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TS 31.121
UICC-Terminal interface –
USIM Application Test specification

V18.1.0 (PDF)2024/12  673 p.
V17.5.02024/12  16 p.
V16.14.0  2023/12  16 p.
V15.10.0  2020/12  15 p.
V14.6.0  2019/06  420 p.
V13.8.0  2017/09  13 p.
V12.4.0  2016/01  12 p.
V11.6.0  2015/01  10 p.
V10.6.0  2013/09  9 p.
V9.6.0  2011/06  10 p.
V8.4.0  2010/04  9 p.
V7.6.2  2009/07  8 p.
V6.8.0  2007/09  8 p.
V5.4.1  2005/12  8 p.
V4.14.1  2005/12  8 p.
V3.15.1  2005/12  8 p.
Mr. Marquordt, Arne
Comprion GmbH

full Table of Contents for  TS 31.121  Word version:  17.3.0

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0  Introductionp. 32

The present document defines the application test specification.
The aim of the present document is to ensure interoperability between an UICC and a terminal independently of the respective manufacturer, card issuer or operator. The present document does not define any aspects related to the administrative management phase of the UICC. Any internal technical realisation of either the UICC or the Terminal is only specified where these are reflected over the interface.
Application specific details for applications residing on an UICC are specified in the respective application specific documents. The logical and physical Characteristics of the UICC Terminal interface is specified in document ETSI TS 102 221 [5]. The Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM)-application for 3G telecommunication networks is specified in document TS 31.102.

1  Scopep. 33

The present document provides the UICC-Terminal Interface Conformance Test Specification between a terminal and the USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module) as an application on the UICC and the Terminal for a 3GPP network operation:
  • the default setting of the USIM;
  • the applicability of each test case;
  • the test configurations;
  • the conformance requirement and reference to the core specifications;
  • the test purposes; and
  • a brief description of the test procedure and the specific acceptance criteria.
For the avoidance of doubt, references to clauses of ETSI TS 102 221 [5] include all the clauses of that clause, unless specifically mentioned.
ETSI TS 102 221 [5] contains material that is outside of the scope of 3GPP requirements. A 3GPP ME may support functionality that is not required by 3GPP, but the requirements to do so are outside of the scope of 3GPP. Thus the present document does not contain tests for features defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [5] which are out of scope of 3GPP.
In the present document, unless explicitly stated otherwise, for Rel-13 onwards the term E-UTRAN implicitly refers to E-UTRAN in WB-S1 mode. E-UTRAN in NB-S1 mode is always explicitly referred to as NB-IoT.

2  Referencesp. 33

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version in same release as the implementation release of the terminal under test applies.
[1]  Void
[2]  Void
TS 23.038: "Alphabets and language-specific information".
TS 31.102: "Characteristics of the USIM application".
ETSI TS 102 221 v3.18.0: "UICC-Terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics"
If the device under test is a
  • R99 ME: v3.18.0
  • Rel-4 ME: v4.16.0
  • Rel-5 ME: v5.10.0
  • Rel-6 ME: v6.15.0
  • Rel-7 ME: v7.17.0
  • Rel-8 ME: v8.5.0
  • Rel-9 ME: v9.2.0
  • Rel-10 ME: v10.0.0
  • Rel-11 ME: v11.1.0
  • Rel-12 ME: v12.1.0
  • Rel-13 ME: v13.2.0
  • Rel-14 ME: v14.1.0
  • Rel-15 ME: v15.0.0
TS 22.011: "Service accessibility".
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 22.024: "Description of Charge Advice Information (CAI)".
TS 23.086: "Advice of Charge (AoC) Supplementary Service - Stage 2".
TS 24.086: "Advice of Charge (AoC) Supplementary Service - Stage 3".
TS 22.101: "Service aspects; Service principles".
TS 22.030: "Man-Machine Interface (MMI) of the User Equipment (UE)".
TS 23.040: "Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)".
TS 23.003: "Numbering, Addressing and Identification".
TS 44.018: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification; Radio Resource Control Protocol".
TS 24.008: "Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core Network protocols; Stage 3".
TS 24.080: "Mobile radio Layer 3 supplementary service specification; Formats and coding".
TS 22.086: "Advice of Charge (AoC) supplementary services; Stage 1".
TS 21.111: "USIM and IC card requirements".
TS 25.331: "Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol Specification".
TS 34.108: "Common test environments for User Equipment (UE) conformance testing".
TS 51.010-1: "Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part1: Conformance specification".
TS 23.140: Release 6 "Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS); Functional description; Stage 2".
TS 24.002: "GSM - UMTS Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) Access Reference Configuration".
TS 23.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2".
TS 24.301: "Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet Systems (EPS): Stage 3".
TS 33.401: "3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE); Security architecture".
TS 36.331: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification".
TS 36.508: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Packet Core (EPC); Common test environments for User Equipment (UE) conformance testing"
TS 36.523-2: " Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Packet Core (EPC);User Equipment (UE) conformance specification Part 2: Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) proforma specification"
TS 23.122: "Non-Access-Stratum functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode".
TS 31.103: "Characteristics of the IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) application".
TS 34.229-1: "Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Part 1: Protocol conformance specification".
TS 22.220: "Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and Home eNode B (HeNB)".
TS 36.304: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE); Procedures in idle mode ".
TS 24.368: "Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configuration Management Object (MO)"
TS 23.401: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access".
TS 34.123-1: "User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Part 1: Protocol conformance specification".
TS 31.101: " UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics".
TS 38.508-1: "5GS; User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Part 1: Common test environment".
TS 33.501: "Security architecture and procedures for 5G System".
TS 24.501: "Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3".
TS 22.261: "Service requirements for the 5G system".
TS 38.331: "NR Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification".
TS 33.102: "3G security; Security architecture".
RFC 5480;  "Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information".
RFC 4187;  "Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA)".
[48]  Void
TS 23.501: "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)".
TS 24.526: "User Equipment (UE) policies for 5G System (5GS)".
TS 23.501: "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)".
TS 23.503: "Policy and charging control framework for the 5G System (5GS)".
ISO/IEC 9646-7: "Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework -- Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements".
ETSI TS 101 220: "Smart cards; ETSI numbering system for telecommunication application providers".
TS 23.316: "Wireless and wireline convergence access support for the 5G System (5GS)"
TS 33.203: "Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; 3G security; Access security for IP-based services".
TS 34.229-5: "Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Part 5: Protocol conformance specification using 5G System (5GS)".
TS 23.502: "Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Procedures for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2".

3  Definitions and abbreviationsp. 36

4  Default values for UICCp. 62

4.1  Definition of default values for USIM-Terminal interface testing (Default UICC)p. 62

4.2  Definition of FDN UICCp. 67


4.4  Definition of E-UTRAN/EPC UICCp. 69

4.5  Definition of E-UTRAN/EPC ISIM-UICCp. 75

4.6  Definition of ACSGL/OCSGL E-UTRAN/EPC UICCp. 79

4.7  Definition of Non Access Stratum Configuration UICCp. 83

4.8  Definition of Non Access Stratum Configuration of E-UTRAN/EPC UICCp. 84

4.9  Definition of 5G-NR UICCp. 90

4.11  5G-NR UICC - support of Rel-16 featuresp. 96

4.12  Definition of CAG 5G-NR UICCp. 98

4.13  Definition of 5G-NR ISIM-UICCp. 99

4.14  Default WLAN AP and UE configuration for non-3GPP accessp. 99

4.15  Definition of 5G-NR UICC supporting Rel-17 featuresp. 100

4A  Default values for NG-SS and UE configurationsp. 101

5  Subscription related testsp. 103

5.1  IMSI / TMSI handlingp. 103

5.1.1  UE identification by short IMSIp. 103

5.1.2  UE identification by short IMSI using a 2 digit MNCp. 104

5.1.3  UE identification by "short" TMSIp. 106

5.1.4  UE identification by "long" TMSIp. 107

5.1.5  UE identification by long IMSI, TMSI updating and key set identifier assignmentp. 109

5.1.6  UE identification by short IMSI when accessing E-UTRAN/EPCp. 112

5.1.7  UE identification by short IMSI using a 2 digit MNC when accessing E-UTRAN/EPCp. 113

5.1.8  UE identification after changed IMSI with service "EMM Information" not availablep. 114

5.1.9  UE identification by GUTI when using USIM with service "EMM Information" not availablep. 116

5.1.10  UE identification by GUTI when using USIM with service "EMM Information" availablep. 117

5.2  Access Control handlingp. 119

5.3  Handling subscription identifier privacy for 5Gp. 158

5.3.1  SUCI calculation by ME using null schemep. 158

5.3.2  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile Bp. 161

5.3.3  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Bp. 162

5.3.4  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST messagep. 164

5.3.5  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST message with T3519 timer expiryp. 167

5.3.6  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST message and AUTHENTICATION REJECTp. 169

5.3.7  SUCI calculation by the ME using null scheme - missing parameters for subscription identifier privacy support by the USIMp. 171

5.3.8  UE identification by 5G-GUTI - Last Registered TAI stored on USIMp. 173

5.3.9  UE identification by 5G-GUTI - Last Registered TAI stored by MEp. 174

5.3.10  UE identification after SUPI is changedp. 176

5.3.11  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile Ap. 177

5.3.12  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Ap. 179

5.3.13  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme- no Protection Scheme Identifier provisioned in the USIMp. 181

5.3.14  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme - no Home Network Public Key for supported protection scheme provisioned in the USIMp. 183

5.3.15  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme with the E-UTRAN/EPC UICCp. 184

5.3.16  SUCI calculation by ME using the lower priority protection scheme when the higher priority protection scheme is not supported by the MEp. 186

5.3.17  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile B with compressed Home Network Public Keyp. 188

5.4  Unified Access Control information handling for 5G-NRp. 191

5.4.1  Unified Access Control - Access identity 0, no access identities indicated by USIMp. 191

5.4.1A  Unified Access Control - Access identity 0, no access identities indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 193

5.4.2  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - MPS indicated by USIMp. 197

5.4.2A  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - MPS indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 200

5.4.3  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - no MPS indication by USIM and SUPI not changedp. 203

5.4.4  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - no MPS indication by USIM and SUPI is changedp. 207

5.4.5  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - MCS indicated by USIMp. 210

5.4.5A  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - MCS indicated by USIMp. 213

5.4.6  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - no MCS indication by USIM and SUPI is not changedp. 217

5.4.7  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - no MCS indication by USIM and SUPI is changedp. 220

5.4.8  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 11 and 15 indicated by USIMp. 224

5.4.8A  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 11 and 15 indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 227

5.4.9  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 12, 13 and 14 indicated by USIMp. 231

5.4.9A  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 12, 13 and 14 indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 234

5.4.10  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categoryp. 237

5.4.11  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categories, no change in SUPIp. 242

5.4.12  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categories, SUPI changep. 247

5.5  Handling of operator controlled featuresp. 253

5.6  Handling subscription identifier privacy for 5G - SUPI type in NAI formatp. 259

5.6.1  SUCI calculation by ME using null schemep. 259

5.6.2  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Ap. 262

5.6.3  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Bp. 264

5.6.4  UE identification after SUPI is changedp. 267

5.6.5  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by ME using profile Ap. 269

5.6.6  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Bp. 272

6  Security related Testsp. 275

6.1  PIN handlingp. 275

6.1.1  Entry of PINp. 275

6.1.2  Change of PINp. 276

6.1.3  Unblock PINp. 277

6.1.4  Entry of PIN2p. 278

6.1.5  Change of PIN2p. 279

6.1.6  Unblock PIN2p. 280

6.1.7  Replacement of PINp. 282

6.1.8  Change of Universal PINp. 283

6.1.9  Unblock Universal PINp. 284

6.1.10  Entry of PIN on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 285

6.1.11  Change of PIN on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 286

6.1.12  Unblock PIN on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 288

6.1.13  Entry of PIN2 on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 290

6.1.14  Change of PIN2 on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 292

6.1.15  Unblock PIN2 on multi-verification capable UICCsp. 293

6.1.16  Replacement of PIN with key reference "07"p. 296

6.2  Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) handlingp. 298


6.4  Advice of charge (AoC) handlingp. 304

7  PLMN related testsp. 317

7.1  FPLMN handlingp. 317

7.1.1  Adding FPLMN to the Forbidden PLMN listp. 317

7.1.2  UE updating forbidden PLMNsp. 325

7.1.3  UE deleting forbidden PLMNsp. 328

7.1.4  Adding FPLMN to the forbidden PLMN list when accessing E-UTRANp. 332

7.1.5  UE updating forbidden PLMNs when accessing E-UTRANp. 335

7.1.6  UE deleting forbidden PLMNs when accessing E-UTRANp. 337

7.1.7  Updating the Forbidden PLMN list after receiving non-integrity protected reject message - UTRANp. 339

7.1.8  Updating the Forbidden PLMN list after receiving non-integrity protected reject message - E-UTRANp. 341

7.1.9  Adding FPLMN to the forbidden PLMN list when accessing satellite NG-RANp. 343

7.1.10  UE updating forbidden PLMNs when accessing satellite NG-RANp. 346

7.1.11  UE deleting forbidden PLMNs when accessing satellite NG-RAN in manual modep. 348

7.2  User controlled PLMN selector handlingp. 350

7.2.1  UE updating the User controlled PLMN selector listp. 350

7.2.2  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list with the same access technology.p. 351

7.2.3  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference.p. 355


7.2.5  UE updating the User controlled PLMN selector list for E-UTRANp. 357

7.2.6  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference- UTRAN/E-UTRANp. 358

7.2.7  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference- GSM/E-UTRANp. 360

7.2.8  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list with the same access technology - E-UTRAN in NB-S1 modep. 362

7.2.9  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using the ACT preference - E-UTRAN in WB-S1/E-UTRAN in NB-S1p. 364

7.2.10  UE updating the User controlled PLMN selector list for satellite-NG-RANp. 366

7.2.12  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference UTRAN/satellite NG-RANp. 369

7.2.13  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference E-UTRAN/satellite NG-RANp. 370

7.2.14  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector list using an ACT preference NG-RAN/satellite NG-RANp. 372

7.3  Operator controlled PLMN selector handlingp. 373

7.3.1  UE recognising the priority order of the Operator controlled PLMN selector list.p. 373

7.3.2  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector over the Operator controlled PLMN selector list.p. 377

7.3.3  UE recognising the priority order of the Operator controlled PLMN selector list when accessing E-UTRANp. 381

7.3.4  UE recognising the priority order of the User controlled PLMN selector over the Operator controlled PLMN selector list - E-UTRANp. 384

7.4  Higher priority PLMN search handlingp. 397

7.4.1  UE recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMNp. 397

7.4.2  GSM/UmTS dual mode UEs recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMNp. 402

7.4.3  UE recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMN - E-UTRANp. 405

7.4.4  E-UTRAn/EPC capable UEs recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMN - GSM/E-UTRANp. 408

7.4.5  E-UTRAn/EPC capable UEs recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMN - UTRAN/E-UTRANp. 410

7.4.6  UE recognising Multiplier Coefficient for Higher Priority PLMN search - satellite-NG-RANp. 413

7.4.7  UE recognising the search period of the Higher priority PLMN - NG-RANp. 415


8  Subscription independent testsp. 418

8.1  Phone book proceduresp. 418

8.1.1  Recognition of a previously changed phonebookp. 418

8.1.2  Update of the Phonebook Synchronisation Counter (PSC)p. 419

8.1.3  Phonebook content handlingp. 421

8.1.4  Phonebook selectionp. 425

8.1.5  Local Phonebook handlingp. 429

8.2  Short message handling reportp. 432

8.2.1  Correct storage of a SM on the USIMp. 432

8.2.2  Correct reading of a SM on the USIMp. 433

8.2.3  SM memory capacity exceeded handlingp. 435

8.2.4  Correct storage of an SM on the UICCp. 440

8.2.5  Correct reading of a SM on the USIM if USIM and ISIM are presentp. 444

8.2.6  Correct reading of a SM on the ISIM if USIM and ISIM are presentp. 446

8.2.7  Correct storage of an SM on the UICCp. 448

8.3  MMS related testsp. 449

8.3.1  UE recognising the priority order of MMS Issuer Connectivity Parametersp. 449

8.3.2  UE recognising the priority order of MMS User Connectivity Parametersp. 455

8.3.3  UE recognising the priority order of MMS Issuer Connectivity Parameters over the MMS User Connectivity Parametersp. 461

8.3.4  Usage of MMS notificationp. 468

8.4  UICC presence detectionp. 474

8.5  UICC presence detection when connected to E-UTRAN/EPCp. 475

9  USIM service handlingp. 477

9.1  Access Point Name Control List handlingp. 477

9.1.1  Access Point Name Control List handling for terminals supporting ACLp. 477

9.1.2  Network provided APN handling for terminals supporting ACLp. 479

9.1.3  Access Point Name Control List handling for terminals not supporting ACLp. 481

9.1.4  Access Point Name Control List handling for terminals supporting ACL connected to E-UTRAN/EPCp. 482


9.2  Service Dialling Numbers handlingp. 484

10  CSG list handlingp. 488

10.1  CSG list handling for E-UTRAp. 488

10.1.1  Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, successp. 488

10.1.2  Automatic CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, removal of CSG ID from the USIMp. 490

10.1.3  Manual CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, successp. 492

10.1.4  Manual CSG selection in E-UTRA with CSG list on USIM, rejectedp. 495

10.1.5  CSG selection in E-UTRA with no CSG list on USIM, no IMSI changep. 497

10.1.6  CSG selection in E-UTRA with no CSG list on USIM, with IMSI changep. 500

10.1.7  Manual CSG selection without display restrictions in E-UTRA with ACSG list and OCSG list on USIMp. 502

10.1.8  Manual CSG selection with display restrictions in E-UTRA with ACSG list and OCSG list on USIMp. 505

10.2  CSG list handling for UTRAp. 509

11  NAS security context parameter handlingp. 518

11.1  NAS security context parameter handling when service "EMM Information" is availablep. 518

11.2  NAS security context parameter handling when service "EMM Information" is not available, no IMSI changep. 520

11.3  NAS security context parameter handling when service "EMM Information" is not available, IMSI changedp. 522

11.4  EPS NAS Security Context Storagep. 524

12  Non Access Stratum (NAS) Configuration parameter handlingp. 526

12.1  EFNASCONFIG - NAS signaling priority handlingp. 526

12.2  EFNASCONFIG - NMO I Network Mode of Operation I handlingp. 527

12.3  EFNASCONFIG - Attach with IMSI handlingp. 527

12.4  EFNASCONFIG - Verifying Minimum Periodic Search Timerp. 527

12.5  EFNASCONFIG - Extended access barring handlingp. 528

12.6  EFNASCONFIG - Verifying Timer T3245 Behaviourp. 528

12.7  EFNASCONFIG - Override NAS signalling low priorityp. 531

12.8  EFNASCONFIG - Override Extended access barringp. 532

12.9  EFNASCONFIG - Fast First Higher Priority PLMN Searchp. 534

12.10  EFNASCONFIG - E-UTRA Disabling Allowed for EMM cause #15p. 536

12.11  EFNASCONFIG - SM_RetryWaitTimep. 538

12.12  EFNASCONFIG - SM_RetryAtRATChangep. 539

13  UICC interface during PSMp. 540

14  UICC interface during eDRXp. 546

15  Authentication procedure and NAS security context handling for 5Gp. 553

15.1  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA'p. 553

15.1.1  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA' - Authentication is successfulp. 553

15.1A.1  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA' - Authentication is Successfulp. 556

15.1.2  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA' - Authentication is successful - GSM UICCp. 559

15.1.3  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA' - AUTN fails on the USIMp. 561

15.1.4  Authentication procedure for EAP-AKA' - after SUPI is changedp. 563

15.2  Authentication procedure for 5G AKAp. 565

15.2A  -p. 566

15.2A.1  -p. 566

15.2A.2  Authentication procedure for 5G AKA - Authentication is successful - GSM UICCp. 570

15.2.2  Authentication procedure for 5G AKA - Authentication is successful - GSM UICCp. 572

15.2.3  Authentication procedure 5G AKA - AUTN fails on the USIMp. 574

15.2.4  Authentication procedure for 5G AKA - after SUPI is changedp. 576

15.3  Authentication procedure for 5G AKA over non-3GPP access via N3IWFp. 584

15.4  5G AKA Authentication procedure for Multiple registration over 3GPP access and non-3GPP accessp. 588

16  UE Route Selection Policy (URSP) procedurep. 599

17  CAG list handlingp. 607

A  Structure for uac-BarringInfo and Operator-defined access categoryp. 609

B  5G-NR generic procedure for 5G Registration on 3GPP access with IMS servicep. 614

$  Change historyp. 615

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