
Content for  TS 29.502  Word version:  18.7.0

Top   Top   Up   Prev   Next  Type: VplmnQos |R16|p. 254
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
5qi5QiO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the 5G QoS Identifier (5QI) accepted or requested for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule.
arpArpO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) accepted by the VPLMN for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule.
sessionAmbrAmbrO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the highest Session-AMBR accepted by the VPLMN for the PDU session.
maxFbrDlBitRateO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Maximum Bit Rate in Downlink accepted by the VPLMN for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule (if this is a GBR QoS Flow). See TS 23.501.
maxFbrUlBitRateO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Maximum Bit Rate in Uplink accepted by the VPLMN for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule (if this is a GBR QoS Flow). See TS 23.501.
guaFbrDlBitRateO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Downlink accepted by the VPLMN for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule (if this is a GBR QoS Flow). See TS 23.501.
guaFbrUlBitRateO0..1This IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Uplink accepted by the VPLMN for the QoS Flow associated with the default QoS rule (if this is a GBR QoS Flow). See TS 23.501.
5qiPL5QiPriorityLevelO0..1 This IE shall contain the 5QI Priority Level when a 5QI Priority Level value different from the standardized Default Priority Level value in the QoS characteristics Table 5.7.4-1 in TS 23.501 is required.
Up  Type: DdnFailureSubs |R16|p. 254
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
ddnFailureSubsIndbooleanM1When present, it shall be set as follows:
  • true: Notification of DDN failure is subscribed.
  • false (default): Notification of DDN failure is not subscribed.
ddnFailureSubsInfoListarray(DdnFailureSubInfo)C1..NThis IE shall be present, if notification of DDN failure is subscribed, to provide DDN failure subscription details.
Up  Type: RetrieveData |R16|p. 255
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
smallDataRateStatusReqbooleanC0..1 This IE shall be present and set to "true" if this is a request to retrieve the Small Data Rate Status of the PDU session.
When present, it shall be set as follows:
  • true: small data rate control status is requested.
  • false (default): small data rate control status is not requested.
pduSessionContextTypePduSessionContextTypeC0..1This IE shall be present if this is a request to retrieve the AF Coordination Information during the change of SSC mode 3 PDU Session Anchor with multiple PDU Sessions, if the runtime coordination between old SMF and AF is enabled (see clause of TS 23.502).EnEDGE
Up  Type: RetrievedData |R16|p. 255
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description Applica­bility
smallDataRateStatusSmallDataRateStatusC0..1This IE shall be present if the information has been requested in the request and is available. When present, it shall indicate the current small data rate control status for the PDU session.CIOT
afCoordinationInfoAfCoordinationInfoC0..1This IE shall be present if the PDU Session Context type was present in the request and indicated a request to retrieve the AF Coordination Information.EnEDGE
Up  Type: SecurityResult |R16|p. 255
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
integrityProtectionResultProtectionResultC0..1This IE shall be included if available.
If present, this IE indicates whether UP integrity protection is performed or not for the concerned PDU session.
confidentialityProtectionResultProtectionResultC0..1This IE shall be included if available.
If present, this IE indicates whether UP ciphering is performed or not for the concerned PDU session.
Up  Type: UpSecurityInfo |R16|p. 256
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
upSecurityUpSecurityM1This IE shall indicate the security policy for integrity protection and encryption for the user plane of the PDU session. See clause of TS 38.413.
maxIntegrityProtectedDataRateUlMaxIntegrityProtectedDataRateC0..1This IE shall be present if the upSecurity IE is present and indicates that integrity protection is preferred or required. See clause of TS 38.413.
When present, it shall indicate the maximum integrity protected data rate supported by the UE for uplink.
maxIntegrityProtectedDataRateDlMaxIntegrityProtectedDataRateC0..1This IE shall be present if the upSecurity IE is present and indicates that integrity protection is preferred or required.
When present, it shall indicate the maximum integrity protected data rate supported by the UE for downlink.
securityResultSecurityResultC0..1This IE shall be included if available. If present, this IE shall contain the Security Result associated to the PDU session. See clause of TS 38.413.
Up  Type: DdnFailureSubInfo |R16|p. 256
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
notifyCorrelationIdstringM1This IE shall indicate the notification correlation Id provided by the NF service consumer (e.g. AMF) when subscribing to the notification of the DDN Failure, which shall be returned by the SMF when a DDN Failure is notified for this subscription. This parameter can be useful if the NF service consumer has multiple subscriptions for the same PDU session.
dddTrafficDescriptorListarray(DddTrafficDescriptor)C1..NThis IE shall be present if it is received from the UDM. When present, it shall contain a list of Traffic Descriptors related to the event of DDN Failure for which the subscription applies.
Up  Type: AlternativeQosProfile |R16|p. 257
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
indexIntegerM1When present, this IE shall contain the index identifying the alternative QoS profile.
Minimum = 1. Maximum = 8.
guaFbrDlBitRateO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Downlink. See TS 23.501.
guaFbrUlBitRateO0..1When present, this IE shall contain the Guaranteed Bit Rate in Uplink. See TS 23.501.
packetDelayBudgetPacketDelBudgetO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the packet delay budget.
packetErrRatePacketErrRateO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate the packet error rate.
maxDataBurstVolintegerO0..1 Unsigned integer indicating Maximum Data Burst Volume (see clauses and 5.7.4 of TS 23.501), expressed in Bytes.
Minimum = 1. Maximum = 2000000.
Up  Type: ProblemDetailsAddInfo |R16|p. 257
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
remoteErrorbooleanO0..1When present, this IE shall indicate whether the error is originated by the remote entity or by the entity sending the response, as follows:
  • true: the error is originated by the remote entity (i.e. H-SMF/SMF or AMF).
  • false: the error is originated by the entity sending the response (i.e. V-SMF/I-SMF).
This IE shall be present and set to "true" for a HR PDU session or for a PDU session with an I-SMF, when the V-SMF/I-SMF retuns an error response to the AMF that was originated by the H-SMF/SMF, or when the V-SMF/I-SMF returns an error response to the H-SMF/SMF that was originated by the AMF.
This IE may be present if the error is originated by the V-SMF/I-SMF.
Up  Type: ExtProblemDetails |R16|p. 257
Data type Cardinality Description Applicability
ProblemDetails1Detail information of the problem
ProblemDetailsAddInfo1Additional information to be returned in error response.
Up  Type: QosMonitoringInfo |R16|p. 258
Attribute name Data type P Cardi­nality Description
qosMonitoringIndbooleanC0..1 This IE shall be present and set to "true" if QoS monitoring activated for QoS flows of the PDU session is performed using end to end accumulated packet delay reporting in UL GTP-U packets (see clause of TS 23.501).
When this attribute is present and set to "true", the I-SMF shall provision the I-UPF to report an end to end accumulated packet delay in UL GTP-U packets as specified in TS 29.244.

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