
Content for  TS 24.229  Word version:  19.1.0

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A.  PUBLISH method |R6|p. 743
Prerequisite A.163/15A - - PUBLISH request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Contact[56B] 9.2c28c28[56B] 9.2c28c29
2Allow[26] 20.5mm[26] 20.5ii
3Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2mm[28] 8.2.2c29c29
4Authorization[26] 20.7mm[26] 20.7ii
5Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
6Call-Info[26] 24.9mm[26] 24.9c4c4
6BContact[70] 4o o[70] 6n/an/a
7Content-Disposition[26] 20.11mm[26] 20.11ii
8Content-Encoding[26] 20.12mm[26] 20.12ii
9Content-Language[26] 20.13mm[26] 20.13ii
10Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
11Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15ii
12CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
13Date[26] 20.17mm[26] 20.17c2c2
14Event[70] 4, 6mm[70] 4, 6mm
15Expires[26] 20.19, [70] 4, 5, 6mm[26] 20.19, [70] 4, 5, 6ii
16From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
16AGeolocation[89] 4.1c46c46[89] 4.1c47c47
16BGeolocation-Routing[89] 4.1c46c46[89] 4.1c47c47
16CHistory-Info[66] 4.1c32c32[66] 4.1c32c32
17In-Reply-To[26] 20.21mm[26] 20.21ii
17AMax-Breadth[117] 5.8c44c44[117] 5.8c45c45
18Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22mm
19MIME-Version[26] 20.24mm[26] 20.24ii
20Organization[26] 20.25mm[26] 20.25c3c3
21P-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [234] 2c23c23[52] 4.4, [234] 2c24c24
22P-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1c10c10[34] 9.1c11c11
22AP-Asserted-Service[121] 4.1c38c38[121] 4.1c39c39
23P-Called-Party-ID[52] 4.2c14c14[52] 4.2c15c16
24P-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5c21c21[52] 4.5c22c22
25P-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6c19c19[52] 4.6c20c20
26P-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2xc69[34] 9.2c9c9
26AP-Preferred-Service[121] 4.2xx[121] 4.2c37c37
26CP-Profile-Key[97] 5c34c34[97] 5c35c35
26DP-Served-User[133] 6c41c41[133] 6c41c41
26EP-User-Database[82] 4c33c33[82] 4c33c33
27P-Visited-Network-ID[52] 4.3c17o[52] 4.3c18o
28Priority[26] 20.26mm[26] 20.26ic50
29Privacy[33] 4.2c12c12[33] 4.2c13c13
30Proxy-Authorization[26] 20.28mm[26] 20.28c7c7
31Proxy-Require[26] 20.29mm[26] 20.29mm
32Reason[34A] 2c8c8[34A] 2c1c1
33Referred-By[59] 3c30c30[59] 3c31c31
34Reject-Contact[56B] 9.2c27c27[56B] 9.2c27c28
34BReply-To[26] 20.31mm[26] 20.31ii
35Request-Disposition[56B] 9.1c27c27[56B] 9.1c27c27
36Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32c5c5
36AResource-Priority[116] 3.1c36c36[116] 3.1c36c36
37Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34mm
38Security-Client[48] 2.3.1xx[48] 2.3.1c25c25
39Security-Verify[48] 2.3.1xx[48] 2.3.1c25c25
40SIP-If-Match[70] 11.3.2mm[70] 11.3.2ii
41Subject[26] 20.36mm[26] 20.36ii
42Supported[26] 20.37mm[26] 20.37c6c6
43Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38ii
44To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
45User-Agent[26] 20.41mm[26] 20.41ii
46Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.162/48 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/9 THEN m ELSE i - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.162/19A OR A.162/19B THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Organization header.
IF A.162/19C OR A.162/19D THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Call-Info header.
IF A.162/11 OR A.162/13 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response or adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response for methods other than REGISTER.
IF A.162/16 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Supported header before proxying the response.
IF A.162/8A THEN m ELSE i - - authentication between UA and proxy.
IF A.162/48 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/30A OR A.162/30C THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as first entity within the trust domain for asserted identity, act as entity passing on identity transparently independent of trust domain.
IF A.162/30 THEN m ELSE n/a - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.162/30A or A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/31 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.162/31D OR A.162/31G THEN m ELSE IF A.162/31C THEN i ELSE n/a - - application of the privacy option "header" or application of the privacy option "id" or passing on of the Privacy header transparently.
IF A.162/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension.
IF A.162/37 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension.
IF A.162/37 AND A.3/2 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/37 AND (A.3/3 OR A.3/9A) THEN i ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension and P-CSCF or (I-CSCF or IBCF (THIG).
IF A.162/38 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Visited-Network-ID header extension.
IF A.162/39 THEN m ELSE i - - reading, or deleting the P-Visited-Network-ID header before proxying the request or response.
IF A.162/45 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/46 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/45 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting, reading or modifying the P-Charging-Vector header before proxying the request or response or the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/44A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/44 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting or reading the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header before proxying the request or response, or the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/47 OR A.162/47A THEN o ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media (note 1).
IF A.162/50 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/50 AND A.4/3 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/50 AND NOT A.4/3 THEN i ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol, and S-CSCF.
IF A.4/20 THEN m ELSE i - - SIP specific event notification extension (note 2).
IF A.162/53 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.162/53 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.162/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information.
IF A.162/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-User-Database private header extension.
IF A.162/66A THEN m ELSE n/a - - making the first query to the database in order to populate the P-Profile-Key header.
IF A.162/66B THEN m ELSE n/a - - using the information in the P-Profile-Key header.
IF A.162/80B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/84A THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as authentication entity within the trust domain for asserted service.
IF A.162/84 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP extension for the identification of services.
IF A.162/84 OR A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - SIP extension for the identification of services or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/87 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Private-Network-Indication private-header (P-Header).
IF A.162/88 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Served-User private header.
IF A.162/81 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.162/81 AND A.162/6 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/81 AND NOT A.162/6 THEN i ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, forking of initial requests.
IF A.162/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.162/70A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70B THEN i ELSE n/a - - addition or modification of location in a SIP method, passes on locations in SIP method without modification.
IF A.162/101 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.162/30C THEN m ELSE x - - act as entity passing on identity transparently independent of trust domain.
IF A.162/115 THEN m ELSE i - - PSAP callback indicator.
IF A.162/110 THEN m ELSE n/a - - indication of features supported by proxy.
IF A.162/121 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
Support of this header in this method is dependent on the security mechanism and the security architecture which is implemented.
c29 refers to the UA role major capability as this is the case of a proxy that also acts as a UA specifically for SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY.
Prerequisite A.163/15A - - PUBLISH request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2application/poc-settings+xml [110]oc1[110]oc1
3application/pidf+xml [242]oc1[242]oc1
A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9A OR A.3/10 OR A.3/11 OR A.3/13A THEN m ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, AS acting as proxy, IBCF (THIG), additional routeing functionality, E-CSCF, ISC gateway function (THIG).
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/1 - - Additional for 100 (Trying) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
3CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
4Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17c2c2
5From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
6To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
7Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF (A.162/9 AND A.162/5) OR A.162/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - stateful proxy behaviour that inserts date, or stateless proxies.
IF A.162/4 THEN i ELSE m - - Stateless proxy passes on.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response for all remaining status-codes
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAllow[26] 20.5mm[26] 20.5ii
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Call-Info[26] 24.9mm[26] 24.9c3c3
3Content-Disposition[26] 20.11mm[26] 20.11ii
4Content-Encoding[26] 20.12mm[26] 20.12ii
5Content-Language[26] 20.13mm[26] 20.13ii
6Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
7Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15ii
8CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
9Date[26] 20.17mm[26] 20.17c1c1
9AExpires[26] 20.19
[70] 4, 5, 6
mm[26] 20.19
[70] 4, 5, 6
10From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
10AGeolocation-Error[89] 4.3c19c19[89] 4.3c20c20
10BHistory-Info[66] 4.1c16c16[66] 4.1c16c16
11MIME-Version[26] 20.24mm[26] 20.24ii
12Organization[26] 20.25mm[26] 20.25c2c2
13P-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c13c13[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c14c14
14P-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1c5c5[34] 9.1c6c6
15P-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c11c11[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c12c12
16P-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c9c9[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c10c10
17P-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2xx[34] 9.2c4n/a
18Privacy[33] 4.2c7c7[33] 4.2c8c8
19Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32c15c15
20Server[26] 20.35mm[26] 20.35ii
21Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38ii
22To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
23User-Agent[26] 20.41mm[26] 20.41ii
24Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
25Warning[26] 20.43mm[26] 20.43ii
IF A.162/9 THEN m ELSE i - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.162/19A OR A.162/19B THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Organization header.
IF A.162/19C OR A.162/19D THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Call-Info header.
IF A.162/30A THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as first entity within the trust domain for asserted identity.
IF A.162/30 THEN m ELSE n/a - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.162/30A or A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/31 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.162/31D OR A.162/31G THEN m ELSE IF A.162/31C THEN i ELSE n/a - - application of the privacy option "header" or application of the privacy option "id" or passing on of the Privacy header transparently.
IF A.162/45 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/46 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/45 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting, reading or modifying the P-Charging-Vector header before proxying the request or response or the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/44A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/44 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting or reading the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header before proxying the request or response, or the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/11 OR A.162/13 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response or adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response for methods other than REGISTER.
IF A.162/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information.
IF A.162/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.162/70A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70B THEN i ELSE n/a - - addition or modification of location in a SIP method, passes on locations in SIP method without modification.
IF A.162/101 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.162/121 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/102 - - Additional for 2xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2Authentication-Info[26] 20.6mm[26] 20.6ii
3Expires[26] 20.19, [70] 4, 5, 6mm[26] 20.19, [70] 4, 5, 6ii
4SIP-Etag[70] 11.3.1mm[70] 11.3.1ii
5Supported[26] 20.37mm[26] 20.37ii
IF A.162/110 THEN m ELSE n/a - - indication of features supported by proxy.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/6 - - Additional for 200 (OK) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.162/80B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/103 OR A.164/104 OR A.164/105 OR A.164/106 - - Additional for 3xx – 6xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Error-Info[26] 20.18mm[26] 20.18ii
IF A.162/125 THEN o ELSE n/a - - use of the Response-Source header field in SIP error responses?
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/103 OR A.164/35 - - Additional for 3xx or 485 (Ambiguous) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2Contact[26] 20.10mm[26] 20.10c1c1
IF A.162/19E THEN m ELSE i - - deleting Contact headers.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/8 OR A.164/9 OR A.164/10 OR A.164/11 OR A.164/12 - - Additional for 401 (Unauthorized) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27mm[26] 20.27mm
5WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44ii
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/17 OR A.164/23 OR A.164/30 OR A.164/36 OR A.164/42 OR A.164/45 OR A.164/50 OR A.164/51 - - Additional for 404 (Not Found), 413 (Request Entity Too Large), 480(Temporarily not available), 486 (Busy Here), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable), 600 (Busy Everywhere), 603 (Decline) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Retry-After[26] 20.33mm[26] 20.33ii
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/20 - - Additional for 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27mm[26] 20.27mm
5WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44ii
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/25 - - Additional for 415 (Unsupported Media Type) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1mm[26] 20.1ii
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2mm[26] 20.2ii
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3mm[26] 20.3ii
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/26A - - Additional for 417 (Unknown Resource-Priority) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.162/80B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/27 - - Additional for 420 (Bad Extension) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
4Unsupported[26] 20.40mm[26] 20.40c3c3
IF A.162/18 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Unsupported header before proxying the 420 response to a method other than REGISTER.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/28 OR A.164/41A - - Additional for 421 (Extension Required), 494 (Security Agreement Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Security-Server[48] 2c1c1[48] 2n/an/a
IF A.162/47 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/29 - - Additional for 423 (Interval Too Brief) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Min-Expires[26] 20.23, [70] 5, 6mm[26] 20.23, [70] 5, 6ii
Prerequisite A.163/15B - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/39 - - Additional for 489 (Bad Event) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2mm[28] 8.2.2ii
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - PUBLISH response
Prerequisite: A.164/46 - - Additional for 504 (Server Time-out) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Restoration-Infosubclause 7.2.11n/ac1subclause 7.2.11n/an/a
IF A.4/110 THEN o ELSE n/a - - HSS based P-CSCF restoration.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - PUBLISH response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
A.  REFER methodp. 753
Prerequisite A.163/16 - - REFER request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAccept[26] 20.1mm[26] 20.1ii
0BAccept-Contact[56B] 9.2c27c27[56B] 9.2c27c28
0CAccept-Encoding[26] 20.2mm[26] 20.2ii
1Accept-Language[26] 20.3mm[26] 20.3ii
1AAllow[26] 20.5mm[26] 20.5ii
2Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2mm[28] 8.2.2c1c1
3Authorization[26] 20.7mm[26] 20.7ii
4Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
5Contact[26] 20.10mm[26] 20.10ii
5AContent-Disposition[26] 20.11mm[26] 20.11ii
5BContent-Encoding[26] 20.12mm[26] 20.12ii
5CContent-Language[26] 20.13mm[26] 20.13ii
6Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
7Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15ii
8CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
9Date[26] 20.17mm[26] 20.17c2c2
10Expires[26] 20.19mm[26] 20.19ii
11From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
11AGeolocation[89] 4.1c35c35[89] 4.1c36c36
11BGeolocation-Routing[89] 4.1c35c35[89] 4.1c36c36
11CHistory-Info[66] 4.1c31c31[66] 4.1c31c31
11DMax-Breadth[117] 5.8c40c40[117] 5.8c41c41
12Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22mm
13MIME-Version[26] 20.24mm[26] 20.24ii
14Organization[26] 20.25mm[26] 20.25c3c3
14AP-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [234] 2c22c22[52] 4.4, [234] 2c23c23
14BP-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1c9c9[34] 9.1c10c10
14CP-Asserted-Service[121] 4.1c38c38[121] 4.1c39c39
14DP-Called-Party-ID[52] 4.2, [52A] 4c13c13[52] 4.2, [52A] 4c14c15
14EP-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5c20c20[52] 4.5c21c21
14FP-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6c18c18[52] 4.6c19c19
14HP-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2xc69[34] 9.2c8c8
14IP-Preferred-Service[121] 4.2xx[121] 4.2c37c37
14KP-Profile-Key[97] 5c33c33[97] 5c34c34
14LP-Served-User[133] 6c53c53[133] 6c53c53
14MP-User-Database[82] 4c32c32[82] 4c32c32
14NP-Visited-Network-ID[52] 4.3c16o[52] 4.3c17o
14OPrivacy[33] 4.2c11c11[33] 4.2c12c12
15Proxy-Authorization[26] 20.28mm[26] 20.28c4c4
16Proxy-Require[26] 20.29mm[26] 20.29mm
16AReason[34A] 2c25c25[34A] 2c26c26
17Record-Route[26] 20.30mm[26] 20.30c7c7
17ARefer-Sub[173] 4c54c54[173] 4c55c55
18Refer-To[36] 3c3c3[36] 3c4c4
18AReferred-By[59] 3c29c29[59] 3c30c30
18BReject-Contact[56B] 9.2c27c27[56B] 9.2c27c28
18DRequest-Disposition[56B] 9.1c27c27[56B] 9.1c27c27
19Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32c5c5
19AResource-Priority[116] 3.1c47c47[116] 3.1c47c47
20Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34mm
20ASecurity-Client[48] 2.3.1xx[48] 2.3.1c24c24
20BSecurity-Verify[48] 2.3.1xx[48] 2.3.1c24c24
21Supported[26] 20.37mm[26] 20.37c6c6
21ATarget-Dialog[184] 7c71c71[184] 7c72c72
22Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38ii
23To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
23ATrigger-Consent[125] 5.11.2c48c48[125] 5.11.2c49c49
24User-Agent[26] 20.41mm[26] 20.41ii
25Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/20 THEN m ELSE i - - SIP specific event notification extension.
IF A.162/9 THEN m ELSE i - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.162/19A OR A.162/19B THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Organization header.
IF A.162/8A THEN m ELSE i - - authentication between UA and proxy.
IF A.162/11 OR A.162/13 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response or adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response for methods other than REGISTER.
IF A.162/16 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Supported header before proxying the response.
IF A.162/14 THEN m ELSE i - - the requirement to be able to insert itself in the subsequent transactions in a dialog.
IF A.162/30A OR A.162/30C THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as first entity within the trust domain for asserted identity, act as entity passing on identity transparently independent of trust domain.
IF A.162/30 THEN m ELSE n/a - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.162/30A or A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/31 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.162/31D OR A.162/31G THEN m ELSE IF A.162/31C THEN i ELSE n/a - - application of the privacy option "header" or application of the privacy option "id" or passing on of the Privacy header transparently.
IF A.162/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension.
IF A.162/37 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension.
IF A.162/37 AND A.3/2 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/37 AND (A.3/3 OR A.3/9A) THEN i ELSE n/a - - the P-Called-Party-ID header extension and P-CSCF or (I-CSCF or IBCF (THIG).
IF A.162/38 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Visited-Network-ID header extension.
IF A.162/39 THEN m ELSE i - - reading, or deleting the P-Visited-Network-ID header before proxying the request or response.
IF A.162/45 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/46 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/45 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting, reading or modifying the P-Charging-Vector header before proxying the request or response or the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/44A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/44 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting or reading the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header before proxying the request or response, or the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/47 OR A.162/47A THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media.
IF A.162/48 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/48 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/50 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/50 AND A.4/3 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/50 AND NOT A.4/3 THEN i ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol, and S-CSCF.
IF A.162/53 THEN i ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.162/53 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.162/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information.
IF A.162/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-User-Database private header extension.
IF A.162/66A THEN m ELSE n/a - - making the first query to the database in order to populate the P-Profile-Key header.
IF A.162/66B THEN m ELSE n/a - - using the information in the P-Profile-Key header.
IF A.162/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.162/70A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70B THEN i ELSE n/a - - addition or modification of location in a SIP method, passes on locations in SIP method without modification.
IF A.162/84A THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as authentication entity within the trust domain for asserted service.
IF A.162/84 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP extension for the identification of services.
IF A.162/84 OR A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - SIP extension for the identification of services or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/81 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.162/81 AND A.162/6 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/81 AND NOT A.162/6 THEN i ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, forking of initial requests.
IF A.162/80 THEN m ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/85 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a framework for consent-based communications in SIP.
IF A.162/85 THEN i ELSE n/a - - a framework for consent-based communications in SIP.
IF A.162/87 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Private-Network-Indication private-header (P-Header).
IF A.162/88 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Served-User private header.
IF A.162/105 THEN m ELSE n/a - - suppression of session initiation protocol REFER method implicit subscription.
IF A.162/105 THEN i ELSE n/a - - suppression of session initiation protocol REFER method implicit subscription.
IF A.162/30C THEN m ELSE x - - act as entity passing on identity transparently independent of trust domain.
IF A.162/101 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.162/109 THEN m ELSE n/a - - request authorization through dialog Identification in the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/109 THEN i ELSE n/a - - request authorization through dialog Identification in the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/110 THEN m ELSE n/a - - indication of features supported by proxy.
IF A.162/121 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/131 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Additional-Identity header field extension.
c1 refers to the UA role major capability as this is the case of a proxy that also acts as a UA specifically for SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY.
Prerequisite A.163/16 - - REFER request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1application/vnd.3gpp.mid-call+xml[8M] Dn/ai[8M] Dn/ai
A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9A OR A.3/10 OR A.3/11 OR A.3/13A THEN m ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, AS acting as proxy, IBCF (THIG), additional routeing functionality, E-CSCF, ISC gateway function (THIG).
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/1 - - Additional for 100 (Trying) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
3CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
4Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17c2c2
5From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
6To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
7Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF (A.162/9 AND A.162/5) OR A.162/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - stateful proxy behaviour that inserts date, or stateless proxies.
IF A.162/4 THEN i ELSE m - - Stateless proxy passes on.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response for all remaining status-codes
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAllow[26] 20.5mm[26] 20.5ii
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
1BContact[26] 20.10mm[26] 20.10ii
1CContent-Disposition[26] 20.11mm[26] 20.11ii
2Content-Encoding[26] 20.12mm[26] 20.12ii
3Content-Language[26] 20.13mm[26] 20.13ii
4Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
5Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15ii
6CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
7Date[26] 20.17mm[26] 20.17c1c1
8From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
8AGeolocation-Error[89] 4.3c16c16[89] 4.3c17c17
8BHistory-Info[66] 4.1c15c15[66] 4.1c15c15
9MIME-Version[26] 20.24mm[26] 20.24ii
10Organization[26] 20.25mm[26] 20.25c2c2
10AP-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c12c12[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c13c13
10BP-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1c4c4[34] 9.1c5c5
10CP-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c10c10[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c11c11
10DP-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c8c8[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c9c9
10FP-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2xx[34] 9.2c3n/a
10GPrivacy[33] 4.2c6c6[33] 4.2c7c7
10IRequire[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32c14c14
10JServer[26] 20.35mm[26] 20.35ii
11Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38ii
12To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
12AUser-Agent[26] 20.41mm[26] 20.41ii
13Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
14Warning[26] 20.43mm[26] 20.43ii
IF A.162/9 THEN m ELSE i - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.162/19A OR A.162/19B THEN m ELSE i - - reading, adding or concatenating the Organization header.
IF A.162/30A THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as first entity within the trust domain for asserted identity.
IF A.162/30 THEN m ELSE n/a - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.162/30A or A.162/30B THEN m ELSE i - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks or subsequent entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network.
IF A.162/31 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.162/31D OR A.162/31G THEN m ELSE IF A.162/31C THEN i ELSE n/a - - application of the privacy option "header" or application of the privacy option "id" or passing on of the Privacy header transparently.
IF A.162/45 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/46 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/45 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting, reading or modifying the P-Charging-Vector header before proxying the request or response or the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/44A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/44 THEN i ELSE n/a - - adding, deleting or reading the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header before proxying the request or response, or the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/41 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/11 OR A.162/13 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response or adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response for methods other than REGISTER.
IF A.162/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information.
IF A.162/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.162/70A THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70B THEN i ELSE n/a - - addition or modification of location in a SIP method, passes on locations in SIP method without modification.
IF A.162/101 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.162/121 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN x ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN m ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/43 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/123 THEN i ELSE n/a - - act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network, the Cellular-Network-Info header extension.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/102 - - Additional for 2xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAccept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c12c12[116] 3.2c12c12
1Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2mm[28] 8.2.2c1c1
2Authentication-Info[26] 20.6mm[26] 20.6ii
5Record-Route[26] 20.30mm[26] 20.30c3c3
6Refer-Sub[173] 4c4c4[173] 4c5c5
8Supported[26] 20.37mm[26] 20.37ii
IF A.4/20 THEN m ELSE i - - SIP specific event notification extension.
IF A.162/15 THEN m ELSE i - - the requirement to be able to use separate URIs in the upstream direction and downstream direction when record routeing.
IF A.162/105 THEN m ELSE n/a - - suppression of session initiation protocol REFER method implicit subscription.
IF A.162/105 THEN I ELSE n/a - - suppression of session initiation protocol REFER method implicit subscription.
IF A.162/80 THEN m ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/110 THEN m ELSE n/a - - indication of features supported by proxy.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/103 OR A.164/104 OR A.164/105 OR A.164/106 - - Additional for 3xx – 6xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Error-Info[26] 20.18mm[26] 20.18ii
IF A.162/125 THEN o ELSE n/a - - use of the Response-Source header field in SIP error responses?
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/8 OR A.164/9 OR A.164/10 OR A.164/11 OR A.164/12 - - Additional for 401 (Unauthorized) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
4Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27mm[26] 20.27mm
10WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44ii
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/17 OR A.164/23 OR A.164/30 OR A.164/36 OR A.164/42 OR A.164/45 OR A.164/50 OR A.164/51 - - Additional for 404 (Not Found), 413 (Request Entity Too Large), 480(Temporarily not available), 486 (Busy Here), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable), 600 (Busy Everywhere), 603 (Decline) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
6Retry-After[26] 20.33mm[26] 20.33ii
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/20 - - Additional for 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
4Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27mm[26] 20.27mm
8WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44ii
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/25 - - Additional for 415 (Unsupported Media Type) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1mm[26] 20.1ii
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2mm[26] 20.2ii
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3mm[26] 20.3ii
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/26A - - Additional for 417 (Unknown Resource-Priority) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.162/80 THEN m ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/27 - - Additional for 420 (Bad Extension) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
8Unsupported[26] 20.40mm[26] 20.40c3c3
IF A.162/18 THEN m ELSE i - - reading the contents of the Unsupported header before proxying the 420 response to a method other than REGISTER.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/28 OR A.164/41A - - Additional for 421 (Extension Required), 494 (Security Agreement Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Security-Server[48] 2c1c1[48] 2n/an/a
IF A.162/47 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/29H - - Additional for 470 (Consent Needed) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Permission-Missing[125] 5.9.3mm[125] 5.9.3mm
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Prerequisite: A.164/46 - - Additional for 504 (Server Time-out) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Restoration-Infosubclause 7.2.11n/ac1subclause 7.2.11n/an/a
IF A.4/110 THEN o ELSE n/a - - HSS based P-CSCF restoration.
Prerequisite A.163/17 - - REFER response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status

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