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TR 33.908
3G Security; General report on the design, specification and evaluation of
3GPP standard confidentiality and integrity algorithms

3GPP‑Page   ETSI‑search   ToC  
V4.0.0 (Wzip)  2001/10  26 p.
V3.0.0  2000/03  25 p.
Prof. Walker, Michael

full Table of Contents for  TR 33.908  Word version:  4.0.0

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1  Scopep. 5

This technical report is a description of the work undertaken by SAGE Task Force for the design of the standard 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms (SAGE TF 3GPP), and to formally approve the release of these algorithms to 3GPP.
With regard to the design of the algorithms, the scope of the present document is confined to a description of the design criteria, the design methodology and an outline of the content and structure of the specification and test data documents.
The standard 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms are based on a Block Cipher named KASUMI. The algorithms specification and associated test data are documented in the Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms which consists of the following four documents:
  • Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document 1: f8 and f9 specifications (TS 35.201).
  • Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document 2: KASUMI algorithm specification (TS 35.202).
  • Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document 3: Implementors' test data (TS 35.203).
  • Specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms; Document 4: Design conformance test data (TS 35.204).
With regard to the evaluation of the algorithm, the scope of this report is restricted to a description of the evaluation criteria, the method of evaluation and the main conclusions from the evaluation that led to the Task Force approving the specification. A detailed summary of conclusions of the evaluation is provided in a public evaluation report [3] produced by the Task Force.

2  Referencesp. 5

3  Abbreviationsp. 6

4  Structure of this reportp. 6

5  Background to the 3GPP confidentiality and integrity algorithmsp. 6

6  SAGE TF 3GPP work planp. 7

7  Outline of algorithm requirements specificationp. 7

8  Algorithms designp. 14

9  Algorithm evaluationp. 17

10  Release of algorithm, specification and test data by SAGEp. 23

11  Export control aspectsp. 23

$  Change historyp. 24

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