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RFC 0990

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ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 50   prevText
   SUR-MEAS            - Survey Measurement
   SWIFT-RVF           - Remote Virtual File Protocol
   TACACS-DS           - TACACS-Database Service
   TACNEWS             - TAC News
   TCP                 - Transmission Control Protocol
   TELNET              - Telnet Protocol
   TFTP                - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
   TIME                - Time Server Protocol
   TRUNK-1             - Trunk-1 Protocol
   TRUNK-2             - Trunk-2 Protocol
   UCL                 - University College London Protocol
   UDP                 - User Datagram Protocol
   USERS               - Active Users Protocol
   UUCP-PATH           - UUCP Path Service
   VIA-FTP             - VIA Systems-File Transfer Protocol
   WB-EXPAK            - Wideband EXPAK
   WB-MON              - Wideband Monitoring
   XNET                - Cross Net Debugger
   XNS-IDP             - Xerox NS IDP
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 51
                      OFFICIAL TERMINAL TYPE NAMES

   These are the Official Terminal Type Names.  Their use is described
   in RFC 930 [124].

   An Official Terminal Type Names may be up to 40 characters taken from
   the set of uppercase letters, digits, and the two punctuation
   characters hyphen and slash.  It must start with a letter, and end
   with a letter or digit.

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   [1]    Accetta, M., "Resource Location Protocol", RFC 887,
          Carnegie-Mellon University, December 1983.

   [2]    Aerospace, Internal Report, ATM-83(3920-01)-3, 1982.

   [3]    Anderson, B., "TACACS User Identification Telnet Option",
          RFC 927, BBN, December 1984.

   [4]    Apollo Computer, Inc., "Domain TCP/IP Reference", Order No.
          003247, Chelmsford, Ma.

   [5]    "Telnet Output Line Width Option", NIC 20196, in: DDN Protocol
          Handbook, NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [6]    "Telnet Output Page Size Option", NIC 20197, in: DDN Protocol
          Handbook, NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [7]    "Telnet Reconnection Option", NIC 15391, in: DDN Protocol
          Handbook, NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [8]    Aupperle, E. M., "Merit's Evolution - Statistically Speaking",
          IEEE Transaction on Computers, Vol. C-32, No. 10,
          October 1983, pp. 881-902.

   [9]    BBN Proposal No. P83-COM-40, "Packet Switched Overlay to
          Tactical Multichannel/Satellite Systems".

   [10]   BBN, "Specifications for the Interconnection of a Host and an
          IMP", Report 1822, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge,
          Massachusetts, revised, December 1981.

   [11]   BBN, "User Manual for TAC User Database Tool", Bolt Beranek
          and Newman, September 1984.

   [12]   Bennett, C., "A Simple NIFTP-Based Mail System", IEN 169,
          University College, London, January 1981.

   [13]   Bhushan, A., "A Report on the Survey Project", RFC 530,
          NIC 17375, June 1973.

   [14]   Bisbey, R., D. Hollingworth, and B. Britt, "Graphics Language
          (version 2.1)", ISI/TM-80-18, Information Sciences Institute,
          July 1980.
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   [15]   Boggs, D., J. Shoch, E. Taft, and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An
          Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center,
          CSL-79-10, July 1979; also in IEEE Transactions on
          Communication, Volume COM-28, Number 4, April 1980.

   [16]   Braden, R., "NETRJS Protocol", RFC 740, NIC 42423,
          November 1977.

   [17]   Bressler, B., "Remote Job Entry Protocol",  RFC 407,
          NIC 12112, October 1972.

   [18]   Bressler, R., "Inter-Entity Communication -- An Experiment",
          RFC 441, NIC 13773, January 1973.

   [19]   Butler, M., J. Postel, D. Chase, J. Goldberger, and
          J. K. Reynolds, "Post Office Protocol - Version 2", RFC 937,
          Information Sciences Institute, February 1985.

   [20]   Cass, D. E., and M. T. Rose, "ISO Transport Services on Top of
          the TCP", RFC 983, NTRC, April 1986.

   [21]   Chon, K., et al., "SDN: A Computer Network for Korean Research
          Community", Proc. of the Pacific Computer Communications
          Symposium, October 1985, pp. 567-570, Seoul, Korea.

   [22]   Chon, K., et al., "System Development Network", Proc. of
          TENCON, April 1984, pp. 133-135, Singapore.

   [23]   Clark, D., "Revision of DSP Specification", Local Network
          Note 9, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, June 1977.

   [24]   Clark, D., M. Lambert, and L. Zhang, "NETBLT: A Bulk Data
          Transfer Protocol", RFC 969, MIT Laboratory for Computer
          Science, December 1985.

   [25]   Cohen, D., "Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol",
          RFC 741, ISI/RR 7539, Information Sciences Institute,
          March 1976.

   [26]   Cohen, D. and J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.

   [27]   Comer, D., and T. Narten, "The Cypress Multifunction Packet
          Switch", Technical Report CSD-TR-575, Computer Science Dept.,
          Purdue University, West LaFayette, IN.
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   [28]   Communications Interface Solutions Company, "CISCO Project
          Summary", CISCO, Document: PS70-86-021.3C, Gaithersburg, MD.

   [29]   COMPASS, "Semi-Annual Technical Report", CADD-7603-0411,
          Massachusetts Computer Associates, 4 March 1976. Also as,
          "National Software Works, Status Report No. 1,"
          RADC-TR-76-276, Volume 1, September 1976. And COMPASS. "Second
          Semi-Annual Report," CADD-7608-1611, Massachusetts Computer
          Associates, August 1976.

   [30]   Crispin, M., "Telnet Logout Option", Stanford University-AI,
          RFC 727, April 1977.

   [31]   Crispin, M., "Telnet SUPDUP Option", Stanford University-AI,
          RFC 736, October 1977.

   [32]   Crispin, M., "SUPDUP Protocol", RFC 734, NIC 41953,
          October 1977.

   [33]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Carriage-Return Disposition
          Option", RFC 652, October 1974.

   [34]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Formfeed Disposition Option",
          RFC 655, October 1974.

   [35]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Linefeed Disposition", RFC 658,
          October 1974.

   [36]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Disposition
          Option", RFC 654, October 1974.

   [37]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Horizontal Tabstops Option",
          RFC 653, October 1974.

   [38]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition Option",
          RFC 657, October 1974.

   [39]   Crocker, D., "Telnet Output Vertical Tabstops Option",
          RFC 656, October 1974.

   [40]   Crocker, D. H. and R. H. Gumpertz, "Revised Telnet Byte Marco
          Option", RFC 735, November 1977.

   [41]   Croft, B., and J. Gilmore, "BOOTSTRAP Protocol (BOOTP)",
          RFC 951, Stanford and SUN Microsytems, September 1985.
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   [42]   Croft, W. J., "Unix Networking at Purdue", USENIX Conference,

   [43]   Day, J., "Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option", RFC 732,
          September 1977.

   [44]   Deering, S. E., "Host Extensions for IP Multicasting",
          RFC 988, Stanford University, December 1985.

   [45]   Elvy, M., and R. Nedved, "Network Mail Path Service", RFC 915,
          Harvard and CMU, July 1986.

   [46]   Feinler, E., editor, "DDN Protocol Handbook", Network
          Information Center, SRI International, December 1985.

   [47]   Feinler, E., editor, "Internet Protocol Transition Workbook",
          Network Information Center, SRI International, March 1982.

   [48]   Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Handbook",
          NIC 7104, for the Defense Communications Agency by SRI
          International, Menlo Park, California, Revised January 1978.

   [49]   Harrenstien, K., M. Stahl, E. Feinler, "DoD Internet Host
          Table Specification", RFC 952, SRI International,
          October 1985.

   [50]   Finlayson, R., T. Mann, J. Mogul, and M. Theimer, "A Reverse
          Address Resolution Protocol", RFC 903, Stanford University,
          June 1984.

   [51]   Forgie, J., "ST - A Proposed Internet Stream Protocol",
          IEN 119, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 1979.

   [52]   Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Beranek and
          Newman, January 1982.

   [53]   Greenberg, B., "Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option", RFC 749,
          MIT-Multics, September 1978.

   [54]   Harrenstien, K., "Name/Finger", RFC 742, NIC 42758,
          SRI International,  December 1977.

   [55]   Harrenstien, K., V. White, and E. Feinler, "Hostnames Server",
          RFC 811, SRI International, March 1982.

   [56]   Harrenstien, K., and V. White, "Nicname/Whois", RFC 812,
          SRI International, March 1982.
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   [57]   Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4",
          IEN 158, October 1980.

   [58]   Hinden, R. M., "A Host Monitoring Protocol", RFC 869,
          Bolt Beranek and Newman, December 1983.

   [59]   Hinden, R., and A. Sheltzer, "The DARPA Internet Gateway",
          RFC 823, September 1982.

   [60]   Honeywell CISL, Internal Document, "AFSDSC Hyperchannel RPQ
          Project Plan".

   [61]   Honeywell CISL, Internal Document, "Multics MR11 PFS".

   [62]   Hwang, K., W. J. Croft and G. H. Goble, "A Unix-Based Local
          Computer Network with Load Balancing", IEEE Computer,
          April 1982.

   [63]   IBM Corporation, "Technical Reference Manual for the IBM PC
          Network", 6322505, IBM, Boca Raton, Florida, 1984.

   [64]   International Standards Organization, "ISO Transport Protocol
          Specification - ISO DP 8073", RFC 905, April 1984.

   [65]   International Standards Organization, "Protocol for Providing
          the Connectionless-Mode Network Services", RFC 926, ISO,
          December 1984.

   [66]   Kantor, Brian, and Phil Lapsley, "Network News Transfer
          Protocol", RFC 977, UC San Diego & UC Berkeley, February 1986.

   [67]   Killian, E., "Telnet Send-Location Option", RFC 779,
          April 1981.

   [68]   Korb, J. T., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
          Over Public Data Networks", RFC 877, Purdue University,
          September 1983.

   [69]   Leach, P., et al., "The Architecture of an Integrated Local
          Network", Apollo Computer, Inc., Chelmsford, MA.

   [70]   Leffler, S. J., et al., "4.2bsd Network Implementation Notes",
          University of California, Berkeley, July 1983.

   [71]   Lottor, M. K., "Simple File Transfer Protocol", RFC 913, MIT,
          September 1984.
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   [72]   Macgregor, W., and D. Tappan, "The CRONUS Virtual Local
          Network", RFC 824, Bolt Beranek and Newman, August 1982.

   [73]   Malis, A.,  "The ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol", RFC 878,
          BBN-CC, Cambridge, December 1983.

   [74]   Malis, A., "Logical Addressing Implementation Specification",
          BBN Report 5256, pp 31-36, May 1983.

   [75]   Metcalfe, R. M. and D. R. Boggs, "Ethernet: Distributed Packet
          Switching for Local Computer Networks", Communications of the
          ACM, 19 (7), pp 395-402, July 1976.

   [76]   Miller, T., "Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol", RFC 938,
          ACC, February 1985.

   [77]   Mills, D., "DCN Local Network Protocols", RFC 891, Linkabit,
          December 1983.

   [78]   Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol", RFC 958, M/A-COM Linkabit,
          September 1985.

   [79]   Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities",
          RFC 882, ISI, November 1983.

   [80]   Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
          Specification", RFC 883, ISI, November 1983.

   [81]   Nedved, R., "Telnet Terminal Location Number Option", RFC 946,
          Carnegie-Mellon University, May 1985.

   [82]   NSW Protocol Committee, "MSG: The Interprocess Communication
          Facility for the National Software Works", CADD-7612-2411,
          Massachusetts Computer Associates, BBN 3237, Bolt Beranek and
          Newman, Revised December 1976.

   [83]   Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol or
          Converting Network Protocol Addresses to 48-bit Ethernet
          Addresses for Transmission on Ethernet Hardware", RFC 826,
          MIT-LCS, November 1982.

   [84]   Postel, J., "Active Users", RFC 866, Information
          Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [85]   Postel, J., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
          over Experimental Ethernet Networks, RFC 895, Information
          Sciences Institute, April 1984.
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   [86]   Postel, J., "Character Generator Protocol", RFC 864,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [87]   Postel, J., "Daytime Protocol", RFC 867,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [88]   Postel, J., "Discard Protocol", RFC 863,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [89]   Postel, J., "The Domain Names Plan and Schedule", RFC 881,
          ISI, November 1983.

   [90]   Postel, J., "Echo Protocol", RFC 862,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [91]   Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol",
          RFC 959, Information Sciences Institute, October 1985.

   [92]   Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol - DARPA
          Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC 792,
          Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

   [93]   Postel, J., "Internet Message Protocol", RFC 759, IEN 113,
          Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.

   [94]   Postel, J., "Name Server", IEN 116,
          Information Sciences Institute, August 1979.

   [95]   Postel, J., "Quote of the Day Protocol", RFC 865,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [96]   Postel, J., "Remote Telnet Service", RFC 818,
          Information Sciences Institute, November 1982.

   [97]   Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 821,
          Information Sciences Institute, August 1982.

   [98]   Postel, J., "Telnet End of Record Option", RFC 885,
          Information Sciences Institute, December 1983.

   [99]   Hornig, C., "A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
          over Ethernet Networks, RFC 894, Symbolics, April 1984.

   [100]  Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", RFC 768
          Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.
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   [101]  Postel, J., ed., "Internet Protocol - DARPA Internet Program
          Protocol Specification", RFC 791, Information Sciences
          Institute, September 1981.

   [102]  Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA
          Internet Program Protocol Specification", RFC 793,
          Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.

   [103]  Postel, J. and D. Crocker, "Remote Controlled Transmission and
          Echoing Telnet Option", RFC 726, March 1977.

   [104]  Postel, J., and K. Harrenstien, "Time Protocol", RFC 868,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [105]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Extended Options - List
          Option", RFC 861, Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [106]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Binary Transmission",
          RFC 856, Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [107]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Echo Option", RFC 857,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [108]  Postel, J., and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Protocol Specification",
          RFC 854, Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [109]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Status Option", RFC 859,
          Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [110]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option",
          RFC 858, Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [111]  Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "Telnet Timing Mark Option",
          RFC 860, Information Sciences Institute, May 1983.

   [112]  Prime, "Medusa, The Prime Ethernet", PRIME/WS/AI/86/2,
          July 1986, Framingham, MA.

   [113]  Reed, D., "Protocols for the LCS Network", Local Network Note
          3, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, November 1976.

   [114]  Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Official ARPA-Internet
          Protocols", RFC 991, Information Sciences Institute,
          November 1986.

   [115]  Rosen, E., "Exterior Gateway Protocol" RFC 827, Bolt Beranek
          and Newman, October 1982.
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   [116]  Saltzer, J. H., "Design of a Ten-megabit/sec Token Ring
          Network", MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Technical

   [117]  Scott, W. S., "2.9bsd/TIS Network Implementation", Lawrence
          Livermore National Laboratory, September 1984.

   [118]  Seamonson, L. J., and E. C. Rosen, "STUB" Exterior Gateway
          Protocol", RFC 888, BBN Communications Corporation,
          January 1984.

   [119]  Shuttleworth, B., "A Documentary of MFENet, a National
          Computer Network", UCRL-52317, Lawrence Livermore Labs,
          Livermore, California, June 1977.

   [120]  Silverman, S., "Output Marking Telnet Option", RFC 933, MITRE,
          January 1985.

   [121]  Skelton, A., S. Holmgren, and D. Wood, "The MITRE Cablenet
          Project", IEN 96, April 1979.

   [122]  Sollins, K., "The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2)", RFC 783,
          MIT/LCS, June 1981.

   [123]  Solomon, M., L. Landweber, and D. Neuhengen, "The CSNET Name
          Server", Computer Networks, v.6, n.3, pp. 161-172, July 1982.

   [124]  Solomon, M., and E. Wimmers, "Telnet Terminal Type Option",
          RFC 930, Supercedes RFC 884, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
          January 1985.

   [125]  Sproull, R., and E. Thomas, "A Networks Graphics Protocol",
          NIC 24308, August 1974.

   [126]  StJohns, M., "Authentication Service", RFC 931, TPSC,
          January 1985.

   [127]  Tappan, D. C., "The CRONUS Virtual Local Network", RFC 824,
          Bolt Beranek and Newman, August 1982.

   [128]  Taylor, J., "ERPC Functional Specification", Version 1.04,
          HYDRA Computer Systems, Inc., July 1984.
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   [129]  "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and
          Physical Layer Specification", AA-K759B-TK, Digital Equipment
          Corporation, Maynard, MA.  Also as:  "The Ethernet - A Local
          Area Network", Version 1.0, Digital Equipment Corporation,
          Intel Corporation, Xerox Corporation, September 1980.  And:
          "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and
          Physical Layer Specifications", Digital, Intel and Xerox,
          November 1982.  And:  XEROX, "The Ethernet, A Local Area
          Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specification",
          X3T51/80-50, Xerox Corporation, Stamford, CT., October 1980.

   [130]  "Telnet Output Approximate Message Size Option", NIC 15393,
          in: DDN Protocol Handbook, NIC 50005, December 1985.

   [131]  Cohen, D., "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace", IEEE Computer
          Magazine, October 1981.

   [132]  The High Level Protocol Group, "A Network Independent File
          Transfer Protocol",  INWG Protocol Note 86, December 1977.

   [133]  Tovar, "Telnet Extended ASCII Option", RFC 698, Stanford
          University-AI, July 1975.

   [134]  Uttal, J, J. Rothschild, and C. Kline, "Transparent
          Integration of UNIX and MS-DOS", Locus Computing Corporation.

   [135]  Velten, D., R. Hinden, and J. Sax, "Reliable Data Protocol",
          RFC 908, BBN Communications Corporation, July 1984.

   [136]  Wancho, F., "Password Generator Protocol",  RFC 972, WSMR,
          January 1986.

   [137]  Whelan, D., "The Caltech Computer Science Department Network",
          5052:D F:82, Caltech Computer Science Department, 1982.

   [138]  Winston, I., "Two Methods for the Transmission of IP Datagrams
          Over IEEE 802.3 Networks", RFC 948, University Of
          Pennsylvania, June 1985.

   [139]  XEROX, "Internet Transport Protocols",  XSIS 028112, Xerox
          Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut, December 1981.

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   [AB13]    Alison Brown        CORNELL   alison@CORNELL.EDU
   [AB20]    Art Berggreen       ACC       ART@ACC.ARPA
   [ABB2]    A. Blasco Bonito    CNUCE     Blasco@CNUCE-VM.ARPA
   [AD22]    Arlene DesJardins   CIT       arlene@VLSI.CALTECH.EDU
   [AG22]    Alfred Ganz         YALE      GANZ@YALE.ARPA
   [AGM]     Andy Malis          BBN       Malis@CCS.BBN.COM
   [AKC]     Albert Cheng        UIUC      acheng@UIUC.EDU
   [AL6]     Alexis Layton       CCA       alex@CCA-UNIX.ARPA
   [AP]      Alan Parker         NRL       parker@NRL-CSS.ARPA
   [ARM5]    Andrew R. Maffei    WHOI     mit-erl!aqua!arm@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
   [AV]      Al Vezza            MIT       AV@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [AW34]    Albert Wong         NPS       Wong@NPS-CS.ARPA
   [AWS3]    Andy Sills          AEROSPACE Sills@AEROSPACE.ARPA
   [AXG]     Atul Garg           HP        ---none---
   [AXH]     Arthur Hartwig      UQNET     ---none---
   [AXS]     Albert Steiner      NWU       ---none---
   [AXS1]    Anthony Schoener    Applicon  ---none---
   [AXW]     Andy Wilcox         UFL       ajw%ufl.csnet@csnet-relay
   [AY5]     Akiharu Yasuda      DODIIS    dia@PAXRV-NES.ARPA
   [BA4]     Brian Anderson      BBN       baanders@CCQ.BBN.COM
   [BANDY]   Andrew S. Beals     LLNL      bandy@LLL-CRG.ARPA
   [BC14]    Robert Cattani      COLUMBIA  Cattani@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU
   [BC65]    Bill Chiarchiaro    LL        wjc@LL-VLSI.ARPA
   [BG5]     Bob Gilligan        SRI       Gilligan@SRI-SPAM.ARPA
   [BG25]    Bryan L. Gorman     SRI       GORMAN@BRAGGVAX.ARPA
   [BJL5]    Barry J. Lustig     UCLA      barry@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU
   [BJN1]    Bruce Nemnich       TMC       BJN@THINK.COM
   [BJR2]    Bill Russell        NYU       Russell@NYU.ARPA
   [BM40]    Bill Mitchell       U OF ARIZ WHM@ARIZONA.EDU
   [BN4]     Bill Nowicki        SUN       Nowicki@SUN.COM
   [BN7]     Bich T. Nguyen      SRI       btn@SRI-TSC.ARPA
   [BN9]     Bill Nesheim        CORNELL   bill@CORNELL.EDU
   [BP17]    Bobbi Phillips      SRI       bobbi@SRI-TSC.ARPA
   [BS24]    Barry Shein         BU        BZS%BU-CS@RELAY.CS.NET
   [BSW]     Barbara Seber-Wagner MITRE    bnsw@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA
   [BT5]     Bob Tomlinson       LANL      dspo!tomlin@LANL.ARPA
   [BWA]     Bobby W. Allen      YUMA      Allen@YUMA.ARPA
   [BXC]     Bill Cheswick       NJIT      bellcore!argus!bc@MOUTON.ARPA
   [BXD]     Brian Down          TORONTO      bdown%TORONTO@RELAY.CS.NET
   [BXE]     Bjorn Eriksen       SWEDEN    enea!ber@SEISMO.CSS.GOV
   [BXI]     Basil Irwin         UCAR      irwin%ncar@RELAY.CS.NET
   [BXL]     Barry Greenberg     LOCUS     ---none---
   [BXL1]    Bil Lewis           FMC       ---none---
   [BXM]     Burton Murray       LUCID     ---none---
   [BXR]     Bert Raphael        HP        ---none---
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   [BXS]     Ben M. Segal        CERN      ---none---
   [BXS1]    Barbara Sweeny      INDIANA
   [BXT1]    Bill Teel           INTEL     ---none---
   [CAK]     Chris Kent          PURDUE    CAK@PURDUE.EDU
   [CAL7]    Charles A. Leach    OKC       CAL@OKC-UNIX
   [CAS]     Carl Sunshine       SDC       Sunshine@ISI.EDU
   [CAS1]    Claude S. Steffey   WSMR      csteffey@WSMRCAS1.ARPA
   [CBD]     Clive B. Dawson     MCC       AI.CLIVE@MCC.COM
   [CBP]     Brian Pinkerton     WISCONSON Brian@RSCH.WISC.EDU
   [CJC3]    Chase Cotton        UDEL      Cotton@HUEY.UDEL.EDU
   [CH2]     Charles Hornig      SYMBOLICS CAH@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [CJW2]    Cliff Weinstein     LL        cjw@LL-SST.ARPA
   [CLH3]    Charles Hedrick     RUTGERS   Hedrick@RED.RUTGERS.EDU
   [CMR]     Craig Rogers        ISI       Rogers@ISI.EDU
   [CP10]    Craig Partridge     BBN       craig@UNIX.BBN.COM
   [CSTACY]  Christopher Stacy   Palladian CStacy@AI.AI.MIT.EDU
   [CXJ]     Chris Johnson       NU
   [CXL]     Clifford A. Lynch   BERKELEY
   [CXR]     Charles Ray         CIT       ---none---
   [DAM1]    David A. Mosher     BERKELEY  Mosher@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU
   [DAVE]    David Roode         IntelliCorp
   [DB35]    Danny Branis        HUJ     danny%ISRAEL.CSNET@RELAY.CS.NET
   [DBJ]     David B. Johnson    DRILLTECH DBJ@RICE.EDU
   [DCP1]    David Plummer       MIT       DCP@SYMBOLICS.ARPA
   [DDC1]    David Clark         MIT       DClark@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
   [DT15]    Dan Tappan          BBN       Tappan@G.BBN.COM
   [DG28]    David L. Gehrt      RIACS     Dave@RIACS.ARPA
   [DH17]    Douglas Hirsch      BBN       hirsch@CCS.BBN.COM
   [DHH]     Doug Hunt           BBN       DHunt@CCJ.BBN.COM
   [DJF]     David J. Farber     UDEL      Farber@HUEY.UDEL.EDU
   [DJV1]    Darrel J. Van Buer  SDC       vanbuer@USC-ECL.USC.EDU
   [DK2]     Dean B. Krafft      CORNELL   Dean@CORNELL.EDU
   [DLM1]    David Mills         LINKABIT  Mills@D.ISI.EDU
   [DPR]     David Reed          MIT-LCS   Reed@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
   [DRP]     Don Provan          LLNL      Provan@LLL-MFE.ARPA
   [DRS4]    Dennis R. Smith     USC       Smith@USC-ECLC.USC.EDU
   [DSR]     Dale Russell        SDC       SWG.Dale@ISI.EDU
   [DSW]     Dan Whelan          CALTECH   Dan@CIT-20.CALTECH.EDU
   [DVC]     Don Cone            SRI       CONE@SRI-SPAM.ARPA
   [DXB]     David Bloom         RUTGERS   andromeda!bloom@RUTGERS.EDU
   [DXB1]    Dave Bullard        CLEMSON
   [DXB2]    Dave Borman         CRAY      dab@UMN-REI-UC.ARPA
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   [DXD]     Dennis J.W. Dube    VIA SYSTEMS ---none---
   [DXE]     Deborah Estrin      USC       Estrin@USC-CSEB.USC.EDU
   [DXG]     David Goldberg      SMI       sun!dg@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU
   [DXK]     Doug Konkin         ARC
   [DXK1]    David M. Keirsey    HUGHES    KEIRSEY@USC-ECL.ARPA
   [DXO]     David Oliver        ANSA      ANSA%ALVEY.UK@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [DXS]     Don Scelza          PERQ      ---none---
   [DXT]     Dave Taylor         INFERENCE ---none---
   [DXT1]    Doug A. Thomae      HARRIS    ---none---
   [DXW]     David C. M. Wood    CU        ---none---
   [EAK1]    Earl Killian        LLL       EAK@S1-C.ARPA
   [EBM]     Eliot Moss          MIT       EBM@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [EC5]     Ed Cain             DCEC      cain@EDN-UNIX.ARPA
   [EF5]     Ed Franceschini     NYU       Franceschini@NYU.ARPA
   [EHP]     Ed Perry            SRI       Perry@SRI-KL.ARPA
   [EJN1]    Eric J. Norman      WISC      EJNorman@UNIX.MACC.WISC.EDU
   [ERK3]    Edward Kozel        SRI       Kozel@SRI-SPAM.ARPA
   [EXY]     Elaine Yamin        ATT       ---none---
   [FAS]     Fred Segovich       GSWD      fred@GSWD-VMS.ARPA
   [FJW]     Frank J. Wancho     WSMR      WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA
   [FLM2]    F. Lee Maybaum      MILNET    Maybaum@DDN1.ARPA
   [FRAN]    Francine Perillo    SRI       Perillo@NIC.SRI.COM
   [FW17]    Frederic Wendling   NSF       ---none---
   [FXA]     Frederick M. Avolio DECUAC    Avolio@DECUAC.DEC.COM
   [FXH]     Felix Hou           JVNC    Hou%pucc.bitnet@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
   [FXS]     Frank Solensky      PRIME     ---none---
   [GAA]     Glenn A. Adams, Jr. MIT/LL    glenn@LL-XN.ARPA
   [GB7]     Gerd Beling         DFVLR     GBELING@ISI.EDU
   [GBR]     G. Brendan Reilly   WHARTON   Reilly@WHARTON.ARPA
   [GC]      Graham Campbell     BNL       gc@BNL.ARPA
   [GEOF]    Geoff Goodfellow    SRI       Geoff@SRI-CSL.ARPA
   [GH29]    Gregory Hidley      UCSD      hidley@UCSD.EDU
   [GIH]     Glenn I. Hastie II  SRI       Hastie@SRI-SPAM.ARPA
   [GLH5]    Gavin L. Hamphill   DREA      Hemphill@DREA-XX.ARPA
   [GW22]    Grant Weiler        UTAH      Weiler@UTAH-20.ARPA
   [GXB]     George Broomell     UKY
   [GXG]     Gary Gagnon         CSC       ---none---
   [GXL]     Guillermo A. Loyola IBM       Loyola%ibm-sj@RELAY.CS.NET
   [GXM]     Gaylord Miyata      Goldhill
   [GXP]     Gill Pratt          MIT       gill%mit-ccc@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [GXP1]    Gottfried Petschl   TUNET     ---none---
   [GXS]     Fene Spafford       GATECH    spaf@GATECH.EDU
   [GXW]     Gary Wallace        UMASS     gary%umass.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
   [GXW1]    George Ward         Motorola  ---none---
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   [HCF2]    Harry Forsdick      BBN       Forsdick@A.BBN.COM
   [HDW2]    Howard Wactlar      CMU       Wactlar@CMU-CS-A.EDU
   [HGM]     Hallam Murray       XEROX     Murray.PA@XEROX.COM
   [HM]      Hank Magnuski       ---       JOSE.PA@XEROX.COM
   [HWB]     Hans-Werner Braun   MICHIGAN  HWB@GW.UMICH.EDU
   [HXC]     Haesoon Cho         KAIST    hscho%kaist.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
   [HXH]     Harry G. Heard      JVNC      ---none---
   [IEEE]    Vince Condello      IEEE      ---none---
   [IW5]     Ira Winston         UPENN     Ira%upenn.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
   [JA1]     Jules P. Aronson    NLM       Aronson@NLM-MCS.ARPA
   [JAG3]    Jeff Gumpf          CWRU      G.Gumpf@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU
   [JAKE]    Jake Feinler        SRI       Feinler@SRI-NIC.ARPA
   [JBP]     Jon Postel          ISI       Postel@ISI.EDU
   [JBW1]    Joseph Walters, Jr. BBN       JWalters@CCX.BBN.COM
   [JC11]    Jim Clifford        LANL      jrc@LANL.ARPA
   [JC106]   Joel Conklin        GE        Conklin@GE-CRD.ARPA
   [JCN2]    John C. Nunn        NBS       NUNN@NBS-VMS.ARPA
   [JD21]    Jonathan Dreyer     BBN       JDreyer@CCV.BBN.COM
   [JDG]     Jim Guyton          RAND      guyton@RAND-UNIX.ARPA
   [JEM]     Jim Mathis          SRI       Mathis@SRI-KL.ARPA
   [JFH2]    Jack Haverty        BBN       Haverty@CCV.BBN.COM
   [JFW]     Jon F. Wilkes       STC       Wilkes@STC.ARPA
   [JGH]     Jim Herman          BBN       Herman@CCJ.BBN.COM
   [JG46]    Jonathan Goodman    YALE      Goodman@YALE.ARPA
   [JHH8]    Jim Haynes          UCSC
   [JK7]     Jim Koda            ISI       Koda@ISI.EDU
   [JKR1]    Joyce K. Reynolds   ISI       JKREYNOLDS@ISI.EDU
   [JL15]    Jay Lepreau         UTAH      Lepreau@UTAH-CS.ARPA
   [JLM23]   John L. Mills       HONEYWELL
   [JLR4]    John Romkey         FTPSW     Romkey@BORAX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [JNL1]    John Larson         XEROX
   [JO5]     John O'Donnell      YALE      ODonnell@YALE.ARPA
   [JR15]    John Rhodes         LOGNET    JRhodes@LOGNET2.ARPA
   [JR17]    John L. Robinson    CANADA    Robinson@DMC-CRC.ARPA
   [JRL8]    John LoVerso        SUNY      LoVerso%buffalo@RELAY.CS.NET
   [JRM1]    John Mullen         MITRE     Mullen@MITRE.ORG
   [JRS8]    Jeffrey R. Schwab   PURDUE    jrs@PURDUE.EDU
   [JS38]    Joseph Sventek      LBL       JSSventek@LBL.ARPA
   [JSG5]    Jon Goodridge       BBN       jsg@CCM.BBN.COM
   [JSQ1]    John S. Quarterman  UT        jsq@SALLY.UTEXAS.EDU
   [JW1]     Jill Westcott       BBN       Westcott@A.BBN.COM
   [JWF]     Jim Forgie          LL        jwf@LL-EN.ARPA
   [JWO1]    James W. O'Toole    UMD       james@MIMSY.UMD.EDU
   [JXA]     Jim Adams           MACOM     ---none---
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   [JXB]     John Blair          NEOCM
   [JXB1]    Jay C. Bergeron     FACTRON   ---none---
   [JXC]     Jeffrey D. Case     UTK
   [JXE]     Jan Ellison         GTE       ---none---
   [JSD4]    Jean Darling        WISC-MADI Darling@RSCH.WISC.EDU
   [JXH]     Jeffrey Honig       CLARKSON 
   [JXH1]    Jack Hahn           UMDC   hahn%umdc.bitnet@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
   [JXJ]     Jackie Jones        NBS       ---none---
   [JXJ1]    James Jokl          UVA       ---none---
   [JXJ2]    Jeffrey Jongeward   BAC
   [JXM]     Jim McClurg         Sperry    ---none---
   [JXO]     Jack O'Neil         ENCORE    ---none---
   [JXR]     Joe Ragland         TUCC      ---none---
   [JXS]     J. Simonetti        SUNY      joes@SBCS.ARPA
   [JXS1]    Jery Scott          TWG       ---none---
   [JXW]     John Wray           RSRE      JCW2%RSRE@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [JXY]     Joe Yancone         USARMY    Yancone@CRDC.ARPA
   [KCS1]    Kevin C. Smallwood  PURDUE    kcs@PURDUE.EDU
   [KFD]     Ken Dove            AIDS      kfd@AIDS-UNIX.ARPA
   [KLH]     Ken Harrenstien     SRI       KLH@NIC.SRI.COM
   [KMC3]    Kenneth M. Crepea   SRI       Crepea@SRI-SPAM.ARPA
   [KO11]    Kevin O'Keefe       HAZELTINE Hazeltine@ISI.EDU
   [KRS]     Karen Sollins       MIT       Sollins@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [KSL]     Kirk Lougheed       SU        Lougheed@SIERRA.STANFORD.EDU
   [KTP]     Kenneth T. Pogran   BBN       Pogran@CCQ.BBN.COM
   [KWP]     Kevin W. Paetzold   DEC       Paetzold@MARLBORO.DEC.COM
   [KXC]     Ken Chen            Perceptronics  ---none---
   [KXC1]    Kevin B. Casey      Gallaudet
   [KXS]     Kathy Simpson       OSU       ---none---
   [LB3]     Len Bosack          STANFORD  Bosack@SU-SCORE.STANFORD.EDU
   [LB16]    Liudvikas Bukys     ROCHESTER Bukys@ROCHESTER.ARPA
   [LCN]     Lou Nelson          AEROSPACE Lou@AEROSPACE.ARPA
   [LCS]     Lou Schreier        SRI       Schreier@D.ISI.EDU
   [LH2]     Lincoln Hu          COLUMBIA  Hu@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU
   [LOU]     Lou Salkind         NYU       Salkind@NYU.ARPA
   [LM8]     Liza Martin         MIT-LCS   Martin@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [LRB]     Larry Bierma        NPRDC     Bierma@NPRDC.ARPA
   [LW26]    Linda Winkler       ARGONNE
   [LWR]     Larry Robinson      LLNL      lwr@S1-C.ARPA
   [LXL]     Len Lattanzi        SENTRY    ---none---
   [LXR]     Lawrence Rogers     Princeton ---none---
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 70
   [LXR1]    Louis Romero        MMAERO    MMAERO@ISI.EDU
   [MA]      Mike Accetta        CMU       MIKE.ACCETTA@CMU-CS-A.EDU
   [MAB4]    Mark Brown          USC       Mark@USC-ECLB.USC.EDU
   [MAE]     Marc A. Elvy        HARVARD   elvy@HARVARD.EDU
   [MBG]     Michael Greenwald   MIT-LCS   Greenwald@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
   [MB]      Michael Brescia     BBN       Brescia@CCV.BBN.COM
   [MB31]    Michael BereschinskyUSARMY    Bereschinsky@D.ISI.EDU
   [MC17]    Matt Crawford       UCHICAGO  Crawford@ANL-MCS.ARPA
   [MCA1]    Mary C. Akers       FISG      MCAkers@TPSC-T.ARPA
   [MCSJ]    Mike StJohns        TPSC      StJohns@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
   [MDC]     Martin D. Connor    MIT AI    Marty@HT.AI.MIT.EDU
   [MF31]    Martin J. Fouts     NASA-AMES fouts@ARC.NASA.GOV
   [MH12]    Mark Horton         ATT       mark@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU
   [MJM2]    Mike Muuss          BRL       Mike@BRL.MIL
   [MK17]    Mike Karels         BERKELEY  Karels@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU
   [MKL1]    Mark Lottor         MIT       MKL@NIC.SRI.COM
   [MLC]     Mike Corrigan       DDN       Corrigan@DDN1.ARPA
   [MMM3]    Michael McDonnell   USAETL    Mike@ETL.ARPA
   [MO2]     Michael O'Brien     RAND      OBrien@RAND-UNIX.ARPA
   [MO14]    Michele Olivant     JHU       Olivant@HAWAII-EMH.ARPA
   [MPM]     M. Preston Mullen   NRL       mullen@NRL-CSS.ARPA
   [MRC]     Mark Crispin        STANFORD
   [MS9]     Martin Schoffstall  RPI       schoff%rpi@RELAY.CS.NET
   [MS56]    Marvin Solomon      WISC      Solomon@WISC.EDU
   [MSM1]    Milo S. Medin       AMES      medin@ARC.NASA.GOV
   [MTR]     Marshall Rose       NRTC      MRose@NRTC.ARPA
   [MXA]     Melanie Anderson    UIUC      Melanie@UIUC.EDU
   [MXA1]    M. Aziza            INRIA     ---none---
   [MXA2]    Mats Andersson      Sweden    ---none---
   [MXC]     Mike O'Connor       SPACECOM  oconnor@TRANTOR.UMD.EDU
   [MXF]     Mark Fedor          NYSER     Fedor@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU
   [MXG]     Mike Gilbert        SLI  Software-Leverage@USC-ECLB.USC.EDU
   [MXH]     Martin Hayman       Symbolics ---none---
   [MXK]     Michael Kazar       CMU       Mike.Kazar@CMU-CS-K.EDU
   [MXL]     Michael Levine      CMU       Levine@A.PSY.SMU.EDU
   [MXM]     Marc M. Meilleur    COINS     COINS@ISI.EDU
   [MXP]     Michael K. Peterson HUGHES    scgvaxd!mkp@CSVAX.CALTECH.EDU
   [MXP1]    Mark C. Powers      NSWC      mpowers@NSWC-G.ARPA
   [MXR]     Mark A. Rosenstein  MIT       mark@BORAX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [MXR1]    Mike Russell        BROWN     ---none---
   [MXS]     Marc Shapiro        INRIA     Marc.Shapiro@C.CS.CMU.EDU
   [MXS1]    Marina Simonians    RDL       ---none---
   [MXS2]    Mark Starner        SDC       burdvax!starner@PURDUE.EDU
   [MXS3]    Mark St. Paul       NMSU     stpaul%nmsu.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET
   [MXV]     Mark Vasoll         OKSTATE
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 71
   [NAL]     Neil Lann           LLL       NAL@LLL-TIS-B.ARPA
   [NC3]     J. Noel Chiappa     MIT       JNC@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [NG]      Neil Gower          ROCKWELL  GOWER@D.ISI.EDU
   [NH2]     Nat Howard          IM        nrh@DDNT.ARPA
   [NMM]     Mike Minnich        UDELEE    MMinnich@HUEY.UDEL.EDU
   [NXS]     Nayel el-Shafei      HP
   [PA5]     Philip Almquist     STANFORD Almquist@SU-SCORE.STANFORD.EDU
   [PAM6]    Paul McNabb         RICE      pam@PURDUE.EDU
   [PFS2]    Paul Sass           CECOM     Sass@D.ISI.EDU
   [PGM]     Paul G. Milazzo     RICE      Milazzo@RICE.EDU
   [PHD1]    Pieter Ditmars      BBN       pditmars@CCX.BBN.COM
   [PK]      Peter Kirstein      UCL       Kirstein@ISI.EDU
   [PK28]    Philip R. Karn, Jr. BCR       Karn@BELLCORE-CS-GW.ARPA
   [PL4]     Phil Lapsley        BERKELEY  phil@UCBARPA.BERKELEY.EDU
   [PM1]     Paul Mockapetris    ISI       Mockapetris@ISI.EDU
   [PM4]     Paul Martin         SRI       PMartin@SRI-AI.ARPA
   [PS27]    Paal Spilling       NTA       Spilling@D.ISI.EDU
   [PXA]     Phillip G. Apley    BITSTREAM PGA@MIT-OZ.ARPA
   [PXB]     Pat Boyle           UBC       boyle.ubc@RELAY.CS.NET
   [PXC]     Pam Cance           XEROX     cance.osbunorth@XEROX.COM
   [PXD]     Pete Delaney        ECRC      pete%ecrcvax@RELAY.CS.NET
   [PXH]     Paul Hyder          UCSB
   [PXH1]    Peter Ho            HAC       ---none---
   [PXM]     Pat Marques         NSRDC     marques@DTRC.ARPA
   [PXN]     Peter Nellessen     SIEMENS   crtvax!pn@CMU-CS-SPICE.EDU
   [PXP]     Paul Patton         HONEYWELL ---none---
   [RA11]    Rick Adams          CCI       Rick@SEISMO.CSS.GOV
   [RA17]    Bob Albrightson     WASHINGTON BOB@WASHINGTON.ARPA
   [RB9]     Richard Bisbey      ISI       Bisbey@ISI.EDU
   [RBN1]    Ronald Natalie, Jr. BRL       ron@TGR.BRL.MIL
   [RBW]     Richard B. Wales    UCLA      WALES@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU
   [RHC3]    Robert Cole         UCL       robert@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [RC77]    Robert Carey        YALE      CAREY@YALE.ARPA
   [RDB2]    Robert Bressler     BBN       Bressler@CCW.BBN.COM
   [RDR4]    Dennis Rockwell     BBN       DRockwell@SH.CS.NET
   [RE22]    Rand Enas           CDC       CDC-DDN@DDN2.ARPA
   [RFD1]    Robert F. Donnelly  ARDC      donnelly@ARDEC.ARPA
   [RG12]    Roger L. Gulbranson UMINN     ROGERG@UMN-UCC-VA.ARPA
   [RH6]     Robert Hinden       BBN       Hinden@CCV.BBN.COM
   [RH60]    Roger Hale          MIT       Roger@LL-SST.ARPA
   [RHC3]    Robert Cole         UCL       Robert@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [RHS4]    Richard H. Sweed    RADC      Sweed@RADC-20.ARPA
   [RHT]     Robert Thomas       BBN       BThomas@F.BBN.COM
   [RKJ2]    Richard Johnsson    DEC       johnsson@DECWRL.DEC.COM
   [RLB3]    Ronald L. Broersma  NOSC      Ron@NOSC.MIL
   [RLH2]    Ronald L. Hartung   NSWC      ron@NSWC-WO.ARPA
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 72
   [RLS6]    Ronald L. Smith     COINS     COINS@ISI.EDU
   [RM8]     Roy Marantz         RUTGERS   Marantz@RUTGERS.EDU
   [RN6]     Rudy Nedved         CMU       Rudy.Nedved@CMU-CS-A.EDU
   [RNM1]    Neil MacKenzie      RSRE      CLE%RSRE@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [RR2]     Raleigh Romine      TELEDYNE  romine@SEISMO.CSS.GOV
   [RR18]    Ron Reisor          UDEL      ron@HUEY.UDEL.EDU
   [RR26]    William R. Reilly   USARMY    RREILLY@JPL-MILVAX.ARPA
   [RSD2]    Robert S. Dixon     OHIO      ---none---
   [RSM1]    Robert S. Miles     NRTC      RSMILES@USC-ECL.USC.EDU
   [RTL]     Richard Lacoss      MITLL     Lacoss@LL-XN.ARPA
   [RWS4]    Robert W. Scheifler ARGUS     RWS@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU
   [RWT2]    Robert W. Tinker    DTNS      tinker@DTIX.ARPA
   [RXA]     Rex Aschenbrenner   CGI    Rex%CGIVB%CGI.CSNET@RELAY.CS.NET
   [RXB]     Rafael Bracho       SPAR      RXB@SRI-KL.ARPA
   [RXB1]    Randolph Bentson    CSU      Bentson%ColoState@RELAY.CS.NET
   [RXB2]    Robert Bybee        CHROMATICS ---none---
   [RXD]     Regine Dussaulx     CCVR      ---none---
   [RXE]     R. Enas             CDC       CDC-DDN@DDN2.ARPA
   [RXG]     Richard Gopstein    RCA       Gopstein@RUTGERS.EDU
   [RXH]     Russell Hobby       UCDAVIS
   [RXJ]     Ronald Johnson      APPLE     rlj%apple@RELAY.CS.NET
   [RXJ1]    Richard A. Jones    UColoB
   [RXM]     Robert Myhill       BBN       Myhill@CCS.BBN.COM
   [RXM1]    Robert McQueen      SIT      SIT.MCQUEEN@CU20B.COLUMBIA.EDU
   [SA1]     Sten Andler         ARPA
   [SA2]     Saul Amarel         ARPA      Amarel@ISI.EDU
   [SA29]    Susan Ament         EMORY     OSSSA@EMORY.ARPA
   [SAK3]    Steven A. Kahn      JHAPL     Steve@APLVAX.ARPA
   [SB28]    Scott Bradner       HARVARD   sob@HARVARD.EDU
   [SC3]     Steve Casner        ISI       Casner@ISI.EDU
   [SGC]     Steve Chipman       BBN       Chipman@F.BBN.COM
   [SHB]     Steven Blumenthal   BBN       BLUMENTHAL@VAX.BBN.COM
   [SIP]     Serge Polevitzky    SDSC      SERGE@NOSC-F4.MIL
   [SK8]     Steve Kille         UCL       Steve@CS.UCL.AC.UK
   [SM6]     Sean McLinden       DSL       McLinden@PITTSBURGH.EDU
   [SMF]     Steven M. Feldman   TYMNET
   [SSB]     Scott S. Bertilson  UMN       arpaadm@UMN-REI-UC.ARPA
   [SXB]     Steve Byrne         TARTAN    Byrne@CMU-CS-C.EDU
   [SXB1]    Scott A. Baird      FORMATIVE ---none---
   [SXF]     Steve Fogel         MTCS
   [SXH]     Steven L. Howell    NSWCWO    ---none---
   [SXI]     Slawomir Ilnicki    HP        ---none---
   [SXM]     Scott Marcus        SPARTACUS ---none---
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 73
   [SXM1]    Scooter Morris      GENENTECH scooter@CGL.UCSF.EDU
   [SXS]     Steve Silverman     MITRE     Blankert@MITRE-GATEWAY.ORG
   [SXS1]    Steven J. Schroeder PENNSTATE
   [SXT]     S. Takagi           ICOT
   [TE2]     Timothy Eldredge    TEK       G.ELDRE@SU-SCORE.ARPA
   [TF6]     Thomas Ferrin       UCSF      Ferrin@CGL.UCSF.EDU
   [TH15]    Tracy Holt          GMU  Holt%gmuvax.bitnet@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
   [THD]     Thomas Dunigan      ORNL      dunigan@ORNL-MSR.ARPA
   [TM10]    Tracy Mallory       BBN       TMallory@CCV.BBN.COM
   [TML]     T. Michael Louden   MITRE     Louden@MITRE-GW.ORG
   [TRG4]    Tim Gielbelhaus     HONEYWELL Giebelhaus@HI-MULTICS.ARPA
   [TXB]     Ted Baker           FSU       baker@WASHINGTON.ARPA
   [TXC]     Tony Cincotta       DTNSRDC   tony@NALCON.ARPA
   [TXM]     Trudy Miller        ACC       Trudy@ACC.ARPA
   [TXN]     Todd Nugent         U CHICAGO Nugent@ANL-MCS.ARPA
   [TXR]     Tim Radzykewycz     GE      calma!radzy@UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU
   [TXT]     Terry Terbush       GWU    tlt%gwuvm.bitnet@WISCVM.WISC.EDU
   [TXW]     Tom Wadlow          LLL       TAW@S1-C.ARPA
   [UXB]     Ulf Bilting         CHALMERS  bilting@PURDUE.EDU
   [WCB3]    William C. Bard     UTexas    bard@NGP.CC.UTEXAS.EDU
   [WDL]     Walter Lazear       MITRE     Lazear@MITRE.ORG
   [WF3]     William E. Fink     NRLRCD    bill@NRL.ARPA
   [WG]      Wayne Graves        LBL       WLGraves@LBL.ARPA
   [WJC2]    Bill Croft          STANFORD  Croft@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA
   [WM3]     William Melohn      DEC       Melohn@MARLBORO.DEC.COM
   [WPJ]     William Jones       USRA      Jones@AMES-VMSB.ARPA
   [WW2]     Wally Wedel         NBI       wedel@NGP.UTEXAS.EDU
   [WWS]     Bill Seemuller      USARMY    bill@ETL.ARPA
   [WXB]     William L. Biagi    CISCO     ---none---
   [WXL]     William Lampeter    UR        bill@ROCHESTER.ARPA
   [WXM]     William Macgregor   BBN       macg@BBN.COM
   [YXN]     Yen Nguyen          ARINC     Yen@ARINC-GW.ARPA
   [YXS]     Yaski Saito         NTT       NTT-20!yaski@SU-SHASTA.ARPA
   [ZSU]     Zaw-Sing Su         SRI       ZSu@SRI-TSC.ARPA
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 74
                               APPENDIX A

   Network Numbers

      The network numbers in class A, B, and C network addresses are
      allocated among Research, Defense, Government (Non-Defense) and
      Commercial uses.

      Class A (highest-order bit 0)

         Research allocation:             8
         Defense allocation:             24
         Government allocation:          24
         Commercial allocation:          94
         Reserved Addresses:   (0, 127)
         Total                          128

      Class B (highest-order bits 1-0)

         Research allocation:          1024
         Defense allocation:           3072
         Government allocation:        3072
         Commercial allocation:       12286
         Reserved Addresses: (0, 16383)
         Total                        16384

      Class C (highest-order bits 1-1-0)

         Research allocation:           65536
         Defense allocation:           458725
         Government allocation:        458725
         Commercial allocation:       1572862
         Reserved Addresses: (0, 2097151)
         Total                        2097152

      Class D (highest-order bits 1-1-1-0)

         All addresses in this class are used for multicast addresses.

      Class E (highest-order bits 1-1-1-1)

         All addresses in this class are reserved for future use.
ToP   noToC   RFC0990 - Page 75
      Within the Research community, network identifiers will only be
      granted to applicants who show evidence that they are acquiring
      standard Bolt Beranek and Newman gateway software or have
      implemented or are acquiring a gateway meeting the Exterior
      Gateway Protocol requirements.  Acquisition of the Berkeley BSD
      4.3 UNIX software might be considered evidence of the latter.

      Experimental networks which later become operational need not be
      renumbered.  Rather, the identifiers could be moved from Research
      to Defense, Government or Commercial status.  Thus, network
      identifiers may change state among Research, Defense, Government
      and Commercial, but the number of identifiers allocated to each
      use must remain within the limits indicated above.  To make
      possible this fluid assignment, the network identifier spaces are
      not allocated by simple partition, but rather by specific

   Protocol Identifiers

      These assignments are shared by the four communities.

   Port Numbers

      These assignments are shared by the four communities.

   ARPANET Link Numbers

      These assignments are shared by the four communities.

   IP Version Numbers

      These assignments are shared by the four communities.

   TCP, IP and Telnet Option Identifiers

      These assignments are shared by the four communities.


      Joyce Reynolds is the coordinator for all number assignments.