For UE-to-Network discovery, the 5G PKMF supports the authorization request from the 5G PKMF in another PLMN via the new service
Npkmf_Discovery. The 5G PKMF supports the key request from another 5G PKMF in another PLMN via the new service operation
Npkmf_PKMFKeyRequest_ProseKey. The 5G PKMF also provides Remote User ID of a 5G ProSe Remote UE to be used in Remote UE Report and supports resolving Remote User ID to SUPI.
For the ProSe UE-to-UE Relay discovery and communication, the 5G ProSe End UE plays the role of the 5G ProSe Remote UE, and the 5G ProSe UE-to-UE Relay plays the role of the 5G ProSe UE-to-Network Relay.
Table 7.2.1-1 shows the services exposed by 5G PKMF supporting 5G ProSe.
Service operation name:
The consumer NF obtains the authorization from the 5G PKMF for announcing in the PLMN.
Input, Required:
User Info ID, RSC.
Input, Optional:
Output, Required:
Authorization result.
Output, Optional:
Service operation name:
The consumer NF obtains the discovery key from the 5G PKMF for monitoring in the PLMN.
Input, Required:
User Info ID, RSC, PC5 UE security capability.
Input, Optional:
Output, Required:
The chosen PC5 ciphering algorithm, discovery security materials.
Output, Optional:
Discovery User Integrity Key (DUIK).
Service operation name:
The consumer NF obtains the discovery key from the 5G PKMF for a discoverer UE in the PLMN to operate Model B restricted discovery.
Input, Required:
User info ID, RSC, PC5 UE security capability.
Input, Optional:
Output, Required:
The chosen PC5 ciphering algorithm, discovery security materials.
Output, Optional:
Discovery User Integrity Key (DUIK).