
Content for  TS 24.229  Word version:  19.1.0

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A.2.2  Proxy rolep. 657

A.2.2.1  Introductionp. 657

This subclause contains the ICS proforma Tables related to the proxy role. They need to be completed only for proxy implementations.
Prerequisite: A.2/2 - - proxy role

A.2.2.2  Major capabilitiesp. 658

Item Does the implementation support Capabilities within main protocol Reference RFC status Profile status
3initiate session release?[26] 16xc27
4stateless proxy behaviour?[26] 16.11o.1c29
5stateful proxy behaviour?[26] 16.2o.1c28
6forking of initial requests?[26] 16.1c1c31
7support of indication of TLS connections in the Record-Route header on the upstream side?[26] 16.7on/a
8support of indication TLS connections in the Record-Route header on the downstream side?[26] 16.7on/a
8Aauthentication between UA and proxy?[26] 20.28, 22.3, [287]oc85
9insertion of date in requests and responses?[26] 20.17oo
10suppression or modification of alerting information data?[26] 20.4oo
11reading the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response? [26] 20.32oo
12adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the REGISTER request or response [26] 20.32om
13adding or modifying the contents of the Require header before proxying the request or response for methods other than REGISTER?[26] 20.32oo
14being able to insert itself in the subsequent transactions in a dialog (record-routing)?[26] 16.6oc2
15the requirement to be able to use separate URIs in the upstream direction and downstream direction when record routeing?[26] 16.7c3c3
16reading the contents of the Supported header before proxying the response? [26] 20.37oo
17reading the contents of the Unsupported header before proxying the 420 response to a REGISTER?[26] 20.40om
18reading the contents of the Unsupported header before proxying the 420 response to a method other than REGISTER?[26] 20.40oo
19the inclusion of the Error-Info header in 3xx - 6xx responses?[26] 20.18oo
19Areading the contents of the Organization header before proxying the request or response?[26] 20.25oo
19Badding or concatenating the Organization header before proxying the request or response?[26] 20.25oo
19Creading the contents of the Call-Info header before proxying the request or response?[26] 20.9oo
19Dadding or concatenating the Call-Info header before proxying the request or response?[26] 20.9oo
19Edelete Contact headers from 3xx responses prior to relaying the response?[26] 20oo
19Fproxy reading the contents of a body or including a body in a request or response?[26]oc88
19Gproxy modifying the content of a bodyTS 24.237n/ac103
20SIP INFO method and package framework?[25]oo
20Alegacy INFO usage?[25] 2, 3oo
21reliability of provisional responses in SIP?[27]oi
22the REFER method?[36]oo
22Aclarifications for the use of REFER with RFC6665?[231]c113c113
22Bexplicit subscriptions for the REFER method?[232]oo
23integration of resource management and SIP?[30] [64]oi
24the SIP UPDATE method?[29]c4i
26SIP extensions for media authorization?[31]oc7
27SIP specific event notification[28]oi
28a clarification on the use of GRUUs in the SIP event notification framework?[232]n/an/a
29Session Initiation Protocol Extension Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts[35]oc6
30private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks[34]om
30Aact as first entity within the trust domain for asserted identity?[34]c5c9
30Bact as entity within trust network that can route outside the trust network?[34]c5c9
30Cact as entity passing on identity transparently independent of trust domain?[34]c5c96
31a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)[33]om
31Arequest of privacy by the inclusion of a Privacy header[33]n/an/a
31Bapplication of privacy based on the received Privacy header[33]c10c12
31Cpassing on of the Privacy header transparently[33]c10c13
31D application of the privacy option "header" such that those headers which cannot be completely expunged of identifying information without the assistance of intermediaries are obscured? [33] 5.1xx
31E application of the privacy option "session" such that anonymization for the session(s) initiated by this message occurs? [33] 5.2n/an/a
31F application of the privacy option "user" such that user level privacy functions are provided by the network? [33] 5.3n/an/a
31G application of the privacy option "id" such that privacy of the network asserted identity is provided by the network? [34] 7c11c12
31H application of the privacy option "history" such that privacy of the History-Info header is provided by the network? [66] 7.2c34c34
32Session Initiation Protocol Extension Header Field for Service Route Discovery During Registration[38]oc30
33a messaging mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)[50]om
34Compressing the Session Initiation Protocol[55]oc7
35private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)?[52]om
36the P-Associated-URI header extension?[52] 4.1, [52A] 4c14c15
37the P-Called-Party-ID header extension?[52] 4.2, [52A] 4`c14c16
38the P-Visited-Network-ID header extension?[52] 4.3, [52A] 4, [52B] 3c14c17
39reading, or deleting the P-Visited-Network-ID header before proxying the request or response?[52] 4.3c18n/a
41the P-Access-Network-Info header extension?[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c14c19
42act as first entity within the trust domain for access network information?[52] 4.4c20c21
43act as subsequent entity within trust network for access network information that can route outside the trust network?[52] 4.4c20c22
44the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension?[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c14m
44Aadding, deleting or reading the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header before proxying the request or response?[52] 4.6c25c26
45the P-Charging-Vector header extension?[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c14m
46adding, deleting, reading or modifying the P-Charging-Vector header before proxying the request or response?[52] 4.6c23c24
47security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol?[48]oc7
47Amediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media?Subclause 7.2A.7n/ac99
48the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol[34A]oc78
48Acarrying Q.850 codes in reason header fields in SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) responses?[130]oo
48Bthe location parameter for the SIP Reason header field?[255]oo
48CHandling of Identity Header Errors for Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) (carrying STIR codes in Reason header fields in SIP responses)?[294]oc130
48DMultiple SIP Reason Header Field Values?[296]oc131
49an extension to the session initiation protocol for symmetric response routeing[56A]om
50caller preferences for the session initiation protocol?[56B]c33c33
50Athe proxy-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4o.4
50Bthe cancel-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4o.4
50Cthe fork-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4c32
50Dthe recurse-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4o.4
50Ethe parallel-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4c32
50Fthe queue-directive within caller-preferences?[56B] 9.1o.4o.4
51an event state publication extension to the session initiation protocol?[70]om
52SIP session timer?[58]oo
53the SIP Referred-By mechanism?[59]oo
54 the Session Inititation Protocol (SIP) "Replaces" header? [60]oo
55 the Session Inititation Protocol (SIP) "Join" header?, [61]oo
56the callee capabilities?[62]oo
57an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information?[66]oo
57A application of the "mp" optional header field parameter? [66]oo
57B application of the "rc" optional header field parameter? [66]oo
57C application of the "np" optional header field parameter? [66]oo
58Rejecting anonymous requests in the session initiation protocol?[67]oo
59session initiation protocol URIs for applications such as voicemail and interactive voice response[68]oo
59ASession Initiation Protocol (SIP) cause URI parameter for service number translation?[230]c111c111
60the P-User-Database private header extension?[82]oc95
61Session initiation protocol's non-INVITE transactions?[84]mm
62a uniform resource name for services[69]n/ac35
63obtaining and using GRUUs in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)[93]oc36
65the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)?[96]oo (note2)
66the SIP P-Profile-Key private header extension?[97]oc41
66Amaking the first query to the database in order to populate the P-Profile-Key header?[97]c38c39
66Busing the information in the P-Profile-Key header?[97]c38c40
67managing client initiated connections in SIP?[92] 11oc42
68indicating support for interactive connectivity establishment in SIP?[102]oo
69multiple-recipient MESSAGE requests in the session initiation protocol[104]n/an/a
70SIP location conveyance?[89]oc94
70Aaddition or modification of location in a SIP method?[89]c44c45
70Bpasses on locations in SIP method without modification?[89]c44c46
71referring to multiple resources in the session initiation protocol?[105]n/an/a
72conference establishment using request-contained lists in the session initiation protocol?[106]n/an/a
73subscriptions to request-contained resource lists in the session initiation protocol?[107]n/an/a
74dialstring parameter for the session initiation protocol uniform resource identifier?[103]on/a
75the P-Answer-State header extension to the session initiation protocol for the open mobile alliance push to talk over cellular?[111]oc60
76the SIP P-Early-Media private header extension for authorization of early media?[109] 8oc51
77number portability parameters for the 'tel' URI?[112]oc47
77Aassert or process carrier indication?[112]oc48
77Blocal number portability?[112]oc50
79extending the session initiation protocol Reason header for preemption events[115]c79c79
80communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol?[116]oc80
80Ainclusion of MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol?[116] 4.2c82c82
80Binclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol?[116] 4.2c82c82
81addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies?[117]c52c52
82the remote application identification of applying signalling compression to SIP[79] 9.1oc7
83a session initiation protocol media feature tag for MIME application subtypes?[120]oc53
84SIP extension for the identification of services? [121]oc54
84Aact as authentication entity within the trust domain for asserted service?[121]c55c56
85a framework for consent-based communications in SIP?[125]om
86a mechanism for transporting user-to-user call control information in SIP?[126]oc84
87the SIP P-Private-Network-Indication private-header (P-Header)?[134]oo
88the SIP P-Served-User private header in the 3GG IM CN subsystem?[133] 6oo
89the SIP P-Served-User header extension for Originating CDIV session case?[239] 4c126c126
90marking SIP messages to be logged?[140]om
91the 199 (Early Dialog Terminated) response code[142]oc90
92message body handling in SIP?[150]oc89
93indication of support for keep-alive?[143]oc51
94SIP Interface to VoiceXML Media Services?[145]oc91
95common presence and instant messaging (CPIM): message format?[151]oo
96instant message disposition notification?[157]oo
97requesting answering modes for SIP?[158]oo
97Aadding, deleting or reading the Answer-Mode header or Priv-Answer-Mode before proxying the request or response?[158] oc92
99the early session disposition type for SIP?[74B]ii
101The Session-ID header?[162]oo
102correct transaction handling for 2xx responses to Session Initiation Protocol INVITE requests?[163]mm
103addressing Record-Route issues in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)?[164]oo
104essential correction for IPv6 ABNF and URI comparison in RFC3261?[165]mm
105suppression of session initiation protocol REFER method implicit subscription?[173]oc100
106Alert-Info URNs for the Session Initiation Protocol?[175]oo
107multiple registrations?Subclause 3.1n/ac101
108the SIP P-Refused-URI-List private-header?[183]oc102
109request authorization through dialog Identification in the session initiation protocol?[184]oo
110indication of features supported by proxy?[190]oc104
111registration of bulk number contacts?[191]oc105
112media control channel framework?[146]n/an/a
113S-CSCF restoration procedures?Subclause 4.14n/an/a
114SIP overload control?[198]oo
114Afeedback control?[199]c106c106
114Bdistribution of load filters?[201]n/an/a
115handling of a 380 (Alternative service) response?Subclause 5.2.10n/an/a
116 indication of adjacent network in the Via "received-realm" header field parameter? [208]oc107
117PSAP callback indicator?[209]oc108
118SIP URI parameter to indicate traffic leg?[225]oc109
119PCF or PCRF based P-CSCF restoration?Subclause 4.14.2n/ac110
120UDM/HSS or HSS based P-CSCF restoration?Subclause 4.14.2n/ac112
121the Relayed-Charge header field extension?Subclause 7.2.12n/ac114
122resource sharing?Subclause 4.15n/ac115
123the Cellular-Network-Info header extension?Subclause 7.2.15n/ac116
124the Priority-Share header field extension?Subclause 7.2.16n/ac127
125the Response-Source header field extension?Subclause 7.2.17n/ao
126authenticated identity management in the Session Initiation Protocol?[252]oc128
127a SIP response code for unwanted calls extension?[254]oo
128the Attestation-Info header field extension?Subclause 7.2.18n/ao
129the Origination-Id header field extension?Subclause 7.2.19n/ao
130Dynamic services interactions?Subclause 4.18n/ac128
131the Additional-Identity header field extension?Subclause 7.2.20n/ao
132RLOS?Subclause 4.19n/ac129
133the Priority-Verstat header field extension?Subclause 7.2.21n/ac82
IF A.162/5 THEN o ELSE n/a - - stateful proxy behaviour.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/4 OR A.3/13A OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE o - - P-CSCF, IBCF (THIG), S-CSCF, ISC gateway function (THIG), ATCF (proxy).
IF (A.162/7 AND NOT A.162/8) OR (NOT A.162/7 AND A.162/8) THEN m ELSE IF A.162/14 THEN o ELSE n/a - - TLS interworking with non-TLS else proxy insertion.
IF A.162/23 THEN m ELSE o - - integration of resource management and SIP.
IF A.162/30 THEN o ELSE n/a - - extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/9A OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, IBCF (THIG), ATFC (proxy).
IF A.3/2 AND (A.3D/1 OR A.3D/4) THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF and (IMS AKA plus IPsec ESP or SIP digest with TLS).
IF (A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A) AND A.162/30 THEN m ELSE IF A.3/7C AND A.162/30 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF or S-CSCF or IBCF (THIG) or ISC gateway function (THIG) or AS acting as proxy and extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks (NOTE 1).
IF A.162/31 THEN o.2 ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.162/31B THEN o ELSE x - - application of privacy based on the received Privacy header.
IF A.162/31 AND A.3/4 THEN m ELSE IF A.3/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF, E-CSCF.
IF A.162/31 AND (A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A OR A.3A/88) THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy or IBCF (THIG), ISC gateway function (THIG), ATCF (proxy).
IF A.162/35 THEN o.3 ELSE n/a - - private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
IF A.162/35 AND (A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A) THEN m ELSE n/a - - private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and P-CSCF or I-CSCF or IBCF (THIG) or ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.162/35 AND (A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A) THEN m ELSE n/a - - private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and P-CSCF or I-CSCF or S-CSCF or IBCF (THIG) or ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.162/35 AND (A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A) THEN m ELSE n/a - - private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and P-CSCF or I-CSCF or IBCF (THIG) or ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.162/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Visited-Network-ID header extension.
IF A.162/35 AND (A.3/2 OR A.3.3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - private header extensions to the session initiation protocol for the 3rd-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, AS acting as a proxy.
IF A.162/41 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.162/41 AND A.3/2 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and P-CSCF.
IF A.162/41 AND A.3/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and S-CSCF.
IF A.162/45 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/45 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.162/44 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function Addresses header extension.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 THEN m ELSE x - - P-CSCF or S-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 THEN m ELSE o.8 - - P-CSCF or I-CSCF or S-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 THEN n/a ELSE IF A.3/3 THEN o ELSE o.8 - - P-CSCF or S-CSCF or I-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 o ELSE i - - P-CSCF.
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE x - - S-CSCF.
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE o.4 - - S-CSCF.
IF A.162/50A OR A.162/50B OR A.162/50C OR A.162/50D OR A.162/50E OR A.162/50F THEN m ELSE n/a - - support of any directives within caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.162/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an extension to the session initiation protocol for request history information.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/11 THEN m ELSE IF A.3/7C OR A.3/9 OR A.3/13A THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, E-CSCF, AS acting as proxy, IBCF, ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF.
IF A.162/66 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Profile-Key private header.
IF A.162/66 AND (A.3/3 OR A.3/9A) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Profile-Key private header, I-CSCF or IBCF (THIG).
IF A.162/66 AND A.3/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Profile-Key private header, S-CSCF.
IF A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9A THEN o ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF or S-CSCF or IBCF (THIG).
IF A.162/107 THEN m ELSE n/a - - multiple registrations.
IF A.162/70 THEN o.5 ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.3/11 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70 AND A.3/7C THEN o.6 ELSE n/a - - E-CSCF, SIP location conveyance, AS acting as a SIP proxy.
IF A.162/70 AND A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/10 OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE IF A.162/70 AND A.3/7C THEN o.6 ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance, P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, additional routeing functionality, ATCF (proxy).
IF A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/7C THEN o ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy.
IF A.162/77 THEN m ELSE n/a - - number portability parameters for the 'tel' URI.
IF A.162/77 THEN m ELSE n/a - - number portability parameters for the 'tel' URI.
IF A.3/2 THEN m ELSE o - - P-CSCF.
IF A.162/6 THEN m ELSE o - - forking of initial requests.
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF.
IF A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7 OR A.3/2 OR A.3/9A OR A.3/13A THEN m ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, P-CSCF. IBCF (THIG), ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.162/84 THEN o ELSE n/a - - SIP extension for the identification of services.
IF A.3/4 AND A.162/84 THEN m ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF and SIP extension for the identification of services.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9 OR A.162/79 OR A.162/3 THEN m ELSE o - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF, IBCF, extending the session initiation protocol Reason header for preemption events, initiate session release.
IF A.162/80 THEN o ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9A OR A.3/10 OR A.3/13A THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, AS acting as proxy, IBCF (THIG), additional routeing functionality, ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.162/80 THEN o ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9A OR A.3/10 OR A.3/11 OR A.3/13A THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, AS acting as proxy, IBCF (THIG), additional routeing functionality, E-CSCF, ISC gateway function (THIG).
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 THEN o ELSE x - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9C OR A.3/11 OR A.3/13C OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE o - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF, AS, AS acting as a SIP proxy, IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), E-CSCF, ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling), ATCF (proxy).
IF A.162/19F THEN m ELSE n/a - - proxy reading the contents of a body or including a body in a request or response.
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE i - - S-CSCF.
IF A.3/4 THEN o ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF.
IF A.162/92 THEN o ELSE n/a - - requesting answering modes for SIP.
IF A.3/11 THEN m ELSE o - - E-CSCF.
IF A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7C THEN o ELSE n/a - - I-CSCF, S-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/11 OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, E-CSCF, ATCF (proxy).
IF A.3/2A AND (A.3D/30 OR A.3D/20A OR A.3D/20B OR A.3D/20C OR A.3D/31) THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF (IMS-ALG) and end-to-access-edge media security using SDES, end-to-access-edge media security for MSRP using TLS and certificate fingerprints, end-to-access-edge media security for BFCP using TLS and certificate fingerprints, end-to-access-edge media security for UDPTL using DTLS and certificate fingerprints, end-to-access-edge media security for RTP media using DTLS-SRTP and certificate fingerprints.
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the REFER method.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF.
IF A.3/9B THEN m ELSE IF A.3/7A OR A.3/7B OR A.3/7D THEN o ELSE n/a - - IBCF (IMS-ALG), AS acting as terminating UA, AS acting as originating UA, AS performing 3rd party call control.
IF A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE n/a - - ATCF (proxy).
IF A.3/2 OR A.3A/50A OR A.3A/83 OR A.3A/88 THEN m ELSE o - - P-CSCF, Multimedia telephony application server, SCC application server, ATCF (proxy).
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, IBCF.
IF A.162/114 THEN o.9 ELSE n/a - - SIP overload control.
IF A.162/115 THEN o.9 ELSE n/a - - indication of adjacent network in the Via "received-realm" header field parameter.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7 OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, AS, IBCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/5 OR A.3/9 OR A.3/10 OR A.3A/83 OR A.3A/88 OR A.3/3 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF, BGCF, IBCF, Additional routeing functionality, SCC application server, ATCF (proxy), I-CSCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF, IBCF.
IF A.162/59 THEN o ELSE n/a - - session initiation protocol URIs for applications such as voicemail and interactive voice response (NOTE 3).
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF, IBCF.
IF A.162/22 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the REFER method.
IF A.3/4 OR A.3/7 OR A.3A/102 THEN o ELSE n/a.-.-.S-CSCF, AS, transit function.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy, IBCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3.3 OR A.3/4 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9 OR A.3/11B OR A.3A/88 OR A.3/5 THEN m ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, AS acting as a proxy, IBCF, E-CSCF acting as a SIP Proxy, ATCF (proxy), BGCF.
IF A.162/88 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the SIP P-Served-User private header for the 3GPP IM CN subsystem.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy, IBCF.
IF A.3/7 OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - AS, IBCF.
IF A.3/2 OR A.3/4 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, S-CSCF.
IF A.3/4 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - S-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy, IBCF.
IF A.162/48C AND (A.3/4 OR A.3/7C OR A.3/9) THEN o ELSE n/a - - Multiple SIP Reason Header Field Values (carrying STIR codes in Reason header fields in SIP responses), S-CSCF, AS acting as a SIP proxy, IBCF.
It is mandatory to support at least one of these items.
It is mandatory to support at least one of these items.
It is mandatory to support at least one of these items.
At least one of these capabilities is supported.
It is mandatory to support exactly one of these items.
It is mandatory to support exactly one of these items.
It is mandatory to support at least one of these items.
It is mandatory to support at least one of these items.
At least one of these capabilities is supported.
An AS acting as a proxy may be outside the trust domain, and therefore not able to support the capability for that reason; in this case it is perfectly reasonable for the header to be passed on transparently, as specified in the PDU parts of the profile.
Not applicable over Gm reference point (UE - P-CSCF).
AS performing a service number translation (e.g. Freephone)

A.2.2.3  PDUsp. 668

Item PDU Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1ACK request[26] 13mm[26] 13mm
2BYE request[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
3BYE response[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
4CANCEL request[26] 16.10mm[26] 16.10mm
5CANCEL response[26] 16.10mm[26] 16.10mm
6INFO request[25] 4.2c2c2[25] 4.2c2c2
7INFO response[25] 4.2c2c2[25] 4.2c2c2
8INVITE request[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
9INVITE response[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
9AMESSAGE request[50] 4c5c5[50] 7c5c5
9BMESSAGE response[50] 4c5c5[50] 7c5c5
10NOTIFY request[28] 8.1.2c3c3[28] 8.1.2c3c3
11NOTIFY response[28] 8.1.2c3c3[28] 8.1.2c3c3
12OPTIONS request[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
13OPTIONS response[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
14PRACK request[27] 6c6c6[27] 6c6c6
15PRACK response[27] 6c6c6[27] 6c6c6
15APUBLISH request[70] 11.1.1c20c20[70] 11.1.1c20c20
15BPUBLISH response[70] 11.1.1c20c20[70] 11.1.1c20c20
16REFER request[36] 3c1c1[36] 3c1c1
17REFER response[36] 3c1c1[36] 3c1c1
18REGISTER request[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
19REGISTER response[26] 16mm[26] 16mm
20SUBSCRIBE request[28] 8.1.1c3c3[28] 8.1.1c3c3
21SUBSCRIBE response[28] 8.1.1c3c3[28] 8.1.1c3c3
22UPDATE request[29] 7c4c4[29] 7c4c4
23UPDATE response[29] 7c4c4[29] 7c4c4
IF A.162/22 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the REFER method.
IF A.162/20 OR A.162/20A THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP INFO method and package framework, legacy INFO usage.
IF A.162/27 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP specific event notification.
IF A.162/24 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP UPDATE method.
IF A.162/33 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP MESSAGE method.
IF A.162/21 THEN m ELSE n/a - - reliability of provisional responses.
IF A.4/51 THEN m ELSE n/a

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