
Content for  TR 23.700-23  Word version:  19.1.0

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5  Application enablement architecture requirementsp. 14

5.1  General requirementsp. 14

The general architecture requirements specified in clause 6.1 to 6.4 of TS 23.433 are applicable for XRApp service.

5.2  Support for direct UE connectionp. 14

5.2.1  Descriptionp. 14

This clause specifies the requirements related to support for coordination between direct UE connection and network based connection.

5.2.2  Requirementsp. 15

The architecture shall support a mechanism to authorize specific UEs to transmit XR data via direct device connection.
The architecture shall support a mechanism for monitoring the availability and QoS of direct link between UEs for XR service data transmission.
The architecture shall be capable of reporting the availability and QoS of direct link for XR service data transmission.
The architecture shall be capable of making network based connections take over the XR data transmission when direct device connection cannot fulfil the required QoS or vice versa.

5.3  Multi-modal flows alignment and monitoring requirementsp. 15

5.3.1  Descriptionp. 15

This subclause specifies the requirements for multi-modal flows alignment and monitoring service.

5.3.2  Requirementsp. 15

The XRApp shall provide a mechanism to enable multi-modal flows alignment by the authorized VAL server.
The XRApp shall provide a mechanism to enable multi-modal flows alignment monitoring by the authorized users or VAL server.

5.4  Tethered device discovery and monitoring requirementsp. 15

5.4.1  Descriptionp. 15

This subclause specifies the requirements to support the tethered device.

5.4.2  Requirementsp. 15

The XRApp shall provide a mechanism to discover the tethered device for the XR service.
The XRApp shall provide a mechanism to monitor the tethered device by measuring the tethering link for the XR service.

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