
Content for  TS 24.229  Word version:  19.1.0

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1…   3…   4…   4.5…   5……   5.1.2…   5.1.4…   5.2…   5.2.3…   5.2.6…   5.2.7…   5.3…   5.4………   5.4.2   5.4.3……   5.4.4…   5.5…   5.7…   5.7.2…   5.8…   5.11…   6…   6.6…   7…   7.2A…   7.2A.6…   7.3…   7.9A…   8…   A…   A.2…   A.2.1.4…   A.…   A.…   A.…   A.…   A.2.2…   A.2.2.4…   A.…   A.…   A.…   A.…   A.3…   A.3.3…   B…   C…   E…   F…   H…   I…   K…   L…   L.2A…   M…   N…   O…   Q…   R…   S…   U…   U.2A…   V…   W…


A.2.1.4  PDU parametersp. 542

A.  Status-codesp. 542
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1100 (Trying)[26] 21.1.1c21c21[26] 21.1.1c11c11
1011xx response[26] 21.1p21p21[26] 21.1p21p21
101A18x response[26] 21.1p21p21[26] 21.1p21p21
2180 (Ringing)[26] 21.1.2c2c2[26] 21.1.2c1c1
3181 (Call Is Being Forwarded)[26] 21.1.3c2c2[26] 21.1.3c1c1
4182 (Queued)[26] 21.1.4c2c2[26] 21.1.4c1c1
5183 (Session Progress)[26] 21.1.5c34c34[26] 21.1.5c1c1
5A199 (Early Dialog Terminated)[142] 11.1c32c32[142] 11.1c32c32
1022xx response[26] 21.2p22p22[26] 21.1p22p22
6200 (OK)[26] 21.2.1mm[26] 21.2.1mm
7202 (Accepted)[28] 8.3.1c36c36[28] 8.3.1c37c37
1033xx response[26] 21.3p23p23[26] 21.1p23p23
8300 (Multiple Choices)[26] 21.3.1mm[26] 21.3.1mm
9301 (Moved Permanently)[26] 21.3.2mm[26] 21.3.2mm
10302 (Moved Temporarily)[26] 21.3.3mm[26] 21.3.3mm
11305 (Use Proxy)[26] 21.3.4mm[26] 21.3.4mm
12380 (Alternative Service)[26] 21.3.5mm[26] 21.3.5mm
1044xx response[26] 21.4p24p24[26] 21.4p24p24
13400 (Bad Request)[26] 21.4.1mm[26] 21.4.1mm
14401 (Unauthorized)[26] 21.4.2oc12[26] 21.4.2mm
15402 (Payment Required)[26] 21.4.3n/an/a[26] 21.4.3n/an/a
16403 (Forbidden)[26] 21.4.4mm[26] 21.4.4mm
17404 (Not Found)[26] 21.4.5mm[26] 21.4.5mm
18405 (Method Not Allowed)[26] 21.4.6mm[26] 21.4.6mm
19406 (Not Acceptable)[26] 21.4.7mm[26] 21.4.7mm
20407 (Proxy Authentication Required)[26] 21.4.8oo[26] 21.4.8mm
21408 (Request Timeout)[26] 21.4.9c2c2[26] 21.4.9mm
22410 (Gone)[26] 21.4.10mm[26] 21.4.10mm
22A412 (Conditional Request Failed)[70] 11.2.1c20c20[70] 11.2.1c20c20
23413 (Request Entity Too Large)[26] 21.4.11mm[26] 21.4.11mm
24414 (Request-URI Too Large)[26] 21.4.12mm[26] 21.4.12mm
25415 (Unsupported Media Type)[26] 21.4.13mm[26] 21.4.13mm
26416 (Unsupported URI Scheme)[26] 21.4.14mm[26] 21.4.14mm
26A417 (Unknown Resource Priority)[116] 4.6.2c24c24[116] 4.6.2c24c24
27420 (Bad Extension)[26] 21.4.15mc13[26] 21.4.15mm
28421 (Extension Required)[26] 21.4.16oo[26] 21.4.16ii
28A422 (Session Interval Too Small)[58] 6c7c7[58] 6c7c7
29423 (Interval Too Brief)[26] 21.4.17c4c4[26] 21.4.17mm
29A424 (Bad Location Information)[89] 4.2c23c23[89] 4.2c23c23
29AA428 Use Identity Header[252] 6.2.2c40c40[252] 6.2.2c40c40
29B429 (Provide Referrer Identity)[59] 5c8c8[59] 5c9c9
29C430 (Flow Failed)[92] 11n/an/a[92] 11c22c22
29D433 (Anonymity Disallowed)[67] 4c14c14[67] 4c14c14
29DA436 Bad Identity Info[252] 6.2.2c40c40[252] 6.2.2c40c40
29DB437 Unsupported Credential[252] 6.2.2c40c40[252] 6.2.2c40c40
29DC438 Invalid Identity Header[252] 6.2.2c40c40[252] 6.2.2c40c40
29E439 (First Hop Lacks Outbound Support)[92] 11c28c28[92] 11c29c29
29F440 (Max Breadth Exceeded)[117] 5n/ac30[117] 5c31c31
29G469 (Bad INFO Package)[25] 4.2c33c33[25] 4.2c33c33
29H470 (Consent Needed)[125] 5.9.2c26c26[125] 5.9.2c27c27
30480 (Temporarily Unavailable)[26] 21.4.18mm[26] 21.4.18mm
31481 (Call/Transaction Does Not Exist)[26] 21.4.19mm[26] 21.4.19mm
32482 (Loop Detected)[26] 21.4.20mm[26] 21.4.20mm
33483 (Too Many Hops)[26] 21.4.21mm[26] 21.4.21mm
34484 (Address Incomplete)[26] 21.4.22oo[26] 21.4.22mm
35485 (Ambiguous)[26] 21.4.23oo[26] 21.4.23mm
36486 (Busy Here)[26] 21.4.24mm[26] 21.4.24mm
37487 (Request Terminated)[26] 21.4.25mm[26] 21.4.25mm
38488 (Not Acceptable Here)[26] 21.4.26mm[26] 21.4.26mm
39489 (Bad Event)[28] 8.3.2c3c3[28] 8.3.2c3c3
40491 (Request Pending)[26] 21.4.27mm[26] 21.4.27mm
41493 (Undecipherable)[26] 21.4.28mm[26] 21.4.28mm
41A494 (Security Agreement Required)[48] 2c5c5[48] 2c6c6
1055xx response[26] 21.5p25p25[26] 21.5p25p25
42500 (Internal Server Error)[26] 21.5.1mm[26] 21.5.1mm
43501 (Not Implemented)[26] 21.5.2mm[26] 21.5.2mm
44502 (Bad Gateway)[26] 21.5.3oo[26] 21.5.3mm
45503 (Service Unavailable)[26] 21.5.4mm[26] 21.5.4mm
46504 (Server Time-out)[26] 21.5.5mm[26] 21.5.5mm
47505 (Version not supported)[26] 21.5.6mm[26] 21.5.6mm
48513 (Message Too Large)[26] 21.5.7mm[26] 21.5.7mm
49580 (Precondition Failure)[30] 8c35c35[30] 8c35c35
1066xx response[26] 21.6p26p26[26] 21.6p26p26
50600 (Busy Everywhere)[26] 21.6.1mm[26] 21.6.1mm
51603 (Decline)[26] 21.6.2c10c10[26] 21.6.2mm
52604 (Does Not Exist Anywhere)[26] 21.6.3mm[26] 21.6.3mm
53606 (Not Acceptable)[26] 21.6.4mm[26] 21.6.4mm
54607 (Unwanted)[254]oc38[254]oc39
IF A.5/9 THEN m ELSE n/a - - INVITE response.
IF A.5/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - INVITE response.
IF A.4/20 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP specific event notification extension.
IF A.5/19 OR A.5/21 THEN m ELSE n/a - - REGISTER response or SUBSCRIBE response.
IF A.4/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/42 AND (A.5/9 OR A.5/23) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP session timer AND (INVITE response OR UPDATE response).
IF A.4/43 AND A.5/17 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism and REFER response.
IF A.4/43 AND A.5/17 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism and REFER response.
IF A.4/44 THEN m ELSE o - - the Session Inititation Protocol (SIP) "Replaces" header.
IF A.5/3 OR A.5/9 OR A.5/9B OR A.5/11OR A.5/13 OR A.5/15 OR A.5/15B OR A.5/17 OR A.5/19 OR A.5/21 OR A.5/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - BYE response or INVITE response or MESSAGE response or NOTIFY response or OPTIONS response or PRACK response or PUBLISH response or REFER response or REGISTER response or SUBSCRIBE response or UPDATE response.
IF A.3/4 THEN m ELSE o - - S-CSCF.
IF A.3/1 OR A.3/2 OR A.3/4 THEN m ELSE o - - UE, P-CSCF, S-CSCF.
IF A.4/48 THEN m ELSE n/a - - rejecting anonymous requests in the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/41 THEN m ELSE n/a - - an event state publication extension to the session initiation protocol.
IF A.5/3 OR A.5/9 OR A.5/9B OR A.5/11 or A.5/13 OR A.5/15 OR A.5/15B OR A.5/17 OR A.5/19 OR A.5/21 OR A.5/23 THEN o ELSE n/a - - BYE response or INVITE response or MESSAGE response or NOTIFY response or OPTIONS response or PRACK response or PUBLISH response or REFER response or REGISTER response or SUBSCRIBE response or UPDATE response.
IF A.4/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - managing client initiated connections in SIP.
IF A.4/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.4/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/75B THEN m ELSE n/a - - a recipient within the framework for consent-based communications in SIP.
IF A.4/75A THEN m ELSE n/a - - a relay within the framework for consent-based communications in SIP.
IF A.4/2 AND A.4/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - registrar, managing client initiated connections in SIP.
IF A.4/1 AND A.4/57 THEN m ELSE n/a - - client behaviour for registration, managing client initiated connections in SIP.
IF A.4/71 AND (A.3/9B OR A.3/9C OR A.3/13B OR A.3/13C) THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, IBCF (IMS-ALG), IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling).
IF A.4/71 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.5/9 AND A.4/81 THEN m ELSE n/a - - INVITE response and 199 (Early Dialog Terminated) response.
IF A.4/13 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP INFO method and package framework.
IF A.4/16 OR A.3/6 THEN m ELSE IF A.5/9 THEN o ELSE n/a - - initiating a session which require local and/or remote resource reservation, MGCF, INVITE response.
IF A.4/16 THEN m ELSE n/a - - integration of resource management and SIP.
IF A.5/9B THEN m ELSE n/a - - MESSAGE response.
IF A.4/20 OR OR A.5/9B OR A.5/17 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP specific event notification extension or MESSAGE response or the REFER response.
IF A.4/117 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a SIP response code for unwanted calls extension.
IF A.4/117 THEN m ELSE n/a - - a SIP response code for unwanted calls extension.
IF A.4/116 THEN m ELSE n/a - authenticated identity management in the Session Initiation Protocol
A.6/2 OR A.6/3 OR A.6/4 OR A.6/5 OR A.6/5A - - 1xx response.
A.6/6 OR A.6/7 - - 2xx response.
A.6/8 OR A.6/9 OR A.6/10 OR A.6/11 OR A.6/12 - - 3xx response.
A.6/13 OR A.6/14 OR A.6/15 OR A.6/16 OR A.6/17 OR A.6/18 OR A.6/19 OR A.6/20 OR A.6/21 OR A.6/22 OR A.6/22A OR A.6/23 OR A.6/24 OR A.6/25 OR A.6/26 OR A.6/26A OR A.6/27 OR A.6/28 OR A.6/28A OR A.6/29 OR A.6/29A OR A.6/29B OR A.6/29C OR A.6/29D OR A.6/29E OR A.6/29F OR A.6/29G OR A.6/29H OR A.6/30 OR A.6/31 OR A.6/32 OR A.6/33 OR A.6/34 OR A.6/35 OR A.6/36 OR A.6/436 OR A.6/38 OR A.6/39 OR A.6/40 OR A.6/41 OR A.6/41A. - 4xx response.
A.6/42 OR A.6/43 OR A.6/44 OR A.6/45 OR A.6/46 OR A.6/47 OR A.6/48 OR A.6/49 - - 5xx response
A.6/50 OR A.6/51 OR A.6/52 OR A.6/53 - - 6xx response.
A.  ACK methodp. 545
Prerequisite A.5/1 – ACK request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Contact[56B] 9.2c9c9[56B] 9.2c10c10
2Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2c1c1[28] 8.2.2c2c2
3Authorization[26] 20.7c3c3[26] 20.7c3c3
4Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
6Content-Disposition[26] 20.11oo[26] 20.11mm
7Content-Encoding[26] 20.12oo[26] 20.12mm
7AContent-ID[256] 3.2oc29[256] 3.2mc30
8Content-Language[26] 20.13oo[26] 20.13mm
9Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
10Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15mm
11CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
12Date[26] 20.17c4c4[26] 20.17mm
13From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
13AMax-Breadth[117] 5.8n/ac14[117] 5.8c15c15
14Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22n/ac16
15MIME-Version[26] 20.24oo[26] 20.24mm
15AP-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c19c20[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c19c21
15CPrivacy[33] 4.2c6n/a[33] 4.2c6n/a
15DP-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c22c23[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c22c23
15EPriority-ShareSubclause 7.2.16n/ac28Subclause 7.2.16n/ac28
16Proxy-Authorization[26] 20.28c5c5[26] 20.28n/an/a
17Proxy-Require[26] 20.29on/a[26] 20.29n/an/a
17AReason[34A] 2c8c8[34A] 2c8c8
17BRecord-Route[26] 20.30n/ac16[26] 20.30n/ac16
17CRecv-Info[25] 5.2.3c17c17[25] 5.2.3c17c17
17DReject-Contact[56B] 9.2c9c9[56B] 9.2c10c10
17FRequest-Disposition[56B] 9.1c9c9[56B] 9.1c10c10
18Require[26] 20.32n/an/a[26] 20.32n/an/a
18AResource-Priority[116] 3.1c11c11[116] 3.1c11c11
18BResource-ShareSubclause 7.2.13n/ac25Subclause 7.2.13n/ac25
19Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34n/ac16
20Timestamp[26] 20.38c7c7[26] 20.38mm
21To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
22User-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41mm
23Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - acting as the notifier of event information.
IF A.4/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - acting as the subscriber to event information.
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/8A THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and proxy.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/6 THEN o ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/40 THEN o ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/40 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/70 THEN m ELSE n/a - - communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/71 AND (A.3/9B OR A.3/9C OR A.3/13B OR A.3/13C) THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, IBCF (IMS-ALG), IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling).
IF A.4/71 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/13 THEN m ELSE IF A.4/13A THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP INFO method and package framework, legacy INFO usage.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/34 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.4/34 AND A.3/1 OR A.3/2A OR A.3/7 OR A.3A/81 OR A.3A/81A OR A.3A/81B THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS, MSC Server enhanced for ICS, MSC server enhanced for SRVCC using SIP interface, MSC server enhanced for DRVCC using SIP interface.
IF A.4/34 AND A.3/1 OR A.3/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE, AS.
IF A.4/36 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/36 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/112 THEN o ELSE n/a - - resource sharing.
IF A.4/113 AND A.3/1 OR A.3/2A OR A.3/7 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS.
IF A.4/113 AND A.3/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and AS.
IF A.4/114 THEN o ELSE n/a - - priority sharing.
IF A.4/119 THEN o ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/119 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Prerequisite A.5/1 – ACK request
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
A.  BYE methodp. 547
Prerequisite A.5/2 - - BYE request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1oo[26] 20.1mm
1AAccept-Contact[56B] 9.2c18c18[56B] 9.2c22c22
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2oo[26] 20.2mm
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3oo[26] 20.3mm
3AAllow[26] 20.5oo[26] 20.5mm
4Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2c1c1[28] 8.2.2c2c2
5Authorization[26] 20.7c3c3[26] 20.7c3c3
6Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
7Content-Disposition[26] 20.11oo[26] 20.11mm
8Content-Encoding[26] 20.12oo[26] 20.12mm
8AContent-ID[256] 3.2oc37[256] 3.2mc38
9Content-Language[26] 20.13oo[26] 20.13mm
10Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
11Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15mm
12CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
13Date[26] 20.17c4c4[26] 20.17mm
14From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
14AGeolocation[89] 4.1c23c23[89] 4.1c23c23
14BGeolocation-Routing[89] 4.2c23c23[89] 4.2c23c23
14CMax-Breadth[117] 5.8n/ac29[117] 5.8c30c30
15Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22n/ac31
16MIME-Version[26] 20.24oo[26] 20.24mm
16AP-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [234] 2c9c10[52] 4.4, [234] 2c9c11
16BP-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1n/an/a[34] 9.1c6c6
16CP-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5c13c14[52] 4.5c13c14
16DP-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6c12c34[52] 4.6c12c34
16FP-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2c6x[34] 9.2n/an/a
16GPrivacy[33] 4.2c7n/a[33] 4.2c7c7
17Proxy-Authorization[26] 20.28c5c5[26] 20.28n/an/a
18Proxy-Require[26] 20.29on/a[26] 20.29n/an/a
18AReason[34A] 2c17c21[34A] 2c24c24
19Record-Route[26] 20.30n/ac31[26] 20.30n/ac31
19AReferred-By[59] 3c19c19[59] 3c20c20
19BReject-Contact[56B] 9.2c18c18[56B] 9.2c22c22
19DRequest-Disposition[56B] 9.1c18c18[56B] 9.1c22c22
20Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32mm
20AResource-Priority[116] 3.1c25c25[116] 3.1c25c25
21Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34n/ac31
21ASecurity-Client[48] 2.3.1c15c15[48] 2.3.1n/an/a
21BSecurity-Verify[48] 2.3.1c16c16[48] 2.3.1n/an/a
21CSession-ID[162]oc32[162] oc32
22Supported[26] 20.37oo[26] 20.37mm
23Timestamp[26] 20.38c8c8[26] 20.38mm
24To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
25User-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
25AUser-to-User[126] 7c26c26[126] 7c26c26
26Via[26] 20.42mm[20] 20.42mm
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - acting as the notifier of event information.
IF A.4/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - acting as the subscriber to event information.
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/8A THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and proxy.
IF A.4/25 THEN o ELSE n/a - - private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/6 THEN o ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/34 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/1 OR A.3/2A OR A.3/7) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG) or AS.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/2A OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7D OR A3A/84) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS acting as terminating UA, AS acting as third-party call controller or EATF.
IF A.4/36 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/37 OR A.4/37A THEN o ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media (note).
IF A.4/37 OR A.4/37A THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media.
IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/40 THEN o ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/43 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.4/43 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.3/2 THEN m ELSE IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/40 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.4/38 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/76 THEN o ELSE n/a - - transporting user to user information for call centers using SIP.
IF A.4/71 AND (A.3/9B OR A.3/9C OR A.3/13B OR A.3/13C) THEN m ELSE IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, IBCF (IMS-ALG), IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling), UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/71 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/36 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/1 OR A.3/2A OR A.3/7) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG) or AS.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/2A OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7D OR A3A/84) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS acting as terminating UA, AS acting as third-party call controller or EATF.
IF A.4/119 THEN o ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/119 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Support of this header in this method is dependent on the security mechanism and the security architecture which is implemented. Use of this header in this method is not appropriate to the security mechanism defined by TS 33.203.
Prerequisite A.5/2 - - BYE request
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1XML Schema for PSTN[11B]n/ac1[11B]n/ac1
2VoiceXML expr / namelist data[145] 4.2mc2[145] 4.2mc2
4application/sdp[30] 8oc5[30] 8mc6
5application/vnd.etsi.aoc+xml[8N] 4.7.2n/ac7[8N] 4.7.2n/ac8
IF A.3/6 OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7B OR A.3/7D OR A.3/9B OR A.3/13B THEN o ELSE n/a - - MGCF, AS acting as terminating UA, or redirect server, AS acting as originating UA, AS performing 3rd party call control, IBCF (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG).
IF A.4/84 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP Interface to VoiceXML Media Services.
IF A.3A/93 OR A.3/9 OR A.3/2 OR A.3A/89 THEN m ELSE n/a - - USSI AS, IBCF, P-CSCF, ATCF (UA).
IF A.3A/92 OR A.3/9 OR A.3/2 OR A.3A/89 THEN m ELSE n/a - - USSI UE, IBCF, P-CSCF, ATCF (UA).
IF A.4/16 THEN o ELSE n/a - - integration of resource management and SIP.
IF A.4/16 THEN m ELSE n/a - - integration of resource management and SIP.
IF A.3A/53 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge application server.
IF A.3A/54 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge UA client.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/1 - - Additional for 100 (Trying) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
3CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
4Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17mm
5From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
6To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
7Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response for all remaining status-codes
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAllow[26] 20.5c11c11[26] 20.5mm
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Disposition[26] 20.11oo[26] 20.11mm
3Content-Encoding[26] 20.12oo[26] 20.12mm
3AContent-ID[256] 3.2oc21[256] 3.2mc22
4Content-Language[26] 20.13oo[26] 20.13mm
5Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
6Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15mm
7CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
8Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17mm
9From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
9AGeolocation-Error[89] 4.3c12c12[89] 4.3c12c12
10MIME-Version[26] 20.24oo[26] 20.24mm
10AP-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c5c6[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c5c7
10BP-Asserted-Identity[34] 9.1n/an/a[34] 9.1c3c3
10CP-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c9c10[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c9c10
10DP-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c8c18[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c8c18
10FP-Preferred-Identity[34] 9.2c3x[34] 9.2n/an/a
10GPrivacy[33] 4.2c4n/a[33] 4.2c4c4
10IRequire[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32mm
10JServer[26] 20.35oo[26] 20.35oo
11Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38c2c2
12To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
12AUser-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
12BUser-to-User[126] 7c13c13[126] 7c13c13
13Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
14Warning[26] 20.43o (note)o (note)[26] 20.43oo
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/6 THEN m ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/25 THEN o ELSE n/a - - private extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for asserted identity within trusted networks.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/34 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/1 OR A.3/2A ORA.3/7) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), or AS.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/2A OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7D OR A3A/84) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS acting as terminating UA, AS acting as third-party call controller or EATF.
IF A.4/36 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.6/18 THEN m ELSE o - - 405 (Method Not Allowed).
IF A.4/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.4/76 THEN o ELSE n/a - - transporting user to user information for call centers using SIP.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/36 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/1 OR A.3/2A OR A.3/7) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and UE, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), or AS.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/2A OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7D OR A3A/84) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), AS acting as terminating UA, AS acting as third-party call controller or EATF.
IF A.4/119 THEN o ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/119 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
For a 488 (Not Acceptable Here) response, RFC 3261 [26] gives the status of this header as SHOULD rather than OPTIONAL.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/102 - - Additional for 2xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAccept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c5c5[116] 3.2c5c5
0BAllow-Events[28] 8.2.2c3c3[28] 8.2.2c4c4
1Authentication-Info[26] 20.6c1c1[26] 20.6c2c2
4Supported[26] 20.37om[26] 20.37mm
IF A.4/7 THEN o ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - acting as the notifier of event information.
IF A.4/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - acting as the subscriber to event information.
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/103 OR A.6/104 OR A.6/105 OR A.6/106 - - Additional for 3xx – 6xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Error-Info[26] 20.18oo[26] 20.18oo
IF A.4/115 THEN o ELSE n/a - - use of the Response-Source header field in SIP error responses?
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/103 OR A.6/35 - - Additional for 3xx or 485 (Ambiguous) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0BContact[26] 20.10o (note)o[26] 20.10mm
RFC 3261 [26] gives the status of this header as SHOULD rather than OPTIONAL.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/14 - - Additional for 401 (Unauthorized) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27c1c1[26] 20.27c1c1
8WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44mm
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - support of authentication between UA and UA.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/17 OR A.6/23 OR A.6/30 OR A.6/36 OR A.6/42 OR A.6/45 OR A.6/50 OR A.6/51 - - Additional for 404 (Not Found), 413 (Request Entity Too Large), 480(Temporarily not available), 486 (Busy Here), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable), 600 (Busy Everywhere), 603 (Decline) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Retry-After[26] 20.33oo[26] 20.33oo
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/19 - - Additional for 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27c1c1[26] 20.27c1c1
6WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44oo[26] 20.44oo
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - support of authentication between UA and UA.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite A.6/25 - - Additional for 415 (Unsupported Media Type) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1o.1o.1[26] 20.1mm
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2o.1o.1[26] 20.2mm
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3o.1o.1[26] 20.3mm
At least one of these capabilities is supported.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/26A - - Additional for 417 (Unknown Resource-Priority) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/27 - - Additional for 420 (Bad Extension) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
5Unsupported[26] 20.40mm[26] 20.40mm
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/28 OR A.6/41A - - Additional for 421 (Extension Required), 494 (Security Agreement Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Security-Server[48] 2xx[48] 2c1c1
IF A.4/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/3 - - BYE response
Prerequisite: A.6/6 - - Additional for 200 (OK) response
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1VoiceXML expr / namelist data[145] 4.2oc1[145] 4.2oc1
2application/vnd.etsi.aoc+xml[8N] 4.7.2n/ac2[8N] 4.7.2n/ac3
IF A.4/84 THEN o ELSE n/a - - SIP Interface to VoiceXML Media Services.
IF A.3A/53 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge application server.
IF A.3A/54 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge UA client.
A.  CANCEL methodp. 555
Prerequisite A.5/4 - - CANCEL request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Contact[56B] 9.2c9c9[56B] 9.2c11c11
5Authorization[26] 20.7c3c3[26] 20.7c3c3
6Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
8Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
8AContent-Type[26] 20.15c22c22[26] 20.15oo
9CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
10Date[26] 20.17c4c4[26] 20.17mm
11From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
11AMax-Breadth[117] 5.8n/ac16[117] 5.8c17c17
12Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22n/ac18
14Privacy[33] 4.2c6n/a[33] 4.2c6n/a
15Reason[34A] 2c7c10[34A] 2c12c12
16Record-Route[26] 20.30n/ac18[26] 20.30n/ac18
17Reject-Contact[56B] 9.2c9c9[56B] 9.2c11c11
17BRequest-Disposition[56B] 9.1c9c9[56B] 9.1c11c11
17CResource-Priority[116] 3.1c13c13[116] 3.1c13c13
18Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34n/ac18
19Supported[26] 20.37oo[26] 20.37mm
20Timestamp[26] 20.38c8c8[26] 20.38mm
21To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
22User-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
23Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/6 THEN o ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/40 THEN o ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.3/2 THEN m ELSE IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF, the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/40 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/38 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/71 AND (A.3/9B OR A.3/9C OR A.3/13B OR A.3/13C) THEN m ELSE IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, IBCF (IMS-ALG), IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling), UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/71 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/16 OR A.24/1 THEN m ELSE o - - integration of resource management and SIP or XML Schema for PSTN.
Prerequisite A.5/4 - - CANCEL request
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1XML Schema for PSTN[11B]c1[11B]c1
2application/sdp[30] 8oc2[30] 8mc3
IF A.3/6 OR A.3/7A OR A.3/7B OR A.3/7D OR A.3/9B OR A.3/13B THEN o ELSE n/a - - MGCF, AS acting as terminating UA, or redirect server, AS acting as originating UA, AS performing 3rd party call control, IBCF (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG).
IF A.4/16 THEN o ELSE n/a - - integration of resource management and SIP.
IF A.4/16 THEN m ELSE n/a - - integration of resource management and SIP.
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response for all status-codes
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
3CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
4Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17mm
5From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
5CPrivacy[33] 4.2c3n/a[33] 4.2c3n/a
6Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38c2c2
7To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
7AUser-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
8Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
9Warning[26] 20.43o (note)o[26] 20.43oo
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/6 THEN m ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
For a 488 (Not Acceptable Here) response, RFC 3261 [26] gives the status of this header as SHOULD rather than OPTIONAL.
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response
Prerequisite: A.6/102 - - Additional for 2xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
4Supported[26] 20.37om[26] 20.37mm
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response
Prerequisite: A.6/103 OR A.6/104 OR A.6/105 OR A.6/106 - - Additional for 3xx – 6xx response
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Error-Info[26] 20.18oo[26] 20.18oO
IF A.4/115 THEN o ELSE n/a - - use of the Response-Source header field in SIP error responses?
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response
Prerequisite: A.6/17 OR A.6/23 OR A.6/30 OR A.6/36 OR A.6/42 OR A.6/45 OR A.6/50 OR A.6/51 - - Additional for 404 (Not Found), 413 (Request Entity Too Large), 480(Temporarily not available), 486 (Busy Here), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable), 600 (Busy Everywhere), 603 (Decline) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
4Retry-After[26] 20.33oo[26] 20.33oo
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response
Prerequisite: A.6/26A - - Additional for 417 (Unknown Resource-Priority) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.4/70B THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of CANCEL, BYE, REGISTER and PUBLISH in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/5 - - CANCEL response
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
A.  INFO methodp. 558
Prerequisite A.5/6 - - INFO request
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1oo[26] 20.1mm
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2oo[26] 20.2mm
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3oo[26] 20.3mm
4Allow[26] 20.5oo[26] 20.5mm
5Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2c1c1[28] 8.2.2c2c2
6Authorization[26] 20.7c3c3[26] 20.7c3c3
7Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
7ACall-Info[26] 20.9oo[26] 20.9oo
9Content-Disposition[26] 20.11oo[26] 20.11mm
10Content-Encoding[26] 20.12oo[26] 20.12mm
10AContent-ID[256] 3.2oc47[256] 3.2mc48
11Content-Language[26] 20.13oo[26] 20.13mm
12Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
13Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 29.15mm
14CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
15Date[26] 20.17c4c4[26] 20.17mm
16From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
17Geolocation[89] 4.1c29c29[89] 4.1c29c29
17AGeolocation-Routing[89] 4.2c29c29[89] 4.2c29c29
18Info-Package[25] 7.2c42c42[25] 7.2c42c42
19Max-Breadth[117] 5.8n/ac39[117] 5.8c40c40
20Max-Forwards[26] 20.22mm[26] 20.22n/ac41
21MIME-Version[26] 20.24oo[26] 20.24mm
22P-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [234] 2c15c16[52] 4.4, [234] 2c15c17
23P-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5c20c21[52] 4.5c20c21
24P-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6c18c19[52] 4.6c18c19
26Privacy[33] 4.2c12c12[33] 4.2c12c12
27Proxy-Authorization[26] 20.28c5c5[26] 20.28n/an/a
28Proxy-Require[26] 20.29on/a[26] 20.29n/an/a
29Reason[34A] 2c6c6[34A] 2c6c6
30Record-Route[26] 20.30n/ac41[26] 20.30n/ac41
31Referred-By[59] 3c25c25[59] 3c26c26
33Request-Disposition[56B] 9.1c24c24[56B] 9.1c28c28
34Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32mm
35Resource-Priority[116] 3.1c30c30[116] 3.1c30c30
36Route[26] 20.34mm[26] 20.34n/ac41
37Security-Client[48] 2.3.1c22c22[48] 2.3.1n/an/a
38Security-Verify[48] 2.3.1c23c23[48] 2.3.1n/an/a
39Subject[26] 20.35oo[26] 20.36oo
40Supported[26] 20.37mm[26] 20.37mm
41Timestamp[26] 20.38c10c10[26] 20.38mm
42To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
43User-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
44Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - acting as the notifier of event information.
IF A.4/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - acting as the subscriber to event information.
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/8A THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and proxy.
IF A.4/38 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the Reason header field for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/6 THEN o ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/34 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.4/34 AND A.3/1 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/7A OR A.3/7D) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and AS acting as terminating UA or AS acting as third-party call controller.
IF A.4/36 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/36 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/37 OR A.4/37A THEN o ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media? (note 2).
IF A.4/37 OR A.4/37A THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol or mediasec header field parameter for marking security mechanisms related to media.
IF A.4/40 THEN o ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/43 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.4/43 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the SIP Referred-By mechanism.
IF A.4/40 THEN m ELSE n/a - - caller preferences for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.4/70A THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of INFO, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
IF A.4/71 AND (A.3/9B OR A.3/9C OR A.3/13B OR A.3/13C) THEN m ELSE IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies, IBCF (IMS-ALG), IBCF (Screening of SIP signalling), ISC gateway function (IMS-ALG), ISC gateway function (Screening of SIP signalling), UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/71 THEN m ELSE n/a - - addressing an amplification vulnerability in session initiation protocol forking proxies.
IF A.3/1 AND NOT A.3C/1 THEN n/a ELSE o - - UE, UE performing the functions of an external attached network.
IF A.4/13A THEN n/a ELSE m - - legacy INFO usage.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/113 AND A.3/1 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and UE.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/7A OR A.3/7D) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and AS acting as terminating UA or AS acting as third-party call controller.
IF A.4/119 THEN o ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/119 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Support of this header field in this method is dependent on the security mechanism and the security architecture which is implemented. Use of this header field in this method is not appropriate to the security mechanism defined by TS 33.203.
Prerequisite A.5/6 - - INFO request
Item Header Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
2application/vnd.etsi.aoc+xml[8N] 4.7.2n/ac1[8N] 4.7.2n/ac2
3application/EmergencyCallData.eCall.MSD[244] 14.3mc3[244] 14.3mc4
4application/EmergencyCallData.Control+xml[244] 14.4mc3[244] 14.4mc3
IF A.3A/53 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge application server.
IF A.3A/54 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Advice of charge UA client.
IF (A.3/1 AND A.4/120) THEN m ELSE IF ((A.3/2A OR A.3/11A OR A.3A/84) AND A.4/120) THEN i ELSE n/a - - UE, Next-Generation Pan-European eCall emergency service, P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), E-CSCF acting as UA, EATF.
IF ((A.3/2A OR A.3/11A OR A.3A/84) AND A.4/120) THEN i ELSE n/a - - P-CSCF (IMS-ALG), E-CSCF acting as UA, EATF, Next-Generation Pan-European eCall emergency service.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/1 - - Additional for 100 (Trying) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
3CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
4Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17mm
5From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
6To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
7Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response for all remaining status-codes
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
0AAllow[26] 20.5c12c12[26] 20.5mm
1Call-ID[26] 20.8mm[26] 20.8mm
2Call-Info[26] 20.9oo[26] 20.9oo
3Content-Disposition[26] 20.11oo[26] 20.11mm
4Content-Encoding[26] 20.12oo[26] 20.12mm
4AContent-ID[256] 3.2oc21[256] 3.2mc22
5Content-Language[26] 20.13oo[26] 20.13mm
6Content-Length[26] 20.14mm[26] 20.14mm
7Content-Type[26] 20.15mm[26] 20.15mm
8CSeq[26] 20.16mm[26] 20.16mm
9Date[26] 20.17c1c1[26] 20.17mm
10From[26] 20.20mm[26] 20.20mm
11Geolocation-Error[89] 4.3c14c14[89] 4.3c14c14
12MIME-Version[26] 20.24oo[26] 20.24mm
13Organization[26] 20.25oo[26] 20.25oo
14P-Access-Network-Info[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c5c6[52] 4.4, [52A] 4, [234] 2c5c7
15P-Charging-Function-Addresses[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c10c11[52] 4.5, [52A] 4c10c11
16P-Charging-Vector[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c8c9[52] 4.6, [52A] 4c8c9
18Privacy[33] 4.2c4c4[33] 4.2c4c4
19Require[26] 20.32mm[26] 20.32mm
20Server[26] 20.35oo[26] 20.35oo
21Timestamp[26] 20.38mm[26] 20.38c2c2
22To[26] 20.39mm[26] 20.39mm
23User-Agent[26] 20.41oo[26] 20.41oo
24Via[26] 20.42mm[26] 20.42mm
25Warning[26] 20.43oo[26] 20.43oo
IF A.4/11 THEN o ELSE n/a - - insertion of date in requests and responses.
IF A.4/6 THEN m ELSE n/a - - timestamping of requests.
IF A.4/26 THEN o ELSE n/a - - a privacy mechanism for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/34 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension.
IF A.4/34 AND A.3/1 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and UE.
IF A.4/34 AND (A.3/7A OR A.3/7D) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Access-Network-Info header extension and AS acting as terminating UA or AS acting as third-party call controller.
IF A.4/36 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/36 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Vector header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN o ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.4/35 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the P-Charging-Function-Addresses header extension.
IF A.6/18 THEN m ELSE o - - 405 (Method Not Allowed).
IF A.4/60 THEN m ELSE n/a - - SIP location conveyance.
IF A.4/91 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Session-ID header.
IF A.4/111 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Relayed-Charge header field extension.
IF A.4/113 AND A.3/1 THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and UE.
IF A.4/113 AND (A.3/7A OR A.3/7D) THEN m ELSE n/a - - the Cellular-Network-Info header extension and AS acting as terminating UA or AS acting as third-party call controller.
IF A.4/119 THEN o ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
IF A.4/119 THEN m ELSE n/a - - Content-ID header field in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/102 - - Additional for 2xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1oo[26] 20.1mm
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2oo[26] 20.2mm
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3oo[26] 20.3mm
4Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c5c5[116] 3.2c5c5
5Allow-Events[28] 8.2.2c3c3[28] 8.2.2c4c4
6Authentication-Info[26] 20.6c1c1[26] 20.6c2c2
9Supported[26] 20.37oo[26] 20.37mm
IF A.4/7 THEN o ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - authentication between UA and UA.
IF A.4/22 THEN o ELSE n/a - - acting as the notifier of event information.
IF A.4/23 THEN m ELSE n/a - - acting as the subscriber to event information.
IF A.4/70A THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of INFO, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/103 OR A.6/104 OR A.6/105 OR A.6/106 - - Additional for 3xx – 6xx response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Error-Info[26] 20.18oo[26] 20.18oo
IF A.4/115 THEN o ELSE n/a - - use of the Response-Source header field in SIP error responses?
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/103 - - Additional for 3xx or 485 (Ambiguous) response
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/14 - - Additional for 401 (Unauthorized) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Proxy-Authenticate[26] 20.27c1c1[26] 20.27c1c1
6WWW-Authenticate[26] 20.44mm[26] 20.44mm
IF A.4/7 THEN m ELSE n/a - - support of authentication between UA and UA.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/17 OR A.6/23 OR A.6/30 OR A.6/36 OR A.6/42 OR A.6/45 OR A.6/50 OR A.6/51 - - Additional for 404 (Not Found), 413 (Request Entity Too Large), 480 (Temporarily not available), 486 (Busy Here), 500 (Internal Server Error), 503 (Service Unavailable), 600 (Busy Everywhere), 603 (Decline) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
4Retry-After[26] 20.33oo[26] 20.33oo
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/25 - - Additional for 415 (Unsupported Media Type) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept[26] 20.1o.1o.1[26] 20.1mm
2Accept-Encoding[26] 20.2o.1o.1[26] 20.2mm
3Accept-Language[26] 20.3o.1o.1[26] 20.3mm
At least one of these capabilities is supported.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/26A - - Additional for 417 (Unknown Resource-Priority) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
1Accept-Resource-Priority[116] 3.2c1c1[116] 3.2c1c1
IF A.4/70A THEN m ELSE n/a - - inclusion of INFO, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY in communications resource priority for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/27 - - Additional for 420 (Bad Extension) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
5Unsupported[26] 20.40mm[26] 20.40mm
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Prerequisite: A.6/28 OR A.6/41A - - Additional for 421 (Extension Required), 494 (Security Agreement Required) response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status
3Security-Server[48] 2xx[48] 2c1c1
IF A.4/37 THEN m ELSE n/a - - security mechanism agreement for the session initiation protocol.
Prerequisite A.5/7 - - INFO response
Item Header field Sending Receiving
Ref. RFC status Profile status Ref. RFC status Profile status

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