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6  Physical Design Constraintsp. 24

6.1  Generalp. 24

Physical attributes are complexity, memory consumption, algorithmic delay, motion-to-sound latency, bit rate, etc. Different physical design constraints may apply for different immersive audio codecs.

6.2  Physical design constraints applicable for IVAS split rendering scenariosp. 24

The following physical design constraints apply for split rendering solutions involving the IVAS codec:
Physical attribute Constraint
Complexity of operation in end-rendering lightweight deviceThe complexity of operation in end-rendering lightweight device shall not exceed 80+(DOF*20) wMOPS.
Complexity of operation at capable device/nodeThe complexity of operation at pre-rendering device/node shall be characterized.
Memory footprint of operation in end-rendering lightweight deviceThe RAM consumption shall not exceed 100+(DOF*50) kWords.
The ROM (PROM and table ROM) shall not exceed 150 kWords.
Memory footprint of operation at pre-rendering device/nodeThe memory footprint of operation at pre-rendering device/node shall be characterized.
Algorithmic motion-to-sound latency in head-tracked rendering operation0-DOF: no constraint
30 ms for rotations around corrected axis (in post rendering), for other axes no constraints
30 ms for rotations around corrected axes (in post rendering), for the remaining axis no constraint
30 ms for rotations around all axes (in post rendering)
Algorithmic audio delayThe total algorithmic end-to-end audio delay including IVAS algorithmic delay shall not exceed 50 ms.
Bit rate of coded intermediate representationThe Split Rendering solution should offer 3-DOF operation at multiple bit rates with rate switching support and shall at least offer operation at 768 kbps.
For 3-DOF operation, 384 kbps and 512 kbps should be offered in addition to the required 768 kbps.
For 1-DOF operation, 256 kbps should be offered.
For 0-DOF operation, 256 kbps and even lower bit rates should be offered.
For cases with high transmission channel capacities, high bit rate operation modes > 768 kbps may be offered if QoE gains can be demonstrated.

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