSSAPI

   In order to support applications which need to be portable across a
   variety of underlying security mechanisms, a "Generic Security
   Service API" (or GSSAPI) was designed which gives access to a common
   core of security services expected to be provided by several
   mechanisms.  The GSSAPI was designed with DASS, Kerberos V4, and
   Kerberos V5 in mind, and could be written as a front end to any or
   all of those systems.  It is hoped that it could serve as an
   interface to other security systems as well.

   Application portability requires that the security services supported
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   be comparable.  Applications using the GSSAPI will not be able to
   access all of the features of the underlying security mechanisms.
   For example, the GSSAPI does not allow access to the "node
   authentication" features of DASS.  To the extent the underlying
   security mechanisms do not support all the features of GSSAPI,
   applications using those features will not be portable to those
   security mechanisms.  For example, Kerberos V4 does not support
   delegation, so applications using that feature of the GSSAPI will not
   be portable to Kerberos V4.

   This annex explains how the GSSAPI can be implemented using the
   primitive services provided by DASS.

B.1 Summary of GSSAPI

   The latest draft of the GSSAPI specification is available as an
   internet draft.  The following is a brief summary of that evolving
   document and should not be taken as definitive.  Included here are
   only those aspects of GSSAPI whose implementation would be DASS

   The GSSAPI provides four classes of functions: Credential Management,
   Context-Level Calls, Per-message calls, and Support Calls; two types
   of objects: Credentials and Contexts; and two kinds of data
   structures to be transmitted as opaque byte strings: Tokens and
   Messages. Credentials hold keys and support information used in
   creating tokens.  Contexts hold keys and support information used in
   signing and encrypting messages.

   The Credential Management functions of GSSAPI are "incomplete" in the
   sense that one could not build a useful security implementation using
   only GSSAPI.  Functions which create credentials based on passwords
   or smart cards are needed but not provided by GSSAPI.  It is
   envisioned that such functions would be invoked by security mechanism
   specific functions at user login or via some separate utility rather
   than from within applications intended to be portable.  The
   Credential Management functions available to portable applications

    - GSS_Acquire_cred:  get a handle to an existing credential
      structure based on a name or process default.

    - GSS_Release_cred:  release credentials after use.

   The Context-Level Calls use credentials to establish contexts.
   Contexts are like connections: they are created in pairs and are
   generally used at the two ends of a connection to process messages
   associated with that connection.  The Context-Level Calls of interest
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    - GSS_Init_sec_context:  given credentials and the name of a
      destination, create a new context and a token which will
      permit the destination to create a corresponding context.

    - GSS_Accept_sec_context:  given credentials and an incoming
      token, create a context corresponding to the one at the
      initiating end and provide information identifying the

    - GSS_Delete_sec_context:  delete a context after use.

   The Per-Message Calls use contexts to sign, verify, encrypt, and
   decrypt messages between the holders of matching contexts.  The Per-
   Message Calls are:

    - GSS_Sign:  Given a context and a message, produces a string of
      bytes which constitute a signature on a provided message.

    - GSS_Verify:  Given a context, a message, and the bytes
      returned by GSS_Sign, verifies the message to be authentic
      (unaltered since it was signed by the corresponding context).

    - GSS_Seal:  Given a context and a message, produces a string of
      bytes which include the message and a signature; the message
      may optionally be encrypted.

    - GSS_Unseal:  Given a context and the string of bytes from
      GSS_Seal, returns the original message and a status indicating
      its authenticity.

   The Support Calls provide utilities like translating names and status
   codes into printable strings.

B.2 Implementation of GSSAPI over DASS

B.2.1 Data Structures

   The objects and data structures of the GSSAPI do not map neatly into
   the objects and data structures of the DASS architecture.

   This section describes how those data structures can be implemented
   using the DASS data structures and primitives

   Credential handles correspond to the credentials structures in DASS,
   where the portable API assumes that the credential structures
   themselves are kept from applications and handles are passed to and
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   from the various subroutines.

   Context initialization tokens correspond to the tokens of DASS.  The
   GSSAPI prescribes a particular ASN.1 encoded form for tokens which
   includes a mechanism specific bit string within it.  An
   implementation of GSSAPI should enclose the DASS token within the
   GSSAPI "wrapper".

   Context handles have no corresponding structure in DASS. The
   Create_token and Accept_token calls of DASS return a shared key and
   instance identifier. An implementation of the GSSAPI must take those
   values along with some other status information and package it as a
   "context" opaque structure.  These data structures must be allocated
   and freed with the appropriate calls.

   Per-message tokens and sealed messages have no corresponding data
   structure within DASS.  To fully support the GSSAPI functionality,
   DASS must be extended to include this functionality.  These data
   structures are created by cryptographic routines given the keys and
   status information in context structures and the messages passed to
   them.  While not properly part of the DASS architecture, the formats
   of these data structures are included in section C.3.

B.2.2 Procedures

   This section explains how the functions of the GSSAPI can be provided
   in terms of the Services Provided by DASS.  Not all of the DASS
   features are accessible through the GSSAPI.

B.2.2.1 GSS_Acquire_cred

   The GSSAPI does not provide a mechanism for logging in users or
   establishing server credentials. It assumes that some system specific
   mechanism created those credentials and that applications need some
   mechanism for getting at them. A model implementation might save all
   credentials in a node-global pool indexed by some sort of credential
   name. The credentials in the pool would be access controlled by some
   local policy which is not concern of portable applications. Those
   applications would simply call GSS_Acquire_cred and if they passed
   the access control check, they would get a handle to the credentials
   which could be used in subsequent calls.

B.2.2.2 GSS_Release_cred

   This call corresponds to the "delete_credentials" call of DASS.
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B.2.2.3 GSS_Init_sec_context

   In the course of a normal mutual authentication, this routine will be
   called twice. The procedure can determine whether this is the first
   or second call by seeing whether the "input_context_handle" is zero
   (it will be on the first call).  On the first call, it will use the
   DASS Create_token service to create a token and it will also allocate
   and populate a "context" structure. That structure will hold the key,
   instance identifier, and mutual authentication token returned by
   Create_token and will in addition hold the flags which were passed
   into the Init_sec_context call. The token returned by
   Init_sec_context will be the DASS token included in the GSSAPI token
   "wrapper".  The DASS token will include the optional principal name.

   If mutual authentication is not requested in the GSSAPI call, the
   mutual authentication token returned by DASS will be ignored and the
   initial call will return a COMPLETE status. If mutual authentication
   is requested, the mutual authentication token will be stored in the
   context information and a CONTINUE_NEEDED status returned.

   On the second call to GSS_Init_sec_context (with input_context_handle
   non-zero), the returned token will be compared to the one in the
   context information using the Compare_mutual_token procedure and a
   COMPLETE status will be returned if they match.

B.2.2.4 GSS_Accept_sec_context

   This routine in GSSAPI accepts an incoming token and creates a
   context.  It combines the effects of a series of DASS functions.  It
   could be implemented as follows:

    - Remove the GSSAPI "wrapper" from the incoming token and pass
      the rest and the credentials to "Accept_token".  Accept_token
      produces a mutual authentication token and a new credentials
      structure.  If delegation was requested, the new credentials
      structure will be an output of GSS_Accept_sec_context.  In any
      case, it will be used in the subsequent steps of this

    - Use the DASS Get_principal_name function to extract the
      principal name from the credentials produced by Accept_token.
      This name is one of the outputs of "GSS_Accept_sec_context.

    - Apply the DASS Verify_principal_name to the new credentials
      and the retrieved name to authenticate the token as having
      come from the named principal.

    - Create and populate a context structure with the key and
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      timestamp returned by Accept_token and a status of COMPLETE.
      Return a handle to that context.

    - If delegation was requested, return the new credentials from
      GSS_Accept_sec_context.  Otherwise, call Delete_credentials.

    - If mutual authentication was requested, wrap the mutual
      authentication token from Accept_token in a GSSAPI "wrapper"
      and return it.  Otherwise return a null string.

B.2.2.5 GSS_Delete_sec_context

   This routine simply deletes the context state.  No calls to DASS are

B.2.2.6 GSS_Sign

   This routine takes as input a context handle and a message. It
   creates a per_msg_token by computing a digital signature on the
   message using the key and timestamp in the context block.  No DASS
   services are required. If additional cryptographic services were
   requested (replay detection or sequencing), a timestamp or sequence
   number must be prepended to the message and sent with the signature.
   The syntax for this message is listed in section C.3.

B.2.2.7 GSS_Verify

   This routine repeats the calculation of the sign routine and verifies
   the signature provided. If replay detection or sequencing services
   are provided, the context must maintain as part of its state
   information containing the sequence numbers or timestamps of messages
   already received and this one must be checked for acceptability.

B.2.2.8 GSS_Seal

   This routine performs the same functions as Sign but also optionally
   encrypts the message for privacy using the shared key and
   encapsulates the whole thing in a GSSAPI specified ASN.1 wrapper.

B.2.2.9 GSS_Unseal

   This routine performs the same functions as GSS_Verify but also
   parses the data structure including the signature and message and
   decrypts the message if necessary.
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B.3 Syntax

   The GSSAPI specification recommends the following ASN.1 encoding for
   the tokens and messages generated through the GSSAPI:

        --optional top-level token definitions to frame
        -- different mechanisms


        MechType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
        -- data structure definitions
        ContextToken ::=
        -- option indication (delegation, etc.) indicated
        -- within mechanism-specific token
             thisMech MechType,
             responseExpected BOOLEAN,
             innerContextToken ANY DEFINED BY MechType
               -- contents mechanism-specific

        PerMsgToken ::=
        -- as emitted by GSS_Sign and processed by
        -- GSS_Verify
             thisMech MechType,
             innerMsgToken ANY DEFINED BY MechType
               -- contents mechanism-specific
        SealedMessage ::=
        -- as emitted by GSS_Seal and processed by
        -- GSS_Unseal
             sealingToken PERMSGTOKEN,
             confFlag BOOLEAN,
             userData OCTET STRING
               -- encrypted if confFlag TRUE

   The object identifier for the DASS MechType is

   The innerContextToken of a token is a DASS token or mutual
   authentication token.

   The innerMsgToken is a null string in the case where the message is
   encrypted and the token is included as part of a SealedMessage.
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   Otherwise, it is an eight octet sequence computed as the CBC residue
   computed using a key and string of bytes defined as follows:

    - Pad the message provided by the application with 1-8 bytes of
      pad to produce a string whose length is a multiple of 8
      octets.  Each pad byte has a value equal to the number of pad

    - Compute the key by taking the timestamp of the association
      (two four byte integers laid out in big endian order with the
      most significant integer first), complementing the high order
      bit (to avoid aliasing with mutual authenticators), and
      encrypting the block in ECB mode with the shared key of the

   The userData field of a SealedMessage is exactly the application
   provided byte string if confFlag=FALSE.  Otherwise, it is the
   application supplied message encrypted as follows:

    - Pad the message provided by the application with 1-8 bytes of
      pad to produce a string whose length = 4 (mod 8).  Each pad
      byte has a value equal to the number of pad bytes.

    - Append a four byte CRC32 computed over the message + pad.

    - Compute a key by taking the timestamp of the association (two
      four byte integers laid out in big endian order with the most
      significant integer first), complementing the high order bit
      (to avoid aliasing with mutual authenticators), and encrypting
      the block in ECB mode with the shared key of the association.

    - Encrypt the message + pad + CRC32 using CBC and the key
      computed in the previous step.

   A note of the logic behind the above:

    - Because the shared key of an association may be reused by many
      associations between the same pair of principals, it is
      necessary to bind the association timestamp into the messages
      somehow to prevent messages from a previous association being
      replayed into a new sequence.  The technique above of
      generating an association key accomplishes this and has a side
      benefit.  An implementation may with to keep the long term
      keys out of the hands of applications for purposes of
      confinement but may wish to put the encryption associated with
      an association in process context for reasons of performance.
      Defining an association key makes that possible.
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    - The reason that the association specific key is not specified
      as the output of Create_token and Accept_token is that the DCE
      RPC security implementation requires that a series of
      associations between two principals always have the same key
      and we did not want to have to support a different interface
      in that application.

    - The CRC32 after pad constitutes a cheap integrity check when
      data is encrypted.
    - The fact that padding is done differently for encrypted and
      signed messages means that there are no threats related to
      sending the same message encrypted and unencrypted and using
      the last block of the encrypted message as a signature on the
      unencrypted one.

Annex C

Imported ASN.1 definitions

   This annex contains extracts from the ASN.1 description of X.509 and
   X.500 definitions referenced by the DASS ASN.1 definitions.


   BEGIN joint-iso-ccitt          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {2} ds
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {joint-iso-ccitt 5} algorithm

   iso                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {1} identified-
   organization  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {iso 3} ecma            OBJECT
   IDENTIFIER ::= {identified-organization 12} digital
   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ecma 1011 }

   -- X.501 definitions

   AttributeType ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER AttributeValue ::= ANY
           -- useful ones are
                   --      OCTET STRING ,
                   --      PrintableString ,
                   --      NumericString ,
                   --      T61String ,
                   --      VisibleString

   AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {AttributeType,

   Name ::= CHOICE {-- only one possibility for now --
Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 113
   RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE OF RelativeDistinguishedName
   DistinguishedName ::= RDNSequence

   RelativeDistinguishedName ::= SET OF AttributeValueAssertion

   -- X.509 definitions

   Certificate ::= SIGNED SEQUENCE {
                   version [0]             Version DEFAULT 1988 ,
                   serialNumber            SerialNumber ,
                   signature               AlgorithmIdentifier ,
                   issuer                  Name,
                   valid                   Validity,
                   subject                 Name,
                   subjectPublicKey        SubjectPublicKeyInfo }

   Version ::=      INTEGER { 1988(0)} SerialNumber ::= INTEGER Validity
   ::=     SEQUENCE{
           notBefore               UTCTime,
           notAfter                UTCTime}

   SubjectPublicKeyInfo  ::=  SEQUENCE {
           algorithm               AlgorithmIdentifier ,
           subjectPublicKey        BIT STRING

   AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ,
                       parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL}


           -- the value of the bit string is generated by
           -- taking the octets which form the complete
           -- encoding (using the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules)
           -- of the value of the ToBeEnciphered type and
           -- applying an encipherment procedure to those octets-- END

   SIGNED MACRO    ::= BEGIN TYPE NOTATION   ::= type (ToBeSigned) VALUE
           AlgorithIdentifier, -- of the algorithm used to generate
                               -- the signature
           -- where the octet string is the result
Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 114
           -- of the hashing of the value of "ToBeSigned" END -- of

   NOTATION  ::= value(VALUE
                   -- of the algorithm used to compute the signature
                   ENCRYPTED OCTET STRING
                   -- where the octet string is a function (e.g., a
                   -- compressed or hashed version) of the value
                   -- "OfSignature", which may include the identifier
                   -- of the algorithm used to compute
                   -- the signature--}
                           ) END -- of SIGNATURE

   -- X.509 Annex H (not part of the standard)

   encryptionAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {algorithm 1} rsa ALGORITHM
           PARAMETER KeySize
           ::= {encryptionAlgorithm 1}

   KeySize ::= INTEGER



        The process of determining the identity
        (usually the name) of the other party in some communication

   authentication context
        Cached information used during a particular instance of
        authentication and including a shared symmetric (DES) key as
        well as components of the authentication token conveyed
        during establishment of this context.

   authentication token
        Information conveyed during a strong authentication exchange
        that can be used to authenticate its sender. An
        authentication token can, but is not necessarily limited to,
        include the claimant identity and ticket, as well as signed
        and encrypted secret key exchange messages conveying a
        secret key to be used in future cryptographic operations. An
Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 115
        authentication token names a particular protocol data
        structure component.

        The process of determining the rights
        associated with a particular principal.

        The public key of a particular principal, together
        with some other information relating to the names of the
        principal and the certifying authority, rendered unforgeable
        by encipherment with the private key of the certification
        authority that issued it.

   certification authority
        An authority trusted by one or more principals to create and
        assign certificates.

        The party that initiates the authentication process.
        In the DASS architecture, claimants possess credentials
        which include their identity, authenticating private key and
        a ticket certifying their authenticating public key.

        Information "state" required by principals in order
        to for them to authenticate.   Credentials may contain
        information used to initiate the authentication process
        (claimant information), information used to respond to an
        authentication request (verifier information), and cached
        information useful in improving performance.

   cryptographic checksum
        Information which is derived by performing a cryptographic
        transformation on the data unit. This information can be
        used by the receiver to verify the authenticity of data
        passed in cleartext

        To reverse the effects of encipherment and render a
        message comprehensible by use of a cryptographic key.

        The granting of temporary credentials that allow a
        process to act on behalf of a principal.
Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 116
   delegation key
        A short term public/private key pair used by a claimant
        to act on behalf of a principal for a bounded period. The
        delegation public key appears in the ticket, whereas the
        delegation private key is used to sign secret key exchange

        Data Encryption Standard: a symmetric (secret key)
        encryption algorithm used by DASS. An alternate encryption
        algorithm could be substituted with little or no disruption
        to the architecture.

   DES key
        A 56-bit secret quantity used as a parameter to the
        DES encryption algorithm.

   digital signature
        A value computed from a block of data
        and a key which could only be computed by someone knowing
        the key. A digital signature computed with a secret key can
        only be verified by someone knowing that secret key.  A
        digital signature computed with a private key can be
        verified by anyone knowing the corresponding public key.

        To render incomprehensible except to the holder of a
        particular key. If you encipher with a secret key, only the
        holder of the same secret can decipher the message. If you
        encipher with a public key, only the holder of the
        corresponding private key can decipher it.

   initial trust certificate
        A certificate signed by a principal for its own use which
        states the name and public key of a trusted authority.

   global user name
        A hierarchical name for a user which is
        unique within the entire domain of discussion (typically the

   local user name
        A simple (non-hierarchical) name by
        which a user is known within a limited context such as on a
        single computer.
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        Abstract entity which can be authenticated by name.
        In DASS there are user principals and server principals.

   private key
        Cryptographic key used in asymmetric (public key)
        cryptography to decrypt and/or sign messages. In asymmetric
        cryptography, knowing the encryption key is independent of
        knowing the decryption key. The decryption (or signing)
        private key cannot be derived from the encrypting (or
        verifying) public key.

        A mapping from an external name to a local account
        name for purposes of establishing a set of local access
        rights. Note that this differs from the definition in ECMA

   public key
        Cryptographic key used in asymmetric cryptography to
        encrypt messages and/or verify signatures.

        The Rivest-Shamir-Adelman public key cryptosystem
        based on modular exponentiation where the modulus is the
        product of two large primes.  When the term RSA key is used,
        it should be clear from context whether the public key, the
        private key, or the public/private pair is intended.

   secret key
        Cryptographic key used in symmetric cryptography to
        encrypt, sign, decrypt and verify messages. In symmetric
        cryptography, knowledge of the decryption key implies
        knowledge of the encryption key, and vice-versa.

        A process which takes a piece of data and a key and
        produces a digital signature which can only be calculated by
        someone with the key. The holder of a corresponding key can
        verify the signature.

        The initiator of an authentication exchange.

   strong authentication
        Authentication by means of cryptographically derived
        authentication tokens and credentials. The actual working
        definition is closer to that of "zero knowledge" proof:
Top   ToC   RFC1507 - Page 118
        authentication so as to not reveal any information usable by
        either the verifier, or by an eavesdropping third party, to
        further their potential ability to impersonate the claimant.

        The intended second party (other than the source) to
        an authentication exchange.

        A data structure certifying an authenticating
        (public) key by virtue of being signed by a user principal
        using their (long term) private key. The ticket also
        includes the UID of the principal.

   trusted authority
        The public key, name and UID of a
        certification authority trusted in some context to certify
        the public keys of other principals.

        A 128 bit unique identifier produced according to OSF
        standard specifications.

   user key
        A "long term" RSA key whose private portion
        authenticates its holder as having the access rights of a
        particular person.

        To cryptographically process a piece of data and a
        digital signature to determine that the holder of a
        particular key signed the data.

        The party who will perform the operations necessary
        to verify the claimed identity of a claimant.
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Security Considerations

   Security issues are discussed throughout this memo.

Author's Address

   Charles Kaufman
   Digital Equipment Corporation
   110 Spit Brook Road
   Nashua, NH 03062

   Phone: (603) 881-1495

   General comments on this document should be sent to
   Minor corrections should be sent to the author.