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7  Functional Design Constraintsp. 27

7.1  Generalp. 27

Functional design constraints ensure that the required immersive audio formats, operation modes and ranges of a native codec/system and essential properties remain supported in split rendering scenarios. Different functional design constraints may apply for different immersive audio codecs/systems.

7.2  Functional design constraints applicable for IVAS split rendering scenariosp. 27

The following functional design constraints apply for split rendering solutions involving the IVAS codec:
Functional attribute Constraint
Immersive audio formats of native coding format All required immersive IVAS encoder input formats according to Pdoc IVAS-4 shall be supported.
IVAS stereo input format should be supported for 0-DOF operation.
Bit rates of required immersive audio coding modes of native coding format All required bit rates of IVAS immersive operation modes according to Pdoc IVAS-4 shall be supported.
All IVAS stereo bit rates should be supported for 0-DOF operation.
Head-trackability of immersive audio formatsThe head-trackability of the immersive audio formats of the native coding format shall be retained. Preservation of the DOF level is the objective, reduced DOF levels may be provided.
Packet loss concealment (PLC)A PLC solution shall be provided.
Non-diegetic audio supportThe solution shall support (1DOF - 3DOF) diegetic audio and (0-DOF) one-channel non-diegetic audio and two-channel (stereo or binaural) non-diegetic audio.
It shall be possible to overlay post rendered audio obtained from instances operated with diegetic and non-diegetic audio.

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