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4.7.3  gsmSCF - IM-SSF information flows for MRFC related operationsp. 142

In an IMS Core Network, the Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) is used for providing specialised resource functions like playing announcements and tones. Requests from the gsmSCF that requires a specialised resource function are sent to the MRFC via the IM-SSF and S-CSCF using SIP signalling as specified in the functional requirements of the MRFC found in TS 23.218.
This clause contains the information flows descriptions between the gsmSCF and the IM-SSF for MRFC-related operations.
Up  Cancelp. 142  Descriptionp. 142
This IF is used by the gsmSCF to request the IM-SSF to cancel a correlated previous operation in the MRFC.  Information Elementsp. 143
The following information elements are used:
Information element name Status Description
Invoke IDMThis IE specifies the operation to be cancelled.  Play Announcementp. 143  Descriptionp. 143
This IF is sent from the gsmSCF to the IM-SSF and is used to specify information for playing announcements or tones in the MRFC.  Information Elementsp. 143
The following information elements are required:
Information element name Status Description
Information To SendMThis IE indicates an announcement or a tone to be sent to the end user by the MRFC.
Disconnect From IP ForbiddenMThis IE indicates whether or not the MRFC may be disconnected from the user when all information has been sent.
Request Announcement CompleteMThis IE indicates whether or not a SpecializedResourceReport shall be sent to the gsmSCF when all information has been sent.
Information To Send contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Inband InfoCThis IE indicates the inband information to be sent.
ToneCThis IE indicates the tone to be sent. The mapping from the code points of this IE to tones is a matter for agreement between the gsmSCF operator and the MRFC operator.
Inband Info contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Message IDMThis IE is described in the next Table.
Number Of RepetitionsMThis IE indicates the maximum number of times the message shall be sent to the end-user.
DurationOThis IE indicates the maximum duration time in seconds that the message shall be played/repeated. Zero indicates endless repetition.
IntervalOThis IE indicates the time interval in seconds between two repetitions.
Message ID contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Elementary Message IDCThis IE indicates a single announcement
TextCThis IE indicates a text to be sent. The text shall be transformed to inband information (speech) by the MRFC.
Elementary Message IDsCThis IE indicates a sequence of announcements
Variable MessageCThis IE indicates an announcement with one or more variable parts.
Tone contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Tone IDMThis IE indicates the tone to be sent.
DurationOThis IE indicates the maximum duration time in seconds that the message shall be played/repeated. Zero indicates endless repetition.
Up  Prompt And Collect User Information (received information)p. 144  Descriptionp. 144
This IF is sent from the gsmSCF to the IM-SSF and is used to interact with a call party in order to collect information.  Information Elementsp. 144
The following information elements are required:
Information element name Status Description
Collected InfoMThis IE is described in the next Table.
Information To SendOThis IE indicates an announcement or a tone to be sent to the end user by the MRFC.
Disconnect From IP ForbiddenMThis IE indicates whether the MRFC may be disconnected from the user when all information has been sent.
Collected Info contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Collected DigitsMThis IE is described in the next Table.
Collected Digits contains the following information:
Information element name Status Description
Minimum Number Of DigitsMThis IE indicates the minimum number of valid digits to be collected.
Maximum Number Of DigitsMThis IE specifies the maximum number of valid digits to be collected
End Of Reply DigitOThis IE indicates the digit(s) used to signal the end of input.
Cancel DigitOIf this IE is present, the cancel digit can be entered by the user to request a possible retry
Start DigitOIf this IE is present, the start digit(s) indicates the start of the valid digits to be collected.
First Digit Time OutOIf this IE is present, the first digit shall be received before the expiration of the first digit timer expiration
Inter Digit Time OutOIf this IE is present, any subsequent valid or invalid digit shall be received by the MRFC before the inter digit timer expires.
Error TreatmentOThis IE indicates what specific action shall be taken by the MRFC in the event of error conditions occurring.
Interruptable Ann IndOIf this IE is set to TRUE (default value) the announcement is interrupted after the first valid or invalid digit received by the MRFC. If this IE is present and explicitly set to FALSE, the announcement will not be interrupted after the first digit is received by the MRFC
Voice InformationOThis IE is optional, where the default value is specified being FALSE. If the VoiceInformation IE is set to FALSE, all valid or invalid digits are entered by DTMF If this IE is present and explicitly set to TRUE, calling user is required to provide all valid or invalid information by speech
Voice BackOThis IE is optional, where the default value is specified being FALSE. If the VoiceBack IE is set to FALSE, no voice back information is given by the MRFC If this IE is present and explicitly set to TRUE, the valid input digits received by the MRFC will be announced back to the calling user immediately after the end of input is received
InformationToSend is defined in clause
Up  Prompt And Collect User Information ack (received information)p. 145  Descriptionp. 145
This IF is used by the IM-SSF to indicate the result a Prompt And Collect User Information IF to the gsmSCF.  Information Elementsp. 145
The following information elements are required:
Information element name Status Description
Digits ResponseCThis IE indicates the digit sequence received from the end user  Specialized Resource Reportp. 146  Descriptionp. 146
This IF is used by the IM-SSF to response to a PlayAnnouncement IF when the announcement complete indication is set.  Information Elementsp. 146
This IF contains no information elements.

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