
Content for  TS 29.502  Word version:  18.7.0

Top   Top   Up   Prev   Next  Type: IpAddress |R16|p. 258
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
ipv4AddrIpv4AddrC0..1Indicate an IPv4 Address
ipv6AddrIpv6AddrC0..1Indicate an IPv6 Address
ipv6PrefixIpv6PrefixC0..1Indicate an IPv6 Prefix
Either ipv4Addr, or ipv6Addr, or ipv6Prefix shall be present.
Up  Type: RedundantPduSessionInformation |R16|p. 258
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
pduSessionPairIdintegerO0..1PDU Session Pair ID
Up  Type: QosFlowTunnel |R16|p. 258
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qfiListarray(Qfi)M1..NThis IE shall contain the list of QoS Flow Identifiers.
tunnelInfoTunnelInfoM1This IE shall contain the RAN Tunnel Information.
Up  Type: TargetDnaiInfo |R17|p. 259
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
targetDnaiDnaiC0..1This IE shall be present if the I-SMF selection/ removal or SMF selection per target DNAI is needed.
When present, this IE shall contain the target DNAI.
This IE shall be absent for an SMF triggered I-SMF removal due to the DNAI being no longer used by the PDU Session.
smfSelectionTypeSmfSelectionTypeM1This IE shall indicate the I-SMF selection or removal for the current PDU session or SMF selection during PDU Session re-establishment for SSC mode 2/3.
Up  Type: AfCoordinationInfo |R17|p. 259
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
sourceDnaiDnaiC0..1This IE shall be present if available. If present, this IE shall contain the source DNAI.
sourceUeIpv4AddrIpv4AddrC0..1This IE shall be present if available. If present, this IE shall contain the IPv4 Address of the served UE for the source DNAI.
sourceUeIpv6PrefixIpv6PrefixC0..1This IE shall be present if available. If present, this IE shall contain the Ipv6 Address Prefix of the served UE for the source DNAI.
notificationInfoListarray(NotificationInfo)C1..NThis IE shall be present if available. If present, this IE shall contain the list of the Notification Correlation ID and Notification URI provided by the NF service consumers.
Up  Type: NotificationInfo |R17|p. 259
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
notifIdstringM1Notification Correlation ID provided by the NF service consumer.
notifUriUriM1Identifies the recipient of Notifications sent by the SMF.
upBufferIndbooleanC0..1This IE shall be present, if available. When present, it shall be set as follows:
  • true: uplink buffering is required;
  • false (default): uplink buffering is not required.
Up  Type: AnchorSmfFeatures |R16|p. 259
The AnchorSmfFeatures indicates a list of features supported by the (H-)SMF to the AMF.
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
psetrSupportIndbooleanC0..1 This IE shall be present and set to "true" if the (H-)SMF supports the "PSETR" feature as specified in clause 6.8.1 of TS 23.527. It may be present otherwise. When present, it shall be set as follows:
  • true: the (H-)SMF supports the "PSETR" feature
  • false: the (H-)SMF does not support the "PSETR" feature.
Up  Type: HrsboInfoFromVplmn |R18|p. 261
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
hrsboAuthReqIndbooleanC0..1This IE shall be present, for a HR PDU session, if the V-SMF requests HR SBO authorization:
  • in a Create Request; and
  • in an Update Request sent during a V-SMF insertion (i.e. H-PLMN to V-PLMN mobility) and during an Inter-PLMN V-SMF change (i.e. mobility between different V-PLMNs).
When present, this IE shall be set to true to indicate that authorization of Session Breakout for HR Session in VPLMN is requested.
vEasdfAddrIpAddressC0..1This IE shall be present during a request for HR-SBO authorization, when using the EAS Discovery procedure with V-EASF for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548) and if available, or if the V-EASDF IP address previously signaled to the H-SMF needs to be changed e.g. as a result of a V-SMF change.
When present, this IE shall contain the IP Address of the (new) V-EASDF.
localDnsAddrIpAddressO0..1This IE may be present during the EAS Discovery Procedure with Local DNS for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548) after UL-CL/BP insertion.
When present, it shall be set to the address of the Local DNS Server/Resolver.
easRediscoveryIndbooleanC0..1This IE shall be present, for a HR PDU session, if the UE indicates the support of EAS rediscovery and the V-SMF requests EAS rediscovery in an Update Request sent during a V-SMF insertion (i.e. H-PLMN to V-PLMN mobility) and during an Inter-PLMN V-SMF change (i.e. mobility between different V-PLMNs).
When present, this IE shall be set to true to indicate that EAS rediscovery is requested.
easInfoToRefreshEasInfoToRefreshC0..1This IE shall be present if the easRediscoveryInd is set to true and the V-SMF receives the information in SM context from source V-SMF or H-SMF.
When present, it shall contain the EAS information to be refreshed for EAS re-discovery.
storedOffloadIdsarray(OffloadIdentifier)C1...NThe IE shall be present when the V-SMF service instance has stored a list of offload identifiers which were received from any H-SMF from the Home PLMN during previous signalling procedures for this HR-SBO PDU session and also for other HR-SBO PDU sessions.
When present, this IE shall contain the list of offload identifiers of the HPLMN that are known by the V-SMF service instance.
(NOTE 1)
easIpReplSupportIndbooleanO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the V-SMF capability to support EAS IP Replacement at the VPLMN for HR-SBO traffic.
true: supported
false (default): not supported
vEasdfSecurityInfoarray(DnsServerSecurityInformation)O1..NWhen present, this IE shall contain one or more DNS server security information with length of two octets container(s), set with the V-EASDF security information.
(NOTE 2)
The H-SMF assumes that the V-SMF does not know any Offload Identifiers of the HPLMN if this IE is absent.
The V-SMF shall ensure that the V-EASDF security information that it provides to the H-SMF is consistent with the DNS security protocol(s) supported by the UE that is received in the PCO IE from the UE.
Up  Type: HrsboInfoFromHplmn |R18|p. 264
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
hrsboAuthResultbooleanC0..1This IE shall be present, for a HR PDU session, if the H-SMF received a request for HR SBO authorization:
  • in a Create Response; and
  • in an Update Response sent during a V-SMF insertion (i.e. H-PLMN to V-PLMN mobility) and during an Inter-PLMN V-SMF change (i.e. mobility between different V-PLMNs).
When present, this IE shall indicate whether HR-SBO request is authorized as follows:
  • true: authorized.
  • false: Not authorized.
hDnsAddrIpAddressC0..1This IE shall be present, when using the EAS Discovery procedure with V-EASF for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548) or the EAS discovery procedure with V-EASDF using IP replacement mechanism for supporting HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548), if available.
When present, this IE shall contain the DNS server address of HPLMN to be used:
  • for DNS requests related with traffic not to be subject to HR-SBO, to configure the V-EASDF when using the EAS Discovery procedure with V-EASF for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548), or
  • for DNS requests related to traffic subject to HR-SBO, to configure the UPF in VPLMN to perform IP replacement when using the EAS discovery procedure with V-EASDF using IP replacement mechanism for supporting HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548). (NOTE 3).
hPlmnAddrIpAddressO0..1This IE may be present when using the EAS Discovery procedure with V-EASF for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548).
When present, this IE shall contain the HPLMN address information (e.g. H-UPF IP address on N6) to be used by the V-SMF to configure the V-EASDF to build EDNS Client Subnet option for target FQDN of DNS queries which are not authorized for HR-SBO.
vplmnOffloadingInfoListarray(VplmnOffloadingInfo)O0..NWhen present, this IE shall include VPLMN specific Offloading Information list applicable to the PDU session and whose offload identifiers are not yet known by the V-SMF service instance or whose offload identifier's version has changed. (NOTE 5)(NOTE 6)
offloadIdsarray(OffloadIdentifier)C0..NWhen present, this IE shall include a list of specific Offload Ids applicable for the PDU session and that are part of the StoredOffloadIds included in the corresponding request message. (NOTE 5)(NOTE 6)
internalGroupIdsarray(GroupId)O1..NWhen present, this IE shall include the list of internal group identifier if the UE belongs to any subscribed internal group(s).
targetDnaiDnaiC0..1This IE shall be present, for a HR PDU session, if the H-SMF receives the target DNAI from AF during AF triggered EAS re-discovery and edge relocation via interacting with HPLMN (see clause of TS 23.548).
When present, this IE shall contain the target DNAI.
trafficInfluInfoTrafficInfluenceInfoO0..1This IE may be present for a HR-SBO PDU session, when the AF interacts with the HPLMN to influence the HR-SBO PDU session at VPLMN, e.g. if the H-SMF receives the EAS IP replacement information from AF during AF triggered EAS re-discovery and edge relocation via interacting with HPLMN (see clause of TS 23.548).
When present, it shall include AF traffic influence information that applies at the VPLMN to the HR-SBO PDU session.
The H-SMF sends the V-EASDF address received from the V-SMF to the UE in n1SmInfoToUe attribute when using the EAS Discovery procedure with V-EASDF for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548).
The H-SMF sends the Local DNS Server/Resolver address received from the V-SMF to the UE in n1SmInfoToUe attribute when using the EAS Discovery Procedure with Local DNS for HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548).
The H-SMF also sends the DNS server IP address of the HPLMN to the UE in n1SmInfoToUe attribute (via PCO) when using the EAS discovery procedure with V-EASDF using IP replacement mechanism for supporting HR-SBO (see clause of TS 23.548).
The H-SMF sends the EAS rediscovery indication and EAS information to be refreshed for EAS re-discovery received from the V-SMF to the UE in n1SmInfoToUe attribute.
When the H-SMF determines that the V-SMF service instance has already received the corresponding Vplmn Offloading Info based on the storedOffloadIds provided by the V-SMF service instance in the corresponding request message and the associated vplmnOffloadInfo has not changed, then in the corresponding response message, the H-SMF shall include the corresponding offload identifier in the offloadIds attribute; otherwise, the H-SMF shall include it in the vplmnOffloadingInfoList attribute. The H-SMF shall always provision a complete list of vplmnOffloadingInfo and/or offloadIds.
The V-SMF service instance shall always overwrite any vplmnOffloadingInfoList and the offloadIds stored for the PDU session with the latest vplmnOffloadingInfo and/or offloadIds received. The H-SMF may request the V-SMF to remove all vplmnOffloadingInfo provisioned earlier for a HR-SBO PDU session by provisioning a vplmnOffloadingInfo set to the null value. When the V-SMF receives a VplmnOffloadingInfo containing an offloadId which is known by the V-SMF, it shall consider that the vplmnOffloadingInfo for the offloadId has changed if the offloadId does not contain a version field or if the offload id has an incremented version number, and if so, the V-SMF service instance shall enforce the changed vplmnOffloadingInfo for the HR-SBO PDU session and also for any other HR-SBO PDU sessions with the same offloadId.
The H-SMF sends the V-EASDF (i.e. DNS server) security information received from the V-SMF to the UE in n1SmInfoToUe attribute.
Up  Type: EasInfoToRefresh |R18|p. 267
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
ipv4AddressRangesarray(Ipv4AddressRange)C1..NThis IE shall be present if available.
When present, this IE includes the list of impacted ranges of IPv4 addresses which needs to be refreshed.
ipv6AddressRangesarray(Ipv6AddressRange)C1..NThis IE shall be present if available.
When present, this IE includes the list of impacted ranges of IPv6 addresses which needs to be refreshed.
fqdnListarray(Fqdn)C1..NThis IE shall be present if available.
When present, this IE includes the list of impacted FQDNs which needs to be refreshed.
At least one of the addressing parameters (ipv4AddressRanges, ipv6AddressRanges or fqdnList) shall be included in the EasInfoToRefresh.
Up  Type: EcnMarkingCongestionInfoReq |R18|p. 267
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
ecnMarkingRanReqEcnMarkingReqC0..1This IE shall be present when ECN marking for L4S is requested in the NG-RAN.
When present, it shall indicate whether ECN marking for L4S is requested for the UL, the DL or both the UL and the DL, or indicate to stop ECN marking for L4S.
ecnMarkingUpfReqEcnMarkingReqC0..1This IE shall be present when QoS monitoring for congestion monitoring is requested in the NG-RAN to enable ECN marking for L4S in the PSA UPF.
When present, it shall indicate whether ECN marking for L4S is requested for the UL, the DL or both the UL and the DL, or indicate to stop ECN marking for L4S.
congestionInfoReqCongestionInfoReqC0..1This IE shall be present when QoS monitoring for congestion monitoring is requested in the NG-RAN to enable Network Exposure of 5GS information.
When present, this IE shall contain QoS monitoring for congestion information as described in clause 5.45.3 of TS 23.501.
Either the ecnMarkingRanReq IE, ecnMarkingUpfReq IE or the congestionInfoReq IE shall be present.
Up  Type: EcnMarkingCongestionInfoStatus |R18|p. 268
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qfiQfiM1This IE shall contain the QoS Flow Identifier.
activationStatusActivationStatusM1This IE shall indicate the established QoS Flows status (active/not active) for QoS monitoring for congestion information or established QoS Flows status (active/not active) for ECN marking for L4S.
Up  Type: TscAssistanceInformation |R18|p. 268
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
periodicityUint32O0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the time period between start of two data bursts in milliseconds.
n6JitterInformationN6JitterInformationO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the downlink N6 jitter range associated with downlink Periodicity.
Up  Type: N6JitterInformation |R18|p. 268
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
lowerJitterInfoInt32C0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the Lower DL Jitter Measurement. This IE shall be encoded as a signed32 binary integer value containing the downlink packet Jitter (i.e. positive or negative deviation of the arrival time of first packet of a Data Burst compared to the ideal Data Burst start time which is determined based on the DL periodicity) measured in milliseconds. (See also clause 5.27.2 of TS 23.501)
higherJitterInfoInt32C0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the Higher DL Jitter Measurement. This IE shall be encoded as a signed32 binary integer value containing the downlink packet Jitter (i.e. positive or negative deviation of the arrival time of first packet of a Data Burst compared to the ideal Data Burst start time which is determined based on the DL periodicity) measured in milliseconds. (See also clause 5.27.2 of TS 23.501)
Up  Type: TrafficInfluenceInfo |R18|p. 269
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
traffInfluDataarray(TrafficInfluenceData)C1..NAn array of traffic influence data, where each traffic influence data entry comprises the Service Data Flow description and the Application Function influence on traffic routing Enforcement Control parameters of a PCC rule.
traffContDecsmap(TrafficControlData)C1..NMap of Traffic Control data policy decisions. The key used in this map for each entry shall be the tcId attribute of the corresponding TrafficControlData.
This IE shall be present if the traffInfluData IE contains at least one TrafficInfluenceData entry with the refTcData IE present.
When present, the TrafficControlData shall include the tcId attribute and may include the following attributes:
  • trafficSteeringPolIdDl
  • trafficSteeringPolIdUl
  • routeToLocs
  • maxAllowedUpLat
  • easIpReplaceInfos
  • simConnInd
  • simConnTerm
  • upPathChgEvent
  • candDnaiInd
See clause of TS 29.512.
Up  Type: TrafficInfluenceData |R18|p. 269
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
flowInfosarray(FlowInformation)C1..NAn array of Ethernet or IP flow packet filter information.
appIdstringC0..1A reference to the application detection filter configured at the UPF.
precedenceUintegerO0..1 Determines the order in which this Traffic Influence Data entry is applied relative to other Traffic Influence Data entries within the same PDU session. It shall be included if the "flowInfos" attribute is included or may be included if the "appId" attribute is included.
refTcDataarray(string)O1..NA reference to the TrafficControlData policy decision type. It is the tcId described in clause of TS 29.512.

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