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RFC 1060

Assigned numbers

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ToP   noToC   RFC1060 - Page 20   prevText
                         IANA ETHERNET ADDRESS BLOCK

   The IANA owns an Ethernet address block which may be used for
   multicast address asignments or other special purposes.

   The address block in IEEE binary is (which is in bit transmission

                       0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1010

   In the normal Internet dotted decimal notation this is 0.0.94 since
   the bytes are transmitted higher order first and bits within bytes
   are transmitted lower order first (see "Data Notation" in the

   IEEE CSMA/CD and Token Bus bit transmission order: 00 00 5E

   IEEE Token Ring bit transmission order: 00 00 7A

   Appearance on the wire (bits transmitted from left to right):

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       1000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1010 xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
       |                                     |
       Multicast Bit                         0 = Internet Multicast
                                             1 = Assigned by IANA for
                                                 other uses

   Appearance in memory (bits transmitted right-to-left within octets,
   octets transmitted left-to-right):

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       0000 0001 0000 0000 0101 1110 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
               |                     |
               Multicast Bit         0 = Internet Multicast
                                     1 = Assigned by IANA for other uses

   The latter representation corresponds to the Internet standard bit-
   order, and is the format that most programmers have to deal with.
   Using this representation, the range of Internet Multicast addresses

          01-00-5E-00-00-00  to  01-00-5E-7F-FF-FF  in hex, or

  to  in dotted decimal
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                             IP TOS PARAMETERS

   This documents the default Type-of-Service values that are currently
   recommended for the most important Internet protocols.

   There are three binary TOS attributes: low delay, high throughput,
   and high reliability; in each case, an attribute bit is turned on to
   indicate "better".  The three attributes cannot all be optimized
   simultanously, and in fact the TOS algorithms that have been
   discussed tend to make "better" values of the attributes mutually
   exclusive.  Therefore, the recommended values have at most one bit

   Generally, protocols which are involved in direct interaction with a
   human should select low delay, while data transfers which may involve
   large blocks of data are need high throughput.  Finally, high
   reliability is most important for datagram-based Internet management

   Application protocols not included in these tables should be able to
   make appropriate choice of low delay (1 0 0) or high throughput (0 1

   The following are recommended values for TOS:

                  ----- Type-of-Service Value -----

                    Low        High         High
      Protocol     Delay    Throughput  Reliability

      TELNET (1)    1           0           0

        Control     1           0           0
        Data (2)    0           1           0

      TFTP          1           0           0

      SMTP  (3)
        Cmd phase   1           0           0
        DATA phase  0           1           0

      Domain Name Service
        UDP Query   1           0           0
        TCP Query   0           0           0
        Zone Tnsfr  0           1           0

      NNTP          0           0           0
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        Errors      0           0           0
        Queries     0           0           0

      Any IGP       0           0           1

      EGP           0           0           0

      SNMP          0           0           1

      BOOTP         0           0           0


      (1)  Includes all interactive user protocols (e.g., rlogin).

      (2)  Includes all bulk data transfer protocols (e.g., rcp).

      (3)  If the implementation does not support changing the TOS
           during the lifetime of the connection, then the recommended
           TOS on opening the connection is (0,0,0).
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                         IP TIME TO LIVE PARAMETER

   The current recommended default TTL for the Internet Protocol (IP)
   RFC-791 [45,105] is 32.
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                         DOMAIN SYSTEM PARAMETERS

   The Internet Domain Naming System (DOMAIN) includes several
   parameters.  These are documented in RFC-1034, [81] and RFC-1035
   [82].  The CLASS parameter is listed here.  The per CLASS parameters
   are defined in separate RFCs as indicated.

   Domain System Parameters:

      Decimal   Name                                          References
      -------   ----                                          ----------
            0   Reserved                                           [PM1]
            1   Internet (IN)                                   [81,PM1]
            2   Unassigned                                         [PM1]
            3   Chaos (CH)                                         [PM1]
            4   Hessoid (HS)                                       [PM1]
      5-65534   Unassigned                                         [PM1]
        65535   Reserved
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                               BOOTP PARAMETERS

   The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) RFC-951 [36] describes an IP/UDP
   bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) which allows a diskless client machine to
   discover its own IP address, the address of a server host, and the
   name of a file to be loaded into memory and executed.  The BOOTP
   Vendor Information Extensions RFC-1084 [117] proposes an addition to
   the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP).

   Vendor Extensions are listed below:

      Tag     Name          Data Length    Meaning          References
      ---     ----          -----------    -------          ----------
       0      Pad               0          None
       1      Subnet Mask       4          Subnet Mask Value
       2      Time Zone         4          Time Offset in
                                           Seconds from UTC
       3      Gateways          N          N/4 Gateway addresses
       4      Time Server       N          N/4 Timeserver addresses
       5      Name Server       N          N/4 IEN-116 Server addresses
       6      Domain Server     N          N/4 DNS Server addresses
       7      Log Server        N          N/4 Logging Server addresses
       8      Quotes Server     N          N/4 Quotes Server addresses
       9      LPR Server        N          N/4 Printer Server addresses
      10      Impress Server    N          N/4 Impress Server addresses
      11      RLP Server        N          N/4 RLP Server addresses
      12      Hostname          N          Hostname string
      13      Boot File Size    2          Size of boot file in 512 byte
      14      Merit Dump File              Client to dump and name
                                           the file to dump it to
      15-127  Unassigned
      128-154 Reserved
      255     End               0          None
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   For the management of hosts and gateways on the Internet a data
   structure for the information has been defined.  This data structure
   should be used with any of several possible management protocols, such
   as the "Simple Network Management Protocol" (SNMP) RFC-1098 [15], or
   the "Common Management Information Protocol over TCP" (CMOT) [142].

   The data structure is the "Structure and Indentification of Management
   Information for TCP/IP-based Internets" (SMI) RFC-1065 [120], and the
   "Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based
   Internets" (MIB) [121].

   The SMI includes the provision for parameters or codes to indicate
   experimental or private data structures.  These parameter assignments
   are listed here.

   The older "Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol" (SGMP) RFC-1028 [37]
   also defined a data structure.  The parameter assignments used with
   SGMP are included here for hist orical completeness.

   SMI Network Management Experimental Codes:


      Decimal   Name          Description                     References
      -------   ----          -----------                     ----------
            0   Reserved                                          [JKR1]
            1   CLNP          ISO CLNP Objects                     [MTR]
            2   T1-Carrier    T1 Carrier Objects                   [MTR]
            3   IEEE8023      Ethernet-like Objects                [MTR]
            4   IEEE8025      Token Ring-like Objects              [MTR]

   SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Codes:


      Decimal   Name                                          References
      -------   ----                                          ----------
            0   Reserved                                          [JKR1]
            1   Proteon                                          [GSM11]
            2   IBM                                                [JXR]
            3   CMU                                                [SXW]
            4   Unix                                               [KXS]
            5   ACC                                               [AB20]
            6   TWG                                                [KZM]
            7   CAYMAN                                            [BP52]
            8   NYSERNET                                           [MS9]
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            9   cisco                                              [GXS]
           10   NSC                                              [GS123]
           11   HP                                                [RDXS]
           12   Epilogue                                           [KA4]
           13   U of Tennessee                                   [JDC20]
           14   BBN                                                [RH6]
           15   Xylogics, Inc.                                    [JRL3]
           16   Unisys                                             [UXW]
           17   Canstar                                            [SXP]
           18   Wellfleet                                         [JCB1]
           19   TRW                                               [GGB2]
           20   MIT                                               [JR35]
           21   EON                                                [MXW]
           22   Spartacus                                          [YXK]
           23   Excelan                                            [RXB]
           24   Spider Systems                                     [VXW]
           25   NSFNET                                             [HWB]
           26   Hughes LAN Systems                                [AXC1]
           27   Intergraph                                         [SXC]
           28   Interlan                                          [FJK2]
           29   Vitalink Communications                            [FXB]
           30   Ulana                                              [BXA]
           31   NSWC                                              [SRN1]
           32   Santa Cruz Operation                              [KR35]
           33   Xyplex                                             [BXS]
           34   Cray                                               [HXE]
           35   Bell Northern Research                             [GXW]
           36   DEC                                               [RXB1]
           37   Touch                                              [BXB]
           38   Network Research Corp.                             [BXV]
           39   Baylor College of Medicine                        [SB98]
           40   NMFECC-LLNL                                        [SXH]
           41   SRI                                              [DW181]
           42   Sun Microsystems                                   [DXY]
           43   3Com                                               [TB6]
           44   CMC                                                [DXP]
           45   SynOptics                                         [BXB1]
           46   Cheyenne Software                                  [RXH]
           47   Prime Computer                                     [MXS]
           48   MCNC/North Carolina Data Network                   [KXW]
           49   Chipcom                                            [JXC]
           50   Optical Data Systems                               [JXF]
           51   gated                                              [JXH]
           52   Cabletron Systems                                  [RXD]
           53   Apollo Computers                                   [JXB]
           54   DeskTalk Systems, Inc.                             [DXK]
           55   SSDS                                               [RXS]
           56   Castle Rock Computing                             [JXS1]
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           57   MIPS Computer Systems                              [CXM]
           58   TGV, Inc.                                          [KAA]
           59   Silicon Graphics, Inc.                             [RXJ]
           60   University of British Columbia                     [DXM]
           61   Merit                                              [BXN]
           62   FiberCom                                           [EXR]
           63   Apple Computer Inc                                [JXH1]
           64   Gandalf                                            [HXK]
           65   Dartmouth                                          [PXK]
           66   David Systems                                      [DXM]
           67   Reuter                                             [BXZ]
           68   Cornell                                          [DC126]
           69   TMAC                                             [MLS34]
           70   Locus Computing Corp.                              [AXS]
           71   NASA                                              [SS92]
           72   Retix                                              [AXM]
           73   Boeing                                             [JXG]
           74   AT&T                                              [AXC2]
           75   Ungermann-Bass                                     [DXM]
           76   Digital Analysis Corp.                             [SXK]
           77   LAN Manager                                       [JXG1]
           78   Netlabs                                          [JB478]
           79   ICL                                                [JXI]
           80   Auspex Systems                                     [BXE]
           81   Lannet Company                                     [EXR]
           82   Network Computing Devices                        [DM280]
           83   Raycom Systems                                    [BXW1]
           84   Pirelli Focom Ltd.                                 [SXL]
           85   Datability Software Systems                        [LXF]
           86   Network Application Technology                     [YXW]
           87   LINK (Lokales Informatik-Netz Karlsruhe)           [GXS]
           88   NYU                                               [BJR2]
           89   RND                                                [RXN]
           90   InterCon Systems Corporation                      [AW90]

   SGMP Vendor Specific Codes:

      Prefix: 1,255,

      Decimal   Name                                          References
      -------   ----                                          ----------
            0   Reserved                                          [JKR1]
            1   Proteon                                           [JS18]
            2   IBM                                                [JXR]
            3   CMU                                                [SXW]
            4   Unix                                               [MS9]
            5   ACC                                               [AB20]
            6   TWG                                                [MTR]
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            7   CAYMAN                                            [BP52]
            8   NYSERNET                                           [MS9]
            9   cisco                                              [GS2]
           10   BBN                                                [RH6]
           11   Unassigned                                        [JKR1]
           12   MIT                                               [JR35]
       13-254   Unassigned                                        [JKR1]
          255   Reserved                                          [JKR1]
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   The ARPANET facility for "logical addressing" is described in RFC-878
   [57] and RFC-1005 [109].  A portion of the possible logical addresses
   are reserved for standard uses.

   There are 49,152 possible logical host addresses.  Of these, 256 are
   reserved for assignment to well-known functions.  Assignments for
   well-known functions are made by the IANA.  Assignments for other
   logical host addresses are made by the NIC.

   Logical Address Assignments:

      Decimal    Description                                  References
      -------    -----------                                  ----------
      0          Reserved                                          [JBP]
      1          The BBN Core Gateways                              [MB]
      2-254      Unassigned                                        [JBP]
      255        Reserved                                          [JBP]
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                       ARPANET AND MILNET LINK NUMBERS

   The word "link" here refers to a field in the original ARPANET
   Host/IMP interface leader.  The link was originally defined as an 8-
   bit field.  Later specifications defined this field as the "message-
   id" with a length of 12 bits.  The name link now refers to the high
   order 8 bits of this 12-bit message-id field.  The Host/IMP interface
   is defined in BBN Report 1822 [2].

   The low-order 4 bits of the message-id field are called the sub-link.
   Unless explicitly specified otherwise for a particular protocol,
   there is no sender to receiver significance to the sub-link.  The
   sender may use the sub-link in any way he chooses (it is returned in
   the RFNM by the destination IMP), the receiver should ignore the

   Link Assignments:

      Decimal   Description                                   References
      -------   -----------                                   ----------
      0-63      BBNCC Monitoring                                    [MB]
      64-149    Unassigned                                         [JBP]
      150       Xerox NS IDP                                 [133,XEROX]
      151       Unassigned                                         [JBP]
      152       PARC Universal Protocol                        [8,XEROX]
      153       TIP Status Reporting                               [JGH]
      154       TIP Accounting                                     [JGH]
      155       Internet Protocol [regular]                    [105,JBP]
      156-158   Internet Protocol [experimental]               [105,JBP]
      159       Figleaf Link                                      [JBW1]
      160       Blacker Local Network Protocol                    [DM28]
      161-194   Unassigned                                         [JBP]
      195       ISO-IP                                          [64,RXM]
      196-247   Experimental Protocols                             [JBP]
      248-255   Network Maintenance                                [JGH]
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   All MILNET hosts are assigned addresses by the Defense Data Network
   (DDN).  The address of a MILNET host may be obtained from the Network
   Information Center (NIC), represented as an ASCII text string in what
   is called "host table format".  This section describes the process by
   which MILNET X.25 addresses may be derived from addresses in the NIC
   host table format.

   A NIC host table address consists of the ASCII text string
   representations of four decimal numbers separated by periods,
   corresponding to the four octeted of a thirty-two bit Internet
   address.  The four decimal numbers are referred to in this section as
   "n", "h' "l", and "i".  Thus, a host table address may be represented
   as: "n.h.l.i".  Each of these four numbers will have either one, two,
   or three decimal digits and will never have a value greater than 255.
   For example, in the host table, address: "", n=10, h=2,
   l=0, and i=124.  To convert a host table address to a MILNET X.25

      1.  If h < 64, the host table address corresponds to the X.25
      physical address:

                             ZZZZ F IIIHHZZ (SS)


           ZZZZ = 0000    as required

           F = 0          because the address is a physical address;

           III            is a three decimal digit respresentation of
                          "i", right-adjusted and padded with leading
                          zeros if required;

           HH             is a two decimal digit representation of "h",
                          right-adjusted and padded with leading zeros
                          if required;

           ZZ = 00        and

           (SS)           is optional

      In the example given above, the host table address
      corresponds to the X.25 physical address 000001240200.
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   2.  If h > 64 or h = 64, the host table address corresponds to the
   X.25 logical address

                            ZZZZ F RRRRRZZ (SS)


        ZZZZ = 0000    as required

        F = 1          because the address is a logical address;

        RRRRR          is a five decimal digit representation of
                       the result "r" of the calculation

                                r = h * 256 + i

                       (Note that the decimal representation of
                       "r" will always require five digits);

        ZZ = 00        and

        (SS)           is optional

      Thus, the host table address corresponds to the X.25
      logical address 000012145500.

   In both cases, the "n" and "l" fields of the host table address are
   not used.
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                       IEEE 802 NUMBERS OF INTEREST

   Some of the networks of all classes are IEEE 802 Networks.  These
   systems may use a Link Service Access Point (LSAP) field in much the
   same way the ARPANET uses the "link" field.  Further, there is an
   extension of the LSAP header called the Sub-Network Access Protocol

   The IEEE likes to describe numbers in binary in bit transmission
   order, which is the opposite of the big-endian order used throughout
   the Internet protocol documentation.


      Link Service Access Point   Description                References
      -------------------------   -----------                ----------
      IEEE     Internet
      binary   binary    decimal
      00000000 00000000        0   Null LSAP                      [IEEE]
      01000000 00000010        2   Indiv LLC Sublayer Mgt         [IEEE]
      11000000 00000011        3   Group LLC Sublayer Mgt         [IEEE]
      00100000 00000100        4   SNA Path Control               [IEEE]
      01100000 00000110        6   Reserved (DOD IP)           [104,JBP]
      01110000 00001110       14   PROWAY-LAN                     [IEEE]
      01110010 01001110       78   EIA-RS 511                     [IEEE]
      01111010 01011110       94   ISI IP                          [JBP]
      01110001 10001110      142   PROWAY-LAN                     [IEEE]
      01010101 10101010      170   SNAP                           [IEEE]
      01111111 11111110      254   ISO DIS 8473                 [64,JXJ]
      11111111 11111111      255   Global DSAP                    [IEEE]

   These numbers (and others) are assigned by the IEEE Standards Office.
   The address is: IEEE Standards Office, 345 East 47th Street, New
   York, N.Y. 10017, Attn: Vince Condello.  Phone: (212) 705-7092.

   At an ad hoc special session on "IEEE 802 Networks and ARP", held
   during the TCP Vendors Workshop (August 1986), an approach to a
   consistent way to send DoD-IP datagrams and other IP related
   protocols (such as the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)) on 802
   networks was developed, using the SNAP extension (see RFC-1010 and
   RFC-1042 [90]).
ToP   noToC   RFC1060 - Page 35
                       ETHERNET NUMBERS OF INTEREST

   Many of the networks of all classes are Ethernets (10Mb) or
   Experimental Ethernets (3Mb).  These systems use a message "type"
   field in much the same way the ARPANET uses the "link" field.

   If you need an Ethernet type, contact the Xerox Corporation, Xerox
   Systems Institute, 475 Oakmead Parkway, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, Attn:
   Ms. Fonda Pallone, (408) 737-4652.

   The following list is contributed unverified information from various


      Ethernet          Exp. Ethernet    Description          References
      -------------     -------------   -----------           ----------
      decimal  Hex      decimal  octal
         000   0000-05DC   -       -    IEEE802.3 Length Field   [XEROX]
         257   0101-01FF   -       -    Experimental             [XEROX]
         512   0200        512   1000   XEROX PUP (see 0A00)   [8,XEROX]
         513   0201        -      -     PUP Addr Trans (see 0A01)[XEROX]
        1536   0600       1536   3000   XEROX NS IDP         [133,XEROX]
        2048   0800        513   1001   DOD IP                 [105,JBP]
        2049   0801        -      -     X.75 Internet            [XEROX]
        2050   0802        -      -     NBS Internet             [XEROX]
        2051   0803        -      -     ECMA Internet            [XEROX]
        2052   0804        -      -     Chaosnet                 [XEROX]
        2053   0805        -      -     X.25 Level 3             [XEROX]
        2054   0806        -      -     ARP                     [88,JBP]
        2055   0807        -      -     XNS Compatability        [XEROX]
        2076   081C        -      -     Symbolics Private         [DCP1]
        2184   0888-088A   -      -     Xyplex                   [XEROX]
        2304   0900        -      -     Ungermann-Bass net debugr[XEROX]
        2560   0A00        -      -     Xerox IEEE802.3 PUP      [XEROX]
        2561   0A01        -      -     PUP Addr Trans           [XEROX]
        2989   0BAD        -      -     Banyan Systems           [XEROX]
        4096   1000        -      -     Berkeley Trailer nego    [XEROX]
        4097   1001-100F   -      -     Berkeley Trailer encap/IP[XEROX]
        5632   1600        -      -     Valid Systems            [XEROX]
       16962   4242        -      -     PCS Basic Block Protocol [XEROX]
       21000   5208        -      -     BBN Simnet               [XEROX]
       24576   6000        -      -     DEC Unassigned (Exp.)    [XEROX]
       24577   6001        -      -     DEC MOP Dump/Load        [XEROX]
       24578   6002        -      -     DEC MOP Remote Console   [XEROX]
       24579   6003        -      -     DEC DECNET Phase IV Route[XEROX]
       24580   6004        -      -     DEC LAT                  [XEROX]
       24581   6005        -      -     DEC Diagnostic Protocol  [XEROX]
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       24582   6006        -      -     DEC Customer Protocol    [XEROX]
       24583   6007        -      -     DEC LAVC, SCA            [XEROX]
       24584   6008-6009   -      -     DEC Unassigned           [XEROX]
       24586   6010-6014   -      -     3Com Corporation         [XEROX]
       28672   7000        -      -     Ungermann-Bass download  [XEROX]
       28674   7002        -      -     Ungermann-Bass dia/loop  [XEROX]
       28704   7020-7029   -      -     LRT                      [XEROX]
       28720   7030        -      -     Proteon                  [XEROX]
       28724   7034        -      -     Cabletron                [XEROX]
       32771   8003        -      -     Cronus VLN            [131,DT15]
       32772   8004        -      -     Cronus Direct         [131,DT15]
       32773   8005        -      -     HP Probe                 [XEROX]
       32774   8006        -      -     Nestar                   [XEROX]
       32776   8008        -      -     AT&T                     [XEROX]
       32784   8010        -      -     Excelan                  [XEROX]
       32787   8013        -      -     SGI diagnostics            [AXC]
       32788   8014        -      -     SGI network games          [AXC]
       32789   8015        -      -     SGI reserved               [AXC]
       32780   8016        -      -     SGI bounce server          [AXC]
       32783   8019        -      -     Apollo Computers         [XEROX]
       32815   802E        -      -     Tymshare                 [XEROX]
       32816   802F        -      -     Tigan, Inc.              [XEROX]
       32821   8035        -      -     Reverse ARP             [48,JXM]
       32822   8036        -      -     Aeonic Systems           [XEROX]
       32824   8038        -      -     DEC LANBridge            [XEROX]
       32825   8039-803C   -      -     DEC Unassigned           [XEROX]
       32829   803D        -      -     DEC Ethernet Encryption  [XEROX]
       32830   803E        -      -     DEC Unassigned           [XEROX]
       32831   803F        -      -     DEC LAN Traffic Monitor  [XEROX]
       32832   8040-8042   -      -     DEC Unassigned           [XEROX]
       32836   8044        -      -     Planning Research Corp.  [XEROX]
       32838   8046        -      -     AT&T                     [XEROX]
       32839   8047        -      -     AT&T                     [XEROX]
       32841   8049        -      -     ExperData                [XEROX]
       32859   805B        -      -     Stanford V Kernel exp.   [XEROX]
       32860   805C        -      -     Stanford V Kernel prod.  [XEROX]
       32861   805D        -      -     Evans & Sutherland       [XEROX]
       32864   8060        -      -     Little Machines          [XEROX]
       32866   8062        -      -     Counterpoint Computers   [XEROX]
       32869   8065-8066   -      -     Univ. of Mass. @ Amherst [XEROX]
       32871   8067        -      -     Veeco Integrated Auto.   [XEROX]
       32872   8068        -      -     General Dynamics         [XEROX]
       32873   8069        -      -     AT&T                     [XEROX]
       32874   806A        -      -     Autophon                 [XEROX]
       32876   806C        -      -     ComDesign                [XEROX]
       32877   806D        -      -     Computgraphic Corp.      [XEROX]
       32878   806E-8077   -      -     Landmark Graphics Corp.  [XEROX]
       32890   807A        -      -     Matra                    [XEROX]
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       32891   807B        -      -     Dansk Data Elektronik    [XEROX]
       32892   807C        -      -     Merit Internodal           [HWB]
       32893   807D-807F   -      -     Vitalink Communications  [XEROX]
       32896   8080        -      -     Vitalink TransLAN III    [XEROX]
       32897   8081-8083   -      -     Counterpoint Computers   [XEROX]
       32923   809B        -      -     Appletalk                [XEROX]
       32924   809C-809E   -      -     Datability               [XEROX]
       32927   809F        -      -     Spider Systems Ltd.      [XEROX]
       32931   80A3        -      -     Nixdorf Computers        [XEROX]
       32932   80A4-80B3   -      -     Siemens Gammasonics Inc. [XEROX]
       32960   80C0-80C3   -      -     DCA Data Exchange Cluster[XEROX]
       32966   80C6        -      -     Pacer Software           [XEROX]
       32967   80C7        -      -     Applitek Corporation     [XEROX]
       32968   80C8-80CC   -      -     Intergraph Corporation   [XEROX]
       32973   80CD-80CE   -      -     Harris Corporation       [XEROX]
       32974   80CF-80D2   -      -     Taylor Instrument        [XEROX]
       32979   80D3-80D4   -      -     Rosemount Corporation    [XEROX]
       32981   80D5        -      -     IBM SNA Service on Ether [XEROX]
       32989   80DD        -      -     Varian Associates        [XEROX]
       32990   80DE-80DF   -      -     Integrated Solutions TRFS[XEROX]
       32992   80E0-80E3   -      -     Allen-Bradley            [XEROX]
       32996   80E4-80F0   -      -     Datability               [XEROX]
       33010   80F2        -      -     Retix                    [XEROX]
       33011   80F3        -      -     AppleTalk AARP (Kinetics)[XEROX]
       33012   80F4-80F5   -      -     Kinetics                 [XEROX]
       33015   80F7        -      -     Apollo Computer          [XEROX]
       33023   80FF-8103   -      -     Wellfleet Communications [XEROX]
       33031   8107-8109   -      -     Symbolics Private        [XEROX]
       33072   8130        -      -     Waterloo Microsystems    [XEROX]
       33073   8131        -      -     VG Laboratory Systems    [XEROX]
       33079   8137-8138   -      -     Novell, Inc.             [XEROX]
       33081   8139-813D   -      -     KTI                      [XEROX]
       33100   814C        -      -     SNMP                      [JKR1]
       36864   9000        -      -     Loopback                 [XEROX]
       36865   9001        -      -     3Com(Bridge) XNS Sys Mgmt[XEROX]
       36866   9002        -      -     3Com(Bridge) TCP-IP Sys  [XEROX]
       36867   9003        -      -     3Com(Bridge) loop detect [XEROX]
       65280   FF00        -      -     BBN VITAL-LanBridge cache[XEROX]

   The standard for transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernets and
   Experimental Ethernets is specified in RFC-894 [61] and RFC-895 [91]

   NOTE:  Ethernet 48-bit address blocks are assigned by the IEEE.

   IEEE Standards Office, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017,
   Attn: Vince Condello.  Phone: (212) 705-7092.
ToP   noToC   RFC1060 - Page 38

   Ethernet hardware addresses are 48 bits, expressed as 12 hexadecimal
   digits (0-9, plus A-F, capitalized).  These 12 hex digits consist of
   the first/left 6 digits (which should match the vendor of the
   Ethernet interface within the station) and the last/right 6 digits
   which specify the interface serial number for that interface vendor.

   Ethernet addresses might be written unhyphenated (e.g.,
   123456789ABC), or with one hyphen (e.g., 123456-789ABC), but should
   be written hyphenated by octets (e.g., 12-34-56-78-9A-BC).

   These addresses are physical station addresses, not multicast nor
   broadcast, so the second hex digit (reading from the left) will be
   even, not odd.

   At present, it is not clear how the IEEE assigns Ethernet block
   addresses.  Whether in blocks of 2**24 or 2**25, and whether
   multicasts are assigned with that block or separately.  A portion of
   the vendor block address is reportedly assigned serially, with the
   other portion intentionally assigned randomly.  If there is a global
   algorithm for which addresses are designated to be physical (in a
   chipset) versus logical (assigned in software), or globally-assigned
   versus locally-assigned addresses, some of the known addresses do not
   follow the scheme (e.g., AA0003; 02xxxx).

   00000C  Cisco
   00000F  NeXT
   000010  Sytek
   00001D  Cabletron
   000020  DIAB (Data Intdustrier AB)
   000022  Visual Technology
   00002A  TRW
   00005A  S & Koch
   00005E  IANA
   000065  Network General
   00006B  MIPS
   000077  MIPS
   00007A  Ardent
   000089  Cayman Systems  Gatorbox
   000093  Proteon
   00009F  Ameristar Technology
   0000A2  Wellfleet
   0000A3  Network Application Technology
   0000A6  Network General (internal assignment, not for products)
   0000A7  NCD             X-terminals
   0000A9  Network Systems
   0000AA  Xerox           Xerox machines
ToP   noToC   RFC1060 - Page 39
   0000B3  CIMLinc
   0000B7  Dove            Fastnet
   0000BC  Allen-Bradley
   0000C0  Western Digital
   0000C6  HP Intelligent Networks Operation (formerly Eon Systems)
   0000C8  Altos
   0000C9  Emulex          Terminal Servers
   0000D7  Dartmouth College (NED Router)
   0000D8  3Com? Novell?   PS/2
   0000DD  Gould
   0000DE  Unigraph
   0000E2  Acer Counterpoint
   0000EF  Alantec
   0000FD  High Level Hardvare (Orion, UK)
   000102  BBN             BBN internal usage (not registered)
   001700  Kabel
   00802D  Xylogics, Inc.  Annex terminal servers
   00808C  Frontier Software Development
   00AA00  Intel
   00DD00  Ungermann-Bass
   00DD01  Ungermann-Bass
   020701  MICOM/Interlan  UNIBUS or QBUS machines, Apollo
   020406  BBN             BBN internal usage (not registered)
   026086  Satelcom MegaPac (UK)
   02608C  3Com            IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco
   02CF1F  CMC             Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL
   080002  3Com (Formerly Bridge)
   080003  ACC (Advanced Computer Communications)
   080005  Symbolics       Symbolics LISP machines
   080008  BBN
   080009  Hewlett-Packard
   08000A  Nestar Systems
   08000B  Unisys
   080010  AT&T
   080011  Tektronix, Inc.
   080014  Excelan         BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, Silicon Graphics
   080017  NSC
   08001A  Data General
   08001B  Data General
   08001E  Apollo
   080020  Sun             Sun machines
   080022  NBI
   080025  CDC
   080026  Norsk Data (Nord)
   080027  PCS Computer Systems GmbH
   080028  TI              Explorer
   08002B  DEC
   08002E  Metaphor

(next page on part 3)

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