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RFC 1271

Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base

Pages: 81
Obsoleted by:  1757
Updated by:  1513
Part 4 of 4 – Pages 63 to 81
First   Prev   None

ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 63   prevText
          channelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
                  in the channel table.  Each such
                  entry defines one channel, a logical data
                  and event stream."
              ::= { channelEntry 1 }

          channelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of this object uniquely identifies the
                  interface on this remote network monitoring device
                  to which the associated filters are applied to allow
                  data into this channel.  The interface identified by
                  a particular value of this object is the same
                  interface as identified by the same value of the
                  ifIndex object, defined in [4,6].  The filters in
                  this group are applied to all packets on the local
                  network segment attached to the identified

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { channelEntry 2 }

          channelAcceptType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "This object controls the action of the filters
                  associated with this channel.  If this object is equal
                  to acceptMatched(1), packets will be accepted to this
                  channel if they are accepted by both the packet data
                  and packet status matches of an associated filter. If
                  this object is equal to acceptFailed(2), packets will
                  be accepted to this channel only if they fail either
                  the packet data match or the packet status match of
                  each of the associated filters.
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 64
                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { channelEntry 3 }

          channelDataControl OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "This object controls the flow of data through this
                  channel.  If this object is on(1), data, status and
                  events flow through this channel.  If this object is
                  off(2), data, status and events will not flow through
                  this channel."
              DEFVAL { off }
              ::= { channelEntry 4 }

          channelTurnOnEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of this object identifies the event
                  that is configured to turn the associated
                  channelDataControl from off to on when the event is
                  generated.  The event identified by a particular value
                  of this object is the same event as identified by the
                  same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
                  corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
                  association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
                  for this channel, channelTurnOnEventIndex must be
                  set to zero, a non-existent event index.

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { channelEntry 5 }

          channelTurnOffEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of this object identifies the event
                  that is configured to turn the associated
                  channelDataControl from on to off when the event is
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 65
                  generated.  The event identified by a particular value
                  of this object is the same event as identified by the
                  same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
                  corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
                  association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
                  for this channel, channelTurnOffEventIndex must be
                  set to zero, a non-existent event index.

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { channelEntry 6 }

          channelEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of this object identifies the event
                  that is configured to be generated when the
                  associated channelDataControl is on and a packet
                  is matched.  The event identified by a particular value
                  of this object is the same event as identified by the
                  same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
                  corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
                  association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
                  for this channel, channelEventIndex must be
                  set to zero, a non-existent event index.

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { channelEntry 7 }

          channelEventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The event status of this channel.

                  If this channel is configured to generate events
                  when packets are matched, a means of controlling
                  the flow of those events is often needed.  When
                  this object is equal to eventReady(1), a single
                  event may be generated, after which this object
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 66
                  will be set by the probe to eventFired(2).  While
                  in the eventFired(2) state, no events will be
                  generated until the object is modified to
                  eventReady(1) (or eventAlwaysReady(3)).  The
                  management station can thus easily respond to a
                  notification of an event by re-enabling this object.

                  If the management station wishes to disable this
                  flow control and allow events to be generated
                  at will, this object may be set to
                  eventAlwaysReady(3).  Disabling the flow control
                  is discouraged as it can result in high network
                  traffic or other performance problems."
              DEFVAL { eventReady }
              ::= { channelEntry 8 }

          channelMatches OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX Counter
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of times this channel has matched a packet.
                  Note that this object is updated even when
                  channelDataControl is set to off."
              ::= { channelEntry 9 }

          channelDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A comment describing this channel."
              ::= { channelEntry 10 }

          channelOwner OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX OwnerString
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
                  using the resources assigned to it."
              ::= { channelEntry 11 }

          channelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX EntryStatus
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 67
                  "The status of this channel entry."
              ::= { channelEntry 12 }

          -- The Packet Capture Group

          -- Implementation of the Packet Capture group is optional.
          -- The Packet Capture Group requires implementation of the
          -- Filter Group.
          -- The Packet Capture group allows packets to be captured
          -- upon a filter match.  The bufferControlTable controls
          -- the captured packets output from a channel that is
          -- associated with it.  The captured packets are placed
          -- in entries in the captureBufferTable.  These entries are
          -- associated with the bufferControlEntry on whose behalf they
          -- were stored.

          bufferControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BufferControlEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of buffers control entries."
              ::= { capture 1 }

          bufferControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX BufferControlEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A set of parameters that control the collection of
                  a stream of packets that have matched filters."
              INDEX { bufferControlIndex }
              ::= { bufferControlTable 1 }

          BufferControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              bufferControlIndex                INTEGER (1..65535),
              bufferControlChannelIndex         INTEGER (1..65535),
              bufferControlFullStatus           INTEGER,
              bufferControlFullAction           INTEGER,
              bufferControlCaptureSliceSize     INTEGER,
              bufferControlDownloadSliceSize    INTEGER,
              bufferControlDownloadOffset       INTEGER,
              bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested   INTEGER,
              bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted     INTEGER,
              bufferControlCapturedPackets      INTEGER,
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 68
              bufferControlTurnOnTime           TimeTicks,
              bufferControlOwner                OwnerString,
              bufferControlStatus               INTEGER

          bufferControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
                  in the bufferControl table.  The value of this
                  index shall never be zero.  Each such
                  entry defines one set of packets that is
                  captured and controlled by one or more filters."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 1 }

          bufferControlChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that identifies the channel that is the
                  source of packets for this bufferControl table.
                  The channel identified by a particular value of this
                  index is the same as identified by the same value of
                  the channelIndex object.

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 2 }

          bufferControlFullStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "This object shows whether the buffer has room to
                  accept new packets or if it is full.

                  If the status is spaceAvailable(1), the buffer is
                  accepting new packets normally.  If the status is
                  full(2) and the associated bufferControlFullAction
                  object is wrapWhenFull, the buffer is accepting new
                  packets by deleting enough of the oldest packets
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 69
                  to make room for new ones as they arrive.  Otherwise,
                  if the status is full(2) and the
                  bufferControlFullAction object is lockWhenFull,
                  then the buffer has stopped collecting packets.

                  When this object is set to full(2) the probe must
                  not later set it to spaceAvailable(1) except in the
                  case of a significant gain in resources such as
                  an increase of bufferControlOctetsGranted.  In
                  particular, the wrap-mode action of deleting old
                  packets to make room for newly arrived packets
                  must not affect the value of this object."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 3 }

          bufferControlFullAction OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                      wrapWhenFull(2)    -- FIFO
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "Controls the action of the buffer when it
                  reaches the full status.  When in the lockWhenFull(1)
                  state a packet is added to the buffer that
                  fills the buffer, the bufferControlFullStatus will
                  be set to full(2) and this buffer will stop capturing
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 4 }

          bufferControlCaptureSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The maximum number of octets of each packet
                  that will be saved in this capture buffer.
                  For example, if a 1500 octet packet is received by
                  the probe and this object is set to 500, then only
                  500 octets of the packet will be stored in the
                  associated capture buffer.  If this variable is set
                  to 0, the capture buffer will save as many octets
                  as is possible.

                  This object may not be modified if the associated
                  bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
              DEFVAL { 100 }
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 5 }
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 70
          bufferControlDownloadSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The maximum number of octets of each packet
                  in this capture buffer that will be returned in
                  an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
                  if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
                  associated capture buffer, the associated
                  bufferControlDownloadOffset is 0, and this
                  object is set to 100, then the captureBufferPacket
                  object that contains the packet will contain only
                  the first 100 octets of the packet.

                  A prudent manager will take into account possible
                  interoperability or fragmentation problems that may
                  occur if the download slice size is set too large.
                  In particular, conformant SNMP implementations are not
                  required to accept messages whose length exceeds 484
                  octets, although they are encouraged to support larger
                  datagrams whenever feasible."
              DEFVAL { 100 }
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 6 }

          bufferControlDownloadOffset OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The offset of the first octet of each packet
                  in this capture buffer that will be returned in
                  an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
                  if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
                  associated capture buffer and this object is set to
                  100, then the captureBufferPacket object that
                  contains the packet will contain bytes starting
                  100 octets into the packet."
              DEFVAL { 0 }
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 7 }

          bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The requested maximum number of octets to be
                  saved in this captureBuffer, including any
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 71
                  implementation-specific overhead. If this variable
                  is set to -1, the capture buffer will save as many
                  octets as is possible.

                  When this object is created or modified, the probe
                  should set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted as closely
                  to this object as is possible for the particular probe
                  implementation and available resources.  However, if
                  the object has the special value of -1, the probe
                  must set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted to -1."
              DEFVAL { -1 }
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 8 }

          bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The maximum number of octets that can be
                  saved in this captureBuffer, including overhead.
                  If this variable is -1, the capture buffer will save
                  as many octets as possible.

                  When the bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object is
                  created or modified, the probe should set this object
                  as closely to the requested value as is possible for
                  the particular probe implementation and available
                  resources.  However, if the request object has the
                  special value of -1, the probe must set this object
                  to -1.  The probe must not lower this value except
                  as a result of a modification to the associated
                  bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object.

                  When this maximum number of octets is reached
                  and a new packet is to be added to this
                  capture buffer and the corresponding
                  bufferControlFullAction is set to wrapWhenFull(2),
                  enough of the oldest packets associated with this
                  capture buffer shall be deleted by the agent so
                  that the new packet can be added.  If the
                  corresponding bufferControlFullAction is set to
                  lockWhenFull(1), the new packet shall be discarded.
                  In either case, the probe must set
                  bufferControlFullStatus to full(2).

                  When the value of this object changes to a value less
                  than the current value, entries are deleted from
                  the captureBufferTable associated with this
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 72
                  bufferControlEntry.  Enough of the
                  oldest of these captureBufferEntries shall be
                  deleted by the agent so that the number of octets
                  used remains less than or equal to the new value of
                  this object.

                  When the value of this object changes to a value greater
                  than the current value, the number of associated
                  captureBufferEntries may be allowed to grow."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 9 }

          bufferControlCapturedPackets OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of packets currently in this captureBuffer."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 10 }

          bufferControlTurnOnTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX TimeTicks
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of sysUpTime when this capture buffer was
                  first turned on."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 11 }

          bufferControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX OwnerString
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
                  using the resources assigned to it."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 12 }

          bufferControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX EntryStatus
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of this buffer Control Entry."
              ::= { bufferControlEntry 13 }

          captureBufferTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CaptureBufferEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 73
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of packets captured off of a channel."
              ::= { capture 2 }

          captureBufferEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX CaptureBufferEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A packet captured off of an attached network."
              INDEX { captureBufferControlIndex, captureBufferIndex }
              ::= { captureBufferTable 1 }

          CaptureBufferEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              captureBufferControlIndex   INTEGER (1..65535),
              captureBufferIndex          INTEGER,
              captureBufferPacketID       INTEGER,
              captureBufferPacketData     OCTET STRING,
              captureBufferPacketLength   INTEGER,
              captureBufferPacketTime     INTEGER,
              captureBufferPacketStatus   INTEGER

          captureBufferControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The index of the bufferControlEntry with which
                  this packet is associated."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 1 }

          captureBufferIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
                  in the captureBuffer table associated with a
                  particular bufferControlEntry.  This index will
                  start at 1 and increase by one for each new packet
                  added with the same captureBufferControlIndex."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 2 }

          captureBufferPacketID OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 74
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that describes the order of packets
                  that are received on a particular interface.
                  The packetID of a packet captured on an
                  interface is defined to be greater than the
                  packetID's of all packets captured previously on
                  the same interface.  As the captureBufferPacketID
                  object has a maximum positive value of 2^31 - 1,
                  any captureBufferPacketID object shall have the
                  value of the associated packet's packetID mod 2^31."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 3 }

          captureBufferPacketData OBJECT-TYPE
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The data inside the packet, starting at the beginning
                  of the packet plus any offset specified in the
                  associated bufferControlDownloadOffset, including any
                  link level headers.  The length of the data in this
                  object is the minimum of the length of the captured
                  packet minus the offset, the length of the associated
                  bufferControlCaptureSliceSize minus the offset, and the
                  associated bufferControlDownloadSliceSize.  If this
                  minimum is less than zero, this object shall have a
                  length of zero."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 4 }

          captureBufferPacketLength OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The actual length (off the wire) of the packet stored
                  in this entry, including FCS octets."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 5 }

          captureBufferPacketTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The number of milliseconds that had passed since
                  this capture buffer was first turned on when this
                  packet was captured."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 6 }
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 75
          captureBufferPacketStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A value which indicates the error status of this

                  The value of this object is defined in the same way as
                  filterPacketStatus.  The value is a sum.  This sum
                  initially takes the value zero.  Then, for each
                  error, E, that has been discovered in this packet,
                  2 raised to a value representing E is added to the sum.

                  The errors defined for a packet captured off of an
                  Ethernet interface are as follows:

                      bit #    Error
                          0    Packet is longer than 1518 octets
                          1    Packet is shorter than 64 octets
                          2    Packet experienced a CRC or Alignment
                          3    First packet in this capture buffer after
                               it was detected that some packets were
                               not processed correctly.

                  For example, an Ethernet fragment would have a
                  value of 6 (2^1 + 2^2).

                  As this MIB is expanded to new media types, this object
                  will have other media-specific errors defined."
              ::= { captureBufferEntry 7 }

          -- The Event Group

          -- Implementation of the Event group is optional.
          -- The Event group controls the generation and notification
          -- of events from this device.  Each entry in the eventTable
          -- describes the parameters of the event that can be triggered.
          -- Each event entry is fired by an associated condition located
          -- elsewhere in the MIB.  An event entry may also be associated
          -- with a function elsewhere in the MIB that will be executed
          -- when the event is generated.  For example, a channel may
          -- be turned on or off by the firing of an event.
          -- Each eventEntry may optionally specify that a log entry
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 76
          -- be created on its behalf whenever the event occurs.
          -- Each entry may also specify that notification should
          -- occur by way of SNMP trap messages.  In this case, the
          -- community for the trap message is given in the associated
          -- eventCommunity object.  The enterprise and specific trap
          -- fields of the trap are determined by the condition that
          -- triggered the event.  Three traps are defined in a companion
          -- document: risingAlarm, fallingAlarm, and packetMatch.
          -- If the eventTable is triggered by a condition specified
          -- elsewhere, the enterprise and specific trap fields
          -- must be specified for traps generated for that condition.

          eventTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EventEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of events to be generated."
              ::= { event 1 }

          eventEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX EventEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A set of parameters that describe an event to be
                  generated when certain conditions are met."
              INDEX { eventIndex }
              ::= { eventTable 1 }

          EventEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              eventIndex          INTEGER (1..65535),
              eventDescription    DisplayString (SIZE (0..127)),
              eventType           INTEGER,
              eventCommunity      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127)),
              eventLastTimeSent   TimeTicks,
              eventOwner          OwnerString,
              eventStatus         INTEGER

          eventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
                  event table.  Each such entry defines one event that
                  is to be generated when the appropriate conditions
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 77
              ::= { eventEntry 1 }

          eventDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A comment describing this event entry."
              ::= { eventEntry 2 }

          eventType OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER {
                      snmp-trap(3),    -- send an SNMP trap
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The type of notification that the probe will make
                  about this event.  In the case of log, an entry is
                  made in the log table for each event.  In the case of
                  snmp-trap, an SNMP trap is sent to one or more
                  management stations."
              ::= { eventEntry 3 }

          eventCommunity OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..127))
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "If an SNMP trap is to be sent, it will be sent to
                  the SNMP community specified by this octet string.
                  In the future this table will be extended to include
                  the party security mechanism.  This object shall be
                  set to a string of length zero if it is intended that
                  that mechanism be used to specify the destination of
                  the trap."
              ::= { eventEntry 4 }

          eventLastTimeSent OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX TimeTicks
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of sysUpTime at the time this event
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 78
                  entry last generated an event.  If this entry has
                  not generated any events, this value will be
              ::= { eventEntry 5 }

          eventOwner OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX OwnerString
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
                  using the resources assigned to it.

                  If this object contains a string starting with 'monitor'
                  and has associated entries in the log table, all
                  connected management stations should retrieve those
                  log entries, as they may have significance to all
                  management stations connected to this device"
              ::= { eventEntry 6 }

          eventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX EntryStatus
              ACCESS read-write
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The status of this event entry.

                  If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
                  log entries shall be deleted by the agent."
              ::= { eventEntry 7 }

          logTable OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LogEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A list of events that have been logged."
              ::= { event 2 }

          logEntry OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX LogEntry
              ACCESS not-accessible
              STATUS mandatory
                  "A set of data describing an event that has been
              INDEX { logEventIndex, logIndex }
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 79
              ::= { logTable 1 }

          LogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
              logEventIndex           INTEGER (1..65535),
              logIndex                INTEGER,
              logTime                 TimeTicks,
              logDescription          DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))

          logEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The event entry that generated this log
                  entry.  The log identified by a particular
                  value of this index is associated with the same
                  eventEntry as identified by the same value
                  of eventIndex."
              ::= { logEntry 1 }

          logIndex OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX INTEGER
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
                  in the log table amongst those generated by the
                  same eventEntries.  These indexes are
                  assigned beginning with 1 and increase by one
                  with each new log entry.  The association
                  between values of logIndex and logEntries
                  is fixed for the lifetime of each logEntry.
                  The agent may choose to delete the oldest
                  instances of logEntry as required because of
                  lack of memory.  It is an implementation-specific
                  matter as to when this deletion may occur."
              ::= { logEntry 2 }

          logTime OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX TimeTicks
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "The value of sysUpTime when this log entry was
              ::= { logEntry 3 }
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 80
          logDescription OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
              ACCESS read-only
              STATUS mandatory
                  "An implementation dependent description of the
                  event that activated this log entry."
              ::= { logEntry 4 }


7.  Acknowledgments

   This document was produced by the IETF Remote Network Monitoring
   Working Group.

   In addition, the comments of the following individuals are also

      Anne Ambler             Spider Systems
      Steve Bostock           Novell
      Gigi Chu                Hewlett-Packard
      Chuck Davin             MIT
      Gary Ellis              Hewlett-Packard
      Mike Erlinger           Lexcel
      Stephen Grau            Novell
      Martin Gray             Spider Systems
      Mark Hoerth             Hewlett-Packard
      Tim Lee-Thorp           Network General
      Anil Singhal            Frontier Software
      David Stevens           Network General
      Gerard White            Concord Communications

8.  References

   [1] Cerf, V., "IAB Recommendations for the Development of Internet
       Network Management Standards", RFC 1052, NRI, April 1988.

   [2] Cerf, V., "Report of the Second Ad Hoc Network Management Review
       Group", RFC 1109, NRI, August 1989.

   [3] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1155,
       Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May 1990.

   [4] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
       LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.
ToP   noToC   RFC1271 - Page 81
   [5] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [6] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, Editors, "Management Information Base
       for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1213,
       Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization, International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [8] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [9] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
       RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems,
       March 1991.

  [10] Rose, M., Editor, "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with
       the SNMP", RFC 1215, Performance Systems International, March

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

   Steven Waldbusser
   Carnegie Mellon University
   4910 Forbes Ave.
   Pittsburgh, PA 15213

   Phone: (412) 268-6628
